125.99 kr. Die Gesangsstudentin Anna konkurriert tagsüber beim Vorsingen gegen ihre Kommilitoninnen aus gutem Hause, nachts singt sie Jazz in einer verrauchten Bar, um die Miete bezahlen zu können.Dort trifft sie den wohlhabenden Max. Einen betörenden Winter lang oszilliert ihr Leben zwischen den schwer erkämpften Momenten auf der Bühne und den Nächten in Max’ Apartment, das über die Lichter der Stadt blickt. Doch Annas Karriere fordert einen immer größeren Teil ihres Lebens – ebenso wie Max.Imogen Crimps Romandebüt ist eine fesselnde Liebesgeschichte und ein tiefgehender psychologischer Roman über eine Beziehung mit ungleichen Machtverhältnissen, über Geld, Sex und Abhängigkeit.Imogen Crimp, geboren 1989, studierte Englische Sprache und Literatur in Cambridge und zeitgenössische Literatur in London, wo sie sich auf Autorinnen der Moderne spezialisierte. Nach ihrer Zeit an der Universität studierte sie für eine kurze Zeit Operngesang an einem Londoner Konservatorium. Imogen Crimp lebt in London.
- Audiobook
- 125.99 kr.
77.99 kr. From casual hook up ... to something more?Burlesque dancer Charlie Kent should be happy performing and hooking up with sexy people now that the pandemic is over, just like before. But now it feels empty. The audience always seems to be missing Elle - her friend-with-benefits. They were just casual, but Charlie now realises she wants more. Much more. But when Elle arrives at Seraph’s Burlesque Club on business, Charlie is not going to let this second chance go to waste.Elle’s interior design business has been booming since the pandemic with so much work she’s barely thought of the sexy-as-sin burlesque dancer who she used to hook up with.... except when she’s lonely all night. But she can’t be just friends anymore, so she stays away. When she is commissioned to refit Seraph's Burlesque Club, Elle bumps into Charlie, and all her best intentions go straight out of the perfectly dressed window.Elle must keep her professional reputation intact, and can’t allow her attraction to Charlie to derail her work and her need for love.... But what if she can have it all?‘Show Off’ is the second installment in the "Seraph’s Burlesque Club" series following ‘Show Up’ – a series of lesbian romances set in a London burlesque club.Perfect for readers who love a steamy read with friends (with benefits) to lovers plot. If you love reading about a found family with queer people who thrive, this series has that and more.Trigger warnings – Please note that this book contains mentions of the following:-tReferences to the pandemic - as the book is set in a post-COVID London where everyone is vaccinated-tReferences to a character having covid-tParental fat shaming of a main character-tParental manipulation-tA broken armA writer of Sassy Daring Romance, Renée Dahlia is an unabashed romance reader who loves feisty women and strong & clever men. Her books reflect this, with a hint of awkward humour.Renée has a science degree in physics. When not distracted by the characters fighting for her, she works in the horseracing industry doing data analysis and writing magazine articles.When she isn’t reading or writing, Renée spends her time with her partner and four children, usually watching them play cricket.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Sebbene viva in una casa elegante e imponente nella prestigiosa Belgrave Square a Londra, la vita della giovane Angelina Medwin e ben poco glamour o romantica. Passa la maggior parte del tempo ad accudire la nonna malata, Lady Medwin, e il suo amato "e;leone pechinese"e;, che Angelina porta a spasso nel bellissimo e rigoglioso parco privato della piazza. E proprio durante una di queste passeggiate che incontra l'affascinante principe Xenos di Cefalonia, in visita a Londra per l'imminente incoronazione del re Edoardo VII. Colpita dai modi esotici e dal carisma del principe, Angelina si ritrova a sognare una vita diametralmente opposta a quella che ha vissuto finora. Ma se e vero che per lei non c'e alcun modo di cambiare il presente, la chiave per la tanto agognata felicita potrebbe nascondersi proprio nel suo misterioso passato.-
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Origen del famoso musical de Broadway y su adaptación en Hollywood, esta escalofriante novela cuenta la leyenda del sangriento barbero Sweeny Todd, publicada por entregas en los famosos fascículos truculentos llamados Penny Dreadfuls a mediados del S. XIX en Inglaterra. Su protagonista es un barbero en el Londres victoriano que tiene un trato criminal y antropófago con la panadera de su barrio, famosa por sus deliciosos pasteles de carne...Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.James Malcolm Rymer fue un autor inglés nacido en 1810 y fallecido en 1859. Se especializó en Penny Dreadfuls, historias truculentas y horrorosas publicadas por fascículos en la época por un penique, de las que llegó a escribir más de cien títulos como Ada la traicionadora o Varney el Vampiro.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Dick Heldar jest obiecującym młodym malarzem. Wielkie nadzieje na jego triumfalną karierę zostają przerwane widmem szybko nadchodzącej tragedii – Dick traci wzrok. Mężczyzna początkowo nie zdaje sobie sprawy z ogromu czekającego go nieszczęścia, wkrótce jednak będzie musiał zmierzyć się ze straszną prawdą. W życiu zbuntowanego artysty, którego temperament potrafi okiełznać tylko jedna kobieta, następują nieodwracalne zmiany.Angielski prozaik i autor wierszy, laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla (1907). Do jego najbardziej znanych utworów zalicza się opowiadania „Księga dżungli" oraz powieść „Kim". Urodzony w Indiach Brytyjskich jako dziecko trafił do Anglii. Autor opowiadań, w których przedstawiał Hindusów, żołnierzy, a wreszcie wydarzenia przynależne do nierealistycznego świata. Od roku 1889 Kipling podróżował, trafiając m.in. do Japonii, Stanów Zjednoczonych i Kanady. Późne teksty pisarza stanowią wyraz jego wiary w postęp techniczny i nowoczesność. Wiele utworów Kiplinga doczekało adaptacji filmowych.
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
From 149.00 kr. 1866. I en kystby i det sydlige England bor pigen Nell. Hun ser anderledes ud, og en dag bliver hun bemærket af Jasper Jupiters forunderlige cirkus. Cirkusejeren ser potentiale i pletterne på Nells krop og køber hende. På trods af stor uvilje begynder Nell langsomt at føle et fællesskab blandt de andre artister og tage ansvar for egen skæbne. Fascinationen af det aparte er stor, og i London står folk i kø for at se showet med Jaspers hovedattraktion: Nell, der flyver højt oppe under teltdugen. Men tingene kompliceres, da hun får følelser for Jaspers bror, Toby, og begynder at drømme stort."Det forunderlige cirkus" foregår i 1800-tallets Victoriatid og er et trekantsdrama om magtforhold, forskellighed, kærlighed og cirkusliv – samt håb, mod og kontakt."Macneals anden roman er både spændende og menneskelig og vækker den brutale verden omkring et freakshow til live." – Mail on Sunday"Smukt skrevet og fuld af karakter og liv." – The Times"Vidunderlig – fuldstændig forførende." – Daily MailElizabeth Macneil er keramiker og forfatter, født og opvokset i Skotland og bosiddende i London. Hendes første roman "Dukkeværkstedet" blev en stor international bestseller, som er oversat til 29 sprog. "Det forunderlige cirkus" er hendes anden roman.
From 58.99 kr. In una Londra d'altri tempi, ma piovosa e crepuscolare come quella di oggi, un misterioso killer chiamato "e;il Vendicatore"e; si avventa sulle proprie vittime con il favore delle tenebre. Nessuno sa chi sia, nessuno lo sente arrivare-se non quando e ormai troppo tardi.I proprietari della Bunting, una fatiscente pensione, notano pero una strana coincidenza. Ogni volta che il signor Sleuth, un uomo alto e magro che indossa una tuba e un mantello e che e spesso il loro unico ospite, lascia la pensione di notte, la mattina successiva Londra si sveglia per piangere una nuova vittima del Vendicatore. Potrebbe essere semplicemente un caso, ma il dubbio e ormai germogliato. 'Il pensionante' e un thriller classico, immortalato anche dal celebre adattamento cinematografico di Alfred Hitchcock.-
15.99 kr. Powieść należąca do kanonu literatury dziecięcej. Tytułowa księżniczka to Sara Crewe, siedmiolatka, która przybywa z Indii do Londynu, gdzie zostaje zapisana na pensję dla dziewcząt, kierowaną przez chciwą i okrutną pannę Minchin. Bogaty ojciec Sary życzy sobie, by jego córce niczego nie brakowało, zatem jest ona traktowana po królewsku. Wystawne życie dziewczynki kończy się, gdy przełożona pensji otrzymuje wiadomość, że bogactwo ojca Sary należy już do przeszłości. Panna Minchin zatrzymuje dziewczynkę na pensji. Odtąd Sara cierpi nędzę, nie zatraca jednak swojej szlachetności i dobra.Brytyjska powieściopisarka i dramaturg. Autorka 39 powieści, głównie adresowanych do młodych czytelników. To właśnie te utwory (przede wszystkim „Mała księżniczka", „Tajemniczy ogród" i „Mały lord") przyniosły jej bardzo dużą popularność, w XX wieku zostały przeniesione na deski teatru i ekrany, także jako filmy animowane. Powieści oraz sztuki teatralne, które pisała z myślą o dorosłych odbiorcach, dotyczyły problematyki społecznej.
- Ebook
- 15.99 kr.
111.99 kr. 1912-1914 – Une riche veuve, comtesse du prestigieux domaine de Longfield Park. Un chef de la pègre londonienne. Une frêle jeune fille qui tente de survivre à la violence de son mari. Une lady éprise de liberté et bien décidée à faire progresser la cause suffragiste. Des personnages qui n’étaient pas destinés à se rencontrer vont se croiser à la faveur des événements, de ce bouillonnant début de xxe siècle. Des destins qui se croisent, s’entremêlent, ballottés au gré des bouleversements de la grande histoire.Un grand roman historique centré sur la lutte des femmes pour faire reconnaître leurs droits.Cadre dans une grande entreprise de services, Carine Pitocchi a longtemps rédigé des articles pour des associations et des partis politiques avant de se lancer dans l’écriture de romans. Elle a remporté en 2019 le « Prix Romancière » du concours de la collection &moi chez JC Lattès avec son roman Toi seul. Elle habite dans la région de Nice.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Una misteriosa viuda acaba de llegar a Wildfell Hall. Helen Graham y su hijo pequeño Arthur tratan de pasar desapercibidos, pero su presencia despierta la curiosidad de los habitantes del pueblo. Gilbert Markham se enamora de ella y, tras un apasionado cortejo, le propone matrimonio, pero Helen Graham lo rechaza. En ese momento, parece que nada podrá consolar y aplacar a Gilbert, pero entonces Helen le entrega sus diarios.A través de ellos Gilbert descubrirá el terrible pasado de Helen, su sufrimiento y su lucha para proteger a su hijo.«La inquilina de Wildfell Hall» es la historia de una mujer valiente que en la Inglaterra del siglo XIX decide alzarse contra los abusos y los maltratos.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Anne Brontë (1820-1849) fue una novelista y poetisa británica. Es conocida por ser la más pequeña de la familia Brontë, una familia de escritores formada principalmente por las hermanas Charlotte, Emily y Anne. Dos de las novelas que publicó en vida se incluyen hoy entre los grandes clásicos de la literatura inglesa: «Agnes Grey» y «La inquilina de Wildfell Hall», las cuales publicó bajo el seudónimo masculino que adoptó después de publicar la antología de poemas junto a sus hermanas: Acton Bell.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Un savant a invente une machine extraordinaire capable de se deplacer a travers les siecles. Alors qu'il atterrit en 802 701, il decouvre une Terre bien differente : elle ressemble a un grand jardin paradisiaque ou ne subsiste ni mauvaises herbes, ni animaux. Elle est habitee seulement par un peuple d'androgynes, doux et pacifiques, les Elois, qui passent leur temps a jouer et a manger des fruits au milieu d'une verdure abondante.Pourtant, sous cette apparente serenite semble se cacher un lourd secret. Des puits extremement profonds parsement les lieux et emettent d'etranges sons metalliques, et la nuit, de terrifiantes creatures font surfaces et enlevent les Elois dont ils se nourrissent...Il s'agit la d'un chef-d'A uvre de la science-fiction, devenu un veritable classique du genre. La Machine a explorer le temps est encore aujourd'hui une inepuisable source d'inspiration, et sera maintes fois adapte au cinema, entres autres par Simon Wells, l'arriere-petit-fils de H. G. Wells. George Orwell ou Jules Verne s'en inspireront pour rediger a leur tour des monuments de la science-fiction.-
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
118.99 kr. Zwei dänische Mädchen, Lulu und Lisbeth, verschwinden 1985 spurlos auf der Überfahrt nach England. Jahrzehnte später fällt Journalistin Nora Sand, die in London für eine dänische Zeitung arbeitet, ein Foto der beiden in die Hände: Aufgenommen in der Zeit danach. Ihre Recherchen führen Nora nach Dänemark – und zu dem englischen Frauenmörder Bill Hix. Er sitzt seit Jahren im Gefängnis, im Hochsicherheitstrakt. In Absprache mit Scotland Yard darf Nora ihn dort besuchen. Kurz darauf gelingt Hix eine spektakuläre Flucht, und Nora muss um ihr Leben fürchten ...
- Audiobook
- 118.99 kr.
118.99 kr. Wie viel ist ein Leben wert?Auf der Flucht aus dem Iran wird der berühmte Dichter Manash Ishmail von seiner Frau getrennt. Während sich Aminas Spur in England verliert, landet er selbst in einem dänischen Auffanglager. Eine Vorzugsbehandlung erfährt der preisgekrönte Schriftsteller jedoch nicht. Zahlreiche Journalisten wollen ein Interview, doch Manash gewährt einzig Nora Sand ein Gespräch – im Gegenzug soll die London-Korrespondentin der größten dänischen Zeitung seine Frau ausfindig machen. Noras Suche führt sie tief in die Welt der illegalen Einwanderer und Behörden, zu skrupellosen Menschen, die aus der Not der Flüchtlinge Kapital schlagen wollen – und dabei über Leichen gehen.Lone Theils war jahrelang London-Korrespondentin für die angesehene dänische Tageszeitung Politiken sowie fürs Fernsehen. Ihr Debütroman und Auftakt der Reihe um Nora Sand erscheint in 16 Ländern und wird für das Fernsehen verfilmt. Neben ihrer journalistischen Tätigkeit zwischen Dänemark und England teilt die Autorin mit ihrer Protagonistin auch die Leidenschaft fürs Kickboxen.
- Audiobook
- 118.99 kr.
90.99 kr. A bela Lucretia Hedley sempre adorou a propriedade Merlyncourt e o seu belo e jovem senhor: o Marquês de Merlyncourt. Ele era o solteiro mais cobiçado de toda a Inglaterra... Mas eis que de repente Lucretia se torna sua esposa e amante através de um casamento arranjado para salvar as propriedades da família do Marquês! Lucretia sabia o quanto ele estava costumado às mais sofisticadas beldades da corte. Poderia ela com a sua pureza e juventude conquistar o amor do Marquês? Será que ele ficará logo entediado e ela acabará por perder seu próprio esposo?Ela o amava desde menina e sabia que sua idade era uma desvantagem, pois ele não tinha paciência para meninas doces e inocentes. Com medo de perder o seu grande amor, Lucretia estava determinada em mudar sua atitude para se tornar numa mulher madura, sofisticada e experiente aos seus olhos. Mas mal sabia ela que essa transformação iria envolver os dois numa intriga assustadora cheia de perigos e aventuras, mas que acabaria por se tornar numa história de amor apaixonante e fatal...Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.A Inesquecível Dama Barbara CartlandBarbara Cartland, que infelizmente faleceu em maio de 2000 com a avançada idade de noventa e oito anos, continua sendo uma das maiores e mais famosas romancistas de todo o mundo e de todos os tempos, com vendas mundiais superiores a um bilhão de exemplares. Seus ilustres 723 livros foram traduzidos para trinta e seis línguas diferentes para serem apreciados por todos os leitores amantes de romance de todo o mundo.Ao escrever o seu primeiro livro de título "Jigsaw" com apenas 21 anos, Barbara tornou-se imediatamente numa escritora de sucesso, com um best-seller imediato. Aproveitando este sucesso inicial, ela foi escrevendo de forma contínua ao longo de sua vida, produzindo best-sellers ao longo de surpreendentes 76 anos.Além da legião de fãs de Barbara Cartland no Reino Unido e em toda a Europa, os seus livros têm sido sempre muito populares nos EUA. Em 1976, ela conseguiu um feito inédito de ter os seus livros simultaneamente em números 1 e 2 na lista de best-sellers da B. Dalton, livreiro americano de grande prestígio. Embora ela seja muitas vezes referida como a "Rainha do Romance", Barbara Cartland também escreveu várias biografias históricas, seis autobiografias e inúmeras peças de teatro, bem como livros sobre a vida, o amor, a saúde e a culinária, tornando-se numa das personalidades da mídia mais populares da Grã-Bretanha e vestindo-se sempre com cor-de-rosa, como imagem de marca.Barbara falou na rádio e na televisão sobre questões sociais e políticas, bem como fez muitas aparições públicas. Em 1991, ela tornou-se uma Dama da Ordem do Império Britânico pela sua contribuição à literatura e o seu trabalho nas causas humanitárias e de caridade.Conhecida pelo seu glamour, estilo e vitalidade, Barbara Cartland tornou-se numa lenda viva no seu tempo de vida e será sempre lembrada pelos seus maravilhosos romances e amada por milhões de leitores em todo o mundo. Os seus livros permanecem tesouros intactos sempre pelos seus heróis heroicos e corajosos e suas heroínas valentes e com valores tradicionais, mas acima de tudo, era a crença predominante de Barbara Cartland no poder positivo do amor para ajudar, curar e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos outros que a fez ser verdadeiramente única e especial.
- Audiobook
- 90.99 kr.
102.99 kr. A fake date ... a real secretAn invitation to her ex's wedding is just the icing on a crappy cake for burlesque dancer Yolande. Her ex ghosted her just as they were about to take the stage for their neo-burlesque act. Yolande’s friends at Seraph's Burlesque Club convince her that attending the wedding will show her ex that she's moved on. Only one problem - she just needs a date.Shy bartender Reiko has a secret, or two. She can't risk anyone discovering that her life as a penniless PhD student and bartender is a sham. And even though she's been in love with Yolande forever, when Yolande needs a plus-one to save face at her the wedding, Reiko knows any fantasy of romance is just that – a fantasy. Yolande will never notice the way Reiko looks at her.When the drama of the wedding reveals a spark of attraction between them, Reiko will have to risk her fake identity for the chance at true love.‘Show Up’ is the first installment in the "Seraph’s Burlesque Club" – a series of lesbian romances set in a London burlesque club.Perfect for readers who love a steamy read with friends (with benefits) to lovers plot. If you love reading about a found family with queer people who thrive, this series has that and more.Trigger warnings – Please note that this book contains mentions of the following:-tReferences to a character’s mother dying in a car crash prior to the book-tA minor discussion of racism-tReferences to the pandemic - as the book is set in a post-COVID London where everyone is vaccinatedA writer of Sassy Daring Romance, Renée Dahlia is an unabashed romance reader who loves feisty women and strong & clever men. Her books reflect this, with a hint of awkward humour.Renée has a science degree in physics. When not distracted by the characters fighting for her, she works in the horseracing industry doing data analysis and writing magazine articles.When she isn’t reading or writing, Renée spends her time with her partner and four children, usually watching them play cricket.
- Audiobook
- 102.99 kr.
From 58.99 kr. Rimasta orfana di entrambi i genitori, adesso Alexia deve occuparsi di crescere il fratellino e assicurare un futuro dignitoso alla sorella minore Letty, in eta da marito. Decisa a portare Letty a Londra per permetterle di debuttare e trovarle un pretendente, Alexia chiede aiuto all'unico parente rimastole, il Marchese di Osminton, che rimane immediatamente folgorato dalla sorprendente bellezza di Letty. Fiducioso di poterle trovare marito senza troppi problemi, il marchese acconsente a fornire il proprio aiuto alle due sorelle e le invita a vivere nella propria residenza a Londra: sara l'inizio di una rocambolesca convivenza e di un'inaspettata storia d'amore. -
36.99 kr. Un américain qui profite de son weekend pour faire du canot à voile est emporté au large. Alors qu'il se croit perdu, un bateau faisant route pour Londres le recueil. Arrivé à la capitale britannique sans sou, l'américain traine dans la rue pendant deux jours, l'estomac grondant de faim.Le troisième jour, un valet l'appelle et l'invite à le suivre. Il est introduit à deux frères, dans une somptueuse pièce. Ils remettent une enveloppe à l'américain qui, à sa grande surprise, contient un billet de cinq millions. Il s'agit là d'un pari destiné à observer la façon dont se tirerait d’affaire un étranger venu à Londres sans autre ressource qu'un billet de cinq millions. L'un a parié que l'américain mourrait de faim même en possession d'une telle somme ; l'autre soutient le contraire...Entre humour et satire, Mark Twain, auteur des « Aventures de Tom Sawyer », édifie un chef-d'œuvre de la nouvelle.Mark Twain (1835-1910) est le nom de plume de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, écrivain, essayiste et humoriste américain. Il devient imprimeur suite au décès de son père puis exerce le métier de journaliste, qui le mène à voyager en Europe en tant que correspondant de presse. Son enfance au Missouri a grandement influencé ses œuvres, des classiques de la littérature de jeunesse. Ses histoires ont été adaptées de nombreuses fois, avec par exemple le film « Les Aventures de Huckleberry Finn » (1994), avec Elijah Wood, et l’animation Disney « Le Prince et le Pauvre » (1990).
- Ebook
- 36.99 kr.
69.99 kr. Aborrecido com a alta sociedade de Londres e os problemas amorosos do Príncipe de Gales, o Marquês de Aldridge decide se refugiar em seu castelo nas profundezas de uma região conhecida por suas lendas e superstições obsoletas. Em seu caminho, o marquês cruza uma multidão de aldeões agitados e aborrecidos arrastando o corpo inconsciente de uma jovem mulher para uma lagoa... Convencidos de que ela é uma feiticeira, os camponeses queriam realizar o pavoroso banho das bruxas! Espantado com tamanha crueldade, o marquês impediu o julgamento desumano e resgatou a mulher. Mas para sua surpresa, a mulher que ele pensava ser mais velha era na verdade uma bela senhorita.Para o nobre marquês, a inocência pura e a doçura dessa jovem eram provas suficientes de que ela não poderia ser uma bruxa. No entanto, ele se sentia cada vez mais enfeitiçado por seus olhos azuis e sua imensa ternura... Quando o marquês descobre que a jovem Idylla perdeu sua memória, ele não poupa esforços para ajudá-la a recuperar suas lembranças, mas acaba descobrindo uma conspiração cruel e assassina contra a vida da bela donzela. Mas já é tarde demais para voltar atrás: o marquês caiu sob o feitiço do verdadeiro amor e está completamente apaixonado pela bela feiticeira de olhos azuis.Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.A Inesquecível Dama Barbara CartlandBarbara Cartland, que infelizmente faleceu em maio de 2000 com a avançada idade de noventa e oito anos, continua sendo uma das maiores e mais famosas romancistas de todo o mundo e de todos os tempos, com vendas mundiais superiores a um bilhão de exemplares. Seus ilustres 723 livros foram traduzidos para trinta e seis línguas diferentes para serem apreciados por todos os leitores amantes de romance de todo o mundo.Ao escrever o seu primeiro livro de título "Jigsaw" com apenas 21 anos, Barbara tornou-se imediatamente numa escritora de sucesso, com um best-seller imediato. Aproveitando este sucesso inicial, ela foi escrevendo de forma contínua ao longo de sua vida, produzindo best-sellers ao longo de surpreendentes 76 anos.Além da legião de fãs de Barbara Cartland no Reino Unido e em toda a Europa, os seus livros têm sido sempre muito populares nos EUA. Em 1976, ela conseguiu um feito inédito de ter os seus livros simultaneamente em números 1 e 2 na lista de best-sellers da B. Dalton, livreiro americano de grande prestígio. Embora ela seja muitas vezes referida como a "Rainha do Romance", Barbara Cartland também escreveu várias biografias históricas, seis autobiografias e inúmeras peças de teatro, bem como livros sobre a vida, o amor, a saúde e a culinária, tornando-se numa das personalidades da mídia mais populares da Grã-Bretanha e vestindo-se sempre com cor-de-rosa, como imagem de marca.Barbara falou na rádio e na televisão sobre questões sociais e políticas, bem como fez muitas aparições públicas. Em 1991, ela tornou-se uma Dama da Ordem do Império Britânico pela sua contribuição à literatura e o seu trabalho nas causas humanitárias e de caridade.Conhecida pelo seu glamour, estilo e vitalidade, Barbara Cartland tornou-se numa lenda viva no seu tempo de vida e será sempre lembrada pelos seus maravilhosos romances e amada por milhões de leitores em todo o mundo. Os seus livros permanecem tesouros intactos sempre pelos seus heróis heroicos e corajosos e suas heroínas valentes e com valores tradicionais, mas acima de tudo, era a crença predominante de Barbara Cartland no poder positivo do amor para ajudar, curar e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos outros que a fez ser verdadeiramente única e especial.
- Audiobook
- 69.99 kr.
67.99 kr. When Linnet Kintyre nursed the alluring Guy Monteith through his bout of malaria in London, she tied herself to him in more ways than one. Guy wished to marry her, and indeed almost did not leave her out of his sight. Linnet, on the other hand, was not sure of her own feelings, which were increasingly drawn towards the mysterious Dr. Adrian Shane Willoughby. Yet the doctor only seemed to have eyes for the foxy Diana Carey. Should Linnet follow her reason the maddeningly strong feelings she had developed towards this other man, as hopeless as it seemed? The story by Averil Ives, a pseudonym of romance writer Ida Pollock, is an intriguing love story from the 20th century.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Averil Ives is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career.Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death.On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.
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- 67.99 kr.
From 92.99 kr. The narrative follows the stylishly controversial Dodo, a young woman from the British upper-middle-class. She is very confident she is about to make a most advantageous match which should position her perfectly for the social status and money she so deeply craves. This makes for a work replete with sardonic and romantic and paranormal melodrama. In an atmosphere so full of extreme snobbery that it is a riot of hilarity. Brought to you by one of the most distinguished practitioners of the supernatural short story, this is a must read for fans of the American horror drama series 'Lovecraft Country'. Starring Jurnee Smollet, Jonathan Majors, Michael. K. Williams and Wunmi Mosaku. Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940) was a British archeologist and author. Originally from Berkshire, he studied at Cambridge University and published his first novel 'Dodo' in 1893. It was an instant success. He was a prolific novelist and wrote a blend of satire, science-fiction, supernatural and romantic melodramas. He has been admired by later authors such as H. P. Lovecraft. He was also a reputed memoirist and wrote an acclaimed biography of Charlotte Brontë. Benson was a very discreet character but it is widely assumed that he was homosexual, based on the circles he moved in as well as the characters in his fiction. He never married and passed away in 1940 at the age of 72.
67.99 kr. ‘Henry VIII’ is a highly entertaining historical play by William Shakespeare that dramatizes court intrigues and personal vendettas between the King’s advisors. King Henry starts to question his marriage to Queen Katherine after becoming enamoured with a young woman named Anne Boleyn. While Henry deals with his marital issues and his growing attraction to Anne, his noblemen battle with the treacherous Cardinal Wolsey, who conspires against the Queen. As Katherine faces the court, Wolsey further betrays the Monarchy and Henry embarks on a course that will change history. This play is one of Shakespeare’s finest dramas as it combines conspiracy, romance, and death into a thrilling tale that remains remarkably readable to this day. Melodic dialogue expresses the characters’ inner turmoil as loyalties are tested throughout the riveting story. Fans of British historical dramas such as ‘The Tudors’ starring Henry Cavill and Natalie Dormer, or ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’ starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson will enjoy this compelling and provocative version of Henry VIII’s reign.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright and poet who is often referred to as ‘The Bard’ due to his standing as one of the most talented poets ever. Considered the greatest dramatist of all time, he is widely regarded as the most influential English language writer. Shakespeare has not only inspired authors such as Herman Melville and Charles Dickens, but many phrases used commonly today were coined by The Bard including ‘break the ice’. Shakespeare’s timeless plays are still studied to this day and focus on the range of human emotion, romance, and conflict while remaining endlessly entertaining. Shakespeare is the best-selling playwright of all time and his works have been translated into more than 100 languages. Much of his celebrated work has been adapted into movies including ‘Romeo and Juliet’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio and ‘Macbeth’ starring Academy Award winners Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
73.99 kr. In dieser WG geht es nicht mit rechten Dingen zu!Der charmante Auftakt der witzigen Romantasy-Reihe Demons of LondonAimée hat Pech auf der ganzen Linie. Seit ihr Vater verstorben ist und ihr älterer Bruder Nathan die Leitung seiner Firma übernommen hat, ist ihr bisher behütetes Leben zur Hölle geworden. Als sie sich auch noch mit seinem neuen Geschäftspartner verloben soll, flieht sie Hals über Kopf nach London. Ihre letzte Chance: Unterschlupf in einer WG am Prince's Square.Doch vom ersten Moment an geschehen dort seltsame Dinge. Wer sind ihre neuen Mitbewohner wirklich? Warum fällt Chris ständig in Trance, weshalb laufen Jeremy immer streunende Katzen nach und wieso versucht George plötzlich Pfeile auf Aimée zu schießen? Diese Fragen beschäftigen Aimée fast so sehr, wie die, warum ihr Herz beim Blick in die goldbraunen Augen des charmanten Cyrus so unvernünftig laut schlägt. Während Aimée noch versucht, Antworten zu finden, hat ihr Bruder Nathan schon längst ihre Spur aufgenommen ...Evelyn Boyd schreibt Jugendbücher, Kriminalromane, Romantasy und Hörspielskripte. Sie lebt mit ihrem Kater Othello im hohen Norden an der Küste und holt sich ihre Inspiration gerne durch lange Spaziergänge am Meer.
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Willkommen in der heißesten WG Londons!Band 2 der charmanten und witzigen Romantasy-Reihe Demons of LondonKaum haben die dämonischen Jungs Aimée aus den Fängen ihres Bruders gerettet, als auch schon die nächsten Herausforderungen für die ungewöhnlichen WG-Bewohner anstehen.Während Cyrus und Aimée vor dem Dämonenrat für ihre Liebe kämpfen und Prüfungen bestehen müssen, George eine ganz spezielle Weiterbildung anstrebt und Frederic sich in einen Kleinkrieg mit dem neuen Mitbewohner, einem Austausch-Vampir aus Frankreich, verstrickt, findet der düstere Jeremy heraus, dass seine Lieblingskatze Keira ein delikates Geheimnis hat. Sie ist eine äußert attraktive Gestaltwandlerin, die Jeremy nicht nur die Sinne verwirrt, sondern ihn auch noch um Hilfe in einem Mordfall bittet. Gemeinsam findet das ungleiche Paar heraus, dass in den letzten Wochen immer wieder Gestaltwandler unter mysteriösen Umständen ums Leben kamen. Ihre gemeinsamen Ermittlungen sorgen nicht nur für Wirbel in der Dämonenwelt und führen Jeremy und Keira auf die Fährte unglaublicher Machenschaften, sondern bringen sie auch in akute Lebensgefahr.Evelyn Boyd schreibt Jugendbücher, Kriminalromane, Romantasy und Hörspielskripte. Sie lebt mit ihrem Kater Othello im hohen Norden an der Küste und holt sich ihre Inspiration gerne durch lange Spaziergänge am Meer.
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
12.99 kr. Historia opowiedziana przez młodego mężczyznę, zatrudnionego jako urzędnik w kopalni złota w San Francisco. Podczas niefortunnego rejsu wypływa na pełne morze i ostatecznie dociera do Londynu. Tam zostaje wciągnięty w historię zakładu pomiędzy dwoma braćmi. Postanawiają oni sprawdzić, jaki los spotkałby posiadacza banknotu o wartości miliona funtów, wydanego przez bank na potrzeby transakcji zagranicznej. Aby się tego dowiedzieć, szukają przypadkowego człowieka, który otrzyma pieniądze.Amerykański pisarz znany zwłaszcza z powieści „Książę i żebrak", „Przygody Tomka Sawyera" oraz „Przygody Hucka". Brał udział w wojnie secesyjnej, pracował w kopalniach srebra w Nevadzie, wreszcie zdobył zatrudnienie jako dziennikarz. Podróżował po Ameryce i Europie, czerpiąc ze swoich wypraw inspirację do kolejnych tekstów prozatorskich. W drugiej połowie lat 90. XIX wieku chętnie tworzył niedługie teksty krytykujące amerykańską rzeczywistość.
- Ebook
- 12.99 kr.
30.99 kr. Narratorka powiesci, Lucy, mieszka w Bretton. Uczestniczy tu w spokojnym zyciu rodzinnym, jest swiadkiem przybycia malej Polly, polsieroty rozpaczliwie teskniacej za ojcem. Po opuszczeniu Bretton mloda kobieta jest zdana tylko na siebie. Zostaje zatem opiekunka sedziwej i bogatej panny Marchmont, a po jej smierci postanawia wyruszyc do Londynu.-
- Ebook
- 30.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Dopo la rovina economica e la morte del padre, Nerita Dunbar e rimasta sola a Londra. Ferocemente orgogliosa e indipendente, rifiuta di fare affidamento sulla carita dei parenti, e sotto mentite spoglie trova lavoro come governante nella casa di campagna del marchese di Wychbold, un famoso rubacuori e vecchio amico di suo padre. Che una piccola bugia sia tutto cio che serve per lasciarsi la vecchia vita alle spalle e iniziarne una nuova? -
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
67.99 kr. 'Are there not books that can make us live more in one single hour than life can make us live in a score of shameful years?' In this brilliant collection of essays, Oscar Wilde talks about art, literature, and criticism as only he can. The topics range from discussions of Shakespeare's use of costumes and stage design to elevate his dramas, to condemnations of realism, and celebration of criticism as an art form in itself. 'Intentions' is bold, insightful, and witty. Its ideas show why Wilde was considered one of the most unique voices of his time and many of the topics are still fiercely debated today, such as whether art should have a moral message or simply exist to be artistic. These essays truly show Wilde at his best and lay a clear foundation for the ideas and beliefs that would shape his later writings. 'Intentions' provides an unparalleled look into the mind of a great artist and should be read by any fans of Wilde or aspiring artists.-
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- 67.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Lord Arthur Saville’s Crime’ is a darkly comic short story by Oscar Wilde. The story follows Lord Arthur, who is informed by a fortune teller that he will become a murderer. This revelation deeply disturbs Lord Arthur and to unburden his mind, he decides to murder someone at once and forget the whole ordeal. However, Lord Arthur discovers that this task is not as simple as it seems, and a comedy of errors ensues as he concocts more and more ludicrous schemes to achieve his goal, from poison to dynamite and beyond. This short is social satire at its finest as the nobleman travels further into a labyrinth of insanity and murder simply because it is his supposed fate to do so. ‘Lord Arthur Savile's Crime’ is a hilarious parody of the Gothic genre and portrays Oscar Wilde as a comedic genius. This wickedly entertaining short is recommended for fans of Franz Kafka.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was a popular Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet. Some of his most celebrated and well-read works are ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. Wilde’s life ended in tragedy as he was sentenced to prison due to acts of gross indecency with men and died at a young age shortly after being released. Although Wilde’s life was cut short, his influence lives on to this day and he is celebrated as one of the finest writers of his time. His work has been adapted for stage and screen many times, including an announced ‘Dorian Gray’ film directed by musician St. Vincent.
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- 38.99 kr.
102.99 kr. ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is one of Charles Dickens’ most beloved novels about a poor orphan girl, Nell, and her caring grandfather. In an attempt to improve Nell’s life, her grandfather accepts a loan from the cruel and conniving landlord, Quilp, and begins gambling but this only worsens their fortune. After issues with the police, Nell and her grandfather set out on a grand adventure and meet many of Dickens’ most memorable characters as Nell’s health deteriorates. ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is an incredible drama involving love, betrayal, and death that blends the fantastical nature of Nell’s journey with Dickens’ realistic criticism of living conditions in Victorian slums. The story caused mania at the time as Little Nell captured the hearts of readers around the globe including Queen Victoria. Nell and her grandfather have captivated audiences for generations in this timeless story that is equally as heart-warming as it is heart-breaking, and it is recommended for readers of all ages.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious. Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired. Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’.
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- 102.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Ein Meisterwerk der viktorianischen Literatur: Charles Dickens erzählt in diesem Bildungsroman die bewegte Geschichte des Waisenjungen Pip. Pip fristet sein Dasein in Armut, bevor eine Reihe folgenreicher Begegnungen sein Leben von Grund auf verändert. Plötzlich scheint das Schicksal es gut mit ihm zu meinen: ein mysteriöser Wohltäter überlässt ihm anonym eine große Summe Geld. Pip reist nach London, um in der Hauptstadt des britischen Empire fortan das Leben eines „echten Gentlemans" zu führen. Doch je älter er wird, desto härter sind auch die Lektionen, die Pip lernen muss: über die Suche nach Identität, echte Freundschaft, und das Leben selbst.Der britische Schriftsteller Charles Dickens (1812–1870) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ab den 1830er-Jahren arbeitete er – teils unter dem Pseudonym Boz – als Journalist für verschiedene Zeitungen, begann jedoch bald, auch Fortsetzungsromane zu veröffentlichen. Darin behandelte Dickens oft soziale Probleme und Fragestellungen seiner Zeit. Zu seinen wichtigsten Werken, die bis heute immer wieder neu adaptiert werden, zählen die Romane „Oliver Twist" und „David Copperfield" sowie die Erzählung „Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte".
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.