London, Greater London
From 39.99 kr. Ile są warte zeznania szalonego psychopaty na łożu śmierci? Seryjny morderca ze szpitala psychiatrycznego przyznaje się do gwałtu i zabójstwa na 13-latce, za które przed ośmiu laty skazano na dożywocie obiecującego naukowca. Dowodem jego zbrodni miało być idealnie dopasowane DNA, ale wiele wskazuje na to, że w śledztwie doszło do niekompetencji i mistyfikacji. Dr Steven Dunbar jest zdeterminowany, by odnaleźć prawdziwego zabójcę, nim ten na zawsze zamknie usta pozostałym przy życiu świadkom makabrycznej zbrodni. ,,Oko kruka" to piąty z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli lubisz mrożące krew w żyłach zagadki kryminalne i z upodobaniem śledzisz losy charyzmatycznego detektywa z wykształceniem medycznym, ,,Oko kruka" to lektura właśnie dla ciebie. Dr Dunbar - seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
73.99 kr. Charlotte ist die zweitälteste Tochter des Viscount Henry Winston und wird gemeinsam mit ihrer älteren Schwester Anne in die Londoner Gesellschaft eingeführt. Ihre zauberhafte Schwester erweckt sofort die Aufmerksamkeit des begehrtesten Junggesellen der Saison.Charlotte aber hat kein gutes Gefühl bei dem Werben des jungen Benedict. Deswegen versucht sie, eine Verlobung der beiden zu verhindern. Hierbei erhält sie unverhofft Unterstützung durch den Duke of Rochester.George Lennox, der Duke of Rochester, hat sich seit dem Tode seiner Ehefrau aus der Gesellschaft zurückgezogen. Obwohl er viel zu jung ist, um unverheiratet zu bleiben, hat er beschlossen, für den Rest seines Lebens keine Ehe mehr einzugehen, und beabsichtigt, seinen Neffen Benedict zum Erben zu benennen.Charlotte fühlt sich zu dem gut aussehenden Duke hingezogen, obwohl er gleichzeitig unnahbar wirkt. Welches Geheimnis schlummert in dem attraktiven Duke und warum kann sie nicht aufhören, an ihn zu denken?Elinor Holm schreibt romantische Geschichten. Ihre Liebe zu England und Schottland verarbeitet sie in ihren kurzweiligen Romanen und lädt ihre Leser*innen dazu ein, sich in vergangene Zeiten zu träumen, um den Alltag für eine Weile zu vergessen.Sie wurde in den 1970ern im Rhein-Main-Gebiet geboren, wo sie auch heute noch mit ihrer Familie und ihren Haustieren lebt. Ihre Freizeit verbringt sie mit Reisen nach Großbritannien und in ihrem Garten mit vielen schmetterlingsfreundlichen Pflanzen.
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- 73.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Politiet i London har længe forsøgt at opspore Juma, som de mener står i spidsen for en bande, der udfører lejemord. Den ukuelige detektiv Dick Selby kommer tilfældigvis på sporet af sit bytte, da hans unge veninde nævner, at hun har besøgt et nedlagt glasværk, hvor der var fodspor efter nøgne fødder i støvet på gulvet. Selby sætter straks kurs mod fabrikken, men det syn, der venter ham der, har han slet ikke nået at forberede sig på.Edgar Wallaces krimi "Nattens konge" udkom første gang i 1933.Den engelske forfatter Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) levede et dramatisk og omflakkende liv. Som soldat i Boerkrigen blev Edgar Wallace ved et tilfælde korrespondent for Reuters og Daily Mail og begyndte samtidig at skrive digte og noveller. Edgar Wallaces første bestseller var en føljeton om de overgreb, han selv bevidnede, den belgiske kong Leopold lod gennemføre over for de indfødte i Congo. Siden er det blevet til dusinvis af udgivelser, der har gjort Edgar Wallaces navn til synonym med spændende romaner, der gemmer på langt mere, end man forventer af den klassiske føljeton.
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- 69.00 kr.
118.99 kr. Keine Lüge hat Bestand, wenn die Toten sprechen!Die toughe Expertin der Gerichtsmedizin, Cassie Raven, löst ihren 2. Fall: »Wer mit den Toten spricht« ist der 2. Teil der außergewöhnlichen Forensik-Thriller-Reihe »Raven & Flyte ermitteln« aus England.Cassie Raven, Assistentin der Rechtsmedizin mit einer Vorliebe für Piercings und Tattoos, ist für gewöhnlich hart im Nehmen. Als ihre geliebte Großmutter ihr jedoch gesteht, sie jahrelang über den Tod ihrer Eltern belogen zu haben, ist Cassie tief erschüttert. Denn es gab nie einen tödlichen Autounfall, als sie noch klein war – stattdessen wurde ihr Vater für den brutalen Mord an ihrer Mutter verurteilt und saß 17 Jahre im Gefängnis.Mithilfe von DS Phyllida Flyte - ihrer Beinahe-Freundin - stellt Cassie Recherchen an, die jedoch immer mehr Fragen aufwerfen. Dann taucht ihr plötzlich bei Cassie auf und behauptet unschuldig zu sein. Nur die Toten können die ganze erschütternde Wahrheit enthüllen....Auch in ihrem 2. Forensik-Thriller verbindet A. K. Turner hoch spannendes Insiderwissen aus der Pathologie mit faszinierenden Protagonisten.
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- 118.99 kr.
102.99 kr. From best-selling Italian romance author, Anna Premoli, a fun, feisty romance, perfect for fans of Emily Henry, Ava Wilder and Christina Lauren.What girl doesn’t dream of an amazing promotion working on the other side of the world? This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is presented to 28-year-old investment banker, Maddison Johnson and instantly fills her with abject fear.It isn't the New York transfer she had set her heart on... she's going to South Korea, instead.To make things worse, her boss Mark Kim doesn't go out of his way to make it easy for her to adapt to her new environment.Plunged into a world she knows nothing about with a man she can't stand, Maddison finds herself forced to adapt and grow up quickly. Maybe in the process she will stumble over something wonderful and quite unexpected...What people are saying about "You Drive Me Crazy":"Ludicrous, crazy and insanely funny!" Tale Out Loud."It was funny, sexy, witty, I could not stop laughing"."Just finished! And I have heart-shaped eyes and a stupid smile."
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- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Can your worst enemy become the love of your life?A fun, feisty, feel-good romance for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Meg Cabot.Jennifer and Ian have known each other for seven years. They are leaders of two different teams in the same London bank, and are constantly engaged in a running battle to be number one.Ian is a handsome, wealthy and sought-after bachelor; Jennifer is a feisty, independent lawyer. When they are thrown together to work on the same project, Ian makes Jenny an offer she can't refuse: to have free reign of their rich client if she pretends to be his girlfriend.Soon, it becomes more and more difficult to tell the difference between fiction and reality...What readers are saying about LOVE TO HATE YOU:'A light-hearted novel about love, (im)possibilities and challenges in the workplace' Tu Style. 'Anna Premoli, for me, is the best of the genre. This book made me laugh and fall in love – I read it four times!''I loved this novel from beginning to end... If you want a book that is fun and romantic at the same time, I would definitely recommend it.'Anna Premoli is a bestselling author in Italy. She began writing to relieve stress while working as a financial consultant for a private bank. Her novel, "Love to Hate You" won the Bancarella prize in 2013.
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- 102.99 kr.
129.99 kr. ‘The ultimate guilty pleasure of a rollercoaster read you'll want to repeat the experience of time and time again... His scandalously sexy novels will keep you up all night.’ Melanie Blake, AuthorWhen friends become enemies there are no rules...Ambitious gossip queen Anoushka Silvers is the daughter her abusive father never wanted. Determined to prove herself to her family, she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants. But when her bitchy tongue gains her death threats and the unwanted attention of a stalker, it could be Anoushka who is making the headlines.For actress Evie Merchant, her childhood dreams of becoming the world’s hottest movie star are just about to come true. But a string of hurtful liaisons with lovers out to use her fame, has made Evie uncertain about her future. And with Oscar day looming, Evie’s biggest prize of all could be cruelly snatched from her.A loveless upbringing has made wild child Regan Phoenix search for quick-fix highs from drink, drugs and meaningless sex. But when the opportunity of starring in her own reality show comes along, Regan grabs it with both hands, hoping to put her trashy past behind her.From fashionable London to stunning Venice and glitzy LA, Trinity takes you into a glamorous and thrilling world you won’t want to leave. Perfect for fans of Melanie Blake’s Ruthless Women.What readers are saying about Trinity:‘Sex and scandal abound in this full-throttle thrill-ride through the hidden lives of the mega-rich. Trinity sizzles with bitchery, bling and betrayal, and is the perfect accompaniment to your sun lounger this summer.’ Victoria Fox‘Trinity is so much fun. A great summer bonkbuster.’ Tasmina Perry‘Such a fun, sexy read – perfect for the beach.’ Paul Burston‘Opening Trinity is like biting into a very indulgent, rich, rare chocolate, it’s naughty but my word you enjoy every bite. Each chapter serves a delicious helping of glamour, secrets, and intrigue.’ Genvieve Ni Reamoinn, TV Presenter and Journalist‘Move over Jackie Collins, there’s a new blockbuster star in town.’ New! MagazineWhat readers are saying about Nigel May:‘An addictive plot that is packed with twists and turns. Prepare for larger than life characters, fabulous locations and plenty of humour.’ The Sun‘Packed full of sauciness, darkness and intrigue... If you’re looking for a sexy, racy read for your sun lounger this summer, this is the perfect choice.’ Heat Magazine‘A sexy, dark, thrilling celebrity whirlwind... It’s the most fun you can have between two covers. I need more!’ Victoria FoxNigel May's titles have sold over 95,000 copies.Nigel May is a true all-rounder in the media world, working as a TV presenter, author, journalist and craft personality. He has written six glam-fiction books, Trinity, Addicted, Scandalous Lies, Deadly Obsession, Lovers & Liars and his latest is Revenge. Nigel also featured in Sunlounger – a chart-topping anthology of short stories.
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- 129.99 kr.
129.99 kr. What would you do if you saw your husband killed right in front of you... identified his body... had him cremated... then six months later received a letter written by him two days ago?Amy Barrowman grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. So when she falls in love with millionaire Riley Hart and he asks her to marry him she can’t believe her luck. She has found true love and her happy ever after.Riley Hart is a Millionaire Man about Town. Men want to be him and women want to bed him. But to achieve Riley’s status, you have to tread on a lot of toes and make a lot of enemies.When Riley is gunned down at the nightclub they own, Amy is determined to avenge his death. She receives a mysterious letter detailing a list of suspects including Riley’s sworn enemy, actor Grant Wilson. But with an obsessive passion brewing between her and Grant and a dangerous assassin trailing her every move it would seem Amy has opened a deadly and tempting Pandora’s Box. In settling the score for her husband, has Amy put herself into terrible danger?A sizzling story of deadly secrets, this unputdownable read is perfect for fans of Melanie Blake, Tasmina Perry and Victoria Fox.What readers are saying about Deadly Obsession...‘The ultimate guilty pleasure of a rollercoaster read you'll want to repeat the experience of time and time again... His scandalously sexy novels will keep you up all night.’ Melanie Blake, Author‘Thrilling, sexy and utterly compulsive, Deadly Obsession is a red-hot, white-knuckle joyride of dangerous glamour and delicious revenge. Jackie Collins meets Martina Cole in this latest offering from the King of the Bonkbuster. It’s gritty and it’s glorious and I adored it.’ Victoria Fox‘Nigel’s fourth bonkbuster brilliantly fills the void left by Jackie Collins. A racy tale full of intrigue and innuendo, it’s glamorous and shocking in equal measure.’ New! Magazine‘An utter page-turner. Shock, anger, sadness Deadly Obsession literally has it all!' Lozza’s Book Corner‘A delicious cocktail of grit and glamour with a kick that’ll leave you desperate for more!’ Matt Cain‘Nigel May has the potential to fill the smut writing shoes of Jackie Collins. His latest adventure was heavy on the suspense, the drama, the danger and uber-descriptive bedroom scenes. Just may need a tall glass of cold water to cool down before moving on to the next book.’ Fluff, Smut and Murder
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- 129.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Un thriller juvenil apasionante que mezcla mafias, viajes y operaciones policíacas. Pol acaba de cumplir catorce años y, para celebrar su cumpleaños, su madrina le regala un billete de avión a Londres, dónde ella reside. Pero cuando aterriza, no hay nadie esperándolo en el aeropuerto. Sin quererlo, se verá inmerso en una trama de aventuras llena de mafiosos orientales y de policías que quieren desmantelar la llamada Operación Kyoto. Y la clave de todo esto, esencial para resolver el caso, está escondida en la mochila de Pol.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Àngel Burgas (Catalunya, 1965) es un escritor afincado en Barcelona. Desde pequeño, rodeado de padres artistas, se vio atraído por la poesía, la pintura y el teatro, aficiones que practicó desde la tierna juventud. Después de estudiar Bellas artes y de pasar un par de años en Berlín, Burgas se trasladó a Barcelona y decidió apostar por la literatura. Ha escrito una treintena de novelas, dirigidas sobre todo a público juvenil. y ha sido galardonado con premios tan importantes como el Premi Mercè Rodoreda o el Premi Josep M. Folch i Torres.
163.99 kr. Be swept away by sun, sea, self-love and a delicious dollop of romance in this original, multicultural romance novel set between London and Ghana. Introducing your new, favourite girl-next-door Faye Bonsu.Dismissed as a cultural lightweight by the man she is desperate to please, under-achieving PA, Faye Bonsu, is on a mission to find love. A disastrous night out leaves pasta-fanatic Faye’s romantic dreams in tatters and underscores her alienation from her African heritage. Leaving her cosy middle-class life in London’s leafy Hampstead to find out what she’s missing, Faye is whisked into the hectic social whirlpool of Ghana where she meets the handsome Rocky Asante, a cynical, career-obsessed banker with no time for women... until now.Transported into a world of food, fun and sun, and faced with choices she had never thought possible, Faye is forced to discover that no matter how far you travel, you can’t find love until you find yourself.From Pasta to Pigfoot is a fun, contemporary, multi-cultural novel that explores in a light-hearted way the clash of cultures that has become characteristic of our increasingly multicultural society.Perfect for fans of Talia Hibbert, Joya Goffney and Farrah Rochon.Frances Mensah Williams was born in Ghana, but spent her early childhood in the USA, Austria and Ghana before settling in the UK. Her first novel 'From Pasta to Pigfoot' was published in 2015 and was selected by WH Smith Travel as one of the top 25 best summer reads. Williams has also written extensively about the benefits of harnessing the talents of the African diaspora to accelerate Africa’s development. In 2020, she was awarded a CBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her services to the African community in the UK and in Africa.
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- 163.99 kr.
126.99 kr. Fans of Martina Cole, Kimberley Chambers and Jessie Keane will be hooked by Fearless Girl.When everything changes, you have to come out fighting.It’s been three years since Anna Davis’s ex-boyfriend Freddie Tyler was sent to prison, now he’s back on the streets of London and about to find out that everything has changed.As Freddie enters his West End club for the first time in years, he finds Anna sitting behind his desk, confidently leading his team of men. Anna used to hate the world he lived in, but she has now become a big part of it. And she’s not about to give up running the family business easily.Anna shows a toughness Freddie has never witnessed in her before when she tells him about her new enterprise, smuggling stolen diamonds through London’s Hatton Garden. And alarm bells start ringing when Freddie meets Anna’s new partner. Cold and ruthless, Roman Gains isn’t someone Freddie trusts around the club and particularly not around Anna.Whilst tensions flare between Anna and Freddie, a new Russian firm enters their world, determined to bring the Tylers down. And when they take out one of his best men, Freddie has to take drastic action to wrestle control from Anna. But she has other ideas. And when Roman becomes Anna’s closest ally, Freddie finally reaches breaking point. Could this be the fall of the Tyler empire and the last time Freddie and Anna are on the same side?What readers are saying about Fearless Girl:‘WOW. What an addictive book this was. To say this book had me gripped is an understatement. Emma Tallon writes a BRILLIANT story that has you wanting more. If I could, I would give this book more than 5 stars.’ Goodreads reviewer‘I’m still bouncing up and down. I just want to shout it from the rooftops how totally marvellous this book is.’ B for Book Review‘Emma Tallon has once again proved she is up there with the best when it comes to this genre. A five star masterpiece!’ Goodreads reviewer.This series has sold over 140,000 copies to dateEmma Tallon is a British writer and mother to a young son. She started her writing career several years ago, as a freelance ghostwriter. Behind the scenes she has crafted some of the most adventurous, edgy and heart-wrenching stories you will find in bookshops today. More recently, Emma decided to step out of the literary shadows and launch the first novel under her own name, Life Game. Emma has plans for several more books in the London Underworld series.
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- 126.99 kr.
126.99 kr. Fans of Kimberley Chambers’ Queenie and Martina Cole will love this unputdownable crime thriller from bestselling crime author Emma Tallon.Sometimes revenge is the only option.Anna Davies is young, smart and successful, plus she’s the head of one of London’s biggest crime networks. She’s seen off her abusive ex-boyfriend and cut her teeth managing clubs around London’s West End. But nothing could have prepared her for what’s around the corner...Beautiful, rich and powerful, Sophia Ivanov has been sniffing around Anna’s business empire and she’s got only one thing on her mind – revenge. She’s convinced Anna and her gangster boyfriend, Freddie Tyler, killed her Russian crime boss husband, Alexis, and she’s determined to make them pay.When Sophia turns up at their club one night, it’s clear she’s not there for a friendly visit and tensions begin to flare. Anna knows Sophia is a danger to their business, but she doesn’t realise how much until Freddie finds himself in unthinkable danger. Can Anna and Freddie get rid of Sophia once and for all... and what will be left when the fighting stops?What readers are saying about Ruthless Girl:‘369 pages of pure gold adorned with diamonds! My heart stopped a few times. My heart broke a few times.’ B for Book ReviewMy heart was beating so fast my Fitbit thought I’d been for a run... These books should come with an addiction warning.’ I Love Reading blog‘Like a tube of Pringles – once you start, you can’t stop.’ Goodreads reviewer.This series has sold over 140,000 copies to dateEmma Tallon is a British writer and mother to a young son. She started her writing career several years ago, as a freelance ghostwriter. Behind the scenes she has crafted some of the most adventurous, edgy and heart-wrenching stories you will find in bookshops today. More recently, Emma decided to step out of the literary shadows and launch the first novel under her own name, Life Game. Emma has plans for several more books in the London Underworld series.
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- 126.99 kr.
102.99 kr. "Beautiful and heartbreaking. I know it will stay with me for a long time." Reader Review"I'm greeted by the strangest sight. A small dark-haired boy is standing there. It's like he's a human parcel, delivered to my front door."My name is Luke," he says."When Johnny meets Lauren in a bar in Santa Cruz, there's an instant connection. On an American road trip with best friend Will, Johnny promises to return to the girl who has stolen his heart.Until tragedy strikes, forcing Johnny to fly back home without ever seeing Lauren again.Six years later, Johnny is living his life in London, even if he's never forgotten the girl with the grey eyes and dark hair.Until one September morning, he opens his door to find a little boy standing there - a child, Johnny quickly comes to learn, who was created that one magical night. Lauren is dying, and her last wish is to reunite five-year-old Luke with the father he doesn't yet know.Thrown into unexpected parenthood, Johnny finds himself navigating school-gate politics, Disney movies and tantrums, guided by the notes Lauren has written for him.Life as an instant dad isn't always easy, but as Johnny and Luke open their hearts to each other, Johnny is about to discover that life's joy isn't always where you expected it.An emotional, feel-good read that will have you laughing while you wipe away a tear - readers of Dani Atkins, Mike Gayle and Jojo Moyes will be captivated.Readers are falling in love with this debut novel:"Delightful. Pulled at my heart strings. I would totally recommend this as a feelgood book." Reader Review"What a beautifully emotive read. The perfect feelgood read that will make you laugh and cry." _____ Reader Review"A heart-wrenching, heart-warming story of a young man forced by circumstance to become an instant dad - a lovely read about growing into responsibility and love." Reader Review"My heart is just so full from this book. Watching Johnny navigate his unexpected new fatherhood was so gentle and raw." Reader ReviewGordon is a former journalist writing about media and technology. He now works in marketing for Twitter UK. He has also blogged about dating and politics. His first novel Songs For Your Mother was published in May, 2021. His second novel, Ten Dates to Happiness, will be published in 2022.
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- 102.99 kr.
129.99 kr. 'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents.’ Author Katie FfordeAn utterly evocative and heart-wrenching novel about the importance of family, love and being true to yourself. Perfect for fans of Dinah Jefferies, Santa Montefiore and Diane Chamberlain.Living on the streets of Bombay, Jyothi has no-one to turn to after her mother is involved in a tragic accident. But after a chance meeting with Monika and Jack Kingsley, Jyothi’s life changes forever when the young couple decide to adopt her.The new family return to England, but Jyothi finds it difficult to adapt. As Monika and Jack’s relationship fractures, Jyothi is more alone than ever and music becomes her solace. But even when her extraordinary musical talent transforms into a promising career, Jyothi still doesn’t feel like she belongs. Then a turbulent love affair causes her to question everything. And Jyothi realises that before she can embrace her future, she must confront the pain of her past...What readers are saying about Sharon Maas:‘Beautifully written with characters that come to life. Vivid descriptions of India ... Recommended reading.’ Goodreads Reviewer'Such a powerful story, so brilliantly narrated, in such a way that you feel part of it all and are left bereft when it is finished. Five Stars! ' Author Renita D'Silva'Heart-breaking, poignant and intriguing ... This truly is a powerful story that will fascinate and engross you from the very beginning until the very end.' What’s Better than Books'The writing is stunningly evocative and sensual ... I just felt immersed in the story and setting from the start.' The Book Trail‘Rich in detail and emotion and has the most beautiful and real description of loss I have ever read.’ Shaz’s Book BlogSharon Maas was born into a prominent political family in Georgetown, Guyana, in 1951. She was educated in England, Guyana, and, later, Germany. After leaving school, she worked as a trainee reporter with the Guyana Graphic in Georgetown and later wrote feature articles for the Sunday Chronicle as a staff journalist. She is the author of "The Violin Maker’s Daughter", "The Soldier’s Girl", "Her Darkest Hour" and many other novels.
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- 129.99 kr.
From 48.99 kr. Przed czym się ucieka do Legii Cudzoziemskiej? I który z podejrzanych skradł drogocenny klejnot? Pewnego wieczoru lady Brandon pokazywała zgromadzonym na kolacji gościom, przepiękny szafir zwany ,,Błękitna Woda". Wkrótce potem klejnot zniknął, a po kilkunastu godzinach zaginęli też obecni na kolacji bracia: Beau, Digby i John. Mężczyźni odnajdują się jako legioniści Legii Cudzoziemskiej. Ich życie zmienia się w koszmar za sprawą dowódcy, który nawet za cenę życia usiłuje znaleźć złodzieja szafiru i przejąć go w swoje ręce. ,,Braterstwo krwi" to powieść przygodowa o młodzieńczych marzeniach, wojskowych przygodach i walce o męski honor. Na jej podstawie w 1939 r. powstał film, w którym zagrały sławy takie jak: Gary Cooper, Ray Milland, Robert Preston. Lektura przypadnie do gustu każdemu, kto ceni dynamiczną akcję, rodzinne intrygi i zagadkowe morderstwa. Percival Christopher Wren (ur. 1 listopada 1885 r. w Devon Shire, zm. 22 listopada 1941 r. w Amberley) - brytyjski pisarz, nauczyciel i dziennikarz, znany autor powieści przygodowych. Ukończył studia na Uniwersytecie w Oxfordzie, przez 10 lat pełnił funkcję asystenta dyrektora ds. edukacji w Bombaju. Miał też służyć we francuskiej Legii Cudzoziemskiej, a podczas I wojny światowej był majorem sił indyjskich we wschodniej Afryce. Największą sławę przyniosła mu powieść ,,Braterstwo krwi" z 1924 r., która doczekała się kontynuacji i stworzyła trylogię o Legii Cudzoziemskiej. Autor uchodził za człowieka bardzo skrytego i tajemniczego, zaś jego przynależność do Legii Cudzoziemskiej nigdy nie została oficjalnie potwierdzona. Nowele i powieści Wrena ukazują różnorodność ludzkich charakterów, niezmiennie zachwycając udanym połączeniem brutalnego realizmu z komizmem i romantycznym idealizmem.
77.99 kr. In this great historical adventure novel, Ransal Holles, a former soldier in Cromwell’s army, feels like there is no place for him now that the monarchy has been restored and the exploits of the Republicans are being condemned.Desperate for an escape from his hopeless situation and the very certain threat of execution that lingers over him, Holles has no choice but to accept the Duke of Wellington’s commission to abduct a famous actress and bring her to him.Set in London, 1665, ‘Fortune's Fool’ by Rafael Sabatini is a story of love, adventure, villains, and swashbuckling heroes that will be enjoyed by fans of 'The Three Musketeers' and Hilary Mantel’s 'Wolf Hall'.Rafael Sabatini was an Italian-English writer of romance and adventure novels. He produced 34 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books, several uncollected short stories, and several plays, and he is best known for his worldwide bestsellers; ´The Sea Hawk´, ´Scaramouche´, and ´Bellarion the Fortunate´.
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- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. When a retired police inspector suddenly drops dead in a train carriage arriving at Charing Cross station, young London barrister Hetherwick finds himself the key witness to the murder.Thrust into the centre of this terrifying mystery, Hetherwick must unveil the disturbing truths of the case and locate the nefarious culprit.Fans of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ will be enthralled by this 20th century crime classic, a gripping tale of mystery and suspense that will have them on the edge of their seats till the very end.Joseph Smith Fletcher (1863 – 1935), better known as J.S Fletcher, was a prolific English journalist and author of over 230 books. Raised as the son of a clergyman in West Yorkshire, Fletcher would go on to become a creative powerhouse of crime fiction during ‘The Golden Age of Detective Fiction’.Best remembered for his crime novels featuring Private Investigator Ronald Camberwell, Fletcher was considered a contemporary of Sir Arthur Doyle of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ fame.Any fans craving classic crime after watching ‘Knives Out’ or Robert Downey Jr’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ simply must read some of J.S. Fletcher’s fantastic work.
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44.99 kr. London im Jahr 1793. Der siebzehnjährige Illusionist, Akrobat und Zirkusstar Adrian Pratt staunt nicht schlecht, als er eines Tages eine besondere Gabe entdeckt: Er kann mit anderen Menschen den Körper tauschen. Ungewollt findet er sich im Körper eines zwielichtigen Fremden wieder, der sich prompt in Adrians Körper davonmacht. Um seinen eigenen Körper zurückzuerlangen begibt Adrian sich in den nebligen Gassen Londons auf die Suche nach dem Fremden und trifft dabei auf Mira. Mit ihrer Hilfe stößt er auf ein dunkles Geheimnis, das ihn auf eine abenteuerliche Reise nach Paris führt, mitten in den Hexenkessel der Französischen Revolution.Ralf Isau wurde 1956 in Berlin-Tempelhof geboren. Nach einer kaufmännischen Ausbildung war er zunächst als Programmierer tätig, bevor er 1988 zur Schriftstellerei fand. Nach einem erfolgreichen Start im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendbuch wechselte Isau in das Erwachsenengenre. Er hat zahlreiche Fantasyromane veröffentlicht, die häufig mit historischen Fakten gespickt sind. Isau lebt mit seiner Frau in der Nähe von Ludwigsburg.
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102.99 kr. LONGLISTED FOR THE POLARI PRIZE 2022‘Gay love and desire, past and present, has never been so beautifully articulated as in Neil Bartlett’s Address Book. He takes us into the homes and minds of a handful of strangers and then—in prose full of gentle foreboding—slowly peels away the layers until their truths are revealed. Defiant, potent—and ultimately uplifting.’JULIAN CLARYAddress Book is the new work of fiction by the Costa-shortlisted author of "Skin Lane". Neil Bartlett’s cycle of stories takes us to seven very different times and situations: from a new millennium civil partnership celebration to erotic obsession in a Victorian tenement, from a council-flat bedroom at the height of the AIDS crisis to a doctor’s living-room in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. They lead us through decades of change to discover hope in the strangest of places.‘Bartlett is a pioneer on and off the page and we are lucky to have him telling our stories’—DAMIAN BARR‘One of England’s finest writers’—EDMUND WHITE
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24.99 kr. Filip Collin, allas vår favorittjuv, är åter i farten. Efter äventyren i Hamburgstadsdelen Altona med den ryske storfursten Woetz har Collin inte bara blivit husägare, utan även gatägare. Det ger Collin ett för jäkla härligt liv: han kan vräka folk efter eget huvud, trissa upp hyrorna och vägra att reparera våningarna. Hur kunde Collin någonsin ha levt på ett annat sätt?Tillbaka i London och den förbannat ihärdiga detektiven Kenyon kan bara inte låta Collin njuta av livet. Han är honom konstant hack i häl. Collin måste byta hemvist gång på gång på gång. Topplocket ryker på Collin när det visar sig att Kenyon har lagt labbarna på hans drömvåning. Det är oacceptabelt och Filip tänker ge sig fan på att hämnas sin evige antagonist.Frank Heller (pseudonym för Gunnar Serner) (1886-1947) var en svensk författare. Han är mest känd som underhållningsförfattare, men har även skrivit reseskildringar och lyrik. Störst framgång fick Serner med noveller och romaner om äventyraren/detektiven/gentlemannatjuven Filip Collin, alias professor Pelotard.
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44.99 kr. Orpheline à la tête d’une coquette fortune, l’intrépide Ola McNewton décide de quitter l’Écosse pour se rendre à Londres. A vingt et un ans, elle ne connaît encore rien du monde. Eh bien, elle va prendre du bon temps ! Tout d’abord, elle s’installe dans l’un des hôtels les plus luxueux de la capitale, puis elle dévalise les boutiques de mode. Afin de pimenter encore l’aventure, elle ose même une ultime extravagance. – Je suis la princesse Relola d’Oltenitza ! affirme-t-elle au duc Edward de Cranborne dont elle vient de faire la connaissance. Comment aurait-elle pu deviner que cette innocente imposture la conduirait au désastre ? Soupçonnée de haute trahison, Ola se retrouve aux prises avec les services secrets britanniques. Va-t-on la jeter en prison ? La pendre ? Désormais, seul le duc est en mesure de la sauver…© Barbara Cartland, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :L’Amour masqué © Éditions J’ai lu, 2003Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Diane de Dinsdale est affligée. Son beau-père, William Walker, un homme assoiffé de pouvoir et d’argent, veut la marier à l’un de ses futurs associés. Elle s’enfuit et se fait engager comme gouvernante chez lord Anthony Clayton, où elle doit éduquer son jeune frère, un enfant capricieux et indiscipliné. Mais William est à ses trousses et il a sans aucun doute employé tous les détectives privés de Londres pour la retrouver. Elle doit à tout prix lui échapper ! Le troubland lord Anthony saura-t-il la protéger ?© Barbara Cartland, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :L’Amour à portée de main © Éditions J’ai lu, 2002Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Ulcéré, le marquis de Darincourt quitte Charlotte qui vient de repousser sa demande en mariage. Elle lui préfère un jeune homme falot mais plus titré. Quelle humiliation !Soudain, une frêle silhouette jaillit devant son carrosse. C’est Stella, la cousine de Charlotte. Elle s’est enfuie pour échapper à un mariage forcé et supplie Clive de l’emmener à Londres. Car elle a de grands projets.— Je veux devenir une courtisane ! lui annonce-t-elle tout de go.Comment expliquer à cet ange blond et candide qu’une telle profession ne sied pas aux demoiselles de bonne famille ? C’est alors que Clive a une idée :— Nous allons annoncer nos fiançailles ! décrète-t-il.© Barbara Cartland, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :La Fugitive de l’amour © Éditions J’ai lu, 1999Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
44.99 kr. — Je veux épouser le duc de Mountheron ! Et tu vas m’aider. Ébahie, Llesa regarde sa demi-sœur : en quoi pourrait-elle lui être utile, elle, modeste fille de pasteur, qui n’a jamais quitté le presbytère ? Alors que Doreen, jeune et riche veuve, est la reine de toutes les fêtes londoniennes…— J’ai besoin d’un alibi, reprend Doreen. J’ai passé la nuit dernière à l’auberge avec Hugo Randall, et l’un de nos amis communs nous y a surpris… Alors j’ai invité le duc ici, et je veux que tu lui dises que je suis en visite au presbytère depuis 2 ou 3 jours… Llesa est effarée. Voilà donc le genre de vie que mène sa sœur ! Et ce duc… Un débauché, sûrement. Pourtant, quand il apparait sur le seuil, Llesa sent battre son cœur : il est si beau, si séduisant…Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Après des années passées à l’étranger, lady Zénobia de Chadwell, orpheline, rentre enfin à Londres, anxieuse à l’idée de rencontrer son acariâtre belle-mère. Avec raison, hélas ! Car celle-ci, non contente d’avoir dilapidé la fortune familiale, lui annonce son intention de la marier au premier venu. Zénobia se rebelle. Son éducation libre et ses voyages lui ont forgé le caractère. Au mépris des convenances, elle décide de travailler. Bientôt placée chez un comte, elle se croit en sûreté sous un nom d’emprunt… C’est compter sans la méfiance de David de Lockendon qui n’a jamais rencontré une secrétaire aussi jolie et aussi élégante ! À l’évidence, cette jeune fille est une intrigante ou, pire, une débutante qui tente de le piéger ! Mais comment croire que d’innocents yeux bleus cachent des intentions si sournoises ?Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Lors d’un voyage en train, Tania Amesly, jeune beauté tout juste sortie du couvent, rencontre Rupert de Grantmore, capitaine de l’infanterie. Leur amitié naissante se mue vite en un sentiment plus troublant… Hélas, à Londres, Tania est attendue par son horrible belle-mère. — Je ne vous supporterai qu’enfermée dans la nursery… jusqu’à ce que j’aie trouvé un moyen de me débarrasser de vous !Tania est atterrée. Elle est à la merci de cette harpie qui la menace de l’interner. Que faire ? La loi est contre elle… Rupert serait -il son seul espoir ?Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Matka Lontoon köyhimmiltä alueilta rikkaimmille on linnuntietä lyhyt. Se on myös Charlie Trumperin elämänpolku.Charlien isoisä pitää hedelmä- ja vihanneskojua Lontoon East Endin slummeissa ja opettaa Charlielle kaiken, mitä kaupankäynnistä tarvitsee tietää. Charlie on luonnonlahjakkuus ja haaveilee suuresta tulevaisuudesta kauppiaana. Suunnitelmat jäävät kuitenkin kesken, kun ensimmäinen maailmansota syttyy ja pyyhkäisee Charlien pois kotoa. Juoksuhaudoissa hän kohtaa henkilön, josta tulee hänen vihollisensa vuosikymmeniksi...Linnuntietä on mukaansatempaava sukuromaani, joka ulottuu kuudelle vuosikymmenelle ja kolmelle mantereelle. Jeffrey Archer (s. 1940) on englantilainen kirjailija ja poliitikko. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti Clifton-kronikka -kirjasarjasta, johon kuuluu seitsemän osaa. Archer on julkaissut kymmenittäin romaaneja sekä novellikokoelmia. Hän julkaisi esikoisteoksensa Miljoonan dollarin petos vuonna 1976.
73.99 kr. Eileen Broadcastle will sich nur schnell ein Eis holen, da wird ihr Leben binnen weniger Minuten vollkommen auf den Kopf gestellt. Magier verwechseln sie mit der Erbin eines bedeutenden Zaubertrank-Meisters und man versucht sie zu entführen. Als ein Fremder namens Zuko Hitoshi sie nach Bradford "in Sicherheit" bringt, wünscht sich Eileen nur eins: nach London zurückzukehren und ihr Studium der Politikwissenschaft aufzunehmen. Stattdessen soll sie plötzlich lernen, in einer geheimen Akademie Zaubertränke zu brauen. Widerstrebend lässt sich Eileen auf die Herausforderung ein, ist aber zunächst nur an Liebestränken interessiert, denn mit Zuko hat sie den Mann getroffen, der ihr Herz höher schlagen lässt. Leider scheint er ihr Interesse nicht zu erwidern. Also versucht sie sich an ihrem ersten magischen Gebräu.Doch mit Liebestränken spielt man nicht.Schon gar nicht, wenn die magische Welt dabei ist, unaufhaltsam in Finsternis zu versinken!Lilly Labord ist das Pseudonym einer Frankfurter Autorin. Als Lilly Labord veröffentlicht sie überwiegend Paranormals und Urban Fantasy.
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- 73.99 kr.
12.99 kr. George McWhirter Fotheringay to niepozorny sprzedawca i sceptyk, który na skutek zrządzenia bogów zostaje obdarzony nadzwyczajnymi mocami. Początkowo sam jest zdziwiony swoimi umiejętnościami, zaś jego znajomi traktują je z pobłażaniem, jako czarodziejskie sztuczki. Gdy okazuje się, jak potężna jest skala jego możliwości, mężczyzna postanawia działać na rzecz zaprowadzenia pokoju i sprawiedliwości społecznej. Nie zdaje sobie sprawy, że zbyt mocne ingerencje w światowy ład mogą wywołać efekty odwrotne do zmierzonego. W 1936 roku Lothar Mendes zrealizował film na podstawie opowiadania.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) - jeden z prekursorów gatunku science fiction. Z wykształcenia biolog, jednak od najmłodszych lat odznaczał się bujną wyobraźnią i lekkim piórem. Gdy z przyczyn zdrowotnych musiał zrezygnować z zawodu nauczyciela, zaczął utrzymywać się z pisania - początkowo były to materiały dziennikarskie, a z czasem także literatura. Autor powieści "Wojna światów", "Wehikuł czasu" i "Wyspa doktora Moreau".
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111.99 kr. Londres, noviembre de 1941. Tras la salida de la formidable Henrietta Bird de la revista Woman's Friend, las cosas están mejorando para Emmeline Lake mientras asume el desafío de convertirse en una joven columnista de consejos en tiempos de guerra. Su relación con su novio Charles va viento en popa, mientras que Bunty, su mejor amiga, todavía se recupera de las secuelas de los bombardeos alemanes en territorio inglés, procurando mirar valientemente hacia el futuro.Cuando el Ministerio de Información pide a las revistas de Gran Bretaña que ayuden a reclutar a mujeres trabajadoras como soporte en la contienda bélica, Emmy decide dar un paso al frente y ayudar. Sin embargo, ella y Bunty conocerán a una joven que les mostrará los desafíos reales a los que se enfrentan las trabajadoras de guerra y Emmy deberá abordar el dilema de si cumplir con su deber profesional o bien apoyar con sus amigas, algo que cambiará su vida para siempre.Tan conmovedora y tierna como Querida señora Bird, esta novela es una celebración de la amistad, un testimonio de la fuerza de las mujeres y de la importancia de ayudarse mutuamente, siempre, y también, en los momentos más difíciles.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.A.J. Pearce creció en Hampshire, Inglaterra. Estudió en la Universidad de Sussex y en la Universidad de Northwestern.El descubrimiento de una revista femenina de 1939 le sirvió para inspirarse en su primera novela, Querida Señora Bird. Actualmente vive en el sur de Inglaterra.
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- 111.99 kr.