United Kingdom, Great Britain
From 73.99 kr. Draamaa, rakkautta ja vaikeita perhesuhteita brittiläisessä Intiassa.Max Vining on köyhän perheen poika, jolta ei kuitenkaan puutu yritteliäisyyttä. Vastoin odotuksia Max tekee huiman luokkanousun ja nai koulutetun perheen tyttären Julian. Kun nuoripari muuttaa Intiaan, suhde joutuu kuitenkin koetukselle. Onko Juliasta äidiksi? Miksi onnellisen oloinen liitto muuttuu yhtäkkiä? Parin tytär, Maxine, on erityisen herkkä lapsi – millainen mahtaa olla Maxinen elämä, kun tyttö varttuu isommaksi? Löytääkö hän rinnalleen oikean rakkauden, lapsuuden vaikeuksista huolimatta?Varjot väistyvät on kiehtova perheromaani, jossa on mukana myös romantiikkaa.Englantilainen Netta Muskett (1888–1963) kirjoitti viihteellisiä rakkausromaaneja, jotka keräsivät suuren yleisön. Muskettin teoksia on käännetty useille eri kielille.
58.99 kr. Salapoliisitarinoiden mestarin esikoisteos!James Fothergill West on amatöörietsivä, joka on vasta muuttanut Skotlannin Wigtownshireen. Hän on hädin tuskin ehtinyt asettua kodiksi, kun jo törmää omituiseen arvoitukseen. Minkä takia Cloomberin hallissa asuva kenraali Heatherstone on jatkuvasti niin peloissaan? Westin etsivänvaistoa herättelee myös se, ettei kenraali tunnu lainkaan päästävän lapsiaan ulos talosta.Arthur Conan Doylen kiehtova mysteeri tuo esiin myös aloittelevan dekkarikirjailijan kiinnostuksen paranormaaleihin ilmiöihin.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930) oli skotlantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten etsivä Sherlock Holmesin tutkimuksista kertovista romaaneistaan.
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Kenelle rakkaus kuuluu?Alison on 27-vuotias farmaseutti, jonka kaikki vapaa-aika kuluu sairaasta äidistä huolehtimiseen. Sen jälkeen kuin Alisonin isä kuoli, Alison on ollut vastuussa perheen tuloista. Joskus Alisonista tuntuu, että häneltä on jäänyt nuoruus tyystin elämättä – poikaystävät, tanssimiset ja vapaudesta nauttiminen. Millaiseksi hänen elämänsä olisikaan voinut muodostua, jos hän olisi saanut erilaiset pelikortit! Alison ei kuitenkaan arvaa, että myös hänen elämänsä suunta voi yllättäen muuttua – ja että myös hän voi rakastua tulisesti.Toinen nainen on rakkaudentäyteinen viihderomaani Netta Muskettilta. Englantilainen Netta Muskett (1888–1963) kirjoitti viihteellisiä rakkausromaaneja, jotka keräsivät suuren yleisön. Muskettin teoksia on käännetty useille eri kielille.
148.99 kr. Behendig, pienter en ondernemend, dat is de jonge Freddy Musgrove in een notendop. In de roerige tijden van de negentiende eeuw, blijven zijn talenten dan ook niet onopgemerkt. Binnen een mum van tijd wordt hij gevraagd om geheimzinnige boodschappen en pakketjes door de douane te krijgen. Als koerier varend door de Theems, levert hij een pakketje af bij het Grote Huis. Maar wat voor verschrikkelijks hij daar te zien krijgt, blijft hem zijn leven lang achtervolgen. Of is het zijn ticket naar een gelukkig, liefdevol leven?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.
102.99 kr. The game of cat and mouse begins...Following an eight month suspension for gross misconduct, Detective Inspector Andy Horton returns to his job after the charges are dropped, but the stain on his career and personal life persists.When Horton stumbles across a naked corpse, brutally bludgeoned, he sets out to find the killer. And while his colleagues want him off the case, fate has other plans.As a second body surfaces, chilling similarities send shivers down Horton's spine - is he the killer's next target?A gripping detective mystery perfect for fans of Ann Cleeves, Joy Ellis, and Rachel McLean.The Portsmouth Murders © 2023 Pauline RowsonTHE DETECTIVEAbandoned as a child, DI Andy Horton grew up in a children’s home. Now he lives onboard his yacht in Southsea Marina. He rides a Harley-Davidson and never wears a suit or tie — unless it’s to go to court. He’s an instinctive copper and a man of contrasts, which often lands him in trouble with his bosses. He has a desperate need to belong, and yet is always just on the outside. Self-contained and afraid to show his feelings, but also a risk-taker that seeks justice.THE SETTINGPortsmouth boasts a vibrant waterfront, a diverse multicultural population, an international port, a historic dockyard, and is home of the Royal Navy. Portsmouth Harbour is one of the busiest in the world — and one of the best places to hide a body, it seems. Set against the backdrop of the sea, the Solent area of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight is every detective’s worst nightmare. The sea is ever-changing and often the best clues get swept away by the tide.Pauline Rowson is the author of twenty-four gripping, fast-paced, atmospheric crime novels including the popular SOLENT MURDER MYSTERY series featuring the rugged and troubled DI Andy Horton. She is a member of the Crime Writers' Association and the Society of Authors.
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- 102.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Podczas dziewiczego rejsu do Nowego Jorku na statku Buckingham doszło do groźnego wybuchu. Jaki będzie finał eksplozji bomby podłożonej tam przez IRA?Żona Harry’ego, obecnie prezes Barrington Shipping, mierzy się ze skutkami bombardowania jej liniowcai szykuje się do sprawy sądowej ze złośliwą lady Victorią. W tym samym czasie Harry Clifton dostaje awans i podejmuje niebezpieczną próbę odnalezienia w Rosji zakazanej książki o pracach dla Stalina. Kiedy Cliftonowie cieszą się na wieść o zaręczynach Sebastiana, nad Harry’m zbierają się czarne chmury - oto zostaje pojmany w Rosji i uznany za groźnego szpiega.Oto piąta z 7 części cyklu o rodzinie Cliftonów, można ją uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności sagi. Jeśli lubisz powieści sensacyjne z emocjonującymi zwrotami akcji i pasjonują cię opisy trudnych procesów sądowych, oto lektura idealna dla ciebie.Kroniki rodziny Cliftonów - siedmiotomowa epicka saga, której bohaterem jest pełen ambicji Harry Clifton, syn dokera i kelnerki. Kolejne tomy cyklu pokazują losy głównego bohatera od narodzin w 1920 aż do śmierci w 1992 r. z perspektywy coraz to innej postaci. Dzięki temu cykl o burzliwym życiu Harry’ego Cliftona wciąga czytelnika bez reszty i intryguje podczas lektury każdej części tej rodzinnej sagi.Jeffrey Howard Archer, baron Archer Weston-super-Mare (ur. 15 kwietnia 1940w Londynie) - brytyjski polityk, dramaturg, autor bestsellerowych serii sensacyjnych, kryminalnych, jak również tzw. political fiction. Swoją debiutancką powieść z 1976 r.,,Co do grosza", (którą podobnie jak kolejną pt. ,,Kain i Abel" sfilmowano), napisał aby uniknąć bankructwa. Uważny czytelnik odnajdzie w jego twórczości wiele wątków związanych z polskimi emigrantami.
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Huikea romaani esteet ylittävästä rakkaudesta.Sanchia on yläluokkaisen perheen tyttö, joka on tottunut kuuntelemaan käskytystä koko elämänsä ajan. "Sanchia, mene kampaamaan hiuksesi! Sanchia, lopeta tuo typerä lukeminen! Sanchia, tee sitä! Sanchia, tee tätä!" Yleensä käskyttäjät ovat joko Sanchian äiti tai sisko. Mutta mitä mahtaa tapahtua, kun Sanchia ihastuu huoltoasemalla työskentelevään poikaan? Onko Sanchia tarpeeksi vahva vastustamaan perhettään ja sen odotuksia? Kun Sanchia elää vaikeita aikoja, hän pohtii kyyhkyjä – ne kun eivät ikinä unohda ensirakkauttaan. Valkea kyyhky on dramaattinen rakkausromaani täynnä käänteitä.Englantilainen Netta Muskett (1888–1963) kirjoitti viihteellisiä rakkausromaaneja, jotka keräsivät suuren yleisön. Muskettin teoksia on käännetty useille eri kielille.
From 73.99 kr. Rakkautta, pettämistä ja suuria tunteita.Bill Jenkson on nuori ja herkkä poika, joka on aina tuntenut jäävänsä isoveljensä varjoon. Kun Bill on osallistumassa juoksukilpailuun, hän kohtaa yllättäen erään kauniin mutta tomeran tytön. Tyttö jää Billin mieleen – eikä Bill arvaa, että heidän tiensä kohtaavat vielä vuosien päästä, kun molemmat ovat aikuisia. Mutta onko tyttö lopulta sellainen kuin Bill luuli? Vai ihastuiko hän mielikuvaan? Pian Bill huomaa olevansa suhteessa naisen kanssa, joka osaa olla myös tunteeton ja häikäilemätön.Onnen hinta on traaginen rakkausromaani Netta Muskettilta. Englantilainen Netta Muskett (1888–1963) kirjoitti viihteellisiä rakkausromaaneja, jotka keräsivät suuren yleisön. Muskettin teoksia on käännetty useille eri kielille.
From 73.99 kr. Yksi mies ja kaksi naista – kuka lopulta vie Jamesin sydämen?James on englantilaisen yläluokkalaisen perheen poika, joka on tottunut lorvivaan elämäntapaan. Paha vain, että hänen sukunsa rahat alkavat olla vähissä, ja myös siskon puoliso päättää laittaa rahahanat kiinni. Jamesin lapsuudenystävä Barbara on kuitenkin rakastunut Jamesiin. Ja mikä parasta, kauniilla Barbaralla on rahaa yllin kyllin. Mutta mitä James tuntee Barbaraa kohtaan? Tilanne muuttuu entistä monimutkaisemmaksi, kun James tutustuu elokuvatähdeksi haluavaan Maureeniin. Unelmien saari on tunteikas kolmiodraama Netta Muskettilta.Englantilainen Netta Muskett (1888–1963) kirjoitti viihteellisiä rakkausromaaneja, jotka keräsivät suuren yleisön. Muskettin teoksia on käännetty useille eri kielille.
From 73.99 kr. Rakkaus ei ole ikinä yksinkertaista – varsinkaan silloin, jos rakastaa kahta miestä...Romaine Manning on nuori lääkäri, jonka on pitänyt luopua suuresta unelmasta: hänestä ei koskaan tulisi kirurgia. Romaine kuitenkin toivoo, että hänestä tulisi sen sijaan mahdollisimman hyvä yleislääkäri. Itse asiassa Romainen ei tarvitsisi edes tehdä töitä – onhan hänen perheensä rikasta yläluokkaa. Romainen rauhallinen elämä menee kuitenkin yllättäen sekaisin, kun hänen elämäänsä saapuu kaksi kiinnostavaa miestä. Mutta onko kummastakaan heistä Romainen puolisoksi? Onhan molemmissa miehissä sekä huonoja että hyviä puolia...Läpi tulen ja veden on kiihkeä rakkausromaani naisesta ja rakkaudesta kahteen mieheen.Englantilainen Netta Muskett (1888–1963) kirjoitti viihteellisiä rakkausromaaneja, jotka keräsivät suuren yleisön. Muskettin teoksia on käännetty useille eri kielille.
23.99 kr. Za ciasno tej pani w tym pięknym gorsecie.W spowitym mgłą miasteczku Combehurst, w domu położonym na wrzosowisku, dorastają dzieci zmarłego wikarego. Grzeczna i wyrozumiała Maggie na co dzień ustępuje krnąbrnemu Edwardowi. Takiej postawy wymaga od niej matka, starsza służąca, a właściwie cały świat epoki wiktoriańskiej. Gdy dorosły już brat popada w konflikt z prawem, Maggie ma możliwość uchronić go przed więzieniem. Warunkiem jest zerwanie zaręczyn, które są dla niej szansą na szczęśliwe życie. Czy młoda kobieta znajdzie siłę, by zawalczyć o siebie?Wątki powieści zostały wykorzystane w brytyjskim serialu telewizyjnym "Cranford" (1972).Książka spodoba się miłośnikom twórczości Emily Jane Brontë i jej słynnej powieści "Wichrowe wzgórza".Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) - ceniona brytyjska powieściopisarka epoki wiktoriańskiej. Urodzona w Chelsea w Londynie Elżbieta wcześnie została sierotą. Po śmierci matki trafiła pod opiekę ciotki mieszkającej w Knutsford w Cheshire - to miejsce będzie stanowić inspirację dla wielu jej popularnych książek, m.in. „Cranford". Jako młoda kobieta poślubiła Williama Gaskella, który oprócz bycia pastorem również zajmował się pisarstwem, i osiadła z nim w Manchesterze. Para doczekała się licznego potomstwa. Małżeństwo prowadziło ożywione życie towarzyskie, w kręgu ich znajomych pozostawali znani artyści, m.in. Charles Dickens oraz Charlotte Brontë. W swoich powieściach (m.in. „Mary Barton", „Północ i południe") obrazowała życie różnych warstw społecznych. Pisała także opowiadania o duchach w stylistyce gotyckiej, w czym kibicował jej sam Dickens. Znaczną popularność zyskała pierwsza biografia Charlotte Brontë jej autorstwa. BBC zrealizowało serialowe adaptacje kilku jej powieści, m.in. „Północ i południe", „Cranford" oraz wydane pośmiertnie „Żony i córki".
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- 23.99 kr.
From 54.99 kr. James Fortescue Alleyn är – trots fin titel, prestigefull skolning och charm upp över öronen – oduglig. Det tycker i varje fall hans systers nya man Josiah Pendrake, som generöst nog betalat för James livstil det senaste året. Men nu är det nog! Josiah ger James ett ultimatum: antingen tar han ett jobb i Amerika hos Josiahs företag eller så får han klara sig själv. James ser ingen annan utväg än att gå med på sin svågers krav. Men båten som ska ta James till Amerika går på grund och i kaoset som uppstår ramlar James överbord. När han vaknar på en öde strand upptäcker han att han inte är ensam trots allt, för bredvid honom i sanden ligger Maureen. Trots situationen de befinner sig i, och deras många olikheter, kan de inte förneka den attraktion som växer fram mellan dem. Skeppsbrutna på en öde ö tvingas James och Maureen göra sitt bästa för att överleva, och kanske kan kärleken vara deras räddning?Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till mellankrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passionNetta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.
59.99 kr. A young women is kidnapped and made Empress of The Blazing World. Taking root in this new community, she adapts to the culture and ways of the alien population, exploring the vast universe with their help.But when an invasion looms, she undertakes the role of a military leader. Will our protagonist follow in the footsteps of Earth’s Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar? And more importantly, can she conquer the land she once called home?Serving as the only known female work of utopian fiction in the 17th century, Margaret Cavendish’s quick witted and insightful novella weaves adventure, romance and autobiography in one impressive epic.Ideal for fans of Apple TV’s hit adaption of Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ series. Scare seekers will also admire 2021’s fantasy horror-thriller ‘The Blazing World’, inspired by Cavendish’s text. ‘The Blazing World’ is a must read for utopian fanatics who dare to question it all.Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, (1623-1673) was an English philosopher, poet, scientist, fiction writer and playwright. Spending most of the English Civil War in France, she wrote in her own name during a period when most female writers remained anonymous.Celebrated today as the first female writer of utopian and science fiction, her work spans topics of gender, power, scientific methods and philosophy. ‘The Blazing World’ remains as one of the earliest works of science fiction today.Challenging the contemporary belief that women were inferior to men, Cavendish advocated for women’s education and became the first woman to attend a meeting at the Royal Society of London.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘Songs of Travel, and Other Verses’ is a collection of forty-four poems written in the last years of the life of renowned author Robert L. Stevenson. It is a wonderful collection with a wide range from love ballads to more pensive deliberations on time, being and mortality. Many poems are nostalgic retrospectives on his native Scotland, while others are set in his new home of Samoa. The word ‘Travel’ encompasses not just the physical movement of oneself, but also the internal journey we all take in our own lives. It is a beautiful collection of poetry, perfect for fans of Rupi Kaur’s ‘Milk and Honey’.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. It’s the smoggy, gas-lit London of the 1880s. And three young men—Desborough, Challoner and Somerset—are bored stiff. So this trio make a pact. They’ll alleviate their listlessness by seeking out adventures wherever they can.These adventures form "The Dynamiter", a collection of loosely inter-connected stories, which features everything from violent Mormons to ghostly mansions. Veering from suspense to comedy, it’s a fun and light read. And for Stevenson fans, an interesting curio because it’s his only book written in collaboration with his wife, Fanny van de Grift Stevenson.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. Born in Edinburgh, he suffered from severe health issues for most of his life. Despite this, he still managed to produce some of the century’s most famous stories. These include the classic adventure "Treasure Island" and the horror novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".Stevenson’s last years were spent on the Samoan island of Upolo, where he became an advocate for Samoan rights. He died in his home of a brain haemorrhage and was buried on the island’s Mount Vaea.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The second book in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘No More Parades’ follows the story of Christopher Tietjens. An Edwardian Englishman through and through, Tietjens is forced to leave his ordered life behind him and join the bedlam of the First World War.Drawing on his own experiences, it’s against this backdrop that Ford describes the domestic battles between Tietjens and his unfaithful wife.Tragic and sometimes harrowing, this book deftly contrasts the chaos of private and personal conflicts against a war that would change the world, forever.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel titled ‘Romance´. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier.’On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.
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- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. If you’re thinking of reconnecting with old friends, this suspenseful tale may make you reconsider.Frank and Northmour haven’t seen each other in years. Mainly due to Northmour being a bad-tempered recluse. So when Frank turns up unannounced at Northmour’s house, he can’t quite believe his eyes. His old college buddy is entertaining guests! And not only that, he’s due to be married to one of them.But there are some ugly secrets lurking behind Northmour’s transformation. And as Frank digs into the mystery, he’s pulled into a thriller of Italian crime families, fraudulent bankers and forbidden love.Hailed by Arthur Conan Doyle as Stevenson’s "high water-mark", "Pavilion on the Links" recalls the thrillers of Agatha Christie or Wilkie Collins.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. Born in Edinburgh, he suffered from severe health issues for most of his life. Despite this, he still managed to produce some of the century’s most famous stories. These include the classic adventure "Treasure Island" and the horror novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".Stevenson’s last years were spent on the Samoan island of Upolo, where he became an advocate for Samoan rights. He died in his home of a brain haemorrhage and was buried on the island’s Mount Vaea.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The aristocratic Phil Meredith chooses to marry Violet, a working-class girl from London, which raises more than a few eyebrows. However, when Violet decides to throw a party for her friends at her new country residence, she is murdered, leaving the guests in a state of shock.The arrival of two detectives, Merrington and Caldew, sets the investigation in motion. This is swiftly followed by the arrival of America’s greatest private eye, Grant Colwyn. Will he be able to work with the two policemen, or will he rely on his own methods to solve the case?‘The Hand in the Dark’ is packed with red herrings, twists, and turns, and is sure to have even the most dedicated armchair detective guessing until the last page.Born in Melbourne, Arthur J. Rees (1872 – 1942) was an Australian author and journalist. After a brief spell working for the ‘Melbourne Age’ newspaper, he acted as a reporter for the ‘New Zealand Herald,’ before becoming the editor of the ‘New Zealand Truth.’During his twenties, Rees left for England, where he worked as a journalist for the ‘London Times.’ It was during this period that he began his literary career, with the publication of ‘The Merry Marauders.’ Rees made his mark as a writer of crime and mystery novels and was most notably praised by the English crime writer, Dorothy L. Sayers.
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- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. The third novel in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘A Man Could Stand Up’ follows the further trials of Christopher Tietjens. Set on Armistice Day 1918, the story sees Tietjens back in London, mulling over the events of World War I.So too, is his beloved Valentine, although gossip has spread about their illicit, romantic entanglements. As each debates their place in a post-war world, the main burning question is whether or not they can find happiness together.A beautifully-written and touching story from one of the best war novelists of the 20th Century, 'A Man Could Stand Up' will delight any person who is interested in World War I literature.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel called ‘Romance’. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier’.On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.
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- 102.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Set during the First World War, ‘A Day with von Tirpitz’ sees Billy Best and Tam returning from a bombing raid, where the German naval commander is staying.When engine trouble and fog bring their aeroplane down, they need to work out whether they are behind enemy lines. However, their investigations lead them to an unexpected encounter.A taut short story, ‘A Day with von Tirpitz’ is shot through with humour and offers a fascinating insight into life in the British army, during the early 20th Century.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times - most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts.However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘Edinburgh - Picturesque Notes’ is a love letter to home in many ways. In a collection of essays renowned author, Robert Louis Stevenson, recounts historic areas of the city, and the contrasts it contains, split between the rich and poor, the city and the countryside.He lovingly delves in to the beauty of the city, nostalgic for its past, but does not shy away from the gruesome history of his city either, recounting the tales of many sinister events such as ‘Deacon Brodie’ and ‘Major Weir’. The essays are humorous, with quick jabs at the residents of the city and even the weather, the most common jibe of all for those familiar with Scotland.To Stevenson, he was sharing this nostalgia with all the Edinburgh emigrants, in the hopes that they would find comfort in seeing a place near and dear to them recounted in his book. Perfect for those fascinated with Scotland’s ancient city, or just really big fans of ‘Trainspotting’.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘Essays of Travel’ represents years of travel writing unpublished by Stevenson in is lifetime, and offer and incredible insight in to his globe-trotting adventures. From sultry walks in Suffolk to the rolling snows of Carrick to the tall mountain towns of France it is an all-encompassing collection. The collection includes wonderful anecdotes from Stevenson’s life, including the training in his youth to be a lighthouse engineer, and the inhospitable griminess that comes with it. This collection is perfect for lovers of classic travel writing, or people keen to know just how hard it was to be a Victorian lighthouse engineer.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. This collection of three plays written by two equally creative minds takes the reader on a wild journey. In ‘Deacon Brodie’ we follow the double life of the character of the same name, a politician by day and a thrill seeking thief by night - will his double life catch up with him?We are then thrown in to a vicious boiling pot of romance and violence in ‘Beau Austin’ where a womanising bachelor will have to move carefully if he hopes to survive. Spurned lovers, duels to the death and huge sums of money on the line, what more could you ask from a dramatic play?Finally we take to the seas, where some iconic characters from ‘Treasure Island’ will reprise their roles in a tale of love, hope of course lost treasure. It is an adventurous caper with wonderful characters, perfect for any lovers of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘A day with Robert Louis Stevenson’ is no doubt every ‘Stevensonian’s’ dream, it is a rare look behind the curtain of one of the greatest literary talents mankind has ever seen. This book takes you to the sickly authors home where only the most "favoured" people were ever permitted. Consider yourself favoured, and step inside with this legendary author as you sit down to have all you burning questions answered.This book is perfect for fans of the great author as it gives an incredibly fascinating and vivid first hand insight in to his later life.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
77.99 kr. John Sands desperately needs a bribe. Fast.When an escaped convict turns up on his sofa one morning, John thinks he has found his luck. But will one criminal mind to another be able to dig John out of his murky mess?And more importantly, in a world where women are not expected to be cunning, will this convict be able to hoodwink John’s enemies?Perfect for fans of Netflix’s ‘Peaky Blinders’, Edgar Wallace’s alluring ‘The Million Dollar Story’ weaves a rip-roaring tale of crime and cunningness.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screenplays, and stage plays, along with historical non-fiction.His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. The first novel in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘Some Do Not’ is widely considered to be a landmark novel surrounding the events that led to World War I.We are introduced to mathematician Christopher Tietjens, who is locked in an unhappy marriage with his wife, Sylvia. However, his relationship with a young Suffragette, Valentine, is starting to become romantic, when he is called away to fight in World War I. Both his private and professional lives will conspire to change him, forever.'Some Do Not' is a stunning novel for all fans of romance and war fiction.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel titled ‘Romance’. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier´.On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘Sanditon’ (1817) is written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen. The story takes place in the fictional town of Sanditon on the Sussex coast, where Mr Parker, a local businessman, is determined to turn Sanditon into a fashionable tourist town.However, the arrival of his sisters and brother, a school party from the West Indies, and Sir Edward Denham soon have Sanditon buzzing with gossip, romance, and deceit.Full of all the memorable characters, humour, and tangled relationships we have come to expect from the author, this unfinished novel is a must for all Austen fans.‘Sanditon’ was made into a popular ITV series in 2019, starring Crystal Clarke, Rose Williams, and Kris Marshall.There are few authors as iconic as Jane Austen (1775-1817). Her body of work contains some of the most beloved books and characters of all time which have been in print for over two hundred years and sold millions of copies worldwide.Austen was a trailblazer, famed for her satire, her astute social commentary and her strong-willed, passionate heroines. Her ability to wield humour with realism has found her favour with critics and readers for generations.Her most famous works include Pride and Prejudice (1813), Emma (1816), Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1818), all of which have received success in adaptations for the screen, stage, and radio.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
47.99 kr. Með von um að bjarga föður sínum úr skuldafangelsi ákveður Crisa að kvænast Silas P. Vanderhault. Nokkrum mánuðum síðar er Crisa orðin ekkja einn ríkasta manns Ameríku. En hvers virði er auðurinn þegar Vanderhault fjölskyldan heldur henni sem fanga í sínu eigin gullna búri?Hún flýr í burt til Englands, en leiðin heim hefur í för með sér óvænt og dramatísk örlög.Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) var afar afkastamikill höfundur. Hún skrifaði 723 bækur á sínum lífstíma og af þeim eru 644 rómantískar skáldsögur. Á heimsvísu seldust yfir 1. milljarður af bókum hennar og hafa þær verið þýddar yfir á 36 tungumál. Bækur hennar hafa ávallt verið gríðarlega vinsælar og slóg hún met fjölda vinsældarlista. Hún varð að einskonar goðsögn sinnar lífstíðar og verður ávallt minnst fyrir rómantísku skáldsögurnar sem eru elskaðar af fólki sem trúir því að ástin sé það mikilvægasta í lífi hverrar manneskju. Vegna skilvirkni hennar hefur hún verið nefnd í metbókum Guinnes fyrir að hafa gefið út flestar bækur á einu ári og einnig var hún heiðruð af Elísabetu Bretadrottningu fyrir skrif sín sem sín félagslegu og pólitísku framlög.
56.99 kr. MIA nigdy nie była w stałym związku. Nie dlatego, że coś jest z nią nie tak. Po prostu do tej pory nikt nie zrobił na niej odpowiedniego wrażenia. Ma nudną pracę i nudne ciuchy, za to niebanalnych przyjaciół. Dziewczyna kocha Notting Hill i muzykę poważną. Kiedy pod wpływem impulsu postanawia udowodnić swojej przyjaciółce, że nie jest zwykłą nudziarą, jej życie nabiera tempa i rumieńców.WILL jest muzykiem rockowym, który przyjechał do Londynu z irlandzkiego miasteczka Clifden. Jego zespół ma za sobą wydanie debiutanckiej płyty i właśnie pracuje nad kolejną. William kocha swojego psa i wkurzać ludzi. Znakiem rozpoznawczym chłopaka są koszulki z obraźliwymi napisami. Jest przyzwyczajony do tego, że jego widok zwala kobiety z nóg. W kontaktach z innymi jest ostrożny i wycofany.Co wydarzy się, gdy tych dwoje skrzyżuje swoje ścieżki? Na pewno żadne z nich nie jest przygotowane na to, co czeka ich w takim przypadku.Czym może skutkować połączenie butnego frontmana i młodej zadziornej kobiety? Moja irlandzka piosenka to świetna propozycja z gatunku new adult! Anna Olszewska stworzyła historię, od której nie można się oderwać! Serdecznie polecam!Weronika Bar, ksiazkowapasja.blogspot.comPrzewrotna, zabawna, przepięknie opowiedziana - taka właśnie jest Moja irlandzka piosenka. Oto historia, którą czyta się jednym tchem! Mia i William to bohaterowie, których chce się pokochać!Klaudia Pankowska-Bianek, porozmawiajmy-o-ksiazkach.blogspot.comTo jedna z najpiękniejszych historii new adult, jakie przeczytałam w ostatnim czasie. Urzekająca, poruszająca i gwarantująca niezapomniane emocje. Jestem pewna, że książka Anny Olszewskiej skradnie Wasze serca, tak jak skradła moje.Hanna Smarzewska, nie-oceniam-po-okladkach.blogspot.comAnna Olszewska - polska pisarka, autorka „Mojej irlandzkiej piosenki". Autorka powieści bardzo ceni sobie swoją prywatność i pragnie, by informacje na jej temat pozostały tajemnicą...
- Audiobook
- 56.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Rzeczywistość, w której dusze bohaterów są jeszcze bardziej mroczne niż ruiny dawnych posiadłości i mgliste wrzosowiska.Zbiór klasycznych opowiadań grozy w stylu wiktoriańskim. Wciągające historie rodzin, w których dochodziło do tajemniczych i tragicznych wydarzeń. Upiory, klątwy sięgające wielu pokoleń wstecz, czary i burzliwe romanse - to główne tworzywo poszczególnych fabuł. Wszystko to podlane atmosferą grozy, która przenika nawet z pozoru banalne elementy świata przedstawionego.Dla miłośników niesamowitości i opowieści z dreszczykiem w stylu Edgara Allana Poe.Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) - ceniona brytyjska powieściopisarka epoki wiktoriańskiej. Urodzona w Chelsea w Londynie Elżbieta wcześnie została sierotą. Po śmierci matki trafiła pod opiekę ciotki mieszkającej w Knutsford w Cheshire - to miejsce będzie stanowić inspirację dla wielu jej popularnych książek, m.in. „Cranford". Jako młoda kobieta poślubiła Williama Gaskella, który oprócz bycia pastorem również zajmował się pisarstwem, i osiadła z nim w Manchesterze. Para doczekała się licznego potomstwa. Małżeństwo prowadziło ożywione życie towarzyskie, w kręgu ich znajomych pozostawali znani artyści, m.in. Charles Dickens oraz Charlotte Brontë. W swoich powieściach (m.in. „Mary Barton", „Północ i południe") obrazowała życie różnych warstw społecznych. Pisała także opowiadania o duchach w stylistyce gotyckiej, w czym kibicował jej sam Dickens. Znaczną popularność zyskała pierwsza biografia Charlotte Brontë jej autorstwa. BBC zrealizowało serialowe adaptacje kilku jej powieści, m.in. „Północ i południe", „Cranford" oraz wydane pośmiertnie „Żony i córki".
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.