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  • by Mauri Ahtosalo
    From 73.99 kr.

    Jatkosota on alkanut. Rintamat pysyvät paikoillaan, mutta niiden läpi tunkeutuu joukko Kaakkois-Karjalan miehiä kohti eteläistä Kannasta. Heidän tehtävänään on toimia kulissien takana ja heikentää vihollisen valmiuksia vaivihkaa. Miehet katkovat rautatieyhteyksiä, välittävät viestejä ja tarkkailevat vihollisen liikennettä.Nälkä ja vilu tunkeutuvat jokaisen sissin luihin ja ytimiin. Räjähdykset, piilottelu ja ainainen pelko kalvavat mieltä. Miten miehet pitävät moraalia yllä? Miltä sodan kulku näyttää heidän näkökulmastaan, kaukana rintaman avoimista taisteluista? Mauri Ahtosalo kertoo rehdillä otteella tästä jatkosodan puolesta romaanin muodossa.Mauri Ahtosalo (1915–2002) oli suomalainen kirjailija. Hän työskenteli Puolustusvoimien palveluksessa aina vuoteen 1963 saakka. Ahtosalon romaanit käsittelevät Suomen sotien sissien edesottamuksia.

  • by Morvan Lallouet, Jan Matti Dollbaum & Ben Noble
    148.99 kr.

    In Deutschland wurde Alexej Nawalny erst dadurch bekannt, dass er nur knapp einen Giftanschlag überlebte, für den er den russischen Geheimdienst verantwortlich macht. Nach seiner Behandlung in Deutschland wurde er bei seiner Rückkehr umgehend festgenommen, veröffentlichte aber gleichzeitig ein Video über Putin, das millionenfach geklickt wurde, Hunderttausende gingen auf die Straße. Nawalny präsentiert sich als Retter Russlands, der Putin unerbittlich vom Thron jagen will. Dabei ist er nicht unumstritten. Wer Alexej Nawalny ist, wofür er steht und ob er Putin auch aus der Haft heraus gefährlich werden kann, beleuchten nun erstmals drei internationale Russlandexperten mit Zugang zu Nawalnys engsten Vertrauten.Ben Noble, Jan Matti Dollbaum und Morvan Lallouet forschen zu Autoritarismus und politischer Opposition und widmen ihre Expertise nun Nawalny.

  • by Daniel Utrilla
    148.99 kr.

    Una inolvidable crónica preñada de humor de un acontecimiento que trascendió el Telón de Acero. Esta obra comprende la investigación del periodista Daniel Utrilla sobre el supuesto avistamiento de un ovni en la ciudad rusa de Vorónezh en 1989. Las averiguaciones del narrador compondrán un perfecto eco de la España berlanguiana y desnortada de la época. Novela coral, periodismo excéntrico, historia inolvidable.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Daniel Utrilla es un autor nacido en Madrid en 1976. Corresponsal de El Mundo en Rusia durante más de diez años, ha dedicado tanto su obra como su vida profesional a este país, donde aún reside. En la actualidad compagina la narrativa con su labor periodística en el canal ruso RT en español.

  • by Emilio Salgari
    96.99 kr.

    Boris, un ex comandante della corazzata militare russa "e;Pobieda"e;, libera i detenuti politici incarcerati su un'isola situata nei pressi della Siberia Meridionale. Con lui si schierano i russi Fedoro e Rokoff e il comandante della prodigiosa macchina volante conosciuta come lo Sparviero. A bordo di questo mezzo prodigioso, gli uomini sorvoleranno l'Europa, l'Africa e Atlantide, fino a raggiungere le Americhe. La loro missione? Salvare Wanda, la figlia di Boris, rapita da un malvagio barone.-

  • by Maxim Gorky
    92.99 kr.

    First published in 1900, ‘Three Men’ is a novel by famous Russian author Maxim Gorky. The story follows the fortunes of Ilya, a poor boy from the slums who finds himself catapulted into middle-class society in contrast to the friends and family he has left behind. He soon discovers, however, that wealth does not necessarily buy you security or happiness. A touching, melancholic novel which shockingly depicts the harsh reality of the working class at the time. A contemporary of Tolstoy and Chekhov, Gorky’s work is essential reading for all fans of Russian literature.Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) was a Russian author, playwright, and political activist. Orphaned at the age of eleven, Gorky ran away from home and survived by taking on a variety of menial jobs whilst travelling around Russia – experiences which would influence his writing in later life. He often worked as a journalist for local newspapers and his first short story ‘Makar Chudra’ was published in a newspaper in 1892. His first book, ‘Essays and Stories’ was published in 1898 and was an immediate success, allowing Gorky to concentrate fully on his writing. His focus was on those struggling and outcast from society and he was dedicated to portraying their worth and humanity – viewing his literary work as a moral obligation and a political act. He became associated with the Marxist movement and was critical of the Tsarist regime, resulting in his numerous arrests, imprisonments, and periods of exile. Some of his best-known works include ‘The Lower Depths’, ‘My Childhood’, ‘Mother’, and ‘Children of the Sun’. He was a five-time Nobel Prize nominee for his services to literature.

  • by Maxim Gorky
    67.99 kr.

    Pessimistic young Foma Gordyeff has inherited his father’s shipping business and soon finds himself spiralling out of control – squandering his fortune and indulging his every whim. When he meets Sasha it seems as though his life is about to change for the better, but will Sasha be the salvation that Foma so desperately needs? A compelling story from famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky, ‘The Man Who Was Afraid’ is a powerful tale about social injustice. A contemporary of Tolstoy and Chekhov, this is an essential read for fans of Russian literature.Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) was a Russian author, playwright, and political activist. Orphaned at the age of eleven, Gorky ran away from home and survived by taking on a variety of menial jobs whilst travelling around Russia – experiences which would influence his writing in later life. He often worked as a journalist for local newspapers and his first short story ‘Makar Chudra’ was published in a newspaper in 1892. His first book, ‘Essays and Stories’ was published in 1898 and was an immediate success, allowing Gorky to concentrate fully on his writing. His focus was on those struggling and outcast from society and he was dedicated to portraying their worth and humanity – viewing his literary work as a moral obligation and a political act. He became associated with the Marxist movement and was critical of the Tsarist regime, resulting in his numerous arrests, imprisonments, and periods of exile. Some of his best-known works include ‘The Lower Depths’, ‘My Childhood’, ‘Mother’, and ‘Children of the Sun’. He was a five-time Nobel Prize nominee for his services to literature.

  • by Maxim Gorky
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1923 ‘Through Russia’ is a collection of short stories by the well-known Russian author, Maxim Gorky. The collection includes ‘The Birth of a Man’, ‘Nilushka’, and ‘The Dead Man’. With some of the stories written during the turbulent period of the Russian Revolution, the tales in this collection frequently deal with the social issues of the time. The focus is on the struggles of everyday, ordinary people, portraying them in a sympathetic and compassionate way. A great introduction to the work of Maxim Gorky, and a fascinating snapshot of a changing early twentieth century Russia.Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) was a Russian author, playwright, and political activist. Orphaned at the age of eleven, Gorky ran away from home and survived by taking on a variety of menial jobs whilst travelling around Russia – experiences which would influence his writing in later life. He often worked as a journalist for local newspapers and his first short story ‘Makar Chudra’ was published in a newspaper in 1892. His first book, ‘Essays and Stories’ was published in 1898 and was an immediate success, allowing Gorky to concentrate fully on his writing. His focus was on those struggling and outcast from society and he was dedicated to portraying their worth and humanity – viewing his literary work as a moral obligation and a political act. He became associated with the Marxist movement and was critical of the Tsarist regime, resulting in his numerous arrests, imprisonments, and periods of exile. Some of his best-known works include ‘The Lower Depths’, ‘My Childhood’, ‘Mother’, and ‘Children of the Sun’. He was a five-time Nobel Prize nominee for his services to literature.

  • by Maxim Gorky
    102.99 kr.

    Originally published in 1913, ‘My Childhood’ is the first volume of Maxim Gorky’s autobiography. Orphaned at an early age, Gorky was brought up in his grandparents’ strict household and he ran away at the age of just twelve. His life on the road, undertaking menial jobs in order to survive would have a huge influence on his literary career and worldview. His impoverished and bleak beginnings helped him to better understand and sympathise with the plight of those on the outskirts of society. A powerful novel, with beautiful descriptions of the Russian landscape, and lots of touching moments - this is a fascinating insight into the Russian author.Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) was a Russian author, playwright, and political activist. Orphaned at the age of eleven, Gorky ran away from home and survived by taking on a variety of menial jobs whilst travelling around Russia – experiences which would influence his writing in later life. He often worked as a journalist for local newspapers and his first short story ‘Makar Chudra’ was published in a newspaper in 1892. His first book, ‘Essays and Stories’ was published in 1898 and was an immediate success, allowing Gorky to concentrate fully on his writing. His focus was on those struggling and outcast from society and he was dedicated to portraying their worth and humanity – viewing his literary work as a moral obligation and a political act. He became associated with the Marxist movement and was critical of the Tsarist regime, resulting in his numerous arrests, imprisonments, and periods of exile. Some of his best-known works include ‘The Lower Depths’, ‘My Childhood’, ‘Mother’, and ‘Children of the Sun’. He was a five-time Nobel Prize nominee for his services to literature.

  • by Maxim Gorky
    92.99 kr.

    Published in 1916, ‘In the World’ is the second volume in Maxim Gorky’s autobiography. Gorky demonstrates how his views and opinions were shaped by his life and what he saw around him. After a tricky childhood, life did not get much easier for Gorky, and alcoholism, gambling, and his shattered dreams all feature, as well as shocking descriptions of the terrible working conditions he noted all around him. Full of agony and tragedy, ‘In the World’ provides valuable insight into the mind and workings of Gorky – a key figure in Russian literary history.Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) was a Russian author, playwright, and political activist. Orphaned at the age of eleven, Gorky ran away from home and survived by taking on a variety of menial jobs whilst travelling around Russia – experiences which would influence his writing in later life. He often worked as a journalist for local newspapers and his first short story ‘Makar Chudra’ was published in a newspaper in 1892. His first book, ‘Essays and Stories’ was published in 1898 and was an immediate success, allowing Gorky to concentrate fully on his writing. His focus was on those struggling and outcast from society and he was dedicated to portraying their worth and humanity – viewing his literary work as a moral obligation and a political act. He became associated with the Marxist movement and was critical of the Tsarist regime, resulting in his numerous arrests, imprisonments, and periods of exile. Some of his best-known works include ‘The Lower Depths’, ‘My Childhood’, ‘Mother’, and ‘Children of the Sun’. He was a five-time Nobel Prize nominee for his services to literature.

  • by Claes Brenman
    50.99 kr.

    Rikard Zahn arbetar för den svenska underrättelseorganisationen IB. Historien har just tagit klivet raka vägen in i ett kallt krig, en strid som långsamt håller på att trappas upp världen över. Samtidigt har en tidigare kollega, som verkar ha anslutit sig till en israelisk organisation i Berlin, tagit kontakt med Rikard då det kommit fram uppgifter om att ett par förintelsevapen är i farten någonstans i Europa. Frågan Rikard nu måste ställa sig är var dessa vapen kan tänka sig att befinna sig. Men också – vem är det som har börjat pumpa ut dem?Boken blev 1986 även inspirationen till en tv-serie med samma namn under Jon Lindströms regi.Claes Brenman är en pseudonym för författaren Lars Thoris. Flera av hans romaner utspelar sig inom det militära och med tydliga thriller-teman.

  • by Vladimir Korolenko
    44.99 kr.

    „Blindi tónsnillingurinn" er sálfræðileg skáldsaga sem kafar djúpt í persónulegt líf blindra einstaklinga. Höfundurinn reynir að fylgja eftir og útskýra marvíslegar gjörðir og ákvarðanir sem eru í eðli sínu tengdar sjónleysi. Söguhetjurnar eru stelpa, strákur og atvinnutónlistarmaður, sem höfundi tekst að mála tilfinningaríka og einlæga mynd af. Sagan er stórkostlegur lestur sem stöðugt birtir andstæður þess ytra og innra í heiminum, ásamt táknrænna og bókstaflegra valda sjónar og forréttindi þeirra sem sjá.Vladimir Korolenko (1853-1921) var Rússneskur smásagnahöfundur, gagnrýnandi Rússneska keisaradæmisins og seinna meir á móti Bolsévikum. Ein áhrifamestu þemu skrifa hans einkennast af harkalegum og jafnvel nokkuð fjandsamlegum, náttúrulegum lýsingum af lífi einfalds fólks. Meistaraverk hans er án efa „Blindi tónsnillingurinn", ásamt mörgum öðrum smásögum sem byggðar eru á reynslu hans í útlegð í óvistlegu umhverfi Síberíu.

  • by Marian Piotr Rawinis
    32.99 kr.

    Czas spędzony w domu Warwary Iwanownej mija Stasiowi przyjemnie. Jego obecność pozytywnie wpływa na niewidomą kobietę, która powoli odzyskuje radość z życia. Młody Kalinowski zbliża się do Iriny, a ich relacja zdaje się przekraczać granice zwykłego koleżeństwa. Staś zastanawia się nad pracą w pobliskiej fabryce. Pieniądze z pewnością przydałyby się na utrzymanie domostwa Warwary. Na przeszkodzie staje brak papierów. Chłopak boi się dekonspiracji i powrotu do więzienia. Aby pomóc, Irina składa Stasiowi bardzo odważną propozycję. Czy zdecyduje się z niej skorzystać?Wzruszająca i pełna ciepła polska saga o wielopokoleniowej rodzinie Kalinowskich. Mieszkańcy dworku pod Malwami pielęgnują szlacheckie tradycje. Wraz z początkiem XX wieku ich spokojne życie zaburzy bieg historycznych wydarzeń. Rodzinne tajemnice, rozczarowania i tęsknoty wpłyną na ich relacje. Mimo trudności z którymi się zmierzą, nie zapomną o tym, że najważniejsza w życiu jest miłość.Marian Piotr Rawinis (ur. 7 grudnia 1953 w Popiołach, zm. 1 lutego 2021 w Pobłędziu) znany też jako Peter Janees to polski poeta, powieściopisarz, scenarzysta i dziennikarz. To również działacz opozycji i były więzień polityczny w okresie stanu wojennego. Tworzył oraz pełnił funkcję redaktora naczelnego pierwszej niezależnej gazety w Częstochowie – „Dziennik Częstochowski 24 Godziny". Współpracował z TVP Katowice, Gazetą Wyborczą czy Dziennikiem Polskim. Był również częstochowskim korespondentem PAP. W swoim literackim dorobku autor posiada powieści historyczne, sensacyjne, obyczajowe i kryminalne, np. „Facet z Beauty Falls", „Martwa natura z księżycem". W latach 80. publikował pod pseudonimem Peter Janees. Niewątpliwie uznanie czytelników zdobyła „Saga rodu z Lipowej" składająca się z 36 tomów. W 2011 roku pisarz pod pseudonimem Piotr Kukliński wydał kolejną sagę „Dworek pod malwami" (70 tomików). W latach 2015 – 2016 ukazała się trzecia saga autora pt. „Amerykański sen".

  • by Marian Piotr Rawinis
    32.99 kr.

    Przed cmentarzem w Zabludowie pojawia sie sedzia sledczy Krawcow w towarzystwie urzednikow, lekarza i robotnikow niosacych lopaty i kilofy. Okazuje sie, ze chodzi o sprawe smierci mlynarza. Sledczy podejrzewa, ze mezczyzna mogl zostac otruty przez wlasna corka. Natalia trafila do aresztu, a wiesc szybko rozeszla sie po okolicy. Proboszcz w towarzystwie wiernych udaje sie na cmentarz. Mieszkancy planuja bronic grobow swoich przodkow przed ekshumacja. Sytuacja zdaje sie napieta. Jeden falszywy ruch i moze dosc do eskalacji konfliktu i przemocy. Michal Kalinowski postanawia zapobiec rozlewowi krwi i probuje pogodzic interesy Krawcowa z katolickim proboszczem.Wzruszajaca i pelna ciepla polska saga o wielopokoleniowej rodzinie Kalinowskich. Mieszkancy dworku pod Malwami pielegnuja szlacheckie tradycje. Wraz z poczatkiem XX wieku ich spokojne zycie zaburzy bieg historycznych wydarzen. Rodzinne tajemnice, rozczarowania i tesknoty wplyna na ich relacje. Mimo trudnosci z ktorymi sie zmierza, nie zapomna o tym, ze najwazniejsza w zyciu jest milosc.

  • by Ivan Turgenev
    148.99 kr.

    Remanso de paz es una de las obras capitales del autor Iván Turguénev. En ella, el autor hace gala de los temas que acompañarán buena parte de su obra en la literatura y el teatro: el costumbrismo centrado en la vida rural de la Rusia de su época, la servidumbre del populacho, la frustración vital, el amor fallido y la crítica mordaz a la sociedad rusa. Un texto imprescindible para comprender los temas que obsesionaban al autor.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Iván Turguénev fue un escritor nacido en Oriol (Imperio Ruso) en 1818 y fallecido en Bougival (Francia) en 1883. Su obra, que abarca desde novelas a obras teatrales, le han valido un puesto privilegiado en las letras rusas. Asimismo, se le considera el primer autor en utilizar tanto el término «nihilista» como su aplicación en la narrativa rusa.

  • by Fjodor M Dostojewski
    40.99 kr.

    Ein wunderbares Debut uber Liebe, Armut, Not und die Menschlichkeit. Dostojewski erzahlt in Briefform die Geschichte der beiden Liebenden Makar Dewuschkin und Warwara Dobrosiolowa. Obwohl der gutherzige Makar und die junge Warwara im selben Armenviertel von St. Petersburg wohnen, tauschen sie lediglich Briefe aus. Um seine geliebte Warwara zu unterstutzen, verschuldet sich Makar immer mehr und auch Warwara erfahrt einen Schicksalsschlag nach dem anderen. Dann bietet ihr ausgerechnet ein reicher Gutsbesitzer, der sie zuvor entehrt hat, einen Ausweg aus der Armut an. Wird sich Warwara fur ein Leben in Reichtum entscheiden oder ist die Liebe zu Makar der einzige Schatz, den sie im Leben benotigt?-

  • by Fjodor M Dostojewski
    58.99 kr.

    Ein wahnwitziger Kampf auf der Suche nach der eigenen Identitat: Der Kanzleibeamte Jakob Goljadkin ist ein schuchterner, rechtschaffener Mensch, der nie etwas falsch machen will. Und genau dies verurteilt ihn zum Scheitern. Seine erhoffte Beforderung bleibt aus und auch seine Liebe zur schonen Klara Olsufjewna bleibt unerwidert. Als Jakob bei einem nachtlichen Spaziergang auf einen Mann trifft, der ihm bis aufs Haar gleicht, verandert sich sein Leben. In der Hoffnung sich zu verbrudern, wird der Unbekannte Teil von Jakobs Leben. Doch schnell muss der Kanzleibeamte erkennen, dass sein Doppelganger ihm in allen Bereichen uberlegen ist.-

  • by Fjodor M Dostojewski
    40.99 kr.

    Wenn das Herz so unbefleckt ist, wie die weißen Nächte von Sankt Petersburg. Ein junger Träumer begegnet in genau so einer weißen Nacht Nastenka. Diese sitzt weinend da und er spricht sie aus Mitleid an. Schnell entwickelt sich daraus jedoch eine innige Freundschaft und die Gefühle des Träumers werden noch stärker. Er verliebt sich in Nastenka, diese wartet jedoch sehnsüchtig auf die Rückkehr ihres Geliebten. Sie wollten gemeinsam weglaufen und sich ein neues Leben aufbauen, doch er ist nach Moskau gegangen, um dort erst etwas Geld zu verdienen. Kann der Träumer Nastenka für sich gewinnen oder bleibt auch seine Liebe unerwidert?Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski gilt als einer der wichtigsten und herausragendsten Schriftsteller Russlands. Bereits in seinem ersten Roman, dem 1846 erschienen "Arme Leute", befasst er sich mit den für ihn typischen Themen wie der menschlichen Seele, deren Regungen, Zwängen und Befreiungen. Er beteiligte sich am Frühsozialismus, was zu seiner Verhaftung führte, und wurde zur Todesstrafe verurteilt, die aber in eine Haftstrafe, gefolgt von Militärdienst in Sibirien umgewandelt wurde. Dostojewskis Leben war von Armut geprägt, jedoch genoss er in seinen letzten zehn Jahren die Anerkennung des ganzen Landes.

  • by Ivan Turgenev
    42.99 kr.

    First published in 1870 ‘King Lear of the Steppes’ is a novella by Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, loosely based on Shakespeare’s tragedy. The story takes place in the Russian countryside, where a trusting father decides to retire and divide his property between his two daughters. The move proves to be a mistake however, and throughout the story Turgenev raises questions about love, life, and family. A captivating read for fans of Russian literature.Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) was a Russian novelist, playwright, poet, and short story writer. Born in Oryol, Turgenev spent time studying at the University of Moscow, the University of St. Petersburg, and the University of Berlin. His 1852 collection of short stories, ‘A Sportsman’s Sketches’ catapulted him into the literary limelight - a series of observations on nature and the evils of serfdom, Turgenev regarded it as one of his most important moral works. In 1854 amidst an oppressive atmosphere in Russia for writers and artists, Turgenev emigrated to Western Europe where he would spend a great deal of time throughout the latter part of his life, and which would lead to his belief in Russia’s need to westernise – an outlook which set him apart from his contemporaries Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Some of Turgenev’s best-known works include ‘Rudin’, ‘A Nest of the Gentry’ and ‘Fathers and Sons’. He died in Paris in 1883.

  • by Ivan Turgenev
    67.99 kr.

    'On the Eve' was the third novel by acclaimed Russian author Ivan Turgenev. It follows the lives of idealistic and free-spirited aristocrat Elena Stakhova and the hot-blooded Bulgarian revolutionary Dmitri Insarov. Much to her parents dismay the pair fall deeply in love, but theirs is a doomed love and there is heartbreak on the horizon for the couple. A tragic yet hopeful tale, 'On the Eve' is also a poignant study of Russia's social class system. A must-read for all fans of Russian literature. -

  • by Maxim Gorky
    42.99 kr.

    Maxim Gorky’s exploration of his own encounter with the Orloffs, this short story follows the lives of a Russian family and delves into the monotony of everyday life. When an unexpected guest arrives in the city, the grey haze of what is ‘normal’ is broken, and accepted values begin to be scrutinized. Why can a man beat his wife? Why must his wife take the beating stoically? Why does everyone else pretend it doesn’t happen? A reminder that every voice deserves to be heard, no matter how small, this is ideal for fans of classic Russian authors and their realism, such as Leo Tolstoy.As a five-time Nobel Prize nominee, Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) rightfully holds a spot at the table of the most talented Russian writers. He led a turbulent life as an exile, a dissenter, and a Bolshevik associate. His most notable works include "The Lower Depths", "My Childhood,", "Mother", and "Children of the Sun" all of which are characterised by his realism.

  • by Maxim Gorky
    42.99 kr.

    Russia was by no means paradise at the turn of the twentieth century, but it was decidedly worse for the poor and homeless community. This play centres around a motley crew of drunkards, vagabonds, and petty criminals whose lives are forever changed by the arrival of mysterious pilgrim Luka. A pillar of Maxim Gorky’s social realism, ‘The Lower Depths’ oozes pessimism, social criticism, and alcoholism. An essential read for fans of both modern and classical Russian literature, from Leo Tolstoy to Boris Akunin.As a five-time Nobel Prize nominee, Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) rightfully holds a spot at the table of the most talented Russian writers. He led a turbulent life as an exile, a dissenter, and a Bolshevik associate. His most notable works include "The Lower Depths", "My Childhood,", "Mother", and "Children of the Sun" all of which are characterised by his realism.

  • by Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    102.99 kr.

    Young Guy Poynton finds himself caught up in a mystery after witnessing a clandestine political meeting on the German-Russia border. A few weeks later, Guy disappears from a nightclub in Paris. Despite imploring officials to help look for him, his sister Phyllis finds the police and consul officials are indifferent to his vanishing. Did Guy see too much? A thrilling mystery from author E. Phillips Oppenheim, ‘A Maker of History’ is packed full of twists and turns, spies and intrigue.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • by Ivan Turgenev
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1862, 'Fathers and Sons' is perhaps the most famous novel by renowned Russian author Ivan Turgenev. Turgenev had become increasingly aware of the widening schism at the time between liberals and the growing nihilist movement, which became his focus for this story. The tale follows the return of University students Bazarov and Kirsanov to their small village home, where they find their newly acquired worldviews coming into direct conflict with the beliefs of the previous generation. Both nostalgic and critical in tone, this timeless novel caused a stir upon its publication, and remains an acclaimed classic of Russian 19th century literature.-

  • by Leonid Andreyev
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1916 ‘The Little Angel and Other Stories’ is a collection of short stories from the famous Russian author Leonid Andreyev. Stories in the collection include a touching and tragic story about an abandoned dog in ‘Snapper’, a creepy identity crisis in ‘The Spy’, and the nightmarish ‘Laughter’, in which a young man is embarrassed and ridiculed. A collection of often dark, pessimistic and doom-laden tales, this is a fantastic introduction to the Russian author.Leonid Andreyev (1871-1919) was a Russian playwright, novelist, and short-story writer. Born in the city of Oryol, Andreyev studied law in Moscow and St Petersburg. He went on to become a police court-reporter but continued to write poetry in his spare time. His first short story was published in 1898, and Andreyev’s literary fame quickly grew after the 1901 publication of his first short story collection. Widely regarded as the father of Russian expressionism, Andreyev’s works are often haunting, dark, pessimistic, and controversial. His body of work includes two novels, five novellas and a number of short stories and plays. The most well-known of them include the story ‘The Seven Who Were Hanged’, ghost story, ‘Lazarus’, the play ‘Tsar Hunger’, and his novel ‘Sashka Zhegulev’. He died in Finland in 1919.

  • by Orage
    49.00 kr.

    Monstre af stål mødtes i et slag, som ingen før havde set magen til, et inferno af stål, ild, blod og død. Hundredevis af kampvogne udkæmpede en titanernes kamp, og efter slaget stod 250 udbrændte vrag af sovjetiske kampvogne tilbage. På tysk side havde man mistet tre kampvogne.Denne artikel byder på øjenvidneskildringer fra verdens største panserslag den 12. juli 1943.HISTORIE er en serie om historiske begivenheder og personer, der har fascineret og interesseret os i generationer. I korte artikler og reportager får vi indblik i historiens omtalte foreteelser og øjeblikke.Artiklen er oprindeligt udgivet af Orage.

  • by José Cadalso
    44.99 kr.

    Uno de los pocos textos teatrales del literato y militar noble José Cadalso. En él se nos presenta la tragedia del príncipe Selín, sobreano de los tártaros, quien, durante un viaje a la región rusa de Circasia para cobrar tributo de doncellas, acaba enamorado de la joven noble Solaya. Sin embargo, un destino aciago aguarda a los dos amantes.José Cadalso y Vázquez de Andrade fue un militar y autor español nacido en Cádiz en 1741 y fallecido en San Roque (Cádiz) en 1782. Hijo de familia noble proveniente de Vizcaya, vivió de las riquezas de su familia hasta alistarse en el ejército, donde hizo carrera. Tras una vida de venturas y escándalos, falleció a causa del impacto de una granada durante el asedio de Gibraltar por parte del ejército inglés. Dejó, sin embargo, una obra literaria y poética de gran calado, por la que aún hoy en día se le recuerda.

  • by Leo Tolstoy
    120.99 kr.

    Many consider 'Anna Karenina' to be the greatest novel of all time. A profound and exhaustive exploration of Russian life and the human condition. Tolstoy creates one of the most complex heroines in literature as he details Anna falling a conscious victim to her own passion.The dramatic scope of the story, the memorable characters, and the wealth of emotions that Tolstoy displays render 'Anna Karenina' much more than a novel, but rather an unmissable chronicle of the human condition that transcends both space and time. A perfect delve into Russian literature for those who enjoyed Christy Lefteri's 'The Beekeeper of Aleppo'. -

  • by Leonid Andreyev
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1920 'When the King Loses His Head & Other Stories' is a short story collection form the renowned Russian author Leonid Andreyev. Some of the best-known stories in the collection include 'Lazarus', an exploration of how Lazarus really felt upon returning from the grave, an interpretation of Judas's personality and motives in 'Judas Escariot' and the evocative 'Dies Irae'. With prominent religious themes and inspiration, this is a collection which explores the human condition and relationship with fate. A fascinating introduction to the Russian author. -

  • by Jeffrey Archer
    120.99 kr.

    Connor Fitzgerald is the CIA’s most deadly assassin. On the brink of his retirement, he is sent to Russia for one last hit. Except this isn’t just another job. After a fall out between the CIA and the White House over the assassination of a prominent Colombian politician, his boss is now using the Russian Mafia to cover her tracks.Fitzgerald is not going to St Petersburg to kill, he’s going to die.A page-turning, political thriller about espionage and betrayal by the acclaimed British writer, Jeffrey Archer.The Eleventh Commandment is narrated by Michael Brandon, most famous for playing James Dempsey in the 1980’s television crime drama, "Dempsey and Makepeace". His extensive theatre career spans Broadway and the West End, where he played Jerry Springer in \"Jerry Springer: the Opera\" for the National Theatre.Jeffrey Archer is a bestselling British author and former politician. He was educated at Oxford and went on to become a Member of Parliament, the deputy chair of the Conservative Party as well as sitting in the House of Lords. His political career ended in scandal and he turned to writing, where he has been published in over 250 countries.He is perhaps most famous for the "Clifton Chronicles" and his blockbuster "Kane and Abel" which was number one on the New York Time’s Bestseller list and inspired a popular miniseries starring Peter Strauss and Sam Neill.After he was imprisoned for perjury in 2001, he wrote his highly acclaimed non-fiction series, Prison Diaries – "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Heaven" – which were inspired by his experiences and loosely structured around Dante’s Inferno.

  • by Lasse Lehtinen
    73.99 kr.

    Kun venalainen poliitikko Mihail Gorbatshov laittaa alulle perestroikan 1980-luvulla, vaikutukset kiemurtelevat aina Suomeen asti. Sen saa kokea myos idankauppaan luottanut vaatetehtaan omistaja Voitto Kotilainen. Perestroikan myota jo lahes 60-vuotias Laatuvaate Oy on yhtakkia konkurssin partaalla. Kotilaisen suvussa on osattu tehda kauppaa niin laittomalla viinalla kuin varastetuilla virvoitusjuomilla, mutta miten Kotilaisen mahtaa nyt kayda? Taytyyko hanen hyvastella rikas elama ja uima-altaalla varustettu Kulosaaren palatsi?Kotilaisen kotiryssa on Lasse Lehtisen humoristinen romaani vuodelta 1991.-