Books by Samuel Butler

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  • by Samuel Butler
    38.99 kr.

    Canterbury Pieces is a classic collection of essays, newspaper articles and letters by the English novelist and critic, Samuel Butler. It includes correspondence between the author and the renowned English naturalist Charles Darwin.The book also features the essay ‘Darwin among the Machines’ (1863). In it, Samuel’s urges the destruction of all machines as he raises the pioneering idea that they will one day replace humans as the dominant species. This and the later article ‘Lucubratio Ebria’ (1865), became part of his widely acclaimed first novel ‘Erewhon’.Butler wrote several other novels, including a sequel, ‘Erewhon Revisited’ and the highly acclaimed ‘The Way of all Flesh’, widely regarded as one of the greatest novels of the 20th century.Samuel Butler (1835-1902) was a revolutionary English novelist and critic. He is best known for the utopian novel ‘Erewhon’ (1872) and the posthumous, semi-autobiographical novel ‘The Way of All Flesh’ (1903). Both of which have remained in print ever since. ‘Erewhon’ is renowned as one of the first books to explore the idea of machine evolution. The English writer Aldous Huxley acknowledged the book's influence on his novel ‘Brave New World’, while George Bernard Shaw deemed Butler ‘the greatest English writer of the latter half of the nineteenth century.’

  • by Samuel Butler
    59.99 kr.

    ‘Erewhon Revisited’ the sequel to ‘Erewhon’, Samuel Butler’s acclaimed first novel, finds adventurer Higgs returning to the mysterious, distant land of Erewhon. There he discovers its people ruled by a religious cult inspired by his hot-air balloon escape thirty years earlier.Devious professors Hanky and Panky have invented a new religion called ‘Sunchildism’ and Higgs, the unwitting ‘Sun Child,’ is not welcome. The professors are determined to preserve their grip on Erewhonians leaving Higgs in mortal danger. With the help of his newfound son, Higgs must once again escape Erewhon if he is to survive.Butler’s humorous, perceptive book is a penetrating satire of Christianity in Victorian England and is still as relevant and fresh today. ‘Erewhon Revisited’ is Samuel Butler’s last novel.Samuel Butler (1835-1902) was a revolutionary English novelist and critic. He is best known for the utopian novel ‘Erewhon’ (1872) and the posthumous, semi-autobiographical novel ‘The Way of All Flesh’ (1903). Both of which have remained in print ever since. ‘Erewhon’ is renowned as one of the first books to explore the idea of machine evolution. The English writer Aldous Huxley acknowledged the book's influence on his novel ‘Brave New World’, while George Bernard Shaw deemed Butler ‘the greatest English writer of the latter half of the nineteenth century.’

  • by Samuel Butler
    77.99 kr.

    A young traveller sets out to make his fortune and discovers the idyllic distant land of Erewhon. Its people welcome him with open arms, but this apparent utopia soon reveals its darker side.In Erewhon, money has no value and disease is a crime, yet poverty is punishable and criminals are cared for as though sick. How can he survive in a land where morality makes no sense?‘Erewhon’ is Samuel Butler’s classic utopian satire about the hypocrisy of religion and Victorian society. Influenced by Darwin’s recently published ‘On the Origin of Species’, it is most famous for its ground-breaking idea of ‘mechanical consciousness’. In 1901, Butler published a sequel entitled ‘Erewhon Revisited’. Both books are perfect for fans of ‘Gulliver’s Travels.’Samuel Butler (1835-1902) was a revolutionary English novelist and critic. He is best known for the utopian novel ‘Erewhon’ (1872) and the posthumous, semi-autobiographical novel ‘The Way of All Flesh’ (1903). Both of which have remained in print ever since.‘Erewhon’ is renowned as one of the first books to explore the idea of machine evolution and the writer Aldous Huxley acknowledged its influence on his novel ‘Brave New World.'George Bernard Shaw deemed Butler ‘the greatest English writer of the latter half of the nineteenth century.’

  • by Samuel Butler
    79.00 kr.

    Samuel Butlers klassiske utopiske roman er en satire over det victorianske England og dets begejstring for fremskridtet og industrialiseringen. På en vandretur finder fortælleren, Higgs, det afsidesliggende og skjulte land Erewhon, som på mange måder ligner hans hjemland, men på andre punkter er helt anderledes. Erewhons indbyggere frygter maskiner, lige så meget som de omkringliggende egnes befolkning frygter Erewhons. Men Higgs kan ikke styre sin nysgerrighed og bevæger sig ind i det fremmede land for at udforske dets hemmeligheder. Efterhånden går det imidlertid op for ham, at det land, der virkede så perfekt og paradisisk, gemmer på uhyggelige hemmeligheder."Det land Erewhon" er en klassiker inden for den utopiske og dystopiske litteratur på højde med Jonathan Swifts "Gullivers rejser" fra 1726 og George Orwells "1984" fra 1949.Samuel Butler (1835-1902) var en britisk maler og forfatter. Som ung begyndte han at tvivle på sin kristne religion og kom i så meget strid med sin familie om emnet, at han emigrerede til New Zealand. Situationen inspirerede ham til hans første store roman "Erewhon" i 1872, der på humoristisk vis skildrer et utopisk land.

  • by Samuel Butler
    99.00 kr.

    En semibiografisk familieroman om Pontifex-familien, der gennem fire generationer beskriver et opbrud med traditionelle værdier. Samuel Butler turde ikke udgive den i sin levetid, da bogen stiller sig stærkt kritisk overfor victoriansk hykleri. Bogen har i eftertiden opnået klassikerstatus og blev blandt andet hyldet af den verdenskendte forfatter George Orwell.Samuel Butler (1835-1902) var en britisk maler og forfatter. Som ung begyndte han at tvivle på sin kristne religion og kom i så meget strid med sin familie om emnet, at han emigrerede til New Zealand. Situationen inspirerede ham til hans første store roman "Erewhon" i 1872, der på humoristisk vis skildrer et utopisk land.