Books in the Hans Christian Andersen's Stories series
38.99 kr. One day a Portuguese duck arrived at the duck house. Some said she came from Spain, but from then on all her descendants were called ‘Portuguese’. Today, there is only one Portuguese duck at the duck house – and it is she who takes care of the song bird who fell from the roof while the cat was chasing it...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. To every child born, God offers a gift – this gift is not placed in their cradle, but in a secret place, where no one would dream of looking for it. So, this gift can be found in many different places, even in a simple stick...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. In this short tale, Hans Christian Andersen depicts the prison of Castelvold and tells of a little bird and a prisoner. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 38.99 kr. One sunny day, when a little sea fish was swimming joyfully with his eighteen thousand brothers and sisters, the water was darkened by an enormous eel who came from above and was heading deeper into the sea. It disappeared very quickly and as soon as the calm had returned, the cutest little fish, who was also the most curious, went looking for information to find out who this newcomer to the Ocean was. Could it be the great sea serpent?Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
9.99 kr. Voldug drottning með græna fingur liggur fyrir dauðanum. Á ævi sinni hefur hún ræktað upp heimsins fegursta blómagarð með öllum afbrigðum af blómum. Nú er ekkert sem gæti forðað henni frá dauðanum nema það að henni verði færð fegursta rós heimsins. Mörg verða til að leita hennar og færa henni hin fegurstu blóm. Skáldin yrkja um rósina og fljótlega verður fólki ljóst, að ekki er endilega verið að sækjast eftir blómi í bókstaflegri merkingu. Leitar það þá í hjörtum sér og finnur þar kærleika og trú. En fegursta rós heimsins er ekki endilega manneskja á meðal vor. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson.H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. „Fegursta rós heimsins" blandar saman tveimur fyrirbærum sem voru honum afar kær, náttúru og trú. Andersen tekst hér að mála á hrífandi máta upp fegurstu dyggðir mannkynsins, án þess að gleyma hinni æðstu fórn, sem hvert guðsbarn ætti að hafa í huga.
From 9.99 kr. Harmþrungin móðir situr yfir sóttarsæng barnsins síns þegar gamlan mann ber að garði. Hún býður honum inn en meðan á heimsókninni stendur rennur henni í brjóst örskots stund. Þegar hún vaknar aftur hefur gamli maðurinn, sem reyndar var dauðinn sjálfur, horfið burt og tekið veika barnið með sér. Yfirkomin af sorg leitar móðirin allra leiða til að elta dauðann uppi og endurheimta barnið sitt. Ýmsar hindarnir verða á leið hennar og hún verður að færa margar fórnir og stórar. Að endingu tekst henni að ná í skottið á dauðanum, en það er ekki fyrir hvern sem er að breyta framgangi örlaganna. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson. H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. „Móðirin" er einkar sorgleg saga sem gengur lesendum hjarta nær. Boðskapur hennar fylgir fremur lífinu en rómantískri uppskrift, og talar til allra þeirra sem tekið hafa á móti dauðanum, en einnig þeirra sem velt hafa því fyrir sér hvort dauðinn sé ef til vill betri kostur.
From 9.99 kr. Anna Lísa er fríð og lífsglöð kona. Son eignast hún en enginn faðir í spilinu. Hún tekur á það ráð að gefa barnið verkamannahjónum. Sjálf ræður hún sig á heimili greifahjóna, og gerist brjóstmóðir sonar þeirra. Hún ber mikla ást til litla fallega drengsins en sjaldan hvarflar hugurinn að ljóta, bæklaða syni hennar sjálfrar. Sonur Önnu Lísu vex upp, án þess að vera elskaður af nokkrum manni. Hann hrekst á milli staða en ræðst að lokum háseti á bát. Ekki vill betur til en svo að báturinn ferst og drengurinn hverfur í hafdjúpin. Á meðan er Anna Lísa orðin feit og fín kona, en hefur steingleymt litla syni sínum. Þegar hún heldur einn daginn í heimsókn til greifadrengsins síns, verður þó bernskuheimili sonarins á vegi hennar. Þar fréttir hún af andláti hans og vitrast einkennileg sýn, sem verður til þess að vekja samvisku hennar. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson.H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. Sagan af Önnu Lísu er sérkennileg siðapredikun, um konu sem verður fótaskortur á hinum samfélagslegu dyggðum. Eins og föllnum konum ævintýranna er svo gjarnt, er hún fögur en dramblát. Innst inni er hún þó hjartahrein, og þar er pláss bæði fyrir ástina og guð.
9.99 kr. Á skrifborði skáldsins takast penninn og blekbyttan á. Ágreiningsefnið er hvort þeirra eigi stærri þátt í sköpun eiganda síns. Blekbyttan stendur á því að öll þau undur sem penninn færi á blaðið séu sótt í hennar dimmbláu djúp. Penninn hinsvegar vill ekki láta gera lítið úr sinni milligöngu í málinu, enda sé það hann sem færi hugmyndirnar í letur, með hjálp styrkrar handar síns skáldlega bróður. Um þetta þræta þau uns skáldið sjálft skilar sér heim. Það hefur þá verið á undursamlegum fiðlutónleikum og er sannarlega uppnumið. Í hrifnæmisástandi sínu sest það niður og skrifar sína eigin hugleiðingu um sköpunina og hinn raunverulega meistara hennar. En niðurstaðan er hvorki pennanum né blekbyttunni í hag. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson. H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. Ekki er ósennilegt að sagan um pennann og blekbyttuna byggi að einhverju leyti á hans eigin lífi. Þar veltir hann fyrir sér stöðu listamannsins, hver svo sem list hans er, gagnvart lífinu. Hann fjallar um innblástur og starfshætti en þó á þann lágstemmda máta að ljá verkfærum hans rödd. En kannski erum við öll verkfæri og sá sem heldur um stýristaumana skapari með stóru Essi.
38.99 kr. The inkstand was so proud of himself! Someone who was visiting a poet praised it, saying that wonderful things could come out of an inkstand. But, are all the beautiful poems made by the inkstand alone? The quill did not agree...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 9.99 kr. Við götu nokkra stendur gamalt strætisljósker. Það hefur staðið þar alla sína strætisljóskers tíð og þekkir ekkert annað. Nú er hins vegar komið að leiðarlokum því þetta er síðasta kvöld þess í embætti sínu. Daginn eftir skal það fært á skrifstofuna og örlög þess ráðin af embættismönnum. Ljóskerið gamla kvíðir framtíðinni sem er býsna loðin, hvort það verði brætt niður eða flutt í annan stað. Mest óttast það þó að tapa þeim minningum sem það hefur öðlast gegnum ævina. Nú og einnig að skiljast við næturvörðinn og konu hans. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson.H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. Sagan um strætisljóskerið hefst á þeim orðum, að hún sé líklega ekki sérlega skemmtileg saga. Það kann að vera rétt en þó tekur hún til eins stærsta viðfangsefnis lífsins, nefnilega þess að verða gamall. Þótt það sé ekki sérlega skemmtilegt, speglar sagan af strætisljóskerinu innra líf flestra þeirra sem standa frammi fyrir því að eldast og láta af störfum. Og óttann við að vita ekki hvað bíður þegar ævikvöldið nálgast.
38.99 kr. There were two cockerels on the farm: one lived in the henhouse and the other was a weather vane. Both thought they were better than the other, but what was the truth?Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. One day, a competition was organised: the fastest would be awarded first price. The jury gave first prize to the hare and second prize was awarded to the snail. Long debates followed between the various animals because no one agreed with the results and each extolled the merits of their own agility.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 38.99 kr. Inger was a little girl but she was a bad person. This was obvious even when she was very small: she enjoyed catching insects and tearing off their wings without any pity for the poor creatures. When she was a bit bigger, her parents sent her to the country to a good family. Here, she became very refined and, going to visit her parents, decided to walk on her bread rather than in the marsh so she would not dirty her shoes. And this is where her real story begins...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 9.99 kr. Stúlkan Inga er reglulega illt og óprúttið barn. Hún iðkar það að kvelja þá sem minna mega sín, auk þess sem drambsemi hennar er svo mikil að hún sér ekki sólina fyrir sjálfri sér. Er hún vex úr grasi versnar hún um allan helming, en þar sem hún er einstaklega fríð sýnum fyrirgefst henni margt. Dag einn er hún á leið í heimsókn til foreldra sinna. Meðferðis hefur hún brauð sem húsmóðir hennar hefur gefið henni til að færa fátækri móður sinni. Kemur hún þá að forarpolli og óar við að óhreinka skóna sína fínu. Bregður hún á það ráð að kasta brauðinu í pollinn til að stíga á það. Ekki vill þó betur til en svo að hún sekkur á bólakaf og lendir í brugghelli mýrarkonunnar. Þar eru staddir heldur en ekki merkir gestir, þau kölski og amma hans. Sú gamla krefst stúlkunnar Ingu sér til handa, og hefst þá píslarvist hennar í helvíti. En á drambsama stúlkan afturkvæmt?Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson. H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. „Stúlkan sem gekk á brauðinu" er hressandi og óvægin saga þar sem löstum og drambsemi eru gerð hin beittustu skil. Hvergi er dregið úr kvölum og pínslum stúlkunnar Ingu og kostar iðrun hennar ófá tár.
9.99 kr. Fjölskylda nokkur verður fyrir þeim harmi að missa yngsta barnið og einkasoninn. Eldri systur hans tvær og faðir þeirra eru yfirkomin af sorg, en mest líður þó móðirin. Dagana eftir andlát barnsins verður hún sífellt örvæntingarfyllri og tapar raunveruleikaskyni sínu. Svo mjög syrgir hún drenginn að hún hættir að taka eftir dætrum sínum og eiginmanni. Nóttina eftir að barnið er grafið laumast móðirin út og leggur leið sína í kirkjugarðinn. Þar situr hún við gröfina og óskar þess að sameinast barninu sínu á ný. En þá ber óvæntan gest að garði. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson.H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. Mörg af ævintýrum Andersens fjalla um barnadauða, enda var það ekki óalgengt böl fjölskyldna á hans tíð. Hér notar hann þetta sársaukafulla minni til þess að draga upp litla dæmisögu um það, hvernig nauðsynlegt er að halda áfram með lífið þrátt fyrir sársaukann. Þeim sem gefa sig sorginni á vald eru allar bjargir bannaðar.
From 9.99 kr. Ungur listamaður þjáist af nánast ólæknandi fullkomnunaráráttu. Það er sama hversu fögur verkin hans eru, hann eyðileggur þau öll, því hann er ekki ánægður með útkomuna. Dag einn á hann ferð framhjá furstahöll, og sér hina undurfögru dóttur furstans. Slíka fegurð hefur hann aldrei fyrr augum litið, hann verður óðara ástfanginn af henni og flýtir sér heim til að móta mynd hennar úr leir. Styttan af stúlkunni verður engu öðru lík. Allir dáðst að henni og ungi listamaðurinn ákveður að móta hana í marmara. Þá vill svo heppilega til að faðir hennar, furstinn, á leið hjá og festir óðara kaup á hinni fögru marmaramynd. Listamaðurinn keppist við að ljúka verkinu og færa það til furstahallarinnar og líta ástina sína augum. En óendurgoldin ást getur valdið miklum straumhvörfum, og það á ungi maðurinn eftir að reyna. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson. H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. „Sálin" er langt og margrætt ævintýri. Þar skiptast á heimspekilegar og tilvistarlegar hugrenningar um lífið og listina jafnt sem eilífðina og þær leiðir sem við veljum í lífinu. Sögumaðurinn er stjarna, sem horfir á heiminn úr fjarlægð og fylgist með tímanum ganga sína óteljandi hringi.
9.99 kr. Úti er vor og allt í blóma. Gróðurinn er að vakna og ungviðið skríður úr eggjum. Þessi fegurð og birta umhverfisins eru þó í hrópandi andstöðu við það sem á sér stað inni í nærliggjandi kirkju. Þar flytur klerkurinn miklar eldmessur, þar sem hann fordæmir óforbetranlega syndara til eilífrar vítisvistar með tilheyrandi kvölum og pínu. Prestskonan situr eftir þegar predikuninni er lokið og kemst við. Ekki er það þó af helvítisótta heldur dregur hún í efa að fjöldi bersyndugra sem eigi sér engar málsbætur, sé jafn mikill og orð mannsins hennar benda til. Hjónunum ber ekki fyllilega saman um þetta efni, skorið mun verða úr um málið fyrr en þau grunar. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson.H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. „Sögukornið" er kannski ekki nema lítil saga, en hún segir þó meira en margar sem langar eru. Sönn og einlæg guðstrú er einkenni á mörgum sögum Andersens, en hann hikar heldur ekki við að dæma kirkjunnar þjóna sem hann telur ekki sanna í orðum sínum og gjörðum. Sagan ber raunar nokkurn blæ af Biblíusögunni, þar sem þeim syndlausa var sagt að kasta fyrst.
38.99 kr. The flax is flowering and has a happy future before him. He will grow, be gathered and transformed into beautiful fabric. He is very impatient, but he still has some lessons to learn, among them that which says we should be happy with what we have. Snip, snap, snurre, begins the song!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 9.99 kr. Prinsessa nokkur hefur látið þau boð út ganga, að hún muni taka sér fyrir eiginmann þann biðil sem best komi fyrir sig orði. Allir þeir ungu menn sem nokkuð telja sig hafa til brunns að bera leggja af stað í bónorðsför. Það gera einnig bræður tveir sem þykja afburða gáfaðir. Faðir þeirra ljær þeim gæðinga mikla til fararinnar, en þegar þeir eru við það að hleypa úr hlaði birtist þriðji bróðirinn. Sá þykir heldur fákænn, en er engu að síður staðráðinn í að vinna ástir prinsessunnar. Bræður hans gera að honum stólpa grín, en mun Hans Klaufi reynast sá orðsnjallasti af öllum saman?Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson. H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. Hans Klaufi er eitt af grínartugri ævintýrum hans. Þrír bræður á leið út í heiminn að biðja prinessu er ekki óalgengt ævintýraminni úr munnlegri hefð. En hér tekst Andersen, með smellnum vísunum, að færa það nær samtíma sínum – og deila á hann um leið.
38.99 kr. Once upon a time there was a prince without pity: he wanted to be the strongest and sent armies of soldiers to destroy villages and stop other kings, he even got it into his head to prove that he was worth more than God... Little did he know where this arrogance would lead him!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. On the top of a cliff overlooking the sea was an oak tree that was 365 years old. It was an unimaginable age for the mayflies, tiny creatures who lived only one day. The oak only slept during the winter. The rest of the year, he remained alert. That year, like every year, he began to lose his leaves in autumn. He knew that he was about to go to sleep for the last time!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. The men of our world who experience glory do not generally attain it easily. There have been several martyrs who, before knowing honour, have had to follow a very thorny path...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 38.99 kr. Aunt Mille has always told me that I have the soul of a great poet. I am not sure about this, but I love her so much that I do not dare contradict her. The reason I love her so much is that she always gave me and my brothers and sisters lots of sweets when we were little. Now that I am a student, I have my own apartment and sometimes Aunt Mille comes to visit. The other night, while she was sleeping in the next bedroom, I received a visit from another, much less pleasant, lady... Since then, I do not see Aunt Mille in the same way!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 40.99 kr. Wat is waarheid? Wat is een betere manier om iets over waarheid te leren dan door de sprookjes van Hans Christian Andersen? De verhalen in deze sprookjes bieden een fantastische manier om na te denken en te praten over waarheid en de ethische en morele aspecten ervan. Een collectie voor nieuwsgierige en meevoelende jonge en volwassen lezers die graag de betoverende wereld van deze geliefde auteur in willen duiken. Bevat de volgende sprookjes:De nieuwe kleeren van den keizerDe sneeuwkoninginMalle HannesHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was een Deense schrijver, dichter en kunstenaar. Hij is beroemd om zijn kinderliteratuur, waaronder de geliefde sprookjes "De nieuwe kleeren van den keizer", "De kleine zeemeermin", "De nachtegaal", "De standvastige tinnen soldaat", "De sneeuwkoningin", "Het lelijke jonge eendje" en "Het lucifersmeisje". Zijn boeken zijn vertaald naar elke levende taal, en er is tegenwoordig geen kind of volwassene die niet bekend is met zijn speelse personages. Zijn sprookjes zijn talloze malen bewerkt voor het toneel en het witte doek, met name door Disney in de animatiefilms "De kleine zeemeermin" in 1989 en "Frozen", wat losjes gebaseerd is op "De sneeuwkoningin", in 2013.Dankzij Andersens bijdrage aan kinderliteratuur wordt zijn verjaardag, 2 april, gevierd als Internationale Kinderboekendag.
38.99 kr. A short time ago, the rose bush next to the window was still magnificent, but since the invasion of an army of greenies, it is rather worse for wear. We men, we are not very fond of these invaders, but the other day I had a conversation with one of them who taught me a few things...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. On the death of his father, who was a rich merchant, the son inherited a vast fortune, which he quickly spent. He found himself alone with nothing except the dressing gown on his back and the slippers on his feet. A friend offered him a trunk and advised him to leave. But, this was a special trunk – it could fly! So, the young man decided to go to Turkey, where his dress would not be noticed, but that was just the beginning of his adventure.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. Little Tuk had to learn his lesson for the next day but he was far too busy with other things and so he found himself with the sun already setting, while his family did not have enough money to keep the lanterns lit at night. Would he learn his lesson in time?Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
38.99 kr. A flea, a grasshopper and a jumping goose entered a competition to see who could jump the highest. Who would win? That is a question that would turn out to be more complicated than expected.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
From 9.99 kr. Innan um nýju húsin við götuna stendur ennþá eitt gamalt hús. Flestir hafa horn í síðu þess, þar sem það sker sig úr nýbyggingunum og er illa viðhaldið. Einn er þó sá, sem geðjast vel að gamla húsinu, en það er ungur drengur sem býr í nýlegu húsi gengt því. Dag hvern horfir hann á húsið út um gluggann og sér þá söguna ljóslifandi sér fyrir hugskots sjónum. Þegar drengurinn kemst að því að í gamla húsinu búi einmana gamall maður kemst hann við, og ákveður að senda honum annan tindátann sinn að gjöf. Þessi örláta og óvænta sending verður til þess að kveikja vináttu milli kynslóða, sem markar djúp spor í báðar áttir. Og seinna verða tákn um veröld sem var. Þýðandi er Steingrímur Thorsteinsson.H.C. Andersen (1805-1875) er eitt þekktasta skáld Danmerkur. Eftir hann liggja á fjórða þúsund ævintýra sem þýdd hafa verið á meira en 125 tungumál. „Gamla húsið" dregur upp mynd af forgengileika fortíðarinnar gagnvart nýjum tímum. Sagan minnir á mikilvægi þess að yngri kynslóðir gleymi ekki því sem áður var og dæmi ekki þá sem eldri eru með sleggjuna að vopni. Vináttan spyr ekki að fæðingarári.
38.99 kr. The princess’s hand in marriage was promised to the man who could accomplish the most incredible thing. He would also receive half of the Kingdom. All the young men, and the not-so-young men, dreamt of this prize and would do their best to achieve the most incredible things...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.