Books by Mary Shelley

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  • by Mary Shelley
    22.99 kr.

    Victor Frankenstein, traverse par une ambition scientifique demesuree, assemble dans son laboratoire des morceaux de plusieurs cadavres afin de donner vie a une creature. Horrifie par sa creation hideuse et surhumaine, il prend la fuite. La creature sans nom livree a elle meme s'echappe alors du laboratoire et commence a tuer des innocents. Jusqu'a ce que, un jour, Frankenstein decide de la traquer...Veritable chef-d'A uvre de la litterature mondiale, et un incontournable du genre gothique, la legende de Frankenstein constitue l'ouvrage iconique de Marie Shelley. Elle puisa son inspiration lors d'un voyage en Suisse aux cotes de Percy Shelley, et leur ami Lord Byron, dans un chateau un soir d'orage. Ce dernier proposa que chacun ecrive une histoire d'epouvante. A seulement dix-neuf ans, Marie Shelley, redigea l'A uvre la plus aboutie et effrayante de toutes : Frankenstein ou le Promethee moderne A la fois gothique, epistolaire, horrifique et philosophique, l'A uvre de Mary Shelley fait aujourd'hui partie des textes precurseurs de la science-fiction. Parmi les innombrables adaptations cinematographique, la plus recente est Victor Frankenstein avec James McAvoy et Daniel Radcliffe.-

  • by Mary Shelley
    36.99 kr.

    Relata la historia de un hombre llamado Winzy, quien bebe un misterioso brebaje preparado por su mentor, Cornelio Agrippa. Se trata de un elixir de la inmortalidad, la fuente de la vida eterna, fabricado a partir de la alquimia.Al principio, Winzy se siente atraído con la idea de la inmortalidad. con la promesa de una eterna sabiduría y paz. Sin embargo, esa promesa se transforma rápidamente en una maldición y Winzy queda condenado a una eterna tortura psicológica...Mary Shelley (1797–1851) es una de las escritoras más importantes e influyentes de la literatura británica del siglo XIX. Es considerada una de las principales figuras del romanticismo, por sus logros literarios y por su importancia política como mujer y militante liberal, y como la pionera de la ciencia ficción. Reconocida sobretodo por su relato de terror, Frankenstein, y por sus novelas El último hombre y Perkun Warbeck.

  • by Mary Shelley
    42.99 kr.

    Winzy is a young man who is desperately in love with a girl named Bertha. He is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her, even to reluctantly accept an employment offer by the alchemist Cornelius Agrippa. Unfortunately Bertha leaves Winzy for another man and Winzy’s despair leads him to drinking an elixir which Agrippa has been working on. Winzy hopes that the elixir will cure him from love. But it does more than that. The next day Bertha is still true to Winzy and he has been rejuvenated and is happy. Unfortunately for him, the story doesn't not end and Winzy still has to discover what he has actually drunk.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Mary Shelley was a British writer who lived in the period 1797-1851. She wrote many short stories and novels, which had some autobiographical, gothic, horror and science-fiction motives. She gained wide popularity with her "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" which was published in 1818, a period of Mary Shelley’s life which she described as the time she "first stepped out from childhood into life". The work itself is not an ordinary gothic novel but one with philosophical motives as well. Some of her other works that are still widely read today are "The Last Man", a story about the future destruction of the human race, "History of a Six Weeks' Tour", a travelogue describing her and her husband’s journeys and "Mathilda", a novel depicting the relationship between a father and his daughter.

  • by Mary Shelley
    66.99 kr.

    Guido il Cortese is a young man who inherits a fortune from his father. He is about to marry Juliet, the daughter of one of his father’s friends. Before the wedding was to take place, Guido decided to travel to Paris, where he squandered away his family fortune. No longer able to marry Juliet, he is banished from his hometown of Genoa but he is determined to get his revenge. One day, he sees a strange creature floating to shore. The creature looks disgusting but it offers Guido a deal – wealth in exchange for Guido’s body. It sounds ridiculous but Guido agrees. Find out what followed in Mary Shelley’s "Transformation".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Mary Shelley was a British writer who lived in the period 1797-1851. She wrote many short stories and novels, which had some autobiographical, gothic, horror and science-fiction motives. She gained wide popularity with her "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" which was published in 1818, a period of Mary Shelley’s life which she described as the time she "first stepped out from childhood into life". The work itself is not an ordinary gothic novel but one with philosophical motives as well. Some of her other works that are still widely read today are "The Last Man", a story about the future destruction of the human race, "History of a Six Weeks' Tour", a travelogue describing her and her husband’s journeys and "Mathilda", a novel depicting the relationship between a father and his daughter.

  • by Mary Shelley
    102.99 kr.

    Victor Frankenstein is a young scientist who artificially creates a human being. His expectations are however far from reality as is Creation is so monstrous that it cannot fit into human society. This leads to dreadful consequences as the monster decides to take it revenge his creator. Will Frankenstein manage to control his creature or will he loose everything?"Frankenstein" is Mary Shelley’s best-selling work and is a vivid combination of genres with gothic, philosophical and early science-fiction elements.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Mary Shelley was a British writer who lived in the period 1797-1851. She wrote many short stories and novels, which had some autobiographical, gothic, horror and science-fiction motives. She gained wide popularity with her "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" which was published in 1818, a period of Mary Shelley’s life which she described as the time she "first stepped out from childhood into life". The work itself is not an ordinary gothic novel but one with philosophical motives as well. Some of her other works that are still widely read today are "The Last Man", a story about the future destruction of the human race, "History of a Six Weeks' Tour", a travelogue describing her and her husband’s journeys and "Mathilda", a novel depicting the relationship between a father and his daughter.

  • by Mary Shelley
    From 43.99 kr.

    Determined to make his mark on Science, young student Victor Frankenstein fabricates a creature out of old body parts. His dreams are crushed, however, when he realizes he has created a monster. He runs to the streets, horrified, but when he returns the monster is gone. In time, their paths will cross again, at the price of several innocent lives. Mary Shelley famously started writing ‘Frankenstein’ (1818) for a contest when she was on a rainy holiday with other writers in Lord Byron’s villa in Switzerland. Two years later at the age of 20 she had it published. Since the novel's publication, the name "Frankenstein" has often mistakenly been used to refer to the monster itself, who is, in fact, nameless.Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was an English author, best known for her classic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). She got the idea for the novel at the age of eighteen when she was on holiday in Switzerland with Lord Byron and John William Polidori.

  • by Mary Shelley
    From 42.99 kr.

    On her deathbed, Mathilda writes a letter to her only friend, revealing the dark secret of her past, a secret so shameful, she can only manage it now because her time is running out. Written between 1819 and 1820, author Mary Shelley unfortunately never saw this novella published. Though he enjoyed the writing, her father, William Godwin, refused to return the manuscript to her after she asked him to get it published in England, because he found the theme "disgusting and detestable". The world was, therefore, deprived of this beautifully written story about love and despair until 1959.Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was an English author, best known for her classic novel `Frankenstein‘ (1818). She got the idea for the novel at the age of eighteen when she was on holiday in Switzerland with Lord Byron and John William Polidori.

  • by Mary Shelley
    41.99 kr.

    Constance de Villeneuve is a young woman with a heartbreaking problem. She is in love with a man called Gaspar De Vaudemont, but Constance’s and Gaspar’s fathers were mortal enemies. As Constance doesn’t know what to do, she decides to ask help from Saint Catherine. But asking help from the saint almost turns out to be deathly for Constance...‘The Dream’ is a gothic short story by Mary Shelley.Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English writer. She is best known for her gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’. The first edition of ‘Frankenstein’ was published when Shelley was only 20 years old. Shelley didn’t attend school, but was educated by her father and a governess. Both of her parents, William Goldwin and Mary Wollenstonecraft, were notable thinkers of their time.

  • by Mary Shelley
    73.99 kr.

    Die weltbekannte Geschichte eines Experiments, das aus dem Ruder lauft und Tod und Schaden anrichtet: Der junge Schweizer Viktor Frankenstein erschafft an der Universitat Ingolstadt einen kunstlichen Menschen. Als dieser jedoch viel hasslicher und furchteinfloender ist, als gedacht, flieht Viktor vor ihm und das Wesen entkommt. Doch es dauert nicht lange, bis der erste Todesfall in seiner Familie eintritt, und er bleibt nicht der letzte...-

  • by Mary Shelley
    From 79.00 kr.

    I sorg over sin mors død begraver den unge videnskabsmand Victor Frankenstein sig i et vanvittigt eksperiment og stykker et væsen sammen af kropsdele fra lig. Ved hjælp af lyn i natten gnistrer han liv i skabningen, men da han ser den åbne sine døde øjne, flygter han i rædsel, og det forladte væsen er overladt til sig selv, mens det vandrer rundt i verden i en desperat søgen efter venskab og forståelse. Overalt møder det afsky og frygt, og verdens afvisninger og dets egen ensomhed ender med at gøre dets indre lige så ondt og ækelt som dets ydre."Frankenstein" er ikke bare en gruopvækkende og hjemsøgende gyser. Det er også historien om et væsen, der fødes med potentiale for det gode, men som en uforstående verden forvandler til et hævngerrigt monster, og om et skæbnesvangert bånd mellem skaber og skabning, som ingen af dem formår at bryde.Den engelske forfatter Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) er bedst kendt for sin roman "Frankenstein" og sit ægteskab med den store romantiske digter Percy Bysshe Shelley, som hun stak af med som 16-årig og levede sammen med frem til hans tragiske død i 1822. Mary Shelley var kun 20 år, da Frankenstein udkom anonymt, og mange antog, at det var hendes mand, der var den egentlige forfatter. Selvom Mary Shelley fortsatte med at skrive gennem hele sit liv, nåede ingen af hendes værker samme succes som "Frankenstein", og efter Shelleys død ernærede hun sig hovedsageligt ved at udgive hans efterladte værker.

  • by Mary Shelley
    40.99 kr.

    En un enorme y fortificado castillo, construido en una empinada escarpa dominando el Loira, no lejos de la ciudad de Nantes, moraba la última de su raza y heredera de su fortuna, la joven y hermosa condesa de Villeneuve. El año anterior lo había pasado en completa soledad en su apartada mansión; y el luto que llevaba por su padre y dos hermanos, víctimas de las guerras civiles, era una gentil y buena razón para no aparecer en la corte, y mezclarse en sus festejos. Pero la huérfana Condesa había heredado un título de alcurnia y extensas tierras; y pronto comprendió que el Rey, su guardián, deseaba que ella otorgara ambos, junto con su mano, a algún noble cuyo nacimiento y talentos personales le dieran derecho a la dote. Constanza, como respuesta, expresó su intención de profesar votos y retirarse a un convento. El Rey se lo prohibió seria y resueltamente, creyendo que semejante idea era el resultado de la sensibilidad sobreexcitada por la pena, y confiando en la esperanza de que, después de un tiempo, el genial espíritu de la juventud despejaría esta nube.Mary Shelley (1797 – 1851) es una de las escritoras más importantes e influyentes de la literatura británica del siglo XIX. Es considerada una de las principales figuras del romanticismo, por sus logros literarios y por su importancia política como mujer y militante liberal, y como la pionera de la ciencia ficción. Reconocida sobretodo por su relato de terror, Frankenstein, y por sus novelas El último hombre y Perkun Warbeck.

  • by Mary Shelley
    40.99 kr.

    Después de conseguir el permiso de la priora para salir unas horas, Angeline, interna en el convento de Santa Anna, en la pequeña ciudad lombarda de Este, se puso en camino para hacer una visita. Angeline llevaba muchos meses sin abandonar los muros del convento, por lo que se sintió un tanto atemorizada cuando se vio sola en el camino aunque conocía perfectamente cada palmo del mismo. La condesa de Moncenigo había muerto al dar a luz su segundo hijo y, desde entonces, la madre de Angeline había residido en la villa, por lo que ella se había criado recorriendo aquellos caminos y vericuetos.Mary Shelley (1797 – 1851) es una de las escritoras más importantes e influyentes de la literatura británica del siglo XIX. Es considerada una de las principales figuras del romanticismo, por sus logros literarios y por su importancia política como mujer y militante liberal, y como la pionera de la ciencia ficción. Reconocida sobretodo por su relato de terror, Frankenstein, y por sus novelas El último hombre y Perkun Warbeck.

  • by Mary Shelley
    69.99 kr.

    - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral."¡Despiadado creador! Me has dado sentimientos y pasiones, pero me has abandonado al desprecio y al asco de la humanidad."La historia del joven científico Victor Frankenstein y su "demoníaca criatura" propicia un extraordinario relato de terror y aborda temas fundamentales de la naturaleza humana vigentes en la sociedad actual. El monstruo, compuesto por trozos de cadáveres cosidos, ante el profundo rechazo que recibe tanto de su creador como de la sociedad, se siente desdichado, se rebela y mantiene al lector cautivo al suspenso por los hechos tétricos que provienen. Esta novela es una alegoría de la perversión que puede traer el desarrollo científico y un reflejo del miedo a lo desconocido que deviene en un sentimiento de horror y desagrado profundo.Considerada como la primera historia moderna de ciencia ficción y una magnífica novela de terror gótico, esta obra es símbolo del horror de lo inhumano. Fue escrita durante la revolución industrial, época en la que no sólo se transforma la naturaleza y la sociedad, sino que también la mentalidad y la lengua de los hombres, y donde nació el miedo hacia el propio ser humano y a los desconocidos avances tecnológicos. Entre las múltiples adaptaciones al cine, se destaca la película de Kenneth Branagh con la actuación de Robert de Niro, y la película de Paul McGuigan (2015) con la actuación de Daniel Radcliffe.Mary Shelley (1797 – 1851) es una de las escritoras más importantes e influyentes de la literatura británica del siglo XIX. Es considerada una de las principales figuras del romanticismo, por sus logros literarios y por su importancia política como mujer y militante liberal, y como la pionera de la ciencia ficción. Reconocida sobretodo por su relato de terror, Frankenstein, y por sus novelas El último hombre y Perkun Warbeck.

  • by Mary Shelley
    70.49 kr.

    In 1816, when Mary Shelley was only nineteen, she began her famous novel about the young scientist, Victor Frankenstein, and his discovery of the secret of life. After two years of struggle, Frankenstein completes his work in a dreary November-night. When the creature opens his eyes and breathes for the first time, Frankenstein is horrified at what he has done. Slowly the monster learns why his creator has abandoned him, and he decides to take revenge on Frankenstein.