Books in the Den magiske falk series in order

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  • - Min. 2 stk.
    by Peter Gotthardt
    49.00 kr.

    Det er en helt almindelig sommer for Monika, Sigurd og Sandra. Lige til prins Carvallo kommer flyvende ind i deres liv. Da han tager dem med på et magisk eventyr, havner de i en fremmed verden hos troldkvinden Ga-gacca. Sandra bliver ramt af trolddommen, og de andre fårnok at gøre med at redde hende.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 38.99 kr.

    It‘s a totally ordinary summer for Monika, Sigurd, and Sandra, until Prince Carvallo comes flying into their lives.When he takes them with him on a magical journey, they end up in a strange world in the garden of the sorceress Ga-gacca. Sandra is hit by her magic and the others get their hands full trying to save her. The series about the magical falcon is written by Peter Gotthardt and illustrated by Jan Solheim. Also read the other books in the series about The Magical Falcon:The Falcon in ChainsThe Demon QueenThe Dragon King‘s DaughterAbout the authorPeter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local libraries collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    49.00 kr.

    Sigurd, Sandra og Monika bliver glade, da de igen får besøg af prins Carvallo. Han tager dem endnu en gang med til en fremmed verden. Men så snart de er ankommet, bliver Carvallo fanget og slæbt af sted til den uhyggelige borg, Isengrim. Hvis hans tre venner skal befri ham, må de først finde frem til borgens hemmelighed. Tag med på eventyr med den magiske falk og hans venner!

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 42.99 kr.

    Sigurd, Sandra, and Monika are happy when Prince Carvallo visits them and takes them on a new adventure to a strange world.But as soon as they arrive, Carvallo is caught and taken to the chilling fortress Isengrim. If his friends are to rescue him, they first must learn the secret of the fortress.The series about the magical falcon is written by Peter Gotthardt and illustrated by Jan Solheim. Read the other books in the series about The Magical Falcon:The Mad SorceressThe Demon QueenThe Dragon King‘s DaughterAbout the authorPeter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local libraries collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    49.00 kr.

    Carvallo og hans venner kommer til en barsk verden, hvor stormene hyler, og røde og grønne dæmoner ligger på lur. Da Monika bliver væk, må de andre lede efter hende. De er bange for, at hun er i fare. Men ingen af dem har fantasi til at forestille sig, hvad der virkelig er sket med hende.Serien om den magiske falk er skrevet af Peter Gotthardt og illustreret af Jan Solheim. Læs også de andre bøger i serien om Den magiske falk:Den gale troldkvindeFalken i lænkerDæmonernes dronningDragekongens datter

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 42.99 kr.

    Carvallo and his friends arrive to a harsh world where storms are howling, and red and green demons lie in wait. When Monica disappears, the others have to look for her. They fear she is in danger. But none of them can imagine what has really happened to her.The series about the magical falcon is written by Peter Gotthardt and illustrated by Jan Solheim. Read the other books in the series about The Magical Falcon: The Mad Sorceress The Demon Queen The Dragon King‘s DaughterAbout the authorPeter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local libraries collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    49.00 kr.

    Endnu engang tager Carvallo og hans venner af sted for at finde hans egen verden. Denne gang lykkes det. Desværre havner de midt i en flok drager, der har erobret strejfernes verden. Nu går turen til fangehullet. Men måske vil en af dragerne hjælpe dem?

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 42.99 kr.

    The fourth and last book in the series about Sandra, Monika, Sigurd, and the mysterious Prince Carvallo.Finally, the children manage to help Carvallo find his own planet, but nothing is as they imagined. The planet is inhabited by dragons and Carvallo‘s people have fled. How are they going to survive here?About the authorPeter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local libraries collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.