Books by Sir Walter Scott

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  • by Sir Walter Scott
    49.99 kr.

    Роман за геройства, смелост, доблест и предателство. Роман за кръстоносни походи, рицари, крале, вещици, вярващи и езичници. Роман за средновековна Англия, който ни потапя в далечна епоха, белязана от размирици, битки за свобода и жажда за власт.Английският крал Ричард Лъвското сърце е пленен на връщане от Третия кръстоносен поход, а злият план на брат му Джон да се възкачи на престола успява. Враждата между саксонци и нормани се задълбочава, а любовта на двама млади изглежда невъзможна на фона на всички размирици.Колекцията включва „Айвънхоу I“ и „Айвънхоу II“.Сър Уолтър Скот е шотландски писател, поет и историк, живял в периода 1771-1832 г. Завършва право и работи като адвокат, но дългите месеци прекарани при дядо му в провинциална шотландска ферма оставят отпечатък върху съзнанието му. Интересът му към фолклор, легенди и народни предания го вдъхновяват да пише, а от 1814 г. започва своята сериозна писателска кариера с първия си исторически роман „Уейвърли“. Сър Уолтър Скот е считан за създателя на историческия роман, предлагащ на читателите един по-задълбочен и достоверен прочит на отминала епоха. Сред колекцията от стойностна литература, вдъхновила и повлияла велики автори като Пушкин, Достоевски и Виктор Юго, се нареждат и романите „Айвънхоу“, „Куентин Дъруърд“ и „Ричард Лъвското сърце“.

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    69.99 kr.

    Ívar hlújárn er söguleg skáldsaga sem gerist á 12. öld á Englandi þegar enska þjóðin lýtur valdi Normanna. Hinn elskaði þjóðhöfðingi, Ríkharður ljónshjarta hefur verið handtekinn á heimleið sinni úr krossför. Svikuli bróðir hans, Jóhann prins, hyggst nýta tækifærið til að leggja undir sig landið og taka við konungsvaldinu. Þvert gegn vilja föður síns leggur riddarinn Ívar hlújárn upp í háskaför til að frelsa Ríkharð konung og freistast um leið til að fylgja forboðinni ást sinni á lafði Róvenu. Hér flétta rómantík og hetjudáðir ævintýralegan söguþráð sem endurspeglar menningu og tíðaranda miðalda.Walter Scott (1771-1832) var skoskt sagna-, ljóða- og leikritaskáld. Sem rithöfundur var hann einna þekktastur fyrir að gefa lesendum færi á að upplifa raunsanna atburði í gegnum líflegar sögupersónur enda frumkvöðull í ritun sögulegra skáldsagna. Hið sígilda ævintýri um Ívar hlújárn er meðal þekktustu verka hans en árið 1952 gerði leikstjórinn Richard Thorpe kvikmynd eftir sögunni þar sem Robert Taylor, Joan Fontaine og Elizabeth Taylor fóru með aðalhlutverkin. Kvikmyndin var tilnefnd til þriggja óskarsverðlauna.

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    163.99 kr.

    "Ivanhoe" is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, part of the Waverley series. The action takes place during the 12th century in England, and the themes revolve mainly around chivalric romances, tournaments, trials, and religious clashes. It is the story of Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe who is disinherited by his father for supporting the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. It is a Romantic novel of sentimentality, family issues, love, and relationships. The constant battle between good and evil, as well as between the dictates of the heart and the mind, made "Ivanhoe" one of the most influential books in English history and makes for a compelling read for fans of historical fiction and chivalric tales.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish novelist, poet, and historian, who is often called the father of the historical novel. He believed in the inherent decency of human beings, and tolerance was often the major theme of his work. Scott was a strong supporter of social progress as well as of the preservation of past traditions. His most famous works are "Ivanhoe", "The Talisman", "Rob Roy", and "Waverley" where he pays special attention to the realistic portrayal of characters and situations.

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    From 66.99 kr.

    An ageing singer asks for shelter at Newark Castle, and in exchange performs for his hostess the Duchess of Buccleuch the story of a 16th century border feud. The story he tells is about the so-called "Flower of Teviot," the Lady Margaret Scott of Buccleuch, who the Baron Henry of Cranstown is in love with. But whilst Henry is from the Ker Clan, Margaret is from the Scott clan, and the two families are in the midst of a vicious border war. This conflict has recently caused the death of Margaret’s father, and as such, her mother is fervently against the union of the two lovers. Scott spent a lot of his career collecting traditional ballads and studying local legends and folklore, which he masterfully weaves into this gothic romance. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. A jurist by formation, he was also judge, and an active member of the Highland Society, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. He also played a major role in bringing the Sturm und Drang literary movement to the United Kingdom, both through translations, but also through his own creations. He wrote numerous well-known historical novels, including "Waverley," "Rob Roy," and "Ivanhoe," which have inspired countless authors ever since.

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    From 66.99 kr.

    "The Lady of the Lake" (1810) is a narrative poem set in the vicinity of Loch Katrine, in the Trossach region of Scotland. It is made up of six cantos, each focusing on one day. There’s three main plots to this poem: a competition between three men for the love of one Ellen Douglas, a feud between James Douglas and King James V, and a war between lowland and highland Scots. This poem was incredibly influential at the time of its publication and inspired the Highland Revival movement.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. A jurist by formation, he was also judge, and an active member of the Highland Society, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. He also played a major role in bringing the Sturm und Drang literary movement to the United Kingdom, both through translations, but also through his own creations. He wrote numerous well-known historical novels, including "Waverley," "Rob Roy," and "Ivanhoe," which have inspired countless authors ever since.

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    96.99 kr.

    Eletaan 1190-lukua Englannissa. Saksilaistaustainen ritari Wilfred Ivanhoe on menettanyt isansa suosion, koska tukee normannitaustaista kuningas Rikhard Leijonamielta. Ivanhoe on seurannut Rikhardia ristiretkelle, joka on kuitenkin epaonnistunut ja kuningas vangittu. Valtaan on noussut Rikhardin ahne veli Juhana. Pian Ivanhoe joutuu keskelle valtataistelua, silla Rikhard palaa Englantiin salaisesti - ja esiintyy mustana ritarina. "e;Ivanhoe"e; on Walter Scottin historiallinen romaani taynna aatelisneitoja, juonimista, ritareja - ja mahtuu mukaan myos muuan Robin Hood. -

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    96.99 kr.

    Astrologi ennustaa, etta pienen Harry Bertramin elama tulee olemaan vaarallinen. Ennustukset tuntuvat kayvan toteen, kun Harry kidnapataan Skotlannista hieman alle viisivuotiaana ja kuljetetaan Hollantiin. Harry kasvaa Hollannissa aikuiseksi mieheksi ja luulee nimensa olevan Vanbeest Brown. Myohemmin rakkaus vie Harryn takaisin Skotlantiin - eika han ymmarra olevansa jalleen hengenvaarassa. Kuka haluaa hanelle pahaa ja miksi?"e;Tahdistalukija"e; on Walter Scottin jannittava romaani vuodelta 1815.-

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    73.99 kr.

    Hansikkaantekijan tytar Catherine Glover aiheuttaa sydamentykytyksia useammankin miehen rinnassa. Ensimmainen selkkaus syntyy, kun Skotlannin kuninkaan poika yrittaa ryostaa Catherinen. Apuun tulee aseseppa Henry Smith, joka samassa rytakassa sivaltaa kuninkaan pojan hevosmestarilta kaden irti. Kiivastunut hevosmestari yrittaa kostaa ensin Smithille, mutta suuntaa sitten vihansa kuninkaan poikaan, joka on irtisanonut hanet isansa kaskysta. Aseseppa Smithin lisaksi Catherinesta kiinnostuu myos Smithin oppipoika Conachar. Tapahtumat kulminoituvat Smithin ja Conacharin kiivaaseen taisteluun. Perthin kaupungin kaunotar pohjautuu North Inchin taisteluun ja uskomattomiin Valentinen paivan tositapahtumiin. Tarina sijoittuu 1300- ja 1400-luvun taitteen skotlantilaiseen Perthin kaupunkiin.-

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    40.99 kr.

    De Talisman is een onderdeel van het tweeluik `Vertellingen van de kruisvaarders' van Sir Walter Scott, die gezien wordt als de uitvinder van de historische roman. De Talisman speelt zich af tijdens de Derde Kruistocht in de twaalfde eeuw in het Midden-Oosten. We volgen de schotse ridder Kenneth die zich te midden van geweld, politieke intriges, romantiek en verraad. Maar de belangrijkste rollen zijn die van de Schotse koning Richard I Leeuwenhart en de sultan Saladin, die in al hun verschillen soms onverwachte kwaliteiten in elkaar naar boven halen.-

  • by Sir Walter Scott
    96.99 kr.

    Tegen de achtergrond van de Normandische (Franse) heerschappij over het Saksische Engeland in de 11e en 12e eeuw, volgen we een dappere Saks die op een toernooi tegen Normandiers vecht. Dit is de verstoten Ivanhoe die voor zijn geliefde strijdt, jonkvrouw Rowena. Daarnaast volgen we de belegering van het oude Saksische kasteel Torquilstone dat door de Normandiers bezet is. Robin Hood is een van de leiders bij het beleg, waarin de Normandiers weer het onderspit delven. Van Ivanhoe wordt vaak gezegd dat het de eerste historische roman is.-