Books by Dante Alighieri
77.99 kr. Frightened and helpless, Dante is desperate to join his Beloved Beatrice at the gates of Heaven. But fate and fear have other plans. He’s sins have landed him at the beginning of a soulless and sacrilegious journey. He must now climb through Hell in search of redemption. There’s only one way in, with little way out.As Dante cleanses his soul, he journeys through the nine circles of Hell and seven terraces of Purgatory. Who will he meet along the way? And what wrongs have they reckoned with to end up in God's burning Inferno? And most importantly, can Dante reach redemption to secure his seat in Heaven?Celebrated as a cultural pillar of religious understanding, ‘The Divine Comedy’ is a must-read poetic narrative for fans of T.S. Eliot's ´The Waste Land´ and John Milton's ´Paradise Lost´.Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian poet, writer and philosopher, celebrated as the ‘father’ of the Italian language. His ‘Divine Comedy’ is widely celebrated as one of the most important poems of the Middle Ages and the greatest literary works in the Italian language. The work was instrumental in shaping the Western world’s understanding of Hell, Purgatory and Heaven and continues to influence depictions across all art forms today.
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- 77.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Dopo la morte dell'amata (e idealizzata) Beatrice, Dante ripercorre la propria vita a partire dal loro primo incontro, quando sia lei che lui avevano solo nove anni. Bastò allora un dolce saluto per scatenare in Dante un amore travolgente. Il poeta decise però di nascondere i propri sentimenti raccontando agli amici di essersi invaghito di altre due ragazze. La bugia scatenò la gelosia di Beatrice che, per ripicca, decise di non rivolgergli mai più la parola. Opera drammatica e profondamente romantica, la 'Vita nuova' rappresenta forse il pinnacolo letterario più alto del concetto di "amor cortese".Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) è stato un poeta e scrittore, unanimemente considerato uno dei padri della letteratura italiana. Originario di Firenze, trascorse alcuni anni in esilio a causa delle sue idee politiche. Fu proprio durante l'esilio che scrisse il suo capolavoro, 'La Divina Commedia'.
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- 36.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Il 'Convivio' fu concepito come un'opera in lingua volgare per avvicinare le persone non colte o ricche a temi propri della filosofia quali la cosmologia, la politica e la metafisica. Il libro avrebbe dovuto raccogliere 15 trattati ma alla fine Dante ne porto a termine solo quattro poiche preferi dedicarsi interamente alla stesura della 'Divina Commedia'.-
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- 40.99 kr.
From 41.99 kr. "Purgatorio" is the second part of Alighieri’s poem "The Divine Comedy". The story of Dante travelling through the nine circles of Hell in "Inferno" continues as he survives the depths of hell and climbs the mountain Purgatory. The mountain has seven terraces which represent the seven deadly sins and the seven levels of suffering which lead to spiritual growth. The story depicts love as the initial reason for the arising of sins. On top of the mountain is the Earthly Paradise. If the soul is however going to reach it, depends on the choices one makes.Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. "The Divine Comedy" and "The New life" were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called "The father of Italian language". Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
From 41.99 kr. "Inferno" tells the story "of those who have rejected spiritual values", of those who are lost and are unable to find the right way to salvation. It describes each sin and the corresponding punishment. It differentiates between Purgatory and Hell by presenting people begging for forgiveness and others willing to justify their sins. "Inferno" represents the Christian soul who gets to see what it really is to commit a sin and what is to be expected in the afterlife. "Inferno" is the first part of Dante Alighieri’s medieval poem "The Divine Comedy" which was written in the period 1308-1320. It depicts the nine circles of Hell and Dante’s journey through them. Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. "The Divine Comedy" and "The New life" were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called "The father of Italian language". Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
From 41.99 kr. Dante Alighieri’s journey continues in the third part of "The Divine Comedy". Opposite to the main subject in the previous two parts, "Paradiso" depicts virtues and not sins as it represents the soul’s ascent to God. Dante’s journey goes through the nine spheres of Heaven, associated with nine different virtues such as Justice, Faith, Love. Which is the last stage of Dante’s journey and what will it bring to his soul? Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. "The Divine Comedy" and "The New life" were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called "The father of Italian language". Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
From 96.99 kr. Ne "La Divina Commedia", seguiamo l'io narrante, che può essere visto come Dante stesso, in un viaggio attraverso le varie fasi dell'aldilà: Inferno, Purgatorio e Paradiso. Questo poema epico del XIV secolo è una delle opere letterarie più importanti al mondo. È pieno di simbolismo numerico e cristiano e mostra la percezione comune del mondo, dell'universo e in particolare di Dio e della fede. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) fu un poeta, scrittore e filosofo morale italiano, originario di Firenze. Trascorse alcuni anni in esilio, a causa del suo coinvolgimento politico e della sua scrittura impegnata, nella quale egli sostenne fortemente, tra le altre cose, una rigida separazione tra Chiesa e Stato. Fu durante questo esilio che scrisse il suo capolavoro, "La Divina Commedia".
58.99 kr. "e;Ken tasta kay, saa kaiken toivon heittaa"e;Helvetin portin ylle kiinnitetty lausahdus antaa esikuvaa runoilijan matkasta Helvetin lapi tuonpuoleiseen. Runoelma seuraa Danten matkaa yha syvemmalle pitkin Helvetin yhdeksaa piiria, joissa toinen toistaan vakavampiin synteihin syyllistyneet ovat karsimassa rangaistuksiaan. Heidan mielikuvituksekkaat rangaistuksensa heijastavat tekojen luonnetta.Danten Jumalainen naytelma on yksi maailmankirjallisuuden kuuluisimpia teoksia, jonka vaikutus on kantanut vuosisatojen lapi. Runoilijakertojan matka kulkee Helvetin ja Kiirastulen kautta Paratiisiin. Todellisuus ja yliluonnollinen sekoittuvat, kun teoksessa tarkastellaan ihmisyytta ja valotetaan keskiajan maailmankuvaa.Eino Leinon kielellisesti rikas suomennos on taideteos itsessaan.-
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- 58.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Helvetin syvyyksista selvittyaan Dante jatkaa matkaansa Kiirastulen vuorelle, jonka huipulla odottaa Paratiisi. Kiirastulen eri kerrokset vastaavat seitsemaa kuolemansyntia ja kuvaavat ihmisten moraalista heikkoutta. Matkalla Dante pohtii syntien perusluonnetta seka niiden seuraamuksia politiikassa ja kirkossa.Danten Jumalainen naytelma on yksi maailmankirjallisuuden kuuluisimpia teoksia, jonka vaikutus on kantanut vuosisatojen lapi. Runoilijakertojan matka kulkee Helvetin ja Kiirastulen kautta Paratiisiin. Todellisuus ja yliluonnollinen sekoittuvat teoksen tarkastellessa ihmisyytta ja samalla valottaen keskiajan maailmankuvaa.Eino Leinon kielellisesti rikas suomennos on taideteos itsessaan.-
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- 58.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Runoelman viimeisessa osassa Dante jatkaa matkaansa lapi Paratiisin yhdeksan piirin, jotka perustuvat syntien sijasta hyveisiin. Runoilija kohtaa matkallaan kohti Jumalaa useita kuuluisia pyhimyksia, ja Paratiisi onkin runoelman osista kaikkein keskittynein teologiseen pohdiskeluun. Danten Jumalainen naytelma on yksi maailmankirjallisuuden kuuluisimpia teoksia, jonka vaikutus on kantanut vuosisatojen lapi. Runoilijakertojan matka kulkee Helvetin ja Kiirastulen kautta Paratiisiin. Todellisuus ja yliluonnollinen sekoittuvat teoksen tarkastellessa ihmisyytta ja samalla valottaen keskiajan maailmankuvaa.Eino Leinon kielellisesti rikas suomennos on taideteos itsessaan.-
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- 58.99 kr.
From 55.99 kr. - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.La Divina Comedia es un poema alegórico donde el protagonista encuentra su propia identidad a través de un viaje desde el Infierno hasta el Cielo. La vida real y la sobrenatural se entrelazan mediante la lucha entre el ser y el espíritu. El poema consta de tres partes: Infierno, Purgatorio y Paraíso, donde para alcanzar la felicidad humana y religiosa es preciso seguir un camino que obliga a pasar antes por el rechazo del pecado y la purificación del arrepentimiento.Es así que Dante, acompañado por el poeta romano Virgilio, quien simboliza la razón y el amor humano y, posteriormente, por Beatriz –la amada del poeta– símbolo de la Divina Sabiduría y el Amor Divino, realiza este peregrinaje por los distintos círculos del Infierno y del Purgatorio hasta llegar al Paraíso.Considerada como una de las obra maestras de la literatura italiana y universal, La Divina Comedia sintetiza la filosofía y el pensamiento medieval, reuniendo todo el saber de la humanidad occidental hasta el momento de ser escrita. Indudablemente, esta obra excepcional llevará al lector a recorrer mil y una historias maravillosas y sobretodo, asombrosas.Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) fue un poeta italiano cuya obra maestra, La Divina Comedia, es considerada una de las obras máximas de la literatura universal producida en Europa en la Edad Media. Era miembro de la burguesía güelfa, y fue discípulo de Brunetto Latini y amigo del poeta Cavalcanti.rnrnDurante su vida, participó activamente en las luchas políticas, por lo que fue desterrado de Florencia, su ciudad natal. Además, fue un activo defensor de la unidad italiana. Escribió varios tratados en latín sobre literatura, política y filosofía. Se lo apodó como «el Poeta Supremo», y se le considera el «padre del idioma italiano» (llamado volgare en aquella época).