96.99 kr. Kun Juhani Konkka oli lapsi, hanella oli tapana kiiveta pihan puuhun ja ihailla kaukana nakyvia Pietarin valoja ja kellotapuleja. Valot muistuttivat pikkupoikaa kuninkaallisista kertovista saduista, ja ne vetivat hanta magneetin lailla puoleensa. Isa halusi kasvattaa Juhanin Jean-Jacques Rousseaun oppeja mukaillen. Elama oli hyvaa, ja Juhanista kasvoi vahvatahtoinen poika. Perheidylli kuitenkin sarkyi, kun inkerilaisten vainot alkoivat taas yleistya 1900-luvun alkukymmenina. Juhanin perhe muutti lopulta Suomeen."e;Pietarin valot"e; on ainutlaatuinen muistelmaromaani inkerinsuomalaisten elamasta 1900-luvun alun Inkerinmaalla.-
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Das Leben gleicht oft einer Großbaustelle findet Dido. Seit Lukas ihr vor Jahren das Herz gebrochen hat, fühlt sie sich wie ein Komparse im eigenen Leben. Erst als ihr Chef, der alte Buchhändler Hans, sie um Hilfe bittet, erwacht Dido aus ihrer Lethargie. Denn auch Hans wurde einst von seiner großen Liebe verraten – und konnte sie doch nie loslassen. Dido ahnt, das die Zeit eben doch nicht alle Wunden heilt, man muss es selbst tun. Und sie will Hans dabei helfen. Bei der Suche nach jener Frau taucht plötzlich Lukas an ihrer Seite auf. Und so muss auch Dido sich den eigenen Gefühlen und Verletzungen stellen. Es wird eine abenteuerliche Reise, bei der nichts ist, wie es scheint. Und für die es großen Mut braucht, denn im Leben gibt es kein Schwarz oder Weiß. Das Leben ist irgendwo dazwischen.Eva Pantleon lebt und schreibt in Reinbek bei Hamburg. Nach einem Studium der Germanistikvolontierte sie bei einem Hamburg-Magazin und arbeitete danach als Redakteurin. Heute ist sie als freie Journalistin und Autorin tätig.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
58.99 kr. "Weihnachten in Russland", gelesen von den beliebten Sprechern Christian Rode und Ulrike Hübschmann, entführt den Hörer in die Weiten des winterlichen Russlands. Zu hören sind 24 auf die Adventszeit einstimmende Überraschungen von Fjodor M. Dostojewski, Maxim Gorki, Alexander Puschkin, Leo Tolstoi, Anton Tschechow und anderen großen russischen Autoren.
- Audiobook
- 58.99 kr.
48.99 kr. 23-letni Rodion Raskolnikow konczy studia prawnicze, ale ciezka sytuacja finansowa jego rodziny utrudnia mu rozpoczecie praktyki w zawodzie. Mlody mezczyzna jest zwolennikiem filozofii, zgodnie z ktora jednostka wybitna ma prawo dokonywac zbrodni na zwyklych ludziach. Raskolnikow publikuje na ten temat manifest w prasie. Nie chcac dopuscic, by jego siostra wyszla za maz wylacznie dla pieniedzy, decyduje sie zabic dla zarobku stara lichwiarke, ktora traktuje jako spoleczna "e;wsze"e;. Sytuacja komplikuje sie, gdy na miejscu niespodziewanie pojawia sie jej siostra Lizawieta. Po dokonaniu podwojnego zabojstwa wciaz przekonany do swoich racji Raskolnikow przechodzi zalamanie nerwowe. Przygniatajace przeczucie nieuniknionej kary sprowadza na niego goraczke i majaki.-
- Ebook
- 48.99 kr.
50.99 kr. Pavel växer upp i en minst sagt dysfunktionell familj. Modern sitter instängd på sitt rum med hallucinationer och en halvfärdig roman medan fadern tassar viskande runt godset för att inte störa. Utan någon ordentlig uppfostran från sina föräldrar är det hos stallknekten Vasilij som Pavel hittar sin trygga punkt. Undan för undan blir han mer stallpojke än godsägarson, för att sedan skickas iväg till det hårda livet på militärskola i Petersburg. Han känner inte sina egna föräldrar och de verkar besvikna på den person han blivit.Som sextonåring har Pavel gjort sig populär bland tjänsteflickorna runt godset. Själv är han likgiltig. Det är bara Vasilij som lyckas få honom att visa några känslor. Men en dag är det något som händer inom Pavel. Han börjar ifrågasätta sina egna handlingar och tankar. Kan det vara så att han faktiskt har en själ? Den absoluta vändpunkten kommer när han på tåget till Petersburg träffar den unge fursten Boris. Finns det kanske mer att önska av livet än vad Pavel tidigare trott?Jascha Golowanjuk (1905-1974) var en svensk författare, musiker och skådespelare. Han föddes i rysk-uzbekiska Samarkand men kom till Danmark som 14-åring och studerade där vid Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium. Som dansk medborgare flyttade han sedan till Sverige år 1929 och fick sedermera även svenskt medborgarskap. Han medverkade i flera av Kar de Mummas revyer och blev så småningom en av de svenska bibliotekens mest utlånade författare.
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- 50.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Paweł Iwanowicz Cziczikow w towarzystwie stangreta i lokaja przemierza prowincjonalne wsie i miasteczka w głębi Rosji. Jego wygląd ani charakter nie wyróżniają się ponad przeciętność. A jednak szybko zjednuje sobie ludzi, zaczynając od tych najważniejszych – prezesa sądu, policmajstra, gubernatora... Objeżdża lokalne majątki w konkretnym celu – kupna. Nie chodzi mu jednak o towary ani ziemię, a o tytułowe martwe dusze, czyli zmarłych chłopów pańszczyźnianych, za których właściciele ziemscy wciąż muszą płacić podatki. Cziczikow zapuszcza się w coraz mniej wytworne środowiska, a o nim samym zaczynają krążyć różne plotki. Kim naprawdę jest tajemniczy przyjezdny i jakie są jego zamiary?„Martwe dusze" to niedokończona powieść Nikołaja Gogola, nad którą pracował od 1835 roku aż do śmierci w 1852. Porównuje się ją do „Boskiej" komedii Dantego i uznaje za szczytowe osiągnięcie w literackiej spuściźnie Gogola.Nikołaj Gogol (1809-1852) - rosyjski prozaik i dramatopisarz. Choć karierę pisarską zaczynał od poematów i prozy, prawdziwą sławę przyniosły mu komedie takie jak "Rewizor" czy "Ożenek". Był mistrzem satyry i groteski. W swoich utworach często krytycznie odnosił się do funkcjonowania rosyjskiego systemu administracyjnego oraz obśmiewał ludzkie przywary.
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- 40.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Cette collection de contes et de fables contient plus de cents histoires inventées par Léon Tolstoï. Cet écrivain renommé autant pour sa prose que pour le contenu de ses œuvres nous fait voyager au cœur d’un univers inspiré de sa terre et de son folklore natal : la Russie. La collection est très diversifié puisque elle contient autant de contes comiques, romantiques, paysans et magiques, que de contes sages et précieux, notamment les célèbres : « L’aveugle et le Lait », « La Princesse aux Cheveux d’or », « Lipouniouchka », « Le Singe et le Pois » ou encore « La Poule et ses Poussins. »À lire sans plus tarder !Léon Tolstoï (1828-1910) est un écrivain russe dont le talent a été rapidement reconnu. Il s'est fait connaître par ses romans et nouvelles qui dépeignent la vie du peuple russe à l'époque des tsars. Avec ses écrits, il parvient à mettre en lumière les grands enjeux de la civilisation. Ses œuvres incontournables ont été adaptées d’innombrables fois, notamment dans le film « Anna Karenine » (2012) avec Keira Knightley et Jude Law, et la série « Guerre et Paix » (2016) avec Lily James.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Tout le monde pense que Teglev est un homme sérieux et courageux. On dit qu'il a sauvé un chien de la noyade en se précipitant sur un lac à la glace fine et craquante, et qu'il remporte tous ses paris sans afficher l'ombre d'un doute. Pourtant, seul Riedel le connait réellement. ; seul Riedel le sait superstitieux, inquiet, froid — et surtout effrayant...Une nuit, alors que les deux amis peinent à s'endormir, Teglev se redresse brusquement, les yeux exorbités par la peur. Quelqu'un frappe à la fenêtre et murmure son nom...Maître incontesté de la nouvelle et précurseur du récit enchâssé dont Maupassant s'inspirera, Tourgueniev dote ce chef-d'œuvre d'une pointe de fantastique et s'interroge sur la folie et la peur.van Sergueïevitch Tourgueniev (1818-1883) est un écrivain russe. Né d’une famille noble, tout oppose le père à l’écrivain. Son indignation contre les injustices sociales est déjà présente dans les écrits et les pensées du jeune Tourgueniev. Pour s'émanciper, Tourgueniev s’initie à la chasse et la poésie. À la mort d'Alexandre Pouchkine, il traduit quelques-uns de ses poèmes aux côtés de Prosper Mérimée. Tourgueniev voyage beaucoup (France, Saint-Pétersbourg, Angleterre). En 1850, alors qu’il fréquente George Sand en France, Nicolas Ier exige le retour des Russes expatriés. Il retourne en Russie, et publie en 1850 « Mémoires d’un chasseur » qui lui vaudra la prison pour ses critiques du servage, et ses positions occidentalistes. Libéré au bout de quelques années, il partira de nouveau pour la France où il fera la rencontre de Flaubert, Zola, Prosper Mérimée, Alphonse Daudet, Jules Vernes.
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- 36.99 kr.
129.00 kr. Den unge fyrst Myschkin vender hjem til Rusland efter at have tilbragt det meste af sit liv i behandling for epilepsi på et sanatorium i Alperne. Den unge mand er ren godhed og tilgivelse, ja, alt hvad man kunne ønske et menneske skulle være, men er der plads til sådanne værdier i 1800-tallets Sankt Petersborg? Hans barnlige uskyld er lige så kompromisløs som den verden, der prøver at mane den i jorden, og hans godtroenhed bliver udnyttet af rig og fattig, ven og fjende, til det til sidst ikke er til at se forskel."Fyrst Myschkin" er også kendt under titlen "Idioten", og den er et af Dostojevskijs absolutte hovedværker. Bogen skildrer ikke blot det russiske samfund i slutningen af 1860’erne med bidende realisme, men den fortæller også den spændende og rørende historie om en helt unik person og hans forsøg på at finde en plads i et samfund, han ikke forstår.Den russiske forfatter Fjodor Mikhailovitj Dostojevskij (1821-1881) er bedst kendt for sine romaner "Forbrydelse og Straf", "Idioten" og "Brødrene Karamazov", men i løbet af sit liv skrev han et utal af romaner og noveller, som var inspirationskilde for blandt andre filosofferne Friedrich Nietzsche og Jean Paul Sartre. Dostojevskij tilbragte fire år af sit liv i en sibirsk fangelejr for revolutionær aktivitet, hvilket også har præget hans forfatterskab.
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- 129.00 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Beauties’ is a short story by Chekhov that tells the tale of a young schoolboy travelling through the countryside with his grandfather on a sweltering summer day. The boy is uninterested in his dreary dustbowl surroundings until they arrive at the house of an old friend and the boy becomes transfixed by an astonishingly beautiful young woman. ‘Beauties’ is a perfect encapsulation of Chekhov’s critically acclaimed writing style as the plot is minimal but his lyrical prose evokes a sense of enchantment and awe. Vivid imagery portrays the stunning beauty of both the young woman and the setting that will stay with the reader for as long as it stays with the mesmerised schoolboy. This short story’s meditation on the lasting impression of beauty makes it a perfect read for fans of ‘The Great Gatsby’ and Samuel Beckett, whose readers will also enjoy Chekhov’s realist writing style.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘At Christmas Time’ is a masterful short story written late in Chekhov’s career that is divided into two parts. The first half follows an illiterate peasant family hiring an ex-soldier to write a letter to their estranged daughter as they ponder the mystery of her life. Chekhov’s wit is on full display here as the former soldier writes about the army instead of informing the daughter about her parents and hometown. The second part is more sombre as the letter is delivered to the daughter by her abusive husband and we learn what has transpired in her life. Chekhov’s fiery social critique is present in this short as he contrasts the warmth and love of hard village life with the coldness of upper-class luxury. ‘At Christmas Time’ displays Chekhov’s ability to combine irony and melancholy into an incredible work of art that distils a family saga across time and place into a few pages. This short story is Chekhov at his best and should be read by fans of Russian literature and beyond.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
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- 38.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Eletään jatkosodan aikoja vuonna 1942. Pakkasta on yli kolmekymmentä astetta, kun majuri haluaa lähettää sissijoukon Äänisen toiselle puolelle. Tavoitteena on tiedustella Äänisjärven itäpuolella oleva Vytegran kaupungin alue. Ylikersantti ei ole asiasta innoissaan. Pakkasen lisäksi upottavaa lunta on paljon ja Vytegran kaupungissa on vihollisen sissitorjuntapataljoona. Valinnanvaraa ei kuitenkaan ole – ja niin ylikersantti sissijoukkoineen lähtee hurjalle matkalle yli Äänisen.Mauri Ahtosalo (1915–2002) oli suomalainen kirjailija. Hän työskenteli Puolustusvoimien palveluksessa aina vuoteen 1963 saakka. Ahtosalon romaanit käsittelevät Suomen sotien sissien edesottamuksia.
92.99 kr. First published in 1925, ‘Gabriel Samara – Peacemaker’ is set in the future, in 1940 in a progressive Russia. Gabriel Samara, a dedicated and principled man, is visiting the United States seeking funding when he encounters the beautiful Catherine Borans, of royal Russian descent. Risk and danger ensue in this captivating futuristic tale from popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.
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- 92.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Follows Maria’s tumultuous journey home after receiving her salary from the school board. 'The Schoolmistress' features Chekhov’s much-celebrated realist prose as he illustrates the misery of the poor schoolmistress and her surroundings.While Maria must fight for respect from her superiors and the townsfolk, she dreams of a better life with the wealthy and handsome Hanov. Chekhov’s social commentary is timeless as Maria longs to have a higher social standing, whereas the wealthy Hanov does not appreciate his fortune. This character-driven drama tells an engaging tale of the struggle between accepting your situation and yearning for more. Fans of Jane Austen should read this short story for its poignant portrayal of a woman’s desires in an unequal society.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard;, where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Neighbours’ is a short drama by Chekhov about Zina, a young woman who leaves her home for a married man. This scandalous behaviour plagues the mind of Zina’s brother, Pyotr, who believes that she has been abducted and deceived but is too fearful to help her. As Zina’s family is ashamed of her behaviour, Pyotr sets out to bring her home before news of her affair is widely known. Pyotr confronts his sister and her lover but to achieve his goal he must overcome his cowardice. A story that explores the eternal clash between conservative and liberal values, ‘Neighbours’ is a social critique that contrasts Zina’s freedom and joy with the timid Pyotr’s fear of breaking social conventions. ‘Neighbours’ portrays Chekhov’s lyrical prose at its finest and features some of his most memorable characters. This dramatic and poignant short should be read by fans of Raymond Carver and John Cheever.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Gone Astray’ is one of Chekhov’s earlier comedic short stories that is a light-hearted romp about two drunken lawyers trying to find their way home at night. Chekhov’s masterful use of irony is present here as one of the lawyers, Kozyavkin, accidentally violates the law by breaking into a house he believes to be his own. The short features some of Chekhov’s most farcical images, such as the overly confident Kozyavkin blindly stumbling through a chicken coop to find his misplaced belongings. ‘Gone Astray’ is a hilarious short story that is an interesting bridge between Chekhov’s earlier comedic work and later melancholy stories as his satirical view of the upper classes is a constant theme throughout. Featuring terrific characters and slapstick comedy, ‘Gone Astray’ should be read by fans of Chekhov or the television series ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Aux confins de la Sibérie vit Prascovie, une enfant modeste et illettrée. Autrefois aristocrates, ses parents on été exilés à la Révolution pour un crime qu'ils n'ont pas commis. Aujourd'hui, ils meurent de chagrin et de pauvreté dans leur isba glacée.Animée par un sentiment d'injustice, et avec pour seul bagage sa foi, Prascovie entreprend à pied un voyage périlleux pour Saint Pétersbourg afin de demander au tsar en personne la grâce de ses parents.Dans cette traversée émouvante de la Russie, Xavier de Maistre jette une lumière critique sur les injustices commises lors de la Révolution Russe. Il s'inspire de l'histoire vraie de Plascovie Lopouloff.Xavier de Maistre est un écrivain savoisien. En 1781, il s'engage dans le corps d'infanterie du régiment de la Marine. Il participe en 1784 à la première ascension savoyarde en montgolfière. En 1793, il est envoyé en tant que militaire dans la vallée de l'Aoste. Il met à profit ses heures de loisir pour approfondir ses connaissances littéraires. Il publie « Le Lépreux de la cité d'Aoste » en 1811, suite à ses échanges avec un lépreux, Pierre-Bernard Guasco, reclus dans la fameuse « Tour du lépreux ». En 1794, il est puni à quarante-deux jours d'arrêts pour s'être livré à un duel contre un officier piémontais. Enfermé dans une chambre de la citadelle de Turin, il écrit « Voyage autour de ma chambre ».
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- 40.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Un jour, un vieil homme rencontre dans son champ de melons d'anciens amis tchoumaks, des voyageurs qui transportent du sel et du poisson. Enchanté de les revoir, il les invite dans sa chaumière.On mange, on boit, on festoie en parlant fort ! Tant et si bien que le vieux souhaite danser comme avant. Tout le monde se range à ses côtés pour taper du pied.Mais à peine lève-t-il les jambes que soudain un éclat de rire retentit derrière lui. Il se retourne : plus de chaumière, seulement la rase campagne et la présence de Satan...Cette nouvelle du recueil « Les Veillées du hameau », à la hauteur des écrits de Pouchkine, entremêle absurde, humour et camaraderie. Mais c'est aussi un portrait de la Russie du XIXe et de ses traditions.Nicolas Gogol (1809-1852) est un auteur pilier de la littérature russe. Après ses études, il se rend à Saint-Pétersbourg. Il prétend que la première chose qu’il y fit, fut de se rendre chez Pouchkine afin de le rencontrer, en vain. Après des débuts difficiles, il parvient tout de même à rencontrer Pouchkine, qui le pousse à écrire. Peu après paraît son premier livre, les « Soirées du hameau », qui comprend ses plus grands succès. Il écrit en 1836 son œuvre majeure « Les mes mortes », dont il brûlera les exemplaires à plusieurs reprises suite à ses crises de dépressions et de mysticisme.
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- 36.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Der Meister der psychologischen Romane vereint in diesem Sammelband gleich drei Novellen, die fur Uberraschung sorgen. In "e;Das schwache Herz"e; erzahlt Dostojewski eindrucksvoll wie finanzielle Probleme den Geist zerstoren konnen. In der Geschichte der beiden Freunde Arkadij Iwanowitsch Nefedjewitsch und Wassja Schumkoff zahlt sich harte Arbeit scheinbar nicht aus. Oder doch? Die zweite Novelle des Werks befasst sich mit Wahnsinn, der durch Eifersucht entstehen kann. Urkomische Situationen und skurrile Momente erlebt Schabrin, wahrend er seine untreue Ehefrau auffliegen lassen will. "e;Der ehrliche Dieb"e; uberrascht dahingegen mit seinem spitzfindigen Ende.-
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- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Scheibler gelingt es, eine fesselnde Liebesgeschichte sowie spannende historische Fakten in einem wunderbaren Roman zu vereinen.Russland Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die wunderschöne Svetlana Lasarow hat es geschafft, eine angesehene Persönlichkeit innerhalb der feinen Gesellschaft zu werden. Wie berauscht von dem prunkvollen Leben begeht sie einen Fehler, indem sie sich mit dem Rittmeister verlobt. Ein Mann, dem es Freude bereitet, sie zu demütigen. Svetlana fürchtet, dass ihr Schicksal besiegelt ist. Erst als sie auf Georg, Großfürst und Bruder des Zaren Nikolaus II, trifft, scheint sich das Blatt zu wenden. Doch wird diese Liebe bedroht von Intrigen und der nahenden Revolution...Susanne Scheibler (*06.10.1936; † 25.08.2003) startete ihre Karriere als Schauspielerin. Nach ihrer Ausbildung an der Schauspielschule in Stuttgart nahm sie Engagements an verschiedenen deutschen Bühnen wahr. Dazu war sie über 20 Jahre als Lektorin tätig und verfasste eine Vielzahl an Unterhaltungsromanen, welche sie häufig unter Pseudonymen veröffentlichte.
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- 73.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Wenn Eifersucht das Leben lenkt. Schabrin ist sich einer Sache ganz sicher: Seine Frau geht fremd. Doch wie kann er es beweisen? Da hilft nur eins, sie in flagranti zu erwischen. Und so steuert der eifersuchtige Ehemann die Wohnung an, in der er seine Glafira vermutet. Doch bevor er seine lebensfrohe Frau findet, trifft er auf einen Jungling, der sich ebenfalls vor der Wohnung befindet. Und ehe man sich versieht, haben sich Ehemann und Affare verbundet. Oder gibt es etwa noch mehr? Von einer skurrilen Situation in die nachste gerat Scharbin irgendwann selbst in den Verdacht der Geliebte einer fremden Frau zu sein.-
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- 40.99 kr.
From 32.99 kr. Do słynnej moskiewskiej galerii Tretiakowskiej przybywa zdolny malarz, który pracuje nad kopiami obrazów Chagalla. Po ukończeniu dzieła malarz znika, a wiszące w ramach obrazy okazują się falsyfikatami. Niedługo później odnalezione zostaje ciało mistrza pędzla. Rosyjska milicja rusza w pościg za zabójcą malarza. W trakcie śledztwa inspektor Karsawin przemierzy kraje bloku wschodniego (Rosję, Polskę, Czechosłowację, Węgry) i nie pozostanie obojętny wobec uroku panny Zosi. Jerzy Edigey - właściwie Jerzy Waldemar Korycki (1913-1983), prawnik, pisarz, jeden z czołowych twórców tzw. polskiej powieści milicyjnej. Przed wojną związany z ruchem narodowym, współpracownik dziennika "ABC". Jeden z pierwszych więźniów Berezy Kartuskiej. Po wojnie z przyczyn politycznych skreślony z listy adwokatów. Został zatrudniony jako trener wioślarstwa i osiągał w tej dziedzinie niemałe sukcesy. Opublikował ok. 50 utworów, głównie kryminałów i powieści przygodowo-historycznych dla młodzieży.
73.99 kr. Ostatnia powieść Fiodora Dostojewskiego, stanowiąca summę jego filozofii i jedno ze szczytowych osiągnięć literackich. Rozpięta na dekady opowieść o relacji między ojcem i trzema jego synami. Każda postać została głęboko scharakteryzowana, każda reprezentuje inne podejście do życia. Ich wzajemne zdrady, zatargi, rywalizacja doprowadzają do tragicznego finału, w którym nikt nie jest bez winy. Zawiłe perypetie rodzinne pozwalają autorowi zadać fundamentalne pytania o naturę zła, istnienie Boga, znaczenie uniwersalnych wartości.Fiodor Dostojewski to jeden z najsłynniejszych klasyków literatury rosyjskiej, przeplatający w swoich utworach realizm i wyobraźnię. Mistrz prozy psychologicznej, w której jasno wyrażał swoją niechęć do socjalizmu i rewolucji. Uważał, że ma to niszczący wpływ na człowieka, pozbawia go wartości chrześcijańskich, które dla Dostojewskiego były niezwykle ważne.
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- 73.99 kr.
99.00 kr. Den unge fyrst Mysjkin vender hjem til Rusland efter at have tilbragt det meste af sit liv i behandling for epilepsi på et sanatorium i Alperne. Den unge mand er ren godhed og tilgivelse, ja, alt hvad man kan ønske af et menneske. Men den slags værdier er ikke i højsæde i 1800-tallets Sankt Petersborg. Hans barnlige uskyld er lige så kompromisløs som den verden, der prøver at mane den i jorden, og hans godtroenhed bliver udnyttet af rig og fattig, ven og fjende, til det til sidst er svært at se forskel.Erna Juel Hansen har oversat romanen, der i denne udgave er nyrevideret og gennemredigeret til moderne retskrivning.
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- 99.00 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Typhus’ is a deeply personal short story by Chekhov, about a young man, Klimov, returning home on a train while suffering from a terrible illness. The tale begins with Chekhov’s classic dark humour as the protagonist is disgusted with the characters that surround him. The story changes as Chekhov illustrates a slowly creeping illness that engulfs the main character and terrifyingly distorts the world around him. As the nightmarish train moves rapidly along, vivid imagery portrays the horrors of his illness. As Klimov’s body and mind become consumed by the infection, he longs to find sanctuary and safety in his own home. However, what awaits him there is far worse. This short story portrays Chekhov’s incredible ability to depict ghastly images of everyday life and the tragedy of illness. ‘Typhus’ is a poignant tale that is just as relevant in our pandemic age as when it was written, and should be read by all.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘In the Dark’ is a darkly humorous short story by Anton Chekhov about a couple awoken during the night by a sneezing fit. This absurdist scene quickly becomes terrifying as the wife attempts to convince her husband that a haunting figure has entered the house. Chekhov uses humour to cut the tension that rises both between the couple and for the reader.This dialogue-driven character study displays the blend of wit and morbidity that the author and playwright would later become celebrated for. The diverging thoughts of the couple are used to examine themes of marriage and feminism as the glib husband continually dismisses his wife’s fears as her overstimulated imagination. Subtle class commentary is also present as the wealthy couple and their valuable possessions are vulnerable to the possible terrors of the night. This unnerving and thrilling story by the master of short fiction is perfect to read in the dark.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘In the Graveyard’ is a tale that is at once both hopeful and hopeless in which Anton Chekhov explores the tragedies of life with a comic touch. The short story opens with friends wandering a graveyard discussing a man they once knew whose ‘digestion was fine’ but still died due to his nosiness. This mixture of the mundane and the mystical which is fundamental to much of Chekhov’s celebrated writing is on display in this black comedy.As the protagonists journey deeper into the graveyard the atmosphere grows more melancholic as they meet characters resigned to tragedy. But morbidity and mockery co-exist in equal measure in the graveyard as Chekhov’s signature satirical dialogue celebrates life while exploring death. Chekhov’s modernist style describes a familiar event with lyrical prose that creates a sense of wonderment in the ordinary. This short story displays Chekhov’s dark wit and is suitable for fans of writers such as Franz Kafka or Martin McDonagh.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard', where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Peter Lime è un fotografo. Un paparazzo, per la precisione, appena arrivato in Costa Brava con l’obiettivo di scattare una foto che cambierà per sempre il corso della sua vita. Allo stesso tempo, un’altra immagine, questa volta di un’enigmatica donna, riemerge dal passato del fotografo danese. Apparentemente non vi è nessuna connessione tra le due foto, ma un efferato omicidio spinge Lime ad interrogarsi su un possibile collegamento, la cui ricerca lo porterà da Madrid alla Danimarca della sua infanzia e dall’ex Repubblica Democratica Tedesca fino ad una gelida Mosca. Leif Davidsen (1950) è uno tra i più popolari autori danesi. Fa il suo debutto in radio negli anni Settanta come giornalista freelance, lavoro che lo porta a viaggiare spesso e che sarà fonte di ispirazione per i suoi thriller politici. Davidsen si afferma come scrittore negli anni Novanta, vincendo nel 1991 il prestigioso premio letterario danese De Gyldne Laurbær. Le sue opere descrivono spesso la condizione dell’uomo contemporaneo in un mondo politico in continua evoluzione.
73.99 kr. Romanzo corale che diventa memoria collettiva di un'intera nazione, 'Terre vergini' è ambientato nella Russia ottocentesca, un paese dominato da un'aristocrazia decadente che sembra sul punto di crollare sotto la spinta dello spirito rivoluzionario che comincia a sobbollire nelle grandi città. Unirsi a quello che viene chiamato il movimento "populista" significa rompere con i rigidi schemi di una società classista per andare a vivere nel popolo, tra la gente che lavora davvero. Significa sfidare le norme dell'impero zarista gettando le basi per un futuro diverso. È l'alba di una nuova Russia, e gli amici Alexej e Vasily non aspettano altro.Da molti considerata l’opera più ambiziosa di Turgenev, ‘Terre vergini’ è suddiviso in due volumi.Ivan Sergeevič Turgenev (1818 – 1883) è stato uno scrittore e drammaturgo russo. Divenne celebre nel proprio paese grazie a 'Memorie di un cacciatore' (1852), con cui esordì all'età di 34 anni, e raggiunse la fama a livello internazionale con il romanzo 'Padri e Figli' (1862), considerato uno dei capolavori della narrativa del XIX secolo per il modo in cui racconta e analizza la struttura familiare russa della sua epoca e il tipo di rapporti affettivi che si sviluppano al suo interno.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Romanzo corale che diventa memoria collettiva di un'intera nazione, 'Terre vergini' è ambientato nella Russia ottocentesca, un paese dominato da un'aristocrazia decadente che sembra sul punto di crollare sotto la spinta dello spirito rivoluzionario che comincia a sobbollire nelle grandi città. Unirsi a quello che viene chiamato il movimento "populista" significa rompere con i rigidi schemi di una società classista per andare a vivere nel popolo, tra la gente che lavora davvero. Significa sfidare le norme dell'impero zarista gettando le basi per un futuro diverso. È l'alba di una nuova Russia, e gli amici Alexej e Vasily non aspettano altro.Da molti considerata l’opera più ambiziosa di Turgenev, ‘Terre vergini’ è suddiviso in due volumi.Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) è stato uno scrittore russo. Appartenente al filone dei grandi autori russi dell’Ottocento quali Dostoevskij e Tolstoj, Turgenev propone nelle sue opere una simile indagine filosofica e interiore intrecciata a un’attenta analisi storica. Nel 1862 viene pubblicato il suo capolavoro, ‘Padri e figli’, unanimemente considerato uno dei capisaldi della narrativa del XIX secolo.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.