Books by Barbara Cartland
From 43.99 kr. Den vackra Druscilla Morley har i hela sitt liv blivit utnyttjad av så kallade gentlemän. Druscilla är nu anställd som guvernant i hertigen av Windlehams hushåll. Hon blir förvånad när hon träffar sin kusin Valdo, markisen av Lynche. Hon blir ännu mer förvånad när hon får veta att han har en olaglig kärleksaffär med hennes arbetsgivare hertiginnan. För att rädda situationen föreslår markisen ett konvenansäktenskap med Druscilla, vars liv förändras drastiskt när hon blir den nya markisinnan av Lynche. Men plötsligt blir Druscilla orolig för sin framtid. Kommer hon att förföljas av markisens älskarinnor?Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
77.99 kr. Lord Milton should have been a happy man, with an ancient title and a magificent estate.But he was deep in debt and haunted by memories of the Crimea, where he had once been a soldier and taken part of the Charge of the Light Brigade.To take his mind off the past, he eagerly accepted the suggestion of a friend to become the manager of a hotel in Brighton, called the Paradise Hotel. He was seeking new discoveries, but he could not have guessed how startling his discoveries were going to be.First he decided to abandon his title and pass simply as John Milton.Then there was the mysterious young lady, who arrived suddenly and begged him to hide her from a man who was hunting her.Finally there was the aggressive Sir Stewart Paxton who was seeking her, full of fury and threats.To Cecilia the Paradise Hotel was a paradise indeed once she had met John Milton. She had no idea where the rocky road was taking her. She only knew that she must escape her evil guardian, Sir Stewart, who was ruthlessly intent on marrying her for her fortune. And John was the only man who could help her.Lord Milton came to understand how wonderfully attractive she was, how gentle and sympathetic to the nightmares that still troubled him. He would give his life to protect her and make her his own.But then he made a terrible discovery about her, and it seemed as if a life together was impossible.What happened when Sir Stewart pursued them, and how Cecilia found a man who loved her for herself instead of for her money, is all told in this romantic and unusual story by Barbara Cartland.If you like Downton Abbey you will love Barbara CartlandBarbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. For years Celina Storton had been in love with Robin, the Earl of Torrington, but he spent his time in Paris, pursuing beautiful women and the more the merrier.Then his mother's illness forced him to return to England, where she demanded that he marry quickly, as she had not long to live.She had chosen his bride for him -- Celina.He was horrified by this threat to his liberty, but since Celina was an old friend and as he loved his mother, he agreed.Only when the wedding was over did his mother reveal that she was not as ill as she had seemed.Furious at the way he had been tricked into marriage, Robin turned on his wife, certain that she must have been party to the deception. But Celina was innocent and became angry at his accusations.She was ready to walk out on him, but then she discovered that his tenants had been ill-treated during his long absences in Paris.She set out to improve their lives, and became so determined to achieve this end that she almost forgot her husband.Robin was not used to women who stood up to him or ignored him. But his wife did both and he found himself intrigued.But neither of them had reckoned with a man who sought revenge on Robin for putting him in prison, and who had finally tracked him down.What happened when he broke into their home and tried to kill Celina, is all told in this exciting, romantic novel by Barbara Cartland.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. "Martina knew that Sir Hugh Faversham adored her. She was uncertain how she felt about him, but she knew she could always turn to him for help. So when her friend, Harriet, begged her for help to avoid a forced marriage, Martina went straight to Sir Hugh with her plan. She proposed that the two of them should ‘marry’, with Harriet taking her place at the altar at the last minute. Afterwards nobody could be sure who was married to whom and they would all escape on Sir Hugh’s yacht and sort everything out later. Sir Hugh tore his hair at her absurd idea, but he could not let his darling take such risks alone. So much against his better judgement, he plunged into the maddest scheme he could possibly conceive. At the last minute they were joined on the yacht by Robin, a young friend of Sir Hugh’s who was immediately attracted to Harriet. While they were falling in love Martina came to know Sir Hugh better and began to understand her own heart. But then, just when she discovered that he was the man she loved, it seemed that a stupid mistake could have left him married to Harriet after all. They would have to part for ever.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life."
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ""I will not marry a man I do not love!"When Lady Verena’s widowed father suddenly remarries, she finds that her stepmother is anxious to make a match of convenience for her new stepdaughter and produces a suitor whorepels her.Verena has always sworn that when she marries, it will be for love and for no other reason.Feeling that she has no choice but to run away, Verena makes a daring midnight escape from her home. With the help of the family groom she reaches the nearest port intending to flee to France, only to find that the tide is against her.A change of identity and a stroke of luck soon see Verena sailing away to a new life, where her culinary skills learnt at school come in surprisingly useful.But meeting the Marquis of Hilchester brings a new dilemma – as her feelings for him grow, how can she win the heart of the man she loves when she is not who she claims to be?And when a friend of her stepmother’s enters the picture, events take a sinister turn.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life."
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Justina Mansell, the youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Mansell is told that her sister has been invited to visit India, but cannot accept. So Justina jumps at the chance to go in her place.Her aunt arranges for her to be chaperoned on board ship by the stately Mrs. Arbuthnot, who is travelling with her two daughters and her little terrier, Muffin.Justina is quickly attracted to the good-looking Sir Thomas Watson who is most attentive and much admires her beauty when he joins the Arbuthnot table for dinner.When the Arbuthnot ladies succumb to seasickness Justina takes Muffin for walks along the deck. There she meets the solitary figure of Lord Castleton with his own dog. He knows her father and they strike up a friendship.Justina finds herself compromised in her cabin by Sir Thomas even though she has given him no encouragement and is forced to agree to become engaged to him to prevent a scandal.Lord Castleton is not at all pleased by this turn of events, especially as Justina seemed far from happy with her engagement.How Justina is swept from despair to happiness and love after a number of surprises and unexpected twists is told in this unusual and intriguing romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Shana, the beautiful daughter of Lord Hallam has not yet been a debutante as she has been helping her father write his autobiography.Although retired from the Foreign Office, Lord Hallam agrees to go abroad leaving his daughter alone in the country.Before he leaves he asks Shana to run an errand to the landlord of the village inn known as the Rose and Crown, where she finds there is a crisis in the kitchen and offers to cook luncheon for the Marquis of Kilbrooke and his shooting party.She not only cooks the food, but helps to wait at table and she meets the Marquis who to her surprise is young and very handsome.Shana returns to the Rose and Crown to cook again for two strangers who turn out to be Italians and overhears, as she speaks Italian fluently, their dastardly plot to rob the Marquis of his extremely valuable collection of gold and silver heirlooms.She feels it is her duty to warn the Marquis of their plot and in doing so becomes involved in an exciting and dangerous adventure.How Shana overcomes the perils confronting her and unexpectedly finds love and happiness is told in this unusual and exciting story by BARBARA CARTLAND.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. "Get away from me. As far as I am concerned, David, you are dead to me and this entire family!"The handsome Viscount Kennington has never enjoyed a good relationship with his father, the Earl, but he loves his grandparents and theylove him.But when a family scandal is aired after the sudden death of the Viscount’s grandfather, the Marquis, the family feud grows worse.The Viscount retreats to the huge mysterious house in Devon left to him by his grandfather.At the same time the lovely orphan, Luella Ridgeway, has been travelling through France with her aunt, but now finds herself on the Viscount’s doorstep.She is being relentlessly pursued by Frank Connolly, the youngest son of a minor Irish Lord. He is obsessed with her and tries to blackmail her by threatening to reveal a dark secret in Luella’s past that she fears will prevent any decent man considering her a suitable match.But the Viscount soon becomes smitten with Luella and when Frank Connolly puts her life in danger, can he save her and convince her that he loves her in spite of her past?And will he ever be reconciled with his father?Find out how love wins through in the end in this exciting and dramatic story by BARBARA CARTLAND.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. "No, Papa! I cannot believe that you no longer want me here."When Marina Fullerton’s beloved mother dies in a tragic riding accident, she is horrified when her father sends her away from the family home in Harley Street, saying he is unable to bear her near him.She finds herself packed off to stay with family friends in Paris, chaperoned by her faithful maid, Ellen.Soon Marina finds herself captivated by her French host’s good-looking son – but is he what he seems? And when her father’s urgent telegram summons Marina back to London, fate conspires to intervene in the shape of the very handsome and charming Sir Peter Bailey.Love awaits Marina after she returns to France – but is it with whom she expects?Find out what happens in this intriguing romantic novel by BARBARA CARTLAND
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘How could you, Mama? Papa has not even been dead a year!’When the beautiful Lucia Mountford’s mother remarries less than a year after her father’s death on the Titanic, she is shocked when the family’s fortunes suddenly go into rapid decline and her mother becomes ill.Deeply in debt her stepfather borrows a considerable sum of money from the handsome but roguish Lord Winterton.Horrified, Lucia discovers that not only has she been pressed into working for him as his secretary to repay the debt, but that she has been promised to Lord Winterton in marriage.To add further misery to her burden, her mother’s condition worsens and her life hangs in the balance.In the meantime, Lucia is being secretly wooed by the staid but goodlooking Edward de Redcliffe who is intent on making her his own.As Lucia struggles with herself over her growing attraction for her employer, events take a strange turn when the wilful and beautiful Lady Shelley sets her sights on becoming Lady Winterton.How Lucia finds true love and what happens when Lord Winterton mysteriously disappears is all told in this intriguing novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Major Michael Moore has been playing a very dangerous part in the Great Game in India where he foils a plot to kill the Viceroy who tells Michael he is now a marked man and that he must return to England immediately.To his astonishment on his way home he reads in a newspaper that following the death of his grandfather he has become the Duke of Grangemoore.When he reaches England he decides he will not announce his arrival to the family Solicitors as he wishes to visit Grangemoore Hall under another name to see for himself what the situation is before he takes up his new position as Duke.While he is driving there he is stopped in the countryside by a beautiful young girl who begs him frantically to save her. Adela is running away from her stepmother and she is so persistent that Michael agrees to take her with him.When Adela and Michael arrive in disguise he discovers an appalling situation because a distant cousin has taken over the house and filled it with his friends who are nothing but drunken criminals.How Michael is saved by Adela from a horrible death and how they both escape and find happiness is told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life."
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Francis, the Marquis of Wimborton needed an heiress. Lexia had money and her father wanted her to marry a Lord.But she was a spirited girl, raised in America and she wanted to choose her own husband. The Marquis was too proud to court her, especially as he believed her heart was given to Wayne Freeman, an American that her father had brought her to England to avoid.They unexpectedly became the best of friends, escaping together from family pressures and boarding a cruise liner in search of their dreams. Along the way they both found themselves pursued, rousing jealousy in each other.Then Wayne Freeman turned up and life became even more complicated.At last their ship reached Greece where Lexia could invoke Eros and Aphrodite, the Gods of love.For now she had made her choice and was determined to have the man she loved. But which one was it?How she decided and how they both won the love they sought is told in this romantic novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life."
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. "I do not wish to be the Earl! I would much rather go back to London."On his return from India, Lord Robert Templeton is distraught to find his family home, Ledbury Hall, plunged into mourning. His father, the Earl, has just died and he is the new Earl. He is reluctant to take up his new duties and instead flees to London, leaving his younger brother, Alec, in charge.Pursuing an empty life of gambling, affairs with actresses and married women, the Earl is forced to return to Ledbury Hall when Alec has a sudden accident.He renews his acquaintance with his childhood friend, Miranda Whitby, who saved his life many years earlier and who is now a beautiful young woman.They rekindle their friendship and it soon turns to love, as the Earl now takes on the responsibilities he once shirked.However, his mother invites the attractive Lady Waterton to stay, who has just one idea in mind, and that is to make herself the next Lady Templeton! But Miranda has secrets of her own and when the mysterious Lord Brookfield suddenly appears, the threat of danger hangs over her and her future.Can true love find a way or will Lord Brookfield’s evil plan to abduct her and make her his own succeed? Find out more by reading this exciting and romantic novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life."
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
From 50.99 kr. Cleona växer upp på den Engelska landsbygden, långt från sin mamma Eloise Wickham och den glamorösa värld hon lever i. Hon är en väl dold hemlighet, då inte många vet att Eloise har en dotter och så ska det helst förbli. Men när Eloise plötsligt dyker upp i Cleonas liv för hon med sig fientlighet och fara. Cleona tvingas vända sig till den enda som kan hjälpa henne, lord Raven, men faran är långt ifrån över och Cleona kommer att tvingas göra många svåra val under sin resa ... Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 50.99 kr. När Zarias far, den berömde arkeologen, dör lämnar han sin dotter ensam i världen och utan pengar. Allt ser väldigt mörkt ut för Zaria, men när hon oväntat får ärva en förmögenhet av en släkting vänder allt. Den nya tillvaron förvirrar henne och i ett oväntat infall bestämmer hon sig för att följa med amerikanen Chuck Tanner på en resa till Algeriet som arkeologisk assistent. Hon döljer sin verkliga identitet för alla ombord, men resan blir allt annat än lugn och Zaria inser att hon ständigt är omringad av fara. Vem kan hon lita på och hur ska hon lyckas ta sig ur härvan oskadd? Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 43.99 kr. När lord Wynchingham förlorar en förmögenhet på spel vet han inte vad han ska göra. Han har inga pengar att betala skulden med så när hans skyddsling Tina Croome kommer till honom med en plan har han inget annat val än att ge den ett försök. Med sina sista pengar köper han allt som Tina kan tänkas behöva för att nästla sig in bland Londons societet och finna sig en rik make som kan betala av lordens skulder. Det dröjer inte länge förrän en lämplig man dyker upp, men mannen är frånstötande och Tina inser att hennes hjärta tillhör någon annan. Vad ska hon ta sig till nu? Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 98.99 kr. Den vackra arvtagerskan Diana Headley roar sig tappert i mellankrigstidens London. Men plötsligt ställs hon på bar backe och livet är inte längre någon dans på rosor. Och för första gången blir hon kär på allvar. Men älskar Barry henne? Vad ska hon ta sig till?BARBARA CARTLANDBarbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker. DEN EVIGA SAMLINGENCartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och bland exotiska zigenare. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra.
77.99 kr. King Martiza of Salamos has fallen asleep when he suddenly becomes aware that something is moving in his room. To his astonishment he finds that it is Princess Veria who has come for his Coronation which is to take place the very next day. She, as her father has died, is now ruling the State of Kavolana which is a smaller Balkan country bordering on his. In a whisper she tells him that she has discovered a plot by her Prime Minister and his Cabinet to drug her so that she is found by them in his bed and then forced to marry her to save her reputation. The King realises that he has a bad reputation for pursuing beautiful women. But he has in fact no intention of getting married. He does, however, know that his Government has always wanted Kavolana to be joined to Salamos to make the two countries more significant together. It is more important now than at any other time because of the policy of the Russians who are infiltrating the Balkans and taking over every small Kingdom and Principality that they can. The King helps the Princess to escape from his bedroom in a very unconventional manner. Then he finds after his Coronation that he becomes involved in the difficulties of her country. They become friends as each of them realises that the other has no intention of marrying under any circumstances. The King is fully aware of the danger that their two countries are in. The Russians then think up a plot to marry Princess Veria to a Russian Prince and take over Kavolana that way. The King then turns to Queen Victoria for help as Great Britain is the only country that Russia has no wish to offend or fight. The King and the Princess save their countries, but they cannot save themselves from their own feelings. Finally, both the King and the Princess find happiness, which is all told in this unusual romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The beautiful redheaded Tiana Weston sets out to visit her inheritance in Dorset with high hopes.It had been her parents’ dream to restore Castle Rose to its former glory as it is now a dilapidated ruin and only a small part is fit to live in.But Tiana soon discovers that enthusiasm and determination alone do not pay the workmen or keep property developers at bay and soon she is faced with a dreadful dilemma.Her handsome and aristocratic next door neighbour Richard, the Earl of Austindale, also faces considerable problems.He has to be married by midnight on his next birthday or he will lose everything he holds most dear to his cousin Alan, Viscount Paige.A young girl anxious to protect her home – a man desperate for a wife – it seems like a sensible, business-like arrangement that they should marry each other.And Tiana finally accepts the Earl’s proposal and they are due to be married on his thirtieth birthday.But then an old flame of the Earl’s arrives to claim him for herself and Tiana is filled with doubt especially as the Viscount is paying a great deal of attention to her.She also finds herself in great danger because now so many are determined that the marriage will not take place.How Tiana realises how much she loves the Earl.And how she finally finds happiness is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
From 50.99 kr. När Nerina får veta att hennes kusin Elizabeth kommer tvingas gifta sig med sir Rupert Wroth mot sin vilja tar hon ett drastiskt beslut. Nerina tar sin kusins plats vid bröllopet medan Elizabeth ger sig av med mannen hon älskar. Fast besluten att aldrig falla för någon man finner sig nu Nerina i en skrämmande värld full av intriger, politik och hemligheter. Men det som skärrar Nerina mest av allt är att hennes känslor för sir Rupert Wroth sakta men säkert börjar förändras ...Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 62.99 kr. När Caroline av misstag blir indragen i en härva av intriger, lögner och mord blir hon räddad av lord Vane Brecon. Hon svär för sig själv att hon någon dag ska återgälda honom och återvänder sedan till London och sitt glamorösa liv som societetsdam. Men det dröjer inte allt för länge innan hon får en chans att uppfylla sitt löfte och hon ger sig av från London för att varna lord Brecon för den livshotande faran. Men lorden bär på sina egna mörka hemligheter och nu måste Caroline göra allt hon kan för att rädda hans liv ... Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 43.99 kr. Melina Lindsay är överlycklig när hon får jobbet som sällskapsdam åt mrs Schuster på hennes resa, men lyckan får ett abrupt slut när hon strax efter ankomsten till Marocko blir avskedad. Med bara en veckas lön i fickan finner hon sig nu ensam i ett främmande land. Vad ska hon ta sig till? Hon tar in på ett boende för natten och just när hon tror att det inte kan bli värre dyker en främmande man upp på hennes balkong, desperat efter hjälp. Melina går med på att hjälpa honom, och blir i samma stund indragen i en livsfarlig situation. Mannen är nämligen en spion på ett hemligt uppdrag ... Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 43.99 kr. Unga Vesta har i London vigts genom ombud med regenten i det avlägsna Katonia. Det hade varit mot hennes vilja. När hon anländer till sitt blivande land möts hon av en främling, greve Miklos, som talar om att det utbrutit en revolution. Han uppmanar henne att återvända till England. Men hon tänker stå fast vid sitt ord, och han tar henne med på en färd som blir egendomligare än hon någonsin kunnat drömma om ...Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
From 43.99 kr. Medan Corena väntar på att hennes far ska återvända från Grekland ställs hon inför ett krav om lösen. Om hon inte levererar lord Warburton, som inom kort ska besöka Grekland, i händerna på bandits kommer hennes far att torteras till döds.Corena smugglas ombord på lord Warburtons jakt. Hon upptäcks och en ömsesidig sympati uppstår. När de närmar sig destinationsorten slits Koreans hjärta sönder. Hur ska hon kunna offra mannen hon älskar för att rädda sin far som hon avgudar?Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker. Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra.
From 43.99 kr. Hertigen av Selchester var ett under av perfektion. Allt i hans tillvaro var välordnat in i minsta detalj. Han söker en lika perfekt hustru, men möter istället Verena, som drar in honom i en rad äventyr. Till råga på allt avskyr hon just -- hertigen av Selchester!Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker. Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra.
From 43.99 kr. När Lydia Stanfield är med om en olycka som förlamar henne från midjan och ner börjar hennes liv sakta men säkert falla sönder. Sex år senare är hon fortfarande bunden till sin rullstol och hennes äktenskap är i ett bedrövligt skick. Hennes make, den berömde och stilige musikern Ivan, lockar till sig kvinnor och Lydia måste kämpa för att hålla sin svartsjuka i schack. När en förtrollande och ung kvinna börjar arbeta i deras hem fruktar Lydia att det är början på slutet för henne och hennes äktenskap, Men det visar sig snart att händelsen kommer att förändra Lydias liv på ett sätt hon aldrig hade kunnat ana ... Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
32.99 kr. Falkirk, zarządca księcia Arkcraiga, udaje się do Anglii w celu odwiedzenia sierocińca pani Barrowfield. Sierociniec był wspierany finansowo przez matkę księcia, lecz od jej śmierci książę mało się nim interesował i ten znajduje się w opłakanym stanie. Książę wysłał swojego zarządcę, aby ten przywiózł mu 16 letnią dziewczynę od pani Barrowfield. Kiedy pani Barrowfield się o tym dowiaduje jest zaskoczona i informuje, że nie ma takiej dziewczyny dla księcia. Falkirk zauważa jednak opiekunkę do dzieci, którą jest Tara. Pomimo początkowej niechęci, pani Barrowfield za odpowiednia kwotą pieniędzy pozwala Falkirkowi zabrać Tarę, choć nie zna zamiarów księcia względem dziewczyny. Tara urodziła się w sierocińcu, lecz nieznane są jej korzenie. Wiadomo tylko, że jej matka, którą przywieziono tam brzemienną po wypadku, wyglądała na dobrze urodzoną, a jedyne co przy sobie miała to medalik z napisem Tara. Tara udaje się do Szkocji, aby tam zamieszkać na zamku księcia, który rozpacza po stracie żony Margaret. Tajemnice szkockich klanów, nieznane pochodzenie dziewczyny, miłość i klątwa rodu- to wszystko odnajdziemy w kolejnym romansie mistrzyni gatunku.Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland (1901-2000) pseud. Barbara Cartland, brytyjska powieściopisarka, znana z pisania licznych romansów i powieści miłosnych. Napisała 723 książki w tym 5 biografii. Była jedyną córką brytyjskiego oficera, majora Bertrama Cartlanda, który zginął podczas I wojny światowej. Ukończyła college dla dziewcząt w Malvern, po którym rozpoczęła pracę reporterki zajmującej się sprawami społecznymi i pisarki powieści miłosnych. Z początku prowadziła kolumnę plotek w Daily Express. W roku 1923 opublikowała pierwszą powieść Jigsaw, która stała się bestsellerem. W jej powieściach ukształtował się specyficzny styl, konstrukcja akcji, osadzenie w realiach historycznych. Mimo schematycznej akcji, jej późniejsze powieści cieszyły się powodzeniem. W roku 1983 jej nazwisko umieszczono w księdze Guinnessa. W połowie lat 90 sprzedała swą miliardową książkę. Zgodnie ze wspomnieniem pośmiertnym opublikowanym w The Daily Telegraph Cartland zerwała swe pierwsze zaręczyny po poznaniu szczegółów stosunku płciowego i doznała szoku. Ostatecznie wyszła za mąż w roku 1932 za oficera Alexandra George'a McCorquodale'a. Jej córka, Raine Spencer, była w późniejszym czasie macochą księżnej Diany. Po rozwodzie w r. 1936 wyszła za Hugh McCorquodale, z którym miała dwóch synów.
- Ebook
- 32.99 kr.
15.99 kr. Ilita prowadziła szczęśliwe życie u boku swoich rodziców, dużo podróżowali, poznawali świat. Niestety choroba przerwała ich sielankę. Podczas jednej z podróży do Afryki,matka Ility ciężko zachorowała i umarła. Ojciec pozostał sam z córką i pod wypływem jej matki chrzestnej wysłał ja do szkoły we Florencji. Ilita bardzo nie chciała tam jechać, lecz ojciec nie mógł zabierać jej w swoje podróże. Obiecał jednak, że wkrótce po nią wróci. Niestety on również umarł podczas swojej ostaniej wyprawy. Kiedy okres pobytu Ility w szkole się kończy pisze do niej list ciotka -księżna Dariington, że Ilita ma do niej przyjechać. Ilita jest pełna obaw co do swojej przyszłości. Po przybyciu na miejsce okazuje się, że ciotka nie ma zamiaru zajmować się swoją bratanicą. Chce, aby tam pod zmienioną tożsamością, aby nie zaszkodziło to reputacji księżnej, sama zarabiała na życie. Znajduje jej pracę jako lektorka u jej niewidomej przyjaciółki markizy Lyss. Ilita nie ma wyboru, musi się na to zgodzić. Po przybyciu do zamku markizy zjawia się tam również jej syn markiz Lyss. Czy przyjmie młodą lektorkę? Czy między młodymi zrodzi się jakieś uczucie? Jak poradzi sobie Ilita w nowym świecie?Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland (1901-2000) pseud. Barbara Cartland, brytyjska powieściopisarka, znana z pisania licznych romansów i powieści miłosnych. Napisała 723 książki w tym 5 biografii. Była jedyną córką brytyjskiego oficera, majora Bertrama Cartlanda, który zginął podczas I wojny światowej. Ukończyła college dla dziewcząt w Malvern, po którym rozpoczęła pracę reporterki zajmującej się sprawami społecznymi i pisarki powieści miłosnych. Z początku prowadziła kolumnę plotek w Daily Express. W roku 1923 opublikowała pierwszą powieść Jigsaw, która stała się bestsellerem. W jej powieściach ukształtował się specyficzny styl, konstrukcja akcji, osadzenie w realiach historycznych. Mimo schematycznej akcji, jej późniejsze powieści cieszyły się powodzeniem. W roku 1983 jej nazwisko umieszczono w księdze Guinnessa. W połowie lat 90 sprzedała swą miliardową książkę. Zgodnie ze wspomnieniem pośmiertnym opublikowanym w The Daily Telegraph Cartland zerwała swe pierwsze zaręczyny po poznaniu szczegółów stosunku płciowego i doznała szoku. Ostatecznie wyszła za mąż w roku 1932 za oficera Alexandra George'a McCorquodale'a. Jej córka, Raine Spencer, była w późniejszym czasie macochą księżnej Diany. Po rozwodzie w r. 1936 wyszła za Hugh McCorquodale, z którym miała dwóch synów.
- Ebook
- 15.99 kr.
20.99 kr. Hrabia Doral Kelvindale jest przystojny i bogaty, łatwo znajduje nowe miłości. Ostatnią jego fascynacją jest bogata, przebiegła wdowa Imogen Basset. Jest piękna, ale również bardzo chytra, pomimo tych wad wdowa bardzo imponuje hrabiemu i oddaje się tej znajomości. Imogen jednak realizuje swój przebiegły plan, jednym z jego elementów jest wymuszenie na hrabim ślubu. Wdowa jest na tyle zdeterminowana, że jest skłonna posunąć do każdej metody, aby tylko osiągnąć swój cel. Doral nie ma najmniejszej ochoty żenić się, dlatego postanawia uciec z posiadłości kochanki. Carita to młoda, piękna dziewczyna, która po śmierci matki mieszka ze swoim ojczymem, którego nie znosi. Jest dla niej stanowczy, surowy i agresywny. Oznajmia swojej pasierbicy, że znalazł jej kandydata na męża. Nic nie obchodzi go to, że Carita nie ma zamiaru wychodzić za kogoś kogo nawet nie zna. Chcąc uniknąć swojego losu szykowanego przez ojczyma,postanawia uciec. Drogi hrabiego i Carity zejdą się. Czy dwójka uciekinierów znajdzie wspólny język? Czy ich nieszczęście ich połączy?Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland (1901-2000) pseud. Barbara Cartland, brytyjska powieściopisarka, znana z pisania licznych romansów i powieści miłosnych. Napisała 723 książki w tym 5 biografii. Była jedyną córką brytyjskiego oficera, majora Bertrama Cartlanda, który zginął podczas I wojny światowej. Ukończyła college dla dziewcząt w Malvern, po którym rozpoczęła pracę reporterki zajmującej się sprawami społecznymi i pisarki powieści miłosnych. Z początku prowadziła kolumnę plotek w Daily Express. W roku 1923 opublikowała pierwszą powieść Jigsaw, która stała się bestsellerem. W jej powieściach ukształtował się specyficzny styl, konstrukcja akcji, osadzenie w realiach historycznych. Mimo schematycznej akcji, jej późniejsze powieści cieszyły się powodzeniem. W roku 1983 jej nazwisko umieszczono w księdze Guinnessa. W połowie lat 90 sprzedała swą miliardową książkę. Zgodnie ze wspomnieniem pośmiertnym opublikowanym w The Daily Telegraph Cartland zerwała swe pierwsze zaręczyny po poznaniu szczegółów stosunku płciowego i doznała szoku. Ostatecznie wyszła za mąż w roku 1932 za oficera Alexandra George'a McCorquodale'a. Jej córka, Raine Spencer, była w późniejszym czasie macochą księżnej Diany. Po rozwodzie w r. 1936 wyszła za Hugh McCorquodale, z którym miała dwóch synów.
- Ebook
- 20.99 kr.
15.99 kr. Życie uroczej Wiviny Compton niespodziewanie zmieniło się w koszmar. Jeffrey Farlow, przywódca lokalnego gangu przemytników, postanowił wziąć ją za żonę, mimo jej sprzeciwu. Postać Farlowa budzi w dziewczynie odrazę. Na dodatek Wivina podejrzewa, że gangster zlecił zabójstwo jej ojca. Bohaterka nie może liczyć na pomoc mieszkańców. Nikt nie odważyłby się stanąć Farlowowi na drodze do celu. Może ją uratować tylko jeden człowiek – znany w całym kraju „Nieustraszony Lampart".Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland (1901-2000) pseud. Barbara Cartland, brytyjska powieściopisarka, znana z pisania licznych romansów i powieści miłosnych. Napisała 723 książki w tym 5 biografii. Była jedyną córką brytyjskiego oficera, majora Bertrama Cartlanda, który zginął podczas I wojny światowej. Ukończyła college dla dziewcząt w Malvern, po którym rozpoczęła pracę reporterki zajmującej się sprawami społecznymi i pisarki powieści miłosnych. Z początku prowadziła kolumnę plotek w Daily Express. W roku 1923 opublikowała pierwszą powieść Jigsaw, która stała się bestsellerem. W jej powieściach ukształtował się specyficzny styl, konstrukcja akcji, osadzenie w realiach historycznych. Mimo schematycznej akcji, jej późniejsze powieści cieszyły się powodzeniem. W roku 1983 jej nazwisko umieszczono w księdze Guinnessa. W połowie lat 90 sprzedała swą miliardową książkę. Zgodnie ze wspomnieniem pośmiertnym opublikowanym w The Daily Telegraph Cartland zerwała swe pierwsze zaręczyny po poznaniu szczegółów stosunku płciowego i doznała szoku. Ostatecznie wyszła za mąż w roku 1932 za oficera Alexandra George'a McCorquodale'a. Jej córka, Raine Spencer, była w późniejszym czasie macochą księżnej Diany. Po rozwodzie w r. 1936 wyszła za Hugh McCorquodale, z którym miała dwóch synów.
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- 15.99 kr.