Australia and New Zealand / Aotearoa
51.99 kr. Alex und Merridy wissen, was es bedeutet, schwere Schicksalsschläge zu erleiden. Er verlor seine Eltern bei einem Unfall, sie trauert um ihren verschwundenen Bruder. Die beiden treffen und verlieben sich, heiraten sogar, doch ihr inniger Kinderwunsch bleibt unerfüllt. Da tritt eines Tages wie aus dem Nichts ein junger Mensch in das Leben des Paares: der schiffbrüchige Teenager Kish. Ist er die Erfüllung von Alex‘ und Merridys Wunsch nach einem heilen Familienleben oder stellt sich alles als Illusion heraus?Nicholas Shakespeare (geboren 1957 in Worcester, England) teilt sich nicht nur den Namen mit dem wohl berühmtesten Dramatiker aller Zeiten: Auch er arbeitet als Schriftsteller. Als Sohn eines Diplomaten lebte Nicholas Shakespeare viele Jahre in Asien und Südamerika und war nach seinem Literaturstudium unter anderem für die BBC als Journalist tätig. Als Autor spezialisiert sich Nicholas Shakespeare vor allem auf Biografien und historische Romane. Sein Buch „Der Obrist und die Tänzerin" wurde 2002 von John Malkovich verfilmt.
- Audiobook
- 51.99 kr.
59.99 kr. First published in 1881 ‘The Gully of Bluemansdyke’ is a collection of seven short stories from the much-loved author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories are set all over the world, from Australia to Scotland and Budapest. Full of adventure, excitement and even the paranormal, tales in this collection include ‘My Friend the Murderer’, ‘The Silver Hatchet’ and ‘That Little Square Box’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. What do you get when an Australian finds his way to England? Hair-raising adventures, lots of madness and romance and some demented turns of fate!'The Lair of the White Worm' is a horror tale by Bram Stoker, published in the author’s last years. In a world where strange horrors lurk amidst bizarre creatures, the novel follows the life of Adam Salton, a well-off Australian, who is invited by his distant uncle to England, where things begin to get decidedly disturbing very quickly.A suspenseful and compelling read, Stoker’s novel constantly offers cliffhangers and various twists and is a great suspense novel. A must-read for fans of Stoker, dragons, snakes and horror books.'The Lair of the White Worm' was very loosely adapted by Ken Russell into a 1988 film of the same name featuring Hugh Grant and Amanda Donohoe.Bram Stoker (1847-1912) was an Irish writer, best known for his Gothic horror 'Dracula', whose eponymous character became one of the most well known vampires in popular culture. 'Dracula' has been adapted for the big screen many times with the most famous being from 1992 starring Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman.Stoker's interest in the theatre bought him into the inner circle of London’s high society, where he met and became a close acquaintance of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. Among his other novels are 'The Mystery of the Sea' and 'The Jewel of the Seven Stars' as well as three short story collections and various non-fiction pieces and articles.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
49.00 kr. H.C. Andersen kunne ikke have skrevet eventyret om kronprinsessen bedre, end Mary selv har gjort. Som den grimme ælling, der må gå så grueligt meget igennem for at finde sig selv og sin plads i livets andegård. Og som Klods Hans, der hele tiden så muligheder, aldrig begrænsninger, endte hun også med at få prinsen og det halve kongerige. Hør historien om hendes barndom, ungdom, det pludselig tab af moren, sandheden om mødet med kronprins Frederik og omstillingen til et nyt liv som kongelig i Danmark.Kom helt tæt på konger, dronninger, prinser og prinsesser i \"De kongelige\". I samtaler med kongehuseksperter ser Nikolaj Vraa nærmere på de kongelige og fortæller spændende og dramatiske historier om deres liv.Vært og tilrettelægger: Nikolaj VraaMedvirkende: Jakob Steen OlsenRedaktør: Maria LützenCover: Kim BlikdalEfter ide af: Mette Hovmand-Stilling og Nikolaj VraaProduceret af: Talk Town, Story House EgmontJournalist Nikolaj Vraa har i over tyve år dækket kongehuset for forskellige danske medier. I podcasten "De kongelige" dykker han i samarbejde med kongehuseksperter ned i historierne om de kongelige – både vores egne og dem fra andre lande.
- Podcast
- 49.00 kr.
39.00 kr. I 1932 havde man et stort problem i Australien. Ca. 20.000 emuer terroriserede landmændene, ødelagde deres hegn og åd deres afgrøder. Hvad gør man? Man sætter selvfølgelig hæren ind.I denne uger taler Katrine og Marie om én af historiens mest oversete konflikter. Vi skal høre om krisestemning, sure landmænd, maskingevær-dueller, en vovet biljagt, virkelig mange emuer og nogle kaniner.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
- Podcast
- 39.00 kr.
59.99 kr. ‘The Cannibal Islands’ is a historical novel by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne. In it, he gives some background to the world-wide explorations of the famous Captain Cook. Ballantyne uses detailed descriptions of the customs and habits of those who Captain Cook encountered to flesh out the adventures of the famous explorer. Ballantyne is particularly fascinated by the habit of cannibalism practised by some of the people that Cook encountered. Very much of it’s time, this is nevertheless a fascinating and insightful read.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
67.99 kr. First published in 1921, ‘The Wanderings of a Spiritualist’ is a personal account of spiritualism by the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle had publicly professed his belief in spiritualism some years earlier and was a keen proponent of the movement despite much public opposition and ridicule. ‘The Wanderings of a Spiritualist’ recounts the spiritualist lecture tour of New Zealand and Australia which Doyle undertook in the early 1920s. In it, he describes in detail the places he visited and the people he met and intersperses his travel accounts with his thoughts and beliefs on spiritualism. A fascinating insight into the mind of the world-famous author in the latter stages of his life.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
From 44.99 kr. Nora Tamsin er sjálfstæð og viljasterk ung kona. En eins og aðrar ungar, ógiftar konur á viktoríutímanum í Englandi er hún fjárhagslega háð föður sínum. Þegar faðir hennar deyr tekur viðskiptafélagi hans við forræði Noru. Charles Herrick er gjarnan kallaður "gaupan" vegna þess hve sérstætt augnaráð hans er, en Nora lærir fljótt að nafnið á vel við hann á fleiri en einn hátt. Ásamt syni Charles, Stirling, ferðast þau til Ástralíu í leit að gulli, eins og svo margir aðrir á þessum tíma. En Nora áttar sig á að Charles er heltekinn hefndarþrá og er með áform um að taka yfir hinn svokallaða "hvíta kastala" heima á Englandi. Til að bæta gráu ofan á svart verður Nora ástfangin. En hvor Herrick-feðganna á hjarta hennar? Og hversu langt er Charles Herrick tilbúinn að ganga til að ná fram hefndum?Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.
111.99 kr. Es progresista, socialdemócrata y feminista. Una líder milenial. La segunda mujer electa en dar a luz durante su mandato. Pero ¿quién es realmente Jacinda Ardern? ¿Y por qué inspira tanta admiración en todo el mundo?La primera ministra de Nueva Zelanda ha sido considerada la gran líder de una nueva generación. Su elegancia y compasión durante el tiroteo en la mezquita de Christchurch captó la atención del mundo entero. Incluso la mismísima Oprah Winfrey invitó a sus seguidores a «canalizar la Jacinda que llevamos dentro».Ardern acaparó los titulares y las redes sociales de todo el mundo. La dirigente de un país lejano que incluso llegó a ser portada de la revista Time y volvió a ser ejemplo tras su brillante gestión a la pandemia de la covid-19.En esta reveladora biografía, la periodista Madeleine Chapman nos descubre a la mujer tras los titulares. Siempre políticamente comprometida y apasionada, Ardern es carismática y cercana. Ha sido capaz de lidiar contra el sexismo, sin dejar que eso la endurezca, abogando por estar por encima de sus detractores. En su primera conferencia de prensa, anunció una campaña electoral llena de una positividad implacable. Esa táctica resultó todo un éxito: las donaciones llegaron a raudales y su partido repuntó en las encuestas.Recientemente ha sido reelegida para un segundo mandato, ganando por una aplastante mayoría absoluta. Pero ¿ha estado Ardern a la altura de sus promesas? ¿Qué concesiones políticas ha tenido que hacer? Y más allá de los focos, ¿cómo es en la práctica su nuevo estilo de liderazgo?Este audiolibro está narrado en castellanoMadeleine Chapman es coautora de la biografía de Steven Adams. Escribe habitualmente en The Spinoff. Fue nombrada en 2018 como la periodista de política y negocios del año.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
From 44.99 kr. Frá því Suwellen sá Matelandsetrið fyrst vissi hún að hún myndi einhvern daginn búa þar. En hvernig getur óskilgetið barn nokkurn tímann uppfyllt þess háttar draum? Leyndardómsfullar aðstæður senda Anabel og Joel Mateland landflótta þvert yfir hnöttinn. Á eldfjallaeyju við strendur Ástralíu elst Suwellen dóttir þeirra upp og minningar um England virðast dofna. En þegar Susannah, hálfsystir Suwellen, kemur óvænt í heimsókn verða örlagaríkar breytingar á lífi þeirra allra. Susannah er eins og eldfjallið sem ríkir yfir eyjunni, hún fær gamla afbrýðissemi og ný átök til að gjósa upp. Þegar harmleikur verður kastast Suwellen inn í hættulegan blekkingavef. Heima á Englandi verður hún að bera grímu hinnar töfrandi konu – veikt dulargervi, sem kemur henni í lífshættu...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.
From 73.99 kr. Negen dagen. Negen dagen, verspreid over 70 jaar en 4 generaties van een familie. Elke dag gegrift in hun geheugen. We leren de familie Westaway kennen aan de vooravond van WO II en volgen hen tot 11 september 2001. Aan de start staat Kip Westaway, die de school heeft moeten verlaten om geld te verdienen voor de familie. Aan het einde staat Kips kleinzoon, die zijn grootvader komt bezoeken in het bejaardentehuis. Over de familie hangt de schaduw van een geheim (wat gebeurde er precies met Kips zus en de buurjongen?), maar belangrijker is het gevecht dat de vrouwelijke personages leveren. De personages worden achtervolgd door een gebrek aan vrijheid en kansen, als gevolg van klasse, geslacht, religie en armoede. Herkenbaar en doorleefd, met een ingenieuze structuur. -
111.99 kr. Mi nombre es Gabriel. Un hombre llamado Heath intentó matarme.Él quiere que yo sea el número 55Mi nombre es Heath. Un hombre llamado Gabriel intentó matarme.Él quiere que yo sea el número 55¿Quién está mintiendo?Gardner's Hill es una ciudad remota y tranquila situada en la Australia Occidental. Allí vive el sargento de policía Chandler Jenkins, quien se enorgullece de dirigir la pequeña y tranquila comisaría de policía local.Todo esto cambia el día en el que un hombre herido llega a la comisaría. El extraño está cubierto de sangre seca. Su nombre es Gabriel, y le cuenta a Chandler lo que recuerda. Cuenta que le drogaron y condujeron a una cabaña en las montañas y que allí lo ataron con cadenas de hierro. El hombre que le hizo esto se llamaba Heath, y le dijo a Gabriel que él iba a ser el número 55, su 55ª víctima. Heath es un asesino en serie.Mientras se inicia la investigación, un hombre que dice llamarse Heath entra en la comisaría y le cuenta a Chandler lo que recuerda: que le drogaron y condujeron a una cabaña en las montañas y que allí lo ataron con cadenas de hierro. El hombre que le hizo esto se llamaba Gabriel, y le dijo a Heath que iba a ser el número 55, su 55ª víctima. Gabriel es un asesino en serie. Dos sospechosos. Dos historias idénticas. ¿Cuál será la verdadera?James Delargy nació y creció en Irlanda, pero vivió en Sudáfrica, Australia y Escocia antes de recalar en un pueblo de Inglaterra, donde ahora vive. 55 es su primera novela, con la que ha conquistado público y crítica en Inglaterra.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
51.99 kr. Die Brasilianerin Alma und die Deutsche Almut vereint die Sehnsucht nach Australien. Für beide liegt dort das wahre Paradies verborgen. Schließlich treten sie die abenteuerliche Reise an und entdecken dabei nicht nur verschlungene Pfade zum eigenen Selbst, sondern auch die geheimnisvolle Lebenskultur der Aborigines. Bei einem Projekt der besonderen Art entdecken sie die Kraft der Phantasie – und der Liebe.Cees Nooteboom wurde 1931 in Den Haag geboren. Er arbeitete als Journalist und Literaturkritiker. 1955 erschien sein erster Roman Philip en de anderen, im Anschluss verfasste er zahlreiche Reportagen und Reiseberichte, die Nooteboom seinen Ruf als Reiseschriftsteller einbrachten. 1980 kehrte er zur fiktionalen Prosa zurück. Nootebooms Werke wurden in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt, er selbst erhielt zahlreiche Ehrungen und Preise.
- Audiobook
- 51.99 kr.
139.99 kr. Crescendo nos bairros pobres do East End de Londres, Charlie Trumper sonha com dirigir o carrinho de frutas e vegetais de seu avô. Esse dia chega de repente quando seu avô morre, deixando nas suas mãos o negócio debilitado.Com a ajuda de Becky Salmon, uma jovem mulher empreendedora, Charlie se propõe a erigir seu próprio nome como "O Comerciante Honesto".Mas o início brutal da Primeira Guerra Mundial leva Charlie para longe de casa e o faz entrar no caminho de um perigoso inimigo cujo legado do mal segue Charlie e sua família por gerações.Envolvendo três continentes e abrangendo mais de sessenta anos, "Como voa o corvo" traz à vida a magnífica história de ascensão de um homem da miséria à fortuna, tendo um século de mudanças como pano de fundo.Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.
148.99 kr. En Australie, au cours de travaux visant à construire une citerne d'eau dans sa ferme, La pioche d'Alan Dunda heurte une matière extrêmement dure. Il aperçoit avec stupeur le haut d'une sphère faite en un or plus résistant qu'il ne devrait être. À la force de ses bras, il parvient à dénicher une étrange porte, et au prix de nombreux efforts, il atteint son centre. C'est alors qu'il fait la découverte de galeries exposant les savoirs d’une civilisation ayant disparu dans un cataclysme il y a plusieurs millions d’années, ainsi que d'une jeune fille suspendue dans une sphère en cristal, en état de stase. Abandonnant complètement ses travaux de ferme ainsi que sa femme, il fera tout son possible pour réveiller le trésor de la sphère d'or...À travers une version moderne de la Belle au bois dormant publié en 1925, Erle Cox dénonce avant l'heure les génocides du XXe siècle. Il lance ainsi un cri d'alarme contre l'eugénisme qui, quelques décennies plus tard perdra son statut d'utopie. L'ouvrage a fortement influencé René Barjavel pour l'écriture de son roman La Nuit des temps.Erle Cox (1873-1950) est un romancier australien connu pour ses romans de science-fiction et fantastiques. Son œuvre la plus connue est « La Sphère d’or », dans laquelle il dénonce les génocides et anticipe la montée du nationalisme à venir. Il est aussi l’auteur de « The Missing Angel » et de « Fools Harvest ».
- Ebook
- 148.99 kr.
67.99 kr. "The Captain of the Pole Star & Other Tales" is a collection of ten short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, comprising various themes and topics. From the melodramatic "John Huxford’s Hiatus" and the openly humorous "The Great Keinplatz Experiment", to the frozen and chilling journal entries of "The Captain of the Pole Star" and the gothic "The Man from Archangel". Conan Doyle’s tales present people thrust in to the strange and supernatural, as well as offering a richly descriptive psychological insight in to his characters . No Sherlock Holmes this time, as the protagonists are left to solve the puzzles in front of them, on their own. For fans of the mysterious, the inexplicable and the bizarre this collection of short stories from one of the greatest literary minds, is a must read.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) a literary titan known the world over for his ingenious and intricate literary creations. Born in Scotland he would go on to become a trained physician and serve with the army in the bloody Second Boer war. Drawing on his depth of personal experience and the intriguing characters in his life, Conan Doyle would create one of the most iconic duos in literary and pop-culture history in Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. He would write over fifty short stories and four novels starring the duo that continue to captivate and inspire to this day. Apart from his iconic duo, Conan Doyle wrote thirty novels on science fiction, fantasy, historical novels, poetry and plays. You owe it to yourself to experience the foundation of many of the genres you hold dear today, by delving in to the veritable treasure trove of Conan Doyle’s creations.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Christchurch/Neuseeland. Privatdetektiv Theo Tate läßt auf dem örtlichen Friedhof die Leicheeines alten Mannes exhumieren. Doch anders als erwartet liegt im Sarg derKörper einer jungen Frau. Kurz darauf treiben weitere Leichen im Friedhofsee. Wie kamen sie dort hin? Ein Serienmörderist am Werk – und Tate will ihn fassen! Der private Ermittler gerät jedochselbst ins Visier der Polizei und auch der Killer ist ihm auf den Fersen ...
- Audiobook
- 96.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Die junge Australierin Cassandra erbt von ihrer Großmutter Nell ein verlassenes Cottage in der englischen Grafschaft Cornwall. Daraufhin beginnt sie sich näher mit der Vergangenheit ihrer Großmutter auseinanderzusetzen. Wer war diese Frau? Woher stammte Nell wirklich? Auf den Spuren ihrer Großmutter stößt Cassandra auf das Geheimnis zweier Freundinnen, das seinen Anfang in den Gärten von Blackhurst Manor nahm.
- Audiobook
- 96.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Il capitano Hill, la sua deliziosa figlia Anna e il fedele Collin accolgono a bordo dell'imbarcazione "e;Nuova Georgia"e; il naufrago Bill. Quest'ultimo riesce a convincere il gentile capitano a dirottare verso le isole Figi, dove si troverebbero i compagni sfuggiti alla catastrofe. Non convinto delle buone intenzioni di Bill, Collin cerca di smascherarlo, indagando sulla vera natura di quel cambio di rotta. Per tutta risposta, Bill scaglia il fedele marinaio nelle gelide acque dell'Oceano Pacifico, facendo passare l'episodio per un incidente...-
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Vlak nadat Gabriel Endicott is verhuisd naar een kleine stad in Larapinta, in Australië, wordt het levenloze lichaam van de veertienjarige Carol gevonden in een nabijgelegen rivier. Ze is verdronken, maar het is nog onduidelijk of dit het gevolg is van een ongeluk of van kwade opzet. Om deze reden is de politie op zoek naar een belangrijke getuige. Meerdere mensen hebben namelijk gezien dat een jonge blonde vrouw in een witte jurk rond de tijd van de verdrinking over de brug bij de rivier rende. Al snel verdenkt iedereen in de stad Gabriel ervan dat zij deze vrouw is, en dat ze Carol heeft vermoord of aan haar lot heeft overgelaten. Hoe hard ze ook probeert om mensen ervan te overtuigen dat ze niks met de dood van Carol te maken heeft, de verdenking lijkt alleen maar sterker te worden. Wat is er gebeurd met Carol, en is Gebriel zelf nog wel veilig?Patricia Bernadette Carlon (1927-2002) was een Australische schrijfster. In de jaren ’60 en vroege jaren ’70 schreef ze in totaal veertien misdaadromans, waarmee ze initieel alleen in Engeland bekendheid vergaarde. Haar boeken werden pas later door uitgevers in Australië zelf gepubliceerd. De rennende vrouw is een van haar bekendste werken en is in meedere talen uitgegeven.
92.99 kr. English writer Richard Lovat Somers and his German wife Harriet visit New South Wales, Australia, in the early 1920s. The couple gets entangled in the current post-war political climate in an unfamiliar country.They are courted by the various political parties from the socialists to the nationalist quasi-fascist party. Unable to embrace either they leave for America."e;Kangaroo"e; is a semi-autobiographical tale loosely based on D.H. Lawrence's visit to Australia with his wife Frieda in 1922. The novel reflects Lawrence's own experiences during World War I. It is an exploration of political ideas at an immensely personal level. -
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Con lo scopo di ritrovare Benito Herrera, uno scienziato scomparso proveniente dal Paraguay, i marinai Diego e Cardozo, accompagnati dal medico Alvaro Cristobal, si recano nel misterioso continente australiano. Durante l'impervia traversata, i tre uomini si troveranno ad affrontare numerose disavventure e violenti sabotaggi da parte degli aborigeni, dai quali cercheranno però di difendersi con mezzi poco ortodossi...Emilio Salgari (1862-1911), al secolo Carlo Giuseppe Maria Salgari, è stato un popolare scrittore veronese, noto per i suoi romanzi di avventura. Il personaggio che lo ha indubbiamente consacrato al grande pubblico è Sandokan. Il pirata, conosciuto anche con il soprannome "la Tigre della Malesia" è il protagonista del ciclo dei "Pirati della Malesia", divenuto soggetto di numerosi trasposizioni televisive e cinematografiche. Emilio Salgari è inoltre autore di alcuni romanzi storici, come "Cartagine in fiamme", e di "Le meraviglie del Duemila", un’opera considerata precorritrice dello stile fantascientifico in Italia.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
From 92.99 kr. Boj dvou tiskových magnátů na život a na smrt.Lubji Hoch, chlapec z chudé židovské rodiny, uteče před nacisty a změní si jméno na Richard Armstrong. Po úspěšné kariéře v britské armádě přebírá noviny, které se zmítají v problémech, a s neslýchanou bezohledností začíná budovat své mediální impérium.Mezitím se Keith Townsend, syn milionáře vystudovaný v Oxfordu, vrací z Londýna do Austrálie, aby převzal otcovy noviny. A má podobně zuřivé ambice jako Richard.Když oba muži začínají bojovat o nadvládu nad světovou mediální scénou, zjistí, že jsou perfektními protivníky se stejnou genialitou, touhou po moci a penězích, ambicemi a neexistujícími morálními zábranami. Jejich rivalita je přivede na pokraj finančního krachu a nakonec i k poslednímu zúčtování, kde se jeden z nich stane nejmocnějším mužem světa a ten druhý podlehne tragickým důsledkům tohoto nelítostného boje.Tento napínavý thriller s rychlým spádem plný prestiže, arogance, korupce a podvodů byl inspirován rivalitou mediálních magnátů Ruperta Murdocha a Roberta Maxwella.Jeffrey Archer je britský bestsellerový autor a bývalý politik. Vystudoval univerzitu v Oxfordu a stal se poslancem Parlamentu, členem Sněmovny lordů a také zástupcem předsedy Konzervativní strany. Jeho politická kariéra skončila skandálem a od té doby se Archer naplno věnuje psaní – po celém světě se dosud prodalo více než 275 milionů výtisků jeho knih.Jeho nejslavnějším dílem je zřejmě sedmidílná „Cliftonova kronika" a proslulý román „Kane a Abel", který obsadil první příčku v žebříčku bestsellerů listu New York Times a podle něhož byla natočena populární minisérie s Peterem Straussem a Samem Neillem v hlavních rolích.Po uvěznění za křivé svědectví v roce 2001 napsal Jeffrey Archer vysoce oceňovanou třídílnou knižní sérii nazvanou „Vězeňský deník" („Peklo", „Očistec" a „Ráj") inspirovanou vlastními zážitky a volně strukturovanou podle Dantovy Božské komedie.
73.99 kr. C’è una tipologia di mollusco molto preziosa che in Cina viene pagata a peso d’oro. Il motivo è semplice, oltre al sapore estremamente gustoso, i trepang — così chiamati dai Cinesi — sono rarissimi in tutta l’Asia. È per questo che il capitano Van Stael, aiutato dai nipoti, ne parte alla ricerca, allontanandosi nel Pacifico del Sud, verso altre coste. C’è infatti la diceria che in Australia ce ne siano in abbondanza. Giunti su queste coste così distanti, s’imbatteranno nelle popolazioni locali, per niente felici di questa intrusione straniera. Di trepang ce ne sono a tonnellate, ma lo scontro con gli abitanti del luogo renderà la loro spedizione una missione di sopravvivenza.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato un autore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel Ciclo dei Pirati della Malesia, tra cui le Tigri di Mompracem, e il Ciclo dei Corsari delle Antille, tra cui il Corsaro Nero.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Wanneer een jonge man dood in het park gevonden wordt, leidt het spoor naar Sandra Kilby en Peta Squire, twee tienermeisjes die door Australië op reis zijn. Als ze door de recherche verhoord worden beschuldigen ze elkaar van het misdrijf. Niemand kan de waarheid boven tafel krijgen en de meisjes gaan vrijuit. Maar als detective Jefferson Shields zich een paar jaar later buigt over de zaak, denkt hij te zien welk puzzelstukje er al die tijd miste. Aan hem de missie om te ontdekken wie van de twee meiden de waarheid heeft verteld, en wie niet. ‘Het Souvenir’ (1996) van Patricia Carlon is een misdaadroman met een zinderende ontknoping, die bovendien een inkijkje geeft in het hoofd van een briljante detective.Patricia Carlon (1927-2002) was een Australische auteur van misdaadromans, met succesvolle verhalen als ‘The Unquiet Night’, ‘The Whispering Wall’ en ‘The Souvenir’. Ze was vooral populair in de jaren 60 onder het Britse en Amerikaanse publiek en maakte een comeback in eigen land in de jaren 90. Het meest werd ze geprezen om de strak uitgezette verhaallijnen in haar psychologische thrillers. Gedurende haar jaren van bekendheid hechtte Carlon sterk aan haar privacy en had ze slechts schriftelijk contact met uitgevers. Na haar dood werd ontdekt dat ze sinds haar elfde doof door het leven ging – achteraf gezien is dit te herkennen in haar boeken door thema’s als isolatie, immobilisatie en angst.
92.99 kr. ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas’ is the sixth and final novel in the popular children’s series by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Sam, Joe and Archie are transporting cargo from Australia to Columbia when they are shipwrecked upon a mysterious island during a typhoon. Much to the boy’s delight, the island happens to be overflowing with valuable pearls, but the islands inhabitants are unwelcoming and determined not to let any visitors get off alive. A perilous thriller from the prolific author.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
99.00 kr. Vi begynder midt i et teaterstykke om Andy Warhol og Ulrike Mainhof - en absurd begyndelse på et anderledes narrativ. Året er 1996, og Chris Kraus er på en fuldstændig mislykket rejse til Berlin for at finde en distributør til hendes eksperimentalfilm Gravity & Grace, der handler om en samling tosser i en forstadshave i New Zeraland, der venter på at aliens skal redde dem. Denne fragmenterede roman bevæger sig som et kalejdoskop, der viser aspekter og fordrejninger af visioner, begær, længsel, køn og fiasko.Chris Kraus (f. 1955) er en amerikansk forfatter, filmskaber og professor i film ved European Graduate School . På dansk er udover Aliens & anoreksi (2000) udkommet debutromanen I Love Dick (1997) og essaysamlingen Hvor kunst hører til (2011). Kraus er mest kendt og læst i kunstverdenen og er bl.a. blevet kaldt "kunsternes yndlingsforfatter". Kraus har skrevet over 10 bøger og udgivet mere end 10 film, hvilket specielt i de seneste år har givet hende en støt voksende popularitet.
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- 99.00 kr.
92.99 kr. Unusual for an Anthony Trollope novel, ‘The Fixed Period’ is a story set in the future – in 1980. It is based in the fictional land of Britannula, where a group of young New Zealanders had broken free of British sovereignty and set up their own government. The novel is narrated by the first President of Britannula, John Neverbend. The story explores their radical attitude to the elderly population and their ‘The Fixed Period’ law, much advocated for by Neverbend, which rules that all citizens must be euthanised in their 67th year. As the population of Britannula gradually ages we discover the inhabitants changing attitude to a law they so enthusiastically supported in their youth.Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
42.99 kr. The only Anthony Trollope tale set in Australia, ‘Harry Heathcote of Gangoil’ is a short story which follows the troubles of young sheep farmer Harry as he attempts to thwart his jealous and villainous former neighbours. Trollope drew on knowledge of Australian bush life he acquired during a year long trip there in 1871, and on the experiences of his son Frederic who had emigrated to Australia to become a sheep farmer himself. Set around the Christmas period this is a quick, fun read.Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. Hoe ziet je leven eruit als je beheerst wordt door getallen? Grace telt werkelijk alles wat er te tellen valt, van de letters in haar naam tot de zaadjes op haar broodje. Zo probeert ze controle te houden over de chaos in haar leven, hartstikke logisch toch? Maar er is niemand die haar echt begrijpt. Wanneer ze op aandringen van haar zus in therapie gaat, ontmoet ze een man die haar talloze obsessies en regeltjes van tafel veegt. Misschien kun je de wereld toch niet beteugelen, hoe graag je dat ook wilt... Hoeveel dagen was ze nu ook alweer verliefd? Toni Jordan (1966) is geboren in Brisbane en heeft een indrukwekkende carrière achter de boeg voordat ze fulltime met schrijven is begonnen. Met haar achtergrond als bioloog, chemicus, marketing manager en schrijver van korte verhalen, heeft ze haar boek ‘Alles telt’ geschreven over een jonge vrouw die worstelt met haar mentale gesteldheid. Haar debuutroman werd een internationale bestseller en verscheen in maar liefst elf landen. Jordan is ook bekend van haar tweede boek ‘Negen dagen’, dat de prijs voor beste fictie ontving bij de Indie Awards in 2012.