Books by George Gissing

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  • by George Gissing
    50.99 kr.

    Henry Ryecroft är död. I livet var han en ambitiös och talangfull skribent, men han föraktades av kritiker och tycktes för evigt dömd till ett liv i fattigdom. Henry Ryecroft var ingen alls. Inte förrän han en dag fick en överraskning som skulle förändra både hans tillvaro och inställning till livet. Han flyttade till en stuga på landet och det var där dagboken kom till, med sina tomma sidor som fylldes med tankar och minnen. Vad var det som gjorde Henry Ryecroft till en uppgiven och deprimerad man? Och vem var han egentligen under sina sista fyra årstider?"Här vilar Henry Ryecroft" är en semi-biografisk roman av naturalisten George Gissing. Boken är den sista som författaren publicerade innan sin död år 1903.George Gissing (1857-1903) var en brittisk författare från Yorkshire i norra England. Gissing var den brittiska naturalismens mest framstående skribent och inspirerades av bl.a. Émile Zola. Han publicerade totalt tjugotre romaner mellan åren 1880 och 1903.

  • by George Gissing
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1903 and hugely popular at the time, ‘The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft’ by George Gissing is structured as a series of diary entries. The diary keeper is the fictional former writer Henry Ryecroft, now in his fifties. An unexpected inheritance has allowed him to enjoy a slow, solitary life in Devon, where he muses about art, nature, and society through his diary. Although this is a work of fiction, there are clear parallels between the narrator's life and Gissing's own life, which has led many commenters to view it as semi-autobiographical.George Gissing (1857-1903) was a British author from Wakefield, Yorkshire. A studious child, his love of fiction was sparked when he first read Charles Dickens, who would prove to be a lifelong inspiration for Gissing. He would go on to write ‘Charles Dickens: A Critical study’ in 1898. At the age of just fifteen Gissing was awarded a scholarship to Owen’s College University, where he won a number of prizes for his writing. His university education was cut short however when Gissing was found guilty of stealing from fellow students. Following his expulsion and punishment of a month’s hard labour, Gissing travelled to America where he worked as a writer, teacher, and travelling salesman before returning to Britain. His first novels, ‘Workers in the Dawn’ and ‘Mrs Grundy’s Enemies’ were self-published, and Gissing had to supplement his income through teaching. He wrote over twenty novels during the course of his literary career, which all drew on his own experiences of near-poverty, hardship, and his deeply unhappy personal life. His most famous works include, ‘The Nether World’, ‘New Grub Street’ and ‘The Odd Women’. He died in France in 1903.

  • by George Gissing
    From 102.99 kr.

    First published in 1893, ‘The Odd Women’ by Victorian author George Gissing revolves around the themes of feminism, marriage, and love through the lives of several contrasting women. The ‘odd’ of the title refers to the fact that in Victorian Britain there were more men than women, and many women therefore found themselves surplus. Mary Barfoot is one of these surplus women - a feminist philanthropist, she is training women to have careers of their own. Her close friend Rhoda Nunn is strongly of the opinion that marriage is a disastrous choice for women, but their young protégé Monica Madden goes against them both when she decides to marry a seemingly kind older man. A riveting story, and highly provocative for the time in which it was published, ‘The Odd Women’ is a sympathetic novel which was ahead of its time. George Gissing (1857-1903) was a British author from Wakefield, Yorkshire. A studious child, his love of fiction was sparked when he first read Charles Dickens, who would prove to be a lifelong inspiration for Gissing. He would go on to write ‘Charles Dickens: A Critical study’ in 1898. At the age of just fifteen Gissing was awarded a scholarship to Owen’s College University, where he won a number of prizes for his writing. His university education was cut short however when Gissing was found guilty of stealing from fellow students. Following his expulsion and punishment of a month’s hard labour, Gissing travelled to America where he worked as a writer, teacher, and travelling salesman before returning to Britain. His first novels, ‘Workers in the Dawn’ and ‘Mrs Grundy’s Enemies’ were self-published, and Gissing had to supplement his income through teaching. He wrote over twenty novels during the course of his literary career, which all drew on his own experiences of near-poverty, hardship, and his deeply unhappy personal life. His most famous works include, ‘The Nether World’, ‘New Grub Street’ and ‘The Odd Women’. He died in France in 1903.

  • by George Gissing
    From 92.99 kr.

    The Jubilee marks the fiftieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria. Dickensian in its sweeping scope of London life, Gissing’s "In the Year of the Jubilee" (1834) depicts the harsh and disreputable conditions of lower-middle class life at the end of the 19th century. Originally titled "Miss Lord of Camberwell," the novel depicts the adventures of suburban Nancy Lord and an exploration of South London. George Gissing (1857-1903) was a British author. Originally from Yorkshire, he wrote over 20 novels as well as short stories, travel diaries and pieces of criticism. He is famous for his "The Nether World," "New Grub Street," "Born in Exile," and "The Odd Women."

  • by George Gissing
    69.99 kr.

    "En este feliz país nuestro hay medio millón más de mujeres que de hombres. ... Tantas mujeres solteras para las que no existe posibilidad de pareja. Los pesimistas las llaman vidas inútiles, perdidas y vanas. Ni que decir tiene que yo, como parte integrante de ese grupo, no pienso así"Son las palabras de una de las protagonistas y heroína de esta insólita novela de Gissing escrita a finales del siglo XIX. Insólita porque sus dos personajes femeninos centrales, Rhoda y Monica, son mujeres que ansían la independencia, económica, social e intelectual. Son mujeres que, de hecho, piensan.Ambientada en el escenario gris, mugriento y con la niebla de fondo de Londres, el autor nos lanza con un estilo de desapego narrativo un alegato feminista que se entrelaza con la trama romántica a través de la que seguimos las historias de amor de estas dos mujeres: Rhoda que se siente halagada por el cortejo de un hombre liberal y moderno; Monica que se casa con un hombre al que no ama, llegando a considerar la posibilidad de fugarse con un amante para librarse de un matrimonio que no le satisface.La primera representa la independencia financiera y el poder adquisitivo, mientras que la segunda, como toda su familia, apenas logra subsistir con un trabajo mal pagado. Juzgada por sus contemporáneos como una obra tan provocativa como lo fueron los trabajos de Zola o Ibsen, Gissing logra una novela increíblemente moderna que toca temas que continúan aún hoy en día siendo vigentes y relevantes en nuestra sociedad.George Gissing (1857 - 1903) es un escritor británico del final del periodo victoriano.