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  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Ævafornar rústir. Fjölskylduhneyksli. Forboðin ást. Caroline Verlaine veit að eitthvað er að. Systir hennar, Roma, er horfin og enginn getur sagt henni hvers vegna. Eina vonin er að fara þangað sem systir hennar sást síðast – Lovat Stacy, en það er hús með banvæna sögu. Hafið og kviksandurinn við strendur Dover hafa ógnað Stacy fjölskyldunni svo kynslóðum skiptir. En kviksandurinn er ekki það hættulegasta fyrir Caroline. Allir búa yfir leyndarmáli, ekki síst hinn dularfulli ungi erfingi Napier Stacy. Sama hvaða leið Caroline velur er jörðin undir fótum hennar óstöðug. Og því nær sem hún kemst sannleikanum, því nær kemst hún því að eiga sömu örlög og systir hennar...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 45.99 kr.

    Ellen Kellaway var alltaf fátæki ættinginn, stúlkan sem átti sér enga framtíð. En þegar hinn myndarlegi og ríki Phillip Carrington verður ástfanginn af henni og biður hennar, lítur út fyrir að líf hennar sé að breytast til hins betra. Örlögin verða hins vegar til þess að Ellen neyðist til að flytjast til frænda síns, Jago, sem býr í kastala á afskekktri eyju. Hún áttar sig fljótt á því að dularfullir atburðir eiga sér stað á eyjunni og sér til skelfingar uppgötvar hún að í kastalanum er herbergi sem hún hélt að væri aðeins til í martröðum sínum ...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Harriet Delvaney missir föður sinn ung, en hefur stjúpmóður sína, Jenny, til að hugga sig við. Þegar Harriet giftir sig uppgötvar hún hins vegar að fjölskyldusagan er allt önnur og skuggalegri en hún hélt. Bevil er draumaeiginmaður, en þrátt fyrir það verður Harriet mjög afbrýðissöm. Er Jenny eins góð vinkona og hún lést vera? Og hvað varð um erfðaskrá föður hennar? Harriet fer smám saman að trúa gömlu þjóðsögunni um að þegar klukkan stoppar á Menfreya mun einhver brátt deyja.Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    102.99 kr.

    After a disagreement with her stepmother, Sandra is banished to the desolate English countryside to live with an aged aunt. Bored and restless, she escapes to the glamourous seaside resort of Brighton as the cantankerous Dowager Countess of Kyle’s young companion.Sandra meets the handsome, but cynical and sarcastic Earl of Kyle and immediately despises him. Nevertheless, there is a spark between them and Sandra wonders if she could really fall for a man who makes her blood boil so.A classic tale of enemies to lovers played against the backdrop of Regency England. Perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn and Lisa Kleypas.Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. She is beloved worldwide and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    102.99 kr.

    Fedora Colwyn’s ailing father is a great restorer of paintings and valuable works. Their home is lined with a magnificent collection, but paintings don’t fill stomachs and with her father unable to work, they both face destitution.When the Earl of Heversham approaches the elderly Colwyn with a lucrative offer to restore his private collection at Heversham Castle, Fedora agrees on his behalf, intending to undertake the work herself.At Heversham, she is swept up in the life of the handsome Earl. But Fedora is soon swept up in dark family secrets, a treacherous society beauty, and a sinister murder plot.With both life and love on the line, Fedora must have all her wits about her.Fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Julianne Donaldson will love this fast-paced, wildly romantic, historical adventure.Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. She is beloved worldwide and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    77.99 kr.

    When Kasia’s father threatens to marry her off, she runs away to become a Governess to the Duke of Dreghorn’s unruly nephew.As Kasia gains the trust of the child, she earns first the respect and then the growing affection of the Duke. But when she and the boy are kidnapped the stakes are irrevocably raised and the Duke’s daredevil reputation is once again tested as he endeavours to rescue them.A fast-paced, swoon-worthy historical romance, perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Sarah M. Eden and Julianne Donaldson.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • by Margaret Oliphant
    9.95 kr.

    Auch für die Tochter eines Dukes kann das Leben manchmal schwer sein: Obwohl die schöne Lady Jane sich vor Verehrern kaum retten kann, weist ihr Vater, der stolzeste Mann in England, alle zurück. Doch das Herz Lady Janes ist bereits vergeben – an den attraktiven und erfolgreichen Mr. Winston, der seinerseits von Jane hingerissen ist. Doch wie nun den sturen Vater überzeugen? Denn einen Adelstitel hat Mr. Winston leider nicht ... Eine leichtfüßige und amüsante Erzählung aus dem viktorianischen Großbritannien.Margaret Oliphant (1828–1897) war eine der erfolgreichsten Schriftstellerinnen im viktorianischen Großbritannen mit über 120 veröffentlichten Werken. In Schottland geboren heiratete sie ihren Cousin und zog mit ihm nach London, wo sie ihre schriftstellerische Karriere als Autorin populärer Liebesgeschichten und Romane begann. Nachdem ihr Mann verstarb, war es Margaret Oliphant die mit ihrem zunehmenden Erfolg als Schriftstellerin die große Familie ernährte. Zu ihren Lebzeiten ungemein populär, geriet sie anschließend in Vergessenheit und wurde als Autorin seichter Literatur belächelt. In jüngster Zeit findet sie jedoch zunehmend Beachtung in der Forschung und wird als wichtige feministische Autorin des 19. Jahrhunderts wiederentdeckt.

  • by Netta Muskett
    From 54.99 kr.

    Olive Heriot och Hugh Manning hade varit kära i flera år, men giftemål var helt uteslutet på grund av Olives mors ingripande. Men när Olive äntligen får tillgång till sitt arv och med det möjligheten att själv välja sin make ser turen ut att vända. En middag arrangeras hos familjen Heriot och Hugh hoppas på att kunna tillkännage en förlovning under kvällens gång. Men efter en allt för realistisk middagslek vänds deras liv upp och ner. Relationer testas, tragedier uppdagas och när en gravid flicka hittas död ute på heden är lyckan som Olive hoppats finna en omöjlighet. Omedveten om sin familjs mörka hemligheter lämnar Olive herrgården för att uppleva bohemlivet i London. Men när hon träffar charmiga Garry Links, arvtagare till en stor förmögenhet, förändras allt ... Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till mellankrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passion.Netta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.

  • by Helen Fielding
    96.99 kr.

    Verfilmd met Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth en Hugh Grant!Het dagboek van Bridget Jones is het hilarische en verwoestend zelfbewuste verslag van het leven van een dertigjarige single in Londen op een gedoemde zoektocht naar zelfverbetering. Gevangen tussen het genot van het vrijgezelle plezier en de angst om alleen te sterven, en gekweld door zelfvoldane vrienden die vragen: 'Hoe is het met je liefdesleven?'Bridget besluit om te stoppen met roken, minder alcohol te drinken, de omtrek van elke dij met 1,5 centimeter te verminderen, een functionele relatie met een verantwoordelijke volwassene aan te gaan en te leren om de videorecorder te programmeren.Met een mix van luchtige charme, existentiële somberheid en vertederende zelfspot heeft Bridget Jones een gevoelige snaar geraakt bij miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld.Helen Fielding (1958) is een Engelse journaliste en de auteur van de Bridget Jones-boeken. Ze schreef ook mee aan het script van de verfilmingen met Renée Zellweger in de hoofdrol. Van de boeken in de serie zijn tientallen vertalingen verschenen, waarvan miljoenen exemplaren zijn verkocht. Ondertussen is Bridget Jones uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste fictieve personages van de 21ste eeuw.

  • by Agatha Christie
    73.99 kr.

    Nowe, odświeżone tłumaczenie powieści!Panna Marple spędza beztroskie wakacje na Karaibach. Jej spokój zakłóca niespodziewana wiadomość o śmierci majora Palgrave’a. Emerytowany wojskowy był jednym z ulubionych rozmówców Jane Marple, która nie chce wierzyć w naturalne przyczyny zgonu. A ma ku temu powody. Dzień przed śmiercią major miał wyjawić bohaterce tożsamość znanego mu wielokrotnego żonobójcy. W tłumie hotelowych gości dostrzegł jednak postać i z trwogą zrezygnował z pokazania fotografii zbrodniarza. Czy to możliwe, że morderca przebywa na wyspie? Wkrótce pojawiają się kolejne ofiary, a panna Marple uważnie obserwuje każdego z obecnych. Czy uda jej się zdemaskować zabójcę?A Caribbean Mystery Copyright © 1964 Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved.AGATHA CHRISTIE, MARPLE, Agatha Christie Signature and the AC Monogram Logo are registered trademarks of Agatha Christie Limited in the UK and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved.Translation entitled "Karaibska tajemnica" © 2022 SAGA Egmont. All rights reserved.Agatha Christie (1890-1976) – najsłynniejsza autorka powieści kryminalnych. Pozostaje najlepiej sprzedającą się powieściopisarką wszech czasów. Dotychczas wydano ponad miliard egzemplarzy jej książek w języku angielskim oraz tyle samo tłumaczeń na 45 języków obcych. Pod pseudonimem Mary Westmacott wydała kilka powieści obyczajowych, które także cieszyły się popularnością.Brytyjska pisarka zasłynęła z powieści detektywistycznych. Stworzyła jedne z najbardziej popularnych postaci detektywów: Herkulesa Poirot oraz przenikliwą detektyw amatorkę pannę Jane Marple. Jej proza wielokrotnie przenoszona była na ekrany, zarówno kinowe, jak i telewizyjne. Na podstawie dzieł Christie powstały także słuchowiska radiowe oraz spektakle teatralne. Wśród czytelników na całym świecie uznawana jest za niekwestionowaną królową kryminału.

  • by Franco Enna
    58.99 kr.

    "Karrady serrò il pungo nella tasca del soprabito. Istintivamente, per la prima volta dopo quasi dieci anni, raddrizzò la schiena, sollevò la fronte che la condanna aveva abbassato sul vuoto di un abisso d’odio; fu contento di sentire salire dal fondo del cuore un desiderio bruciante di vendetta. Che cosa avrebbe fatto?".Cosa rimane da fare, dopo dieci anni trascorsi in una squallida cella, se non rintracciare il colpevole delle proprie disgrazie e trovare finalmente soddisfazione? In una Londra brumosa e irta d’insidie, popolata di investigatori privati, giornalisti ambiziosi e poi, ancora, farmacisti e meccanici, segretarie e infermiere attraenti, un ex carcerato torna finalmente in libertà dopo essere stato fregato da un complice. Giusto il tempo di riabbracciare la moglie e poi via, nella nebbia dei vicoli londinesi che si stagliano, come un labirinto, da Chelsea Bridge a Kingsland Road. Una storia di vendetta, di amore, di disperazione, in perfetto stile Enna!Francesco Cannarozzo, meglio noto come Franco Enna (1921-1990), è stato uno dei maggiori scrittori di fantascienza italiani, nonché un celebrato anticipatore del giallo contemporaneo. Nato a Castrogiovanni, trascorre la giovinezza a Enna – città in cui farà anche la conoscenza di Andrea Camilleri – per poi trasferirsi a Milano in cerca di fortuna. Impiegato come direttore dell’ufficio stampa dei periodici Mondadori, dal 1955 inizia a pubblicare i primi romanzi di fantascienza per la collana Urania. Essendo uno degli unici scrittori italiani attivi nel genere, diventa ben presto un punto di riferimento per tutti gli appassionati nostrani. L’invenzione del fortunato personaggio del commissario Sartori, poi, lo renderà anche un affermato giallista. Fra i suoi romanzi più noti si possono citare l’esordio "L’inferno confina con Dio" (1952), "Preludio alla tomba" (1955), "Panico al Polo" (1958) e "La bambola di gomma" (1971).

  • by Patricia Moyes
    79.00 kr.

    "Der var noget mærkeligt ved manden, der nærmede sig. Da skiliften standsede, faldt han ud og blev liggende..."Kriminalkommissær Henry Tibbett og hans kone ser frem til at skulle på skiferie i Alperne langt fra Londons beskidte og larmende gader. Henry håber, at han kan holde lidt fri fra forbrydelser og efterforskning, men han må tro om. En død mand vælter ud af en skilift, og da sneen farves blodrød, er der ingen tvivl: Der er tale om mord. Henry må samarbejde med det lokale politi for at finde frem til, hvem den døde er, og hvordan han kan være blevet dræbt i en skilift, som han øjensynligt var alene i."...og sneen var blodrød" udkom første gang i 1959 og er første bind i serien om kriminalkommissær Henry Tibbett.Patricia Moyes (1923-2000) var en irsk krimiforfatter, der især var kendt for sin krimiserie om kriminalkommissær Henry Tibbett. Hun stod desuden bag en lang række ungdomsbøger og noveller, og flere af hendes bøger er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog.

  • by Louise Voss
    94.99 kr.

    Every morning, Kerry gets up, goes on her post-round, talks to the locals, and then goes home again. Once a month, she has Sunday lunch with her perfect sister’s perfect family. Life is simple, life is fine.Her sister, Beth, thinks Kerry is kidding herself. She thinks Kerry needs to move out of their parents’ annexe, find a better job, and maybe even meet a man. Beth is determined to make Kerry get a life... whether Kerry likes it or not.But Kerry knows something Beth doesn’t. She knows even the happiest marriages hide the darkest secrets, and even the people you love most in the world can betray you.Burdened by grief and family secrets, Kerry realises that sometimes you have to reach the end of the road before you can start over. Before you can stop just existing, and really learn to live.A brilliantly emotional novel, perfect for fans of "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine", Matt Haig and Mike Gayle.Louise Voss has been writing for the past eighteen years, with many twists and turns in her career. She started her publishing life with four novels for Transworld/Black Swan, the first of which, ´To Be Someone´, was published in 2001.

  • by Fiona Vigo Marshall
    129.99 kr.

    Tucked away in a near-derelict library in the center of London, The House of Marvellous Books is a publishing house on the brink of financial disaster.With assistant Ursula asleep at her desk, head publisher Gerard going health and safety mad, and chief editor Drusilla focused on finding a supposedly priceless but famously missing manuscript, there is hardly anyone left to steer the ship. Young Mortimer Blackley, assistant editor, charts the descent of the House in his logbook as it lurches from one failure to the next.Will mysterious Russian buyers, lurking in the wings, stop the ship from sinking at great cost to all? Or will Drusilla find the legendary Daybreak Manuscript and save the day?With witty and sharp observations, Fiona Vigo Marshall draws upon a career spent working in small publishing houses to create a laugh-out-loud ode to the publishing industry.´The House of Marvellous Books´ will delight those interested in books about books, such as ´Book Lovers´ and ´The Hating Game´.What readers are saying:"This book was hilarious and quirky! The eccentric characters were fun to follow along with. The pace of everything was well-timed, and kept interesting throughout!" - Goodreads reviewer"I loved this hilarious, a bit eccentric, and witty book. It's populated by quirky and fleshed-out characters and there's plenty of literary references. A book written in diary format that I loved." - Goodreads reviewerFiona Vigo Marshall was born in London and educated at Somerville College, Oxford. Her debut novel ´Find Me Falling´, published by Fairlight Books in 2019, was shortlisted for the Paul Torday Memorial Prize 2020. ´The House of Marvellous Books´ is her second novel.Her short stories and poems have been nominated for numerous awards, including the V. S. Pritchett Memorial Prize, which she won in 2016 with her short story ‘The Street of Baths’. Her work has appeared in Prospect, Ambit, The Royal Society of Literature Review, Orbis International Literary Journal, and The London Journal of Fiction.

  • by Claire McFall
    96.99 kr.

    Dopo Ferryman. Amore eterno, il secondo capitolo della trilogia bestseller di Claire McFall: : continua l’epica storia di Dylan e Tristan, riscrittura moderna del mito di Caronte, storia d’amore che arriva oltre la morte attraversando i confini dell’aldilà.Tristan e Dylan, sfidando le regole del destino, sono scappati dalla terra perduta e hanno fatto ritorno nel mondo reale. Per quanto siano felici, i problemi non mancano. Vivendo, ora, in corpi che non hanno il diritto di abitare, scoprono di essere uniti da qualcosa di molto più potente dell’amore: non possono uscire dal reciproco campo visivo. Ogni separazione significherebbe la morte. Come se questo non bastasse, la loro fuga dall'aldilà ha provocato uno squarcio nella barriera fra le due dimensioni, permettendo a creature demoniache e ad altri traghettatori di avere accesso al mondo reale.Anche se l'amore sembra essere la soluzione a ogni difficoltà, può un sentimento puro andare oltre il destino?Torna una delle coppie più apprezzate dai lettori fantasy di tutto il mondo, in una storia d’amore indimenticabile, capace di sovvertire le regole dell’oltretomba e sfidare la morte, in bilico tra luci e ombre, bene e male, suspense e colpi di scena.Claire McFall è un’insegnante e una scrittrice scozzese, vincitrice per ben due volte dello Scottish Teenage Book Prize. Dopo aver ottenuto un enorme successo in Cina con "Ferryman. Amore eterno", primo volume della fortunata trilogia, McFall è stata ribattezzata "la J.K. Rowling dell’Estremo Oriente". Tradotta in più di quindici lingue, la serie ha venduto oltre tre milioni di copie nel mondo e presto ne verrà realizzata una trasposizione cinematografica.

  • by Linda Da Silva
    22.99 kr.

    Depuis son plus jeune âge, Chiara, au caractère bien trempé représente la joie incarnée pour toute sa famille et le bonheur coule dans ses veines. La jeune Italienne de vingt-quatre printemps demeure ce lien qui permet à tout le monde de profiter de moments inoubliables ensemble. Pourtant, depuis quelques années, la famille se disloque et prend des chemins différents. Une idée germe dans son esprit depuis une semaine: un calendrier de l'avent spécial cette année. La période des fêtes représente une occasion parfaite pour passer des moments précieux en famille et être heureux avec les personnes qui comptent le plus. Chiara réussira-t-elle à réunir toute sa famille pour Noël ? Que cache cette soudaine envie ? Servez-vous un bon chocolat chaud accompagné de chantilly et de guimauves, blottissez-vous sous un plaid et suivez Chiara dans sa folle aventure !(c) Lacoursière, 2022, 2022, Saga Egmont

  • by Zoe Folbigg
    129.99 kr.

    As a man holds his wife's fragile hand, he recounts a journey like no other...Daniel and Olivia are destined to be together. At least, Daniel thinks this the night he sees Olivia across a sea of people. As he backpacks through Australia, Daniel and Liv continue to cross paths, yet never speak. Until one night, Liv joins Daniel for a drink. And that night everything changes.Back in London, stuck in a monotonous routine, Daniel finds himself daydreaming of the woman with amber eyes and fiery hair. Armed with only a name he vows to find her, yet with every passing moment, Daniel's hopes begin to disappear. What if it wasn't meant to be?But then fate steps in, and Daniel and Olivia's story can truly begin...A tale of serendipity, missed chances, and the power of love, ´The Night We Met´ is perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks' ´The Notebook´.Readers LOVE ´The Night We Met´:"´The Night We Met´ will warm and break your heart in equal measure, and make you laugh out loud and sob quietly. A lovely gem" - Heat"Beautifully written, utterly heartbreaking. An epic love story" - Paige Toon, author of ´The Minute I Saw You´"I know this gorgeous love story will stay with me for a long time. Amazing" - Lorraine Brown, author of ´Uncoupling´"A beautifully wrought novel, exhilarating and devastating in equal measure, and filled with passion, warmth and humour" - Reader reviewZoë Folbigg is a magazine journalist and digital editor, starting her career at Cosmopolitan in 2001 and has since then been freelancing for titles including Glamour, Fabulous, Daily Mail, Healthy, LOOK, Top Santé, ELLE, Sunday Times Style, and 2008 she had a weekly column in Fabulous magazine documenting her year-long round-the-world trip with 'Train Man' – a man she had met on her daily commute. She since married Train Man and lives in Hertfordshire with him and their two young sons.Zoe is the author of ´The Note´, ´The Postcard´ and ´The Distance´. ´The Note´ was Amazon Prime's most downloaded book of 2018 and has sold over 200,000 copies.

  • by Rab Ferguson
    59.99 kr.

    Tyler is late for school again. And his teacher's not happy about it.Thing is, his mum is sick and his autistic younger brother, Levi, needs help getting ready for school. Is Tyler supposed to leave without giving Levi his breakfast or his mum her cup of tea?Sent to detention for lateness, he is joined by bad-boy Jayden, class-clown Alisha, and, most surprisingly, straight-A student, Grace.When an alien crash lands in their school gym, "The Late Crew" are entrusted with his special cargo. But can Tyler really take on another responsibility? It turns out his fellow Late Crew have problems of their own too but perhaps if they team up, they could just save their school and their new friend too.A fast-paced tale of unlikely heroes and unlikely friendships that will thrill young fans of "The Breakfast Club Adventures" by Marcus Rashford.Rab Ferguson was born and raised in the UK. He graduated with a first class Creative Writing and English Literature Degree in 2013, and since then has worked with young people, including as a performing storyteller.

  • by Joy Kluver
    129.99 kr.

    When DI Bernadette Noel hurries to Keira Howard’s hospital bedside, she knows that Keira has been lucky. Barely conscious and badly injured, at least she is alive. Convinced that Keira’s attack is the latest in a string of increasingly violent assaults on young women in the area, the next victim might not be so fortunate...Vowing to find the culprit, Bernie spurs her team into action and quickly hones in on a prime suspect. But when he suddenly dies while on police watch, Bernie’s investigation goes into freefall and new questions arise: If it was murder, who would want him dead, and why?Bernie determines to set out on her own to find out what happened, but the closer she comes to discovering the truth, the more she is putting her own life in danger. And with Keira finally strong enough to talk to her about her attack, Bernie worries she may be at risk yet again. There’s someone out there who has killed to stay safe in the shadows; can Bernie stop another senseless death and save Keira before it’s too late?An utterly compelling crime thriller, full of twists and suspense, perfect for fans of Val McDermid, Angela Marsons, and Cara Hunter.What readers are saying about ´Left for Dead´:"With its excellent plot and pacing, I had difficulty putting this book down. Left for Dead was such a compelling read, and I relished every moment." - Rubie Reads‘Wow what a book... I don't want to say anymore as it could spoil the book for others but this is an excellent story and I have loved every second of reading it. BRILLIANT!’ - NetGalley reviewerJoy Kluver has been an avid reader and writer since childhood. A book blogger, she’s also part of the First Monday Crime team and if you’ve been to any of their events it’s likely you’ve eaten one of her cookies. She also organises author talks for her local library. She has written three DI Bernadette ‘Bernie’ Noel books – 'Last Seen', 'Broken Girls' and 'Left For Dead', and the series has been shortlisted for Best New Kid on the Block (best new series) in the Dead Good Reader Awards 2022.

  • by Henry Rider Haggard
    74.99 kr.

    “La signora di Blossholme”, pubblicato nel 1909, è il trentottesimo romanzo a opera di H.R. Haggard. Ambientato nell’Inghilterra di Enrico VIII, ai tempi della ribellione papista nota come “Pilgrimage of Grace” (1536-1537), esso racconta le vicende di una coppia di possidenti terrieri, separati dall’altrui avidità e dai grandi rivolgimenti della Storia. L’abate Maldon ha infatti fatto uccidere il padre di Cicely e fatto deportare oltremare suo marito. Cicely, dovendo sfuggire alla prigionia (e pure a un processo per stregoneria!), dovrà fare in modo di ottenere l’aiuto del re, così da ritrovare il marito scomparso e riottenere le proprie terre. Un Haggard apparentemente inedito – almeno per chi lo ha sempre conosciuto per i romanzi ad ambientazione africana – ma non per questo meno entusiasmante. Difficile non farsi risucchiare dall’avvincente storia di un mondo in preda alle guerre fratricide (un tema, questo, purtroppo sempre attuale).Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) nasce a Bradenham, ottavo di dieci figli, in una famiglia di origini danesi. Su insistenza del padre, nel 1875, lavora come funzionario nel Foreign Office, per poi trasferirsi in Sudafrica come segretario, al seguito di alcune importanti autorità coloniali. Nonostante la laurea in legge – conseguita al ritorno in Inghilterra – Haggard coltiva da sempre il sogno di scrivere. Spronato anche dalla lettura de “L’isola del tesoro” di R.L. Stevenson, scrive e pubblica i primi racconti, ottenendo tuttavia un grande successo solo col suo primo romanzo “Le miniere di re Salomone” (1885). Considerato l’iniziatore di un vero e proprio genere, incentrato sulla ricerca di misteriosi “mondi perduti” nel bel mezzo dell’Africa, Haggard pubblicherà, da allora in poi, un numero sterminato di romanzi, fra i quali è doveroso citare “La figlia dell’uragano” (1913), “Il dio mostro” (1924) e, soprattutto, la tetralogia del Ciclo di Ayesha.

  • by Netta Muskett
    From 54.99 kr.

    När Verne Raydon gifter sig med Robert Grimtree är det endast för hans pengar, och han vet om det. Vernes mor är svårt sjuk och hon behöver all hjälp hon kan få. Den säkerhet som Roberts förmögenhet kan erbjuda är enda anledningen till att hon ens skulle tänka tanken att tillbringa resten av sitt liv med en så känslolös man. Äktenskapet är endast en trygghet, och för Verne är kärlek till Robert helt uteslutet. Men varför han skulle nöja sig med ett kärlekslöst äktenskap med henne kan hon inte förstå. Han ser bra ut, det måste hon medge, och hans ställning gör att han säkerligen har flera alternativ när det kommer till giftemål. Han måste ha egna motiv till varför han erbjuder sig hjälpa henne, men vilka? Netta Musketts romaner för läsaren tillbaka till mellankrigstidens England och är fyllda med kärlek, intriger och passion.Netta Muskett var en engelsk romanceförfattare. Under sin livstid skrev hon mer än 60 romaner, och hon vad medgrundare och vicepresident till Romantic Novelists' Association som skapade priset Netta Muskett Award i hennes ära.

  • by Nicci French
    From 99.00 kr.

    Abbie Devereaux vågner i mørket. Hun er bundet på hænder og fødder og har en hætte over hovedet. Hun ved ikke, hvor hun er, eller hvordan hun er kommet derhen. En mand taler til hende og giver hende mad. Han lover at holde hende i live et stykke tid endnu, men siger, at til sidst vil han slå hende ihjel – ligesom han har gjort med alle de andre.Men Abbie er fast besluttet på at overleve, og styrken samt udholdenheden bliver hendes redning. For ikke at miste forbindelse til virkeligheden forsøger hun at holde styr på tiden: Hun tæller sekunder, taler med sin fangevogter, fortæller sig selv historier, genkalder sig sit liv og ikke mindst prøver hun at udtænke en plan for, hvordan hun kan vende tilbage til de levendes verden. Minderne, der dukker op, er fra en stresset karriere og et problematisk parforhold i opløsning. Som tiden går, og presset øges, må Abbie stille sig selv spørgsmålet: Er der en forbindelse mellem det liv, hun havde, og stemmen i mørket?Nicci French er pseudonym for det engelske forfatter- og ægtepar Nicci Gerrard (f. 1958) og Sean French (f. 1959). Sammen har de udgivet en lang række populære krimier og spændingsromaner, som er blevet oversat til flere fremmedsprog.

  • by Kate Galley
    102.99 kr.

    It's never too late to change the habits of a lifetime...Evelyn Pringle isn't the sort to make rash decisions. Or any decisions, really – she's always left that sort of thing up to her husband. But he's been found dead, wearing his best suit, with a diamond ring in his pocket that doesn't fit her. When Evelyn finds a letter addressed to a woman on the Isle of Wight, she decides to deliver it. By hand.So begins a very unusual holiday, and an adventure no one could have predicted – least of all Evelyn herself. With the help of some unexpected new friends and a little effort on her part, Evelyn discovers that it is never too late to have a second chance at life and forge friendships that are well-worth living for.´The Second Chance Holiday Club´ is a heartwarming and funny later-life uplift for fans of Judy Leigh, Hazel Prior, and Maddie Please.Kate Galley is a debut author who lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband, children and Meg, their Patterdale Terrier. Much of Kate's inspiration comes from the many varied lives of her clients as a mobile hairdresser, and the idea for this book came from one woman's tale of a hilarious Christmas coach trip.

  • by Hunter Davies
    102.99 kr.

    The Isle of Wight: in the summers of the 1800s, Queen Victoria holidayed here. At music festivals in the summer of love, hundreds of thousands of people got stoned here. And, in the summer of 2020, Hunter and Claire escaped locked-down North London for a week's holiday here. They fell in love with its sleepy charm – and ended up buying a Grade 2-listed home in the elegant Victorian seaside resort of Ryde."Love in Old Age" tells the story of their first year on the island. It is a journey of discovery in a forgotten corner of England; an exploration of the attraction of meeting new people and new places in old age, and a celebration of flat sandy beaches. Filled with Davies’ insatiable curiosity for people and places and his irrepressible and ironic sense of humour.A wryly humorous memoir, "Love in Old Age" will delight fans of Joan Didion's "The Year of Magical Thinking" and Nora Ephron's "I Remember Nothing".Hunter Davies is a prolific author, journalist and broadcaster who has written for Punch, the New Statesman, Guardian and Sunday Times. He is the author of more than 100 books, including the only authorized biography of The Beatles and biographies of Wordsworth, Beatrix Potter and Alfred Wainwright.

  • by Nigel Jones
    163.99 kr.

    A revised edition of the candid, sometimes shocking, biography of Rupert Brooke revealing the very different reality behind the golden-boy façade of an English literary iconParagon of youthful beauty, romantic symbol of a lost England, and precociously gifted poet, Rupert Chawner Brooke died in a hospital ship off the Aegean island of Skyros in April 1915, aged just 27. All England mourned his passing.But behind the glow of myth lies a darker reality. At the height of his promise a disappointment in love triggered a mental and physical collapse that brought his inner complexities to the surface. Letters reveal a man who was bisexual, misogynistic, anti-Semitic – and sometimes alarmingly unstable.This revised edition of Nigel Jones's admired biography, including an account of a previously unknown affair of Brooke's, reveals a more conflicted and troubled individual than the gilded Adonis of English literary myth.Nigel Jones is an author, a former editor at History Today and BBC history magazines, and has been a TV and radio broadcaster. He is the author of several histories and biographies, including 'The War Walk: A Journey along the Western Front', 'Rupert Brooke: Life, Death and Myth' and 'Sir Oswald Mosley'.

  • by Catherine Cookson
    96.99 kr.

    In ‘Als koppige wijn’ word je meegevoerd van de armoedige buitenwijken langs de Tyne rivier tot de welgestelde kringen in Engeland in de eerste jaren van de twintigste eeuw. Kan liefde deze twee gescheiden werelden verenigen? Kate Hannigan, alleenstaande moeder, leeft een hard bestaan in een achterstandswijk met een gewelddadige vader en maakt zich geen illusies over haar toekomst. Toch neemt haar leven een onverwachte wending wanneer ze de warmhartige dokter Rodney Prince ontmoet. Het wordt zijn missie om haar uit de ellende te helpen terwijl hij betoverd wordt door Kate’s wijsheid en charme. Wat vindt Rodney’s arrogante vrouw van zijn nieuwe liefdadigheidsproject?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.

  • by Mary Jayne Baker
    129.99 kr.

    Inspired by "Much Ado About Nothing", this is a hilarious and uplifting romantic comedy perfect for fans of "10 Things I Hate About You" and "The Hating Game".As old enemies reunite, sparks fly – in ways Bridie could never have seen coming...Bridie Morgan is giving love one last chance – she's going on twenty dates in twenty days. If this 'love' thing really is a numbers game, then surely she'll find The One. And if not? Well, at least the memory will be enough to put her off for life.But being love's biggest sceptic is a challenge in the face of best friend Hattie's upcoming nuptials. And as maid of honour, she really has to give it a chance.Then Bridie's lifelong nemesis Ben Kemp returns home to join the wedding party. Ben, who triggered the sorry state of affairs that has been Bridie's love life since high school. Ben, the best man to her maid of honour. Readers love 'Love at First Fight'! 'A fantastic five-star read. This is funny, and sweet... I adore this author and can't wait to see what they will come up with next' -NetGalley Review,'Mary Jayne Baker take a bow! This is definitely going to be high on the list of favourites for this year! This is a book that has made me laugh out, cry a whole lot and fall in love with the characters that have filled the pages... This is without a doubt a book worthy of all the stars' All Hail Mary Jayne Baker – queen of romance and one of the few authors that can almost read my mind and create the perfect man' -Little Miss Book Lover 87.Mary Jayne Baker is a romance author from Yorkshire, UK. After graduating from Durham University with a degree in English Literature, she dallied with living in a number of cities, but eventually came back with her own romantic hero in tow to her beloved Dales, where she first started telling stories about heroines with flaws and the men who love them.

  • by David Mark
    102.99 kr.

    How much would you pay to survive?Mum-of-three Ronni Ashcroft had just pieced her life back together after her husband left. On a remote spur of the Scottish Highlands, she kept her successful guest house going and even met a new man, Bishop.But it turned out that Bishop had secrets. He had shady connections and shadier plans to use the coastal town as a European gateway for drugs, guns – and something far worse. Now he's disappeared, and Ronnie wants answers.Is he in trouble or simply ignoring her? Was she just his play-thing from the start? And, most importantly, is he dragging them both into something that neither of them will survive?´The Guest House´ is perfect for fans of Alex Michaelides and Ruth Ware.Praise for David Mark:"Dark, compelling crime writing of the highest order" - Daily Mail"Breathtaking" - Peter May"Truly exhilarating and inventive. Mark is a wonderfully descriptive writer" - Peter JamesDavid Mark spent more than fifteen years as a journalist, including seven years as a crime reporter with the Yorkshire Post. His writing is heavily influenced by the court cases he covered: the defeatist and jaded police officers; the competent and incompetent investigators; the inertia of the justice system and the sheer raw grief of those touched by savagery and tragedy.He is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling ´DS McAvoy´ series, historical novels, and psychological suspense thrillers, also writing under the name D.M. Mark.

  • by Eva Lirot
    73.99 kr.

    Ein altes Familiengeheimnis.Eine eigenwillige junge Frau.Und eine düstere Sage ...An der Nordküste Cornwalls spukt es, wenn man den Küstenbewohnern glaubt. Menschen sind verschwunden, geholt vom fahlen Seemann, der dazu verdammt ist über die Meere zu fahren, bis ihn jemand aus seiner Einsamkeit erlöst. Luna Walker, eine junge Frau aus London, hält nichts von dieser Sagengestalt. Sie hat das Häuschen ihrer Tante geerbt und möchte an der Küste Fuß fassen, sich aus der versnobten Londoner Gesellschaft lösen.Robert Byrne, der aus der Gegend stammt, aber längst nicht mehr dort lebt, belächelt den Aberglauben der Küstenbewohner ebenfalls. Er ist nur zurück, um endlich sein Elternhaus zu verkaufen. Zu viele schlechte Erinnerungen lasten auf dem schlossähnlichen Gebäude oben auf den Klippen. Erinnerungen an die Familie, die Byrne dort verlor. Er und Luna begegnen sich im Pub. Die junge Frau macht Eindruck auf Byrne. Doch dann geschieht etwas, was niemals geschehen dürfte ...Eva Lirot lebt mit Mann und Hund in Limburg a.d. Lahn, Autorin erfolgreicher Thriller, Studium der Psychologie, Magister in Literaturwissenschaft.Weitere Infos zu Eva Lirot gibt es hier:

  • by Robert C. Marley
    110.99 kr.

    London 1896 – Im Crystal Palace Park stirbt eine Frau unter den Rädern einer neuartigen Motordroschke – ein tragischer Unfall, wie es scheint. Doch Chief Inspector Swanson schöpft Verdacht, denn der Bruder der Toten ist kurz zuvor spurlos und unter mysteriösen Umständen aus dem Gefängnis in Wicklow verschwunden. Als dann unweit der Haftanstalt – in dem kleinen irischen Küstenstädtchen Bray – die verstümmelte Leiche eines seit Monaten vermissten Mannes inmitten okkulter Symbole gefunden wird, haben selbst die irischen Behörden nur eine Erklärung: Die berüchtigte Hexe von Bray sucht sich nach zwanzig Jahren abermals ihre Opfer. Inspector Swanson und sein Team werden nach Irland geschickt, um dem Spuk ein Ende zu bereiten ...Robert C. Marley, geboren 1971, ist Autor, Kriminalhistoriker, Goldschmiedemeister und Mitglied des Syndikats – der Vereinigung deutschsprachiger Krimiautoren. Seit seiner Jugend liebt er Sherlock Holmes und Agatha Christie und besitzt ein privates Kriminalmuseum. Der Autor lebt mit seiner Jugendliebe und einer schwarzen Katze in einer sehr alten Stadt in Ostwestfalen.