62.99 kr. Moje Lindbohm är bara arton år gammal när hon misshandlas av en grupp män så att blodet rinner. När de är klara slänger de in henne i en bil. Moje har pekats ut som en rebell. I tiden efter den iranska revolutionen, under ayatollah Khomeinis styre, är hon en utav alla tusentals kvinnor och män som anses vara förrädare. De är motståndare till regimen. Därför måste de fängslas."Svart får, vitt får : Scener ur ett fängelse" är Mojes egen berättelse om tiden som politisk fånge. I boken bearbetar hon även sina trauman med hjälp av terapeuten Majlis. Smärtsamma minnen kommer återigen upp till ytan när det som en gång trängts bort börjar lirkas fram, undan för undan. Resultatet är en unik läsupplevelse, som inte bara låter läsaren följa författaren genom fysiska händelser, utan även genom de efterföljande psykologiska processerna.Moje Lindbohm, född 1962, är en iransk-svensk psykoterapeut, lärare och författare. Hon är född i Tehran. Hennes bok "Svart får, vitt får – Scener ur ett fängelse" handlar om hennes egen tid som politisk fånge i Iran. Den tryckta utgåvan av boken är utgiven på förlaget Ekström & Garay.
- Audiobook
- 62.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Las memorias de Amaryllis Fox cuentan la historia de sus diez años en la élite de la clandestinidad de las operaciones encubiertas de la CIA, en búsqueda de los terroristas más peligrosos del mundo a través de dieciséis países, a la vez que contrajo matrimonio y dio a luz a su hija.Amaryllis Fox cursaba el último año de Teología y Derecho Internacional en la Universidad de Oxford, cuando su mentor Daniel Pearl fue capturado y decapitado. Motivada por la brutalidad, Fox aplicó para un Master especializado en conflictos y terrorismo en la Georgetown School, donde creo un algoritmo para predecir, con una certeza misteriosa, las probabilidades de apariciones de células terroristas en cualquier ciudad alrededor del mundo. Fue reclutada de inmediato por la CIA con tan solo 21 años de edad.Su primera asignación fue la de estudiar y analizar cientos de cables clasificados de gobiernos extranjeros y sintetizar dicha información para los informes diarios para el Presidente de Estados Unidos. Su siguiente misión estuvo relacionada con el anti-terrorismo de Irak. A los 22 años fue sometida a un entrenamiento sobre operaciones avanzadas, fue enviada de Langley a "La Granja", donde vivió durante seis meses en un mundo simulado en el que aprendió el uso de armas, a escapar de los sitios más peligrosos del mundo, a soportar torturas y los mejores métodos para suicidarse en caso de que fuera capturada. Al final de dicho entrenamiento, fue enviada como espía bajo una tapadera no oficial de experta en comercio de arte, a infiltrarse en las redes terroristas de las áreas más remotas del Medio Este y Asia.Además de su carrera en la CIA, Amaryllis Fox ha cubierto eventos de la actualidad, ofreciendo su análisis a la CNN, National Geographic, Al Jazeera y a la BBC entre otros medios. Es conferenciante en distintas universidades alrededor del mundo en temas relacionados con la paz. Actualmente vive en Los Ángeles con su esposo y su hija.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Un thriller histórico donde la ficción, la realidad y las conspiraciones se dan cita en una trama que deja sin aliento a quienes se adentran en ella. En 1680, la Iglesia Católica encarga a Antonio Stradivarius construir doce instrumentos de cuerda capaces de provocar el apocalipsis. Siglos más tarde, un inspector de policía investiga un enigmático asesinato, mientras que una alarma sanitaria se extiende por Ginebra. ¿Pueden estar relacionados todos estos hechos?Ignacio Biggi es un autor nacido en Guipúzcoa en 1965. Psicólogo de formación, compagina su labor profesional con su pasión por la historia y la literatura. Ha publicado thrillers de intriga histórica que le han valido numerosos elogios por parte de público y crítica.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
66.99 kr. Jacint Verdaguer va ser una de les figures més importants de la Renaixença catalana. La seva poesia parla de religió, de fe cristiana i de bondat. En aquest tercer volum de les seves obres complertes es reuneixen totes les poesies que va escriure al voltant de la figura de Jesús i la seva vida, des del naixement fins al seu viatge a Natzaret. A més, també reuneix Les flors del calvari, una de les antologies poètiques més conegudes i més contundents del mossèn.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.
- Ebook
- 66.99 kr.
From 55.99 kr. ¿Quién dijo que una novela fantástica no puede transcurrir en el pasado remoto? Es el caso de "El descenso de Ishmana". Las civilizaciones se están formando. Los gigantes y los guerreros pueblan la Tierra. Irrumpen grupos a cargo de las ciencias ocultas. Seremos testigos de las disputas por el poder, el saber y los destinos de la humanidad.Una historia entretenida y compleja, con muchos nombres para aprender, alimentada por las tradiciones religiosas y filosóficas orientales.Matt D Ivansky (Matías D Saeta) es Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad del Salvador (Bs As), y actualmente ejerce su profesión tanto en el ámbito público como en el privado.En el terreno de la producción literaria, comenzó su carrera como novel escritor al idear el mundo fantástico que dio nacimiento a su trabajo más extenso, "El descenso de Ishmana (El éxodo urimio)", en el cual intentó novelar una serie de conceptos extraídos de las tradiciones espirituales mayormente orientales. Luego, y siempre en su predilección por la temática metafísica que siguió profundizando por más de veinte años, escribió la serie "Crónicas Paranormales", en las cuales propone al lector un conjunto de contextos y situaciones verosímiles que procuran acercarlo al universo sutil de lo sobrenatural. A continuación, y como un intento de incursionar brevemente en el género de la novela contemporánea, escribe "Heiliges Herz", volcando en ella su sentir personal acerca de la problemática de la infancia vulnerada (obvio reflejo de su experiencia en el ámbito institucional). Posteriormente, "El guardián de los cerros", como novela cuasi fantástica, trae un aire de homenaje nostálgico a los años de una infancia atesorada en geografías andinas, aspecto que aparece también en algunos cuentos, bajo la forma de pinceladas autorreferenciales."La torre de Sandro", en una categoría distinta, es un recreo de inventiva libre, con algo de argentinidad llevada al extremo de la parodia; un intento fallido de novela negra que procura un par de reflexiones más divertidas que fecundas.La serie de cuentos cortos, son un concentrado de temas aleatorios con los que el autor ha jugado, procurando ensayar estilos, escenarios y personajes, tan variados e inverosímiles como sórdidos.Matt D Ivansky vive en una ciudad del sur argentino. Está casado y tiene dos hijos en edad adolescente.
66.99 kr. En aquest cinquè volum de les obres complertes de mossèn Jacint Verdager, trobem recollits alguns dels seus textos de no-ficció, com el seu dietari de viatge en el qual va recórrer la Terra Santa, els seus discursos o els seus articles. A més, també conté les Rondalles, mites i històries que va recollir durant la seva travessia per Catalunya.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.
- Ebook
- 66.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Las maravillosas memorias de Clarissa Ward, la reportera estrella de la CNN, que narró al mundo la caída de Kabul.Clarissa Ward es una reportera de guerra que ha ganado premios importantes por su trabajo cubriendo conflictos en Siria, Egipto, Afganistán, fue la periodista que cubrió la caída de Kabul.Tuvo una infancia privilegiada, pero prefirió ir a los frentes e informar de la cruda realidad de los conflictos, de una manera empática, cuenta las historias más difíciles.En todos los frentes es el relato fascinante de su trabajo durante años, cubriendo los 'puntos calientes' del extremismo.Tras una vida privilegiada y solitaria, Ward se convirtió en corresponsal de guerra tras la tragedia del 11 S.Desde el inicio ella estuvo "empotrada" con los marines durante la guerra de Irak, y luego en otros países árabes.No hay lugar donde Ward no deje su huella, es en la guerra de Siria donde destacó por ser la periodista occidental que cubrió más este conflicto.Se infiltró varias veces con los rebeldes sirios para investigar sobre los extremistas occidentales que se sienten atraídos por ISIS. También ha informado del reinado de terror de Bashar al-Assad, sin miedo.En 2018 asumió nuevos retos para la CNN y fue madre.Esta es la historia inolvidable de una periodista extraordinaria y de un mundo cambiante.Clarissa Ward es una reconocida reportera de conflictos, es "CNN chief international correspondent". Habla siete idiomas, ha sido reportera en Siria, Egipto y ha trabajado desde Bagdad, Beirut, Peking y Moscú. Ha visto y documentado el violento cambio del mundo desde muy cerca. Con su fuerte empatía y su increíble valentía, Ward encuentra la manera de contar una historia muy dura. En todos los frentes es una historia fascinante de la excepcional carrera de periodismo en esta época de extremismos. Ha ganado múltiples premios: Peabody, a la excelencia en el periodismo, y el Murrow, al mejor trabajo de periodismo fuera de EE.UU.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Den fattige beduinerdreng Asad bliver fanget alene i en sandstorm ude i ørkenen. Her finder han en død kvinde med et barn i favnen. Asad går hen for at undersøge og opdager, at barnet stadig er i live. Han tager det med sig for at bringe det i sikkerhed og møder nogle ryttere, der siger, de leder efter barnet, som er blevet kidnappet fra sheikens hus. De fører Asad og barnet med til en forladt ørkenby, og her går det op for Asad, at rytterne har løjet for ham, og at han og barnet er i stor fare.Den danske forfatter Brita Hartz (1912-2010) skrev en lang række anmelderroste bøger, som både retter sig mod børn, unge og voksne. Hendes fortællinger foregår ofte i fortiden, både i Danmark og ude i den store verden, og er inspireret af historiske begivenheder.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
From 49.00 kr. En morgen vågner den arabiske beduindreng Salim af et brag, der får husmuren til at slå revner. Det er gravkøer, der er ved at rydde hans families landsby for at gøre plads til noget mere moderne. Salims farfar, der er familiens overhoved, vil have Salim med ud i ørkenen for at få fred til at tænke over den truende udvikling. Salim er klar til at tage med, da der pludselig sker noget, ingen af dem har forudset.Den danske forfatter Brita Hartz (1912-2010) skrev en lang række anmelderroste bøger, som både retter sig mod børn, unge og voksne. Hendes fortællinger foregår ofte i fortiden, både i Danmark og ude i den store verden, og er inspireret af historiske begivenheder.
43.99 kr. En helikopter stryker fram över bergsöken norr om Nasaret. Det må vara en läcker syn men för herdepojkarna Jetro och Omar får det ödesdigra konsekvenser. Djuren blir nämligen livrädda för det stora metallmonstret i skyn och springer all världens väg. Femton får och en hel drös lamm är borta och det innebär katastrof för det fattiga hemmet. Men plötsligt, mitt i bedrövelsen, hör Jetro ett dovt rop. Ett rop på hjälp? Ja, så är det. Någon har fastnat i en dalgång och behöver pojkarnas hjälp.Hur ska det gå för de modiga herdepojkarna Jetro och Omar? Får de tag i sina bortsprungna djur och framför allt, kan de rädda den som så desperat behöver deras hjälp?Josef Stenlund (1915-2001) var en svensk författare och kristen predikant. Hans böcker, som ofta riktar sig till barn och ungdomar, har en tydlig religiös prägel.
- Ebook
- 43.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Medieval feats of courage, bravery, and heroism from Persia, India, Egypt, and Mesopotamia fill these magical tales of "The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales." From the windswept sands of Baghdad's deserts, through the tempestuous sea voyages of Sinbad, to the gold-packed wondrous cave of Ali Baba, these amazing stories come to live for children and reluctant readers.This compilation includes:- The Talking Bird, the Singing Tree, and the Golden Water- The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie- The History of the Young King of the Black Isles- The Story of the Gulnare of the Sea- The Story of Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lamp- The Story of Prince Agib- The Story of the City of Brass- The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves- The History of Codadad and His Bothers- The Story of Sinbad the VoyagerKate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) was an American author, educator, and musician. She is most famous for the children’s book "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (1903), and in 1878, she founded San Fransisco’s first free kindergarten. She wrote and edited many children’s books with the help of her sister Nora Archibald Smith.Nora Archibald Smith (1859–1934) was an American author. She wrote children’s literature, most notably "Boys and Girls of Bookland" (1923). She wrote and edited many children’s books with her sister Kate Douglas Wiggin.
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- 67.99 kr.
49.00 kr. I 1988 blev et iransk passagerfly skudt ned. Alle 290 ombord omkom. Da det viste sig, at missilet blev affyret af et amerikansk krigsskib, udløste det straks en storpolitisk krise de to lande imellem. Amerikanerne nægtede hårdnakket, at det skulle være en bevidst, ondsindet handling, men hvis det ikke var bevidst, hvordan kunne det så ske?Fly der på mystisk vis forsvinder, ubåde der synker, eksplosioner ud af ingenting. I denne serie gennemgår vi nogle af de katastrofer, hvor man ikke præcist ved, hvad der skete i det afgørende, fatale øjeblik hvor katastrofen indtraf. De fascinerende og skræmmende historier foldes ud af landets førende katastrofeekspert Rasmus Dahlberg sammen med journalist Kristoffer Lind.Vært og tilrettelægger: Kristoffer LindMedvirkende: Rasmus Dahlberg, katastrofeekspertRedaktør: Mette Hovmand-StillingFoto: Getty ImagesCover: Mattias BregnballeProduceret af Wingman for Talk Town, Story House EgmontKristoffer Lind er journalist, forfatter, radiovært og tilrettelægger. Sammen med forfatter og katastrofeekspert Rasmus Dahlberg står han bag podcasten "Katastrofe".
- Podcast
- 49.00 kr.
42.99 kr. Embark on a spiritual odyssey with this mystical collection of quotes which unveils the profound teachings and mystical insights of Sufi masters throughout the ages.Whether you're seeking guidance or simply need some empowerment on your journey of spiritual awakening, this collection is your your trusted companion for daily inspiration and motivationFrom Rumi to Hafiz, these luminaries offer glimpses into the transformative power of love, the beauty of surrender, and the pursuit of divine truth
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The prince of the Black Isles and the inhabitants of his city have suffered under the magical power of his cousin, whom he married not knowing she was an enchantress—until the sultan from "The Story of the Vizir Who Was Punished" comes to the prince’s aid. Completing the cycle of tales that began with "The Story of the Fisherman", this is the eighth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. An old man leads a deer that appears completely tame; stranger still, he claims that it is really his wife. Nor is she the first of his household to have been turned into an animal: her current state is poetic justice for her own jealous actions. A story of magic and metamorphosis, "The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind" is the third of 34 tales in the classic Arabian Nights collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Palace intrigues abound in the story of the first calender, a wandering Sufi of royal birth: on a visit to his uncle’s kingdom, the young prince is sworn to secrecy by his cousin, who then disappears; on his return home, he finds that his father has been overthrown by the grand-vizir, who harbours a special grudge against the prince. The mystery of his cousin’s disappearance and his escape from the treacherous vizir are revealed in this, the eleventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The Arabian Nights is an exotic collection of stories that will grab your attention from the very first page. At the heart of the collection is Scheherazade, the bride of Schahriar, Sultan of Persia. The jealous sultan marries a new girl every evening, and has her executed the following morning – until Scheherazade decides to put a stop to his cruelty, and volunteers to marry him. As clever as she is courageous, night after night Scheherazade distracts the Sultan with tales that keep him listening, and her alive, until he falls in love with her.This classic selection presents the best-loved stories from the Arabian Nights, translated into English and introduced by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
38.99 kr. When a wandering physician named Douban cures a Greek king of his leprosy, he inspires murderous jealousy in the king’s vizir, leading the king to tell a cautionary tale of his own. A story within "The Story of The Fisherman", this is the sixth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A beautiful lady asked the porter in our story to carry her things home. The porter agreed and he was invited to stay for the night but on one condition – he was not supposed to speak of that which did not concern him. It was then things took a strange turn. Three Persian Calenders came as well. Later on, the vizir joined the group. One of the ladies began singing, the other one fainted. Some slaves were brought inside, and they had to kill the guests. Do you think the porter managed to keep his promise? Find out what actually happened in "The Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and of Five Ladies of Bagdad".This is the tenth of the 34 tales in the classical "Arabian Nights" collection, translated into English by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The second wandering Sufi tells how, as a young prince, he set off to visit the Sultan of the Indies, but never arrived. Instead, his adventures led him through danger, poverty, a secret palace, and into the clutches of a terrible genie, from which only his storytelling might save him. Continue the adventures of the three one-eyed calenders in this, the twelfth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The story of the third calender is as packed with mysteries and adventures as the tales of Sinbad the Sailor: after surviving shipwreck, the young prince finds that friendship leads him to a series of ordeals that not only wound him physically, but also force him to recognise his helplessness in the face of fate and human weakness. This tragic story brings Scheherazade’s third narrative cycle to a conclusion, in the fourteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A jealous husband gives his wife a talking parrot as a gift—but if you remember Gilbert Gottfried as Iago in Disney's animated Aladdin, you'll have an idea what to expect! Now the wife must somehow bamboozle the bird and outwit her husband. A story within "The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban", this is the seventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. An old man explains that his two black dogs are really his two brothers, whom he repeatedly saved from poverty. When he married a beautiful woman, however, all his kindnesses were forgotten, and his brothers tried to kill them. Yet the merchant’s wife was not what she seemed, as the murderous brothers would soon find out. A story of brotherly love betrayed and revenged, "The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs" is the fourth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Readers familiar with the friendly blue genie in Disney’s Aladdin films may be shocked to discover a crueller kind in Scheherazade’s first tale. When a merchant accidentally kills the son of a genie, the spirit swears to kill him in revenge, but grants him a year’s reprieve to say his goodbyes. Yet when the merchant returns on the appointed day, he meets three old men, who have a plan to avert his death. Listen as tale leads into tale in "The Story of the Merchant and the Genius", the second of 34 tales in the classic Arabian Nights collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. When the second princely calender’s story of an envious man fails to appease an evil genie, his punishment is to be turned into a monkey. No longer able to speak, he nonetheless retains his greatest talent: his perfect handwriting. His gift will take him to the court of a sultan, where his true nature will finally be revealed—yet the genie who cursed him is not finished with him... Hear the resolution to the story of the second calender in this, the thirteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Genies don’t always grant three wishes, as a fisherman discovers when his nets drag up a small yellow pot sealed with lead. Opening the seal frees a genie, but unlike the one discovered by Aladdin, this one promises the fisherman nothing but death! Discover how the cunning fisherman escaped his fate in this, the fifth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Perhaps the most intricate of the Arabian Nights, "The Story of the Vizir Who Was Punished" begins as a second tale within "The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban", and provides a grim twist to the debate between the Greek king and his vizir. It then continues "The Story of the Fisherman" and leads into "The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles". Follow the twists and turns of Scheherazade’s storytelling in the seventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Did you ever dream of going on an adventure to discover unknown lands? Embark on a journey with Mark Twain that will take you through Europe and beyond to the Holy Land. Following Twain’s real 1867 tour alongside a troupe of American tourists, "The Innocents Abroad" winds its way through Paris, the Vatican, Odessa, Constantinople and Cairo. No city is spared from the scathing satire and insightful commentary of Twain’s pen, making it an invaluable chronicle of world history as well as a classic of American literature. Fans of Bill Bryson or Colin Thubron should not miss the timeless wit of Twain's work, which remains one of the most popular travel books ever written.Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910) was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist who acquired international fame for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" as well as for his travel narratives, "The Innocents Abroad", "Roughing It", and "Life on the Mississippi". Twain transcended the apparent limitations of his humble origins to become one of America’s most beloved writers.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
From 10.99 kr. Hér kemur við sögu þekkta ævintýrapersónan Sindbað sæfari. Til hans kemur fátæki flutningamaðurinn Jósef og biður hann að segja sér frá ævintýrum sínum. Sindbað segir honum frá einum af fjölmörgu siglingaferðum sínum, þar sem hann lenti í óveðurs hremmingum og áhöfn hans ákveður að hvíla sig á eyju sem er full af alls kyns verum sem þeim óraði ekki fyrir.Bókasafn barnanna er samansafn stuttra ævintýra sem þýddar voru af Seyðisfirðingnum Theodóri Árnasyni. Bækurnar voru fyrst prentaðar í prentsmiðju Austurlands og gefnar út árið 1947. Um er að ræða þýddar þjóðsögur og ævintýri frá ýmsum heimshornum. Theodór Árnason fæddist á Seyðisfirði 10. desember 1889. Hann er Íslendingum þekktastur sem rithöfundur og þýðandi. Á ferli sínum þýddi hann ævintýri handa börnum en hann skrifaði einnig bók um ævi helsti tónskálda áranna 1525-1907. Hann var tónlistarmaður og starfaði sem hljómsveitarstjóri í kvikmyndahúsi í Winnipeg og lærði hljómlist í Kaupmannahöfn.
From 10.99 kr. Hér kemur við sögu þekkta ævintýrapersónan Sindbað sæfari. Hann segir fátækum manni frá ævintýrum sínum, þegar hann hafði sjálfur eytt bróðurhluta þess arfs sem hann fékk frá föður sínum. Hann fór þá á siglingu um heiminn með vörur. Í einni siglingaferð fer hann á land á eyju þar sem hann rekst á óvenjulegan hnött. Hnötturinn reynist vera risa-egg og Sindbað kemur sér í vandræði hjá ýmsum verum eyjunnar.Bókasafn barnanna er samansafn stuttra ævintýra sem þýddar voru af Seyðisfirðingnum Theodóri Árnasyni. Bækurnar voru fyrst prentaðar í prentsmiðju Austurlands og gefnar út árið 1947. Um er að ræða þýddar þjóðsögur og ævintýri frá ýmsum heimshornum. Theodór Árnason fæddist á Seyðisfirði 10. desember 1889. Hann er Íslendingum þekktastur sem rithöfundur og þýðandi. Á ferli sínum þýddi hann ævintýri handa börnum en hann skrifaði einnig bók um ævi helsti tónskálda áranna 1525-1907. Hann var tónlistarmaður og starfaði sem hljómsveitarstjóri í kvikmyndahúsi í Winnipeg og lærði hljómlist í Kaupmannahöfn.