96.99 kr. Ein meisterhafter Geschichtenerzählerin - New York TimesLeise rieselt der Schnee und die Glöckchen läuten so hell wie Engelsflüge: So stellt sich wohl jeder das perfekte Weihnachten vor. Doch für Stephen ist es das genaue Gegenteil. Dies wird das erste Weihnachten ohne seine Frau und dann wird ihm auch noch ausgerechnet am 24.12. fristlos gekündigt. Dieses Fest scheint für ihn alles andere als besinnlich. Doch ihm steht eine wundervoll-weihnachtliche Überraschung bevor...Ein paar Plätzchen, einen heißen Tee und Zimtgeruch, der aus der Küche kommt: Diese Sammlung an Weihnachtsgeschichten verkörpert die stille Jahreszeit einfühlsam und gemütlichMaeve Binchy wurde 1940 in der Grafschaft Dublin in Irland geboren, in Killiney unterrichtet und studierte am University College in Dublin. Nachdem sie kurzzeitig als Lehrerin gearbeitet hatte, fing sie bei der Irish Times an. Ihr erster Roman erschien 1982 und sie schrieb zeitlebens über 20 Romane, die alle zu Bestsellern wurden, und viele Auszeichnungen. Maeve war 35 Jahre mit dem Autor und Moderator Gordon Snell verheiratet und starb 2012.Ein meisterhafter Geschichtenerzähler - New York Times
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- 96.99 kr.
From 96.99 kr. Valta ja rakkaus. Ihminen ja hevonen. Himo ja hellyys.Rasmus on päättänyt hylätä Suomen ja kaiken, mikä kotimaassa oli kesken. Taakse jäävät Iina-exä, vanhemmat ja yliopistoura, uudessa elämässä odottaa arki irlantilaisella tallilla. Hevosten kanssa työskennellessä kovilla ovat niin fyysinen kuin henkinenkin puoli, mutta raskas työ palkitsee, ja Rasmus elää unelmaansa.Tallilla on myös Henry. Loistavan valmentajan ja taitavan ratsastajan huomio tuntuu Rasmuksesta pelottavankin hyvältä, eikä kiinnostus ole yksipuolista. Rasmus ei voi kieltää tunteita, joita Henry hänessä herättää, mutta kohti uutta on pelottavaa astua. Ja kun Henrystä paljastuu odottamattomia asioita, on Rasmuksen mietittävä, mitä hän haluaa. Kenellä on valta päättää, kenen osa on alistua?Marianne Roivas on suomalainen filosofian tohtori. Rakkaudesta lajiin on hänen esikoisromaaninsa.
38.99 kr. At tvinge en folkevilje til underkastelse kan ikke lade sig gøre. Den irske historie er det bedste eksempel på dette.Sådan lyder budskabet i denne lille bog fra 1914. I bogen gennemgår forfatteren - der i sin samtid var en meget anerkendt formidler af historisk stof - Irlands nyere historie på en let tilgængelig og indfølt måde.Åge Meyer Bendictsen (1866-1927) var en dansk forfatter, sprogforsker, oversætter og historiker. Hav var kendt i sin samtid for sine forelæsninger og værker om fremmede folkeslag. han udgav bl.a. bogen ”Et Folk, der vaagner; Kulturbilleder fra Litaven” (1895) og "Russisk jord og russiske bønder" (1903).
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- 38.99 kr.
104.99 kr. How do you piece yourself back together when everything falls apart?18-year-old Saoirse hates school. And so does her boyfriend. But when her boyfriend makes an irreversible decision just before final exams, Saoirse soon finds everyone blaming her - including herself.Shunned, secluded, and suffering, she struggles to find a way to reduce her anxiety. And when things go from bad to worse, Saoirse must learn to regain hope to find and foster herself again.A deeply moving and incredibly relevant YA novel about mental illness and recovery, "Things I Know" is the perfect read for fans of Selena Gomez’ "My Mind and Me"."Things I Know" was nominated for the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Writing 2023.Helena Close is an Irish author from Limerick City in Ireland. Writing full-time for over 20 years, her debut YA novel "The Gone Book" was nominated for the Carnegie Medal in 2020.
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- 104.99 kr.
- Roman | Ein Irland-Liebesroman in dem Glamping und Astrologie in der Grafschaft Kerry auf romantisch
111.99 kr. Wo die Nacht am dunkelsten ist, leuchten die Sterne am hellstenNach einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung mit ihrer Managerin ist die junge Musikerin Orla gezwungen, der Bühnenwelt den Rücken zu kehren. Sie macht sich auf den Weg zu ihrer Großmutter nach Irland, bei der auch ihr zehnjähriger Sohn Shay lebt. Wie es von dort aus weitergehen soll, steht in den Sternen, denn für eine alleinerziehende Sängerin mit gescheiterter Musikkarriere gibt es nicht viel zu tun im ländlichen Kerry. Da bringt ein mit 100.000 € dotierter Preis für die innovativste Ferienunterkunft sie auf eine Idee: Aus dem in die Jahre gekommenen Campingplatz ihrer Nan soll ein Glamping-Platz werden, auf dem Gäste im Einklang mit dem Kosmos Erholung finden und Kraft schöpfen können. Doch nicht nur die Renovierung stellt Orla vor immer neue Hindernisse. Sich am Ort ihrer Kindheit mit ihrer Vergangenheit auszusöhnen, verlangt all ihre Aufmerksamkeit – und dann tritt auch noch Aidan in ihr Leben, der den Nachthimmel mit ganz anderen Augen sieht. Werden die Sternenwünsche der beiden endlich Wirklichkeit werden?Julie Larsen, Jahrgang 1979, liebt ihre Familie, Hunde, Katzen, Vögel, Kinder und das Meer. Sie lebt und arbeitet in der Nähe von München, träumt sich mit ihren romantischen Geschichten aber in den hohen Norden nach Skandinavien, wo sich Himmel und Meer begegnen, die Sommertage lang und die Winternächte unendlich erscheinen.
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- 111.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Romantische Naschkatze trifft auf zielstrebigen Fitnessgott.Lauren liebt Süßigkeiten, aber Sport ist nicht ihr Ding. Auf der Suche nach ihrem Traummann stürzt sie sich ins Online-Dating. Doch dann zieht ihr attraktiver Nachbar ein und zwischen ihm und Lauren fliegen vom ersten Moment an die Fetzen. Als er sie jedoch um ein Date bittet, ist das Gefühlschaos perfekt.Fitnesstrainer Ashton hat trotz seines guten Aussehens kein Glück in der Liebe. Seine Freunde sind davon überzeugt, dass er sich auf die falschen Frauen einlässt. Deshalb schließen sie mit ihm eine Wette ab: Ashton soll mit seiner Nachbarin auf dreizehn Dates gehen, ohne mit ihr im Bett zu landen. Allerdings hat er nicht damit gerechnet, dass er sein Herz an sie verliert …Lizzy Glass wurde 1986 geboren und liebte Romane schon als Zwölfjährige. Heute genießt sie das Kleinstadtleben mit ihrem Mann und den Kindern und schreibt Liebesgeschichten mit Happy End.
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- 59.99 kr.
51.99 kr. Die Bronzestatue einer abgemagerten, in Lumpen gehüllten Frau, die sich mit hohlem Blick an ihre wenigen Habseligkeiten klammert, bildet zusammen mit fünf weiteren lebensgroßen Figuren das »Famine Memorial« (Hungerdenkmal) nahe dem Stadtzentrum Dublins.Das 1997 errichtete Mahnmal erinnert an eine Zeit, die den Iren bis heute präsent ist: die Hungerkatastrophe von 1845 bis 1849, die geschätzt einer Million Menschen das Leben kostete und das Verhältnis zu England wohl endgültig zerrüttete. Denn die Regierung in London sah dem Massensterben ihrer irischen Staatsangehörigen weitgehend untätig zu. In der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts errang der Großteil der Grünen Insel dann die Unabhängigkeit – nach 800 Jahren Fremdherrschaft, die bis heute nachwirkt. Nicht nur in Form von Denkmälern. Trotz aller Distanzierung von England pflegen die Iren immer noch einen Lebensstil, der dem englischen auffallend ähnelt, vom üppigen Frühstück über die absurd unpraktischen, undichten Schiebefenster bis zu den herrlich traditionellen Pubs.Die vielfältigen G/Geschichte Magazine entführen den Leser über alle Epochen hinweg von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit an die Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf die Raubzüge der Wikinger, in die Arena zum Gladiatorenkampf oder zu den großen Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt.
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- 51.99 kr.
39.99 kr. "Bez wątpienia będziesz zaskoczony, drogi przyjacielu, przedmiotem niniejszej opowieści. [...] Muszę zatem udzielić ci pełnomocnictwa i wyjawić szczerze, na jakich podstawach opiera się wiarygodność dziwnej historii, którą zamierzam tu opowiedzieć".Ludowe opowieści, przekazywane z wioski do wioski i z pokolenia na pokolenie. Irlandzkie baśni i legendy. Mrożące krew w żyłach historie wymyślone przez dziewiętnastowiecznego klasyka opowieści grozy. Niniejszy zbiór opowiadań mieści w sobie to wszystko! Hipnotyzujące obrazy, pojawiający się znienacka jegomościowie, osobliwe relacje międzyludzkie. W świecie wyobraźni Le Fanu nie ma czasu na nudę.Dla miłośników pióra Edgara Allana Poego czy M.R. Jamesa.Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) - irlandzki dziennikarz i pisarz, szeroką popularność zdobył jako autor powieści gotyckich i opowiadań grozy. Do jego najsłynniejszych utworów należą "Dom przy cmentarzu", "Zielona herbata" czy "Carmilla". W ostatniej z wymienionych powieści wykreował postać wampirzycy o lesbijskich skłonnościach. Jego przesiąknięte erotyzmem utwory budziły liczne kontrowersje we współczesnych mu czasach wiktoriańskich.
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- 39.99 kr.
From 40.99 kr. Kipinöiviä kohtaamisia Irlannin nummilla! Juudaksen suudelma aloittaa Tuija Lehtisen sarjan sykähdyttäviä historiallisia rakkaustarinoita. Irlantilaisen kreivin tyttären Brighid McMahonin sydän on pakahtua halusta päästä pois uneliaasta kotikylästään. Unelmissaan Brighid tanssii jo Lontoon juhlasaleissa, mutta perhe haluaa varjella Brighidiä maailman vaaroilta, eivätkä edes Dublinin seurapiirien ovet aukene Brighidille. Brighidin kotikylän hiljaiselon keskeyttää Amerikasta saapuva Finn Nolan. Kaikki Finnissä aiheuttaa paikallisissa närkästystä, mutta Brighidiä huhut hänen seikkailuistaan kiehtovat. Kun Brighid lopulta tapaa miehen, ei tämä tunnu kuitenkaan pitävän hänestä laisinkaan, ja Finnin julkea käytös saa Brighidin mielen myllerryksiin. Sattuma saattaa Brighidin ja Finnin yhteen yhä uudestaan, eikä jännite heidän välillään jää huomaamatta myöskään kilttisydämiseltä nuorelta pappi Flanaganilta tai naapurin suloiselta Donaldilta. Voiko kukaan miehistä lopulta valloittaa omapäisen Brighidin sydämen?Mukaansatempaava romanttinen tarina on ensimmäinen osa Seurapiirejä ja suuria tunteita -sarjaa, jonka tunnelmalliset historialliset rakkaustarinat johdattavat niin puolalaisiin kartanoihin kuin 1800-luvun Pariisin teatterimaailmaan, Egyptin pyramideille ja Venäjän vallan ajan Suomeen. Juudaksen suudelma on julkaistu alun perin kirjailijanimellä Minna Skog.Seurapiirejä ja suuria tunteita on sarja ihastuttavia historiallisia rakkaustarinoita. Tuija Lehtinen (s. 1954) on rakastettu kirjailija, joka on tunnettu erityisesti nuortenkirjoistaan. Uransa alkuvuosina hän kirjoitti myös Kolmiokirjan romanttisia lukemistoja.
59.99 kr. ‘Life Harvest’ is a collection of thoughts and reflections from the pen of Ann Henning Jocelyn. Containing both poetry and prose, ‘Life Harvest’ offers the reader a gentle and benevolent exploration of the various stages of life. Henning’s observations are funny, poignant, inspiring, and rooted in love. This book would make a superb gift for anyone who needs a little literary sunshine in their life.Ann Henning Jocelyn (born 1948) is a Swedish poet and playwright. Born in Gothenburg, she wrote her first story at the age of five and has been writing ever since. After the death of her grandparents, Henning’s mother relocated the family to Molndal. Henning found school life difficult there and was subject to bullying, as the result of her love of literature. However, she managed to write plays that entertained her classmates and the bullying subsided. After studying at Gothenburg University, Henning moved to London to work at the Open Space Theatre. In 1983, she moved again, this time to Ireland, which is where she now lives.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. What do we talk about when we talk about Irish?When we talk about saving or supporting a language do we mean the musical combination of syllables, or something more profound?How do new words enter a language, and what is the relationship between that strange dialect called Hiberno-English and its parent language?'Craic Baby' picks up exactly where 'Motherfoclóir' left off and explores the very new and very old parts of the Irish language from a personal perspective. While 'Motherfoclóir' was steeped in memory and a father-son relationship, 'Craic Baby' hinges on the beginnings of a father-daughter relationship, and how watching a child learn to communicate changes how you think about language.'Craic Baby' will share more Irish words and issues connected to the language, in the same style as 'Motherfoclóir', but treated with greater confidence and more depth.From the author of the bestselling 'Motherfoclóir', and winner of the Non-fiction of "Irish Book of the Year", "Craic Baby" will fasscinate those who loved "The Etymologicon" and "The Lost Words".Darach O'Séaghdha is the author of popular twitter account @theirishfor. He lives just outside Dublin, where he works as a civil servant during the day and explores language at night and in the early morning.
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- 77.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Irland im Jahre 1847: Auch nach zwei Jahren wütet noch immer die Hungersnot in dem völlig verarmten Land. Éanna und Brendan, der junge Ire, an den sie ihr Herz verloren hat, schaffen es nur mühsam, Arbeit in Dublin zu finden. Für die ersehnte Überfahrt nach Amerika können sie von ihrem dürftigen Lohn kaum etwas beiseite legen. Um ihrem Traum endlich ein Stück näher zu kommen, bittet Éanna heimlich den Schriftsteller Patrick O’Brien um Hilfe. Doch sie hat die Rechnung ohne Brendan gemacht, denn der wird rasend eifersüchtig ... Band 2 der Éanna-Reihe von Ashley Carrington.Mit einer Gesamtauflage in Deutschland von fast sechs Millionen zählt Rainer M. Schröder alias Ashley Carrington zu den erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern von Jugendbüchern sowie historischen Gesellschaftsromanen für Erwachsene.
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- 111.99 kr.
38.99 kr. J.M. Synge’s ‘The Well of the Saints’ is a three-act darkly comedic play that explores themes of myth, vision and journeys.Two blind beggars, Martin and Mary Doul, are cured of their blindness by a passing saint. Unable to reckon with the ugliness of a world they have never seen, their relationship is torn apart by their new gift. Now able to integrate into society, they try and live as they have always wanted to, only to be met with cruelty at every turn.‘The Well of the Saints’ is a hilarious and thought-provoking play that will enrapture fans of Irish literature or comedy. A cross between ‘Waiting for Godot’ and ‘Trading Places’, ‘The Well of the Saints’ is a dark delight to be enjoyed by all.Edmund John Millington Synge (1871 – 1909) was an Irish poet, playwright, and defining figure of the Irish Literary Revival. Born in County Dublin to upper-middle-class Protestants, Synge suffered from Hodgkin’s disease which led to his home-schooling. Soon after graduating from Trinity College Dublin, Synge became a renowned poet and playwright, but his success was short-lived as he passed away from cancer at 37.He is best remembered for his play ‘The Playboy of the Western World’, an incredibly controversial work at the time of its publication and performance. Regarded by Yeats as ‘the greatest dramatic genius of Ireland’, Synge has had a lasting legacy, being a key influence for acclaimed Irish playwright Samuel Beckett and the subject of Joseph O’Connor’s novel ‘Ghost Light’ (2010).
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A beautiful collection of travel stories from some of his favourite places, ‘In Wicklow and West Kerry’ (1912) is a personal and memorable account of J.M. Synge’s journeys around Ireland.Throughout this wonderful book, Synge’s love for the Irish people and geography shines through as he regales the reader with delightful vignettes.Fans of modern travel writers like Robert Macfarlane and Bill Bryson will absolutely adore Synge's ‘In Wicklow and West Kerry’.Edmund John Millington Synge (1871 – 1909) was an Irish poet, playwright, and defining figure of the Irish Literary Revival. Born in County Dublin to upper-middle-class Protestants, Synge suffered from Hodgkin’s disease which led to his home-schooling.Soon after graduating from Trinity College Dublin, Synge became a renowned poet and playwright, but his success was short-lived as he passed away from cancer at 37. He is best remembered for his play ‘The Playboy of the Western World’, an incredibly controversial work at the time of its publication and performance.Regarded by Yeats as ‘the greatest dramatic genius of Ireland’, Synge has held a lasting legacy, being a key influence for acclaimed Irish playwright Samuel Beckett and the subject of Joseph O’Connor’s novel ‘Ghost Light’ (2010).
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- 42.99 kr.
60.99 kr. It is 1846, famine is gripping Ireland and nowhere is it crueller than in Mayo on the west coast.Owen FitzDeane of Ballyford Castle is a good landlord, but even he is powerless to save all his tenants.When he comes upon a half-dead girl beside the road, he insists on taking her back to the castle, to see if they can save her.But Eilinora is no ordinary girl and soon superstition and fear begin to swirl around her, while Lord FitzDeane of Ballyford falls deeper under her spell.This is the story which sets in motion the events of Nadine Dorries's brilliant new novel Ruby Flynn.Nadine Dorries was born in Liverpool in the 1950s and raised on a council estate, the daughter of a bus driver. Her first novel, 'The Four Streets', was inspired by memories of her childhood, particularly her Irish grandmother who she was very close to.
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- 60.99 kr.
110.99 kr. Irland, 1845: Mehrere Missernten führen das ganze Land in eine schreckliche Hungersnot. Wie so viele verliert auch Éanna ihr Zuhause und ihre Familie. Bettelarm und ganz auf sich allein gestellt, kämpft sie fortan jeden Tag aufs Neue ums Überleben. Bis sie auf Brendan Flynn trifft, der einen Ausweg aus ihrer verzweifelten Lage zu kennen scheint: Ihre letzte Chance ist die rettende Schiffspassage nach Amerika. Doch dafür müssen die beiden erst das nötige Geld auftreiben. Und kann Éanna dem jungen Iren überhaupt vertrauen?Mit einer Gesamtauflage in Deutschland von fast sechs Millionen zählt Rainer M. Schröder alias Ashley Carrington zu den erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern von Jugendbüchern sowie historischen Gesellschaftsromanen für Erwachsene.
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- 110.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Poignant and uplifting, this is a story to remind hopeless romantics that you never know when true love might strike...Cassie Montgomery can remember a time where her life seemed pretty perfect. By day she was setting up her own little business in her sleek penthouse apartment, and by night sleeping on gazillion-count Egyptian cotton sheets next to her fiancée, once reputed to be Glasgow's most eligible bachelor.And yet one ordinary, fateful day, Cassie uncovers a secret that shatters her heart into tiny pieces, and changes her life forever...Escaping to a rural and idyllic coastal village, Cassie finds a cottage that, from the moment she steps through the rose-surrounded door, feels instantly like home. And then there's Mac, the cool surf teacher, who makes her question what really makes her happy – and makes her wonder if maybe, she might already have found the answer...Perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Heidi Swain, Laura Kemp and Holly Martin.
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- 102.99 kr.
111.99 kr. La nueva tendencia wellness que te ayudará a ser amable con la persona que eres.Esta es una guía práctica sobre los beneficios de la amabilidad y la bondad, una guía conformada por sencillos consejos que te ayudarán a vivir una vida más feliz y satisfactoria, a través de la combinación de dos de las fuerzas más importantes y necesarias actualmente: la atención plena y la autocompasión.Este libro te enseña cómo hacer de la atención plena tu aliado en la vida cotidiana, cómo aceptar quién eres y cómo reducir la ansiedad y los niveles de estrés a través de una serie de eficaces ejercicios. En un mundo caótico como el de hoy todos podemos beneficiarnos de las técnicas del Kindfulness.A través de la autocompasión consciente, este libro te ayudará a que te guste la persona que ves cada mañana en el espejo (con sus defectos y todo). Te ofrecerá las prácticas para aceptar la persona que eres, aprenderás a dejar de escuchar tu yo crítico interno y podrás cambiar tu vida a través de la amabilidad.El psicoterapeuta Padraig O'Morain confirma cómo a través del arte de cuidarnos a nosotros mismos a través de la amabilidad y el asegurarnos de vivir en el presente podemos disipar la negatividad en nuestra vida. Como resultado de amarte y aceptarte un poco más, mejorarás tus relaciones con los demás y te convertirás en un ser humano más compasivo y más feliz.Padraig O'Morain es un reputado psicoterapeuta con una fuerte presencia on line. Ha practicado el Mindfulness durante más de 25 años y lleva como profesor de este más de una década. Ha publicado títulos como Mindfulness on the go y Mindfulness for worriers. Su canal "Daily Mindfulness Reminder" es uno de los canales más seguidos en Inglaterra e Irlanda.
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- 111.99 kr.
129.99 kr. This is a love story, set in the Irish literary world between 1986 and 2015. When they were first introduced by the poet Derek Mahon, Alannah Hopkin was an arts journalist turned full-time writer and Aidan Higgins, twenty-three years her senior, was a literary stylist, often cited as the heir to Ireland’s great Modernist tradition. They wrote steadily during their twenty-nine years together, but their careers could not have been more different: while Aidan focused on fiction and memoirs, Alannah prioritised work that paid the bills. This gave Aidan the most stable and productive years of his life. But as his eyesight failed and his memory began to fade, Alannah became his carer and had to fight to keep her own writing career alive.Drawing from diaries and notebooks, and correspondence with writers such as Samuel Beckett, Alice Munro and Harold Pinter, this is a unique record of a major Irish writer. From the joyful honeymoon years – filled with launches, festivals and visits to their Kinsale home by Richard Ford, Edna O’Brien and other literary legends – to the increasingly difficult years of Aidan’s decline, Hopkin tells their story candidly and without commentary. She shows us how, in spite of all, they remained the best of friends, in love until Aidan’s very last breath.A Very Strange Man is an exceptional piece of writing, objective and authoritative, personal, honest and moving.Allannah Hopkin is based in southwest Ireland. She is The 2020 Frank O’Connor International Fellow. Her story collection "The Dogs of Inishere" was published by Dalkey Archive Press in 2017. Her stories have appeared in the London Magazine and The Cork Literary Review, among others, and have been short-listed for the RTÉ Short Story Award. She has published two novels with Hamish Hamilton.
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- 129.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Ein packender Thriller von Bestsellerautor Ralf Isau!Gründonnerstag in dem kleinen irischen Dorf Graiguenamanagh: Vor dem Kreuz der Dorfkirche wird ein junger Mann gefunden, der blutende Wunden an Händen und Füßen aufweist. Neben ihm: eine Dornenkrone. Und als der Mann benommen erwacht, spricht er Hebräisch. Kann er wirklich der wiedergeborene Messias sein? Ein wahrer Mediensturm bricht über das verschlafene Nest und den vermeintlichen Heiland herein. Hester McAteer, Sonderermittler des Vatikans, soll der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Doch dabei wird er nicht nur mit seiner eigenen Vergangenheit konfrontiert, sondern auch mit mysteriösen Todesfällen, die ihn an seinem Glauben zweifeln lassen.Ralf Isau wurde 1956 in Berlin-Tempelhof geboren. Nach einer kaufmännischen Ausbildung war er zunächst als Programmierer tätig, bevor er 1988 zur Schriftstellerei fand. Nach einem erfolgreichen Start im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendbuch wechselte Isau in das Erwachsenengenre. Er hat zahlreiche Fantasyromane veröffentlicht, die häufig mit historischen Fakten gespickt sind. Isau lebt mit seiner Frau in der Nähe von Ludwigsburg.
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- 44.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Marty MacDonagh is the proud owner of a beautiful, champion Connemara mare named Veronica, who is due to give birth to her very first foal. Just as Veronica gives birth however, a wild whirlwind named the Cuaifeach envelops the stable – and the new foal seems to have inherited the personality of the wild weather which surrounded his birth. A whirlwind from the very start, the young foal gets into all sorts of humorous mischief and causes all kinds of trouble. Will the pony-mad young Doreen be the one to tame him? An instant bestseller upon release, ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’ is a charming tale for children by Swedish author Ann Henning.Ann Henning Jocelyn was born in Sweden in 1948. Following the death of her father, Ann and her siblings were raised by their mother in remote and beautiful Ed on the Norwegian border. Ann thrived here - by the age of four she was reading, and by five she had written her very first story. The family moved closer to Gothenburg following her mother’s remarriage, where Ann struggled in the new environment and turned to her love of reading and writing for comfort. Ann wrote her very first book ‘Honeylove the Bearcub’ by the time she was seven, and by nine she had a story published in a magazine. Ann attended Gothenburg University to study Classical Architecture and Drama, before moving to London to study theatre and drama. In 1982, Ann moved to Connemara on the west coast of Ireland to focus on her writing, where she still lives today along with her husband. The area is well-known for its’ ponies, and the creatures became part of Ann’s daily life, influencing her writing. Bestseller ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’, about life in the pony world of Connemara, was followed by ‘The Connemara Stallion’ and ‘The Connemara Champion’. Also a keen playwright and theatre advocate, Ann co-founded the Connemara Theatre Company which has shown several of her plays including ‘Baptism of Fire’ and ‘The Alternative’.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
49.00 kr. Velkommen til Irland. Et land, der aldrig har haft det nemt - helt fra Oliver Cromwell første gang satte sine øjne på det. Opstand, uafhængighed og borgerkrig til en opdeling i nord og syd er bare et par af overskrifterne for en prøvet nation.Det skal naturligvis have en effekt på dagligdagen og retssystemet ... og det har det også haft. I 1980 røvede tre maskerede og bevæbnede mænd en bank. De var mistænkt for at være en del af INLA (Irish National Liberation Army), og det endte med to døde betjente. To af dem blev taget med det samme, og 12 dage senere hentede de Peter.Tag med på en historisk og personlig rejse igennem den irske smeltedigel.‘På Stribe - din seriemorderpodcast’ er en podcast, der i hver episode dykker ned i én specifik seriemorders liv, gerninger og mentale tilstand for at give et billede af, hvorfor det gik så galt, som det gjorde. Andre dele af serien inkluderer underserierne "Uforståelig ondskab" og "Uskyldigt dømt".Mord har altid skræmt og fascineret os. Hvad får én person til at tage en andens liv? De fleste af os kan på ingen måde sætte os ind i, hvad der skal til for at trykke på aftrækkeren eller stramme løkken om halsen på et uskyldigt offer. Alligevel sker det dagligt verden over. Endnu mere uforståeligt og uhyggeligt er det, når det går op for os, at vi står overfor en seriemorder, der gang på gang tager andres liv for at tilfredsstille sine egne lyster og udleve ustoppelige mørke fantasier. Christoffer Greenfort og Andreas Illum tager lytterne med ind i disse personers skyggeverden og fortæller historierne om virkelighedens monstre, der går uset rundt iblandt os.
- Podcast
- 49.00 kr.
59.99 kr. It is 'Downton Abbey' meets 'Succession' - but in the 18th century.Four generations of heirs to the Rackrent estate in Ireland are shown to have unique talents for mismanaging it.The careless big spender Sir Patrick O'Shaughlin, litigious Sir Murtagh Rackrent, abusive gambler Sir Kit Rackrent and the kind but unwise Sir Condy Rackrent are brought vividly to life by Maria Edgeworth through a narrator, Rackrent steward Thady Quirk.As the four heirs fight and foul up, behind the scenes there is a master manipulator pulling the strings. Will he benefit from the chaos?'Castle Rackrent' is Edgeworth's first novel and is regarded as pioneering in the field of historical and regional novels.It satirises Anglo-Irish landlords at a time when the English and Irish governments were trying to formalise their union.The novel is alluded to in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby'. It is also cited by Sir Walter Scott as the inspiration for his 'Waverley' historical novels.The Irish poet and dramatist W.B. Yeats called Castle Rackrent "one of the most inspired chronicles written in English."The Irish writer Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) was highly regarded in her day as a pioneer of early 19th century fiction and children's literature.A friend of the novelist Sir Walter Scott ('Ivanhoe', 'Rob Roy'), she was active and vocal about political and estate reform.Today, she is rather underappreciated - and overshadowed - by other 19th century satirical novelists like Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope.A prolific writer, Edgeworth's best-known works include 'Ennui', 'The Dun' and 'Belinda', which was controversial in its day for featuring inter-racial marriage.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Exploring the idea that it’s good to be able to discern between healthy and toxic relationships, ‘The Devoted Friend’ is perhaps more relevant now than it has ever been. While this might read as a sweet fairy-tale, Wilde imbues it with important lessons in morality and friendship. It begins with a linnet meeting a vain and ignorant water-rat. In order to bring the water-rat to some realisation, the linnet tells him the story of a gardener, Hans, and how his good nature is exploited by his supposed friend, Big Hugh. Delightfully written and full of charm, this book is perfect for younger readers and those who cannot resist the pull of nostalgia.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. There’s been a long-standing argument in literary circles, surrounding Shakespeare’s sonnets. The works are dedicated to ‘Mr W.H.’ and academics have debated as to who this elusive figure might be. Some have even gone as far as to suggest that the initials stand for ‘Willian Himself.’ ‘The Portrait of Mr W.H.’ sees Wilde give these sonnets a witty and wry autopsy, poring through them to find the identity of this shadowy dedicatee. However, this is a speculative fiction rather than an academic exercise, and Wilde creates a superb story in which a young actor might give a clue as to who Mr W.H. actually was. Ideal for fans of Shakespeare and Wilde, alike.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
59.99 kr. If you’re looking to learn a little more about Wilde the man, as apposed to Wilde the persona, ‘Miscellanies’ is the place to start. A collection of writings, lectures, letters, and reviews, it shows the more vulnerable side of the writer. His thoughts on everything from art and fashion to Americans and poetry are peppered with his trademark, acidic wit, yet reveal a more thoughtful aspect than was shown to the public. A fascinating read for those who want to get to know Wilde that much better.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A masterclass in the manipulation of the English language ‘Poems in Prose’ is a collection of six poems, from the pen of one of the world’s most celebrated writers. Delving into themes such as art, Christianity, vanity, sin, and love, Wilde flexes his literary muscles to create six works of enduring beauty and profound insight. The only poems published during his lifetime, this is a superb collection for those who want to see behind the wit that Wilde often used to protect himself.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘The Happy Prince’ is a fairy story, written for children, from the pen of one of the 19th Century’s most regarded writers. It tells the story of a lovelorn swallow, trying to follow his friends to Egypt for the winter. However, he tires and decides to land at the foot of a statue, in a large city. Slowly, he befriends the statue of the Happy Prince, who may not be quite as happy as he seems. A tender and tragic tale, ‘The Happy Prince’ is beautifully written and deservedly takes up the title of a timeless classic. Perfect for readers of all ages.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Lord Glenthorn is bored and lacking oomph. But before you feel sorry for him, it is worth knowing that he has a pile of money, a grand title, estates in England and Ireland and no stress.That is until he finds out he is not Lord Glenthorn, the Anglo-Irish earl. He is in fact the peasant Christy O'Donoghoe, which is a fly in the ointment for his efforts to provide for the woman he loves.At the same time, he gets caught up in the violent Irish Rebellion of 1798.Can he shake off the ennui, become a self-made man and win the hand of his love?Those who enjoy Jane Austen's novels, including 'Persuasion', 'Sense and Sensibility', and 'Pride and Prejudice', will love 'Ennui'. Like Austen, Maria Edgeworth has a gift for gently exposing the hypocrisy and accidental comedy of Britain's 19th century upper-middle class.First published in 1809, 'Ennui' is a didactic novel, which means it aims to teach the reader a moral lesson - like 'Aesop's Fables'.The Irish writer Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) was highly regarded in her day as a pioneer of early 19th century fiction and children's literature.A friend of the novelist Sir Walter Scott ('Ivanhoe', 'Rob Roy'), she was active and vocal about political and estate reform.Today, she is rather underappreciated - and overshadowed - by other 19th century satirical novelists like Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope.A prolific writer, Edgeworth's best-known works include 'Ennui', 'The Dun' and 'Belinda', which was controversial in its day for featuring inter-racial marriage.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Born from the mists of Irish legend, Bram Stoker’s ‘The Snake’s Pass’ traces a romance fraught with mystery and peril.Arthur Severn is holidaying in the town of Carnacliff, Ireland, when he meets a peasant girl in the fog and falls in love. But their social standing is not the only thing keeping them apart. The town’s money lender, Black Murdock wants to take control of the land where Arthur has been staying and seems obsessed with finding a hidden treasure lost beneath the bog. As legends resurface of the Snake King’s lost crown, the shifting swamp threatens to swallow the house itself and destroy Arthur’s hopes of finding the girl again.Drawing on the legend of St Patrick, Stoker’s thrilling romance creates a brooding world of danger and mystery. His only work set entirely in Ireland, ‘The Snake’s Pass’ is an unmissable classic and rightful precursor to the Gothic horror that is Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’.Bram Stoker (1847 - 1912) was an Irish author celebrated for his contributions to the Victorian Gothic period. Among his works, 'The Primrose Path', 'The Snake's Pass', and 'The Lair of the White Worm', 'Dracula' is best-known as the masterpiece of Gothic Horror that introduced vampires to English shores. Born in Dublin, Ireland, Stoker later moved to London to work alongside Henry Irving at the Lyceum Theatre, where he followed his interests in the arts, science, and the occult.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.