Books by Guy Boothby
69.99 kr. Bókin er að mestu leyti þekkt fyrir að kynna til sögunnar glæpaheilann og dulhyggjumanninn Doktor Nikola og langri leit hans að ódauðleika, en Nikola kom meira fyrir í framhaldsbókum eftir sama höfund og varð áhrifarík sögupersóna í heimi spæjarasagna. Richard Hatteras er aðalhetja sögunnar en hann dregst fljótt inn í hættulega atburðarás þegar hann kynnist illmenninu Doktor Nikola og fylgdarliði hans.Guy Boothby (1867-1905) var ástralskur höfundur sem ferðaðist víða um Suðaustur Asíu, Melanesíu og Ástralíu. Hann hóf ferilinnn á því að skrifa ferðasögur en við tóku sögur um alls konar glæpasnillinga, múmíur, álög, uppvakninga og þess háttar. Hann var vinur Rudyard Kipling og var í góðu áliti hjá George Orwell. Boothby lést aðeins 38 ára að aldri en verk hans hafa haft mikil áhrif á heim kvikmyndanna, sér í lagi á ímynd illmenna og óvætta.
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- 69.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Doctor Nikola sets out on another adventure, which this time leads him to Venice. There he meets the old acquaintance – Richard Hatteras – whose fiancée Nikola had kidnapped, and time hasn’t resolved their conflict. Will Richard want to seek revenge? Find out in "Farewell, Nikola", a short story which is a part of the "Doctor Nikola" series by Guy Boothby.Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
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- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Doctor Nikola and Richard Hatteras meet for the first time. Doctor Nikola is a mysterious evil mastermind. Richard Hatteras, on the other hand, is an ordinary Australian sailor. Doctor Nikola has a plan which includes Hatteras and his fortune, but Hatteras proves to be a lot smarter than the doctor had expected, leaving Nikola facing a challenge. Hatteras is determined to oppose the villain’s plan and save everyone endangered by the doctor’s evil plan. Who who will prevail? Find out in Guy Boothby’s "A Bid for Fortune".Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
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- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. A plague is spreading across the world. People are dying and no cure can be found. The plague was created by a sorcerer and he is the only one who knows how to stop it. Where is he and who will dare to face the 3000 years old mummy who has finally gotten his revenge? Will humans go extinct or will they be saved? Find out in "Pharos, the Egyptian" by Guy Boothby.Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
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- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Doctor Nikola meets Gilbert Pennethorne, an ordinary man whose life has gone downhill. He was tricked by his former boss who stole information about the location of a gold mine. Gilbert is determined to take his revenge while Nikola sees a great opportunity to become wealthy. He manipulates Gilbert into assisting him in the new evil scheme he has come up with.Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Doctor Nikola has finally found the secret to immortality, but he hasn’t put it to the test yet. He needs someone who can help him conduct some experiments. Doctor Ingleby seems to be the perfect choice since he is currently struggling financially and as such, seems willing to go to great lengths to get himself out of misery. Will Nikola and Ingleby’s experiments be successful? Find out in "Dr Nikola’s Experiment".Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Doctor Nikola’s goal in life is to achieve world domination and immortality. When he finds out that a secret society in Tibet is way more powerful than any other human being or government on the planet, he decides to set off on a long adventure. This society can teach Nikola how to extend life and raise the dead. But are they willing to share their knowledge? Can Doctor Nikola somehow force them to do so? Find out in "Dr Nikola Returns".Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
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- 59.99 kr.
47.99 kr. Sögumaður Forsetaránsins er ungur sjómaður sem hefur það að atvinnu að sigla á milli Englands og Suður-Ameríku um aldamótin 1900. Hann lendir í ýmsum ævintýrum, meðal annars mitt í valdabaráttu forseta Mið-Ameríkuríkis. Hetjan okkar gerir sitt besta til að halda heiðri sínum og verða ekki undir í baráttunni, en það reynist erfiðara en hægt er að ímynda sér. Heima bíður hans unnustan, svo honum er mikið í mun að lifa ævintýrið af og komast aftur heim.Guy Newell Boothby fæddist árið 1867 í Adelaide í Ástralíu. Hann var sonur ástralsks stjórnmálamanns og ferðaðist um Ástralíu þvera og endilanga sem ungur maður, en flutti til Englands eftir að hann gifti sig og gerðist rithöfundur. Einn af lærifeðrum hans í ritlistinni var enginn annar en hinn víðfrægi breski rithöfundur Rudyard Kipling. Eftir Boothby liggur mikill fjöldi spennusagna, sem gerast nær allar í Ástralíu. Guy Boothby lést skyndilega úr lungnabólgu árið 1905 og skildi eftir sig konu, þrjú börn og yfir 50 skáldsögur.
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- 47.99 kr.
47.99 kr. Reginald Sandridge er ungur, enskur maður af aðalsættum. Hann á að erfa frænda sinn, greifann af Weldsham, en atburðarás sem enginn hefði getað séð fyrir gerir það að verkum að greifinn hótar að gera hann svo gott sem arflausan. Ekkjan frú Dartrell virðist vera mjög auðug, en um hana ganga ýmsir orðrómar sem ekki er auðvelt að staðfesta. Hún hefur augastað á Reginald, en er hún öll þar sem hún er séð?Guy Newell Boothby fæddist árið 1867 í Adelaide í Ástralíu. Hann var sonur ástralsks stjórnmálamanns og ferðaðist um Ástralíu þvera og endilanga sem ungur maður, en flutti til Englands eftir að hann gifti sig og gerðist rithöfundur. Einn af lærifeðrum hans í ritlistinni var enginn annar en hinn víðfrægi breski rithöfundur Rudyard Kipling. Eftir Boothby liggur mikill fjöldi spennusagna, sem gerast nær allar í Ástralíu. Guy Boothby lést skyndilega úr lungnabólgu árið 1905 og skildi eftir sig konu, þrjú börn og yfir 50 skáldsögur.
- Ebook
- 47.99 kr.