Books by Robert Louis Stevenson

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  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 37.99 kr.

    "Aprendí a reconocer la completa y primitiva dualidad del hombre; Me di cuenta de que, de las dos naturalezas que luchaban en el campo de batalla de mi conciencia, aun cuando podía decirse con razón que yo era cualquiera de las dos, ello se debía únicamente a que era radicalmente ambas." Con el objetivo de desvelar un misterio, la novela presenta una sucesión de testimonios provenientes de diferentes testigos situados en el corazón de un Londres victoriano. El misterio gira en torno a la dualidad de la vida humana, donde los personajes Jekyll y Hyde son como una entidad disociada en dos, reflejo de una personalidad escindida. Ante la creación de una poción capaz de transformar a una persona en un maléfico criminal, Jekyll y Hyde representan cómo en un ser humano siempre están el bien y el mal. Considerada como un clásico de la literatura universal, esta novela se convirtió en una pieza fundamental de la cultura occidental centrada en el conflicto moral entre el bien y el mal. Cuenta con miles de representaciones teatrales y adaptaciones cinematográficas, así como innumerables referencias en la cultura popular.- Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894), fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés y uno de los exponente de la llamada novela-narración y del romance. Debido a una enfermedad en sus pulmones, viajó a múltiples destinos lo largo de su vida en búsqueda de climas cálidos. La alegoría moral del bien y el mal está presente en sus obras que desencadena relatos de misterio y aventura. Entre sus obras mas reconocidas se destacan: La isla del tesoro, La flecha negra y, Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 55.99 kr.

    - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Un misterioso marino con una pata de palo se esconce en la posada Almirante Benbow y se hace llamar capitán. Cuando Jim Hawkins, el hijo del dueño de la posada, abre el cofre del capitan y se apodera del mapa de una isla desierta donde se esconde un legendario tesoro, nada volverá a ser igual. Jim, Squire Trelawney y el doctor Livesey se embarcan junto al capitán Smollet en la Hispaniola a la más fascinante aventura de todos los tiempos. Pronto, los aventureros descubren que la tripulación está formada por villanos a las órdenes de John Silver, cocinero y pirata a bordo, quien también codicia el tesoro... Súmate a las aventuras y peripecias de la Hispaniola y descubre la legendaria Isla del Tesoro.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894), fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés y uno de los exponentes de la llamada novela-narración y del romance. Debido a una enfermedad en sus pulmones, viajó a múltiples destinos a lo largo de su vida en búsqueda de climas cálidos. La alegoría moral del bien y el mal está presente en sus obras que desencadena relatos de misterio y aventura.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 55.99 kr.

    - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.La historia transcurre a mediados del siglo XV durante los primeros años de la Guerra de las Dos Rosas, guerra civil en la que se enfrentaron la Casa de Lancaster (rosa roja) y la Casa de York (rosa blanca) por el trono de Inglaterra.La novela narra las aventuras del joven Richard Shelton, aspirante a caballero y pupilo de Sir Daniel Brackley, señor de Tunstall. Tras haber perdido a su padre en extrañas circunstancias, el joven sirve a las órdenes de Sir Daniel y recorre la agreste región con los mensajes de su señor. Así conoce a la hermandad de proscritos de la Flecha Negra que atenta contra los poderosos y que prometen cobrarse la vida de cuatro malvados personajes... Cuando se descubre que el aguerrido John Matcham es en realidad la bella Joanna Sedley, Shelton y la hermandad se unirán en una cruzada para liberarla y quizás sellar, mediante el amor, el odio entre dos familias condenadas a la enemistad.La flecha negra es la única novela de aventuras del autor que, con una trama vibrante de acción, amor y aventuras, conserva la misma magia inigualable del resto de obras. Es una de las novelas históricas más fascinantes que se han escrito.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894), fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés y uno de los exponente de la llamada novela-narración y del romance. Debido a una enfermedad en sus pulmones, viajó a múltiples destinos lo largo de su vida en búsqueda de climas cálidos. La alegoría moral del bien y el mal está presente en sus obras que desencadena relatos de misterio y aventura. Entre sus obras mas reconocidas se destacan: La isla del tesoro, La flecha negra y, Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    66.99 kr.

    A nameless Scottish soldier is recovering from his wounds in a Spanish hospital. He takes a temporary residence with a local family. Felipe and Olalla are two siblings living with their mother, with whom the soldier develops a casual friendship. After being absent for a while, Olalla returns to the house and the Scotsman immediately falls in love with her. He wants to take her away and show her the world but the family is hiding a dark secret. Why did the family accept to take in the soldier? What is the dark secret they are hiding? What will happen to the Scotsman? Find all the answers in Robert Louis Stevenson’s short gothic story "Olalla" from 1885.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson’s works to his own. His most famous novels are "Treasure Island" (1883), "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886), "Kidnapped" (1886) and "A Child’s Garden of Verses" (1885).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    102.99 kr.

    David Balfour is a young Scottish man whose parents have recently died. The seventeen-year-old orphan decides that the time has come for him to seek his fortune. Right before Balfour departs for Edinburgh, he meets with his guardian Mr Campbell. Campbell tells the young boy that he has a wealthy uncle living in Cramond. How did David’s parents die? Will the young boy go to Cramond to meet his wealthy relatives? What will Balfour learn about his father and how will he react? Discover all the answers in Robert Louis Stevenson’s adventure novel "Kidnapped" from 1886.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson’s works to his own. His most famous novels are "Treasure Island" (1883), "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886), "Kidnapped" (1886) and "A Child’s Garden of Verses" (1885).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    96.99 kr.

    Pour accomplir la derniere volonte de son defunt pere, David rend visite a son oncle qu'il ne connait pas. Bien vite, il comprend que cet homme est malveillant : il tente de le tuer, et quand cela echoue, il organise son enlevement par des pirates. David pourra-t-il s'echapper avant d'etre vendu comme esclave ? -

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    58.99 kr.

    Un vieux loup des mers s’installe dans l’auberge des parents de Jim Hawkins. Il semble cacher quelque chose... Lorsque des pirates viennent attaquer l’auberge, Jim s’enfuit et emporte avec lui ce que le capitaine cachait : une carte au trésor  ! C’est ainsi que débute l’aventure du jeune Jim vers un voyage chargé de rebondissements et de rencontres isolites au coeur d'un paysage tropical.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) est un écrivain écossais et un grand voyageur. C’est au fil de ces voyages que lui vient l’inspiration pour écrire ses œuvres pleines d’aventures et ses récits fantastiques. Avec une narration très visuelle, il arrive à manifester une critique aux habitudes de son l’époque. Ses romans ont souvent été adaptés aux différents médias, notamment dans le film « L’île au trésor » dirigé par Alain Berberien en 2012 et l’emblématique « Dr. Jekyll et Mr. Hyde » fait en 1931.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    102.99 kr.

    Henry Jekyll is an idealistic young scientist whose main goal it is to unlock the secrets of the human soul. He creates many different potions and chemical mixtures in his lab, but still struggles with discovering its secret. After he creates his most recent elixir, Jekyll drinks it; he hopes this formula will eliminate people’s evil side. However, things go terribly wrong and the effect is far from what he expected.What exactly will happen after Jekyll drinks the elixir? Is he ready for the consequences of his actions?Along with "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", in this collection you will find some of Stevenson’s grimmest short stories such as "The Suicide Club", "The Body Snatcher", "Markheim", "Thrawn Janet" and "Lodging for the Nights".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial issues, but he kept on travelling and writing. Although his writing has often been considered pure entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson’s works with his own. His most famous novels are "Treasure Island" (1883), "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886), "Kidnapped" (1886) and "A Child’s Garden of Verses" (1885).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    58.99 kr.

    «Fábulas» es la recopilación póstuma de cuatro relatos de Robert Louis Stevenson. Autores como Jorge Luis Borges la han considerado una de las obras más originales y de mayor calidad del autor escocés. Una fábula, como decía su autor, tenía que sorprender al lector por su audacia y combinar siempre lo onírico con lo alegórico sin ofrecer soluciones fáciles o únicas a un problema que se planteara. Era el lector el que debía estar alerta para encontrar en la mitología de la fábula la justicia.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés. Es el autor de conocidas novelas de aventura y fantasía, como «La isla del tesoro», «La flecha negra» y «El extraño caso del doctor Jekyll y el señor Hyde», adaptadas en numerosas ocasiones a otros formatos.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    40.99 kr.

    Il povero hawaiano Keawe pensa di aver fatto il miglior affare della sua vita. Ha comprato una strana bottiglia da un uomo anziano e misterioso, in cui risiede un diavoletto. Gli è stato detto che il diavoletto soddisferà ogni suo desiderio... ma ogni cosa ha un prezzo, e Keawe non era pronto a pagarlo.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) fu uno scrittore scozzese di romanzi, poesie, saggi e libri di viaggio. A causa di problemi di salute, trascorse molto tempo all'estero, dove entrò a far parte di importanti circoli letterari. Sebbene la sua scrittura sia stata spesso considerata intrattenimento, l'autore Henry James ha allineato le opere di Stevenson alle sue. I suoi romanzi più famosi sono "L'isola del tesoro" (1883) e "Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde" (1886).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 77.99 kr.

    Recently orphaned 17-year-old David leaves his home on the Scottish countryside to seek out a rich uncle he has never met. The uncle, as it turns out, is paranoid and unpleasant, and before David can claim his inheritance he is knocked out and taken to sea to be sold as a slave in America. So begins Robert Louis Stevenson‘s adventure novel, Kidnapped (1886), a breathlessly exciting story for fans of action and suspense, and a story about two very different types of Scotsmen.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. Due to poor health, he spent much of his time abroad, where he became part of important literary circles. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson‘s works to his own. His most famous novels are Treasure Island (1883) and the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 59.99 kr.

    Gabriel Utterson firsts hears about Mr. Hyde while on an evening walk with a friend. A sinister-looking man, Mr. Hyde is said to have violently trampled a young girl on the street for no reason. Not prone to gossip, Utterson leaves the matter be. But when he discovers that his good friend and client, Dr. Jekyll, paid off the girl‘s parents on Mr. Hyde‘s behalf, his inner alarm bells go off. What, exactly, is the connection between two such opposite people? Initially sold as a cheap and superficial read, Robert Louis Stevenson‘s novella, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (1886), didn‘t receive its rightful praise until a review is The Times made the sales skyrocket. Soon, a popular stage production in London was forced to shut down because the audience found the play so believable, they suspected the actors and creator of being linked to the murders by the notorious, unidentified serial killer, Jack the Ripper.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. Due to poor health, he spent much of his time abroad, where he became part of important literary circles. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson‘s works to his own. His most famous novels are Treasure Island (1883) and the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    102.99 kr.

    When an old sea captain dies mysteriously in his parent‘s inn, young Jim Hawkins finds a treasure map in the captain‘s possessions that will spark a wild and adventures treasure hunt. Joined by a handful of untrustworthy pirates, he meets the antagonistic Long John Silver, a character whose fame transcends the tale. With Treasure Island (1883), author Robert Louis Stevenson invented the modern image of the pirate, without which we likely wouldn‘t have experienced Johnny Depp as the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. For more than a hundred years, Treasure Island has been finding its way to the screen. The first non-silent movie adaptation was directed by Victor Fleming, the director of The Wizard of Oz (1939).Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. Due to poor health, he spent much of his time abroad, where he became part of important literary circles. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson‘s works to his own. His most famous novels are Treasure Island (1883) and the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 69.00 kr.

    I 1400-tallets England udkæmpes en række krige mellem adelshusene York og Lancaster, og midt i denne konflikt fanges den unge ridder Dick Shelton. I håbet om at hævne sin faders alt for tidlige og mystiske død, bliver han tvunget til at slutte sig til en gruppe fredløse krigere, som går under navnet 'den sorte pil'. Her drages han ind i den større konflikt, som omhandler retten til selve Englands trone!"Stevenson skrev vidunderlig godt og er fuldkommen læselig den dag i dag" - Anne Knudsen i WeekendavisenRobert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894) var forfatter og journalist, født og opvokset i Skotland. Han skrev flere romaner, som siden har fået udødelig klassikerstatus, bl.a. sørøverromanen Skatteøen (1883) og horrorfortællingen Dr. Jekyll og Mr. Hyde (1886).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    51.99 kr.

    Ein literarischer Reisebericht, der auf Stevensons Erlebnissen auf der Überfahrt in die USA zu seiner erkrankten Geliebten 1879 basiert und erst posthum erschien: Auf dem Auswandererschiff von Schottland nach New York und von dort weiter mit dem Zug via Chicago nach San Francisco beobachtet Stevenson genau und mit viel Sympathie die Leute an Bord und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die meisten Emigranten in ihrer alten Heimat gescheitert waren und deshalb die lange und beschwerliche Reise nach Amerika auf sich nehmen.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) war ein schottischer Schriftsteller, der neben Reiseberichten und Abenteuergeschichten auch historische Romane, Essays und Gedichte schrieb. Bereits als Kind verfasste er seine ersten Geschichten. Auf Wunsch seines Vaters studierte er Jura, jedoch war er lieber schriftstellerisch tätig. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken gehören „Die Schatzinsel" und „Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde".

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    41.99 kr.

    Jean-Marie is a young boy, left homeless after the death of his previous protector. Doctor Desprez and his wife, the beautiful Anastasie, live in a French district called Gretz. They decide to adopt the boy and do their best to rehabilitate and educate him, whilst Desprez tries to regain his place in society.Will the couple succeed with the young Jean, or Doctor Desprez’s desire for wealth is going to ruin everything? Will the boy be able to adapt to his new family? Maybe he would prefer life on the street?This short story of philosophy, morality, family life and wealth is published in 1883.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. One of his first titles is "Treasure Island", which is among his most popular novels, along with "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Kidnapped" and "A Child’s Garden of Verses". Stevenson’s works have been admired by many other authors.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    38.99 kr.

    Fettes and his friends meet for a drink in the local inn. Everything goes well, until the famous doctor Wolfe Macfarlane enters to treat a sick patient. Fettes gets very upset when he sees Macfarlane and a conflict arises between the two former medical students. Soon they will remember the bad decisions and crimes they have committed as students.Why is Fettes so worried about seeing his old schoolmate? What do they have in common besides medicine? They have definitely done something wrong, but what can that be?The characters in this horror story are inspired by the Edinburgh’s notorious Burke and Hare murders from 1828.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. One of his first titles is "Treasure Island", which is among his most popular novels, along with "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Kidnapped" and "A Child’s Garden of Verses". Stevenson’s works have been admired by many other authors.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    66.99 kr.

    Richard Shelton is a young man, whose father has been ruthlessly killed. While Shelton seeks justice, he also rescues his love, Joanna Sedley, from the hands of her wicked warden. Thanks to his courage and loyalty, Richard becomes a knight of the Yorks. Unfortunately, an outlaw named Ellis Duckworth crosses his path and lies Shelton about his old man’s death.Will Shelton find out who is responsible for his father’s murder? Will he marry his beloved? What danger will Richard put himself into after believing Ellis' lies?This historical novel of war, murder, heroism and love is set in the fifteenth century during the Wars of the Roses.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. One of his first titles is "Treasure Island", which is among his most popular novels, along with "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Kidnapped" and "A Child’s Garden of Verses". Stevenson’s works have been admired by many other authors.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    38.99 kr.

    The man from the title, Markheim, is at the local antique store to buy a Christmas present for his beloved. The shop’s owner offers him to buy a mirror, but Markheim is disgusted by the idea. Instead he wants to be shown another gift. When the pawnbroker turns to retrieve another piece, he gets stabbed in the back by his client.Why is Markheim so disgusted by the seller’s proposal? What is the reason for the ruthless murder? Why does paranoia start to overwhelm Markheim? Who is the supernatural visitant with whom he begins a conversation?This classic short story of mystery, bad decisions, and battle between good and evil takes place in London in the late 19th century.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. One of his first titles is "Treasure Island", which is among his most popular novels, along with "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Kidnapped" and "A Child’s Garden of Verses". Stevenson’s works have been admired by many other authors.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    42.99 kr.

    Charles Darnaway decides to leave the University of Edinburgh, so that he can travel to the remote island of Aros. He pays a visit to his uncle, Gordon Darnaway, and beautiful cousin Mary Ellen. Charles’ main goal is to find the long-sunken treasure, near his uncle’s house, and marry to the beloved Mary. As he explores the shore, strange things begin to happen with Gordon.Will Charles find the lost treasure and marry his cousin? Is the mystery around his uncle going to be revealed? Who are "the Merry Men" and why are they so dangerous?This short story of isolation, adventure, mystery and paranormality is published in 1882.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. One of his first titles is "Treasure Island", which is among his most popular novels, along with "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Kidnapped" and "A Child’s Garden of Verses". Stevenson’s works have been admired by many other authors.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    66.99 kr.

    Joseph and Masterson Finsbury are two brothers, who entered a tontine with 37 other boys, when they were still children. In this tontine, subscribers share a common fund. Shares are being increased as the subscribers die, until the last survivor gets everything. Temptation and greed begin to spread among all participants, and strange things happens.Who is Uncle Masterson and why is his dead body being shuffled around? Maybe he is not as dead as everyone thinks? Who are the Finsbury brothers and what is their role in the story? Who is going to inherit all the money from the tontine?This story of false identities, greed and misunderstandings was published in 1889. Stevenson co-wrote this black humor mystery book with his stepson Lloyd Osbourne.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. One of his first titles is "Treasure Island", which is among his most popular novels, along with "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Kidnapped" and "A Child’s Garden of Verses". Stevenson’s works have been admired by many other authors.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    71.99 kr.

    Den unge forskaren Henry Jekyll är som besatt av att avslöja själens alla hemligheter.Hans intention är att finna ett sätt att isolera och utplåna mänsklig ondska, och under ett experiment lyckas han till sist framställa ett mystiskt elixir med oanade krafter. Strax därpå anländer Mr Hyde till staden.Mr Hyde skapar sig snabbt ett dåligt rykte och blir ökänd bland stadens invånare. När Dr Jekyll kommer till sin vän och advokat Mr Utterson för att testamentera allt han äger till Mr Hyde börjar Mr Utterson ana oråd. När advokaten undersöker saken närmare upptäcker han snart att de två mycket olika männen är sammanbundna på ett oerhört besynnerligt sätt.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) var en romanförfattare, poet och reseskildrare från Skottland. Han föddes och växte upp i Edinburgh, där han också påbörjade utbildningar till ingenjör och inom juridik. Vid 25 års ålder lade han studierna åt sidan för att satsa på sitt författande. Han är mest känd för de klassiska verken "Dr Jekyll och Mr Hyde" och "Skattkammarön". Stevenson led av vacklande hälsa hela livet, hans barndom präglades av sjukdomen bronkit och avled han vid 44 års ålder av en hjärnblödning.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    96.99 kr.

    Quando un vecchio capitano di mare muore misteriosamente nella locanda dei genitori di Jim Hawkins, il giovane trova una mappa del tesoro tra gli effetti personali del capitano che darà il via a una selvaggia e avventurosa caccia al tesoro. Insieme a una manciata di pirati inaffidabili, incontra l'antagonista Long John Silver, un personaggio la cui fama trascende il racconto. Con "L’isola del tesoro" (1883), l'autore Robert Louis Stevenson inventò l'immagine moderna del pirata, senza la quale probabilmente non avremmo mai potuto ammirare Johnny Depp nel ruolo del famigerato Capitano Jack Sparrow in "Pirati dei Caraibi". Da più di cent’anni, "L’isola del tesoro" arriva sul piccolo e grande schermo. Il primo adattamento cinematografico non muto fu diretto da Victor Fleming, il regista de "Il mago di Oz" (1939).Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) fu uno scrittore scozzese di romanzi, poesie, saggi e libri di viaggio. A causa di problemi di salute, trascorse molto tempo all'estero, dove entrò a far parte di importanti circoli letterari. Sebbene la sua scrittura sia stata spesso considerata intrattenimento, l'autore Henry James ha allineato le opere di Stevenson alle sue. I suoi romanzi più famosi sono "L'isola del tesoro" (1883) e "Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde" (1886).

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    40.99 kr.

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.¿Creéis que ese demonio que a todos alguna vez nos ha atormentado existe realmente? ¿O es solo un producto de nuestra educación e imaginación? El joven Markheim entra en una tienda de antigüedades para comprar un regalo a su prometida, ahora que se acerca la Navidad. El dueño de la tienda le enseña un bello espejo de plata, pero cuando Markheim ve reflejado su rostro en él, inmediatamente lo rechaza, porque de alguna manera ha visto reflejado en el espejo la maldad que siente en su interior. Esa maldad que, sin querer, le va hacer cometer un acto criminal de cuyas consecuencias no tendrá escapatoria. Aterrorizado, de repente oye que llaman a la puerta... Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894), fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés y uno de los exponente de la llamada novela-narración y del romance. Debido a una enfermedad en sus pulmones, viajó a múltiples destinos lo largo de su vida en búsqueda de climas cálidos. La alegoría moral del bien y el mal está presente en sus obras que desencadena relatos de misterio y aventura.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    58.99 kr.

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.¿Y si pudiéramos tomar un brebaje que nos convirtiera en otra persona?  Podría ser genial si nos transformásemos en alguien más fuerte, más inteligente, más atractivo, mejor reconocido socialmente...,  pero podría suceder lo contrario ,y convertirnos en algo que nos horrorizaría pensar que pudiéramos llegar a ser. El pobre Dr. Jekyll, en persecución de sus afanes científicos y con la alegría que produce esa epifanía del descubrimiento, se va a dar cuenta tarde de algo que jamás se habría imaginado.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894), fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés y uno de los exponente de la llamada novela-narración y del romance. Debido a una enfermedad en sus pulmones, viajó a múltiples destinos lo largo de su vida en búsqueda de climas cálidos. La alegoría moral del bien y el mal está presente en sus obras que desencadena relatos de misterio y aventura.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    From 58.99 kr.

    Kauhuklassikko vailla vertaa!Lontoon kaduilla liikkuu outo ja salaperäinen mies Mr. Hyde, joka herättää kaupunkilaisissa kauhua. Mr. Hyde talloo tunteettomasti pikkutytön, ja hänet liitetään myös selkäpiitä karmivaan murhaan. Kun Mr. Hydeä ryhdytään etsimään, häntä ei kuitenkaan löydy. Miten se on mahdollista? Ja miten Mr. Hyde liittyy arvostettuun tohtori Jekylliin?Robert Louis Stevensonin "Salaperäinen ovi" tunnetaan myös nimellä "Tohtori Jekyll ja Mr. Hyde". Klassikon asemaan noussut teos käsittelee hyvän ja pahan kamppailua ihmismielen sisällä.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) oli skotlantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan erityisesti romaaneistaan "Tohtori Jekyll ja Mr Hyde" sekä "Aarresaari".Stevenson opiskeli tekniikkaa Edinburghin yliopistossa, ja hän suunnitteli jonkun aikaa majakoita. Stevenson sairasti tuberkuloosia, ja sairaalloisuutensa takia hän päätti vaihtaa opiskelualaa lakiin. Stevenson ei kuitenkaan ikinä työskennellyt lakimiehenä, vaan alkoi kirjoittaa tarinoita. Huonon terveydentilansa vuoksi Stevenson matkusti paljon, ja lopulta hän päätyi asumaan perheensä kanssa Samoalle. Stevenson julkaisi romaanien lisäksi novelleja, runoutta, esseitä ja matkakertomuksia.

  • by Robert Stevenson
    99.00 kr.

    En gammel kaptajn ankommer til kroen "Admiral Benbow" med en mystisk rejsekiste. Unge Jim Hawkins finder et skattekort i kaptajnens gemmer, og eventyret kan begynde. Sørøverkaptajnen Flints gemte skat skal findes. Og Jim, doktor Livesey og godsejer Trelawney tager af sted på det gode skib Hispaniola uvidende om, at besætningen mest består af pirater, deriblandt skibskokken Lange John Silver. Med denne pragtudgave af Robert Louis Stevenson's Skatteøen får du den originale, uforkortede fortælling, der nærmest suger dig ind i den eventyrlige skattejagt sammen med unge Jim og Lange John Silver. Selv om romanen er fra 1881, er den stadig en af de helt store klassikere - og læseværdig for alle eventyrlystne fra 8 år. Det er en blodig historie om griskhed, mod, længsel og venskab.Nærværende udgave er uforkortet og sproget er med nænsom hånd opdateret, så man let og flydende suser igennem den medrivende historie. Sørøverkaptajner, pirater, skattekister og en blodigt spændende historie - værsgo!Lydbogen er indlæst af Martin Greis.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    40.99 kr.

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Este relato de terror, dramatizado como audiolibro en español, convierte en verdadero placer el escuchar la lectura. Te aconsejamos que lo escuches en un viaje corto, paseando, o simplemente relajado, de forma atenta y en silencio. El doctor Fettes está bebiendo con sus amigos en una taberna, cuando se presenta alguien a quien hace años que no ve: otro médico llamado McFarlane, antiguo compañero suyo de estudios, que cursó con él la carrera de Medicina. Al mirarse, ambos recuerdan las experiancias que vivieron juntos, y en particular la forma irregular en que uno de sus profesores, el doctor Knox, se procuraba el material de investigación. En aquellos tiempos no existía la donación de órganos, por lo que había que encontrar lo que el doctor llamaba "donantes involuntarios". Pero un día, Fettes vió a una chica que conocía... en la mesa de disección, y... Cuidado, este audiolibro te hará desconfiar de los amigos.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894), fue un novelista, poeta y ensayista escocés y uno de los exponente de la llamada novela-narración y del romance. Debido a una enfermedad en sus pulmones, viajó a múltiples destinos lo largo de su vida en búsqueda de climas cálidos. La alegoría moral del bien y el mal está presente en sus obras que desencadena relatos de misterio y aventura.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    69.00 kr.

    I 1751 bliver den unge, forældreløse David Balfour kidnappet af sin egen onkel, som vil sælge ham som slave. David er nemlig arving til godset Shaw - et sted som den pengegriske onkel gerne vil have fingrene i. Men skibet kæntrer undervejs, og det lykkedes David at flygte sammen med vennen Alan Breck. De drager mod Skotland, hvor de indrages i skotternes frihedskamp, men det er en konflikt, der efterhånden kommer imellem de to.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894) var forfatter og journalist, født og opvokset i Skotland. Han skrev flere romaner, som siden har fået udødelig klassikerstatus, bl.a. sørøverromanen Skatteøen (1883) og horrorfortællingen Dr. Jekyll og Mr. Hyde (1886). "Stevenson formåede at indfange sin tids komplekser og konflikter ... med sin evne til at hengive sig til historierne sugede han et væld af betydninger og konflikter frem på bogsiderne" - Joakim Jakobsen i Weekendavisen

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    58.99 kr.

    Grusel vom Feinsten.Ein Herr namens Markheim betritt einen Antiquitätenladen. Angeblich um seiner Verlobten ein Geschenk auszusuchen. Als der Händler sich umdreht, ersticht ihn Markheim scheinbar grundlos. Der Mann scheint gesitig verwirrt zu sein und sucht im Laden nach wertvollen Gegenständen. Als plötzlich ein mysteriöser Fremder auftaucht, der behauptet Markheim zu kennen, bekommt Markheim es mit der Angst zu tun.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) war ein schottischer Schriftsteller. Stevenson litt an Tuberkulose und wurde lediglich 44 Jahre alt. Allerdings hinterließ der Schotte ein umfangreiches Werk von Reiseerzählungen, Abenteuerliteratur, Lyrik, Essays und historischen Romanen. Zu seinen bekanntesten Büchern zählen "Die Schatzinsel" von 1897 und die Gruselnovelle "Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde" von 1886.