Books by Anthony Hope
59.99 kr. On the Greek island of Phrosos, Count Antonio has forsaken his rank and his Prince for what he thinks is Right. He now lives as an outlaw in the hill yet he is still remembered fondly by those who knew him. Ambrose the Franciscan goes through archives and to meet people who met him to learn more, and even the Prince would do well to listen to what he comes to discover.Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins (1863-1933), alias Anthony Hope, was a British barrister, author and playwright. He wrote many novels but is mostly remembered today for his Ruritanian trilogy, which falls under the "Ruritanian romance"-genre, characterised by a fictional country in Eastern or Central Europe (Ruritania), focusing on characters from the the ruling class, and full of adventures, intrigues, and high romance.
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- 59.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Akcja powiesci rozgrywa sie w zmyslonym krolestwie srodkowoeuropejskim,gdzies na styku Niemiec poludniowych, Czech, Wegier i Austrii pod koniec XIX wieku. Mlody brytyjski arystokrata - Rudolf Rassendyll, przybywa do Rurytanii - fikcyjnego kraju w srodkowej Europie, jako swiadek spodziewanej koronacji mlodego nastepcy tronu Rudolfa V na krola tego kraju. Nocleg znajduje w miescie Zenda. Okazuje sie, ze rowniez przebywa tam na polowaniu nastepca tronu. Dworzanie przyszlego krola zauwazaja, ze cudzoziemiec ma nie tylko to samo imie, ale jest i fizycznie podobny do nastepcy tronu. Zafascynowany tym Rudolf V zaprasza Anglika do swojej kwatery w domku mysliwskim. Po uczcie Rudolf V nieoczekiwanie zapada na zdrowiu po wypiciu wina - daru jego brata - ksiecia Czarnego Michala. Dworzanie obawiaja sie, ze jesli Rudolf V nie bedzie mogl wziac udzialu w koronacji, Michal wykorzysta to, zeby przejac wladze. Namawiaja wiec Rassendylla, aby przebral sie za krola i jako on uczestniczyl w ceremonii. Anglik zgadza sie. Jednak po koronacji nastepca tronu znika..."e;-
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- 40.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Da Rudolf skal krones til konge af Ruritania, bliver han bortført af sin onde bror Prins Michael, som vil holde ham fanget på et gammelt slot i den lille by Zenda. For at forhindre Michael i at gøre krav på tronen indsættes en dobbeltgænger i al hemmelighed. Kongens fætter Rassendyll skal nu agere konge, indtil den rigtige Kong Rudolf kan blive befriet, men efterhånden lever Rassendyll sig lidt for godt ind i rollen som konge og forlovede til den smukke prinsesse Flavia.Den engelske forfatter sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, bedre kendt som Anthony Hope, (1863-1933) skrev både romaner og skuespil hovedsageligt inden for adventure-genren. Anthony Hope er bedst kendt for romanerne "Fangen på Zelda" (1894) og dens uafhængige efterfølger "Rupert of Hentzau" (1898)
From 42.99 kr. Rupert of Hentzau is a sequel by Anthony Hope to The Prisoner of Zenda, written in 1895, but not published until 1898. This story commences three years after the conclusion of Zenda, and deals with the same fictional country somewhere in Germanic Middle Europe, the kingdom of Ruritania.
From 77.99 kr. The Prisoner of Zenda is an adventure novel by Anthony Hope, published in 1894. The king of the fictional country of Ruritania is drugged on the eve of his coronation and thus unable to attend the ceremony. Political forces are such that in order for the king to retain his crown his coronation must go forward. An English gentleman on holiday who fortuitously resembles the monarch, is persuaded to act as his political decoy in an attempt to save the situation. The books were extremely popular and inspired a new genre of Ruritanian romance, including the Graustark novels by George Barr McCutcheon.