Books by Joseph Conrad
107.99 kr. Deep dive into this cracking collection of ‘Selected Joseph Conrad’, featuring fantastic tales of love, loss, and adventure on land, sea and in the dark and mysterious jungle.From rip-roaring tales of voyage and strife such as ‘The Mirror of the Sea’, to dazzlingly dramatic sagas of greed and guilt in ‘Almayer’s Folly’ and ‘Heart of Darkness’, you’ll explore a powerfully profound compilation from the master writer of nautical fiction.‘Selected Joseph Conrad’ is the perfect companion for fans of Chinua Achebe's ´Things Fall Apart´.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-British novelist and short story writer known for his psychological and moral insight, as well as his vivid and evocative writing style. Conrad's work has had a lasting influence on literature and has been widely translated and adapted into film and other media. Despite his Polish origins, Conrad wrote in English and is considered a major figure in British literature.
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- 107.99 kr.
From 15.99 kr. Kapitan Charles Marlow wyrusza w rejs po Tamizie wraz z piątką kompanów, którzy podobnie jak on w przeszłości związani byli z morzem. Marlow rozpoczyna swoją opowieść... Jako kapitan małego parowca wpłynął w głąb afrykańskiej dżungli, by przewozić kość słoniową i odkrywać nowe lądy. Były to czasy kolonizacji Afryki przez Europejczyków. Rzeczywistość, jaką kapitan zastał w Kongo była porażająca. Eleganccy dżentelmeni z Europy pod wpływem żądzy zysku i władzy stali się bezwzględnymi oprawcami. W jednej z wiosek Marlow odszukuje handlarza Kurza. Jest przerażony zmianami, które zaszły w jego psychice i charakterze, budząc najokrutniejsze instynkty. Marlow zastanawia się, czy wciąż można nazwać go człowiekiem?W "Jadrze ciemności" Conrad nawiązuje do własnych doświadczeń związanych z kolonializmem, które nabył podczas wizyty w Kongo. Opowiadanie uważane jest za jedno z najważniejszych w literaturze angielskiej. Doczekało się ekranizacji z 1993 roku oraz głośnej adaptacji "Czas apokalipsy" (1979) w reżyserii Francisa Forda Coppoli. Reżyser przeniósł akcję w realia wojny wietnamskiej, obsadzając Martina Sheena, Marlona Brando i Harrisona Forda.Joseph Conrad, właśc. Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski (1857-1924) - angielski pisarz, polskiego pochodzenia. Tworzył w języku angielskim. Jego powieści i opowiadania są oparte na osobistych doświadczeniach. Dominuje w nich problematyka moralno-psychologiczna. Conrad koncentruje się wokół ludzi morza, zmagających się z potęgą żywiołów. Według autora, człowiek nawet w na pozór beznadziejnej sytuacji powinien podejmować próbę walki z losem. Najważniejsze dzieła Conrada to: "Lord Jim", "Jądro ciemności", "Tajfun", "Zwierciadło morza", "Smuga cienia", "Złota strzała".
43.99 kr. Efter 61 dagar till sjöss glider ett fartyg sakta in mot Oceanens Pärla. Den tropiska ön har ett gott rykte om sig. Sockerodlingarna håller högsta kvalitet och invånarna tar sitt levebröd på största allvar. Men för kaptenens del är det framförallt en invånare som måste krusas: herr Jacobus. Namnet på den aktade affärsmannen har varit ständigt närvarande i kaptenens huvud. Kommer han lyckas sluta de avtal som rederiet behöver? När herr Jacobus överraskar med att genast dyka upp på det anlagda fartyget, kommer snart en känsla av att något inte stämmer. Är Jacobus verkligen den store köpman som kaptenen väntat sig?Tur är en spännande berättelse om godtrogenhet, familjefejder och tveksamma affärer, kryddad med ett mått hopplös förälskelse.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) var en polsk-brittisk författare född i nuvarande Ukraina. Han flyttade så småningom till Storbritannien där han levde fram till sin död. Conrad är ansedd som en av den engelskspråkiga skönlitteraturens allra främsta författare och har bl.a. skrivit den välkända boken Mörkrets hjärta.
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- 43.99 kr.
42.99 kr. There is a reason why the sea is so often chosen for the setting of psychological thrillers - there is nowhere to escape to.Joseph Conrad returned to the ocean waves for 'The Shadow Line', which tells the story of a young captain trying to control and lead a ship for the first time - and the struggles that come with it!He is thrown into one crisis after another: provisions running low, his crew fighting malaria, and somebody hiding the medicine. Amid rumours of the previous captain's ghost haunting the ship, Conrad skillfully builds a claustrophobic, cloying atmosphere.Can the young captain hold his nerve and save the ship and the crew?This thrilling book is perfect for fans of 'Moby Dick' by Herman Melville and Ernest Hemingway's 'The Old Man and the Sea'.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in England.His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea. He also wrote the classic novels 'Lord Jim' and 'Nostromo'.Among countless film and TV adaptations of his work were 'Apocalypse Now', a Vietnam War movie based on 'Heart of Darkness', and 'The Secret Agent', starring Bob Hoskins and Patricia Arquette.
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- 42.99 kr.
50.99 kr. Efter över fyrtio år på havet återvänder Jean Peyrol till en liten gård i Toulon i hans hemland Frankrike. Ett land skakat av politisk instabilitet när franska revolutionen lider mot sitt slut och Napoleons makt ökar. Gården, som ägs av den vackra Arlette, blir även hem för löjtnanten Réal – en man på ett uppdrag att bekämpa den engelska flottan i medelhavet. På denna plats möts Peyrol av dilemmat som uppstår när ens personliga och nationella identitets viljor strider mot varandra.Fribytaren handlar om en mans känsla av plikt, stolthet, lojalitet och kärlek – och vilka livsval känslorna leder till.Joseph Conrad (1857–1924) var en författare med polskt ursprung vars verk inspirerades av hans tidigare liv som sjöman. Trots att han inte kunde det engelska språket förrän han var i tjugoårsåldern blev han betraktad som en mästare i engelsk prosa. Fribytaren var Conrads sista roman innan hans död år 1924.
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- 50.99 kr.
96.99 kr. "Racconti dell’inquietudine" raccoglie cinque brevi testi che offrono –al fan di lunga data, così come a chi intenda leggere Conrad per la prima volta – un prontuario dei temi più cari e delle ambientazioni più esotiche dell’avventuroso scrittore polacco. Il motivo del doppio tradimento, quando l’ordine sociale viene sovvertito per l’amore di una donna, accomuna due dei racconti più belli, quelli malesi ("Karain: un ricordo", "La laguna"), mentre "Un avamposto del progresso", ambientato in Congo, echeggia il capolavoro "Cuore di tenebra", riflettendo sull’ipocrisia del colonialismo. Non mancano, infine, due racconti ambientati in Europa, che propongono una versione un po’ inconsueta di Conrad: dalla meditazione sul matrimonio come istituzione ("Il ritorno"), alle suggestioni decadentiste de "Gli idioti", ambientati rispettivamente a Londra e nella Francia rurale.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski (1857-1924) nasce a Berdyčiv in una nobile famiglia polacca. Rimasto orfano a soli undici anni, viene affidato ad uno zio. Nel 1874, nonostante le iniziali diffidenze famigliari, riesce ad imbarcarsi su un brigantino francese diretto in Martinica: è l’inizio di una vita estremamente avventurosa, che lo porterà a visitare l’Estremo Oriente, le Americhe e l’Africa. Nel 1894, finalmente, abbandona la vita di mare, dedicandosi interamente alla scrittura. Firmandosi come Joseph Conrad, quindi, pubblicherà in inglese molti romanzi e racconti di successo – spesso ispirati alla sua vita – fra cui si possono citare "Cuore di tenebra", "La linea d’ombra" e "Nostromo".
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- 96.99 kr.
42.99 kr. In the south of France, an old sailor named Peyrol longs for retirement after 50 years of sailing the seas as a pirate and a sailor. It is here, in an isolated farmhouse that he will try to withdraw from a life that was filled with adventure and blood. The country that he calls home is a foreign land to him as he wrestles with his desire to return to the ocean and his identity as a man. Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution and Napoleon’s rise to power, The Rover is the last book that was completed by Conrad and is a fitting end to a long career.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in England. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 42.99 kr.
24.99 kr. II połowa XIX wieku, fikcyjne państwo Costaguana leżące w Ameryce Środkowej po okresie politycznego chaosu zaczyna się coraz lepiej rozwijać. Szczególny wzrost notuje portowe miasto Sulaco. Na skutek przewrotu wojskowego nowy prezydent zostaje usunięty ze stanowiska, a w mieście wybuchają zamieszki. Tytułowy Nostromo wraz z kompanem próbuje wywieźć w bezpieczne miejsce srebro należące do wpływowego zwolennika prezydenta. Na wodzie dochodzi jednak do wypadku. Nostromo usiłuje dołączyć do wojsk wspierających Sulaco. Ostatecznie miasto uzyskuje niepodległość, jednak pod płaszczykiem stabilizacji wciąż tlą się społeczne konflikty.Joseph Conrad, właśc. Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski (1857-1924) - angielski pisarz, polskiego pochodzenia. Tworzył w języku angielskim. Jego powieści i opowiadania są oparte na osobistych doświadczeniach. Dominuje w nich problematyka moralno-psychologiczna. Conrad koncentruje się wokół ludzi morza, zmagających się z potęgą żywiołów. Według autora, człowiek nawet w na pozór beznadziejnej sytuacji powinien podejmować próbę walki z losem. Najważniejsze dzieła Conrada to: "Lord Jim", "Jądro ciemności", "Tajfun", "Zwierciadło morza", "Smuga cienia", "Złota strzała".
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- 24.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The lure of riches can be too much for some men who will stop at nothing to steal the silver from the fictional land of Costaguanero. Nostromo is the story of one man and his unshakable will to become a better man in the eyes of society and be welcomed into the upper classes.Political instability and corruption drive the port of Sulaco, but the man known as Nostromo is seen as incorruptible in a world of thieves. This novel is seen as one of Conrad’s finest novels as it explores capitalist greed, the lengths that some men will go to get what they want and what can happen in the pursuit of those things that they don’t deserve.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in England. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. 'Romance' is the second piece in a collaborative series by Conrad and Ford, this tale takes the shape of an adventure story. The narrator finds himself entangled in all kinds of tribulations involving pirates, love, lucky breaks and not so lucky ones, and suspenseful confrontations with villains, all leading up to a breathtaking finale.Reminiscent of the adventures in Stevenson’s 'Treasure Island' and its epic landscapes, which was also the inspiration behind the action-packed movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean' starring Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.Joseph Conrad’s work went on to influence world-renowned novelists such as George Orwell, John le Carré and F. Scott Fitzgerald.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in the UK. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A precocious take on the science fiction genre well before it rose to prominence - 'The Inheritors' single-handedly tackles the complex themes of corruption, social matters and traditionalism versus the encroachment of the technological age. Conrad successfully does so while describing the Inheritors as inter-dimensional beings that bear a close resemblance to modern-day terrorists as they aspire to a violent and chaotic takeover of the world.Social and colonial critique is intricately spun into the storyline with particularly potent criticism of humanity's greed and easily corruptible condition.A highly recommended read for those interested in classical novels that proffer a unique and enticing glimpse into the essence of life itself as viewed through a kaleidoscope of various contemporary issues.Joseph Conrad’s work and his compact, realist style went on to influence many noteworthy writers, including George Orwell, John le Carré and F. Scott Fitzgerald.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in the UK. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 42.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Tom MacWhirr vogue avec ardeur sur les mers de Taïwan à bord du Nan-Shan. Mais bientôt, le vent se lève, la pluie s'abat sur l'acier et les hommes, et les eaux secouent le navire tout entier.Si Tom MacWhirr voit le danger d'un typhon dévastateur arriver, son caractère borné le pousse à affronter les éléments et à mettre en danger de mort tout son équipage...Il s'agit là d'un des plus grands romans de la littérature britannique et maritime. Il sera traduite par André Gide lui-même, et accueilli chaleureusement par toute l'Angleterre.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) est un auteur d'origine polonaise qui a quitté la Pologne à l'adolescence pour éviter de s'enrôler dans l'armée russe. Il a appris l'anglais à bord de navires britanniques et a commencé à écrire dans la langue après s'être installé en Angleterre. Son roman le plus célèbre est « Au cœur des ténèbres » (1899), qui s'inspire de ses expériences en haute mer.
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- 58.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Utwór przedstawia losy kapitana, dowódcy parowca Sofala. Henryk Whalley, dobiegając siedemdziesiątki, wspomina koleje swoich losów. Po lepszych latach przyszły trudniejsze. Zmarła żona kapitana, jego córka dokonała złego wyboru matrymonialnego, a on sam stracił majątek. Po latach wracają wspomnienia o najbliższych, dzieciństwie córki i późniejszych kłopotach finansowych.Joseph Conrad, właśc. Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski (1857-1924) - angielski pisarz, polskiego pochodzenia. Tworzył w języku angielskim. Jego powieści i opowiadania są oparte na osobistych doświadczeniach. Dominuje w nich problematyka moralno-psychologiczna. Conrad koncentruje się wokół ludzi morza, zmagających się z potęgą żywiołów. Według autora, człowiek nawet w na pozór beznadziejnej sytuacji powinien podejmować próbę walki z losem. Najważniejsze dzieła Conrada to: "Lord Jim", "Jądro ciemności", "Tajfun", "Zwierciadło morza", "Smuga cienia", "Złota strzała".
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- 40.99 kr.
67.99 kr. 'The Nature of a Crime' is the last collaborative work by Conrad and Ford, but most certainly not the least acclaimed. An insightful examination of human psychology that shines a glaring light on the murkiest depths of the psyche. The novel introduces a serene cast of characters that in reality suffer agonizing turmoil just beneath the surface, inundated by insatiable desires. With death and mortality as recurring themes, the characters pose critical and insightful questions to the meaning of life and free will. A fascinating read for those with philosophical interests.Joseph Conrad’s work and realist style went on to influence many noteworthy writers, including George Orwell, John le Carré and F. Scott Fitzgerald.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in the UK. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. A collection of three long stories, 'Twixt Land and Sea' explores the troubled life of young captains at sea. Mired by dire circumstances and moral dilemmas, Conrad's characters are no longer consoled by the sea, and their psychological suffering is rendered in a memorable way. The most anthologized story in this collection, 'The Secret Sharer', is a perfect example of a Freudian narrative that discusses human weakness and sinfulness. Joseph Conrad's work went on to influence authors like George Orwell, John le Carre and F. Scott Fitzgerald-
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- 67.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Nordspanien 1813: Die Engländer versuchen mit einheimischen Widerstandskämpfern gegen die Franzosen Kontakt aufzunehmen. Ein erster Bote namens Kuba-Tom kehrt von seinem Erkundungsgang nicht zurück. Besorgt macht sich Marineoffizier Byrne auf die Suche nach ihm. Toms Spur führt zu einem Gasthaus mit zwei unheimlichen Wirtinnen...
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- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Der junge Kapitän Marlow fährt mit seinem Flußdampfer für eine Handelsgesellschaft den Kongo herauf, um den mysteriösen Elfenbeinagenten Kurtz zu treffen. Je tiefer er in die Wildnis, in das Herz des Schwarzen Kontinents vordringt, desto mehr gerät die Fahrt zu einem Ausflug ins Unterbewußte. Marlow und Kurz, der idealistisch Gesinnte und sein das Finstere verkörpernder Gegenspieler, zeigen die spannenden Gegensätze menschlichen Handelns.
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- 73.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Die größten Autoren klassischer Abenteuer-Literatur nehmen uns mit auf Reisen.Lassen Sie sich entführen zu fantastischen, spannenden, exotischen Erlebnissen. Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber, Das Wirtshaus der beiden Hexen, Robinsons Freitag, Störtebecker, Winnetou/Der Ölprinz, Wie einstmals Argus, Die Insel der Stimmen, Ein Drama in den Lüften.Autoren: 1001 Nacht, Joseph Conrad, Daniel Defoe, Jack London, Klabund, Karl May, Robert Louis Stevenson und Jules Verne
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- 59.99 kr.
67.99 kr. 'Within the Tides' is a collection of four short stories devoted to a motley crew of sailors scattered across all corners of the globe exchanging tales sharply punctuated by leitmotifs of loyalty and betrayal, staples of Conrad's. Ranging from a sociopath loner who is tempted to join the ranks of the very same society he so ardently shuns, to stories of hypocrisy, disloyalty, unearthed treasure and blood-soaked colonial encounters at the other end of the world, Conrad's collection abounds in trials of character and consciousness, rich and beautiful tapestries of language, psychological rambles and profound moral insights with a tragic twist. If you enjoyed Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow in Disney's 'Pirates of the Caribbean', don't hesitate to start reading 'Within the Tides'."e;Here, then, we have a master of the English language."e; - F.R. Leavis -
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- 67.99 kr.
41.99 kr. Set against a backdrop of the Chilean War of Independence, 'Gaspar Ruiz' is the story of the tumultuous rise and fall of a local peasant turned rebel soldier. An epic tale of remarkable irony and adventure, we follow Ruiz - who possesses an almost Herculean strength - from soldier to prisoner, to fugitive and finally colonel of the Spanish Army. Sardonically, his strength proves invaluable at saving his life multiple times, but is also ultimately the vehicle of his peril.Joseph Conrad's work went on to influence authors like George Orwell, John le Carré and F. Scott Fitzgerald.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in England. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 41.99 kr.
From 92.99 kr. The trading ship Narcissus is sailing towards London, but long the way the ship and its crew pick up a West Indian black sailor, James, who shortly after falls ill. To prevent contamination aboard the ship, James must stay in his cabin.But as minutes turn into hours, and days into weeks, the rest of the crew starts doubting whether James is ill at all. And even if he is, can he be allowed to stay in his room when a violent storm is brewing, and every hand is needed on deck?This book has been said to be Joseph Conrad’s best work of his early period. For fans of ‘The Martian’ and ‘Project Hail Mary’ by Andy Weir.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-British author, considered to be one of the best English novelists. His works included ‘Lord Jim’, ‘Nostromo’, and ‘The Secret Agent’. His most famous novel ‘Heart of Darkness' was inspired by his experiences on the open sea. His many written works have influenced numerous authors and films due to his unique narrative style and prominent anti-hero characters.
41.99 kr. Upon the death of the old captain, a young sailor takes charge of the ship and its crew. The ship must make a delivery but can't depart the port due without an expert tug boat. The new captain befriends Hermann, the captain of a German ship moored nearby. Herman lives aboard with his wife, four children and his niece. Thrown together by shared circumstances they all become very friendly.Unknown to anyone, Falk, the tugboat captain who can get them all out of the bay, is in love with Herman's niece. He becomes jealous of a man he perceives as his competition and sabotages the ships from leaving. The young captain must befriend the bitter and sulking Falk and help him win Herman's niece.But Falk has a dark secret from his own sinister past that he must reveal before he can win the niece's heart and hand in marriage."Falk" is a tale told by a group of mariners swapping seas stories around a dinner table. Like many other Conrad's works, it combines his interest in moral conflict and the dark side of human nature. Fans of other maritime books like "Moby Dick" or "Shōgun" will enjoy this insightful tale.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowsk in Berdychiv, Ukraine. His parents were Polish nobles and patriots who conspired against oppressive Russian rule. He became a naturalized British subject in 1886. Conrad is regarded as one of the greatest novelists, known for works like "Lord Jim," "Heart of Darkness," and "The Secret Agent." Many of his works reflect on his experience as a mariner and addressed profound themes of human nature and existence.
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- 41.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The haunting story of an old captain awaiting the return of his only son, ‘To-morrow’ is a melancholic tale of human psychology, blind hope, and doomed longing. Conrad’s delusional portrayal of Captain Hagbeard, the omnipresence of the sea, and his nod to absurdism render this short story an immensely entertaining read.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He settled in England after learning English aboard British ships. Many of his works were inspired by his own experiences as a merchant seaman, including his most notable novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899). His characteristic vivid descriptions appeal to fans of James Joyce, Jack London, and Charles Bukowski.
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. When a bank collapses, retired sailor Henry Whalley is forced to make the difficult decision to return back to sea. His experiences at sea mirror Conrad’s own as a sea merchant, giving the novella a uniquely autobiographical element. Skillfully crafted characters, masterful descriptions, and real-life events make ‘The End of the Tether’ a vividly emotional read for fans of modern and classic adventure alike.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He settled in Great Britain after learning English aboard British ships. Many of his works were inspired by his own experiences as a merchant seaman, including his most notable novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899). His characteristic vivid descriptions appeal to fans of James Joyce, Jack London, and Charles Bukowski.
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- 42.99 kr.
67.99 kr. The water is crystal clear. The sun is blazing. And there's death on the horizon. Set at the turn of the 20th century, "e;Victory"e; takes place in the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Its tortured hero is Axel Heyst, a loner whose empty life is turned around when he meets the beautiful musician Lena. They fall in love, but there's danger looming. A trio of violent desperadoes are headed to their island, convinced that Heyst has a stash of hidden treasure. A sun-drenched psychological thriller, "e;Victory"e; was one of Conrad's most commercially successful novels. And one that still shimmers with his masterful style and narrative rule-breaking.-
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- 67.99 kr.
40.99 kr. El marinero Charlie Marlow narra una travesía que realizó años atrás por un río tropical, en busca de una persona llamada Kurtz, jefe de una explotación de marfil. Situada en el corazón del continente africano, Marlow es testigo de la situación extrema en que viven los colonos europeos, su brutalidad hacia las comunidades nativas, superando una serie de obstáculos tales como retrasos, enfermedades y ataques de indígenas, hasta alcanzar su destino.Cuando finalmente encuentra a Kurtz, descubre que se trata de un personaje misterioso, el cual es idolatrado por los nativos y además de estar gravemente enfermo, parece haber caído en una locura bestial. Desafortunadamente Kurtz muere en el trayecto hacia el barco con el que lo iban a sacar de la selva y ante sus últimas palabras: «¡El horror! ¡El horror!», el viaje de Marlow se transforma en un descenso a los infiernos...Joseph Conrad escribió esta novela basada en su experiencia en el Congo y por boca de Marlow, siendo una clara crítica al imperialismo occidental y una profunda indagación sobre la locura que cuenta un relato estremecedor con perfección estilística- Así, logra que el lector oiga, sienta, y vea a través de lo escrito. El corazón de las tinieblas es una de las historias más conocidas de Conrad, y en ella se basó Francis Ford Coppola para filmar Apocalypse Now.Joseph Conrad (1857 – 1924) fue un novelista británico de origen polaco, considerado uno de los grandes escritores modernos en lengua inglesa. En sus relatos explora la vulnerabilidad y la inestabilidad moral del ser humano.Sus experiencias personales, tales como su vida en el mar y en puertos extranjeros, fueron el telón de fondo de casi todos sus relatos, sin embargo su obsesión fundamental fue la condición humana y la lucha del individuo entre el bien y el mal.
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- 40.99 kr.
9.95 kr. Лондон, 1886 год. Адольф Верлок управляет небольшим магазином в Сого, над которым он живет в маленькой квартире со своей женой Винни и её умственно отсталым братом Стэви. Чего Винни не знает: Адольф отправляет отчёты об анархистских кругах, в которых он работает, в посольство за хорошую плату. Внезапно Адольфу поручают организовать террористический акт. Он начинает подготовку. Но Скотланд-Ярд вмешивается в его планы. Тайное становится явным. Это лишает влюблённую молодую женщину иллюзий.Джозеф Конрад (1857-1924) – английский писатель с польскими корнями. Настоящее его имя Иосиф Фёдор Корженевский. Родился на Украине, в Англию перебрался в начале 1880-х годов. Как капитан парохода совершил путешествие по реке Конго, впечатления от которого легли в основу повести «Сердце тьмы». Дружил с Гербертом Уэлссом и Джоном Голсуорси. Самые известные его произведения: романы «Лорд Джим», «Глазами запада», «Тайный агент», рассказы «Чёрный штурман», «Анархист», «Душа воина».
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From 67.99 kr. "The Mirror of the Sea" (1906) is a collection of autobiographical essays first published in various magazines between 1904 and 1906.Joseph Conrad lived an exciting and eventful life as a seaman, and as a writer he possessed a unique insight into human psychology, which is clearly reflected in his fictional works as well as in his essays.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in that language after settling in England. His most famous novel is "Heart of Darkness" (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
From 41.99 kr. In this 1901 short story inspired by Ford Maddox Ford’s "The Cinque Ports", Conrad works on the theme of alienation. It centers on a young man, Yanko, the sole survivor of a shipwreck off the coast of Kent. The locals, not knowing that a boat has sunk, shun him as he washes up on their shores. But he is taken in by an eccentric local, and little by little, Yanko learns some English and falls in love with the servant girl, Amy Foster. But he has not come to the end of his troubles yet and the community keeps him at arm’s length, terrified of his very difference. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in that language after settling in England. His most famous novel is "Heart of Darkness" (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
From 79.00 kr. Ombord på skibet Narcissus fra Bombay er der blandt besætningen en sort mand, James Holdt, som er dødeligt syg af tuberkulose. Han tilbringer det meste af overfarten i køjen i en lille separat kahyt, og besætningen er delt i spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt han overhovedet er syg, og om han i så fald har ret til at være det, da en storm næsten sænker skibet.Havets børn er en af verdenslitteraturens store søromaner og et studie i de psykologiske spændinger i det lukkede miljø ombord på et sejlskib.Værket er bearbejdet og tilrettet moderne retskrivning.Joseph Conrad (1857–1924) var en polsk forfatter. I sine 30 år som forfatter nåede han at skrive ikke færre end 19 romaner, et hav af noveller og en håndfuld erindringer og essays. Han regnes som en vigtig foregangsmand for den moderne litteratur, og hans mest indflydelsesrige værk er Heart of Darkness (1902, da. Mørkets hjerte, 1956), som handler om kaptajn Marlows rejse ind i Afrikas jungle og i den menneskelige psyke.