77.99 kr. After a long stay in South Africa, Richard Hannay arrives back in London just before the outbreak of World War One. There he meets Franklin Scudder, who claims to be investigating the Black Stone – a German spy organization. Hannay gives a shelter to the man but one day he finds him dead. Now the Scotsman fears that he might be the next one on the Black Stone’s list. Hannay decides to go back to his native Scotland with the notebook Scudder gave him before he was murdered.Who is responsible for Scudder's murder? Is it the Black Stone or it is someone else? How will Hannay be involved in this story? What will he find in the mysterious notebook? Can he deal with the German spy organization on his own?Find all the answers in John Buchan’s adventure novel "The Thirty-Nine Steps" from 1915.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.John Buchan (1875 - 1940) was a Scottish writer, historian, lawyer and government administrator. At the age of seventeen he studied classics and mathematics at Glasgow University. With his second scholarship from Oxford Brasenose College, Buchan graduated with a Doctor of Laws degree. He admired Sir Walter Scott and was inspired by his works. John Buchan’s most famous work is the spy thriller novel "The Thirty-Nine Steps", which was written during First World War.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
9.95 kr. В Лондоне принц Уэльский, сын короля Генриха VIII, мечтает о свободе: как весело, должно быть, бегать по улицам и драться с другими мальчиками! В том же городе Том Кенти, мальчик из бедной семьи, мечтает только о том, чтобы вырваться из нищеты ... Когда волею случая судьбы этих двух мальчиков пересекаются, у них возникает идея поменяться одеждами. Что из этого вышло – узнаете из романа Марка Твена «Принц и нищий».Марк Твен – псевдоним Сэмюэля Лэнгхорна Клеменса (1835-1910), американского писателя, журналиста и общественного деятеля. Свою трудовую деятельность он начал наборщиком статей в газете, которую издавал его старший брат. Затем работал лоцманом на пароходе. Некоторое время был шахтёром и добывал серебро. Но всё это не приносило ему достатка. Он устроился работать в газету и стал много путешествовать. Самым большим вкладом в американскую и мировую литературу считаются его романы: «Приключения Тома Сойера», «Приключения Гекльберри Финна», «Принц и Нищий». Марк Твен был отличным оратором, превосходно играл в бильярд, увлекался наукой и был дружен с Николой Теслой.
- Ebook
- 9.95 kr.
96.99 kr. Rocambole a pris un accent londonien depuis son voyage dans la capitale anglaise aux cotes de Milon, Vanda et quelques repentis des Ravageurs. Tous se sont jures de faire le bien face a la secte des Thugs, qui enleve sans relache de jeunes femmes innocentes pour les remettre a la deesse Kali, aux Indes... Rocambole est determine a les proteger ; en particulier la gentille bohemienne, Anna, spoliee de son heritage par sa tante Milady, maitresse d'un criminel d'orient. Dans le second tome du Dernier mot de Rocambole notre hero Rocambole dont la reputation n'est plus a faire, devra se la jouer cosmopolite s'il veut dejouer les plans de ses ennemis. Sa seconde etape: l'Inde.-
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
96.99 kr. La nuit, Paris est si sombre que l'on confond un homme avec un lampadaire eteint ; un cadavre avec Rocambole. Apres son combat contre la comtesse Vasilika, on l'avait cru mort. Mais aujourd'hui, il a ete retrouve pres de la Seine, inconscient, par une bande de malfrats qu'on appelle les Ravageurs. Alors que Rocambole est en convalescence, il lutte face a leur chef, Patissier, un faineant aux valeurs trop eloignees de Rocambole. Mais ce n'est la qu'un point de depart pour notre hero: la secte des Thugs seme la terreur en Europe. Ses membres cherchent a enlever de jeunes vierges, envoyees a la deesse Kali aux Indes...Dans ce premier tome du Dernier Mot de Rocambole Rocambole, bien vivant et dorenavant repenti, devra voyager jusqu'a Londres s'il veut faire regner le bien. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail renouvelle l'un des romans feuilletons le plus iconique, aux peripeties inoubliables.-
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
79.00 kr. Myrtle er ikke andet end et stort barn, da hun må tage arbejde på en fabrik i London og slide dagen lang for at få mad på bordet og tøj på kroppen. Livet er hårdt i det barske kvarter, og Myrtle har ikke meget at trøste sig med. Én ting har hun dog at drømme om: At hun en dag skal møde en mand, der kan gøre det hårde liv tåleligt og få fattigdommen til at virke ubetydelig."Fabrikspigens kærlighed" tegner et skarpt portræt af fabriksarbejdernes hårde liv i England i starten af det tyvende århundrede og fortæller samtidig om det lys, som håb og kærlighed kan kaste over selv det sørgeligste liv.Charles Garvice (1850-1920) var en engelsk forfatter, der skrev over 150 kærlighedsromaner. Hans romaner opnåede stor succes og blev oversat til mange fremmedsprog. Charles Garvice var en af sin samtids mest populære forfattere og solgte eksemplarer af sine romaner i millionvis verden over.
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
42.99 kr. 'The Hill of Dreams' follows the story of the introverted rector's son Lucian Taylor. He stumbles upon an odd Roman hill fort in his Welsh hometown which possesses his mind with supernatural visions and pagan erotic imagery. Compelled by the strange desires stirring in his soul, he moves to London to become a writer. But his hopes that the change of scenery would restore his sanity prove futile as his darkest hallucinations begin to assume a very tangible form.'The Hill of Dreams' is a moving story, one which pioneered discussions on the concept of the doomed artist in literature. Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Machen’s occult investigator Dyson is back to the job with another murder mystery. 'The Inmost Light' presents Dyson’s first-hand account of a story he witnessed - the wife of a famous London doctor is found dead. However, the factors that came into play to cause her death can only be described as supernatural. A horrific transformation and a tinkering with the soul that resulted in her inevitable demise.'The Inmost Light' presents implicit horrors rather than the overt horrors commonplace in for example H. P. Lovecraft’s fiction. Fans of the supernatural horror genre will love this story.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between these pagesArthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A forlorn London suburb. Four people are gathered around a table in a derelict abandoned house. One is a beautiful woman with hazel eyes, Helen. Two are men who are maniacally laughing along with Helen. The fourth is a "young man with spectacles" named Joseph Walters who is not to remain among the living for much longer. The trio then bid a "farewell to occult adventures" and leave the house.Supernatural detectives Dyson and Phillips stroll by and notice the magnificent old house. When they walk in, it immediately strikes them that they are once again dealing with the "three impostors" when an Ancient Roman coin just happens to roll by.'The Three Impostors' is a labyrinth of sinister and horrific situations from which there may seem to be no escape at times. A must-read for devotees of Machen, H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages of 'The White People'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
22.99 kr. En 1851, quatre ans apres les episodes du Club des Valets-de-cA ur Rocambole s'en revient de Londres apres avoir retourne sa chemise. Il fait route droit sur Paris, deguise en dandy sous un nouveau nom, plus puissant que jamais, et surtout devenu un dangereux criminel pret a tout pour la fortune. Dans ce premier tome des Exploits de Rocambole notre hero est pret a tout pour mettre son genie au service de l'innocence bafouee.-
- Ebook
- 22.99 kr.
67.99 kr. "The Sleeper Awakes" belongs to the genre of dystopian science fiction, the preferred working ground for Wells. A futuristic Rip-van-Winkle who has been sleeping for more than two hundred years, awakes one day to find himself the richest man alive. All his dreams and prayers have been answered. But his new life is not that peaceful and fortunate. Wells’ dystopian vision openly criticizes the march of progress, human greed, and urbanization. The future London in Graham’s post-sleeping world is not a paradise, but living hell. "The Sleeper Awakes" is a novel that readers might easily relate to Orwell’s "1984" or Fritz Lang’s cinematic masterpiece "Metropolis".H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. "e;Once upon a time, and of course it was in the Golden Age, and I hope you may know when that was, for I am sure I don't, though I have tried hard to find out, there lived in a rich and fertile country, a powerful Prince whose name was Bull."e;Bull is one of the many characters you will meet in this wonderful Charles Dickens collection of sketches and short stories. The anthology includes sad must-reads like A Child's Dream of a Star and amusing satirical pieces like A Monument of French Folly. The stories originally appeared in his journal Household Words.-
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- 67.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Un giorno, l'artista Basil Hallward dipinge un ritratto della sua musa Dorian Gray mentre l'amico Lord Henry li osserva. Dorian ascolta mentre Lord Henry presenta in modo confidenziale la sua visione edonistica del mondo, affermando che la bellezza è l'unica cosa che conta davvero nella vita. In Dorian inizia a farsi strada il desiderio che il ritratto invecchi al posto suo. Non molto tempo dopo, Dorian vede la sua ragazza recitare in Romeo e Giulietta di Shakespeare ed è talmente disgustato dalla sua cattiva interpretazione, che la rifiuta. Quando torna a casa, nota un certo crudele ghigno nel suo ritratto.Raccontato con un linguaggio fiorito e ricco di dialoghi incisivi alla Jane Austen, Il ritratto di Dorian Gray, storia di un giovane che vende la sua anima in cambio dell'eterna giovinezza, è senza ombra di dubbio l'opera più famosa di Oscar Wilde.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) è stato un drammaturgo, romanziere, saggista e poeta irlandese. Tra le sue opere più celebri ricordiamo il romanzo "Il ritratto di Dorian Gray" e la commedia teatrale "L'importanza di chiamarsi Ernesto."Dandy raffinato, scrittore all'avanguardia, omosessuale in un'epoca e in un paese in cui l'omosessualità era ancora considerata un reato, Oscar Wilde è unanimemente riconosciuto come una delle voci più importanti della letteratura dell'Ottocento.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Verloc est un agent secret de bas etage implique dans un ambitieux attentat visant a dejouer les plans d'un horrible groupe terroriste a Londres. Malheureusement, il n'est pas un agent tres doue et ses propres faiblesses ainsi que les temperaments hauts en couleurs des integrants de sa famille ne vont pas l'aider ! Malgre la gravite de la mission, le ton de l'histoire va tres vite passer a l'ironie et au comique des espions, terroristes et anarchistes.Conrad ecrit cette histoire s'inspirant d'un fait reel : un Francais fut tue en 1894 devant l'Observatoire Greenwich par une bombe qu'il transportait. Ce livre a ete adapte par le celebre Alfred Hitchcock au film Sabotage (1936) et par Christophe Hampton au film L'Agent secret (1996), avec Gerard Depardieu.-
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- 73.99 kr.
38.99 kr. "Their good humour and delight know no bounds - for it is a delightful morning, all blue over head, and nothing like a cloud in the whole sky."Under the pseudonym of Timothy Sparks, the then 24 year-old Dickens wrote this pamphlet, in which he defends the people’s right to pleasure. Always a protector of the poor, Dickens describes what a Sunday morning would look like if the Christian "fanatics" in Parliament had been able to pass a recent bill. And he describes what a Sunday morning ought to look like. It gives a humorous picture of London Society and was dedicated to the Bishop of London, without permission.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).
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- 38.99 kr.
66.99 kr. "e;To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart."e;Master Humphrey is an old, crippled man living in London. To combat his loneliness, he starts a little club, Master Humphrey's Clock, and invites its members to read from their manuscripts. Delightful, supernatural, romantic and sometimes a little creepy, this is the collection of their stories. Readers familiar with Dickens will perhaps come across characters and stories they already know as it serves as an introduction to, among others, Barnaby Rudge and The Old Curiosity Shop.-
- Ebook
- 66.99 kr.
38.99 kr. "Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed."Hughie, a charming young man with no money, wants to marry a girl named Laura. But Laura’s father is concerned with Hughie’s lack of wealth and tells him he can only have his daughter if he comes up with 10,000 pounds. Defeated, Hughie visits his artist friend, who in painting a portrait of a beggar. Meeting the beggar outside, Hughie gives him some money. What he doesn’t know is that the man isn’t a beggar at all but a wealthy baron, and Hughie’s generosity might just be the thing to change his life.The Model Millionaire is a charming and funny little story, similar in setting to The Picture of Dorian Gray, but far more optimistic. A delightful read.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet, famous for ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ to name a couple. He was believed to be a homosexual and met a lot of resistance in his life on that account. He died in Paris at the age of 46.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Shannon Cramer lebt für ihren Job. Den Männern hat die junge Anwältin abgeschworen, nachdem sie einige äußerst schlechte Erfahrungen mit ihrem Exmann gemacht hat. Doch ausgerechnet er ist der Grund, warum sie einen neuen Job bei der jungen Kanzlei "Padget, Knight, Woods & Collins" anfängt. Dort erwartet sie mit ihrem ersten Mandat eine große Herausforderung: Shannon soll Seite an Seite mit dem australischen Partner Steven Knight zusammenarbeiten. So weit so gut - wäre er nicht der Prince Charming der Kanzlei, dessen Annäherungsversuchen sie kaum widerstehen kann ...
- Audiobook
- 96.99 kr.
99.00 kr. I årene efter anden verdenskrig får rektor Mr. Weatherall gradvist større viden om et sort marked i London, hvor rationerede fødevarer og stjålne varer sælges til restauratører og cateringfirmaer. Gennem sine kolleger og elever på skolen, bliver Mr. Weatherall dybt involveret i opklaringen af det kriminelle netværk, der står bag sortbørshandlen. Men bag det ulovlige foretagende står en kold og hensynsløs mand og han er klar til at gøre hvad som helst for at holde sin identitet skjult.Michael Gilbert (1912-2006) var en britisk advokat og forfatter. Han debuterede i 1947 og udgav sidenhen hele 30 romaner og en lang række noveller. På trods af sin succes som forfatter fortsatte han sit arbejde som advokat frem til sin pension. Han blev kendt for at skrive sine romaner i toget fra sit hjem i Kent til sin arbejdsplads i Lincoln’s Inn. Selv sagde han, at denne rutine tillod ham at udføre to jobs og samtidig dedikere aftener og weekender til familien.Gilbert blev i 1994 tildelt en ærespris for sit forfatterskab af Crime Writers Association
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
148.99 kr. John Harmon, riche misanthrope, meurt en leguant sa fortune a son fils a condition qu'il epouse Bella Wilfer sans quoi ce sont les Boffin, fideles employes d'Harmon, qui en heriteront. John Harmon junior revient donc en Angleterre mais est repeche mort dans la Tamise... La fortune d'Harmon senior revient donc aux Boffin qui prennent Bella Wilfer sous leur aile et acceptent les services d'un certain John Rokesmith qui profite de la naivete de ses hotes...-
- Ebook
- 148.99 kr.
From 62.99 kr. När Caroline av misstag blir indragen i en härva av intriger, lögner och mord blir hon räddad av lord Vane Brecon. Hon svär för sig själv att hon någon dag ska återgälda honom och återvänder sedan till London och sitt glamorösa liv som societetsdam. Men det dröjer inte allt för länge innan hon får en chans att uppfylla sitt löfte och hon ger sig av från London för att varna lord Brecon för den livshotande faran. Men lorden bär på sina egna mörka hemligheter och nu måste Caroline göra allt hon kan för att rädda hans liv ... Cartlands böcker äger rum i de finare engelska kretsarna och i exotiska miljöer. Kärleken är häftig mellan de passionerade hjältarna och vackra hjältinnorna, men gång på gång går de igenom prövningar. Men äkta kärlek är alltid starkast och det finns ingenting den inte kan besegra. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) är den mest produktiva författaren i det tjugonde århundradet. Vi har över 650 böcker från Cartlands romantiska hand. Hennes böcker är översatta till 38 språk, och med över en miljard sålda exemplar kan det inte längre finnas någon tvekan om att Barbara Cartland är en av världens största romantiker.
40.99 kr. La nuit tombée, un notaire londonien est bouleversé par une scène abominable : un individu agresse une petite fille dans la rue. Il est bien surpris lorsqu'il apprend que son ami, le Dr Jekyll, compte léguer tous ses biens à l'étrange Mr Hyde, l’agresseur. Qu'est-ce qui peut bien pousser le distingué Dr Jekyll à choisir l'infâme Mr Hyde pour héritier ? Avec cette œuvre, Stevenson nous invite à parcourir ce mystère, adapté plusieurs fois pour le cinéma et la télévision.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) est un écrivain écossais et un grand voyageur. C’est au fil de ces voyages que lui vient l’inspiration pour écrire ses œuvres pleines d’aventures et ses récits fantastiques. Avec une narration très visuelle, il arrive à manifester une critique aux habitudes de son l’époque. Ses romans ont souvent été adaptés aux différents médias, notamment dans le film « L’île au trésor » dirigé par Alain Berberien en 2012 et l’emblématique « Dr. Jekyll et Mr. Hyde » fait en 1931.
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
From 69.00 kr. Cassy på 14 bor hos sin farmor det meste af tiden. Det er der, hun helst vil bo, for hendes mors vilde og uforudsigelige tilværelse i Londons bz-miljø er ikke et trygt sted for hende. Cassys far er der aldrig nogen, der snakker om. Cassy har efterhånden lært, at det ikke hjælper noget at spørge ind til ham, for hverken hendes mor eller hendes farmor vil fortælle det mindste om ham.Indimellem vågner Cassy om natten ved, at der er nogen, der banker på hoveddøren. Hun ser aldrig, hvem det er, men indimellem hører hun den fremmede mand snakke med hendes farmor ude på gangen. Dagen efter sker der altid det samme. Cassy bliver sendt hjem til sin mor, og det hjælper ikke noget at protestere imod det. Denne gang er der imidlertid noget, der ændrer sig. Cassy begynder at kunne huske ting, som bringer hende på sporet af, hvad hendes fars hemmelighed er, og hvorfor hendes mor og farmor gør alt for, at hun ikke skal kende den...Gillian Cross (f. 1945) er en britisk børne- og ungdomsbogsforfatter, der står bag en lang række populære bøger. Flere af hendes bøger er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog, og i 1990 vandt hun Carnegie-medaljen for sin bog "Ulv". I 1996 blev flere af hendes bøger lavet til en tv-serie for BBC.
15.99 kr. Zbiór opowiadań, których bohaterką i narratorką jest agentka CBŚ – Beatrycze Konieczna; dodatek do powieści „Wizaż śmierci". Utwór przedstawia prywatne życie kobiety, obfitując jednocześnie w nawiązania do wydarzeń sprzed akcji powieści. Rozdziały, tytułowane jako fragmenty, przedstawiają m.in. relacje Beatrycze z jej partnerem zawodowym oraz zdradzają seksualne preferencje bohaterki.Ewa Dudziec – autorka powieści fantasy i kryminałów, copywriterka. „Wizaż śmierci" wydała dzięki wsparciu czytelników, decydując się na self-publishing.
- Audiobook
- 15.99 kr.
43.99 kr. Monica har lämnat tråkiga Sverige för livfulla, och stundtals rent av kaotiska, London. Det är 60-tal och staden är full av popmusik, artister, modeller och unga människor i jakt på sig själva. Hemma i Sverige sitter mamma Hanna kvar och oroar sig. När hon hör att hennes tonåriga dotter varken sköter sitt jobb eller tar hand om sig själv bestämmer hon sig tillslut för att själv åka till London. Nu sätts mamma-dotter-relationen gång på gång på prov. Kommer de att någonsin kunna nå fram till varandra?Gun Årestad var tidigare redaktör för tidskriften Femina. Hennes författarkarriär består av ett trettiotal böcker, där många av titlarna vid första publicering ingick i B. Wahlströms skriftserie Månadens roman. Hennes böcker handlar om kärlek och relationer och innehåller allt från fantasieggande dramatik till vardagsnära betraktelser.
- Ebook
- 43.99 kr.
79.00 kr. London bliver terroriseret af en kriminel bande med en leder, der er så snu og hemmelighedsfuld, at selv Scotland Yard må se magtesløst til. Ingen har nogensinde set lederen, der bliver kaldt Frøen, og alligevel er alle skrækslagne for ham. Den uforlignelige og frygtløse politimand Elk sætter sig alligevel for at opspore Frøen, og dermed bringer han sig selv i overhængende livsfare. Hvem er jageren, og hvem er byttet i Edgar Wallaces klassiske krimi "Frøens broderskab"?Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
102.99 kr. "The Hand of Fu-Manchu" is the third book in the Fu-Manchu series. It follows the mad doctor’s adventures in the wicked underground world of crime. A secret organisation threatens to destroy the foundations of global power by resorting to assassinations and terrorism. Once again, Fu-Manchu faces Nayland Smith in this heart-stopping adventure full exotic settings, opium addicts, and villainous acts of treachery and malice.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Sax Rohmer (1883-1959), the pseudonym of Arthur Henry Ward, was a British writer of crime and supernatural fiction, famous for the creation of the villain Fu-Manchu. The occult played an important part in his life, and many of his works are directly influenced by it. He wrote many novels, short stories, and non-fiction works, among which were "The Fu-Manchu" series, "Brood of the Witch-Queen", and "The Yellow Claw".
- Audiobook
- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. "The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu" is the first book in the Fu-Manchu series, about the notorious evil mastermind. In the crime fiction world, Fu-Manchu stands on equal grounds with Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes’ nemesis. Rohmer created an archetypal villain who is very much a product of his times, and a reflection of the social and political conditions. Fu-Manchu’s plans are always attacked and challenged by Detective Nayland Smith, who gives his all to defeat the mad doctor. A compelling and fast-paced read, this novel is the wonderful beginning to this amazing villain’s career.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Sax Rohmer (1883-1959), the pseudonym of Arthur Henry Ward, was a British writer of crime and supernatural fiction, famous for the creation of the villain Fu-Manchu. The occult played an important part in his life, and many of his works are directly influenced by it. He wrote many novels, short stories, and non-fiction works, among which were "The Fu-Manchu" series, "Brood of the Witch-Queen", and "The Yellow Claw".
- Audiobook
- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. The book that inspired the new Netflix series, "Lupin" with Omar Sy."The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar" is the first collection of stories about the infamous thief, Arsene Lupin. Cunning, charming, and roguishly good-looking, Lupin leads the French police department on a merry dance across Belle Epoque Paris in these adventure-filled mysteries.Evading the authorities, getting the girl and usually pocketing some rare jewel for himself, Arsene Lupin’s adventures will keep any reader on the edge of their seats.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, soaring to the top of the iTunes charts. He masterfully breathes life back into literary classics and plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has produced over 500 audiobooks. His productions of P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves series and Shakespeare’s Hamlet are regularly seen at the top of audiobook charts.Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous stories is available to readers everywhere.Maurice Leblanc was a French author during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. He lived in Paris during the Belle Époque, and his literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Though he wrote two well-received science fiction novels, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, Arsene Lupin.Thought to be based on the life of anarchist Marius Jacob, who had a very public trial in 1905, Lupin is a whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise. Leblanc was compared to Arthur Conan Doyle throughout his career, and he even wrote a series of novellas where Lupin is introduced to and subsequently outwits the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes.Arsene Lupin has inspired many spin-offs including the hugely successful Japanese manga series "Lupin III" and a new Netflix series "Lupin" starring Omar Sy.
- Audiobook
- 102.99 kr.
42.99 kr. "The Castaway" is a short story by W. W. Jacobs, telling of the return of a husband, who was thought lost and buried at sea for three years. Mrs. Boxer immediately welcomes him, but his mother-in-law suspects him to be a fraud. A visit to the local fortune-teller only deepens her suspicions. "The Castaway" is a brilliant mystery story that questions reality in a remarkable way, leaving no stone unturned and dwelling into each the characters’ suspicions and fears. Recommended to short story fans and mystery fiction enthusiasts.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.William Wymark Jacobs (1863-1943) was an English writer of supernatural short stories and novels. He also wrote a lot about the humorous life around the London docks. Nowadays, he is best known for his supernatural horror short story "The Monkey’s Paw", which quickly became a classic in the genre. Some of his other works are "Sea Urchins", "Dialstone Lane", and "Captains All".
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
34.99 kr. En 1840, en Londres, la por entonces ciudad más grande del mundo, un hombre convaleciente y con fuerzas renovadas luego de una larga enfermedad, sentado frente al ventanal de un café, ve pasar la multitud de peatones. Tras una observación minuciosa y detallista de los transeúntes, el rostro de un hombre con una peculiar expresión acaparó toda su atención por su absoluta singularidad. Así se desenvuelve la historia en la que el narrador, guiado por un gran instinto de curiosidad, persigue durante dos días seguidos a este hombre, con la póstuma sospecha de que se trata de un terrible criminal. La persecución pasea al narrador por lugares inusuales y extraños, con un clima contante de misterio y suspenso.Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.
- Ebook
- 34.99 kr.