London, Greater London

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  • by Lone Theils
    149.00 kr.

    En britisk kvinde drukner i en swimmingpool i et sommerhus ved den danske vestkyst. Men var det et uheld eller overlagt mord? Da den britiske anklager tvinges til at droppe sagen, begynder journalist Nora Sand at grave i den, og det står hurtigt klart, at hverken den kærlige ægtemand, de nære veninder eller den stenrige familie har rent mel i posen. Efterhånden som Nora trevler sagen op, ender hun med at stå ansigt til ansigt med en skruppelløs morder, der vil gøre alt for at hytte sit eget skind."Den troskyldige kvinde" er sjette bog i serien om den danske journalist Nora Sand, der bor i London. Bøgerne er solgt til udgivelse i 16 lande.Lone Theils (f. 1971) er journalist og har blandt andet arbejdet som korrespondent for Politiken. Hun har tidligere været bosat i London i mange år, men bor nu i Danmark, hvor hun arbejder som fuldtidsforfatter og freelancejournalist. Blandt andet er hun kommentator på TV2.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    Endetté, Harry de Colnbrooke a dû céder le manoir ancestral au marquis d’Eaglescliffe, un aristocrate à la vie dissolue.— Nous allons vivre dans la maison des douairières, explique Harry à sa sœur Anthea. Écoute-moi bien : tu ne devras jamais te montrer au marquis. Il a une telle réputation...Anthea ne comprend pas bien cette mise en garde. Et voilà que le marquis organise un spectacle interprété par des danseuses de Covent Garden. À charge pour Harry de lui dénicher un pianiste de talent ! Pour aider son frère bien embarrassé, Anthea lui propose ses services. Pas de danger elle s’éclipsera dès la chute du rideau. L’innocente n’imaginait pas que la musique avait sur les cœurs des effets aussi envoûtants qu’inattendus.Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    From 58.99 kr.

    A seguito dell'omicidio accidentale di un noto membro della società inglese, Sir Denzil Caversham viene costretto all'esilio per tre anni in America. In sua assenza, la bellissima figlia Thalia inizia lavorare sotto falso nome in una sartoria molto alla moda che serve i gusti delle ricche signore di Londra, dove cattura l'attenzione dell'affascinante conte di Hellingham. Dapprima contraria alle avances del conte, Thalia è presto irresistibilmente attratta dal suo strano magnetismo e dalla sua tenerezza di fondo. Ma mentre l'amore sboccia nel suo cuore, cresce anche l'amara certezza che la loro storia non potrà mai avverarsi, perché il conte non dovrà mai scoprire la vera identità della ragazza che gli ha rubato il cuore.Barbara Cartland (1901 – 2000) è stata una scrittrice britannica molto prolifica, specializzata in particolare in romanzi rosa e novelle romantiche. In oltre settant'anni di attività scrisse oltre 730 romanzi e fu, con oltre un miliardo di copie vendute, una delle autrici di maggior successo di tutti i tempi. Tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta divenne una personalità mediatica soprattutto grazie a numerose apparizioni televisive e partecipazioni a eventi mondani, nonché in quanto imparentata con la giovane Lady Diana, principessa del Galles. Tra i titoli più conosciuti a livello internazionale spiccano "Amore innocente", "La ballerina e il principe" e "Passione sotto la cenere".

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    « C’est décidé. Au lieu de faire un mariage d’amour, je ferai un mariage d’argent. »Adieu les rêves romantiques ! Quand Wanda constate dans quel état de délabrement se trouve son cher domaine de Kilburn, le pragmatisme l’emporte. Dire que son pauvre père est obligé de vendre les tableaux de maîtres qu’elle aime tant. S’il faut se sacrifier, elle n’hésitera pas une seconde.Quelques retouches à sa vieille garde-robe, et la voilà prête à conquérir Londres et le cœur des célibataires les plus endurcis... pour peu que leur escarcelle soit bien garnie.L’ingénue se croit cynique. Mais lorsque le véritable amour croisera sa route, qui, de la raison ou du sentiment, triomphera ?Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Barbara Comyns
    102.99 kr.

    ´I defy anyone to read the opening pages and not to be drawn in, as I was... Quite simply, Comyns writes like no one else.´ - Maggie O'Farrell, author of "Hamnet".Pretty, unworldly Sophia is twenty-one years old and hastily married to a young painter called Charles. An artist's model with an eccentric collection of pets, she is ill-equipped to cope with the bohemian London of the 1930s, where poverty, babies (however much loved) and her husband conspire to torment her.Hoping to add some spice to her life, Sophia takes up with Peregrine, a dismal, ageing critic, and comes to regret her marriage - and her affair. But in this case, virtue is more than its own reward, for repentance brings an abrupt end to the cycle of unsold pictures, unpaid bills and unwashed dishes...Born and raised in England, Barbara Comyns (1909-1992) was a writer and artist who juggled various creative and entrepreneurial endeavors throughout her colorful life, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.

  • by Bengt Ericson
    62.99 kr.

    I en värld där den mest värdefulla valutan är makt gäller det att vinna det politiska spelet.Staffan Rask, den före detta VD:n för Svenska Bankens Londonkontor, är ute efter revansch efter att ha förlorat sitt jobb. På ett slott uppe i de skotska högländerna bestämmer han träff med socialdemokrater och förmögna svenskar i London då de alla har ett gemensamt mål – att förvärva makt och miljoner. Tillsammans försöker de nyfunna kompanjonerna ta över makten i Sverige genom att orsaka en börskrasch för att sänka det styrande partiet. Men tillslut börjar de alla inse att ens så kallade kompanjoner inte alltid håller en om ryggen när girighet tar över.Författaren och journalisten Bengt Ericson har under sin långa karriär mött och intervjuat större delen av Sveriges maktelit. Han har bland annat arbetat som ansvarig utgivare för Dagens Industri och som chefredaktör för Veckans Affärer. År 1991 tilldelades han det Stora Journalistpriset för hans skarpa och grundliga artiklar.

  • by Alfredo Pitta
    40.99 kr.

    "Vedete, mio caro Lambest, in ogni uomo dabbene vi sono i germi del male, in ogni malvagio i germi del bene [...] Ah, chi di noi può dire di non essere passato per le Porte del Male, sia pure col pensiero?".In questa nuova indagine del mitico detective Enderton – nato dalla penna del fantasioso Alfredo Pitta – tutto sembra essere sempre il contrario di tutto. Se non ci si può basare sulle apparenze, in effetti, su che cos’altro si dovrebbe fare affidamento? Tutto ha inizio quando il signor Muldave, preoccupato per lui e la moglie, decide di rivolgersi a Enderton e Lambest. La sua famiglia sembra correre un grave pericolo: negli ultimi giorni, infatti, la cassetta della posta di casa Muldave ha ricevuto più di una quarantina di missive anonime, stampate con un ingegnoso trucco da ragazzini, recanti messaggi del tenore di "Morirai" e "La vendetta è vicina". Comprensibile, quindi, la loro preoccupazione...Alfredo Pitta (1875-1952) nasce a Lucera, dove si interessa precocemente alla letteratura e al giornalismo. Dopo aver pubblicato le prime novelle sul Foglietto – rivista diretta dal fratello Gaetano – si trasferisce a Roma, per collaborare al Messaggero di Roma, e poi a Milano. Nel 1904 entra come impiegato al Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici, posizione a cui affiancherà un febbrile lavoro di traduzione per Sonzogno e Mondadori. Negli stessi anni inizia a pubblicare i primi romanzi, che spaziano dal giallo al cappa-e-spada. Autore fertile e ricco di fantasia, pubblicherà una quarantina di libri, fra cui il celebre "Santajusta" (1936), incentrato sulla storia duecentesca della sua Lucera. Fra i suoi molti lavori, si possono citare anche "Castelmalo" (1931), "Le tredici colonne" (1933) e "L’idolo di Rankanava" (1940).

  • by Rachael Featherstone
    102.99 kr.

    Love is a riddle waiting to be solved...Meet Cassy Brookes, a composed 26-year-old whose life is about to be flipped by a twist of fate.Stuck in a doctor's office, Cassy scribbles a message in a puzzle book, and when she returns for a check-up, she sees someone has replied. She soon finds herself torn between searching for love and outwitting her work rival, Martin.Will finding the mystery puzzle man be the cure to all her problems or will the truth be a bitter pill to swallow?Perfect for fans of Beth O'Leary, Ali Hazelwood, and Lorraine Brown.What readers are saying about "Puzzle Girl":´Puzzle Girl is a fantastic debut. Sparklingly funny, original and brilliantly clever, it's a real treat. I loved it!´ - Miranda Dickinson´Clever, funny and utterly engaging.´ - Jules WakeRachael Featherstone was born and raised in Woodford. After her mother's cancer diagnosis in 2012, Rachael decided to quit her job, and fulfil a lifetime ambition to write a novel. She went back to university and completed a Masters in English Literature and had several short stories published.

  • by Ole Steen Hansen
    49.00 kr.

    Englands hovedstad, London, er en af de største og mest spændende byer i verden. Der bor flere mennesker i London end i hele Danmark, og der er mennesker fra alle verdens lande.I "Portræt af London" kan man læse, hvordan en kæmpe by som London fungerer med alt fra drikkevand til offentlig transport og skoler. Bogen præsenterer os for en række vidt forskellige London-borgere. Vi møder både en dirigent, en modedesigner og en hjemløs, og så kommer vi med hjem til nogle af de danskere, der har gjort London til deres hjem."Portræt af London" er skrevet til børn fra 12 år og opefter og udkom første gang i 1998.Ole Steen Hansen (f. 1957) har siden 1986 udgivet mere end 100 bøger, og i sit forfatterskab beskæftiger han sig især med militærhistorie, fly og asiatisk kultur. I 2019 blev han tildelt Dansk Forfatterforenings faglitterære pris med begrundelsen: "Ole Steen Hansen leverer fortællinger på et solidt, fagligt grundlag, der kobler det store overblik med myriader af detaljer".Udover at være fagbogsforfatter står Ole Steen Hansen også bag adskillige oversættelser.

  • by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    38.99 kr.

    Set in London in 1594, ‘Tarquin of Cheapside’ is a cross between a whodunnit and a whodunwhat.We find Wessel Caxter reading ‘The Faerie Queen,’ before his evening is interrupted by a mysterious figure, known only as Soft Shoes.Soft Shoes is being pursued by Flowing Boots, but who they are and what their quarrel is, is only revealed after Soft Shoes completes a poem.Packed with literary flourishes and sharp wit, this offers a fascinating insight into the mind of a master at the start of his career.‘Tarquin of Cheapside’ is perfect for fans of Debbie Young.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    Set during the First World War, ‘My Adventures, A German Spy in Britain’ is a collection of short stories narrated by secret agent, Heine.While he might have been sent to London by German Intelligence, intelligence is not his strong point. Armed with a Chilean passport and posing as a reporter for the Chinese New Bureau, the hapless Heine sets about uncovering any secrets he can.However, his natural cowardice and penchant for missing the obvious make his task much harder than necessary.A light-hearted and fun read for fans of the ‘Smithy’ series.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    42.99 kr.

    Mr Chell is a very wealthy man. However, even his money cannot buy him a sense of humour.When he receives a letter demanding thousands of pounds to prevent his imminent kidnap, he must decide whether this is a joke or something more serious.A wry, sly tale, packed with twists and turns and an unexpected ending, ‘Gospel-Truth Mortimer’ is a rollicking read for fans of Agatha Christie.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

  • by Jeffrey Archer
    73.99 kr.

    Podczas dziewiczego rejsu do Nowego Jorku na statku Buckingham doszło do groźnego wybuchu. Jaki będzie finał eksplozji bomby podłożonej tam przez IRA?Żona Harry’ego, obecnie prezes Barrington Shipping, mierzy się ze skutkami bombardowania jej liniowcai szykuje się do sprawy sądowej ze złośliwą lady Victorią. W tym samym czasie Harry Clifton dostaje awans i podejmuje niebezpieczną próbę odnalezienia w Rosji zakazanej książki o pracach dla Stalina. Kiedy Cliftonowie cieszą się na wieść o zaręczynach Sebastiana, nad Harry’m zbierają się czarne chmury - oto zostaje pojmany w Rosji i uznany za groźnego szpiega.Oto piąta z 7 części cyklu o rodzinie Cliftonów, można ją uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności sagi. Jeśli lubisz powieści sensacyjne z emocjonującymi zwrotami akcji i pasjonują cię opisy trudnych procesów sądowych, oto lektura idealna dla ciebie.Kroniki rodziny Cliftonów - siedmiotomowa epicka saga, której bohaterem jest pełen ambicji Harry Clifton, syn dokera i kelnerki. Kolejne tomy cyklu pokazują losy głównego bohatera od narodzin w 1920 aż do śmierci w 1992 r. z perspektywy coraz to innej postaci. Dzięki temu cykl o burzliwym życiu Harry’ego Cliftona wciąga czytelnika bez reszty i intryguje podczas lektury każdej części tej rodzinnej sagi.Jeffrey Howard Archer, baron Archer Weston-super-Mare (ur. 15 kwietnia 1940w Londynie) - brytyjski polityk, dramaturg, autor bestsellerowych serii sensacyjnych, kryminalnych, jak również tzw. political fiction. Swoją debiutancką powieść z 1976 r.,,Co do grosza", (którą podobnie jak kolejną pt. ,,Kain i Abel" sfilmowano), napisał aby uniknąć bankructwa. Uważny czytelnik odnajdzie w jego twórczości wiele wątków związanych z polskimi emigrantami.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    59.99 kr.

    It’s the smoggy, gas-lit London of the 1880s. And three young men—Desborough, Challoner and Somerset—are bored stiff. So this trio make a pact. They’ll alleviate their listlessness by seeking out adventures wherever they can.These adventures form "The Dynamiter", a collection of loosely inter-connected stories, which features everything from violent Mormons to ghostly mansions. Veering from suspense to comedy, it’s a fun and light read. And for Stevenson fans, an interesting curio because it’s his only book written in collaboration with his wife, Fanny van de Grift Stevenson.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. Born in Edinburgh, he suffered from severe health issues for most of his life. Despite this, he still managed to produce some of the century’s most famous stories. These include the classic adventure "Treasure Island" and the horror novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".Stevenson’s last years were spent on the Samoan island of Upolo, where he became an advocate for Samoan rights. He died in his home of a brain haemorrhage and was buried on the island’s Mount Vaea.

  • by Amelia Martin
    103.99 kr.

    Lassen Sie sich entführen ins schillernde Wien der Zwanzigerjahre!Die 29-jährige Sarah Rosewell wird stellvertretende Leiterin des Auktionshauses Hofmann's. Wertvolle Lampen, edle Teppiche, stilvolle Gemälde – Sarahs Ruf als Kunstkennerin ist legendär. Doch die Schatten ihrer Vergangenheit lassen sie nicht zur Ruhe kommen – jemand verfolgt sie mit einem perfiden Racheplan. Als der amerikanische Kaufhauskönig John Redloff sie bittet, sein Stadthaus in London auszustatten, zieht es sie zurück in ihre Heimatstadt. Sarah muss sich ihren Dämonen stellen und kämpft um ihren Ruf und ihre Existenz. Zumal ihr ehemaliger Geliebter Philipp Maynard plötzlich wieder vor ihr steht ...Amelia Martin ist das Pseudonym einer Bestsellerautorin. Sie hat jahrelang als Sachverständige für ein weltweit handelndes Auktionshaus gearbeitet, die Provenienz von Möbeln und Kunstgegenständen geprüft und Ausstellungen organisiert. Nach Jahren in England und im europäischen Ausland unternimmt die Autorin heute ausgedehnte Recherchereisen an die Schauplätze ihrer Romane.

  • by G. K. Chesterton
    42.99 kr.

    "We must hit Capitalism, and hit it hard, for the plain and definite reason that it is growing stronger." Chesterton’s essays on the pitfalls of capitalism, written in the early 1900s, still strike true in the modern-day.One of England’s greatest essayists, Chesterton analyses the claims of capitalism without preaching or favouring Marxist and socialist thinkers.Instead, Chesterton’s anti-capitalist arguments are drawn from his own Christian ideals and philosophical reasoning, giving a unique perspective that is invaluable for historians and students of philosophy alike.Readers of Rebecca Henderson or Thomas Piketty should not miss this extraordinary glimpse into the ideologies of the past.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories.Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy, and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’.In his lifetime, Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.

  • by Jane Davis
    124.99 kr.

    What if the villain of your childhood turned out to be someone really rather extraordinary?A disgraced politician, Sir James Hastings is living out his retirement in a secluded Surrey village. He is unmoved by his centenarian mother's death - a woman he emotionally buried upon her abandonment.Raised by his father, a charismatic war-hero turned racing driver, the young James, torn between self-blame and longing, eventually dismissed her.But when he inherits her life's work - an incredible photography collection spanning six decades - he is forced to confront the realization that his version of the past isn't even half the story...Presenting a family that is beautifully flawed, brimming with affection, and inimitably human, "I Stopped Time" is perfect for fans of Tracy Chevalier, Audrey Niffenegger and Ali Smith.Hailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'.'A perfectly written book in which the author never puts a foot wrong.' Author, John Lynch

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    Laying the foundations for the likes of ‘Silence of the Lambs,’ starring Anthony Hopkins, ‘The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder’ follows an investigator with the mind of a criminal.From the outside, our hero looks downtrodden and unremarkable. However, beneath his docile demeanour operates a fiendish brain; one that could be employed for good or for evil.In this book, Wallace gives us an anti-hero that is initially hard to like but becomes completely understandable towards the end.‘The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder’ is a great read for fans of the characters Hannibal Lecter and Sherlock Holmes.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’

  • by Lin Rina
    73.99 kr.

    Una maravillosa colección de cuentos, cartas, notas y la génesis del libro La biblioteca de los sueños imposibles.Una historia atmosférica situada en un rincón repleto de libros en el Londres del siglo XIX. Una maravillosa novela. Un retrato de los lugares en los que los libros y las historias te pueden transportar a la vida real. Una joya de libro para todos aquellos que alguna vez soñaron con tener un rincón propio repleto de libros y de sueños...El complemento perfecto para una agradable noche de lectura: acompaña en este nuevo viaje a Ani y al Thomas Reed, los protagonistas de "La biblioteca de los sueños imposible".Siguiendo las huellas de las grandes damas de la literatura clásica como Jane Eyre, la independiente y tenaz Animant Crumb es un personaje del que los lectores se enamorarán al instante.Lin Rina es una escritora alemana nacida en 1987. Es autora de ficción y amante del té a quien en ocasiones se le quema la comida mientras se pierde en su imaginación.

  • by Julie Dauge
    125.99 kr.

    Fille d’une servante et de Lord Lamb, Annabelle est la femme de chambre de Madeleine, la fille légitime de ce dernier. Les deux demi-sœurs partagent, au delà d'une ressemblance troublante, une grande complicité, au grand dam de l’épouse de Lord Lamb.Alors que la Saison va débuter, Lady Lamb est bien décidée à marier sa fille à un membre de la noblesse, sans tenir compte des sentiments de la jeune femme.Afin d'échapper à cette épreuve, Madeleine sollicite l’aide de sa demi-sœur. Annabelle va alors se retrouver prise au piège d'un jeu de faux-semblants avec le comte d’Angus.Née en 1988, en Normandie, Julie y passe sa jeunesse et fait la rencontre de son mari dans le bus du lycée (une vraie romance). Il lui aura fallu vingt ans pour apprécier la lecture grâce au film Twilight qui lui a fait découvrir la romance.Véritable coup de foudre, depuis, elle dévore les livres à raison d’au moins trois par semaine (quand elle n’écrit pas).Romances historiques, paranormales, New Adult, à la Dark, tout y passe !En 2015, elle décide, sur un coup de tête, de passer de l’autre côté du livre et se lance dans l’écriture du premier tome des MacKintosh. Une nouvelle passion est née ! Désormais, elle s’évade en écrivant ses propres histoires, en plus de dévorer celles des autres.Après la romance historique-paranormale, elle se lance dans la new romance avec la série Love and Hope. En 2020, elle s'essaie à deux nouveaux sous-genre de la romance : le drame romantique avec la duologie Malgré et la romance paranormale avec la saga Nefasta. Du highlander viril, au vampire sexy, en passant par le bad boy tatoué et adepte de foot ou le comte mystérieux, il y en a pour tous les goûts (ou presque).

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    It’s the ultimate plot to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. But when a criminal mastermind finds Scotland Yard detectives sniffing around his tracks, things become far from easy. And when a beautiful girl arrives on the scene, distractions are all the more inevitable.Packed with suspense, tension and thrills, Edgar Wallace’s rip-roaring crime novel ‘The Traitor’s Gate’ is perfect for fans of BBC’s hit series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    A gripping diamond heist page-turner from the father of the modern thriller.When a valuable diamond is stolen, a private investigator is sent to track him down. However, the trail turns cold when the perpetrator turns up dead. Where is the diamond, and who murdered him?This action-packed thriller will keep you hooked until the very end. A must-read for fans of James Bond, Alfred Hitchcock, and John Buchan.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    James Bond meets Sherlock Holmes in this classic, high-octane, spy thriller.When the police can’t find the evidence to put away master criminal Caesar Valentine, there’s only one man for the job.Number Six, a secret undercover agent that operates outside the law.The only problem is, nobody knows who Number Six is, not even Scotland Yard...This action-packed page-turner will keep you hooked until the end. A must-read for fans of James Bond, Alfred Hitchcock, and John Buchan.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’

  • by Lilly Labord
    73.99 kr.

    Eileen Broadcastle hat ihren Platz in der Akademie gefunden und selbst die schwarzmagische Organisation PRISMA konnte sie nicht aufhalten. Oder etwa doch?Als Eileen zurückkehrt, musss sie erkennen, dass die Gegner längst eingedrungen sind. Und sie schonen niemanden. Während die Direktorin der Athanor Akademie verschwunden bleibt, muss Eileen sich der Wahrheit stellen: Ist sie Ernest Broadcastles Nichte? Und wenn ja, wer lebt dann unter ihrem Namen in ihrer alten Wohnung? Und warum?Als Zuko nach einer Explosion im Gewölbe eine gefährliche Rettungsmission startet, scheint der Sieg der dunklen Seite unmittelbar bevorzustehen.Allerdings könnte sich eine Fehlentscheidung aus Eileens ersten Tagen an der Akademie jetzt unerwartet bezahlt machen.Lilly Labord ist das Pseudonym einer Frankfurter Autorin. Als Lilly Labord veröffentlicht sie überwiegend Paranormals und Urban Fantasy.

  • by Elizabeth von Arnim
    102.99 kr.

    In Elizabeth von Arnim’s humourous novel, "The Pastor's Wife", the main character Ingeborg Bullivant goes on a spontaneous trip to Lucerne and returns engaged to a Prussian pastor.However, her new life as a wife is restrictive, and when the dashing artist Ingram comes into her life and indulges her with musings about Italy, wanderlust temps Ingeborg for a second time.This warm and witty novel is based on von Arnim’s own first marriage and will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Eat, Pray, Love’.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

  • by G. K. Chesterton
    42.99 kr.

    In this collection of essays, G. K. Chesterton matches his wits against some of the greatest issues of the 20th century.Imperialism, politics, education, and feminism are put to debate as Chesterton criticises the government of the day, while also speaking to a modern era.A testament to one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century, 'What's Wrong with the World' proves Chesterton as a master essayist whose work bears the scrutiny of historians and philosophers.Essential reading for students of British history, Chesterton bears the soul of the English spirit and puts its politicians to shame.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories.Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy, and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’.In his lifetime, Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.

  • by Candice Carty-Williams
    163.99 kr.

    Der neue Roman der »Queenie«-Erfolgsautorin ist ein einzigartiges Familienporträt: gegenwärtig, rasant und unglaublich komischCyril Pennington ist das, was man als »People Person« bezeichnet: gesellig, umtriebig, extrovertiert. Was er vor allem nicht ist: ein Vater. Und das obwohl er fünf Kinder von vier verschiedenen Frauen hat. Seine Kinder wachsen ohne ihren Dad auf und ohne einander wirklich zu kennen. Bis ein dramatisches Ereignis die Halbgeschwister zusammenbringt und sie stärker aneinanderbindet, als ihnen lieb ist.»Eine mitreißende Erzählerin, eine grandiose Entdeckung.« Deutschlandfunk Kultur»Ein Roman unserer Zeit, voller Witz, Weisheit und Dringlichkeit« SPIEGEL über »Queenie«

  • by Franco Enna
    58.99 kr.

    "Karrady serrò il pungo nella tasca del soprabito. Istintivamente, per la prima volta dopo quasi dieci anni, raddrizzò la schiena, sollevò la fronte che la condanna aveva abbassato sul vuoto di un abisso d’odio; fu contento di sentire salire dal fondo del cuore un desiderio bruciante di vendetta. Che cosa avrebbe fatto?".Cosa rimane da fare, dopo dieci anni trascorsi in una squallida cella, se non rintracciare il colpevole delle proprie disgrazie e trovare finalmente soddisfazione? In una Londra brumosa e irta d’insidie, popolata di investigatori privati, giornalisti ambiziosi e poi, ancora, farmacisti e meccanici, segretarie e infermiere attraenti, un ex carcerato torna finalmente in libertà dopo essere stato fregato da un complice. Giusto il tempo di riabbracciare la moglie e poi via, nella nebbia dei vicoli londinesi che si stagliano, come un labirinto, da Chelsea Bridge a Kingsland Road. Una storia di vendetta, di amore, di disperazione, in perfetto stile Enna!Francesco Cannarozzo, meglio noto come Franco Enna (1921-1990), è stato uno dei maggiori scrittori di fantascienza italiani, nonché un celebrato anticipatore del giallo contemporaneo. Nato a Castrogiovanni, trascorre la giovinezza a Enna – città in cui farà anche la conoscenza di Andrea Camilleri – per poi trasferirsi a Milano in cerca di fortuna. Impiegato come direttore dell’ufficio stampa dei periodici Mondadori, dal 1955 inizia a pubblicare i primi romanzi di fantascienza per la collana Urania. Essendo uno degli unici scrittori italiani attivi nel genere, diventa ben presto un punto di riferimento per tutti gli appassionati nostrani. L’invenzione del fortunato personaggio del commissario Sartori, poi, lo renderà anche un affermato giallista. Fra i suoi romanzi più noti si possono citare l’esordio "L’inferno confina con Dio" (1952), "Preludio alla tomba" (1955), "Panico al Polo" (1958) e "La bambola di gomma" (1971).

  • by Fiona Vigo Marshall
    129.99 kr.

    Tucked away in a near-derelict library in the center of London, The House of Marvellous Books is a publishing house on the brink of financial disaster.With assistant Ursula asleep at her desk, head publisher Gerard going health and safety mad, and chief editor Drusilla focused on finding a supposedly priceless but famously missing manuscript, there is hardly anyone left to steer the ship. Young Mortimer Blackley, assistant editor, charts the descent of the House in his logbook as it lurches from one failure to the next.Will mysterious Russian buyers, lurking in the wings, stop the ship from sinking at great cost to all? Or will Drusilla find the legendary Daybreak Manuscript and save the day?With witty and sharp observations, Fiona Vigo Marshall draws upon a career spent working in small publishing houses to create a laugh-out-loud ode to the publishing industry.´The House of Marvellous Books´ will delight those interested in books about books, such as ´Book Lovers´ and ´The Hating Game´.What readers are saying:"This book was hilarious and quirky! The eccentric characters were fun to follow along with. The pace of everything was well-timed, and kept interesting throughout!" - Goodreads reviewer"I loved this hilarious, a bit eccentric, and witty book. It's populated by quirky and fleshed-out characters and there's plenty of literary references. A book written in diary format that I loved." - Goodreads reviewerFiona Vigo Marshall was born in London and educated at Somerville College, Oxford. Her debut novel ´Find Me Falling´, published by Fairlight Books in 2019, was shortlisted for the Paul Torday Memorial Prize 2020. ´The House of Marvellous Books´ is her second novel.Her short stories and poems have been nominated for numerous awards, including the V. S. Pritchett Memorial Prize, which she won in 2016 with her short story ‘The Street of Baths’. Her work has appeared in Prospect, Ambit, The Royal Society of Literature Review, Orbis International Literary Journal, and The London Journal of Fiction.

  • by Linda Da Silva
    22.99 kr.

    Depuis son plus jeune âge, Chiara, au caractère bien trempé représente la joie incarnée pour toute sa famille et le bonheur coule dans ses veines. La jeune Italienne de vingt-quatre printemps demeure ce lien qui permet à tout le monde de profiter de moments inoubliables ensemble. Pourtant, depuis quelques années, la famille se disloque et prend des chemins différents. Une idée germe dans son esprit depuis une semaine: un calendrier de l'avent spécial cette année. La période des fêtes représente une occasion parfaite pour passer des moments précieux en famille et être heureux avec les personnes qui comptent le plus. Chiara réussira-t-elle à réunir toute sa famille pour Noël ? Que cache cette soudaine envie ? Servez-vous un bon chocolat chaud accompagné de chantilly et de guimauves, blottissez-vous sous un plaid et suivez Chiara dans sa folle aventure !(c) Lacoursière, 2022, 2022, Saga Egmont