Books by Louisa May Alcott

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  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    ‘A Garland for Girls’ is a collection of stories written by Alcott for her own amusement in a time of "enforced confinement". The collection is a wonderful assortment of hopelessly sweet tales of the everyday lives and troubles of a number of young girls. The girls are discovering who they are, how capable they are and learning some valuable life lessons along the way. It is a collection that exemplifies Alcott’s feminist beliefs, by highlighting the importance of virtue, patience and self-reliance. The collection offers a fantastic and compelling read, perfect for anyone who loved ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘Sense and Sensibility’.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people into literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    38.99 kr.

    ‘A Strange Island’ is Alcott’s take on many Mother Goose characters and tales, Mother Goose being the anonymous poet and writer behind timeless pieces such as ‘Jack and Jill’, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ and ‘Humpty Dumpty’. The tales are perfect for all ages and are jam packed with uplifting anecdotes and soothing moral messages. Alcott incorporates her own characters into these legendary tales to create something wholly new and fantastical, perfect for a quick, joyful nights reading or anyone looking for a trip down memory lane.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people into literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    38.99 kr.

    Originally published under a pseudonym, this tale set in Victorian Britain follows the journey of the simple and sweet governess of the Coventry family, Jean Muir. But all is not as it seems, this sweet governess has a dark secret that might spell the end for the Coventry family. Like a sickness she will worm her way into the hearts of this family, and it will take everything for them not to crumble. It is a tale distinctly unlike anything like Alcott had published before, while still incorporating many larger discussions on social class and the struggle for agency. It is a book that has had a profound impact on feminist literature with its potent plot twists, Gothic imagery and perfectly crafted villain. It is one of Alcott's masterpieces and perfect for anyone who loved 'Jane Eyre'. -

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    Alcott's first published work, 'Flower Fables' was originally written for the daughter of her good friend Ralph Waldo Emerson. The worlds of these wonderful fairy tales are populated with elves, fairies and other wonderful magical creatures, which embody goodness, love and responsibility. They are tales crafted with a profound love and appreciation for the natural world, and represent an earnest attempt to pass that love for nature on to a younger audience. This wonderful collection of fairy tales is perfect for young families looking for a fun read that teaches the importance of love and appreciation for the world around you.-

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    77.99 kr.

    'Work: A Story of Experience' is a semi-autobiographical novel loosely based on Alcott's own life, which explores the social standing of women in the US, in the years around the Civil War. Christie, our heroine, is a single woman who works outside the home doing a number of odd jobs to make ends meet. This story tracks the change in women's work with the dawn of the new industrial age, the meaning of work to women and the tension and dilemmas that came with this work. It is a story of women trying to find their place in the world, in a society that continually hampers their progress. It is a mature story full of insightful and uplifting anecdotes, that gives an excellent window in to Alcott's own life as well. It is a profoundly uplifting read, with a triumphant conclusion that makes perfect reading for any fans of underdog stories.-

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    'Hospital Sketches' is a collection of four sketches based on Alcott's time as a nurse for the Union during the American Civil War. The sketches follow Tribulation Periwinkle a bored city girl who decides against being a teacher, acting or getting married to instead serve on the front nursing the soldiers. It is a sensitive, heart-warming, humorous collection that made Alcott an overnight sensation. The horrors of war contrasted with the human goodness in these dark times make the collection incredibly compelling, creating an intelligent and remarkable insight in to the horrors of the civil war. It is a collection perfect for lovers of short stories and history buffs alike.-

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    'Jack and Jill' is a children's book set in a small New England town after the Civil War, following Jack and Jane, who are so close everybody calls them Jack and Jill, to mimic the old rhyme. One winter day the two suffer terrible injuries in a sledding accident and face a tremendous up-hill battle to recover. As they recover they are learning and growing as people, taking their first steps in to adulthood and leaving their childhood behind. It is an incredibly heart-warming story brimming with kindness and love, but it doesn't shy away from serious topics either, creating a powerful tale that highlights the importance of family and friends. It is a story perfect for family reading on a quiet night in, or anyone who wants to see a new take on the classic children's rhyme.-

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    58.99 kr.

    Un'eredità maledetta e un segreto mai svelato perseguitano la moglie e la figlia di un ricco uomo, morto dopo la visita di un misterioso sconosciuto. Quale orribile notizia può aver portato il visitatore per causare la morte improvvisa dell'uomo? E chi è quel ragazzo che è apparso dal nulla e ha iniziato ad avvicinarsi alla famiglia del defunto?Louisa May Alcott è stata una scrittrice e poetessa americana, nota soprattutto in quanto autrice del romanzo Piccole donne (1868) e dei suoi sequel Piccoli Uomini (1871) e I Ragazzi di Jo (1886). Prima di incontrare il favore della critica negli anni '60 dell'Ottocento era solita utilizzare pseudonimi, il più famoso dei quali era A. M. Barnard. Abolizionista e femminista, Alcott fu una fervente attivista in movimenti di riforma come le suffragette americane, e rimase celibe per tutta la vita.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    40.99 kr.

    Dopo una spedizione in Egitto con il suo collega Professor Niles, Paul Forsyth torna dalla sua fidanzata Evelyn con una misteriosa scatola di semi scarlatti. La avverte che la storia della loro origine la perseguiterà, ma l'ingenua curiosità della ragazza prevale, e Forsyth inizia suo malgrado a raccontare. Non sa che è già troppo tardi e che forze oscure sono all'opera per portare a termine una terribile maledizione.Louisa May Alcott è stata una scrittrice e poetessa americana, nota soprattutto in quanto autrice del romanzo Piccole donne (1868) e dei suoi sequel Piccoli Uomini (1871) e I Ragazzi di Jo (1886). Prima di incontrare il favore della critica negli anni '60 dell'Ottocento era solita utilizzare pseudonimi, il più famoso dei quali era A. M. Barnard. Abolizionista e femminista, Alcott fu una fervente attivista in movimenti di riforma come le suffragette americane, e rimase celibe per tutta la vita.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    111.99 kr.

    Una Alcott come non l'avete ancora mai conosciuta in questi cinque racconti gotici e dell'orrore, dove mistero ed inganno fanno da sfondo alle passioni più scabrose. Attraverso storie di eredità maledette, ville infestate e giochi pericolosi, l'autrice di "Piccole donne" arriva a sondare i luoghi più remoti dell'animo umano, dimostrando la sua maestria nella sua interezza.Louisa May Alcott è stata una scrittrice e poetessa americana, nota soprattutto in quanto autrice del romanzo Piccole donne (1868) e dei suoi sequel Piccoli Uomini (1871) e I Ragazzi di Jo (1886). Prima di incontrare il favore della critica negli anni '60 dell'Ottocento era solita utilizzare pseudonimi, il più famoso dei quali era A. M. Barnard. Abolizionista e femminista, Alcott fu una fervente attivista in movimenti di riforma come le suffragette americane, e rimase celibe per tutta la vita.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    40.99 kr.

    Quando gli ospiti di un ricco pic-nic organizzato per l'alta società si lamentano di essere annoiati, un dottore, anch'egli parte del gruppo, offre a tutti delle caramelle alla cannabis molto forti con la promessa di un divertimento smisurato. In realtà il suo obbiettivo è quello di stordire gli uomini e potersi approfittare delle ragazze presenti, una su tutte la dolce Belle. Tuttavia i giovani rampolli acconsentono subito all'offerta del dottore, entusiasti di provare qualcosa di nuovo e proibito: una decisione che si rivelerà essere fatale, perché quello che è iniziato come uno scherzo altro non è che il gioco più pericoloso a cui i ragazzi abbiano mai partecipato.Louisa May Alcott è stata una scrittrice e poetessa americana, nota soprattutto in quanto autrice del romanzo Piccole donne (1868) e dei suoi sequel Piccoli Uomini (1871) e I Ragazzi di Jo (1886). Prima di incontrare il favore della critica negli anni '60 dell'Ottocento era solita utilizzare pseudonimi, il più famoso dei quali era A. M. Barnard. Abolizionista e femminista, Alcott fu una fervente attivista in movimenti di riforma come le suffragette americane, e rimase celibe per tutta la vita.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    73.99 kr.

    Dal giorno dell'incidente in cui ha salvato suo cugino Jasper, Maurice Treherne ha riportato gravi ferite che lo costringono sulla sedia a rotelle. Accolto nella vecchia villa familiare e trattato con affetto e gratitudine per il suo atto di eroismo, Maurice spera un giorno di conquistare l'amore di sua cugina Octavia, la cui madre però ostacola l'unione, sperando in un matrimonio più favorevole per la figlia. Quando durante le vacanze di Natale la famiglia invita un potenziale pretendente di Octavia, Maurice sembra aver ormai perso ogni speranza, ma le cose avranno un risvolto inaspettato grazie all'apparizione notturna di un fantasma: il vecchio abate che viveva nella villa quando ancora era un'abbazia. In questo romanzo breve, scritto da Louisa May Alcott con lo pseudonimo di A.M. Barnard, le atmosfere natalizie e le presenze magiche di Charles Dickens incontrano gli amori difficili di Jane Austen, dando vita a un piccolo classico natalizio adatto a tutte le età.Louisa May Alcott è stata una scrittrice e poetessa americana, nota soprattutto in quanto autrice del romanzo Piccole donne (1868) e dei suoi sequel Piccoli Uomini (1871) e I Ragazzi di Jo (1886). Prima di incontrare il favore della critica negli anni '60 dell'Ottocento era solita utilizzare pseudonimi, il più famoso dei quali era A. M. Barnard. Abolizionista e femminista, Alcott fu una fervente attivista in movimenti di riforma come le suffragette americane, e rimase celibe per tutta la vita.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    96.99 kr.

    Ambientato in Inghilterra durante l'età vittoriana, questo thriller psicologico ricco di suspense racconta le vicissitudini della ricca famiglia Coventry in seguito all'arrivo di una giovane donna di nome Jean Muir, assunta come istitutrice della sedicenne Bella. Jean si mostra come una ragazza dall'aria ingenua e gentile, ma allo stesso tempo porta con sé un'aura di mistero che attira da subito la curiosità dei giovani rampolli di casa e insospettisce gli osservatori più attenti. Perché in realtà quella di Jean non è nient'altro che una maschera indossata per ingannare i suoi spettatori, e i suoi piani per la famiglia Coventry sono appena iniziati.Louisa May Alcott è stata una scrittrice e poetessa americana, nota soprattutto in quanto autrice del romanzo Piccole donne (1868) e dei suoi sequel Piccoli Uomini (1871) e I Ragazzi di Jo (1886). Prima di incontrare il favore della critica negli anni '60 dell'Ottocento era solita utilizzare pseudonimi, il più famoso dei quali era A. M. Barnard. Abolizionista e femminista, Alcott fu una fervente attivista in movimenti di riforma come le suffragette americane, e rimase celibe per tutta la vita.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    40.99 kr.

    Bohaterki "Małych kobietek" są już dojrzałymi kobietami, a przez trudny, choć fascynujący okres dorastania przechodzą aktualnie ich dzieci i wychowankowie. Kobiety przykładają najwyższą wagę do zapewnienia im dobrego startu w przyszłość i wspierają się wzajemnie w tym trudnym zadaniu. Gromadkę ich podopiecznych tworzą chłopcy i dziewczynki o różnych charakterach, talentach i wrażliwości - każdy nastolatek wymaga indywidualnego podejścia.Na podstawie "Małych kobietek" powstał hit kinowy z Emmą Watson i Timothée Chalamet w rolach głównych. Dostępny na Netflixie!Bohaterki znane z powieści \"Małe kobietki\" dorastają i wchodzą w nowe role społeczne - żon, matek, opiekunek. W kolejnych odsłonach cyklu poznajemy, jak radzą sobie w dorosłym życiu, czym zaowocowały ich młodzieńcze wybory oraz jak upływ czasu oddziałuje na ich charaktery i stosunek do świata.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) - pisarka pochodząca z Concord w stanie Massachusetts, gdzie obecnie znajduje się poświęcone jej muzeum. Prekursorka realistycznej powieści dla młodzieży i dziewcząt oraz amerykańskiej literatury kobiecej. Jej najsłynniejszym utworem są "Małe kobietki", a debiut pt. "Szkice szpitalne" powstał na podstawie doświadczeń autorki, gdy odbywała wolontariat jako pielęgniarka podczas wojny domowej.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    56.99 kr.

    Druga część amerykańskiej powieści obyczajowej „Małe kobietki". Akcja rozpoczyna się kilka lat po wydarzeniach opisanych w inicjującym serię utworze. Małgosia, Ludka, Elżbietka i Amelka dorastają, a dziecięce radości oraz smutki zostają zastąpione wzruszeniami, szczęściem, tragediami i wyzwaniami pojawiającymi się u progu dorosłości. Siostry March, tak bardzo od siebie różne, a równocześnie dzielące wspólne ideały, wciąż pozostają dla siebie nawzajem niezwykle ważne.Na podstawie "Małych kobietek" powstał hit kinowy z Emmą Watson i Timothée Chalamet w rolach głównych. Dostępny na Netflixie!Amerykańska pisarka, autorka powieści dla dziewcząt oraz publikacji kierowanych do kobiet. Uznanie przyniosła jej realistyczna seria książek młodzieżowych, którą otwierają „Małe kobietki". Utwór doczekał kilkakrotnych ekranizacji. Feministka, wegetarianka, pielęgniarka i wolontariuszka w czasie wojny secesyjnej. W Concord, w stanie Massachusetts, gdzie zamieszkiwała, znajduje się muzeum jej imienia.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    32.99 kr.

    Amerykańska powieść obyczajowa, która dała początek popularnej sadze. Tytułowe małe kobietki to siostry March, cztery panny o odmiennych typach urody i różnych temperamentach. Realia historyczne oraz rodzinna historia sióstr nie nastrajają optymistycznie: trwa wojna secesyjna, ojciec pozostaje nieobecny, a sytuacja materialna rodziny zdecydowanie nie należy do najlepszych. Dziewczęta jednak, pod okiem troskliwej matki, starają się poradzić sobie w niełatwych czasach, a młodość i radość sióstr sprawiają, że Małgosia, Ludka, Elżbietka i Amelka potrafią czuć się szczęśliwe.Książka, na podstawie której powstał hit kinowy "Małe kobietki" z Emmą Watson i Timothée Chalamet w rolach głównych. Dostępny na Netflixie!Amerykańska pisarka, autorka powieści dla dziewcząt oraz publikacji kierowanych do kobiet. Uznanie przyniosła jej realistyczna seria książek młodzieżowych, którą otwierają „Małe kobietki". Utwór doczekał kilkakrotnych ekranizacji. Feministka, wegetarianka, pielęgniarka i wolontariuszka w czasie wojny secesyjnej. W Concord, w stanie Massachusetts, gdzie zamieszkiwała, znajduje się muzeum jej imienia.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    The second volume in Alcott’s fantastic ‘Lulu’s Library’ trilogy continues right where the famed author left off, with more fantastical, magical and inspiring children’s tales. Picturesque, gorgeous and luscious in its description these tales pack a strong moral message as well, engendering a love for family, friends and nature. A standout tale from the collection is ‘The Frost King and How the Faeries Conquered Him’, about a fearless princess who must face the evil king to save her lands. It is a warm and vibrant collection, full of wonderful heroes and heroines in colourful splendid worlds, that make this collection perfect for some bedtime reading for children of any age.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    Saoirse Ronan’s Jo is an instant cult classic after her portrayal in the Academy award winning ‘Little Women’. I mean, who isn’t in love with everything Greta Gerwig touches? Well, much like finding out there’s an extra Harry Potter you haven’t read, the Little Women saga continues. Our following of Jo, literature’s favourite feminist rebel, concludes with ‘Jo’s Boys’.Ten years after ‘Little Men’, Jo’s Boys are making their way in the world, and always returning back to their loving Jo and her husband, Professor Bhaer, at their school Plumfield. Led by our favourite girls, the boys must navigate struggles, love and find their place in the world. Drama, sailors, doctors, another fierce tomboy to fall for, and even murder, make this another classic by Alcott.As always, women’s rights, modern thinking and so many questioning morals feature as we follow each character on their journey. What is quite sure is, you may come to catch glimpses of your favourite characters, but you’ll leave enamoured by new onesLouisa May Alcott (1832-1888) discovered writing at an early age, where she often thought up stories about villains, ghosts, or damsels in distress. Driven by economic misfortunes, she worked several jobs but later chose writing as her sole purpose. She was a devout feminist and did not marry throughout her life. Her most famous works include the novel "Little Women", its sequel "Little Men", as well as "Good Wives" and "An Old-Fashioned Girl". Her masterpiece "Little Women" was made into a highly successful 2019 movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    ‘Cupid and Chow-chow’ is an adorable tale of a rosy, sweet boy named Cupid and his mischievous cousin Chow-Chow who he waits on hand and foot. As with much of Alcott’s work, there is a subliminal social and moral discussion at play. At some levels it's a discussion on women’s roles, the ongoing suffragette movement and the traditional role of femininity in society. It remains subtle however and does not overshadow the simply adorable tale presented to the reader. It represents excellent reading for readers of all ages, particularly those interested in the early feminist and suffragette movements.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    What do you do as soon as you’ve seen Greta’s ‘Little Women’? Read the whole of Alcott’s back catalogue, of course! This collection of short stories is a compulsory read. Although not as fiery as the Jo and Amy fiasco, or Jo and Teddy or Jo and...well, anyone really these girls are a colourful bunch. Exploring just what women and girls can do with just a little nudge, these have a classic Alcott feel. Funny, realistic and sometimes strongly moralistic, but always warm and beautifully written.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) discovered writing at an early age, where she often thought up stories about villains, ghosts, or damsels in distress. Driven by economic misfortunes, she worked several jobs but later chose writing as her sole purpose. She was a devout feminist and did not marry throughout her life. Her most famous works include the novel "Little Women", its sequel "Little Men", as well as "Good Wives" and "An Old-Fashioned Girl". Her masterpiece "Little Women" was made into a highly successful 2019 movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    ‘Lulu’s Library’ is a collection of over thirty children’s short stories, originally told to Alcott’s niece as bedtime stories. Throughout the collection, the sweet and loving abound, each tale is lovingly wrapped in intelligent anecdotes and beautiful description to create fantastical stories that amaze but also teach. Some of the most notable stories are; "Recollections of My Childhood", "The Silver Party", and "The Little Red Purse". This collection is great reading for children of any age, and perfect for some bedtime reading from Mum and Dad.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    The first entry in Alcott’s wonderful ‘Lulu’s Library’ trilogy gets the series off to a flying start, packed with wonderful fairy tales, fantastical worlds and amazing heroes and heroines. As is the case with much of Alcott’s work, profound moral lessons are weaved in to the fabric of her stories and this collection is no different. ‘A Christmas Dream’ focuses heavily on teaching children to look out for those less fortunate in society, where others such as ‘Skipping Shoes’ focus on the importance of telling the truth and doing the right thing. The moral lesson is never in your face however, they are merely a byproduct of wonderfully crafted, beautiful stories. This collection is perfect for some bed time reading, or anyone looking for a more kid friendly version of the ‘Brothers Grimm’ fairy tales.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    Three sisters go on a road trip through Europe, leaving behind the men in their lives as well as any social limitations and the female behaviour expected of them in the US. Semi-autobiographical in nature, the adventures of Amanda, Matilda and Lavinia are based on Alcott’s travels with her own sister. The title of the novel comes from their shawl backpacks which is the only thing they bring with them on their trip. The tale is full of excellent dialogue, character reflection and beautiful description of the places they visit, while constantly drawing parallels between European and American life. This novel really drives home the very different lives women of the period lived, creating a compelling and fascinating book suitable for any reader.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    42.99 kr.

    ‘Jimmy's Cruise in the Pinafore’ is another short story from famed American author Louisa May Alcott, that follows the young, kind hearted Jimmy through his difficult adolescence. The parallels between young Jimmy and Alcott in her own youth are profound, with twelve year old Jimmy having to work multiple menial jobs to make ends meet for his family and make up for his absent father. It is a tale celebrating the human spirit, its resilience in the face of overwhelming odds and the importance of family, with a healthy dose of adventure. Jimmy’s beautiful spirit and unflinching soul makes this book a beautiful read full of valuable lessons for readers of all ages, as well as anyone who loved ‘Oliver Twist’.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    45.99 kr.

    Kolejna część cyklu Louisy May Alcott, serii zapoczątkowanej powieścią „Małe kobietki". Fabuła przedstawia pół roku z życia uczniów ze szkoły w Plumfield, placówki prowadzonej przez małżeństwo Bhaerów. Pani Bhaer to niegdysiejsza zwariowana Ludka, druga z czterech sióstr March. Założyciele szkoły starają się, aby ich podopieczni kształcili się w atmosferze życzliwości, przyjaźni i w przekonaniu, że zawsze można liczyć na pomoc drugiego człowieka.Na podstawie "Małych kobietek" powstał hit kinowy z Emmą Watson i Timothée Chalamet w rolach głównych. Dostępny na Netflixie!Amerykańska pisarka, autorka powieści dla dziewcząt oraz publikacji kierowanych do kobiet. Uznanie przyniosła jej realistyczna seria książek młodzieżowych, którą otwierają „Małe kobietki". Utwór doczekał kilkakrotnych ekranizacji. Feministka, wegetarianka, pielęgniarka i wolontariuszka w czasie wojny secesyjnej. W Concord, w stanie Massachusetts, gdzie zamieszkiwała, znajduje się muzeum jej imienia.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    From the author of ‘Little Women’, this Christmas story follows the young Maurice Treherne, who has recently become crippled after saving his friend Jasper’s life. Falsely accused of fraud and suddenly disinherited of the wealth promised to him by Jasper’s family, Maurice finds himself in a thrilling mystery plot. All the while, Maurice is in love with Jasper’s sister, Octavia, whose mother tries everything to keep them apart.‘The Abbot’s Ghost’ is one of Louisa May Alcott’s hidden gems, full of heart-warming moments, scandals, and perhaps even a real ghost...Louise May Alcott was an American writer who is most famous for her novel 'Little Women' (1868). Her heartwarming and heartbreaking stories typically follow young girls on their journeys to becoming young women. 'Little Women' was recently adapted into film for the seventh time in 2019, starring Saorise Ronan and Timothée Chalamet.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    Whether your Thanksgiving is more sweatpants on the couch or turkey with all the trimmings, everyone loves a good tradition. From competitive yearly football matches (hello, Monica and Ross) to family arguments (again, hello, Monica and Ross) to repeating movies - or books.Louisa May Alcott’s "An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving" is like a warming cup of cocoa for the soul. In this holiday treat we follow a family preparing for their own Thanksgiving. There is of course, drama, spirited arguments and narrowly missed arguments, but at the end of it all a spectacular turkey with all the trimmings is ready and waiting. A heartwarming treat to get you into the holiday spirit.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) discovered writing at an early age, where she often thought up stories about villains, ghosts, or damsels in distress. Driven by economic misfortunes, she worked several jobs but later chose writing as her sole purpose. She was a devout feminist and did not marry throughout her life. Her most famous works include the novel "Little Women", its sequel "Little Men", as well as "Good Wives" and "An Old-Fashioned Girl". Her masterpiece "Little Women" was made into a highly successful 2019 movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    A missing cake-that's how it all starts. It's stolen from Bab and Betty's tea party, and they soon discover the culprit: a lovable poodle named Sancho. His owner is a boy called Ben, who's run away from the circus. The girls' mother takes them in, and gives Ben a job helping get an old house ready for its grand re-opening."e;Under the Lilacs"e; follows Betty, Bab, and Ben's innocent adventures around the house and the surrounding idyllic countryside. Just like Alcott's classic "e;Little Women"e;, it's a coming-of-age tale where kindness and generosity are key. -

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    102.99 kr.

    Instead of Instagram-ing her grand tour of Europe, Louisa May Alcott wrote this collection of short stories inspired by it. Whilst not directly about 'Little Women' (boo) the stories switch from fiction to personal accounts, including how she created the characters of some of our favourite boys and girls. The Alcott speciality of teaching through story still features with lessons peppered throughout on love, obedience and trust. Whether you're a fan of Little Women or not, there is a story in here that will resonate with you. A charming collection of short stories by Louisa May Alcott, queen of morality, teaching and kindness. -

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    67.99 kr.

    "e;Little Men"e; recounts the life of Jo: the second and most temperamental of the March sisters, known from "e;Little Women"e; and "e;Good Wives"e;.Now a married woman with two sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the informal school at Plumfield, she couldn't be happier. Together with its sequel "e;Jo's Boys"e;, the "e;March Family"e; tetralogy has been one of the most widely read in the world. It has inspired numerous adaptations including a 2019 movie starring Emma Watson with six Academy Award nominations.-