Books by Philip K. Dick

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  • by Philip K. Dick
    78.99 kr.

    ”Ubik” er en kultklassiker inden for science fiction-litteraturen. I 2009 blev titlen udråbt af Time Magazine som en af de 100 bedste bøger, der er udkommet siden 1923.I en ikke så fjern fremtid har menneskene lært at bruge clairvoyance til industrispionage. Samtidig har man udviklet en teknologi, der kan få afdøde mennesker til at eksistere videre i en form for dvale, som de kan vækkes af, når behovet opstår. På den måde er den afdøde Ella Runciter med til at drive firmaet Runciter Associates sammen med sin mand, Glen. Firmaet modvirker de clairvoyantes spionage for dem, der ønsker at bevare deres hemmeligheder. Da firmaet bliver angrebet af en konkurrent, ender Glen selv i en semibevidst dvale, og langsomt begynder virkeligheden at tage en ny form for de overlevende i firmaet. Tiden lader til at gå baglæns, og de bevæger sig længere og længere tilbage mod en tid, hvor der var mangel på fødevarer, mens teknologien bliver stadig mere primitiv.”Ubik” udkom første gang i 1969. Handlingen foregår i 1992.Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) var en amerikansk science fiction-forfatter, hvis romaner har haft en enorm indflydelse på science fiction-genren både inden for film og litteratur. Han skrev omkring 120 noveller og over 40 romaner, hvoraf den nok mest kendte er ”Drømmer androider om elektriske får?”, som senere blev til filmen ”Blade Runner”.

  • by Philip K. Dick
    67.99 kr.

    Conger is in jail and given an opportunity to get out on one condition: he must go back in time and kill a man whose impact changed the world for centuries to come. He receives a skull, which he can use to identify the man when he gets to a different time. Yet upon arriving, he soon discovers that the task will have far more serious consequences than he had ever imagined.The science fiction short story "The Skull" by Philip K. Dick was first published in 1952 and has been republished several times since. Hear the classic as read by B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) was a prolific and influential American writer who worked in the genre of science fiction. His works carry themes such as alternate realities, authoritarian governments and human nature. Dick won several awards, including a Hugo Award for Best Novel for his novel "The Man in the High Castle" (1962). His works have become part of popular culture, including the cult film "Blade Runner" (1982), which is based on Dick’s novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (1968).

  • by Philip K. Dick
    67.99 kr.

    B.J. Harrison reads a science fiction classic by Philip K. Dick. In a post-nuclear world, self-replicating robots are on the loose and thinking independently. Although originally designed to kill Soviet agents, the robots can no longer be trusted. The science fiction story "The Second Variety" from the mid-20th-century examines a world where nuclear war has left behind little of the world known to us and survival becomes increasingly difficult. The story was a finalist for the 1954 Retro-Hugo Award for Best Novelette and was turned into the science fiction horror film "Screamers" (1995).B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) was a prolific and influential American writer who worked in the genre of science fiction. His works carry themes such as alternate realities, authoritarian governments and human nature. Dick won several awards, including a Hugo Award for Best Novel for his novel "The Man in the High Castle" (1962). His works have become part of popular culture, including the cult film "Blade Runner" (1982), which is based on Dick’s novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (1968).

  • by Philip K. Dick
    66.99 kr.

    Ed Loyce is a store owner who is faced with a strange sight: someone is hanging from a lamppost. Furthermore, alien insects have taken over yet no one seems to consider things to be out of the ordinary. Ed goes to the police to sort things out and to find out what is going on, only to be thoroughly surprised.The science fiction short story "The Hanging Stranger" by Philip K. Dick from 1953 was adapted into an episode for the television series "Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams". The story is read by the versatile B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) was a prolific and influential American writer who worked in the genre of science fiction. His works carry themes such as alternate realities, authoritarian governments and human nature. Dick won several awards, including a Hugo Award for Best Novel for his novel "The Man in the High Castle" (1962). His works have become part of popular culture, including the cult film "Blade Runner" (1982), which is based on Dick’s novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (1968).

  • by Philip K. Dick
    From 79.00 kr.

    Bogen bag filmen Blade Runner.En altødelæggende krig har efterladt jorden gold og affolket. Blandt de få resterende mennesker er dusørjægeren Rick Deckard, der bevæger sig igennem ruinerne på jagt efter bordløbne androider. Som de andre overlevende mennesker, befinder han sig i en stadig eskalerende konflikt med de robotter, menneskeligheden selv har skabt. For hvor skal grænsen trækkes mellem det kunstige og det menneskelige?Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? er den amerikanske forfatter Philip K. Dicks science fiction-mesterværk fra 1968. En deformeret men krystalklar afspejling af angsten for de gennemgribende teknologiske og politiske forandringer, der skete i USA i 1950´erne og frem. Dick vender i sine noveller vrangen ud på den amerikanske hverdag og giver sine karakterer et ubehageligt klart syn på det absurde i tingenes tilstand. Tid og virkelighed pilles fra hinanden i alternative universer og efterlader mennesket på bar bund med et totalt fravær af faste holdepunkter samt intet andet at ty til end paranoia.Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep er romanen bag Ridley Scotts klassiske sci fi Blade Runner fra 1982 med Harrison Ford i hovedrollen. Med Filmatiseringen fik verden øjnene op for Philip K. Dick. Han blev med et slag international kultforfatter. Desværre nåede han aldrig selv at opleve succesen, men døde få uger før Blade Runner ramte biograferne og introducerede hans arbejde for et bredere publikum.