United Kingdom, Great Britain
111.99 kr. Herzklopfen an einem der schönsten Orte der Welt: Der gefühlvolle Liebesroman »Schottischer Honig« von Pippa Arden jetzt als Hörbuch.Warum geht eigentlich immer alles schief? Nikky hat die Nase voll: Erst fällt ihre Beförderung flach, und dann stellt sich auch noch heraus, dass ihr Freund es mit der Treue nicht so ernst nimmt ... Was sie jetzt braucht, ist eine Auszeit – also bucht Nikky kurzentschlossen einen Flug nach Schottland. Zu ihrer eigenen Überraschung verliebt sie sich dort Hals über Kopf in den kleinen Küstenort Pipsby, die herzliche Dorfgemeinschaft, die etwas verstaubte, aber traumhafte kleine Buchhandlung ... und vielleicht auch in den charmanten Bestsellerautor, der hier zurückgezogen lebt? Nikky ahnt, dass es wahrscheinlich besser für sie wäre, dem melancholisch wirkenden Duncan nicht zu nahe zu kommen – denn aus einem Urlaubsflirt kann wohl kaum die große Liebe werden. Oder darf sie es wagen, ihrem Herzen zu folgen?Pippa Arden schreibt Herzgeschichten fürs Kopfkino. Die Berlinerin ist gelernte Buchhändlerin, hat englische Literatur studiert, liebt britische Teatime (Scones mit Erdbeermarmelade!) und hat eine Schwäche für Männer im Schottenrock.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
47.99 kr. Þegar greifadóttirin Alice er numin á brott og ung kona myrt í veislu forsætisráðherrans liggja leiðir Basil fursta og Sam Foxtrot til undirheima Lundúnaborgar. Þar starfar glæpaflokkurinn Hýenurnar sem leiddur er af strokufanganum Tom Helter. Basil fursti hyggst heyja einvígi við hinn ósvífna glæpaforingja og leggja með því líf sitt að veði. Hér spinna fortíðardraugar, svik og samsæri flókna glæpafléttu sem verður vandasamt að leysa.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Ævintýrin um Basil fursta komu fyrst út á Íslandi árið 1939. Bækurnar vöktu ánægju hér á landi enda auðlesin og skemmtileg ævintýri. Basil fursti er víðkunnur sem konungur leynilögreglumanna. Honum er falið að leysa hin erfiðustu glæpamál víðsvegar um heiminn, enda þykir hann manna færastur til þeirra verka. Höfundur bókanna er óþekktur.
96.99 kr. "Teillä on rikollisuuden tarina harmaissa silmissänne, ettekä voi välttää määräystänne."Ambroise Vilmart löytyy pienenä lapsena Belgian kaduilta. Hänen kasvatti-isänsä Theodore Vilmart juo itsensä hengiltä Ambroisen valmistuttua insinööriksi. Aikuiseksi vartuttuaan Ambroise kuulee Ranskassa salaperäiseltä mieheltä, että hänen tavalliseksi luulemansa isänsä taisteli sodassa maanalaisen ryhmän kanssa. Uusi, sodan ja taistelun täyteinen elämä valkenee Ambroiselle, joka haluaa tehdä kaikkensa kunnioittaakseen isänsä muistoa.Øvre Richter Frichin romaani Kaappaajan kynsissä sekoittaa seikkailua, jännitystä ja rikosta maailman eri kolkissa 1900-luvun alussa.Øvre Richter Frich (1872–1945) oli norjalainen kirjailija ja toimittaja, joka tunnettiin erityisesti rikoskirjallisuudestaan. Hän kirjoitti yhteensä noin 70 kirjaa ja Jonas Fjeldin seikkailuista kertovan kirjasarjan.
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
From 31.99 kr. Marritt tvíburarnir hafa vakið mikla hrifningu í Metropol fjölleikahúsinu en þar stíga þær klæðlausar á svið og heilla gesti með undurfögrum tvísöng. Þegar barón Kaj von Hutter hyggst ganga að eiga aðra systurina leitar áhyggjufull móðir hans á náðir Basil fursta. Þótt furstinn leggi það ekki í vana sinn að hnýsast í ástarmálum annarra, kveikja aðstæðurnar þó forvitni hans og fara þá ýmis hjól að snúast. Blessunarlega er hinn hugdjarfi Sam Foxtrot aldrei langt undan því á sveimi eru siðblindir glæpamenn sem vilja krækja í milljónir barónsins og koma furstanum fyrir kattarnef.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Ævintýrin um Basil fursta komu fyrst út á Íslandi árið 1939. Bækurnar vöktu ánægju hér á landi enda auðlesin og skemmtileg ævintýri. Basil fursti er víðkunnur sem konungur leynilögreglumanna. Honum er falið að leysa hin erfiðustu glæpamál víðsvegar um heiminn, enda þykir hann manna færastur til þeirra verka. Höfundur bókanna er óþekktur.
From 44.99 kr. Í miðjum skógi í Cornwall á Englandi standa sex styttur úr steini. Sagan segir að sex jómfrúr úr klaustri í Cornwall rufu heit sín og var breytt í stein í refsiskyni. En sjöunda jómfrúin átti önnur örlög. Mörgum árum seinna er klaustrið orðið að höll St. Larston fjölskyldunnar og örlögin blikka aðra unga konu. Kerensa Carlee elst upp í fátækt rétt við St. Larnston höllina. Án annarra kvenkosta en mikils metnaðar og enn meiri fegurðar tekst henni að fá vinnu sem þerna í húsinu, en þar er reimt. Kerensa er hins vegar ástfangin af húsinu og er staðráðin í að verða húsfreyja þar. En örlögin eru með önnur áform. Þrátt fyrir metnaðinn flækist Kerensa inn í minningar og ráðgátur og tilvera hennar í Cornwall viktoríutímans vekur upp bæði brjálæði og gamla hefnigirni...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.
111.99 kr. Vom Elendsviertel in die High Socity: Sarah Rosewell kämpft für ihr GlückAls Sarah Rosewell in den Haushalt von Lady Sudbury aufgenommen wird, ändert sich ihr Leben über Nacht: Sie entkommt der Enge und der Gewalt ihres Elternhauses im Armenviertel Soho, und vor ihr liegt plötzlich eine strahlende Zukunft. Sie wird von ihrer Wohltäterin zu einer Expertin für wertvolle Gegenstände ausgebildet und beginnt, für das prestigeträchtige Auktionshaus Varnham’s zu arbeiten. Das ist jedoch vielen ein Dorn im Auge, und Sarah muss sich gegen mächtige Gegenspieler behaupten, die nur darauf warten, dass sie einen Fehler macht. Ihre Vergangenheit kann sie nicht abstreifen, und ihre Zukunft will sie nicht aufs Spiel setzen – auch wenn das bedeutet, dass sie den Mann, dem ihr Herz gehört, nie haben kann. Doch dann bricht der Erste Weltkrieg aus, und die Kriegsjahre verändern alles …Amelia Martin ist das Pseudonym einer Bestsellerautorin. Sie hat jahrelang als Sachverständige für ein weltweit handelndes Auktionshaus gearbeitet, die Provenienz von Möbeln und Kunstgegenständen geprüft und Ausstellungen organisiert. Nach Jahren in England und im europäischen Ausland unternimmt die Autorin heute ausgedehnte Recherchereisen an die Schauplätze ihrer Romane.
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- 111.99 kr.
47.99 kr. Það er ýmislegt dularfullt á seyði í Lundúnaborg. Basil fursti og Sam Foxtrot bregða á leik sem skilur marga eftir í öngum sínum. Á meðan situr lögreglan ráðþrota yfir óvenjulegum morðingja sem leikur lausum hala og sýnir fórnarlömbum sínum enga miskunn. Stella Eaton gerir einnig vart við sig, hættulegasti andstæðingur sem Basil fursti hefur komist í tæri við. Hér spinna klækir glæpakvendis og djöfullegt ráðabrugg vandráðinn svikavef.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Ævintýrin um Basil fursta komu fyrst út á Íslandi árið 1939. Bækurnar vöktu ánægju hér á landi enda auðlesin og skemmtileg ævintýri. Basil fursti er víðkunnur sem konungur leynilögreglumanna. Honum er falið að leysa hin erfiðustu glæpamál víðsvegar um heiminn, enda þykir hann manna færastur til þeirra verka. Höfundur bókanna er óþekktur.
96.99 kr. In seguito a un incidente, Jarred perde la mobilità degli arti inferiori. La sua vita sulla sedia a rotelle riparte da casa di suo padre, con il quale i rapporti sono freddi da ormai una decina d’anni. Senza lavoro né soldi, e con poche prospettive di trovarne nell’immediato, Jarred comincia a dubitare del valore della sua stessa vita.Ma il colore della vita non si esaurisce: svanito negli aspetti che privilegiava prima dell’incidente, adesso Jarred inizierà a vederlo in angoli, situazioni e persone che prima non avrebbero catturato la sua attenzione.Una storia autobiografica che mostra la disabilità da un’angolazione interna, restituendone aspetti spesso mal rappresentati.Jarred McGinnis è uno scrittore americano. Considerato uno dei migliori autori emergenti del panorama inglese, paese in cui ha passato maggior parte della vita, McGinnis esordisce nel 2021 con "Il codardo", un romanzo autobiografico che racconta del rapporto tra società e disabilità.
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- 96.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Nowe i odświeżone tłumaczenie kultowej powieści!Czy tajemnicza śmierć w kościele będzie wyzwaniem dla panny Marple?Nikt z mieszkańców miasteczka nie darzył szczególną sympatią pułkownika Protheroe. Jednak gdy proboszcz miejscowej parafii odkrywa jego zwłoki na plebanii, wszyscy pozostają w szoku. Początkowo do zabójstwa przyznają się dwie osoby, których zeznania się wykluczają. Policja będzie musiała podjąć trud, by w tym chaosie odnaleźć prawdziwego zabójcę. Na szczęście do akcji wkroczy przenikliwa i nieco wścibska Jane Marple. Jej śledztwo odkryje niejedną tajemnicę, skrzętnie skrywaną przez mieszkańców.To pierwsza powieść Agathy Christie, w której pojawia się postać ekscentrycznej detektyw amatorki – panny Marple. Idealna dla zagorzałych fanów Poirota i klasyki kryminału w wydaniu A. Christie!The Murder at the Vicarage Copyright © 1930 Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved.AGATHA CHRISTIE, MISS MARPLE, Agatha Christie Signature and the AC Monogram Logo are registered trademarks of Agatha Christie Limited in the UK and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved.Translation entitled "Morderstwo na plebanii" © 2022 SAGA Egmont. All rights reserved.Agatha Christie (1890-1976) – najsłynniejsza autorka powieści kryminalnych. Pozostaje najlepiej sprzedającą się powieściopisarką wszech czasów. Dotychczas wydano ponad miliard egzemplarzy jej książek w języku angielskim oraz tyle samo tłumaczeń na 45 języków obcych. Pod pseudonimem Mary Westmacott wydała kilka powieści obyczajowych, które także cieszyły się popularnością.Brytyjska pisarka zasłynęła z powieści detektywistycznych. Stworzyła jedne z najbardziej popularnych postaci detektywów: Herkulesa Poirot oraz przenikliwą detektyw amatorkę pannę Jane Marple. Jej proza wielokrotnie przenoszona była na ekrany, zarówno kinowe, jak i telewizyjne. Na podstawie dzieł Christie powstały także słuchowiska radiowe oraz spektakle teatralne. Wśród czytelników na całym świecie uznawana jest za niekwestionowaną królową kryminału.
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- 73.99 kr.
102.99 kr. 120 million records sold. The world’s biggest selling album of the twenty-first century. Countless awards and accolades. Adele has captured the hearts of millions and this intimate biography tells the astonishing journey of the Queen of Pop.The trademark authenticity of Adele’s songs has been hard-earned: she was raised by a single mother and has been tested by bereavements and a string of break-ups. Just when she seemed to have left the pain behind, a harrowing divorce and a career-threatening throat injury brought new darkness and doubt to her doorstep.This book takes you behind the scenes of her highs, her lows and everything in between. Separating the myths from the truth, it examines the real Adele: a shrewd and ambitious star who approaches her career with an iconic blend of tradition and innovation.But will Adele ever find happiness, or will she always be followed by what she calls her ‘very dark side’?Danny White is the author of the international and Sunday Times bestseller 1D: The One Direction Story which has been translated into sixteen languages. He has also written successful biographies of Harry Styles, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Niall Horan, will.i.am and Johnny Depp.
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- 102.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Queen’s Ford, seat of the Forde family for centuries, is crumbling into ruin. Devastated by their reduced circumstances, handsome and bored Jeremy Forcombe is determined to find a solution.He persuades his sister, Mariota, to go along with his outlandish plan to masquerade as highwaymen. Things go awry when they meet their match in their victim and there is an accident with a gun.Now the handsome Earl of Buckenham is injured, and the siblings are praying for his recovery – to save them from the gallows, and perhaps so much more...Chaos, scandal, and a romance to sweep you off your feet, "The Wish for Love" is perfect for fans of Julia Quinn and Georgette Heyer.Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. She is beloved worldwide and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
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- 77.99 kr.
23.99 kr. Groza i makabra w XIX-wiecznej Anglii.Zbiór opowiadań, w których mistrz powieści obyczajowej pokazuje swoje zaskakujące oblicze - twórcy mrożących krew w żyłach historii. Niektóre zebrane tu miniaturki można potraktować jako wprawki przed wielkimi dziełami (np. opowiadanie "O Goblinach, które uprowadziły grabarza" zawiera motywy rozwinięte później w "Opowieści Wigilijnej"). Mimo zwięzłej formy, błyskotliwy styl Dickensa stale czaruje czytelników.Dla miłośników klasycznych opowieści grozy, w stylu utworów Lovecrafta.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".
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- 23.99 kr.
From 54.99 kr. Sir Blaine Belding, framgångsrik kirurg och evig ungkarl, var respekterad av sina kollegor och omtyckt av sina vänner. Sedan kom Virginia Coley in i hans liv. Virginia; en berömd TV-stjärna som var så vacker att Blaine föll pladask, och trots hans omgivnings tydliga ogillande så gifter han sig med henne. Men han märker snart att Virginia är lika självisk och hård som hon är vacker och äktenskapet blir inte som han önskat. Problemen blir bara värre när han träffar en annan, en kvinna som inte bara inspirerar honom med sitt mod och mildhet men väcker också en kärlek starkare än något han upplevt förut. Kommer kärleken segra, eller är han dömd att lida av konsekvenserna av hans val för resten av livet?Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till efterkrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passion.Netta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.
42.99 kr. John Dolittle loves animals. Possibly more than people. His doctor’s office is filled with mice, rabbits, pigs, and parrots, so much so that his patients have started to worry. But when he discovers the ability to speak with animals, his life turns upside down as he is launched into newfound fame.Soon, he finds himself invited to travel to Africa as an animal expert, where his real adventures begin amongst monkeys, epidemics, pirates, and the mysterious pushmi-pullyu.‘The Story of Doctor Dolittle’ is the first entry in the internationally renowned series that brought one of literature's most beloved children's characters to life.Hopelessly charming and wonderfully brilliant, discover the world that inspired Robert Downey Junior's ´Doctor Dolittle’ and Jim Carrey’s ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’."Doctor Dolittle" is a children’s fantasy series set in Victorian England, featuring the famous English physician who can speak to animals. His adventures are compelling, humourous, and quite extraordinary, turning the series into a children’s classic.Adapted into numerous animations and movies, the most recent one being the 2020’s version starring Robert Downey Jr. and Antonio Banderas.Hugh Lofting (1886-1942) was a British author of children’s books and poetry, and he is best remembered for his creation of the enigmatic Doctor Dolittle: a globe-trotting physician with the ability to speak to animals.Affected by his experiences as a veteran of the First World War, Hugh Lofting focused his imagination on the more beautiful, fantastic things in life.His wonderful imagination created some of the most beloved children’s books of all time, most famous among them ‘Doctor Dolittle’, ‘The Twilight of Magic’ and ‘Victory for the Slain’.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Based on her second marriage to Frank Russell and a pre-cursor to Daphne du Maurier’s ‘Rebecca’, this darkly comic, historical romance is the tale of a naïve young woman named Lucy Entwhistle.When Lucy marries a widower, she is swept under the power of her pathologically narcissistic husband.Her new husband’s mansion ‘The Willows’ is haunted by the spirit of his late wife, Vera, whom Lucy soon comes to suspect died by suicide because she no longer wanted to ensure being married to Everard Wemyss.‘Vera’ is perfect for fans of Emily Brontë's ´Wuthering Heights´.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
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- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. In Elizabeth von Arnim’s humourous novel, "The Pastor's Wife", the main character Ingeborg Bullivant goes on a spontaneous trip to Lucerne and returns engaged to a Prussian pastor.However, her new life as a wife is restrictive, and when the dashing artist Ingram comes into her life and indulges her with musings about Italy, wanderlust temps Ingeborg for a second time.This warm and witty novel is based on von Arnim’s own first marriage and will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Eat, Pray, Love’.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
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- 102.99 kr.
38.99 kr. One Londoner and an American geologist are out for a bicycle trip in the Thames valley. They talk about natural disasters and volcanic eruptions and how thankful they are that such things do not happen in these regions and at these times. The next morning will however prove them wrong and the Londoner will have to ride for his life to escape a catastrophic volcanic eruption.Grant Allen was a Canadian writer who lived in the period 1848 – 1899. His writing career began around 1876 when he published a series of essays on science. His first books, "Physiological Aesthetics" and "Flowers and Their Pedigrees" took up this subject as well. Grant Allen was also a pioneer in science fiction. He wrote about thirty science fiction novels in the period 1884-1899. In his later works, Allen also took up some revolutionary theories for the time regarding marriage. "The Woman Who Did" which depicts the life of an independent woman who takes care of her child on her own became a bestseller.
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- 38.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Suspected to be written as a true-to-life fairy tale for Elizabeth von Arnim’s own children, ‘The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight’ tells the story of Princess Priscilla, a well-known German princess who has grown tired of her lavish and pampered lifestyle.Her mentor, Herr Fritzing, has been teaching her about the wide world outside the castle walls and Priscilla yearns to escape and explore it.‘The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight’ will be enjoyed by fans of ‘The Princess Diaries’.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
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- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. ‘Lady Audley's Secret’ by Mary Elizabeth Braddon is a Victorian sensation novel and her most famous and well-known work.In this story, which combines elements from detective novels, psychological thrillers, and romance, the heroine Lady Audley is living an upper-class life with seemingly no secrets.Soon, however, truths of bigamy, arson, and murder are uncovered, as the assumptions of femininity are challenged.This novel will surely delight fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’.Mary Elizabeth Braddon was a popular English novelist writing in the Victorian era. She is best known for her sensation novel ‘Lady Audley's Secret’, published in 1862, which has been dramatised for TV and film several times.While this was the novel that found her fortune as a bestseller, Braddon continued to publish works until her death in 1915, penning several works of supernatural fiction, ghost stories, and historical fiction.
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- 102.99 kr.
59.99 kr. You are invited on a voyage to the high seas in the most amazing, spectacular and wondrous adventure yet! Hold tight, and look out for your furry friends – and fishy foes, for animals and humans alike are welcome in Lofting's second instalment to the Doctor Dolittle series. Winner of the 1923 Newbery Medal, ‘The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle’ is a must read for animal fans with a big heart.Returning from his latest voyage, it isn’t too long before Doctor Dolittle sets sail on his next. Young Tommy Stubbins needs his help, and is about to discover Doctor Dolittle’s incredible gift in the process. But with stormy weather on the horizon, the crew rock up on a mysterious Spidermonkey Island. Happening upon the Great Glass Sea Snail, further secrets lie ahead. Doctor Dolittle’s magic will be enlisted to crack the case and bring the animals to safety. But with all this monkeying around, will the shipshape gang make it back in time for tea? Ideal for wonder-seeking fans of Robert Downing Jr.’s 2020 ‘Dolittle’ film."Doctor Dolittle" is a children’s fantasy series set in Victorian England, featuring the famous English physician who can speak to animals. His adventures are compelling, humorous, and quite extraordinary, turning the series into a children’s classic. Adapted into numerous animations and movies, the most recent one being the 2020’s version starring Robert Downey Jr. and Antonio Banderas.Hugh Lofting (1886-1947) was an English civil engineer turned author. Creator of the classic children’s character ‘Doctor Dolittle’, he is celebrated today as an important pioneer of the children’s and YA fiction genres. His other fantasy works include ‘The Story of Mrs Tubbs’, ‘Noisy Nora’ and ‘The Twilight of Magic’. Winner of the 1923 Newbery Medal, Lofting remains an influential cultural figure, with Robert Downing Jr.’s 2020 ‘Dolittle’ film enchanting children and adults alike.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A study of American poet and essayist Louise Imogen Guiney, written by her colleague and friend Alice Brown. The pair traveled together to the English countryside in 1885 and become close. They were rumoured to have had a lesbian relationship together. Their friendship lasted until Guiney's death in 1920, and this biographical book was published by Brown in tribute to her friend in 1921.Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer that brings out the local colour in a place. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown's stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, 'Stratford-by-the-Sea', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer in print.
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- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. "Consequences" (1919) follows the life of Alexandra Clare, an upper class Catholic girl from London, after she turns down her only suitor. Alex is a misfit and having failed to meet her family’s expectations, she joins a convent. Partly autobiographical, Delafield writes this story in a deeply ironic tone, turning Alex’s plight into a condemnation of the suffocating expectations Victorian society had for women.E. M. Delafield was the pen name of Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, née de la Pasture (1890-1943). She was a British author from Sussex and the daughter of a count and a novelist. Delafield was raised following Late Victorian upper class morals, and when at age 21 she found herself still single, she joined a French covenant in Belgium. But she soon tired of being a nun and left monastery life behind. During WWI, she volunteered as a nurse in Exeter. In 1919, she married civil engineer turned land agent Paul Dashwood, with whom she spent three years in Malaysia. She remains most famous today for her semi-autobiographical "Diary of a Provincial Lady," which had started as a column in the weekly woman’s magazine "Time and Tide."
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- 77.99 kr.
42.99 kr. In this collection of essays, G. K. Chesterton matches his wits against some of the greatest issues of the 20th century.Imperialism, politics, education, and feminism are put to debate as Chesterton criticises the government of the day, while also speaking to a modern era.A testament to one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century, 'What's Wrong with the World' proves Chesterton as a master essayist whose work bears the scrutiny of historians and philosophers.Essential reading for students of British history, Chesterton bears the soul of the English spirit and puts its politicians to shame.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories.Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy, and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’.In his lifetime, Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.
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- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A feminist reflection on female conduct, ‘Thoughts on the Education of Daughters’ offers advice on moral and intellect for young women and girls.First published by the British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft in 1787, the self-help title invites readers today to peek behind the curtain at respectable – and what was considered then to be progressive – female behaviour.From child-rearing instructions to analytical thinking, Wollstonecraft adapted old genres to appeal to a new middle-class ethos, arguing that social and political life would greatly improve if women acquired valuable skills.Considered today the founding thoughts for Wollstonecraft’s later work 'A Vindication of the Rights of Women,’ ‘Thoughts’ is a must-read for fans of Helena Bonham Carter and Carey Mulligan in Netflix’s acclaimed ‘Suffragette’ film.The founding feminist philosopher, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights. Whilst her unconventional relationships attracted more attention than her writing at the time, Wollstonecraft is best known for ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’; a ground-breaking work arguing that women are not naturally inferior to men.Despite her posthumously published ‘Memoir’ overshadowing her writing career, Wollstonecraft remains today an influential figure in the advocacy for women’s rights following the feminist movement at the turn of the 20th century. She died giving birth to her second daughter, Mary Shelley, the accomplished author of ‘Frankenstein’.
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- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A light-hearted collection of poems featuring G. K. Chesterton’s classic wit and cheer, ‘Wine, Water, and Song’ celebrates drink in all its forms, lampooning ideas of prohibition that were on the rise in 20th century London.Chesterton makes a merry satire of local politics and English traditions, with poems including ‘Wine and Water’, where he imagines a wine cellar aboard Noah’s Ark, and ‘The Logical Vegetarian’, where he sings the virtues of a liquid diet.For fans of Chesterton and poetry that provokes, this book is a perfect collection of clever rhymes and outspoken English humour.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories.Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy, and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’.In his lifetime, Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.
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- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Step into an English realm of knights, elves, and priestly sermons. ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’, by G. K. Chesterton, is a masterful collection of poems that trace themes of morality, fairy tales, and religion.An early work by one of the 20th century’s most influential writers, this book of poems comes alive with pagan and Christian imagery intertwined. A profoundly thoughtful work that bears multiple readings and gives an earnest glimpse into the mind of Chesterton.Featuring works such as ‘Chord of Colour’, ‘The Donkey’, and ‘The Ballad of the Battle of Gibeon’, ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’ will inspire philosophers and artists alike.A perfect collection for readers of Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ’ or Simon Armitage’s ‘The Owl and the Nightingale’.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories.Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy, and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’.In his lifetime, Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.
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- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Most books of literary criticism are written long after their age has passed, but a rare few are written during their time - and G. K. Chesterton’s ‘The Victorian Age in Literature’ is one of them.Born during the Victorian era, Chesterton gives an incredible insight into Victorian literature as it was perceived at the end of the 19th century. His witty accounts shine a light on the classic works of Dickens, Austen, and the Brontës, as well as leading poets of the period, from Tennyson to Browning.His discussion ranges from the politics of the day to the birth of radical philosophies and revelations within the sciences. Chesterton’s work is a refreshingly personal look into the Victorian mind and an invaluable resource for any student of literary history.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories.Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy, and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’.In his lifetime, Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.
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- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. "Twelve Tales" is a unique collection of short stories selected by Grant Allen himself. The stories are a vivid combination of horror, science fiction and detective tales. The introduction offers a window into why Grant Allen decided to become a writer of fiction and what the origin and the inception of some of his works was.Grant Allen was a Canadian writer who lived in the period 1848 – 1899. His writing career began around 1876 when he published a series of essays on science. His first books, "Physiological Aesthetics" and "Flowers and Their Pedigrees" took up this subject as well. Grant Allen was also a pioneer in science fiction. He wrote about thirty science fiction novels in the period 1884-1899. In his later works, Allen also took up some revolutionary theories for the time regarding marriage. "The Woman Who Did" which depicts the life of an independent woman who takes care of her child on her own became a bestseller.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Lois Cayley is an intelligent, young, attractive and independent woman who is forced to face the world on her own after the death of her stepfather. Since there is nothing left to stop her, she decides to set off in search of adventures. She visits different places, cities and countries. She meets colorful people and falls in love with one of them. Unfortunately, Harold Tillington is in prison. Can Cayley’s save and free her true love? Will she be able to solve his case on her own? Find out in Grant Allen’s "Miss Cayley's Adventures".Grant Allen was a Canadian writer who lived in the period 1848 – 1899. His writing career began around 1876 when he published a series of essays on science. His first books, "Physiological Aesthetics" and "Flowers and Their Pedigrees" took up this subject as well. Grant Allen was also a pioneer in science fiction. He wrote about thirty science fiction novels in the period 1884-1899. In his later works, Allen also took up some revolutionary theories for the time regarding marriage. "The Woman Who Did" which depicts the life of an independent woman who takes care of her child on her own became a bestseller.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Hilda Wade is a nurse working for the famous doctor Hubert Cumberledge. He admires Hilda and their friendship grows stronger with every passing day. Hilda’s past and her future goals are however shrouded in mystery. She has one purpose in life and she is willing to go to great lengths to pursuit it.What is the goal that will make the young nurse travel across the whole world? Find out in Grant Allen’s detective story "Hilda Wade".Grant Allen was a Canadian writer who lived in the period 1848 – 1899. His writing career began around 1876 when he published a series of essays on science. His first books, "Physiological Aesthetics" and "Flowers and Their Pedigrees" took up this subject as well. Grant Allen was also a pioneer in science fiction. He wrote about thirty science fiction novels in the period 1884-1899. In his later works, Allen also took up some revolutionary theories for the time regarding marriage. "The Woman Who Did" which depicts the life of an independent woman who takes care of her child on her own became a bestseller.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.