58.99 kr. Ist es Zufall, der Professor Charles Ward in einer alten Buchhandlung zu einem gebrauchten Reiseführer greifen lässt, der mit seltsamen Notizen kommentiert wurde? Als Fan von HP Lovecraft ist der Professor sofort Feuer und Flamme für die Geister-Geschichte, die die Notizen erzählen: Auf einem mysteriösen Berg in Schottland soll der Geist des für seine Grausamkeit bekannten "schwarzen Prinzen" umgehen – und wenn man den Berg exakt am 21.12. aufsuche, so würde der Geist des Prinzen Einblick in kosmische Geheimnisse gewähren, die kein Mensch zuvor erfahren hat. Doch als Professor Ward versucht, mehr über den Mann herauszufinden, der die Notizen verfasst hat, öffnet er damit dem wahren Horror die Tür zu seinem Leben ...Prof. Dr. Veit Etzold, geboren 1973 in Bremen, ist Autor von vielen Spiegel-Bestsellern und gefragter Keynote-Speaker. Veit Etzold versteht es, komplexe Themen unterhaltsam und spannend aufzubereiten und zu einzigartigen Thrillern zu verarbeiten. Als Experte für Strategie und Storytelling hat er bereits zahlreiche internationale Unternehmen beraten. Er ist u. a. Mitglied der Atlantikbrücke und Global Bridges und lehrt zudem seit 2018 als Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
- Audiobook
- 58.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Carolyn Avon inherited an impressive house in the Scottish Highlands and made her way there during Christmas time to claim it. It was evident that she did not have the means to maintain such an enormous house, let alone hire the required assistance. Why then, did she not sell the place? In Interlude in Snow by Jane Beaufort, a pseudonym of romance writer Ida Pollock, mystery and romance come together in a haunting way and things are not at all as they seem in 20th-century picturesque Scotland. -
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
43.99 kr. Nils och hans vän befinner sig i de skotska högländerna och njuter av hisnande vyer. Resan dit uppfyller deras gemensamma dröm att få se Skottland. Efter ett kort stopp på hotellet, där ägaren är helt förtrollad av det prestigefyllda mötet mellan Skottland och England i fotboll, bär det av mot Culloden. Efter att ha besökt ett historiskt slagfält bär kosan vidare mot St. Andrews och ett besök på den anrika golfklubben.Längs min väg är en munter och mysig fiktiv reseskildring.Reidar Nordenberg (1923-2009) var en svensk journalist och författare. Från debuten 1965 och fram till år 2011 skrev han ett tiotal romaner.
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- 43.99 kr.
92.99 kr. 'The Lighthouse' is a gripping tale of the relationship between man and sea. Ballantyne spent three weeks holed up on Bell Rock researching and experiencing the life of a lighthouse, and its relationship to the ocean. This novel follows the process of building and manning a lighthouse on the perilous Firth of Forth. Ballantyne's lively prose and his dedication to storytelling make this perfect for fans of Rudyard Kipling.Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise was juvenile fiction, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.
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- 92.99 kr.
120.99 kr. A charming, uplifting, romantic novel that will warm your heart – perfect for fans of Trisha Ashley, Debbie Johnson and Cathy Bramley.Beth Williams is finally coming home for Christmas. After falling pregnant at sixteen, she ran away from her family and the imposing Scottish estate where she grew up, working hard to build a life for herself and daughter Isabelle - but now she’s returning to Glendale Hall.As Beth tries to mend her broken family ties and fights to bring the community of Glendale back together, she realises that the story she has told herself for a decade might well be a very different one from the truth. Even though she ran from Glendale, it has never left her heart. And, she soon realises, neither has Drew – Beth’s first love.Will Beth be able to forgive her mother and grandmother (and herself) for what happened ten years ago? What will Drew say when he discovers the secret she’s been keeping from him for so long? Can a festive trail bring the village back together?Will Christmas work its magic on Glendale - or will Beth be forced to run away from it all over again?Victoria Walters writes up-lifting and inspiring stories. She's the author of the bestselling Glendale Hall series and two standalone novels - Summer at the Kindness Cafe, and The Second Love of My Life.She has been chosen for WHSmith Fresh Talent and shortlisted for a Romantic Novelists Association award. Victoria was also picked as an Amazon Rising Star, and her books have won vast reader acclaim.As well as being an author, Victoria works as a Waterstones bookseller. She lives in Surrey with her cat Harry (named after Harry Potter) and loves books, clothes, music, going out for tea and cake, and posting photos on Instagram.
- Audiobook
- 120.99 kr.
9.95 kr. Совсем незнакомый мир – мир горняков, заброшенных шахт, мир добычи «чёрного золота».Горный инженер обнаруживает, что его бывший коллега живёт в заброшенной шахте. К тому же он находит большие залежи угля. Как поступить? Начинать ли добычу угля или всё оставить, как есть?Череда необъяснимых событий, исчезновение озера, страшный сумасшедший и, конечно, история любви. Даже не одна.Жюль Верн (1828–1905) был французским писателем, классиком приключенческой литературы, который вдохновлялся научными достижениями XIX века. С помощью редактора Пьера-Жюля Эцеля он написал цикл под названием «Необыкновенные путешествия», в которую входят романы «Путешествие к центру Земли» (1864 г.), «Двадцать тысяч льё под водой» (1870 г.) и «Вокруг света за восемьдесят дней» (1873 г.). Широко известный как среди детей, так и среди взрослых, Верн является одним из самых переводимых авторов всех времён и до сих пор вдохновляет людей во всем мире.
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- 9.95 kr.
67.99 kr. 'Tales and Fantasies' is a short story collection by much-loved Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. Published posthumously in 1905, the collection included the farcical 'The Misadventures of John Nicholson', the supernatural 'The Body Snatcher' and the moralistic 'The Story of a Lie'. A humorous, charming collection from the famous 'Treasure Island' author. -
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- 67.99 kr.
9.95 kr. «Чёрная стрела» - историческая приключенческая повесть Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона, действие которой происходит в средневековой Англии во времена войны Алой и Белой розы. Произведение буквально пропитано рыцарским духом. В нём упоминаются исторические лица, сражения и междоусобицы того времени. Но главная тема - история любви главных героев, начавшаяся очень необычно, потому что встретились они в совсем не романтических условиях и даже не представляли себе довольно длительное время, что между ними может вспыхнуть сильное и глубокое чувство. Как и положено в историко-приключенческом жанре, здесь фигурирует и подлинное историческое лицо - будущий король Ричард III.Роберт Льюис Стивенсон (1850–1894) - шотландский писатель и поэт. Стивенсон болел туберкулезом и прожил короткую жизнь. Но несмотря на это шотландец оставил обширную коллекцию рассказов о путешествиях, приключенческой литературы, стихов, очерков и исторических романов. На русский язык его произведения переводили Константин Бальмонт, Валерий Брюсов, Владислав Ходасевич, Самуил Маршак. Самая известная книга Стивенсона – роман «Остров сокровищ»
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- 9.95 kr.
9.95 kr. «Олалья» - рассказ Стивенсона о любви с элементами фантастики и мистики. Раненый офицер после выписки из госпиталя попадает в семью, которая по своему происхождению принадлежала к очень высокому роду и была этим очень горда. Но сейчас они живут бедно и очень уединенно. Их жизнь полна странностей. Офицер влюбляется в Олалью, но она не хочет с ним сближаться и призывает шотландца покинуть дом, сохранив память о ней. Порезав руку и обратившись к матери девушки за помощью выясняется, что он попал в семью вампиров.Роберт Льюис Стивенсон (1850–1894) - шотландский писатель и поэт. Стивенсон болел туберкулезом и прожил короткую жизнь. Но несмотря на это шотландец оставил обширную коллекцию рассказов о путешествиях, приключенческой литературы, стихов, очерков и исторических романов. На русский язык его произведения переводили Константин Бальмонт, Валерий Брюсов, Владислав Ходасевич, Самуил Маршак. Самая известная книга Стивенсона – роман «Остров сокровищ»
- Ebook
- 9.95 kr.
9.95 kr. Главный герой повести «Дверь сира де Малетруа», находясь ночью в малознакомом городе натыкается на патруль из подвыпивших солдат и вынужден убегать от него. Он попадает в дом со странной входной дверью. Войти в дом можно, а вот выйти нельзя. Жутко оказаться в полной темноте в незнакомом месте! Им овладевает страх. Но оказывается, что хозяин дома ждёт его. Старик ставит нашего героя перед выбором: либо молодой человек женится на его племяннице, либо его повесят. Почему всё так сложно и чем всё закончилось – узнаете из этого произведения.Роберт Льюис Стивенсон (1850–1894) - шотландский писатель и поэт. Стивенсон болел туберкулезом и прожил короткую жизнь. Но несмотря на это шотландец оставил обширную коллекцию рассказов о путешествиях, приключенческой литературы, стихов, очерков и исторических романов. На русский язык его произведения переводили Константин Бальмонт, Валерий Брюсов, Владислав Ходасевич, Самуил Маршак. Самая известная книга Стивенсона – роман «Остров сокровищ»
- Ebook
- 9.95 kr.
58.99 kr. Kaum aus dem Gefängnis, soll Andrew den Babysitter für Phoebe, die Tochter des mächtigen Mafiabosses von Glasgow, spielen. In einem Nachtclub steht Andrew plötzlich mehreren Auftragskillern gegenüber, die ihn aus dem Weg schaffen sollen. Ihm bleibt nur, Phoebe als Schutzschild zu benutzen und sie zu entführen. Als er sie freilassen will, weigert sie sich stur. Denn die Prinzessin von Glasgow ergreift die Chance, um vor ihrem kontrollsüchtigen Vater zu fliehen, der sie zwangsverheiraten will. Auf ihrer Flucht durch Großbritannien, bleibt ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als sich durch Überfälle und Einbrüche mit dem Nötigsten zu versorgen. Plötzlich ist nicht mehr nur die Mafia hinter ihnen her, sondern auch das Gesetz. Doch dann bekommen sie unerwartet Hilfe aus Richtung des Motorradclubs Helldogs MC, der sie vor ihren Verfolgern schützt.Elena MacKenzie schreibt romantische, lustige, erotische und traurige Liebesromane. "Highland Secrets" war ihr erster Roman unter diesem Pseudonym und eroberte sofort die Top 10 der Amazon-Charts. Seither hat sie weitere erfolgreiche Romane veröffentlicht. Für ihre Bücher sucht sie sich interessante Orte wie die kleine Insel Fair, Edinburgh, Glasgow oder Tolosa aus und verführt ihre Leser damit zum Träumen. Ganz nach dem Motto: Sich in Büchern zu verlieren, heißt grenzenlos zu träumen.
- Audiobook
- 58.99 kr.
69.99 kr. Lord Alistair McDonon possui uma vida deslumbrante em Londres, mas seu cotidiano chega ao fim quando recebe a notícia trágica de que seus dois irmãos morreram afogados... Seu pai autoritário o convoca à Escócia para que ele assuma o título de Marquês de Kildonon e o cargo de herdeiro da chefia do clã. O jovem fica aborrecido, pois mal conhece sua terra natal e não está nada acostumado com as velhas cerimônias místicas dos clãs. Lorde Alistair fica ainda mais horrorizado quando descobre que deve se casar com Lady Moraig McNain para incentivar a união dos clãs que estão em conflito há séculos. Estaria ele condenado a um casamento sem amor nas Terras Altas?Tudo muda quando seu caminho cruza o da bela Arina no momento em que a jovem implora desesperadamente por dinheiro para pagar a operação de sua amada mãe. Sensibilizado pela situação, Lorde Alistar oferece seu auxílio em troca de um favor: Arina deve acompanhá-lo ao Castelo de Kildonon fingindo ser sua esposa, assim ninguém poderia obrigá-lo a se casar. Mas essa bela jovem acaba por conquistar seu indomável coração...Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.A Inesquecível Dama Barbara CartlandBarbara Cartland, que infelizmente faleceu em maio de 2000 com a avançada idade de noventa e oito anos, continua sendo uma das maiores e mais famosas romancistas de todo o mundo e de todos os tempos, com vendas mundiais superiores a um bilhão de exemplares. Seus ilustres 723 livros foram traduzidos para trinta e seis línguas diferentes para serem apreciados por todos os leitores amantes de romance de todo o mundo.Ao escrever o seu primeiro livro de título "Jigsaw" com apenas 21 anos, Barbara tornou-se imediatamente numa escritora de sucesso, com um best-seller imediato. Aproveitando este sucesso inicial, ela foi escrevendo de forma contínua ao longo de sua vida, produzindo best-sellers ao longo de surpreendentes 76 anos.Além da legião de fãs de Barbara Cartland no Reino Unido e em toda a Europa, os seus livros têm sido sempre muito populares nos EUA. Em 1976, ela conseguiu um feito inédito de ter os seus livros simultaneamente em números 1 e 2 na lista de best-sellers da B. Dalton, livreiro americano de grande prestígio. Embora ela seja muitas vezes referida como a "Rainha do Romance", Barbara Cartland também escreveu várias biografias históricas, seis autobiografias e inúmeras peças de teatro, bem como livros sobre a vida, o amor, a saúde e a culinária, tornando-se numa das personalidades da mídia mais populares da Grã-Bretanha e vestindo-se sempre com cor-de-rosa, como imagem de marca.Barbara falou na rádio e na televisão sobre questões sociais e políticas, bem como fez muitas aparições públicas. Em 1991, ela tornou-se uma Dama da Ordem do Império Britânico pela sua contribuição à literatura e o seu trabalho nas causas humanitárias e de caridade.Conhecida pelo seu glamour, estilo e vitalidade, Barbara Cartland tornou-se numa lenda viva no seu tempo de vida e será sempre lembrada pelos seus maravilhosos romances e amada por milhões de leitores em todo o mundo. Os seus livros permanecem tesouros intactos sempre pelos seus heróis heroicos e corajosos e suas heroínas valentes e com valores tradicionais, mas acima de tudo, era a crença predominante de Barbara Cartland no poder positivo do amor para ajudar, curar e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos outros que a fez ser verdadeiramente única e especial.
- Audiobook
- 69.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Die junge Annabel hat sich damit abgefunden, als Nonne im Kloster zu leben, als sie urplötzlich von ihrer Mutter nach Hause zurückgeholt wird. Sie soll den Schotten Ross McKay heiraten, der eigentlich ihrer Schwester versprochen war, die jedoch mit einem Stallburschen durchgebrannt ist. Obwohl Annabel nicht die Frau ist, die er sich ausgemalt hat, ist der starke attraktive Ross McKay von seiner schüchternen liebevollen Braut angetan. Annabels Leben nimmt durch die Heirat eine entschiedene Wendung. Weder weiß sie, wie man den Haushalt eines Schlosses führt noch ist sie vertraut mit ihren ehelichen Pflichten. Ihr gutaussehender Mann ist ihr allerdings Motivation genug, diesen nachzukommen. Als Annabels Leben bedroht ist, schwört Ross, alle Hebel in Bewegung zu setzen, um sie und ihre gerade erst aufkeimende Leidenschaft zu retten...Die kanadische Autorin Lynsay Sands hat Psychologie studiert und liest gern Horror und Liebesromane. Ihre Vampirserie um die Familie Argeneau brachte ihr den internationalen Durchbruch. Darüber hinaus hat sie auch mit historischen Liebesromanen eine große Leserschaft gewonnen.
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- 96.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Toni was happy about her a trip she would take to Scotland with Charles Henderson. Yet when Euan MacLeod, and especially the charming Scottish doctor, she soon forgot all about him. That of course attracted the attention of Charles. To make matters more complicated, her mother, the beautiful Cella Drew entered the scene and drew the attention of all men around her. What was she to do now? The story dating back to the 20th century was written by Rose Burghley, a pseudonym of the prolific romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Rose Burghley is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career.Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death.On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
120.99 kr. Can Lark take the path of the woman who went before her and learn to follow her heart?Lark is a much-loved forces sweetheart spreading comfort as she sings in the music halls while Scotland’s sons fight in the Great War. But despite her fortune, Lark yearns for a life away from the crowds. She sets out to make a fresh start in the Border country seeking the contentment that has eluded her.Decades earlier, Lark’s great-grandmother, Jane, found herself in the same hills, in unhappy circumstances. Yet the beauty of the land brought peace to her when all hope seemed lost.A poignant and atmospheric multigenerational saga for fans of Val Wood and Tessa Barclay.Elisabeth McNeill is a long-established freelance journalist and broadcaster who has written five non-fiction books and 26 novels. She now lives with a miniature dachshund, who thinks he is a Great Dane, in the oldest inhabited village on the Scottish borders, where she spent most of her school days.
- Audiobook
- 120.99 kr.
51.99 kr. Eine packende Erzählung, die den Zuhörer von Anfang bis Ende mitfiebern lässt.Nachdem er mit 16 Jahren nach London floh, um dem hinterwäldlerischen Schottland zu entkommen, kehrt Herzog von Strathnarn wieder zurück in seine Heimat. Dort angekommen, erfährt er, dass sich sein Neffe in der Geiselhaft des Clans der Kilcraig befindet. Ehe er sich's versieht, wird der Herzog vor die Wahl gestellt: Entweder er heiratet die Tochter des Clanoberhaupts und bleibt in Schottland oder sein Neffe ist für immer verloren...Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland, geboren 1901 und gestorben 2000, war eine britische Autorin, die sich selbst als Expertin für Romantik bezeichnete. Nach ihrer Schulausbildung startete sie ihre Karriere als Klatschreporterin und Journalistin. 1923 veröffentlichte sie ihren ersten Roman, „Jigsaw", darauf folgten hunderte weitere. Das Gesamtwerk beinhaltet Schätzungen zufolge mehr als 700 Titel, die sich weltweit milliardenfach verkauften. Ihre Liebesromane haben noch heute einen hohen Stellenwert in der englischen Literatur.
- Audiobook
- 51.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Clementine’s swapped a London flat for a Scottish castle – but will she get her fairytale ending?After discovering they had inherited an enormous fortune, as well as the titles of ‘Lady’, the lives of the five Hiverton sisters have never been the same.While oldest sister Ariana settles in Norfolk, fashion designer Clementine heads to the Scottish Highlands to investigate their newly inherited castle. Not bad for a girl brought up in poverty in a tiny house in East London...However, Lady Clem quickly finds out that Ruacoddy Castle is falling to pieces, the neighbours – especially grumpy young farmer, Rory – are suspicious of her and the eccentric housekeeper, Ottoline, is still in residence.But just as Clem starts to embrace her new life in the Highlands, growing closer to Rory and forming a friendship with Ottoline, she stumbles upon a secret in the attic that could destroy the Hiverton family. Can she save the castle as well as her family’s reputation?What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object?Take a trip to the gorgeous Scottish countryside with this utterly feelgood and hilarious read – fans of Jenny Colgan, Holly Martin and Cressida McLaughlin will love this!Liz Hurley became a professional librarian for the money and the glamour. Not finding quite enough of either, she set up a bookshop with her husband in Cornwall. She didn’t find much there either so she started writing. Now she has loads of money and glamour but only in the pages of her books!
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- 102.99 kr.
67.99 kr. When Karen was travelling on the night train to Edinburgh only half-recovered from pneumonia, she was lucky to have Iain Mackenzie swoop in. Taking her to his home in the Highlands, Craigie House, he cared for her and eventually asked her to marry him. Karen couldn’t quite believe that Iain truly wanted her, and the appearance of his stunning former love, Fiona Barrington, did not exactly help put her mind at ease... The memorable 20th-century love tale set in romantic Scotland was written by Susan Barrie, a pseudonym of the English romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Susan Barrie is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career.Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death.On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
92.99 kr. "The Antiquary" is a book steeped in family secrets.One of Walter Scott’s "Waverley" novels, its plot revolves around a memorable odd couple: Lovel, a young man with a mysterious past, and Oldbuck, an eccentric collector of artifacts. The pair are headed to the Scottish town of Fairport, where Lovel hopes to woo the beautiful Isabella. Along the way they’ll fight duels and write epic poems, and by the end, Lovel’s true identity will be revealed.Ripe with melodrama and suspense, "The Antiquary" brings to mind the gothic drama of Bronte’s "Wuthering Heights". But it really shines in its vivid depiction of 18th century Scottish life.Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) was a Scottish novelist, historian and poet. He became a key figure within Romanticism—an artistic movement that revered nature, emotion and spontaneity.A prolific author across genre and form, Scott pioneered historical fiction with novels like "Waverley", "Rob Roy" and "Ivanhoe". These books married exciting adventures with real events from Britain’s turbulent past. Among his best known poems are the epic "The Lady of the Lake".Scott’s works remain a touchstone of Scottish and European literature. They’ve also inspired numerous movies, including 1995’s "Rob Roy" starring Liam Neeson.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
92.99 kr. In Restoration England, two young lovers must battle against a wild conspiracy. Julian and Alice's love has survived a lot. For one thing, their families supported different sides in the English Civil War. But now the monarchy has been restored, bringing with it a terrifying new danger-the Popish Plot, which alleges the country's Catholics are planning a coup. And Julian is one of the accused. Walter Scott's "e;Peveril of the Peak"e; shows an England riven with intrigues, religious hatred, and senseless violence. And at its center, a heart-wrenching 'wrong side of the tracks' romance that echoes "e;Romeo and Juliet"e;. A compelling drama for historical fiction fans. -
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- 92.99 kr.
76.99 kr. Kniha od Waltera Scotta obsahuje dva romány. Je jím rozsáhlejší Talisman a o něco kratší příběh Nebezpečný hrad. V obou případech se jedná o historické romány na pozadí válečných událostí, které jsou ochuceny romantickým kořením – tedy láskou mezi udatnými rytíři a šlechetnými dámami.Talisman: Vyprahlá a smutná poušť rozprostírá se v krajích, kde se Jordán vlévá do Mrtvého moře. Tam, kde kdysi rostla květena, není nic než rozpukaná a neplodná země. V této krajině dojde k setkání dvou velice odlišných lidí, které jakoby zázrakem neskončí krveprolitím, ale přátelstvím. Kenneth obléká šat s našitým křížem a v pravici pevně svírá meč - je to skotský bojovník, jenž se přidal ke křižácké výpravě do Palestiny. Jeho druhem je saracén Emir s turbanem na hlavě a oštěpem připraveným k hodu, který ve své víře následuje Proroka. Jejich cesty se ale brzy zase rozdělují. Kenneth má důležitý úkol od samého krále Anglie - Richarda I. Lví srdce. Na své cestě se nečekaně setkává křižácký rytíř s dámou, které zasvětil své srdce a meč, a řadou dobrodružství, při kterých je znovu potřeba dobrých přátel.Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) byl skotský spisovatel – básník a romanopisec – a patřil svého času k nejčtenějším autorům a představitelům romantismu. Vyrostl v právnické rodině a sám vystudoval práva v Edinburku. Jeho jméno a dílo - především historické romány – se zapsalo na seznam klasické literatury.
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- 76.99 kr.
92.99 kr. Witchcraft and revolution collide in Walter Scott's thrilling "e;Woodstock"e;.King Charles I has been beheaded, and the English Civil War is finally over. His son, Charles Stuart, must flee for his life. He disguises himself as a lowly servant and hides out at a hunting lodge. But not only is this lodge now in the hands of Oliver Cromwell's forces, it's also plagued by supernatural happenings. Alongside these strange events, Charles finds himself involved in a love triangle. In "e;Woodstock"e;, Scott blends real events and legends of the time. It makes for a richly imagined alternative history-and one that will keep you gripped until the final page. -
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- 92.99 kr.
76.99 kr. Podobně jako dopisy, tak i deník zachycuje věrným způsobem svědectví o lidské mysli. Jeho prostřednictvím je možné dále vyprávět započatý příběh, přestože se v porovnání s dopisy nedostává pisateli na vznešené otázky odpovědí. Deník je navíc výtečným společníkem, pokud se člověk zrovna nachází ve vězení. A přesně tam se ocitl Darsie Latimer, aniž v podstatě tuší proč se dostal do rukou žalářníků. A zatímco Darsie Latimer vydává pomocí svého deníků svědectví o svém nepochopeném zajetí a matoucích otázkách svých věznitelů, vydává se mu jeho přítel Alan Fairford na pomoc. Vyprávění obou přátel je plné dobrodružství a napínavých zvratů. Tak i Darsie konečně odkrývá tajemství, kterým byl doposud opředený jeho původ. To, že je členem pradávné rodiny Železných pěstí, na kterou je uvalena kletba, se dozvídá ze rtů své sestry, o které doposud nevěděl, že existuje.Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) byl skotský spisovatel – básník a romanopisec – a patřil svého času k nejčtenějším autorům a představitelům romantismu. Vyrostl v právnické rodině a sám vystudoval práva v Edinburghu. Jeho jméno a dílo - především historické romány – se zapsalo na seznam klasické literatury.
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- 76.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A mine that should have been mined out years ago. A series of inexplicable events. A city that suddenly appears almost at the centre of the earth. Mining engineer James Starr discovers that his former colleague Ford lives with his family in the depths of the mine. When Ford discovers a large vein of coal that remains underground, an endless stream of questions arise for both Ford and James, but one remains the biggest, and most pressing - should the secrets of the mines be uncovered, or are they best left buried?Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist. Renowned for his contributions to the adventure fiction genre, he mainly took his inspiration from the scientific advancements of the nineteenth century. His work is widely popular with both children and adults, particularly his series 'Extraordinary Travels’ which included ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), the 2008 film adaption of which was wildly successful.
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- 42.99 kr.
120.99 kr. Two weddings and a baby...but who will get their happy ever after?Emily Prescott’s life isn’t going to plan. Her dreams of starting a family with fireman boyfriend Greg and opening up her own bakery in London feel like they will never come true. So when a wedding invite arrives from her oldest friend, Beth Williams, Emily is thrilled. Not only will she get to return to her childhood home in Scotland, but best of all – Beth wants her to bake the wedding cake!However, her excitement is cut short when she discovers that Greg has cheated on her. Devastated by his betrayal, Emily flees to Glendale Hall, Beth’s grand estate in the Highlands, and tries to distract herself with helping with the wedding plans, but that’s not easy when Greg keeps hounding her to forgive him. Then she’s introduced to Glendale’s new young and handsome vicar Brodie, and things become even more complicated.When Emily discovers that Greg’s betrayal runs deeper than she imagined, she finds herself with a whole host of decisions to make, especially when she discovers her long-awaited dream is finally being fulfilled – at precisely at the wrong time...Escape to Scotland and fall in love with this gorgeous and inspiring romance from the bestselling author of Coming Home to Glendale Hall! The perfect feel-good read for fans of Holly Martin, Heidi Swain, and Jill Mansell.Victoria Walters writes up-lifting and inspiring stories. She's the author of the bestselling Glendale Hall series and two standalone novels - Summer at the Kindness Cafe, and The Second Love of My Life.She has been chosen for WHSmith Fresh Talent and shortlisted for a Romantic Novelists Association award. Victoria was also picked as an Amazon Rising Star, and her books have won vast reader acclaim.As well as being an author, Victoria works as a Waterstones bookseller. She lives in Surrey with her cat Harry (named after Harry Potter) and loves books, clothes, music, going out for tea and cake, and posting photos on Instagram.
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- 120.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Escape to the Highland Coral Beach – where broken hearts can be healed.Beatrice Halliday needs a break from life. Booking a trip to the Highlands on a whim, Beatrice hopes learning Gaelic in a beautiful Scottish village might help heal her grief after losing her baby, her husband and her much-loved job in the space of months.But Port Willow Bay isn’t exactly as the website promised. Instead of learning a new language, she’s booked in to learn the ancient skill of willow weaving, her hotel room is Princess and the Pea themed (with a stack of mattresses for her bed!) and worse still, her tutor is Atholl Fergusson, the grumpy landlord of the hotel where Beatrice is staying.But as Beatrice finds herself falling in love with Port Willow Bay and its people, and as she discovers the kind heart beneath Atholl’s stony exterior, can she really leave?Escape to the beautiful Scottish Highlands with this utterly romantic, feelgood book; one visit to Port Willow Bay and you’ll want to come back!For fans of Sarah Morgan, Carole Matthews and Holly Martin, this is the first book in the Port Willow Bay series.Kiley Dunbar is a writer of romantic fiction and teaches creative writing and English literature at a university in the North of England. She’s a proud member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and a graduate of their New Writers’ Scheme.She met her very own leading man, working as a Shakespeare tour guide in Stratford-Upon-Avon – much like her heroine in One Summer’s Night. They got engaged four days after they met, telling you that one, she’s not exactly risk-averse and two, she’s a true romantic.She loves writing light-hearted romantic books with dreamy locations, female friendships, the occasional literary reference and love stories with Christmassy sparkle or summer sunshine, and always, a Happy Ever After.
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- 102.99 kr.
163.99 kr. When a chance for freedom arrives will she dare to take it?Odilie Rutherford is known in the small Scottish town of Lauriston for two things – her beauty, and her father, Canny. As a self-made man, Canny has the wealth he dreamed of but not the status and hatches a plan to marry his daughter to local bachelor of note, the Duke of Maudesley. Yet Odilie cannot bear the thought of a life with the ill-mannered Duke, and when the annual summer fair arrives in town for three days she seizes a chance to enjoy the freedom she craves. But as the carnival atmosphere fills the town, Odilie will find her life changes in ways she could never have imagined.A captivating Scottish saga perfect for fans of Tessa Barclay and Val Wood.Elisabeth McNeill is a long-established freelance journalist and broadcaster who has written five non-fiction books and 26 novels. She now lives with a miniature dachshund, who thinks he is a Great Dane, in the oldest inhabited village on the Scottish borders, where she spent most of her school days.
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- 163.99 kr.
67.99 kr. After years of muddy, bloody battles, the English Civil War is finally over. But the Musketeers have a plan which could still change everything. As the action begins, King Charles I is in prison, awaiting execution. But his fate isn't sealed just yet! Athos, Aramis, Porthos, and D'Artagnan have put aside their differences to attempt a daring rescue. But will the reunited Musketeers be a match for Mourdant, who is determined to see the king lose his head?"e;Twenty Years After"e; draws ever closer to the thrilling finale in part IV. Dumas ratchets up the tension (and the body count) in this masterclass in historical adventure. -
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- 67.99 kr.
From 69.99 kr. Um velho marinheiro se instala na estalagem dos pais de Jim Hawkins. Ele parece estar escondendo alguma coisa... Quando os piratas atacam a pousada, Jim foge e leva consigo o que o capitão estava escondendo: um mapa do tesouro! É assim que a aventura do jovem Jim começa em uma jornada cheia de surpresas.A história de Jim inspirou o filme brasileiro "O Trapalhão na Ilha do Tesouro" (1974), estrelando Renato Aragão e Dedé Santana.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) é um escritor escocês e um viajante frequente. É dessas viagens que ele se inspira para escrever suas obras cheias de aventura e histórias fantásticas. Com uma narrativa bastante visual, ele consegue expressar uma crítica aos hábitos da sociedade de seu tempo. Seus romances mais famosos são fonte de inspiração para diferentes mídias, como o filme de animação da Disney "Planeta do Tesouro" (2002) e o emblemático "O Médico e o Monstro", produzido em 1931.
96.99 kr. Questo romanzo storico eambientato nei primi anni del Settecento, durante il regno della regina Anna di Scozia. Tratto da una storia vera, il dramma narra della tragica storia d'amore tra Edgar e Lucy Ashton, figlia di Sir William. La crudele manipolatrice lady Ashton e intenzionata ad annullare il matrimonio per costringere sua figlia a sposare il signore di Bucklaw. Lucy non ha scelta e deve accettare a malincuore la decisione della genitrice. Tuttavia, il carattere della giovane si rivela tutt'altro che docile e la reazione che ha nei confronti del marito appare davvero come un fulmine a ciel sereno per tutta la sua famiglia... -
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- 96.99 kr.