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  • by Louis Couperus
    58.99 kr.

    We zijn in de 1ste eeuw na Christus. De schatrijke Romein Lucius lijdt aan liefdesverdriet, sinds de verdwijning van zijn geliefde slavin Ilia. Om zijn zinnen te verzetten reist hij naar Egypte, in het gezelschap van zijn oom Catullus (gek op lekker eten), de geleerde Thrasyllus (gek op reisgidsen), twee slaven en de gids Kaleb. Eerst logeren de toeristen een tijdje in Alexandrië, een bruisende metropool. Maar als ze daarna de Nijl afzakken, blijkt het hele land in verval. Memfis, Thebe, de piramiden, sfinxen, het Orakel van Ammon: alles staat op het punt in te storten en wordt alleen nog in leven gehouden voor het plezier van de toerist. "Antiek toerisme" is een lichtvoetige avonturenroman met veel knipoogjes naar het hedendaagse toerisme.Louis Couperus (1863-1923) was een Nederlands romanschrijver, columnist en dichter. Hij is de auteur van verschillende onverwoestbare klassiekers: "Eline Vere" (een bestseller bij verschijnen), "Van oude menschen, de dingen, die voorbij gaan..." (verfilmd), "De stille kracht"... Hij woonde o.m. in Frankrijk en Italië en reisde de wereld rond. Of zijn romans zich nu afspelen in Den Haag of Djakarta, het heden of het oude Rome, het noodlot speelt altijd een grote rol. Couperus schreef in een meeslepende, emotionele stijl. Zijn verzameld werk bestrijkt vijftig boekdelen.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    Étendue sur le lit, Doreen prend la lettre de Tony et la relit. À côté d’elle, la petite liasse de billets verts qu’elle a trouvée dans l’enveloppe semble la narguer. Dix livres égyptiennes, un cadeau de rupture. Tony ! avec lui, elle croyait retrouver le bonheur. Hélas, elle aurait dû savoir que jamais il n’épouserait la scandaleuse Doreen Wallis. Pourtant, était-ce sa faute si son premier mari avait déjà une épouse légitime ? La voilà désormais seule au Caire, sans personne… L’espoir et l’amour peuvent-ils renaître ? Il suffit parfois d’y croire.© Barbara Carltand, 1940, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française : L'Espoir perdu © Éditions J’ai lu, 1992Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    La jeune Calina est désespérée : ses parents viennent de mourir, la laissant orpheline et démunie. Où ira-t-elle vivre ? Certainement pas chez ses grands-parents qui ont coupé les ponts avec sa mère quand celle-ci a fait un mariage d’amour, considéré par eux comme une terrible mésalliance. Alors, que faire ? Pourquoi ne pas partir en Égypte, se recueillir sur la tombe de son père, mort si loin de l’Angleterre ? Bien sûr, une jeune fille ne saurait voyager sans chaperon, mais une veuve respectable ne sera certainement pas importunée. Une garde-robe sobre et des lunettes la vieilliront suffisamment pour qu’elle puisse profiter de la traversée en toute quiétude. Calina est bien naïve. À bord d’un navire, les jeunes filles rencontrent parfois des individus dénués de tout scrupule. Calina saura-t-elle se défendre et trouver le véritable amour ?© Barbara Cartland, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :Ballade en Égypte © Éditions J’ai lu, 2001Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    Pour échapper à une maîtresse trop envahissante, le marquis d’Harlington accepte une mission diplomatique en Égypte. Toutefois, il lui faut trouver sur-le-champ un interprète sachant parler l’arabe. Justement, la jeune Delicia maîtrise parfaitement cette langue et elle veut fuir l’Angleterre. Tout s’arrange sauf que... le comte ne peut embarquer sur son yacht une jeune fille de dix-huit ans sans s’exposer aux commérages ! — J’ai une idée, Delicia. Vous faites très jeune, vous passerez donc aisément pour ma nièce. Nous allons vous acheter une garde-robe appropriée, et nous dirons que vous n’avez que quatorze ans. Le tour est joué. Enfin presque... Car les robes blanches et les rubans de Delicia ne parviennent pas à cacher la femme infiniment troublante qu’elle est en réalité. Et tandis que le navire cingle vers l’Afrique, le comte se dit que son voyage risque d’être plus mouvementé que prévu...Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    « Quoi ? Epouser le duc ? s’exclame Lynda. Il n’en est pas question. » Dans l’Angleterre de la reine Victoria, les jeunes filles n’ont pas leur mot à dire. Surtout quand les intérêts financiers sont en jeu. En l’occurrence, seul ce mariage pourrait sauver de la ruine le père de Lynda. La mort dans l’âme, elle accepte d’épouser le richissime duc de Buckington. Richissime certes, mais noceur, volage... La Grèce ! Pays idyllique pour une lune de miel ! Mais, le soir de ses noces, à bord du yacht qui les emmène vers ces lieux enchanteurs, Lynda se désespère, puis se révolte. Jamais elle n’appartiendra à cet homme qu’elle n’a pas choisi. C’est alors que son mari pénètre dans la cabine, en seigneur et maître...Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Jules Verne
    77.99 kr.

    A 17th Century Indiana Jones, ‘Captain Antifer’ details the adventures of the eponymous captain as he strives to inherit the legacy of the wealthy Kamylk Pasha. Aided and abetted by the Egyptian signatory, Ben Omar, and his less-than-scrupulous sidekick, Nazim, Antifer’s travels lead him across Africa and towards Norway. However, is the legacy all that it seems to be? ‘Captain Antifer’ is a rollicking escapade, packed with mystery, excitement, and double-dealing. An exciting introduction into Jule’s works.Jules Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French author, whose works are thought to have seen the beginnings of the science-fiction genre. During his career, Verne wrote more than 60 novels, 54 of which were part of the ‘Extraordinary Voyages’ series. Many f his famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss, ’20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,’ starring James Mason, and ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth,’ starring Brendan Fraser.

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    102.99 kr.

    Miles Milton is a stubborn and strong-willed young man, determined to join the army as soon as he can, much to his father’s horror. The pair often clash over the matter and one day, following a particularly furious row, Miles storms out of the family home – to make good on his word to join the military. Before long Miles finds himself sailing away on the high seas, en route to unforgettable adventures and experiences - but his conscience won’t let him forget the way he spoke to his father, and the manner of his departure. Can Miles ever forgive himself? An exciting and moralistic tale from the popular children’s author R.M. Ballantyne.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.

  • by Jane C. Loudon
    77.99 kr.

    One of the earliest sci-fi novels in English literature "The Mummy!" is futuristic and entertaining; a must read not only for sci-fi enthusiasts but those who love 19th century literature.Influenced and inspired perhaps by the unwrapping of Egyptian mummies in London and Mary Shelley’s "Frankenstein", the female author of just 17 years old, Loudon, takes us on a pioneering adventure set in the 22nd century.It’s the year 2126 and the mummy of the Egyptian pharaoh Cheops is brought back to life by a mad scientist. We follow the reanimated mummy’s journey to England, his encounters with people he befriends and his shrewd advice on politics and life.Discover the depths of Loudon’s imagination with her future filled with inventions and technology, predictions that are almost a reality today; automaton lawyers and surgeons, movable houses and a new mail system shot out of cannons. Her ideas on politics and social attitudes are way ahead of her time; feminism is touched upon with women ruling the country and wearing trousers.A pioneer in the field of science fiction, Jane Wells Web Loudon (1807-1858) was an English author best known for her classic novel "The Mummy!"; inspired by her reading of novels, archeological findings, and imagination. She was one of the founding names in the genre, and was later deemed a Gothic, horror, or fantasy writer. The majority of her work, however, revolves around gardening and writing one of the first gardening manuals targeted at young women.

  • by Arthur Conan Doyle
    59.99 kr.

    Originally serialised in 'The Strand' magazine, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.

  • by Gun Björkman
    43.99 kr.

    Varför finns mumier? Fanns det musik under faraos tid? Vad hade kvinnor för ställning i samhället när de gamla egyptierna levde?Det är några av de frågor som besvaras i den här boken om en av mänsklighetens mest framgångsrika och långlivade civilisationer. Egyptologen Gun Björkman ger en ingående beskrivning av Egyptens historia från förhistorisk tid till Alexander den store, och skildrar den kultur och de traditioner som kom att forma tillvaron för olika samhällsgrupper under faraos tid. Genom redogörelser av källanvändning och forskning förklarar hon dessutom hur man faktiskt kan veta något om de gamla egyptierna idag, trots att den egyptiska civilisationen uppstod flera tusen år före Kristus.Gun Björkman (1935-2001) var en svensk egyptolog och författare.

  • by Brigitte Riebe
    59.99 kr.

    Die Autorin Brigitte Riebe entführt sie mit diesem spannenden Historienroman in die Zeit des alten Ägypten im 6. Jhd. vor Christus. Darin wird eine Katze zur Lebensretterin der Witwe Mina, indem das kleine Tier die junge Frau vor einer giftigen Schlange beschützt. Fortan leistet sie der einsamen Geschichtenschreiberin Gesellschaft, wodurch Mina wieder etwas aufblüht und sogar den Perser Numi kennenlernt. Doch dann verschwindet eines Tages Minas Katze und mit ihr auf mysteriöse Weise alle Artgenossen der Stadt...Brigitte Riebe wurde am 30. September 1953 in München geboren. Sie studierte Geschichte, Germanistik sowie Kunstgeschichte an der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität und erhielt dort auch ihre Promotion. Danach arbeitete sie zunächst als Museumspädagogin, später auch als Lektorin bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Seit 1991 ist Brigitte Riebe als Schriftstellerin tätig. Sie verfasste bereits zahlreiche Werke, die in verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt wurden.

  • by Carry van Bruggen
    73.99 kr.

    Omdat Carry van Bruggen uit een arm gezin kwam, moest ze genoegen nemen met een opleiding tot onderwijzeres, een studie die ver beneden haar mogelijkheden lag. Later haalde ze haar achterstand in met zelfstudie. Haar intelligentie spat van elke pagina van "Hedendaags fetischisme", geschreven kort voor het begin van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Het is een combinatie van taalkunde en politiek: Van Brugge waarschuwt ervoor dat de taal door nationalisten wordt misbruikt om de eenheid van de natie te suggereren. Ze toont aan dat "zuiver Nederlands" niet bestaat, dat "taalschoonheid" uiterst subjectief is, en dat de kenmerken van een taal te snel gezien worden als kenmerken van een heel volk. Associatief, nu eens geleerd, dan weer venijnig, prikt Van Bruggen dogma na dogma door.Carry van Bruggen (schrijversnaam van de Joods-Nederlandse Carolina Lea de Haan, 1881-1932) was de zus van Jacob Israël de Haan, schrijver van "Pijpelijntjes", een van de eerste Nederlandse romans waarin homoseksualiteit openlijk werd beschreven. Net als haar broer ging Van Bruggen geen controversieel thema uit de weg. In haar romans en pamfletten ging ze elk dogmatisme te lijf. Ze was de enige vrouwelijke auteur uit haar tijd die door collega’s en critici au sérieux werd genomen. Ze woonde een tijdlang in Nederlands-Indië met haar eerste man. Haar bekendste romans zijn "Eva" en "Een coquette vrouw". Ze schreef ook non-fictie, met als bekendste titels "Prometheus" en "Hedendaags fetisjisme". Haar werk raakte in de vergetelheid, maar werd in de jaren 1970 herontdekt door de feministische beweging.

  • by Josep Lopez
    58.99 kr.

    ¿Qué es el dolor emocional? En este libro de Josep López se analiza el dolor emocional y como tratarlo. Muchos lo rechazan, pero López propone abrazarlo, escucharlo, entenderlo y analizarlo. A través de la historia de un joven faraón que huye de su duelo, el autor analiza la importancia del sufrimiento y del dolor como forma de entender unos valores vitales. Con una mezcla de literatura y de neurociencia, en el libro se traza un camino por todas las manifestaciones del dolor emocional.Josep López (Barcelona, 1967) es autor y coach literario. Estudió Periodismo y trabajó durante dos décadas en comunicación empresarial. Desde hace unos años dedica su vida a la literatura, tanto a enseñar el mundo editorial y sus secretos a autores noveles como a escribir libros de crecimiento personal. Ha escrito varios libros de autoayuda, como El valor del samurái, Buen karma o La ilusión.

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    66.99 kr.

    Jacint Verdaguer va ser una de les figures més importants de la Renaixença catalana. La seva poesia parla de religió, de fe cristiana i de bondat. En aquest tercer volum de les seves obres complertes es reuneixen totes les poesies que va escriure al voltant de la figura de Jesús i la seva vida, des del naixement fins al seu viatge a Natzaret. A més, també reuneix Les flors del calvari, una de les antologies poètiques més conegudes i més contundents del mossèn.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by Bram Stoker
    59.99 kr.

    A beautiful ancient Egyptian queen revived from the dead, an adventurous archaeologist with a love for mummies, and a daughter possessed. This horror novel has it all!Believed by some to be the first modern mummy novel, 'The Jewel of Seven Stars' follows the adventures and hardships of an archaeologist who wants to revive an ancient Egyptian queen. However, little does he expect to find his daughter possessed by the spirit of the queen, binding the girl entirely to her will.A suspenseful and compelling read, Stoker’s novel constantly offers cliffhangers and various twists - some of which are magical. A must-read for fans of Stoker, mummies, Ancient Egypt and horror books.Bram Stoker (1847-1912) was an Irish writer, best known for his Gothic horror 'Dracula', whose eponymous character became one of the most well known vampires in popular culture. 'Dracula' has been adapted for the big screen many times with the most famous being from 1992 staring Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman.Stoker's interest in the theatre bought him into the inner circle of London’s high society, where he met and became a close acquaintance of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. Among his other novels are 'The Mystery of the Sea' and 'The Jewel of the Seven Stars', as well as three short story collections and various non-fiction pieces and articles.

  • by Arthur Conan Doyle
    59.99 kr.

    Also published under the title ‘The Tragedy of the Korosko’, ‘A Desert Drama’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt, by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘A Desert Drama’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Engang for længe siden byggede man et fantastisk bibliotek i Alexandria. Det var centrum for forskning og videnskab og opbevaringssted for værdifulde skrifter. Men pludselig var det væk. Kilderne er tavse. Så hvad skete der? Hvad er myte? Hvad er virkelighed? I denne uge dykker vi ned i historien om det legendariske bibliotek i Alexandria.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Voltaire
    68.99 kr.

    An oriental philosophical tale, ´Zadig´ traces the adventures of the titular character, a man renowned for his 'just and moderate mind' and 'sincere and noble heart'. But his gifts give rise to jealousies in others that expose him to the vagaries of fate...Appointed prime minister, then disgraced and driven out of Babylon, Zadig, like all the heroes of fairy tales, is drawn into an initiatory journey that will take him from the banks of the Euphrates to Egypt; reduced to slavery, then freed by his master, he will cross Arabia and Syria. Faced with a thousand obstacles that put his reason and his optimism to the test, Zadig discovers that it is not easy to be happy.With this book, Voltaire, faithful to his theological concerns, poses the problem of evil and Providence, as he traces the life of this character who will come to say: 'that there is no evil from which good is not born.'´Zadig´ is perfect for fans of Voltaire's ´Candide´.Voltaire (1694-1778) is a renowned writer and philosopher. A universal spirit who marked the century of the "Enlightenment" and a fierce defender of individual freedom and tolerance, Voltaire was very successful with the liberal bourgeoisie.He left behind a great legacy. Due to censorship, most of his writings were banned. They were published anonymously, printed abroad and smuggled into France.

  • by Johan Bojer
    77.99 kr.

    Norwegian fjords, ships, storms and a large shark that wants to take off your arm ...thank goodness our main character Peer manages to stab it with a knife!Peer is a young lad who, deserted by his parents, is tossed about like second-hand clothing from one foster home to the next. Surprisingly he demonstrates a tremendous amount of resilience in overcoming his social and economic standing, just like his creator and the author of this novel, Johan Bojer.This story examines how an individual's yearning for knowledge in science and religion causes problems, as many intellectuals in the early twentieth century thought them mutually exclusive. This leads Peer into many situations beyond his control.The hunger in the book's title has little to do with being starved of food and much to do with being starved of education and knowledge.Read this classic rags to riches story with an unexpected twist at the end!Johan Bojer (born Johan Kristoffer Hansen) was a popular Norwegian novelist and dramatist. He grew up as a foster child in a poor family living in Rissa near Trondheim, Norway. He learned of the realities of poverty early in his life.Bojer principally wrote about the lives of the poor farmers and fishermen, both in his native Norway and among the Norwegian immigrants in the United States. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times and is best remembered for his novel 'The Emigrants', a major novel dealing with the motivations and trials of Norwegians emigrated on the plains of North Dakota.

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    51.99 kr.

    L'any 1886, Jacint Verdaguer i Jaume Almera emprenien un viatge fins a la Terra Santa. Aquest llibre és un dietari que recull la crònica d'aquesta travessia, que va incloure una vintena de dies a Jerusalem, per visitar els llocs sagrats relacionats amb Jesús, i una ruta per Beirut, Damasc i Egipte. Les impressions del poeta són evocadores i espirituals, reflexions d'un viatger peregrí que busca l'origen de la seva fe. Un llibre que, gràcies a la prosa detallista de Verdaguer, permet al lector reviure la seva travessia per la Terra Santa.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesía catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingresar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. Al 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporànis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir al 1902 malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by Louisa May Alcott
    38.99 kr.

    This fascinating tale marks a milestone in world literature as being one of the first examples of the 'mummy's curse' narrative. It follows Paul Forsyth and the older professor Niles as they explore ancient Egyptian ruins, haplessly disturbing the ancient peace of a powerful sorceress' tomb. Upon his return home, Forsyth will present his young fiancee with an ancient souvenir from his travels, which unbeknown to him will have deathly consequences. It is a captivating and haunting tale, furthering Alcott's work with the 'femme fatale' narrative, in a story that is significant in world literature. This story is perfect for anyone who loved Brendan Fraser's 'The Mummy', just with a more serious, but equally enjoyable thrill.-

  • by Wilbur Smith
    From 62.99 kr.

    När Royan Al Simmas make blir brutalt mördad rasar hennes värld samman. Attacken var riktad mot dem båda - mot det arbete de gjort med den sjunde handskriften. Nu verkar allt vara förstört. Men Royan är fast besluten att fullfölja det uppdrag hon och maken har påbörjat: att lokalisera Farao Mamoses grav. Till sin hjälp får hon så småningom den egensinne aristokraten Nicholas Quenton-Harper, vars passion för det forntida matchar hennes egen. Men medan Royan och Nicholas tar sig allt närmare den mytomspunna graven, dyker fler och fler fiender upp för att stoppa dem. Dessutom är männen som mördat Royans make fortfarande på fri fot. Hur långt är de villiga att gå för att få som de vill? Den sjunde handskriften är den andra delen i Wilbur Smiths episka Egyptenserie. Wilbur Smiths serie om Egypten sträcker sig från Faraonernas tid till idag. Som en röd tråd får vi följa Lostris, kvinnan som älskar rättvisa, och hennes starke vän Taita. En serie episka äventyrsromaner om strid, magi, kärlek och det godas eviga kamp mot onskan.Wilbur Smith (1933-2021) var en sydafrikansk författare som skapat succéer som När lejonet äter och släktkrönikan om familjen Courtney. Smiths romaner skildrar ofta den afrikanska kontinentens historia och innehåller både äventyr och romantik.

  • by Søren Hallar
    69.00 kr.

    I 1920’erne var alt, hvad der lå øst for Suezkanalen, endnu indhyldet i mystik for langt de fleste europæere. Søren Hallars rejseskildring fra sin lange tur gennem Suezkanalen og mod Fjernøsten gav et glimt af en helt anden verden, og endnu den dag i dag kan hans beskrivelser af de nu så forandrede områder fascinere og tryllebinde enhver læser. Bogen fortæller om rejser til så fjerne egne som Japan, Singapore, Peking, Shanghai og Vladivostok og præsenterer os for en lang række spændende mennesker og kulturer. Søren Hallar (1887-1950) var en dansk forfatter og professor i litteraturvidenskab. Han blev kendt for sin afhandling "Synselementerne i Naturskildringen hos J.P. Jacobsen" fra 1921, hvor han forsøgte at anvende naturvidenskabelige metoder i den litterære analyse. Han har udgivet en række afhandlinger og bøger om nogle af Danmarks største forfattere foruden J.P. Jacobsen, herunder Tom Kristensen og Thøger Larsen. Hallar har også selv skrevet og udgivet flere skønlitterære værker i form af både skuespil, romaner og digte.

  • by Neil Gaiman
    103.99 kr.

    Los meses, convertidos en personajes que hablan y se relacionan, intercambian opiniones en su reunión anual; un hombre medio devorado nos habla de cómo se hizo amigo de su querido caníbal; incluso Sherezade, la mayor contadora de historias de todos los tiempos, recibe un homenaje.Un misterioso circo que aterroriza al público con su asombrosa actuación antes de desaparecer en mitad de la noche y llevarse a una espectadora con ellos; en una Inglaterra victoriana un tanto extraña, Sherlock Holmes y su inseparable ayudante deben resolver el asesinato de un miembro de la familia real; los miembros de un exclusivo club epicúreo, hastiados ya de haber probado todo lo imaginable, se van a Egipto para degustar el mítico pájaro del Sol, sin imaginar siquiera las consecuencias que traerá tamaño atrevimiento...Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Neil Gaiman, Portchester, Inglaterra (1960). Es autor de varios libros infantiles, además de Coraline: la colección de relatos M de magia y El libro del cementerio.Además de ser autor de los guiones de varias películas basadas en sus escritos, es también autor de varias novelas para adultos y de la serie de novelas gráficas Sandman.Entre los numerosos premios que se le han concedido están el World Fantasy, el Hugo, el Nebula y el Bram Stoker. Aunque nació en Gran Bretaña, ahora vive en Estados Unidos.

  • by Maria Carme Roca i Costa
    51.99 kr.

    Una història de deus egipcis, misteris i amistat. El germà de la Yasmín porta un petit basar prop de les piràmides, anomenat La Reina de Gizeh. Ella, tot i tenir poc més de nou anys, l'ajuda quan pot. Però últimament el negoci no funciona: han patit un robatori d'una de les antiguitats més cares de la botiga i, a sobre, la seva gata ha desaparegut. Per sort, la Yasmín té l'ajuda dels seus amics per resoldre ambdós misteris. O hi ha algú més que la protegeix en silenci?Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 21 de novembre de 1955) és llicenciada en Història i Filologia Catalana. Des dels anys noranta ha escrit més de quaranta obres, la major part juvenils o infantils, però també ha treballat en novelles adultes i ha col·laborat en l'elaboració de diversos guions. Ha rebut premis literaris com el Néstor Luján de novela historica o el Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil i juvenil.

  • by Bodil Gad & Tue Gad
    79.00 kr.

    "Denne bog handler om ensomheden: om den gode ensomhed, den tragiske ensomhed og den allerhøjeste, ørkenfædrenes byrdefulde og beundrende ensomhed.Ensomhed kan være god eller pinefuld, frivillig eller påtvungen, kort eller vedvarende. Alle møder den, og mennesker har altid levet med tanken.I nogle epoker har man tænkt intenst og vedvarende på ensomheden som et gode, som et ly fra den larmende og falske verden, som et tilflugtssted hvor man kunne skue det højeste. I andre tider har man tænkt intenst og vedvarende på ensomheden som isolering, som det at være forladt og alene, og man har søgt at undgå dette onde på enhver måde."En af de mest kendte danske eneboere er Adam Oehlenschläger, hvis statue endnu i dag kan ses i Søndermarken, hans fristed. Men historien er fyldt med eremitter, der af religiøse, kunstneriske eller helt andre årsager har valgt at trække sig tilbage fra omverdenen og omgive sig med ensomheden. "Eneboeren i Søndermarken" fortæller om disse menneskers plads i historien fra Frederiksberg Have til den egyptiske ørken.Tue Gad (1918-2001) var en prominent middelalderforsker, bibliotekar og forfatter, der i mange år var tilknyttet Det kgl. Biblioteks håndskriftssamling. I løbet af sin lange karriere udgav han et væld af bøger om dansk middelalderhistorie og -kultur. Flere af bøgerne er udgivet i samarbejde med hans kone, Bodil Gad.

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    51.99 kr.

    Tercera part de la trilogia poètica dedicada a la infància de Jesús. Recull la fugida de José de Natzaret amb la seva família fins a Egipte, perseguits per Herodes. Són poemes breus i religiosos que divulguen sobre la vida de Jesús i sobre espiritualitat per a les capes socials més vulnerables. Va ser escrita en reclusió, mentre Verdaguer estava en un santuari, influenciat pel viatge que va realitzar a la Terra Santa.Trilogia poètica publicada entre el 1890 i el 1893 que narra la infància de Jesucrist, composta gràcies al viatge que l'autor, Jacint Verdaguer, va realitzar a Palestina i la crisi religiosa que va viure en aquella època.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesía catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingresar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. Al 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporànis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir al 1902 malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by Jonathan Spencer
    163.99 kr.

    The sands of Egypt carry whispers of rebellion...The much-anticipated third novel in Jonathan Spencer’s best-selling William John Hazzard series.Egypt, September 1798. After tragedy at the Battle of the Nile, Hazzard is possessed by a dark vengeance: with the marines of 9 Company and their Bedouin allies he scours the Nile Delta for his enemy, the French spy-catcher Citizen Derrien.However, among the sacred ibis and ever-shifting sands, Hazzard catches wind of something far more deadly: the stirrings of revolt in Cairo, the outbreak of plague, and the cold hand of Admiralty Intelligence. When riot explodes in the capital, Hazzard fears he is simply too late.Abandoned by the French Government, Napoleon and his army are now trapped in Egypt. When Bonaparte discovers that Al-Djezzar ‘the Butcher’ of Acre is gathering his forces to attack, he accepts the challenge.Riding with the Mamluk and the beautiful Shajar al-Durr, Hazzard engages French cavalry in the shadow of Ozymandias in ancient Thebes – and the Admiralty calls upon him once more as Napoleon launches his bloody crusade on Syria and the Holy Land to become the new Emperor in the East.From flaming battle at sea with the blockade fleet to massacre at the walls of Jaffa and Acre, this is Napoleon’s desperate bid to seize the Orient – and the next explosive chapter of the French occupation of Egypt.Perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Simon Scarrow and Seth Hunter.In the words of J.D. Davies this is the follow-up to a "Hornblower meets Mission: Impossible" storyline.Jonathan Spencer is from south-east London, the great-grandson of a clipper-ship captain who brought tea from China. He served in the Canadian army, studied ancient and modern history, and has lectured at universities and private associations on the subject of Napoleonic Egypt. He writes historical non-fiction under the name Jonathan Downs, his major work a revised account of the British acquisition of the Rosetta Stone, Discovery at Rosetta, (London 2008; Cairo 2020). He speaks several languages, has trained with the former Russian National fencing coach, and has lived and worked abroad all his life. He currently lives in the Western Cape in South Africa.

  • by Ludwig Borchardt
    40.99 kr.

    6.12.1912, Amarna, Ägypten: Im Auftrag des Berliner Mäzens James Simon erforschen deutsche Archäologen im Winter 1912/13 Amarna, die Stadt des Pharaos Echnaton und seiner Frau Nofretete. Am Nikolaustag stoßen sie im Haus des Bildhauers Thutmose auf einen sensationellen  Fund: Ein farbig gefasster Frauenkopf von außerordentlicher Schönheit und Qualität tritt ans Licht. Der Grabungsleiter Ludwig Borchardt notiert in sein Tagebuch: "Arbeit ganz hervorragend. Beschreiben nützt nichts, ansehen!" Der spannende archäologische Reisebericht wird gelesen von Frank Arnold, der bereits C.W. Cerams Klassiker Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte gesprochen hat.

  • by Jonathan Spencer
    120.99 kr.

    The battle for Empire rages across Egypt.The thrilling second novel in the William John Hazzard series, following Napoleon's Run.Malta, June 1798. Captured by the French after hurling himself into enemy ranks, Hazzard is now a prisoner of his arch-nemesis, spycatcher Citizen Derrien, but has uncovered the true purpose of Napoleon’s armada: the conquest of Egypt. Their bold plan is to cut open the ancient Suez Canal to the Red Sea and attack India, the jewel in England’s crown.The survival of nations in the balance, Nelson scours the Mediterranean for the French in vain. If Hazzard can’t convince Admiralty Intelligence of a desperate plan, an ancient world will be lost for ever. But help comes from an unexpected quarter: the missing Admiralty agent...As French cannons roar in the desert sands and the Mamluk cavalry sweeps in to attack, Hazzard fights to prevent a lost cause turning into tragedy.From the shores of Malta to the epic encounter at the Battle of the Nile – this is the explosive beginning of the French conquest of Egypt.Never give up the boat.‘Stupendous... Lords of the Nile has such a breathtakingly frenetic plot that I found myself getting faster and faster in my reading, tearing through the pages, only to realise that I was trying to match the pace of the characters and the plot. It is so immersive you can’t help but be sucked into it, swept away by it, pushed to tears by it and utterly enthralled by it.‘Jonathan Spencer is now one of my "Must read" authors, a drop-what-you’re-doing-(or whatever else you are reading)-and-read-it-now writer. My favourite book this year.’ Parmenion Books on Lords of the Nile‘This is an outstanding novel, made even more remarkable by its début status. Better than Sharpe, gripping and intense, Napoleon’s Run deserves to be a runaway success’ Ben Kane, Sunday Times bestselling author of Lionheart on Napoleon's Run'Hornblower meets Mission: Impossible. A thrilling, page-turning debut packed with rousing, rip-roaring action' J. D. Davies, author of the Matthew Quinton Journals on Napoleon's RunJonathan Spencer is from south-east London, the great-grandson of a clipper-ship captain who brought tea from China. He served in the Canadian army, studied ancient and modern history, and has lectured at universities and private associations on the subject of Napoleonic Egypt. He writes historical non-fiction under the name Jonathan Downs, his major work a revised account of the British acquisition of the Rosetta Stone, Discovery at Rosetta, (London 2008; Cairo 2020). He speaks several languages, has trained with the former Russian National fencing coach, and has lived and worked abroad all his life. He currently lives in the Western Cape in South Africa.