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  • by Barbara Comyns
    102.99 kr.

    ´I defy anyone to read the opening pages and not to be drawn in, as I was... Quite simply, Comyns writes like no one else.´ - Maggie O'Farrell, author of "Hamnet".Pretty, unworldly Sophia is twenty-one years old and hastily married to a young painter called Charles. An artist's model with an eccentric collection of pets, she is ill-equipped to cope with the bohemian London of the 1930s, where poverty, babies (however much loved) and her husband conspire to torment her.Hoping to add some spice to her life, Sophia takes up with Peregrine, a dismal, ageing critic, and comes to regret her marriage - and her affair. But in this case, virtue is more than its own reward, for repentance brings an abrupt end to the cycle of unsold pictures, unpaid bills and unwashed dishes...Born and raised in England, Barbara Comyns (1909-1992) was a writer and artist who juggled various creative and entrepreneurial endeavors throughout her colorful life, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.

  • by Hannah Hendy
    102.99 kr.

    The local mayor has a dinner date with death...With school out for the summer, dinner ladies Margery and Clementine Butcher-Baker are off on holiday to the picturesque village of St-Martins-on-the-Water. But on their first night, their meal at the hotel ends in disaster, when the local mayor is found dead on the restaurant floor, supposedly poisoned by his dinner.The village has a history of poisoning, and the locals are convinced the Poisoner is back. Immediately suspicion turns on Margery and – in particular – Clementine. But why? As more villagers grow sick, the question is: has the Poisoner returned or is this sinister turn the work of a menacing new copycat?Margery and Clementine are on the case... to clear their name, to catch the killer, and all in time to celebrate Mrs Smith at her hen party.A charming, cosy British mystery that will make you laugh out loud, "A Terrible Village Poisoning" is perfect for fans of Julia Chapman, Fiona Leitch and Richard Osman.Hannah Hendy lives in a small town in South Wales with her long-suffering wife and two spoilt cats. A professional chef by trade, she started writing to fill the time between shifts.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome
    77.99 kr.

    ‘This is the story, among others, of Henry the waiter—or, as he now prefers to call himself, Henri—told to me in the long dining-room of the Riffel Alp Hotel, where I once stayed for a melancholy week "between seasons".’ The collection of short stories in The Observations of Henry are a witty and wondrous insight into the life and times of 19th century England, as told by an enigmatic waiter, Henry (Henri). An observer of life, and offering counsel to his various customers’ romantic entanglements, dramas and career carry-ons, the charming tales from a unique hotelier’s perspective is an uplifting, funny and occasionally shocking set of tit-bits from some of the more memorable characters which Henry has met in his work. Aided by comic assailants, Kipper and Carrot, Jerome K. Jerome sets the perfect scene for scandal, humour and charismatic capers. Originally published in 1901, the warm and witty mini sagas will appeal to any reader who is a fan of Roald Dahl, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. Sometimes dark, often light and occasionally highly unexpected, The Observations of Henry is charming, insightful and extremely funny - people watching at its very best.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After various jobs as an actor, clerk and a school teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – a warm and witty autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War I, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome
    59.99 kr.

    ‘Three Men in a Boat’ (1889) is the bestselling comic masterpiece by English writer, humourist, and playwright Jerome K. Jerome.It follows the author and his two companions as they try to escape busy Victorian London on a two-week boating holiday along the River Thames, from Kingston to Oxford and back.Initially intended as a serious travel guide, the comical mishaps and misfortunes that happen along the way, turned the book into a satirical gem that perfectly captured the escapism of Victorian England.From pineapple chunks to tow-ropes, tents, and the pointlessness of weather forecasts, Jerome K Jerome’s witticisms and social commentary remain as funny and relevant today.The novel has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions, including a recreation of the trip by the BBC, starring comedians Griff Rhys Jones, Dara Ó Briain, and Rory McGrath.Jerome K. Jerome (1859 –1927) was an English novelist, humourist and playwright, best known for his hugely successful comic masterpiece ‘Three Men in a Boat’ (1889), which was inspired by his honeymoon on the river Thames.It has since been adapted on numerous occasions, including the BBC TV series starring Tim Curry and Michael Palin.Jerome wrote eight novels, fifteen collections of short stories and sketches, two autobiographical works, and more than thirty plays.His works include the essay collections ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’ (1886) and ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’. The novel ‘Three Men on the Bummel’, a sequel to ´Three Men in a Boat´, and the play ‘The Passing of the Third Floor Back’ (1908).

  • by Jerome K. Jerome
    42.99 kr.

    Set in a drawing-room in London’s Russell Square in 1911, ‘The Master of Mrs. Chilvers: An Improbable Comedy’ is a fictional stage play full of wit and warmth, which addresses the issue of women’s rights in Edwardian England. As the play progresses, and Mrs. Chilvers joins the timely cause of women's suffrage, her seemingly sudden commitment to suffragette radicalism shocks her husband and has a large effect on the rest of her upper class family. The four act play by author and playwright Jerome K Jerome, whose other works include 'Three Men in a Boat' and ‘The Observations of Henry’, begins with a detailed introduction to the play with insightfully personal character descriptions. With whiffs of classic Oscar Wilde and a clear preamble for the 2015 film ‘Suffragette’, starring Carey Mulligan and Meryl Streep, Jerome takes on the genre of family drama and class meets equality, feminism and women’s liberation in a touching, humorous and forward-thinking way. It was first performed at The Royalty Theatre, London, on April 26th, 1911, starring actors Mary Rorke as Lady Mogton and Lena Ashwell as Annys Chilvers.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After jobs as an actor, clerk and a teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – an autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, 'The Observations of Henry' and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War 1, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    42.99 kr.

    'The Life of a Ship' is a classic adventure tale about a young boy named Davy who has always dreamt about going to sea and living the life of an fearless fisherman. A perfect escape from the drudgery of everyday life. After years of watching ships being built at the docks and going on short excursions with his father and grandfather, he finally gets the chance to go on a great fishing expedition.But is Davy up for the challenge?A perfect fit for fans of exciting 19th century adventure stories complete with a potent take on morality.Recommended for fans of Daniel Defoe's adventure novel 'Robinson Crusoe' and Walt Disney's 1960 movie 'Swiss Family Robinson' starring John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur and Janet Munro. Nobel-Prize winning author William Golding also drew inspiration from Ballantyne's seafaring and adventure prose for his cult novel 'The Lord of The Flies'.R. M. Ballantyne was a Scottish writer specialising in the juvenile fiction genre. He was born as Robert Michael Ballantyne into a family of well-known printers and publishers in Edinburgh. At age 16 he travelled to Canada where he served with the Hudson's Bay Company for six years. He returned to Scotland in 1847 and published his first book the next year, 'Hudson's Bay: or Life in the Wilds of North America'. For several years he was employed by the publishing house Messrs Constable. But in 1856 he decided to leave the literature business. Instead he began writing a series of adventure stories for young readers.

  • by Thomas Hardy
    77.99 kr.

    ‘A Group of Noble Dames’ is a collection of ten short stories, framed by a central narrative.Thomas Hardy ties the tales together by presenting them as a conversation between the members of a club, in which each one tells the story of a noblewoman from the 17th or 18th Century.Through their accounts, Hardy examines a range of themes, including marriage, deceit, and social conventions. A consummate storyteller, the dialogue and characterisations are superb, allowing the reader to be drawn into each tale.‘Barbara of the House of Grebe’, one of the short stories from the collection, was later adapted for TV, starring Ben Kingsley.Born in Dorset, Thomas Hardy (1840 – 1928) was one of the most renowned poets and novelists of the 20th Century. The ill-health that plagued him as a child followed him into early adulthood, scuppering his chances of working as an architectural draftsman.His further ambitions into the priesthood were halted by lack of funds and his wavering faith, leading him to develop his writing abilitiesOver the course of his career, Hardy wrote 20 novels, numerous poems, and countless short stories. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film or television, such as ‘Far from the Madding Crowd (starring Nigel Terry), ‘Jude’ (starring Kate Winslet), and ‘The Mayor of Casterbridge´ (starring Ciaran Hinds).Hardy died from pleurisy, aged 88.

  • by Bengt Ericson
    62.99 kr.

    I en värld där den mest värdefulla valutan är makt gäller det att vinna det politiska spelet.Staffan Rask, den före detta VD:n för Svenska Bankens Londonkontor, är ute efter revansch efter att ha förlorat sitt jobb. På ett slott uppe i de skotska högländerna bestämmer han träff med socialdemokrater och förmögna svenskar i London då de alla har ett gemensamt mål – att förvärva makt och miljoner. Tillsammans försöker de nyfunna kompanjonerna ta över makten i Sverige genom att orsaka en börskrasch för att sänka det styrande partiet. Men tillslut börjar de alla inse att ens så kallade kompanjoner inte alltid håller en om ryggen när girighet tar över.Författaren och journalisten Bengt Ericson har under sin långa karriär mött och intervjuat större delen av Sveriges maktelit. Han har bland annat arbetat som ansvarig utgivare för Dagens Industri och som chefredaktör för Veckans Affärer. År 1991 tilldelades han det Stora Journalistpriset för hans skarpa och grundliga artiklar.

  • by Alexandra Zöbeli
    From 62.99 kr.

    Inget jobb, ingen pojkvän, ingen lägenhet. Jo Müller är snart fyrtio och har förlorat allt. Hennes enda utväg är att flytta hem till sina föräldrar, och för Jo känns det likvärdigt med att ge upp. Då får hon syn på en annons om en praktikplats på en trädgårdsanläggning i Skottland vilket genast väcker hoppet inom henne. Så Jo bestämmer sig för att packa väskorna och köper en enkelbiljett till de Skotska högländerna. Men istället för en grönskande idyll möts hon av hårt arbete från morgon till kväll och en lika stilig som hetlevrad chefsträdgårdsmästare vid namnet Duncan. Han tror att Jo, i enlighet med annonsen, är utbildad trädgårdsmästare och han ställer lika höga krav på henne som på sina andra anställda. Jo som egentligen är utbildad kock försöker med alla medel att dölja sina brister, vilket förstås slutar i katastrof. Men ju mer tid de spenderar tillsammans desto mer börjar Duncan inse att Jo inte bara har ställt till det i hans trädgård utan även i hans hjärta.Författaren Alexandra Zöbeli föddes i Schweiz 1970 och bor numera i bergsområdet Zürcher Oberland. Under en språkkurs i London blev hon förälskad i Storbritannien vilket speglas i hennes härliga feelgoodromaner.

  • by Netta Muskett
    From 54.99 kr.

    Alison Bane växte upp i slummen, hennes mor var prostituerad och hon fick aldrig lära känna sin far. Hon är känslomässigt hämmad, saknar moralisk bakgrund och har inget arv att luta sig tillbaka mot, men trots det hyser hon en passionerad önskan om frihet.Tre män av olika karakrär ska komma att spela stor roll i hennes liv. Colin Yarde, hjälten från henned barndom. William Carris, den kallsinnige sketiske pastorn och Nigel Solway som hon lever ett kringströvande liv med.Till var och en av dem ger hon mer än vad hon får, men livet kan alltid överraska.Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till mellankrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passion. Netta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.

  • by Lorraine Wilson
    129.99 kr.

    Sometimes hope is the most dangerous thing of all.When their brother dies, sisters Freya and Tamsin lose the one thing that connected them. But when Tamsin goes missing a year later, Freya is determined to find her.Guided by a trail of diary entries, revelations are unveiled about the grief that drove Tamsin to the edge of a cliff - and into the arms of a mysterious stranger...A man who promised hope but demanded sacrifice.Packed with danger, deep waters, and shadowy myths, ´The Way the Light Bends´ is perfect for fans of Erin Morgenstern's ´The Starless Sea', and 'Sistersong' by Lucy Holland.What people are saying about ´The Way the Light Bends´:"Wilson's novel is rooted in a deep sense of place, beautifully evoking the history and magic of Scotland. A fantasy-tinged story about the hole grief makes, complicated family relationships, and the road to healing." - A.C. Wise, author of ´Wendy, Darling´.Lorraine is an award-winning writer and biologist. Having spent years working in remote corners of the world, she now lives by the sea in Scotland and writes stories full of the wilderness and folklore, exploring themes of family, belonging, and the legacy of trauma. Her debut novel, ´This Is Our Undoing´, won the SCKA for Best Debut.

  • by Джефри Арчър
    48.99 kr.

    Часът на съдбовните решения настъпва, а предсмъртното писмо на Алекс Фишър е на път да унищожи животите на много хора.Политическата кариера на Джайлс Барингтън е под заплаха, но по-важно за него е да спаси Карин, жената, която е обикнал, но не може да има, защото се намира от другата страна на Желязната завеса.Бившата му съпруга, лейди Вирджиния, се оказва пред фалит и единствено нейната хитрост и приспособимост биха могли да я измъкнат от финансовите ѝ проблеми.Себастиан Клифтън е отдал живота на работата си и „Фартингс", но враговете му го дебнат на всяка крачка.Дали любовта в лицето на красивата индийка Прия или споменът за бившата му годеница ще успеят да го измъкнат от бездната? Пред какви обрати ще се изправят Хари Клифтън, Джайлс Барингтън и лейди Вирджиния? Готови ли са да посрещнат неочакваното? А вие?Джефри Хауърд Арчър е британски политик и успешен писател на криминални романи и политически трилъри, роден през 1940 год.Кариерата му на политик започва успешно, става член на парламента през 1969 год., но в последствие става жертва на измама, която води до финансов скандал и фалит. През 1974 год. се отказва от мястото си в парламента и се отдава на писане. Същата година в опит да излезе от финансовата криза, в която се намира, завършва и първата си книга „Нито пени повече, нито пени по-малко". Това поставя начало на успешна писателска кариера като днес книгите му са продадени в над 320 милиона копия по целия свят и са преведени на над повече от 33 езика. Сред едни от най-известните му творби са трилогията „Каин и Авел", серията „Хрониките на Клифтън" и самостоятелните романи „Въпрос на чест", „Пръв между равни" и „Пътеки на славата".

  • by Grant Allen
    38.99 kr.

    It is Christmas time and Maisie Llewelyn is invited as a guest to Wolverden Hall. She does not know anybody there but she quickly befriends two girls. She meets them in the nearby church whose tower was recently rebuilt. It is strange and a bit suspicious that none of the other guests know the two girls but Maisie decides to trust them. After Christmas the three friends decide to climb the new church tower. Maisie is however unaware of the danger that lurks behind her back. What will happen and how will this friendship end up? Who are those girls and what do they want from Maisie? "Wolverden Tower" holds the answers.Grant Allen was a Canadian writer who lived in the period 1848 – 1899. His writing career began around 1876 when he published a series of essays on science. His first books, "Physiological Aesthetics" and "Flowers and Their Pedigrees" took up this subject as well. Grant Allen was also a pioneer in science fiction. He wrote about thirty science fiction novels in the period 1884-1899. In his later works, Allen also took up some revolutionary theories for the time regarding marriage. "The Woman Who Did" which depicts the life of an independent woman who takes care of her child on her own became a bestseller.

  • by Jeffrey Archer
    73.99 kr.

    Kim tak naprawdę jest Karin, żona Gilesa Barringtona - rosyjskim szpiegiem, czy ofiarą potężnego spisku?Harry u kresu życia tworzy swoje największe literackie dzieło i musi przyjąć do wiadomości, że imperium żeglugowe Barringtonów zostanie sprzedane. Tymczasem Emma w uznaniu zasług za pomoc Margaret Thatcher awansuje i zasiada w Izbie Lordów. Z kolei Jessica, córka Sebastiana choć jest pilna i zdolna, zostaje wydalona ze Szkoły Sztuk Pięknych. Jakby kłopotów było mało, jeden z Cliftonów poznaje szokującą diagnozę, która zburzy spokój całej jego familii.Oto ostatnia z 7 części cyklu o rodzinie Cliftonów, można ją uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności sagi. Jeśli gustujesz w powieściach odznaczających się wartką akcją i lubisz czytaćo skomplikowanych losach ciekawie skonstruowanych bohaterów, finałowy tom kronik Cliftonów na pewno ci się spodoba.Kroniki rodziny Cliftonów - siedmiotomowa epicka saga, której bohaterem jest pełen ambicji Harry Clifton, syn dokera i kelnerki. Kolejne tomy cyklu pokazują losy głównego bohatera od narodzin w 1920 aż do śmierci w 1992 r. z perspektywy coraz to innej postaci. Dzięki temu cykl o burzliwym życiu Harry’ego Cliftona wciąga czytelnika bez reszty i intryguje podczas lektury każdej części tej rodzinnej sagi.Jeffrey Howard Archer, baron Archer Weston-super-Mare (ur. 15 kwietnia 1940 w Londynie) - brytyjski polityk, dramaturg, autor bestsellerowych serii sensacyjnych, kryminalnych, jak również tzw. political fiction. Swoją debiutancką powieść z 1976 r. ,,Co do grosza", (którą podobnie jak kolejną pt. ,,Kain i Abel" sfilmowano), napisał aby uniknąć bankructwa. Uważny czytelnik odnajdzie w jego twórczości wiele wątków związanych z polskimi emigrantami.

  • by Debbie Young
    102.99 kr.

    A romantic Valentine’s evening at The Bluebird turns into a murder mystery when a dead body plummets to the bottom of the village well.There are no witnesses, but surely in a community where everyone knows each other’s business, the murderer can’t stay hidden for long?Sophie doesn’t think so, and she’s on the case, determined to restore peace to the idyllic Cotswold village once more.The latest cosy mystery from bestselling author Debbie Young is ideal for fans of Richard Osman, Katie Gayle, and Catherine Coles.Debbie Young is the much-loved author of the "Sophie Sayers" and St Brides cosy crime mysteries. She lives in a Cotswold village, where she runs the local literary festival, and has worked at Westonbirt School, both of which provide inspiration for her writing.

  • by Netta Muskett
    From 54.99 kr.

    Chloe Denman är van vid att få som hon vill. Sedan hon återvänt från flickpensionen för fyra år sedan har hon varit fast besluten att ta New York med storm och sätta sprätt på sin familjs förmögenhet, och spenderar sina kvällar i stadens flådiga salonger. Att gifta sig är inget hon önskar, trots att den förmögne Mr. Morrow har försökt be om hennes hand i flera år. I ett försök att ändra Chloes inställning till giftemål tar Mr. Morrow, med tillstånd från Chloes far, med henne på en kryssning över till England. Men resan dit leder till flera överraskningar som ingen av dem hade kunnat förutspå.Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till mellankrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passion.Netta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.

  • by Lars Thomas
    49.00 kr.

    Der er gået mere end 125 år, siden Jack the Ripper myrdede fem kvinder og skabte frygt og forfærdelse i Londons gader – men historien om ham hører stadig til blandt verdens mest berømte mordgåder. Hvad skete der? Hvorfor slog han kvinderne ihjel? Og hvem var han mon? I "Mysteriet om Jack the Ripper" får du svar på nogle af de mange spørgsmål. Tør du læse med?Lars Thomas (f. 1960) er uddannet cand.scient i zoologi fra Københavns Universitet i 1986. Han har skrevet adskillige videnskabelige bøger for børn og barnlige sjæle, blandt andet om kryptozoologi, fabeldyr, mysterier og mordgåder, og står desuden bag flere quizbøger – for børn og deres familier.

  • by Edward Frederic Benson
    40.99 kr.

    Zwykły pech czy jednak przekleństwo?Zbiór 13 opowieści grozy, który otwiera tytułowy, najsłynniejszy w dorobku autora "Pokój na wieży". Seans spirytystyczny, samobójstwo alkoholika czy tragedia rodzinna w opustoszałym domu - tematy klasyczne dla opowieści grozy w opracowaniu Bensona zyskują wyrafinowany kształt i budują przygniatającą atmosferę. Autor nie raz wychodzi również poza konwencję i eksperymentuje z formą, jak w utworze „Wyłonienia z mroku", w którym źródłem grozy jest... temperatura i jej zmienność.Styl Bensona był chwalony przez samego Lovecrafta, a wiele z jego utworów inspirowało kolejnych twórców kultury. Warto zwrócić uwagę, że motyw z opowiadania "Seans pana Tilly'ego" przywodzi na myśl współczesny film "Uwierz w ducha" z Patrickiem Swayze i Demi Moore w rolach głównych.Dla miłośników mocnych wrażeń i niesamowitości spod znaku Lovecrafta.Edward Frederic Benson (1867–1940) - angielski powieściopisarz i biograf (autor życiorysu królowej Wiktorii), pisał i publikował również swoje pamiętniki. Najbardziej znany jako autor klasycznych opowiadań grozy ( słynnego „Pokoju na wieży"), które wysoko cenił sam mistrz gatunku - Lovecraft. Syn arcybiskupa Canterbury, debiutował jeszcze na studiach, w 1893 r., powieścią "Dodo", która zyskała spory rozgłos. Był gejem, który ukrywał się ze swoją orientacją, jednak wątki homoerotyczne pojawiają się w kilku jego powieściach. Jako pisarz miał talent do wnikliwych obserwacji socjologicznych, po mistrzowsku posługiwał się satyrą.

  • by Barbara Comyns
    102.99 kr.

    'A small Gothic masterpiece... I have read it many times, and with every re-read I marvel again at its many qualities - its darkness, its strangeness, its humour, its sadness, its startling images and twists of phrase' - Sarah Waters.Growing up in Edwardian south London, Alice Rowlands longs for romance and excitement, for a release from a life that is dreary and lonely. Her father, a vet, is harsh and oppressive; his new girlfriend, brash and lascivious.Alice seeks refuge in fantasy, in her rapturous longing for Nicholas, a handsome young sailor, and in the blossoming of what she perceives as her occult powers.Harrowing and haunting, this Gothic tale is a strange cross between Daphne du Maurier and Stephen King, but will also intrigue readers of Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Diane Setterfield.Born and raised in England, Barbara Comyns (1909-1992) was a writer and artist who juggled various creative and entrepreneurial endeavors throughout her colorful life, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.

  • by Hannah Hendy
    102.99 kr.

    Murder is a dish best served ice cold...In the idyllic, small town of Dewstow, Margery and Clementine are eagerly awaiting retirement from their work on the front-line serving meals to the students at Summerview secondary school.Their peaceful life is shattered when their kitchen manager is found dead in the school’s walk-in freezer. The police are adamant that it’s an open-and-shut case of accidental death. But Margery and Clementine are convinced that something more sinister is afoot and take it upon themselves to investigate.As the dinner ladies inch closer to the truth, time's running out. Will the perpetrator get their just desserts or is everything just going to go down the pan?A charming, cosy British mystery, ´The Dinner Lady Detectives´ is ideal for fans of Richard Osman's ´The Thursday Murder Club´ or ´Murder, She Wrote´.Hannah Hendy lives in a small town in South Wales with her long-suffering wife and two spoilt cats. A professional chef by trade, she started writing to fill the time between shifts.

  • by E. M. Delafield
    77.99 kr.

    A Miss Pauline Marchrose applies for the position of "Lady Superintendent" at the Commercial and Technical College for South West England, where Sir Julian Rossiter is the college director. He is greatly impressed by her and soon this admiration turns to adoration. But his wife, Lady Edna Rossiter, discovers that Marchrose was the very same woman who jilted her cousin Clarence after he was paralysed in an accident. She starts a whispering campaign against her, without even trying to find out more about Marchrose’s motives and the peace of the local community is shattered by the ensuing tension.E. M. Delafield was the pen name of Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, née de la Pasture (1890-1943). She was a British author from Sussex and the daughter of a count and a novelist. Delafield was raised following Late Victorian upper class morals, and when at age 21 she found herself still single, she joined a French covenant in Belgium. But she soon tired of being a nun and left monastery life behind. During WWI, she volunteered as a nurse in Exeter. In 1919, she married civil engineer turned land agent Paul Dashwood, with whom she spent three years in Malaysia. She remains most famous today for her semi-autobiographical "Diary of a Provincial Lady," which had started as a column in the weekly woman’s magazine "Time and Tide."

  • by Jane Austen
    36.99 kr.

    Cette compilation est composée des histoires suivantes :EmmaOrgueil et PréjugésPersuasionRaison et SensibilitéL'Abbaye de NorthangerCatherine MorlandLes romans de Jane Austen ont été adaptés de nombreuses fois au cinéma notamment Emma (2020) d'Autumn de Wilde avec Anya Taylor‑Joy, Callum Turner, Connor Swindells (Sex Education), et Tanya Reynolds (Sex Education) et plus récemment Persuasion (2022) de Carrie Cracknell avec Dakota Johnson.Jane Austen (1775-1817) est une écrivaine anglaise, issue d’une famille modeste. Avec le soutien de son père, elle a joui d'une bonne éducation qu'elle étoffa grâce à la bibliothèque familiale. Malgré une relation amoureuse compliquée et sa maladie, Austen travailla sans relâche jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Elle est l'un des écrivains anglais les plus largement lus en raison de sa critique sociale mordante mélangée à son humour décalé et à son ironie. Les histoires de ses héroïnes qui confrontent leurs rôles dans la société ont été adaptées de multiples fois au cinéma et à la télévision, notamment dans le film « Orgueil et Préjugés » (2005) de Joe Wright avec Keira Knightley et le film « Emma, l’entremetteuse » (2009) de Douglas McGrath avec Gwyneth Paltrow.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    73.99 kr.

    Le sorti del Duca di Montivililer e di George Hankey cambiano quando scoprono per caso una miniera d’argento.Siamo in Texas. Nessuno dei due amici è del luogo—uno è francese, l’altro inglese. Infatti in America non ci rimangono molto. Tornano in Europa, a Londra, dove si sistemano nei sobborghi residenziali. Lì cominciano le disavventure. Amorose, certo, ma anche economiche e sociali. A suggellare il quadruccio, si aggiunge anche una brutta storia, una vendetta rimandata, a quanto pare fermentata durante lunghi anni in prigione. L’incolumità del Duca, con l’uscita di carcere di un tale Big Bill Slewer, sembra infatti compromessa.Un giallo d’annata, leggero e umoristico, scritto dallo sceneggiatore di King Kong—occorre dire altro?Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) è stato uno scrittore e sceneggiatore inglese. Tra i giallisti più famosi e prolifici di sempre, Wallace è ricordato non solo per la sua produzione letteraria, ma anche per quella cinematografica. Il suo nome, infatti, è accostato alla sceneggiatura di King Kong, uno dei film simbolo della Hollywood del primo Novecento.

  • by Alfredo Pitta
    40.99 kr.

    "Vi narrerò tre fiabe questa sera, miei piccoli amici: tre fiabe che si svolgeranno in quel villaggio di Fata Regina che conoscete già, e che vi apriranno le liete porte della fantasia" ...Misteriosi omicidi e strane sparizioni mettono in allerta Scotland Yard. Per risalire ai moventi, ai mandanti e, più in generale, ai dettagli, dei molti bizzarri episodi che sono accaduti, ci vorrebbe un investigatore dall’acume straordinario... E chi, meglio di Enderton, l’arguto detective nato dalla fervida fantasia di Alfredo Pitta? In uno dei suoi romanzi più avvincenti, ambientato in una Londra cupa e gonfia di pericoli, scopriremo cosa si cela dietro a un apparentemente innocuo programma radiofonico, in cui una certa Alice Buckland intrattiene i piccoli ascoltatori con le sue fiabe zuccherose...Alfredo Pitta (1875-1952) nasce a Lucera, dove si interessa precocemente alla letteratura e al giornalismo. Dopo aver pubblicato le prime novelle sul Foglietto – rivista diretta dal fratello Gaetano – si trasferisce a Roma, per collaborare al Messaggero di Roma, e poi a Milano. Nel 1904 entra come impiegato al Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici, posizione a cui affiancherà un febbrile lavoro di traduzione per Sonzogno e Mondadori. Negli stessi anni inizia a pubblicare i primi romanzi, che spaziano dal giallo al cappa-e-spada. Autore fertile e ricco di fantasia, pubblicherà una quarantina di libri, fra cui il celebre "Santajusta" (1936), incentrato sulla storia duecentesca della sua Lucera. Fra i suoi molti lavori, si possono citare anche "Castelmalo" (1931), "Le tredici colonne" (1933) e "L’idolo di Rankanava" (1940).

  • by Barbara Cartland
    59.99 kr.

    Invité à passer le week-end chez un ami, le duc de Stevenwood se promet bien de remporter le steeple-chase du lendemain. Hélas, le sort en décide autrement.Comme il regagne sa suite, une surprise de taille l’attend. Une femme est endormie dans son lit ! Tout de suite, il comprend le piège qu’on lui a tendu. Lui, le plus beau parti de toute l’Angleterre, est la proie rêvée des pères qui souhaitent offrir un titre à leur fille. Et pour parvenir à ses fins, cet arriviste de John Tebbitt n’a pas hésité à compromettre la réputation de sa fille, une sotte dont le bavardage insipide a assommé le duc durant tout le dîner. Devant une telle sournoiserie, une seule solution : fuir ! Sans perdre de temps, le duc enfourche son cheval et galope vers l’Écosse. Et c’est dans une auberge de campagne que, à peine remis de ses émotions, il voit soudain la porte de sa chambre s’ouvrir sur une toute jeune fille dont les grands yeux bleus l’implorent.— Je vous en prie, sauvez-moi ! Il va me tuer...© Barbara Cartland, 2023, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :L’Amour brille dans tes yeux © Éditions J’ai lu, 2001Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Alfredo Pitta
    40.99 kr.

    "Vedete, mio caro Lambest, in ogni uomo dabbene vi sono i germi del male, in ogni malvagio i germi del bene [...] Ah, chi di noi può dire di non essere passato per le Porte del Male, sia pure col pensiero?".In questa nuova indagine del mitico detective Enderton – nato dalla penna del fantasioso Alfredo Pitta – tutto sembra essere sempre il contrario di tutto. Se non ci si può basare sulle apparenze, in effetti, su che cos’altro si dovrebbe fare affidamento? Tutto ha inizio quando il signor Muldave, preoccupato per lui e la moglie, decide di rivolgersi a Enderton e Lambest. La sua famiglia sembra correre un grave pericolo: negli ultimi giorni, infatti, la cassetta della posta di casa Muldave ha ricevuto più di una quarantina di missive anonime, stampate con un ingegnoso trucco da ragazzini, recanti messaggi del tenore di "Morirai" e "La vendetta è vicina". Comprensibile, quindi, la loro preoccupazione...Alfredo Pitta (1875-1952) nasce a Lucera, dove si interessa precocemente alla letteratura e al giornalismo. Dopo aver pubblicato le prime novelle sul Foglietto – rivista diretta dal fratello Gaetano – si trasferisce a Roma, per collaborare al Messaggero di Roma, e poi a Milano. Nel 1904 entra come impiegato al Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici, posizione a cui affiancherà un febbrile lavoro di traduzione per Sonzogno e Mondadori. Negli stessi anni inizia a pubblicare i primi romanzi, che spaziano dal giallo al cappa-e-spada. Autore fertile e ricco di fantasia, pubblicherà una quarantina di libri, fra cui il celebre "Santajusta" (1936), incentrato sulla storia duecentesca della sua Lucera. Fra i suoi molti lavori, si possono citare anche "Castelmalo" (1931), "Le tredici colonne" (1933) e "L’idolo di Rankanava" (1940).

  • by Alexandre Dumas
    36.99 kr.

    Cette compilation comprend les histoires suivantes :Le Chevalier d'HarmentalUne Fille du RégentLes Trois Mousquetaires ILes Trois Mousquetaires IILes Trois Mousquetaires IIILes Trois Mousquetaires IVVingt ans après IVingt ans après IIVingt ans après IIIVingt ans après IVVingt ans après VLe Vicomte de BragelonneLe Comte de Monte-Cristo ILe Comte de Monte-Cristo IILa Reine MargotLa Dame de MonsoreauLes Quarante-cinqAlexandre Dumas père (1802-1870) était un écrivain français. Il est surtout connu pour ses nombreux romans historiques, ainsi que ses contes, qui ont fait de lui un des auteurs français les plus lus dans le monde. Dumas a aussi écrit des pièces de théâtre, des articles pour des journaux et des périodiques, et il était un correspondant de haut profil. Dumas était métis, sa grand-mère paternelle ayant été une esclave afro-américaine. De ce fait, il fut régulièrement victime de racisme. Son fils, Alexandre Dumas fils, fut aussi écrivain et est surtout connu pour son roman La Dame aux camélias. Dumas père, quant à lui, est entre autres l'auteur du Comte de Monte-Cristo et des Trois Mousquetaires.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    From 58.99 kr.

    Penelope e Alisa Wynton vivono in un cottage di campagna insieme al padre, autore di libri che nessuno sembra intenzionato a comprare. Afflitte dalla mancanza di soldi e dalle fantasie di un radioso ingresso nell’alta società londinese, le due bellissime sorelle hanno un piano: ricorrendo alle antiche ricette della madre, confezioneranno delle creme per il viso, che poi Alisa venderà nella capitale, sperando di racimolare abbastanza denaro da permettersi un paio di abiti con cui partecipare a qualche evento mondano. Ma basterà entrare in contatto con la vacua aristocrazia inglese, con duchi e conti dai modi di fare brutali e spiccioli, per tornare a rimpiangere la pace della campagna. Alisa, infatti, capisce ben presto che il vero amore non si trova a Londra, bensì dietro casa…Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland (1901-2000) è stata una delle maggiori autrici di romanzi rosa del XX secolo. Con all’attivo ben 730 libri, e con più di un miliardo di copie vendute in tutto il mondo, Cartland ha anche ottenuto dalla regina Elisabetta II il titolo onorifico di Dame. Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli, si possono citare “Verso l’aurora”, “Un bacio con il re” e “Paura di amare”, particolarmente apprezzati anche in Italia.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    From 58.99 kr.

    Quando il Marchese di Alton giunge in soccorso della giovane Sylvina, bella in maniera eterea e altrettanto pura di cuore, non può che notare immediatamente quanto questa sia diversa dalle signore superficiali e senza ritegno che popolano l'alta società londinese. Eppure, con sua sorpresa, dopo quel pomeriggio idilliaco trascorso insieme nel bosco, Sylvina rifiuta con fermezza ogni suo invito a rivedersi di nuovo. Quello che lui non sa, però, è che Sylvina è già destinata a un infelice matrimonio combinato con lo sgradevole signor Cuddington, sottosegretario di Stato per gli affari esteri. Per lei, quello per il Marchese è purtroppo un amore proibito e irrealizzabile, che può esistere soltanto tra gli alberi di quel bosco incantato in cui si sono incontrati.Barbara Cartland (1901 – 2000) è stata una scrittrice britannica molto prolifica, specializzata in particolare in romanzi rosa e novelle romantiche. In oltre settant'anni di attività scrisse oltre 730 romanzi e fu, con oltre un miliardo di copie vendute, una delle autrici di maggior successo di tutti i tempi. Tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta divenne una personalità mediatica soprattutto grazie a numerose apparizioni televisive e partecipazioni a eventi mondani, nonché in quanto imparentata con la giovane Lady Diana, principessa del Galles. Tra i titoli più conosciuti a livello internazionale spiccano "Amore innocente", "La ballerina e il principe" e "Passione sotto la cenere".

  • by Barbara Cartlandová
    61.99 kr.

    Nevinná hra se zvrhne v boj plný intrik. V sázce je přitom pravá láska.Ola žije poklidným životem ve Skotsku spolu se svým otcem, klanovým náčelníkem. Velmi se těší na cestu do Londýna, kam mají vyrazit na oslavy výročí královny Viktorie. Olin otec však nečekaně umírá a vypadá to, že je všechno ztraceno.Ola přesto sebere odvahu a do Londýna se vypraví v doprovodu svojí komorné Grety. Rozhodne se přitom pro bláznivý plán – bude se vydávat za tajemnou balkánskou princeznu. Doufá, že si tak užije spoustu zábavy.Díky tomuto podvodu se dostane až do Buckinghamského paláce, kde se seznámí s pohledným vévodou z Camborne. Zamiluje se do něj, ale zároveň se stále více zaplétá do vlastních lží. Dokáže se vyvléknout z nepříjemné situace, kterou sama sobě způsobila? Poradí si s nečekanými intrikami a vybojuje si svoji lásku i proti nepřízni osudu?Barbara Cartlandová (1901–2000) byla anglická spisovatelka převážně historických milostných románů. Pocházela ze slavné britské aristokratické rodiny. Je autorkou více než 700 knih a některé zdroje odhadují počet prodaných výtisků na více než jednu miliardu, je proto řazena mezi nejplodnější a komerčně nejúspěšnější spisovatele 20. století. Její romantické příběhy plné lásky a napětí z prostředí starobylých sídel anglické šlechty si získaly srdce mnoha čtenářů po celém světě.