42.99 kr. Combining romance and adventure, ‘The Blockade Runners’ is set in both Scotland and the south of America, as the American Civil War looks to become a reality. Scottish entrepreneur, Captain James Playfair, sets out on a daring mission to acquire cotton from the southern states. However, there’s more to one of his travelling companions than meets the eye and Playfair quickly finds himself facing a whole new set of challenges. A rollicking read, Verne peppers this short story with vivid details about each of the destinations our protagonist encounters.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
From 40.99 kr. Czy trzeba bać się kolejnej pandemii i szczepić się przed nowym wariantem ,,hiszpanki", która w 1918 r. zabiła 40 mln. ludzi? Kiedy w laboratorium trwają prace nad szczepionką przeciwko grypie, znienacka wpada tam banda ,,ekologów", która bestialsko morduje jednego z zatrudnionych w nim naukowców. Dr Steven Dunbar próbuje ustalić przyczyny zabójstwa w tajnym instytucie i wyjaśnić, co tak naprawdę tam planowano. Gdy w jego otoczeniu giną kolejni ludzie, hipoteza o pracach nad rekonstrukcją szczepu ,,hiszpanki" staje się coraz bardziej prawdopodobna. ,,Szczepionka" to szósty z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli lubisz mrożące krew w żyłach intrygi w thrillerach medycznych i pasjonuje cię tematyka broni biologicznej, ,,Szczepionka śmierci" na pewno trafi w twój gust czytelniczy.Dr Dunbar - seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są m.in. błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
From 47.99 kr. Czy w obliczu zagrożenia atakami terrorystycznymi, widma III wojny światowej oraz gróźb użycia broni biologicznej można jeszcze spać spokojnie? W Paryżu doszło do zamachu bombowego. W Anglii samobójstwo popełnił minister zdrowia. A w Newcastle zamordowano medyka związanego z eksperymentalnym planem opieki zdrowotnej i dziennikarza badającego tę sprawę. Dr Dunbar wyjaśniając genezę tych zdarzeń, odkrywa, że mają coś wspólnego z islamskim fundamentalizmem, zaś Anglii zagraża atak z użyciem broni biologicznej. To dziewiąty z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli lubisz trzymające w napięciu thrillery medyczne i mistrzowsko poprowadzony wątek detektywistyczny, to na pewno przypadnie ci do gustu. Dr Dunbar - seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są m.in. błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
From 40.99 kr. Co się stanie, gdy prace nad nową szczepionką wymkną się spod kontroli? Na obozie młodzieżowym dochodzi do zakażenia, więc uzasadnione wydaje się zaszczepienie wszystkich przebywających tam dzieci unowocześnioną wersją szczepionki przeciwko gruźlicy. Niestety wkrótce jedno z nich umiera, a u pozostałych pojawia się bielactwo i trudno gojące się rany. Dr Dunbar usiłuje wyjaśnić przyczynę nietypowych objawów poszczepiennych, ale ktoś zaciera ślady przerażającego spisku... ,,Biała śmierć" to siódmy z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli szukasz misternie skonstruowanego thrillera medycznego, którego akcja wciąga bez reszty i przeraża, znajdź czas na lekturę ,,Białej śmierci".Dr Dunbar - seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są m.in. błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
From 39.99 kr. Najpierw gorączka, potem krwotok, a wszystko kończy się śmiercią w ciągu kilku godzin. Co jest źródłem zakażenia i kto będzie następną ofiarą nieznanego wirusa? Doktor Steven Dunbar z Inspektoratu Sci-Med dostaje kolejne zlecenie, tym razem ma wyjaśnić, na co zmarł wracający z Afryki podróżnik i gdzie pozostałe ofiary zaraziły się gorączką krwotoczną podobną do Eboli. Detektyw medyczny znajduje wspólny mianownik dla wszystkich zakażeń, ale wyniki śledztwa przekraczają ludzką wyobraźnię. ,,Joker" to trzeci z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli lubisz przyprawiające o dreszcze thrillery medyczne i pasjonują cię powieści w stylu Robina Cooka, przeczytasz ,,Jokera" z dużym zainteresowaniem. Dr Dunbar - seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są m.in. błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
From 40.99 kr. Jak wyjaśnić dziwne incydenty ze szczurami, które mają miejsce w pewnym szkockim miasteczku? Steven Dunbar, pracownik Inspektoratu Sci-Med próbuje ustalić, czy sąsiadujące ze sobą farmy w Blackbridge nie mają związku z tajemniczymi zgonami osób kąpiących się w kanale lub pogryzionych przez szczury. Pracy nie ułatwi mu fakt, że miasteczko jest podzielone na zwolenników i przeciwników kontrowersyjnych upraw GMO. Jeden fałszywy ruch i Dunbar sam może stać się ofiarą agresywnych szczurów wywołujących śmiertelne zakażenie. ,,Spisek" to drugi z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli lubisz powieści z wątkami przestępstw medycznych i cenisz bohaterów, którzy poszukują prawdy bez względu na konsekwencje, oto lektura idealna dla ciebie.Dr Dunbar – seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są m.in. błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
From 39.99 kr. Ile są warte zeznania szalonego psychopaty na łożu śmierci? Seryjny morderca ze szpitala psychiatrycznego przyznaje się do gwałtu i zabójstwa na 13-latce, za które przed ośmiu laty skazano na dożywocie obiecującego naukowca. Dowodem jego zbrodni miało być idealnie dopasowane DNA, ale wiele wskazuje na to, że w śledztwie doszło do niekompetencji i mistyfikacji. Dr Steven Dunbar jest zdeterminowany, by odnaleźć prawdziwego zabójcę, nim ten na zawsze zamknie usta pozostałym przy życiu świadkom makabrycznej zbrodni. ,,Oko kruka" to piąty z thrillerów o śledztwach dra Dunbara, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności serii. Jeśli lubisz mrożące krew w żyłach zagadki kryminalne i z upodobaniem śledzisz losy charyzmatycznego detektywa z wykształceniem medycznym, ,,Oko kruka" to lektura właśnie dla ciebie. Dr Dunbar - seria nagradzanych thrillerów z udziałem Stevena Dunbara, byłego lekarza i członka jednostek specjalnych Inspektoratu Sci-Med. Bohater powieści Kena McClure’a wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę medyczną do wykrywania wykroczeń i przestępstw z dziedziny szeroko pojętej medycyny (przedmiotem jego śledztw są m.in. błędy w sztuce lekarskiej, handel narządami ludzkimi, szczepionki skażone genetycznie). Cykl powieści o doktorze Dunbarze to trzymające w napięciu thrillery, z przerażająco wiarygodnymi dla naukowców przewidywaniami medycznymi.Ken McClure, właśc. Kenneth J. Begg (ur. 1942 r. w Edynburgu) szkocki mikrobiolog, wybitny lekarz i naukowiec, uznawany obecnie za najlepszego brytyjskiego autora tłumaczonych na 25 języków thrillerów medycznych. Pisarz zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią Kryptonim ,,Kowadło", kolejne utwory przyniosły mu międzynarodową sławę - krytycy literatury chętnie nazywają go szkockim Michaelem Crichtonem i przyrównują do Robina Cooka, mistrza thrillerów medycznych.
40.99 kr. John Varey Nicholson on nuori lakia opiskeleva mies, joka ei aina ajattele ennen kuin toimii. Tämän ominaisuuden takia hän joutuukin toinen toistaan hankalampiin tilanteisiin. Kun John eräänä päivänä lähtee hoitamaan lapsuudenperheensä raha-asiaa, hän päätyy lainaamaan rahaa epäluotettavalle ystävälleen. Onnettomuus seuraa toista, ja pian John on tilanteessa, jossa hänen isänsä on pettynyt häneen sydänjuuriaan myöten. John päättää jättää Edinburghin pölyt taakseen ja muuttaa San Franciscoon – vaan onko muutto ratkaisu Johnin ongelmiin?Hänen vastoinkäymisensä on Robert Louis Stevensonin pienoisromaani.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) oli skotlantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan erityisesti romaaneistaan Tohtori Jekyll ja Mr Hyde sekä Aarresaari. Stevenson opiskeli yliopistossa tekniikkaa ja oikeustiedettä. Hän asui elämänsä loppuvuodet Samoalla.
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- 40.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Luigi went out one morning and never came back. Without him, Anna feels worthless, losing all sense of all she is. Only the fear of the darkness closing in drives her to attempt some kind of normality. But Gigi's unseen presence is powerful and inhibits Anna from making a new life. Even her attraction to musician Greg feels like a betrayal.An encounter with a friend leads to a new teaching job, offering a chance to find herself. But the school is driven by fear and unsuspecting Anna is exploited by the manipulative headmaster and at the same time cruelly undermined by a jealous colleague. Now the fragile new life she's building threatens to collapse. It is a chance meeting with a stranger who helps her to see that there are lights on dark water.Perfect for fans of fans of Alice Munro, Lorrie Moore, and Irish Murdoch.
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96.99 kr. Dieses packende Hörbuch verspricht ununterbrochene Spannung mit zur letzten Minute.Zusammen mit seinem Freund Eddie macht Robin Greaves mit gewagten Raubüberfällen die Stadt Edinburgh unsicher. Als Robin erfährt, dass sein Komplize eine Affäre mit seiner Frau hat, schwört er Rache. Doch dann läuft alles ganz anders als geplant und plötzlich befinden sich alle drei sowohl im Visier der Polizei als auch eines brutalen Mörders...Allan Guthrie wurde 1965 geboren und ist ein schottischer Schriftsteller und Literaturagent. Mit seinem Debütroman „Post Mortem" gewann er 2007 den Theakston's Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award. Guthrie lebt und arbeitet in Edinburgh.
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- 96.99 kr.
- Ein Fall für Karen Pirie
149.99 kr. Ein betrunkener Siebzehnjähriger rast nachts mit einem gestohlenen Auto durch Dundee. Für seine drei Kumpels endet die Fahrt tödlich. Der Hooligan überlebt – im Koma, für immer schwer gezeichnet. Überraschend fördert ein Routine-DNA-Test eine Verbindung zu einem zwanzig Jahre zurückliegenden, ungelösten Mordfall zutage. Wie kann das sein?Detective Chief Inspector Karen Pirie von Police Scotland ist sehr erfolgreich darin, verzwickte alte Fälle aufzuklären. Doch schnell stellt sich heraus, dass der Fall mindestens so viele Windungen hat wie die DNA-Helix. Zeitgleich wird Karen in einen anderen, ähnlich weit zurückliegenden Fall verwickelt, in dem sie eigentlich gar nicht ermitteln dürfte. Aber ihr Sinn für Gerechtigkeit lässt ihr keine andere Wahl...Val McDermid, geboren 1955, arbeitete lange als Dozentin für Englische Literatur und als Journalistin bei namhaften britischen Tageszeitungen.Heute ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten britischen Autorinnen von Thrillern und Kriminalromanen. Ihre Bücher erscheinen weltweit in mehr als vierzig Sprachen.
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102.99 kr. ‘I have devoured this in one sitting, Ashcroft has pulled me into the pages and made me desperate to see what was going to play out. I am a sucker for a love story and was rooting for the characters... Definitely a five star read which I highly recommend.’ Little Miss Book Lover 87Evie Stuart is playing it safe. She lives on her family’s remote farm in the Scottish Highlands and never ventures beyond the local village of Lockton. The most unpredictable events in her life are the antics of Miss Daisy, her grandmother Agnes’s pygmy goat. She’s learned that bad things happen when she’s impulsive, and she’s determined not to get burned again.Callum Ryder is exactly the opposite of what Evie wants in her ordered world. Six foot two of reckless energy with twinkling eyes and a dangerously charming smile, he’s a thrill-seeking American firefighter with no idea how to slow down. Callum enters Lockton like a whirlwind, fleeing his problems in New York City in search of the truth about his Scottish family.Yet the pair might have more in common than they think... When the well-meaning Agnes persuades her to help Callum find his grandfather, Evie finds herself being challenged more than she has in years: from swimming in the fabled Bonnie Lochan to exploring an ancient castle and even entering the village jam-making championships. Turns out it’s easy for Evie and Callum to connect when they let go of their fears and enjoy the most surprising summer of their lives.But getting close to Callum so quickly soon starts to look like it might ruin everything for Evie: she’s heading for a disaster exactly like the one that destroyed her a year ago when she fell for the wrong man and let him change her life. Maybe a fresh start isn’t going to be so simple after all... Is the safe haven Evie’s built about to crumble down around her?A totally charming and moving story about being true to yourself, the power of new beginnings, and one magical summer that changes everything. Perfect for fans of Debbie Johnson, Carolyn Brown and Phillipa Ashley.Readers love The Little Village of New Starts:‘Filled with interesting and likeable characters, this book grabbed me from the very beginning... An absolutely wonderful story of love and laughs which will warm your heart completely!! Highly recommended!!’ Stardust Book Reviews‘If you’re looking for a lovely, heart-warming contemporary romance, grab yourself a copy of this delightful story... This is such a superb read, a great story to escape into with all the trials and tribulations... I have absolutely no hesitation in highly recommending it’ Splashes Into Books‘What a fantastic book, I couldn't stop reading it and was sorry when I got to the end – I wanted more... I would have no hesitation in recommending.’ NetGalley Reviewer.Donna Ashcroft has sold over 100,000 books since she started publishing with Bookouture in October 2018Donna spent a couple of decades writing bad horror stories and worse poetry until she gave up and accidently fell into publishing. After many years of working on other people’s books, she began to write her own romantic comedies and hasn’t looked back. When Donna isn’t lost in her latest love affair, she works for a website where she indulges her other passion – buying moisturiser. Donna lives in Hertfordshire with her own romantic hero, two gorgeous teenagers and a couple of cantankerous cats.
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- 102.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Depuis la mort de lord Denbigh, sa femme et sa fille vivent dans la gêne. Elles ne peuvent compter que sur le talent de portraitiste de Viola, à qui lord Preston vient justement de passer une commande alléchante. Mais, quand ce bellâtre arrogant lui déclare sa flamme, la jeune fille prend peur et s’enfuit. C’est alors que Nicholas Stanborough, un jeune aristocrate fou d’automobiles, l’invite à séjourner à Bath pour y exercer son art. Dans un cadre idyllique, Viola se laisse peu à peu prendre au charme désinvolte de Nicholas. Jusqu’au jour où débarque l’odieux Preston, animé de bien mauvaises intentions…© Barbara Cartland, 2010, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française : Cœur d'artiste © Éditions J’ai lu, 2011Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
44.99 kr. — Il est temps que nous ayons une conversation sérieuse quant à notre avenir, mon ami, susurre la pulpeuse lady Isobel. À peine entend-il ces mots que le marquis de Kexley pressent la menace. Sa maîtresse veut lui passer la corde au cou ! Une seule solution : la fuite. Justement, son ami, le comte de Darrendell, l’a invité en Ecosse. La pêche, la chasse, rien de tel pour oublier une amante trop envahissante. Sa décision est prise : il ira dans les Highlands. C’est là-bas qu’il fait la connaissance de la fille de son hôte, la délicieuse Celina. Délicieuse et... terrifiée. Pourquoi semble-t-elle le craindre ? Pourquoi s’acharne-t-elle à l’éviter ? Quel est donc le secret de Celina ? Le marquis est bien résolu à le découvrir... sans se douter qu’un piège ignoble va se refermer sur lui.© Barbara Cartland, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :Le Sortilège de l’amour © Éditions J’ai lu, 2000Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Double agents, espionage and romance, this historical story transports you back to the Jacobite rising in 1745 and in the midst of an attempt by Scottish highlanders to place Bonnie Prince Charlie on the English throne.The plot follows Alastair Maclean, who has been exiled to France, and returns to join the Jacobite army as it moves towards London. Along the way he uncovers double agents, working for both the Jacobites and the British, and falls in love with an enemy's wife.With masses of old-world descriptions and scene-setting, you will walk the roads with the Scottish rebels as they conjure up support and surge forward to London.John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, was a British novelist and historian. He was also known as a Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada.After a brief legal career, he started his writing, political and diplomatic careers at the same time; first serving as a private secretary to the administrator of various colonies in southern Africa. He eventually wrote propaganda for the British war effort during the First World War. He was elected Member of Parliament for the Combined Scottish Universities in 1927, but spent most of his time on his writing career, notably writing 'The Thirty-Nine Steps', which was later filmed by Alfred Hitchcock and other adventure fiction.
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- 77.99 kr.
62.99 kr. På sju veckor har Sonja gått från att vara i ett lyckligt förhållande med sitt livs kärlek, till att officiellt ha blivit Sveriges sorgligaste tjugoåttaåring. Att Anton plötsligt skulle göra slut hade hon absolut inte väntat sig. Hur kunde det bli så?Sonja inser så småningom att hon måste bort från Göteborg för att försöka hitta tillbaka till sig själv. Det slutar med att hon bestämmer sig för att spendera sommaren i Edinburgh, i natursköna Skottland. Och det dröjer inte länge förrän en oväntad vänskap börjar blomstra mellan Sonja och Mary, den äldre damen som hon är inneboende hos. Mary är nybliven änka och de två kvinnorna finner varandra över hjärtesorg och nybakade scones. Snart har de även bjudit in en brokig skara gäster till Afternoon tea. Är en sommar fylld av ljuvliga bakverk precis vad Sonjas hjärta behöver? I vilket fall som helst, kommer det bli en upplevelse hon sent ska glömma...Elin Ström är 30 år och bosatt i Göteborg där hon bor tillsammans med sin man och hund. Hon är utbildad civilekonom och 2021 debuterade hon med "Afternoon tea på Grassmarket 1".
- Audiobook
- 62.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘The Pirate’ is a thrilling adventure novel by Walter Scott. The story takes place on the edge of civilisation in the remote Shetland Isles during the 17th Century as a mysterious man washes up on their secluded shores. The mystery man is rescued by the lovelorn Mordaunt, but they soon become rivals as they vie for the attention of two sisters. It is later revealed that the enigmatic stranger is a pirate captain, and violence ensues as the sisters are taken hostage and Mordaunt must rescue them. ‘The Pirate’ features some of Scott’s finest romantic prose as he vividly depicts the isolation and beauty of the islands north of the Scottish Mainland. There are some gothic elements to the tale as the heroes are aided in their quest to defeat the pirates by the mystical Norna whose poetic dialogue was celebrated at the time of the book’s release. Although this is a historical novel the theme of changing culture and fear of societal shifts remains timely. ‘The Pirate’ is a riveting novel teeming with adventure, danger, and romance that is recommended for fans of historical fiction or adventure stories such as ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
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- 77.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Set in the 1600s ‘Hunted and Harried’ by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne is set against the backdrop of the conflict between the Scottish Kirk and the king of England. Will Wallace sets out on a mission for the king to find the vocal and defiant Scotsman Andrew Black, but when the pair finally encounter one another Will soon finds his beliefs challenged. A violent and sometimes graphic tale of persecution and martyrdom.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Author R.M Ballantyne was born in Edinburgh, into a well-known family of printers and publishers. The ninth of ten children, it wasn’t long after his birth that his father’s family business, ‘Ballantyne & Co.’ began to run into financial difficulties following a national banking crisis. With the future of the family business in dire straits, Ballantyne moved to Canada to live and work when he was just sixteen. Returning the Scotland following his father’s death in 1847, Ballantyne worked initially for a publishing house upon his return before concentrating on his own literary career. This book contains Ballantyne’s reminiscences on the book-making industry – so long a part of his family heritage – and is a fascinating account of the industry during the early to mid-19th century.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘St. Ronan’s Well’ is a tragicomic tale of two brothers in love with the same woman. Walter Scott’s trademark dramatic tension is palpable in this novel, but it is unique in the fact that it is his only novel set during the 19th century. The story revolves around a spa in a small Scottish town that is home to a large cast of highly comedic and compelling characters. Scott expertly builds suspense over the course of the novel as each character has something to hide in this satirical village. Throughout the story, dark secrets are revealed and blackmail escalates to violent confrontation as both brothers battle for the love of Clara. ‘St. Ronan’s Well’ features some of Scott’s best characters and beautifully vivid descriptions of the Scottish countryside and its satirical style is an interesting departure from his typical historical fiction. This novel should be read by fans of Scott’s work but its luxurious setting and fusion of irony and high drama make it the perfect book for fans of ‘The White Lotus’ or ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘Waverley’ is among Walter Scott’s first novels and one of the original Western historical novels. The sprawling story takes place during the Jacobite Rising from 1745 and follows the life of Edward Waverley, a British soldier who falls in love with a Scottish woman and joins a revolutionary army. ‘Waverley’ shows why Scott is considered one of the forefathers of European romanticism, as the tale follows an individual hero on a grand journey through beautifully vivid settings. However, Edward Waverley follows in the footsteps of ‘Don Quixote’ as a protagonist whose dreams of heroism are difficult to achieve. This dramatic tale has elements of picaresque comedy as Scott creates a less than heroic protagonist that finds himself in ironic situations that he is ill-prepared for. Political intrigue, romance, and breathtakingly beautiful depictions of the Scottish landscape are Scott’s trademark elements that make this classic novel a rewarding read. ‘Waverley’ was celebrated at the time of its release for an accurate portrayal of Gaelic revolutionaries, but it remains timeless due to its poignant storytelling and lyrical prose. ‘Waverley’ is recommended for fans of historical fiction or romanticism.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
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- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. "I see dead people". So said the little boy in the Hollywood Blockbuster ‘The Sixth Sense’, starring Bruce Willis. The little girl in Frances Burnett’s ‘The White People’ doesn’t put it quite like that, but she does have the same special gift. She too sees ghosts, and she refers to them as the white people, because that’s what they are to her.This classic ghost story is set in the Scottish Highlands, a place full of legends and mystery. This wouldn’t be a Frances Burnett novel without a castle or two, and sure enough, the little girl lives in one. Her parents where high born, and so is she, but now she’s an orphan, with only servants – and ghosts – to keep her company.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 59.99 kr.
79.99 kr. London Socialite and friend of King George IV, the Duke of Strathnarn enjoys his London life and is reluctant and resentful when he inherits from his hated father the title and responsibilities of Chieftain of the Clan McNarn.Arriving bitterly angry in the highland fiefdom he fled as a youth, he’s faced with a terrible dilemma. To free his young nephew and heir from the clutches of his Clan’s mortal enemies, he must marry Cola, the daughter of their fearsome Chieftain. Appalled, he complies with bad grace, but refuses even to look his young bride in the face. Soon, however, a terrifying plot against the King involving a sinister poisoner unfolds and it is Cola, aided by a ghostly Grey Lady, who comes to the rescue.Only now, after so terribly misjudging and ill-treating her, does the Duke see his bride for what she is, a raven-haired, musically talented and courageous beauty. But is it too late for their marriage of convenience to be transformed by the blessing of true love?Filled with danger, family drama and last but not least romance - 'The Chieftain Without a Heart' is perfect for fans of "Outlander", Amy Jarecki, and Scarlett Scott.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
- Audiobook
- 79.99 kr.
120.99 kr. As a child, Faye Morgan was always an outsider, shunned for the ancient and powerful magic that runs through her veins.Ever since she was a little girl, growing up in the village of Abercolme on the wild coast of Scotland, her life has been steeped in the old ways – witchcraft, herbal lore and a blood connection to the dangerous and unpredictable world of Faerie.But magic is both a gift and a burden, and Faye has more than paid the price of living between two worlds. Neither accepted by the villagers, nor welcome in Murias after rebuffing the fickle and attractive Faerie Warrior King, Finn Beatha, Faye runs from Abercolme, hoping to leave that life behind.However, even in the twisted, cobbled streets of London, Faye finds her blood bond with Faerie won’t be broken. A Faerie War of the Elements is brewing and, though she doesn’t yet know it, Faye is fated to play a terrible part. If she is to survive, she must learn to embrace her own dark power and face Finn Beatha once more... but in doing so Faye will discover secrets in her own past that never should have been disturbed.A gripping, magical, action-packed novel, perfect for fans of K.F. Breene's 'Natural Witch', Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo.'Queen of Sea and Stars' can be read as part of a series, or as a standalone. Contains mature content. Not suitable for younger readers.What readers are saying about 'Queen of Sea and Stars':‘A sexy and intoxicating novel... The battle between light and dark played out in very magical way for Faye that kept me on the edge of my seat... cast its own spell upon me, leaving me wanting more and more.’ The Luminessence, 5 stars‘The chemistry between the characters is palpable and sparks fly... There is a mystery to the way the story unravels and it takes you for a ride you won’t soon forget. I’d recommend this book to anyone who enjoys some paranormal fun.’ Up All Night with Books‘A warm story of magic and witchcraft... The plot twists and turns and takes a few detours to get to the ending.... A very enjoyable read!!!’ Tonya’s Book ReviewsAnna McKerrow has written poetry, children’s and adult books. She lives in London and is originally from the West Country, which gave her accent a subtle (yet noticeable) pirate twang as well as a love of cream teas and all things mystical. She is an eclectic pagan witch and feminist who also loves crocheting blankets while watching episodes of Miss Marple. Anna loves mythology, magic, tarot, punk, grunge, rock and alternative music, fantasy and sci-fi novels, travel, luxury skincare products, chocolate, spas, candlelight and stormy beaches. She owns the requisite witchy black cat.
- Audiobook
- 120.99 kr.
59.99 kr. First published in 1881 ‘The Gully of Bluemansdyke’ is a collection of seven short stories from the much-loved author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories are set all over the world, from Australia to Scotland and Budapest. Full of adventure, excitement and even the paranormal, tales in this collection include ‘My Friend the Murderer’, ‘The Silver Hatchet’ and ‘That Little Square Box’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. After running away from an arranged marriage, dressed as a little old lady, red-haired beauty Jabina finds herself being inadvertently rescued by Drue, the Duke of Warminster. When their carriage overturns on their journey, the pair are taken in by aristocratic friends of Jabina's father leading to the lie that they are married. The Duke is appalled to be stuck with the unruly and impetuous Jabina and she is less than impressed too.As Napoleon declares war on England, the couple make the perilous journey to France in an attempt to escape, but will they ever be able to live without looking over their shoulders?Brimming with drama, 'The Impetuous Duchess' is an action-packed, enemies-to-lovers tale, packed with romance, intrigue and adventure.Perfect for fans of Daphne Du Maurier, Nita Abram, and Scarlett Scott.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances.A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. 'Snow Bound: The Record of a Theatrical Touring Party' is a collection of short stories by Bram Stoker, the acclaimed author of 'Dracula' which is best known for its 1931 silver screen rendition of the same name, starring Bela Lugosi.A train traveling across Scotland in the thick of winter is brought to a sudden halt by an intense snowstorm. All the passengers are members of a travelling theatrical entourage, they decide to light a fire in one of the carriages and huddle around it to stave off the extreme cold. With nothing to do but wait to be rescued, they pass the time by sharing stories, some are full of sorrow while others are brimming with mirth and cheer.A highly intriguing piece among Bram Stoker's body of work, this collection is a testament to his long-standing friendship with renowned Irish actor Sir Henry Irving, who proved a significant influence on Stoker.Highly recommended for readers who fancy a spin on 'The Orient Express'. This offers special insight into the minds and hearts of actors and performers from well before Agatha Christie's time, by none other than one of the all-time masters of the horror genre.Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born in Dublin in 1847. Turning to fiction in his later years, Stoker published his first short story 'The Crystal Cup' (1872) in London Society magazine. In the 1880s and 1890s, he published 'Under the Sunset' (1882) and an adventure novel titled 'The Snake’s Pass' (1890).It was the publication of 'Dracula' in 1897 which launched Stoker into literary stardom.
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- 77.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Alle kennen ihn: den legendären Vampirjäger Abraham Van Helsing! Was die Wenigsten wissen – er hat eine Nachfahrin. Patricia Vanhelsing ist Reporterin bei der London Express News. Als in London ungewöhnliche Dinge vor sich gehen, will Patricia der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Dabei helfen will ihr attraktiver neuer Kollege, der selbst ein Geheimnis verbirgt. Die nächsten Romane in der Patricia Vanhelsing-Reihe bleiben genau so spannend wie ihre Vorgänger. Bei ihren neusten Abenteuern treffen Patricia und Tom auf eine geheime Ausgrabungsstätte, auf eine gefährliche Ruine und auf blutrünstige Wölfe!Band 16: Patricia Vanhelsing: Die PriesterinBand 17: Patricia Vanhelsing: Das Geheimnis der SechsBand 18: Patricia Vanhelsing: Die WölfeSidney Gardner ist eines der vielen Pseudonyme des deutschen Autors Alfred Bekker (1964-heute). Mit seinen Romanen ist er in sehr vielen Genres vertreten, doch besonders erfolgreich wurde er durch seine Fantasy- und Sci-Fi-Romane. Außerdem schreibt er auch Kinder- und Jugendbücher.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘The Abbot’ is a historical fiction novel about Mary Queen of Scots’ thrilling escape from prison and is considered by many to be one of Walter Scott’s finest works. The gripping novel continues the story of Halbert and Mary Glendinning from ‘The Monastery’ but can easily be read on its own. The protagonist is a poor orphan boy, Roland who is adopted by Halbert and Mary. Many years later, Roland is sent to spy on Mary Queen of Scots while she is imprisoned, but he falls in love with her attendant Catherine, and they plot to help her escape. ‘The Abbot’ features some of Scott’s finest dramatic writing as true identities are revealed, brutal battles ensue, and forbidden romances blossom over the course of the novel. Scott depicts the Scottish countryside beautifully with his poetic prose while providing a humanist perspective on religion and romance. Celebrated widely at the time of its release, ‘The Abbot’ remains entertaining to this day and should be read by fans of Scott and romantic adventures.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Al sinds mensenheugenis vaart elk jaar tijdens het broedseizoen een groepje mannen van het Schotse eiland Lewis naar An Sgeir, een rots, zeventig kilometer uit de kust. Ze gaan daar jonge jan-van-genten uit het nest plukken en doden. Een grimmige traditie, die dit jaar zwaar uit de hand loopt. Een toegetakeld lijk in een schuur op Lewis trekt de aandacht van de politie. Is er een verband met een tweede moord, gepleegd in Edinburgh? Rechercheur Fin MacLeod wordt naar Lewis gestuurd. Hij kent het eiland goed, hij groeide er zelfs op. Hij weet dus dat het een heel, heel slecht idee is om in het verleden van de bewoners te gaan graven.Peter May (Glasgow, 1951) is een Schotse journalist, scriptschrijver en auteur. Al op 21-jarige leeftijd won hij de Fraser Award, voor beste Schotse journalist van het jaar 1973. Voor de BBC schreef hij de series "The Standard", "Squadron" en "Machair". Hij schreef verschillende romans en thrillers, vaak binnen het genre van de "tartan noir": vergelijkbaar met de bekende, donkere Scandinavische thrillers, maar met een Schotse setting. Hij combineert een zwartgallige ingesteldheid met een grote zorg voor research.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.