Books by Edgar Wallace

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  • by Edgar Wallace
    92.99 kr.

    Covering for your sister can lead to the most unexpected of outcomes, as Audrey Bedford discovers in Edgar Wallace's 'The Face in the Night'.Selling her chicken farm and relocating to London to join her stepsister, Audrey Bedford is arrested shortly thereafter, having been caught transporting the Queen of Finland’s stolen jewelry. Audrey decides to admit culpability and go behind bars for a year rather than "rat out" her sibling, who is in fact the true perpetrator of the crime. Once released, she takes on a position as scribe to the mysterious Mr. Malpas, who broods for days on end in his apartment and permits visitors to approach him no closer than from across a vast darkened room. When Malpas’ neighbour Mr. Marshalt is discovered murdered, Audrey rapidly finds herself ensnared in a web of missing diamonds, raging ill-forgotten feuds and a budding romance in the unlikeliest of places.Wallace’s work has been adapted for the big screen many times with actors like Jack Black, Adrien Brody and Jamie Bell portraying characters from his books.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays and historical non-fiction. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, 'King Kong'.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    'Tam o' the Scoots' is a book that cannot help but stand out from the rest of Wallace's fiction. In a good way, at that. It is a collection of ten short stories chronicling - in striking detail - the dire straits of a brilliant Scottish aircraft pilot whose heyday coincided with the First World War. Casting light on the historical accuracy of the situations Tam underwent with the 'scoots' (Tam's Scottish pronunciation of scouts, which was what fighter pilots were dubbed back in the day) and the psychological inner workings of what constitutes a reliable pilot, Wallace's collection is comprised of light and sometimes sketchy tall-tales, served with a quintessential inkling of humour and action. Insightful and attention-grabbing!Readers young and old alike will be excited to discover that Wallace's work has been adapted for the big screen many times with actors like Jack Black, Adrien Brody and Jamie Bell portraying characters from his books.-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    'Room 13' is the first crime novel in the J. G. Reeder series, featuring a sympathetic and astute civil servant, who is simultaneously a gifted detective. This fast-paced, mystery-ridden and thoroughly readable page-turner from the author of 'King Kong' is set in the 1920s and contains all the essential ingredients of a great British crime novel, from romance to unexpected twists. Setting the scene for subsequent books in the series, we meet Reeder as he untangles a thrilling web of revenge, murder and counterfeits. Nothing is sacred to the perpetrators. Wallace's masterful direct and descriptive style makes 'Room 13' the perfect novel for fans of crime fiction and mystery thrillers alike.-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    A 1915 short story by Edgar Wallace, ‘The Melody of Death’ is a thrilling crime story. A mysterious melody causes a young man to descend into mania whenever he hears the tune. Newly married, he is convinced that death is coming for him, and wants to make sure that his new wife will be well provided for following his demise. A fast-paced page-turner, this is an exhilarating and dramatic tale from the famous author.Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English author, journalist, and poet. Born into poverty in London, Wallace left school at 12 and joined the army at the age of 21, where he worked for the Press Corps as a war correspondent for Reuters and The Daily Mail during the Second Boer War. Following the war, Wallace turned to writing for his income, writing numerous stories for serialisation in newspapers and magazines. Hugely prolific, Wallace wrote over 170 novels and over 900 short stories over the course of his career. In later life Wallace moved to Hollywood where he worked as a scriptwriter, and it was here that he died unexpectedly in 1932 whilst working on a draft of what was to become perhaps his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    The Red Hand is a secret organization that specializes in blackmail and countless other subversive practices. In this novel, Wallace creates a reality in which all levels of society are intermingled into a complex network that threatens to destroy the very foundations of Britain. Fast-paced narration, a captivating plot, and genuine villains make this novel unmissable for fans of the thriller genre.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer. Alongside articles and poems, it was once suggested that he was responsible for a quarter of all of the books sold in the United Kingdom. He wrote countless novels, short stories, and stage plays. The most notable of which were ‘The Council of Justice’, ‘The Green Archer’, and ‘The Forger’. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work, and he appeals to fans of the thriller genre, from Stephen King to Anthony Horowitz

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    Dukes aren’t meant to be Texas Cowboys. But the Duc de Montevillier is just that. Having made his fortune in silver, he relocates to the leafy London suburb of Kymott Crescent—much to the dismay of his new middle-class neighbours. Hijinks ensue as the Duke falls in love, does battle with enemies from back out west, and gets to grip with polite society.Edgar Wallace is best known for his thrillers, but this comedy shows off his incredible range as a writer. Droll and fizzy, "The Duke of the Suburbs" has the flavour of a P.G. Wodehouse story.Edgar Wallace (1875–1932) was a hugely prolific English author, best known for thrillers and crime fiction. Born into poverty in London, he joined the army as a teenager. On a posting to South Africa he met Rudyard Kipling, and was inspired to take up writing.Wallace’s productivity was unmatched. He was capable of writing tens of thousands of words a day. In his thirty year career, he produced hundreds of novels, short stories, articles, and stage plays. In his later years, he moved to Hollywood and became a screenwriter. He died working on the project which would become his most famous—the script for "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    Prophetic and chilling at once, Edgar Wallace's alternate history crime novel "e;Private Selby"e; deals with the author's fear of a potential German invasion of Britain shortly before the outbreak of the Great War. Credited with being one of the writers who predicted the First World War, the novel follows the life of a young rascal Dick Selby, who enters the British military and whose life spins into unexpected disarray as a result of a sudden invasion. From that moment on, his life becomes an arena of conflicting feelings and emotions, reflecting his traumatic wartime experience. A true page-turner, the short novel combines the best of military fiction, love-filled drama and crime and is a must-read for fans of both classic crime fiction and military history.-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    92.99 kr.

    "e;Captains of Souls"e; is an atypical piece of detective crime fiction work from Edgar Wallace, one of the most prolific British writers of the 20th century. Centring around Ambrose Sault, who has managed to find a rather suspicious way to merge a soul with a body of another, the novel unfolds into a tragedy circling around criminals, financial fraud, blackmail as well as cold murder. The novel takes a turn around the sinister objectives of Salt, whose encounter with the other characters leaves their lives changed forever. Mystery crime drama, comedy of manners and melodrama all at once, "e;Captains of Souls"e; makes for a thrilling and well-written read full of suspense and will be enjoyed by fans of Netflix shows such as "e;Behind Her Eyes"e;.-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    "e;Jack O'Judgment"e; is a classic thriller novel by the inimitable Edgar Wallace. The memorable crime story revolves around a masked vigilante, who wreaks havoc among a successful gang of organised London blackmailers, leaving only a Jack of Clubs as a trace that he was there. The star of the novel is a male protagonist that is both light-hearted and frivolous, as well as cruel towards injustice and the larger-than-life villains. Just like in "e;The Four Just Men"e;, Wallace arguably promotes vigilantism as the only solution to a feeble justice system. An excellent mystery that leaves the reader guessing in suspense about the identity of the elusive masked man, perfect for lovers of the likes of Sherlock Holmes.-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    92.99 kr.

    "A Debt Discharged" is a gripping thriller novel about gangs and forgery by the acclaimed British author Edgar Wallace. The gifted Thomas Maple and his niece Verity live together on Crystal Palace Road in London, although she’s unaware of the details of his mysterious past. Working for bank engraving company, he becomes involved with a forgery scandal, gang violence and life-threatening complications with an American millionaire. Eventually, a detective smells a rat and sets on their trail, but will Verity get the full truth about her uncle? A perfect thriller mystery, "A Debt Discharged" is a classic must-read for fans of early crime fiction and for those, who enjoy shows including ‘Lupin’ and ‘Peaky Blinders’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific English mystery and crime writer with such an impressive output that one of his publishers claimed he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England at that time. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays and historical non-fiction. Over 160 films inspired by his work have been made worldwide, more than any other author ever and over 50 million copies of his books were sold during his lifetime. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting stages of his most famous and enduring work, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    73.99 kr.

    Dick Martin è prossimo a ritirarsi come detective di Scotland Yard, o almeno questo è quello che lui pensa. Per via di un libro rubato, Dick si troverà a indagare su un ultimo mistero che coinvolge, tra le altre cose, un ricco ereditario vagabondo e una porta dalle sette serrature. Catapultato tra medici strampalati, ladri di appartamenti, misteri arcani e indagini complicatissime, Dick affronterà avventure al limite del normale.Una storia unica, a tratti poliziesca, a tratti noir e horror, con accenni fantascientifici e amorosi che la renderanno una lettura imperdibile.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) fu un prolifico scrittore inglese. Autore, giornalista e poeta, scrisse innumerevoli romanzi, racconti, opere teatrali e saggistica storica. Ad oggi, dal suo lavoro sono stati realizzati più di 160 film. Morì improvvisamente a Hollywood nel 1932, durante la stesura iniziale della sua opera più famosa, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 50.99 kr.

    När finansmannen Anthony Braid anar oegentligheter på börsen gör han ett besök hos en gammal bekant, nämligen bolagsdirektören Lord Frensham. Aktierna för Lulanga Oils tycks sjunka allt lägre och Braid misstänker att direktörens egen brorson är den skyldige. Brorsonen själv, en Mr. Julian Reef, hyser ett innerligt hat för Braid och smider planer för att hämnas anklagelserna. Hur svårt kan det vara att sätta dit någon som går under smeknamnet "Ålen"?Efter en tids nedgång är oljebolaget bortom räddning och Lord Frenshams personliga konkurs ett faktum. När han sedermera tar sitt eget liv trappas situationen bakom kulisserna upp och bedragarna gör allt för att lägga över skulden på någon annan. Plötsligt står Braid mitt i skottgluggen - hur ska han ta sig ur det här? Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) var en brittisk deckarförfattare och anses ofta vara en av de mest inflytelserika personerna inom deckargenren. Han skrev totalt 175 kriminalromaner och deltog även i skapandet av manuset till filmen King Kong (1933).

  • by Edgar Wallace
    79.00 kr.

    London bliver terroriseret af en kriminel bande med en leder, der er så snu og hemmelighedsfuld, at selv Scotland Yard må se magtesløst til. Ingen har nogensinde set lederen, der bliver kaldt Frøen, og alligevel er alle skrækslagne for ham. Den uforlignelige og frygtløse politimand Elk sætter sig alligevel for at opspore Frøen, og dermed bringer han sig selv i overhængende livsfare. Hvem er jageren, og hvem er byttet i Edgar Wallaces klassiske krimi "Frøens broderskab"?Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    69.00 kr.

    I mange år har en forbryderbande haft succes med at trykke falske pengesedler, som er så dygtigt lavet, at det næsten ikke er til at skelne dem fra de ægte. Politiet mener, de ved, hvem hjernen bag falskmøntneriet er, men de kan ikke bevise noget.Da den øjensynligt harmløse embedsmand Reeder tilfældigvis kommer på sporet af sagen, kommer der endelig skub i den. Han viser sig nemlig at være mindst lige så skarp til at opklare forbrydelser, som politiet er.Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    "In newspaper-land a dull lie is seldom detected, but an interesting exaggeration drives an unimaginative rival to hysterical denunciations."When a British politician pushes through a law that will allow political refugees to be sent back to their countries of origin, he becomes the target of the Four Just Men – a group of vigilantes who set out to the punish the people who consider themselves above the law. The British public watch eagerly on the sidelines as they wait to see if the Four Just Men will succeed in assassinating their Foreign Secretary.'The Four Just Men' is the first of a series of excellent and highly entertaining detective thrillers by Edgar Wallace.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Richard Wallace (1875–1932) was a prolific English crime novelist, playwright, and journalist. His work has been adapted for screen more times than any other author, and he is especially known for being the co-creator of 'King Kong'.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 38.99 kr.

    A millionaire is taken suddenly ill, and sensing his mortality, he asks his attorney to do him one last favor - to find and secretly watch over his missing niece, the daughter of his profligate deceased sister. This niece at the appropriate time would become heir to his millions. However, the millionaire is mysteriously murdered, stabbed to death in his sick bed. Oliva Cresswell, the unsuspecting niece, has been a cashier in a large West End store for five years when she meets a Mr. Beale, a self described wheat merchant, is attacked in her flat and rescued by this Mr. Beale, is offered a job as his confidential secretary, refuses him, is unexplainably sacked and finds herself in need of his offer. The mysteries multiply and deepen as the story proceeds.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 43.99 kr.

    London är i skräck. Scotland Yard jagar ledaren för den kriminell organisationen Grodorna, en person som ingen någonsin sett men som går under namnet Grodan med masken. En person lyckas hitta ledaren, men priset han får betala blir högt …Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) var en brittisk författare av kriminalromaner. Under sin livstid skrev han inte mindre än 175 detektivromaner och 15 skådespel. Många av hans kriminalromaner har filmatiserats.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 50.99 kr.

    Efter att ha avtjänat ett fängelsestraff besöker John Gray en gammal vän, Peter Kane, vars dotter ska gifta sig. Snabbt anar han ugglor i mossen. Friaren är inte den han utger sig för att vara. Och hur kommer det sig att Kane går med på ett möte med polismördaren Emanuel Legg på sin dotters bröllopsdag?Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) var en brittisk deckarförfattare. Med uppemot 175 utgivna titlar räknas han som en av de mest produktiva brittiska författarna genom tiderna. Han var den första brittiska deckarförfattaren som använde en polis som huvudperson istället för en amatördetektiv. Han var även med och skrev filmmanuset till King Kong (1933).

  • by Edgar Wallace
    66.99 kr.

    "The Four Just Men" is one of the best known detective thrillers of Edgar Wallace, following the vigilante missions of four men, sworn to punish those who escape justice. An excellent cat-and-mouse novel, engaging the reader in all kinds of convoluted and mysterious scenarios, the book is praised for its compelling storytelling, memorable characters, and excellent pacing. On the whole, it is a quick read that one can devour while sunbathing or relaxing under a shade. Five sequels followed, and at least three movie adaptations.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    73.99 kr.

    Kolme omalaatuista herrasmiesta saapuu Britanniaan ja paattaa ottaa oikeuden omiin kasiinsa. Miehet hankkivat joukkoonsa palkkamurhaajan ja yhdessa nama "e;nelja oikeudentekijaa"e; paattavat kostaa niille, jotka ovat heidan arvionsa mukaan tehneet jotain vaaraa. Eras kohteista on Britannian ulkoasiainministeri - nelikko vaatii, etta ministerin on luovuttava merkittavasta lakiesityksesta. Ryhman lahettamat uhkauskirjeet saavat koko hallinnon sekaisin ja pian heidan perassaan ovat Scotland Yardin etsivat. Miten nelikolle kay? Voittaako oikeus - ja ennen kaikkea, kenen oikeus?-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    58.99 kr.

    Kapteeni Edward Tatham saapuu miehistoineen saarelle, jonka han nimittaa omakseen. Saarelta loytyy kultaa seka allistyttavan nopea kilpahevonen. Palattuaan merilta Englantiin Tatham osallistuu hevoskilpailuihin uudella lujaa nelistavalla ratsullaan. Onnistuuko kapteenin pitaa perustamansa Tathamen saaren tasavalta hallussaan, kun muiden kansojen laivastot havittelet sita omakseen? Enta voittaako kapteeni hevoskilpailujen lisaksi eraan daamin, Evangeline Smithin, sydamen? Edgar Wallacen seikkailuromaani "e;Nelistavan kullan saari"e; alkaa viihdyttavasti kuvitteellisilla todistajanlausunnoilla kapteenin edesottamuksista. Se kuvaa varikkaasti niin meritaisteluja, kyseenalaisia neuvotteluja kuin kullanhuuhdontaakin.-

  • by Edgar Wallace
    66.99 kr.

    When a man ignores his last warning to pay pund100,000, it is his son who finds him dead on the next morning. Revolving around a mysterious circle, specializing in blackmail, called The Crimson Circle, Wallace’s novel is filled with all the prerequisites for a perfect detective story: a brilliant, almost all-knowing detective, superbly crafted criminal mastermind, strong women characters, and a dramatic twist in the end. The cliched, old-fashioned "suspect everyone" plot is perfect for a summer read and for those who like solving crimes on paper.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    66.99 kr.

    A classic whodunit crime story, "The Man Who Knew" is about the death of a rich South Africa magnate, dealing with diamonds. The actual man who knows so much is Saul Arthur Mann, a walking encyclopedia and the constant envy of Scotland Yard. Wallace’s narrative pace is slow at times, hectic at others, but the overall effect is one of a decent detective novel with a lot of irony and parallel mysteries all around the place. Resembling the style of Agatha Christie, the complicated situations and style of Wallace is a perfect read for any diehard fan of detective fiction.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 73.99 kr.

    Punainen ympyrä -niminen rikollisryhmä kylvää ympärilleen pelkoa. He vaativat rikkailta ihmisiltä suuria rahasummia tai muuten uhatuille käy kalpaten. Kun varakas James Beardmore kieltäytyy maksamasta häneltä vaadittua suurta rahasummaa, hänen kohtalonsa on sinetöity – Beardmore löydetään kuolleena.Onnistuuko yksityisetsivä Derrick Yale saamaan selville rikollisten henkilöllisyyden?"Punainen ympyrä" on Edgar Wallacen jännittävä salapoliisiromaani, joka on täynnä 1920-luvun vetävää tunnelmaa.Edgar Wallace (1875–1932) oli englantilainen kirjailija, joka työskenteli myös toimittajana ja elokuvakäsikirjoittajana. Wallace tunnetaan erityisesti dekkareistaan, mutta hän kirjoitti monipuolisesti myös näytelmiä ja novelleja. Wallacen tunnetuimpia teoksia ovat muun muassa "Neljä oikeudentekijää" sekä "Punainen ympyrä".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 73.99 kr.

    Timanttibisneksellä vaurastunut mies löytyy kuolleena Lontoon kadulta. Epäiltyjä on kolme: miehen veljenpoika, hänen sihteerinsä ja kiristäjä menneisyydestä. Jokaisella epäillyllä olisi murhaan motiivi – mutta kuka on syyllinen? Jännittävän trillerin keskiössä on salapoliisi, joka tuntuu tietävän kaikista kaiken. Onnistuuko hän ratkaisemaan mysteerin? Päälle päin yksinkertaiselta vaikuttava tapaus huipentuu yllättävään loppuratkaisuun. Brittiläinen Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875‒1932) tuli tunnetuksi erittäin tuotteliaana kirjailijana, lehtimiehenä, sotakirjeenvaihtajana ja elokuvakäsikirjoittajana. Muun muassa King Kong -elokuvan käsikirjoitus perustuu Edgar Wallacen ja Merian C. Cooperin kirjoittamaan tarinaan.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    40.99 kr.

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Una tierna comedia en la que el pobre protagonista masculino no se entera de nada. Menos mal que su novia piensa por los dos. Descubre, en este audiolibro dramatizado en español, cómo a veces lo mejor es hacerse el tonto... JJack Trevor está enamorado de Marjorie y quiere casarse con ella, pero gana un sueldo muy ajustado y ella es peluquera. Jack cree que no conseguirá nunca ahorrar lo suficiente para ofrecer a su prometida una buena vida...Lennox Maine es un típico "self made man" (hombre hecho a sí mismo), pero no tiene moral ni ética; su lema es: lo que cuenta es ganar, de la forma que sea y caiga quien caiga.Ser un "taut" es una profesión harto curiosa y poco usual, pero que parece puede dar pingües beneficios.  Escucha este Audiolibro y te enterarás.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) fue un reconocido novelista, periodista y dramaturgo británico. Prolífico escritor de novelas de crimen y misterio, es aclamado mundialmente como el padre del thriller y conocido por ser el autor del guión original de la película King Kong.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    40.99 kr.

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.En este audiolibro que vas a escuchar es un corto thriller en el que Troy Goldbeater, abogado de reconocido prestigio en la sociedad londinense, especializado en Derecho Civil y más concretamente en Derecho de Familia..., en particular, en herencias..., va a dejar salir su lado oscuro.Una cliente suya de antiguo, la Sra Pallin, acaba de emprender un viaje sin retorno, y uno de sus familiares visita al Sr. Goldbeater, poniendo en duda no solo su profesionalidad, sino algo más. Pero cuando se acusa a alguien, hay que tener pruebas suficientes, ya que, si no...Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) fue un reconocido novelista, periodista y dramaturgo británico. Prolífico escritor de novelas de crimen y misterio, es aclamado mundialmente como el padre del thriller y conocido por ser el autor del guión original de la película King Kong.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    69.00 kr.

    Den excentriske millionær Stratford Harlow har længe været i politiets søgelys, men ingen har været i stand til at forbinde ham med nogen bestemt forbrydelse. Kommissær James Carlton har ellers gjort et par brave forsøg, men indtil videre er Harlow sluppet fra ham. Da det imidlertid viser sig, at både kommissæren og den mystiske rigmand gør kur til den smukke Aileen Rivers, får Carlton blod på tanden igen...Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    99.00 kr.

    Marjorie Stedman er en af sin onkel Solomon Stedmans mest betroede medarbejdere. Derfor er det hende, der får til opgave at levere et yderst vigtigt og hemmeligt brev til Thynewood Chase, som er hjemsted for den ubehagelige sir James Thynewood og hans kone, skuespillerinden Alma Trebizond. Første besøg er nok til, at Marjorie ikke har lyst til at vende tilbage, men hendes onkel sender hende alligevel af sted med endnu et brev. Denne gang hører Marjorie et skud og finder sir James liggende livløs i en blodpøl. Over ham står en person, som Marjorie til sin store rædsel kan genkende.Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    69.00 kr.

    Overalt i Europa bliver folk narret af en falskmøntner, der er så dygtig til at trykke falske pengesedler, at han er blevet stenrig og har fået tilnavnet "Den Smarte". Men hvem er han i virkeligheden? Hans trykkerivirksomhed viser sig at kunne spores til en gammel herregård, som har været lejet ud til en række besynderlige mennesker. Men hvem af dem er "Den Smarte"? Og vil han fortsat kunne undslippe politiet, når nettet omkring ham strammes?Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.