92.99 kr. Do you believe in magic? Then fasten your seatbelt and join the ride as The Three C’s – Charlotte, Caroline, and Charles - try to figure out where it can be found.Spending an adventurous summer while visiting their uncle, they discover both mysterious books and a wonderful garden that will change their lives forever. Especially one book catches their attention "The Language of Flowers" which seems to be an actual Spell book! As they try out some of the spells incredible things start to happen. Could this magic be real, or are the extraordinary events taking place merely coincidental? A fascinating book about the magic we can find in everyday life, and a story of what it means to be a child trying to find their way in an adult world.Great for fans of C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
38.99 kr. This novel is the aquatic adventure of a lifetime.Four siblings, Francis, Mavis, Bernard, and Kathleen set out to rescue the sister of a mermaid who is being held captive at a circus.But who is good and who turns out evil? As always, appearances may deceive, and all is not as it seems.Meeting many new friends and gaining access to a secret kingdom underneath the sea, the siblings find themselves caught up in a war to save their new friends - the merpeople. Now, the siblings must confront their loyalty to each other as they fight for the goodness of the world.A timeless book, perfect for fans of C.S. Lewis, Bethany C. Morrow and J.K. Rowling, or anyone looking for a little bit of magic in their lives.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
92.99 kr. What would you do if you found out magic is actually all around you?These twelve magical short stories are all about magic and how it can be found in unlikely places. The atmosphere of each story is similar to the fantastic universe of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.They all contain important lessons for children as well as adults. In "The Cat-hood of Maurice," the protagonist learns to see life through another perspective and appreciate beings who are different from him. In "Kenneth and the Carp," a boy turns into a fish in order to prove his innocence. The story called "The Aunt and Amabel" is said to have inspired C.S. Lewis’ famous Narnia-series because Amabel goes through a wardrobe and arrives in another world much like the Narnia children. A fairy-tale book like no other.Perfect for fans of Roald Dahl, Lyman Frank Baum and Dianna Wynne Jones.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
92.99 kr. Funny characters, mischiefs and crazy adventures - this book has got it all. It contains both fairy tales and stories of the Bastable siblings known from the famous novel "e;The Story of the Treasure Seekers."e; Continuing their journey, Oswald tells us everything about what happens next.Which of the children are you most like? Are you a diplomat like Dora or brave like Alice? Perhaps sensitive like Noel? No matter what the siblings go through, they do it together. The family dynamic, however, is put to the test as they get into risky business. For fans of Lewis Carroll and Elizabeth Winthrop. -
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- 92.99 kr.
102.99 kr. If you are looking for a great combination of romance and thriller, look no further.This exhilarating crime and romance novel takes place in a Victorian society and uncovers a tale in the most unexpected way. Although it is one of her lesser-known works, it was written by both Nesbit and her husband Hubert Bland. This novel is the only book the unusual couple wrote together, and throughout the story, it is noticeable that both of them had socialist beliefs.Culminating in a surprising plot twist, this book is recommended for thrill-seekers, romantics, fans of Sherlock Holmes, and anyone who is looking for mystery and drama.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
From 67.99 kr. "...she always had the feeling that it was very, very dangerous to live even one day." Mrs. Dalloway is busy taking care of the final preparations for her evening party when an old friend and suitor comes by. He leaves her with an unexpected question, but what he doesn't know is that thoughts about her past and her life are already swirlling around in her head. Moving seamlessles in and out of the minds of all her characters, you get the impression that Virginia Woolf understood people better than anyone else. With its incredibly beautiful prose it is no wonderthat 'Mrs. Dalloway' is considered one of the best books ever written.Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English writer who, despite growing up in a progressive household, was not allowed an education. When she and her sister moved in with their brothers in a rough London neighborhood, they joined the infamous The Bloomsbury Group, which debated philosophy, art and politics. Woolf's most famous novels include 'Mrs Dalloway' (1925) and 'To the Lighthouse' (1927).
95.99 kr. Auf den ersten Blick scheint Meghan Ramsay alles zu haben, was man sich als Frau wünschen kann. Sie ist bildschön und Geschäftsführerin eines erfolgreichen Pharmaunternehmens. Nur in der Liebe hat sie immer wieder Pech. Um dem ganzen Stress zu entkommen, bietet ihre Freundin und Anwältin Nora ihr an, einen Kurzurlaub auf ihrem Anwesen in Cornwall zu verbringen. Nichtsahnend, dass deren Ehemann David seinen Kumpel und Geschäftspartner Jeremy für ein paar Wochen dort einquartiert hat. Zwischen Meghan und Jeremy funkt es heftig abseits des Alltags.Zurück in London, geht Meghan davon aus, dass es für sie beide nur eine heiße Affäre war, und sie stürzt sich wieder in ihr Arbeitsleben. Der geheimnisvolle und heißblütige Anwalt geht ihr jedoch einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Als Klientin von "Padget, Knight, Woods & Collins" läuft sie ihm zu allem Überfluss auch noch ständig in der Kanzlei über den Weg. Sie versucht sich von ihm fernzuhalten, doch dann droht ihre gemeinsame Vergangenheit Meghan einzuholen ...J. T. Sheridan ist das Pseudonym der Autorin Jessica Bernett. Sie wurde 1978 als Enkelin eines Buchdruckers in Wiesbaden geboren. Umgeben von Büchern und Geschichten entdeckte sie schon früh ihre Begeisterung für das Schreiben. Der Liebe wegen wechselte sie die Rheinseite und lebt heute mit ihrem Mann und ihren Kindern in Mainz. Sheridan hat eine Schwäche für Schokolade, Whisky und die britischen Inseln, die sie besonders in ihren Büchern auslebt.
- Audiobook
- 95.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Tout a commence pres des marches de Riceyman a Londres, dans la librairie de M. Earlsforward. Au moment ou Mme Arb a pousse la porte pour acheter un livre, le cA ur du libraire s'est mis a battre intensement. Quelques jours plus tard, ils se sont maries.Mais l'amour-eclair d'un libraire trop avare s'est mue en peur du manque. Mme Arb est depensiere. Elle a engage une bonne qui mange trop et qui laisse les chandelles se consumer toute la nuit. Vetements, chauffage, lumiere, nourriture : chaque sous depense est pour M. Earlsforward aussi douloureux qu'un coup de poignard en plein cA ur...Passion froide et vice destructeur, ce roman devoile un homme en proie a l'avarice extreme. Il s'agit d'une peinture du Londres du debut du XXe, d'une satire des mA urs, et d'un thriller sombre et sanglant d'un grand ecrivain.-
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
111.99 kr. En el ocaso de una sofocante noche de calor, la detective Erika Foster recibe una llamada para asistir a la escena de un crimen. La víctima, un doctor, es hallado ahorcado en su cama. Sus muñecas están atadas y se perciben sus abultados ojos a través de una bolsa de plástico atada por encima de su cabeza. Pocos días después, otra víctima es encontrada muerta; la escena del crimen es exactamente igual. Mientras Erika Foster y su equipo comienzan a profundizar en la investigación, pronto descubren que se enfrentan a un calculador asesino en serie, que acecha a sus víctimas antes de elegir el momento más oportuno para atacarlas.Las víctimas son todos hombres solteros, con vidas privadas muy alejadas del foco público. ¿Por qué sus pasados están envueltos en tantos secretos? Y sobre todo, ¿qué es lo que les vinculaba a cada uno de ellos con el asesino?Mientras Londres padece una ola de calor, Erika Foster hará todo lo posible para detener al acosador de la noche antes de que el número de asesinatos siga aumentando, incluso aunque tenga que poner en riesgo su carrera. Pero es muy probable que no solo las víctimas estén siendo acosadas; tal vez la vida de la propia Erika también este en juego.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
111.99 kr. La detective Erika Foster recibe un aviso de que la clave para resolver un importante caso de narcóticos está escondida en una cantera abandonada en las afueras de Londres, por lo que ordena que sea registrada. Allí, entre el lodo espeso, encuentran un alijo de droga, pero también lo que parece ser el esqueleto de un niño pequeño. Los restos se identifican como los de Jessica Collins, de siete años, la chica desaparecida que copó los titulares hace veintiséis años. Mientras Erika trata de juntar las nuevas pruebas con las antiguas, también indaga más sobre el pasado de la familia Collins y se pone en contacto con la principal detective del caso en aquella época, Amanda Baker, una mujer atormentada por el fracaso de no haber encontrado a Jessica Collins en su momento. Pero alguien guarda terribles secretos. Alguien que no quiere que este caso sea resuelto y que hará todo lo que esté en sus manos para evitar que Erika descubra la verdad.Robert Bryndza es el autor best seller número 1 en Amazon, en USA Today y en The Wall Street Journal. Te veré bajo el hielo fue su primer thriller, con el que vendió más de un millón de ejemplares y que ha sido traducido a 28 idiomas. A este le siguieron Una sombra en la oscuridad y Aguas oscuras, ambas también protagonizadas por la detective Erika Foster. Nacido en Inglaterra, actualmente vive en Eslovaquia.www.robertbryndza.com @RobertBryndza
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- 111.99 kr.
111.99 kr. La glamourosa e internacionalmente conocida marchante de arte Elisabeth Teerlinc sabe bastante sobre el mundo de las falsificaciones. Después de todo, ella misma no deja de ser una falsificación o una especie de fraude. Su verdadera identidad, Judith Rashleigh, se encuentra enterrada bajo una fina capa de mentiras. Por no mencionar la cantidad de cadáveres que se ha llevado por delante, de todos aquellos que querían entorpecer su camino. Pero ahora, atrapada en el fuego cruzado asesino entre un jefe de la mafia rusa y un detective de policía italiano corrupto, Judith se ve obligada a crear una obra de arte aún más atrevida, una obra maestra falsa que debe llevar a la famosa casa de subastas donde solía trabajar como humilde asistente, y vender la obra por 150 millones de dólares. Sin embargo, exponer su nueva identidad ante un espacio en el que puede convertirse en el centro de atención conlleva un riesgo mortal.L. S. Hilton creció en Inglaterra y ha vivido en Key West, Nueva York, París y Milán. Tras licenciarse en Oxford, estudió Historia del Arte en París y Florencia. Ha trabajado como periodista, crítica de arte y locutora, y vive en Londres. Última es el título que cierra la trilogía que se inició con Maestra y a la que siguió Dómina y que se ha convertido en todo un fenómeno editorial, publicado en más de treinta países. Actualmente, L.vS. Hilton está colaborando con Erin Cressida Wilson en el guion de la película de Maestra.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
163.99 kr. London 1949. The lives of three very different women are about to collide.Like most working-class daughters, Caroline Wilby is expected to help support her family. Alone in a strange city, she must grab any opportunity that comes her way. Even if that means putting herself in danger.Star of the silver screen, Ursula Delancy, has just been abandoned by the man she left her husband for. Already hounded by the press, it won’t be long before she’s making headlines for all the wrong reasons.Patrice Hawtree was once the most photographed debutante of her generation. Now childless and trapped in a loveless marriage, her plans to secure the future of her ancient family home are about to be jeopardised by her husband's gambling addiction.Each believes she has already lost in life, not knowing how far she still has to fall.Six years later, one cause will reunite them: when a young woman commits a crime of passion and is condemned to hang, remaining silent isn’t an option.Hailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'. Further recognition followed in 2016 with "An Unknown Woman" being named Self-Published Book of the Year by Writing Magazine/the David St John Thomas Charitable Trust, as well as being shortlisted in the IAN Awards, and in 2019 with "Smash all the Windows" winning the inaugural Selfies Book Award. Her latest novel "At the Stroke of Nine O'Clock", July 2020, has been featured in The Lady Magazine as one of their favourite books set in the 1950s, selected as a Historical Novel Society Editor's Choice, and shortlisted for the Selfies Book Awards 2021. Jane Davis lives in Carshalton, Surrey.
- Audiobook
- 163.99 kr.
67.99 kr. 'Anna the Adventuress' by popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim follows the story of two sisters, Anna and Annabel. Alike in looks but vastly different in character, the sisters decide to switch places - leading to a series of humorous hijinks and complications. Set in Paris and London, this is an amusing short story full of intrigue and deception, with plenty of twists and turns.-
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- 67.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Nei caffè della Londra Vittoriana transitano persone di tutti i tipi—uomini d’affari, prostitute, dame, ladri, artisti, medici—e riconoscerli solitamente non è complicato. Per un osservatore esperto come il protagonista, intuire la professione, l’indole e, perché no?, anche i segreti di questi individui è solo questione di allenamento e attenzione ai dettagli. Quel professore ha il bavero sporco di gesso, quell’uomo con le dita nere di fuliggine deve per forza essere uno spazzacamini—facile, anzi, facilissimo. Eppure c’è quel vecchietto minuto seduto in fondo al caffé che è difficile da inquadrare. Anche sforzandosi, il protagonista non riesce proprio a capire chi o cosa possa essere. Gli rimane solo una cosa da fare: seguirlo. Chissà che così non si possa scoprire qualcosa...Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato uno scrittore e poeta americano. Pioniere della letteratura horror, poliziesca e di fantascienza, Poe è comunemente considerato uno degli autori più influenti e importanti nella storia della letteratura occidentale. Tra le sue opere più note, ricordiamo i racconti ‘Lo scarabeo d’oro’, ‘La caduta della casa degli Usher’, ‘Il pozzo e il pendolo’ e il romanzo 'Le avventure di Gordon Pym'.
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- 36.99 kr.
120.99 kr. Fire destroyed her present. Secrets destroyed her past.Look in the mirror and ask yourself a question. Who are you? Do you know the answer?At the age of forty-six, Anita Hall knows exactly who she is. She has lived with partner Ed for fifteen years and is proud of the life they’ve built. They go out into the world separately: Ed with one eye on the future in the world of finance; Anita with one foot in the past, a curator at Hampton Court Palace. This is the life she has chosen - a dream job, equal partnership, living in a quirky old house she adores. She is happy. Their foundations are solid and their future seems secure. But that was before the fire.Anita stands in the middle of the road watching her home and everything inside it burn to the ground. She and Ed have nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Fifteen years of memories gone up in smoke.Before she can come to terms with the magnitude of her loss, hairline cracks begin to appear in her perfect relationship. And returning to her childhood home in search of comfort, she stumbles upon the secret her mother has kept hidden, a taboo so unspeakable it can only be written down.The reflection in the mirror may look the same. But everything has changed. Anita thought she knew who she was. But not any more. And when your life goes up in smoke, you can never go home.Writing Magazine's Self-Published Book of the Year 2016. Authentic and heartbreaking, this intensely human story by award-winner Jane Davis is perfect for fans of Maggie O’Farrell, Kate Atkinson and Ali Smith.‘A firestorm of a novel. Davis reminds us that families often have secrets at their heart: ticking time bombs just waiting for a stray spark.’ – Paul MurphyHailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'. Further recognition followed in 2016 with "An Unknown Woman" being named Self-Published Book of the Year by Writing Magazine/the David St John Thomas Charitable Trust, as well as being shortlisted in the IAN Awards, and in 2019 with "Smash all the Windows" winning the inaugural Selfies Book Award. Her latest novel "At the Stroke of Nine O'Clock", July 2020, has been featured in The Lady Magazine as one of their favourite books set in the 1950s, selected as a Historical Novel Society Editor's Choice, and shortlisted for the Selfies Book Awards 2021. Jane Davis lives in Carshalton, Surrey.
- Audiobook
- 120.99 kr.
From 32.99 kr. Pełen rozmachu wątek detektywistyczny i wielka przygoda. Paweł Daniec udaje się do Londynu celem odkrycia tajemnicy skarbu hrabiego Ignacego Korwin-Milewskiego. Pan Samochodzik zmierza natomiast do Southampton. To tylko część podróżniczych szlaków wiodących przez Londyn, Francję, Niemcy, Wiedeń i Chorwację. Na każdym etapie drogi trzeba wykazać się czujnością, bo historia związana ze skarbem nie należy do łatwych.Nowe wydanie poprawione.Tomasz NN (pełnego nazwiska nie poznajemy) nazywany jest przez znajomych Panem Samochodzikiem. Pracuje jako historyk sztuki w Departamencie Ochrony Zabytków Ministerstwa Kultury i Sztuki. Jest tam specjalistą do zadań specjalnych - rozwiązuje zagadki związane z kradzieżą, przemytem czy fałszerstwem dzieł sztuki. Wszechstronna wiedza pozwala mu prowadzić błyskotliwe i bezbłędne śledztwa. Towarzyszy mu dyrektor Marczak, referent Paweł Daniec oraz liczni współpracownicy i piękne kobiety. Co pewien czas naraża mu się Waldemar Batura - dawny przyjaciel ze studiów, dziś przemytnik i złodziej zabytków, a później także jego syn i kontynuator dzieła - Jerzy Batura.Arkadiusz Niemirski - satyryk, dziennikarz, pisarz powieści kryminalnych i sensacyjnych oraz kontynuacji przygód "Pana Samochodzika". Współpracował z Programem III Polskiego Radia, pisał artykuły muzyczne do czasopism „Tylko Rock" i „Teraz Rock".
94.99 kr. I mitten av 1900-talet föds Alexander Karpenko i ryska Leningrad, och det står genast klart att han inte är som alla andra barn. Alexander är en ledare. Någon som kan få ett helt land att följa hans minsta vink. Men innan han hinner utveckla sina talanger händer något som ska förändra hans liv för all framtid. Hans far blir brutalt avrättad av KGB - och resten av familjen tvingas fly för sin egen överlevnad. Alexander och hans mamma har två val. De kan antingen hoppa på ett fartyg som är på väg till USA - eller ett som ska till Storbritannien. Vilket det blir får slumpen avgöra. Krona eller klave. Men en oväntad vändning gör att Alexander till slut spenderar sitt liv på två olika kontinenter. Allt medan han sakta inser att han måste våga möta sitt förflutna i hemlandet. Han måste se till att uppfylla sitt öde. Jeffrey Archer är en brittisk författare och f.d. politiker. Archer debuterade som författare 1974 och är nu en av Storbritanniens mest framgångsrika författare med över 320 miljoner sålda böcker världen över. Hans mest kända bokserier är Cliftonkrönikorna och Rivalerna.
73.99 kr. Priam Frall, peintre de génie, a choisi d'échapper au fardeau de la gloire. Il se réfugie dans un sombre appartement londonien en compagnie de son majordome.Un jour, ce dernier meurt inopinément. C'est l'occasion rêvé pour Priam Frall de disparaître à tout jamais... Il revêt les habits du cadavre et endosse son identité.Le voilà condamné à jouer le rôle d'un homme dont il ne savait rien, à assister à ses propres funérailles, et à supporter un passé qui ne lui appartient pas...Satire du monde artistique, comédie de mœurs et humour noir, ce roman possède tous les ingrédients qui ont fait de Arnold Bennett un auteur d'exception.Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) est un écrivain britannique. D’abord journaliste, son premier livre « L’Homme du Nord » connaît un succès retentissant. Il devient éditeur en chef de son magazine, et rédige lui-même les feuilletons qu’il y propose : ainsi paraît « The Grand Babylon Hotel ». Il décide alors de se consacrer à la littérature. Il s’installe à Paris où il est influencé par Maupassant. Il deviendra connu pour « Enterré vivant ».
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
69.99 kr. Lord Alistair McDonon possui uma vida deslumbrante em Londres, mas seu cotidiano chega ao fim quando recebe a notícia trágica de que seus dois irmãos morreram afogados... Seu pai autoritário o convoca à Escócia para que ele assuma o título de Marquês de Kildonon e o cargo de herdeiro da chefia do clã. O jovem fica aborrecido, pois mal conhece sua terra natal e não está nada acostumado com as velhas cerimônias místicas dos clãs. Lorde Alistair fica ainda mais horrorizado quando descobre que deve se casar com Lady Moraig McNain para incentivar a união dos clãs que estão em conflito há séculos. Estaria ele condenado a um casamento sem amor nas Terras Altas?Tudo muda quando seu caminho cruza o da bela Arina no momento em que a jovem implora desesperadamente por dinheiro para pagar a operação de sua amada mãe. Sensibilizado pela situação, Lorde Alistar oferece seu auxílio em troca de um favor: Arina deve acompanhá-lo ao Castelo de Kildonon fingindo ser sua esposa, assim ninguém poderia obrigá-lo a se casar. Mas essa bela jovem acaba por conquistar seu indomável coração...Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.A Inesquecível Dama Barbara CartlandBarbara Cartland, que infelizmente faleceu em maio de 2000 com a avançada idade de noventa e oito anos, continua sendo uma das maiores e mais famosas romancistas de todo o mundo e de todos os tempos, com vendas mundiais superiores a um bilhão de exemplares. Seus ilustres 723 livros foram traduzidos para trinta e seis línguas diferentes para serem apreciados por todos os leitores amantes de romance de todo o mundo.Ao escrever o seu primeiro livro de título "Jigsaw" com apenas 21 anos, Barbara tornou-se imediatamente numa escritora de sucesso, com um best-seller imediato. Aproveitando este sucesso inicial, ela foi escrevendo de forma contínua ao longo de sua vida, produzindo best-sellers ao longo de surpreendentes 76 anos.Além da legião de fãs de Barbara Cartland no Reino Unido e em toda a Europa, os seus livros têm sido sempre muito populares nos EUA. Em 1976, ela conseguiu um feito inédito de ter os seus livros simultaneamente em números 1 e 2 na lista de best-sellers da B. Dalton, livreiro americano de grande prestígio. Embora ela seja muitas vezes referida como a "Rainha do Romance", Barbara Cartland também escreveu várias biografias históricas, seis autobiografias e inúmeras peças de teatro, bem como livros sobre a vida, o amor, a saúde e a culinária, tornando-se numa das personalidades da mídia mais populares da Grã-Bretanha e vestindo-se sempre com cor-de-rosa, como imagem de marca.Barbara falou na rádio e na televisão sobre questões sociais e políticas, bem como fez muitas aparições públicas. Em 1991, ela tornou-se uma Dama da Ordem do Império Britânico pela sua contribuição à literatura e o seu trabalho nas causas humanitárias e de caridade.Conhecida pelo seu glamour, estilo e vitalidade, Barbara Cartland tornou-se numa lenda viva no seu tempo de vida e será sempre lembrada pelos seus maravilhosos romances e amada por milhões de leitores em todo o mundo. Os seus livros permanecem tesouros intactos sempre pelos seus heróis heroicos e corajosos e suas heroínas valentes e com valores tradicionais, mas acima de tudo, era a crença predominante de Barbara Cartland no poder positivo do amor para ajudar, curar e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos outros que a fez ser verdadeiramente única e especial.
- Audiobook
- 69.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Wie had ooit gedacht dat de strooien hoed met gouden glans haar hele leven zou veranderen? In het prachtige Victoriaanse Londen krijgt Emily de prachtige hoed cadeau van haar beste vriendin. Wanneer ze naar Nice reist voor vakantie, trekt het hoofddeksel de aandacht van de aantrekkelijke Paul, en Emily weet zijn hart te veroveren. Helaas is Paul niet de lieve man wie hij leek en verwoest Emilys leven, waar zelfs haar kinderen en kleinkinderen nog de gevolgen van kunnen merken. Hoe heeft de strooien hoed alles zo overhoop gehaald?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Have you ever wanted to help someone but ended up making things worse?In this collection of short tales we follow the Bastable children who find themselves in exactly that situation. Even though the siblings try to do good, they always end up getting into trouble. This time, they get arrested, try fortune-telling, spend a spooky night at an old windmill, and try to change their horrible cousin Archibald. Each story offers deep insight into hilarious characters.Sharing similar themes with Mark Twain's "e;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"e; this is a funny and engaging book revolving around children, but for every adventurer.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
92.99 kr. Imagine if magic was real, would it be used for good or evil? Kathleen, Gerald, and Jimmy is about to find out.During a summer vacation, the three children find a mysterious house with what appears to be a sleeping princess in the garden. When they wake her up and find out that she is the housekeeper’s niece, an adventure begins.The niece, Mabel, has a magical ring, and making the wearer invisible is just one of the many things it can do.But soon the children find out that magic is not all good and using it can go horribly wrong. In order to control it, they must find courage and strength that they have never experienced before.Revealing the wonderful world of children similar to J.M. Barrie’s "Peter Pan," this is one of the many enchanted tales Nesbit is known for.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
120.99 kr. 1970: Fourteen-year-old Tony becomes seduced by the skinhead movement, sucked into a world of brutal racist violence and bizarre rituals. It's a milieu in which he must hide his homosexuality, in which every encounter is explosively risky.2003: James is a young TV researcher, living with his boyfriend. At a loose end, he begins to research the far right in Britain and its secret gay membership.The two narrative threads of this extraordinarily assured and ambitious first novel unforgettably intersect.Children of the Sun is a work of great imaginative sympathy and range - a novel of unblinking honesty but also of deep feeling, which illuminates the surprisingly thin line that separates aggression from tenderness and offers us a picture of a Britain that is strange and yet utterly convincing.https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/mar/20/max-schaefer-children-of-sunMax Schaefer was born in London in 1974 and studied at Cambridge and Harvard. He is a Barrister and lives in Islington, London.
- Audiobook
- 120.99 kr.
51.99 kr. Ein neuer kniffliger Fall für Detective Inspector Bill Slider: Ein Toter wird – offensichtlich inszeniert – auf einer Schaukel auf einem Spielplatz in einem Londoner Park, der sich zwischen der Sozialwohnungssiedlung Woodlands und dem Stadtteil Shepherd’s Bush befindet, gefunden. Der Mord gibt Rätsel auf, um wen es sich handelt und wie die Leiche dorthin kam. Der Inspector muss sich beeilen, den Fall aufzuklären. Seine Ermittlungen führen ihn durch die halbseidene Welt der trostlosen Pubs und Bordelle Londons bis hin zu einem Tattoostudio in Hong Kong...Cynthia Harrod-Eagles , geboren 1948 in London, ist eine britische Schriftstellerin, die für ihre Kriminalromane und historischen Romane bekannt ist und die auch unter den Künstlernamen Elizabeth Bennett und Emma Woodhouse publiziert. Sie studierte Englische Literatur, Geschichte und Philosophie in Edinburgh und London. Bevor sie ab 1979 hauptberuflich mit dem Schreiben begann, arbeitete sie für Coca Cola und die BBC. Ihre historischen Romane umfassen die gesamte englische Neuzeit und ihre Krimis um Detective Inspector Bill Slider ist äußerst populär.
- Audiobook
- 51.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Shortlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2022 - ‘The UK’s most prestigious award for first-time novelists' - The Telegraph‘Tice Cin has arrived. With a style all her own and a confidence that radiates off each page, poetry that renders settings and characters incredibly vivid. No impression will escape you.’ – Derek Owusu‘Thrums with feeling, illustrating the London community with a sharp and confident eye. Her characters are full and sure, and traverse their world with humour, boldness and love. Hope fills these pages.’ – Caleb Azumah NelsonCabbages . . . The Turkish variety are prized for their enlarged leaf bud, that’s where we put the heroin . . .There’s a stash of heroin waiting to be imported, and no one seems sure what to do with it . . . But Ayla’s a gardener, and she has a plan.Offering a fresh and funny take on the machinery of the North London heroin trade, Keeping the House lifts the lid on a covert world thriving just beneath notice: not only in McDonald’s queues and men’s clubs, but in spotless living rooms and whispering kitchens. Spanning three generations, this is the story of the women who keep their family – and their family business – afloat, juggling everything from police surveillance to trickier questions of community, belonging and love.Great for fans of Zadie Smith, Monica Ali and Brit Bennett.Tice Cin is an interdisciplinary artist from north London. A London Writers Award-winner, her work has been published by Extra Teeth and Skin Deep and commissioned by places like Battersea Arts Centre and St Paul's Cathedral. An alumnus of Barbican Young Poets, she now creates digital art as part of Design Yourself – a collective based at the Barbican Centre – exploring what it means to be human when technology is changing everything. A producer and DJ, she has released an EP, Keeping the House, to accompany her debut novel of the same name.
- Audiobook
- 102.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Throughout our lives most of us struggle with the big L: Love, and so does 18-year-old Betty Desmond.Brought up by a strict stepfather, the young girl makes an imprudent match when she falls in love with the artist Vernon. Everyone around them disapproves of the relationship, and consequently Betty gets sent away to Paris. But perhaps the City of Love is not the right place to forget your fancy?In Paris Betty meets one of Vernon’s friends who falls for her. Surprisingly, Vernon also shows up with his ex-girlfriend, Lady St. Craye, and a full-blown love drama begins.Although Edith Nesbit is mostly known for her amazing children’s books, this novel is her ultimate love story for adults.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
92.99 kr. If you are one of those people who never give poetry a chance, this is your sign to try it.This playful compilation of poetry by the famous children's book author contains countless relatable themes and useful thoughts. The poems revolve around many topics, especially motherhood, love, religion, upbringing, married life, nature, and death. Follow Nesbit’s journey as she tries to make sense of the world around her through an easy rhyming style.In her poem "Confessions," she uncovers that her own flaws as a human might also reveal something about life itself. In another poem named "Work," she worries about the endless repetitions of daily tasks known to us all, but she finds comfort in the small things in life, something many of us should try!Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The beautiful Alvita who had lost both her parents, was living quietly in her family home in Southern Russia. Her father had been Russian and her mother had been English. Alvita was pleased to receive a visit from her brother, Ivor, but shocked when he told her that they must leave Russia immediately, as a Revolution was inevitable and would start very soon. He had brought with him his friend, Nicholas, who said that he would help them pack up as many of their treasures as they could and make their way to England. Alvita felt a little unsure of Nicholas, but thought that perhaps she might be mistaken. Ivor insists that he should be a Russian Prince and Alvita a Princess as the English are always impressed by grand titles, although Alvita is none too sure about the deception. After packing her mother’s jewellery, some valuable pictures and silver, they know that they must avoid the dangerous Revolutionaries and travel as fast as possible to the nearest Port to find a ship to take them to England. This Nicholas arranges for them and, when they arrive in England, Ivor by chance meets an old friend, Charles, the Marquis of Harrington, who he was friends with when they were at Oxford University. Charles takes them to his impressive house in London and, when he learns that they want to sell their treasures, he arranges for them to be displayed in the ballroom and the stables. It is when Alvita sees a valuable painting being removed from its frame that she knows that Nicholas is attempting to cheat the Marquis. How she warns Charles of what is happening in his house. And how she and her brother find the love that they both sought but believed would never be theirs is all told in this unusual romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Aubrey is a young Englishman, who meets Lord Ruthven – a mysterious man who has recently entered London’s upper class. The two men travel to Rome. There Ruthven does something that Aubrey disapproves, so the young man leaves for Greece. He meets the daughter of a hotelier, Ianthe, who draws his attention. She tells him about a vampire and dies mysteriously after Ruthven also arrives in Greece.Who is Lord Ruthven and why did he come to London? What did he do in Rome that caused Aubrey's disapproval? What were the legends saying? How did Ianthe die?Find all the answers in John Polidori’s short story "The Vampyre" from 1819.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.John William Polidori (1795 - 1821) was an English writer and physician. After he wrote a thesis on sleepwalking, Polidori received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Edinburgh. When it comes to fantasy fiction, he is considered the creator of the vampire genre. Polidori is famous for his short story "The Vampyre", which is considered to be the first modern vampire story. Besides this he wrote several plays, poems as well as some non-fiction.
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
From 44.99 kr. Sara Crewe er miður sín þegar fregnir af skyndilegu andláti föður hennar berast frá Indlandi til heimavistarskólans í London. Skólameistarinn, sem er bæði hjartlaus og gráðug, flytur Söru tafarlaust upp á háaloftið og neyðir hana til þess að vera þjónustustúlka. Þrátt fyrir að vera vön veraldlegum hlutum, aðlagast Sara fljótt aðstæðum og heldur áfram að vera góð og kurteis við alla þá sem hún hittir. Það sem hana grunar ekki er að það er einhver sem leitar hennar sem gæti verið mun nær en þau halda.Höfundur bókarinnar skrifaði söguna fyrst í formi smásögu, sem varð síðar að leikriti og þá að skáldsögu. Kvikmyndir hafa verið gerðar eftir sögunni, þar sem m.a. Shirley Temple fór með hlutverk Söru, en karakterinn hefur heillað kynslóðir síðan hún kom fyrst út og er Lítil prinsessa ein vinsælasta barnabók allra tíma.Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) fæddist í Manchester, Englandi, en fluttist til Bandaríkjanna í kjölfar andláts föður síns. Hún skrifaði sögur fyrir tímarit til þess að létta undir með efnalítilli fjölskyldu sinni en í seinni tíð byrjaði hún að skrifa bæði leikrit og skáldsögur. Hennar frægustu verk eru bækurnar Lítil prinsessa (1905) og Leynigarðurinn (1911).