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  • by Glyn Iliffe
    120.99 kr.

    Surpass all odds, break the chains, defeat a God...Heracles’ trials are far from over. Carrying the weight of the heavens, accompanied only by his most loyal friend, Iolaus, he will do anything to atone for his crimes. But all is not as it seems. Gods and men alike plot against him...First Heracles must obtain the girdle of the Amazonian Queen, Hippolyta, steal cattle from the monstrous Geryon, and take apples from the Garden of Hesperides.Through it all Heracles will come to realise his betrayal is more complete than he could ever have imagined. Ultimately, to release himself from his suffering, he must journey deep into Hades, and face death itself...The final instalment in The Heracles Trilogy, Hero of Olympus, is a thrilling triumph, perfect for fans of Miles Cameron, C.F. Iggulden and Simon Scarrow.Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

  • by Glyn Iliffe
    163.99 kr.

    Odysseus’s greatest challenge is only just beginning. The armies of Troy have been defeated, and the city lies in ruins. His oath fulfilled, Odysseus can at last sail for Ithaca and the long-awaited reunion with his family.But the gods, who were once his allies, have turned against him. Exiled with the warrior Eperitus, he is thrust into a world of seductive demi-gods and man-eating monsters. As they struggle from one supernatural encounter to another, never knowing what the next landfall will bring, their chances of ever returning home grow fainter.Tensions reach breaking point between Odysseus and his crew. Even the faithful Eperitus’s loyalties are divided. Eventually, only one hope remains. For Odysseus to see his wife and son again, he must tread the paths of the dead and descend into the pits of Hell itself...Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

  • by Glyn Iliffe
    163.99 kr.

    The thrilling final instalment of the epic and bestselling Adventures of Odysseus. Odysseus has been to Hell and back. Deserted by the Gods, and now in bitter conflict with his friend Eperitus, times look bleak. He dreams of returning to his home. But back on Ithaca things look little better. His son Telemachus and wife Penelope are besieged by a gang of suitors, believing Odysseus to be dead and looking for the queen’s hand in marriage.Odysseus and Eperitus have survived everything. But now they face the last test, perhaps the most difficult of all... Can they reclaim what has been lost? For readers of David Gemmell, Christian Cameron and Simon Scarrow, Return to Ithaca is the stunning conclusion to the Adventures of Odysseus series.Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

  • by Glyn Iliffe
    120.99 kr.

    Only the determination of one man can bring victory.The Trojan War has been raging for ten years. Greece’s greatest warriors have fallen. But then a series of oracles appear with utterances from the gods, commands that must be fulfilled if Troy is to be defeated.Agamemnon, leader of the Greeks, knows that only one man has the courage and intelligence to complete the Olympians' tasks: Odysseus, King of Ithaca.From an island haunted by a vengeful madman to a forsaken tomb and its deadly guardian, from the palace of a hostile king to the sacred heart of Troy itself, Odysseus and his friend Eperitus must follow the trail toward the greatest deception of all time...Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

  • by William Shakespeare
    14.99 kr.

    In dieser Komodie von William Shakespeare sorgt ein identisches Zwillingspaar fur viel Wirbel! Kaufmann Aegeon reist in die Stadt Ephesos, um dort nach seiner Frau und einem seiner Zwillingssohne, Antipholus, zu suchen, die er vor Jahren bei einem Schiffsungluck verloren hat. Auch Antipholus' eineiiger Zwillingsbruder - der ebenfalls Antipholus heit - verfolgt das Ziel, in Ephesos seine Familie wieder zusammenzubringen. Als er jedoch von Schwagerin Adriana mit seinem Bruder verwechselt wird, nimmt das Durcheinander unaufhaltsam seinen Lauf...-

  • by Per Bilde
    79.00 kr.

    I det gamle Grækenland og Romerriget spillede religionen en enorm rolle i samfundets opbygning såvel som for den enkelte borger. Forholdet mellem mennesker og guder sås som gensidigt afhængigt, og ofringer til og dyrkelse af guderne var afgørende for, at samfundet kunne fungere, en krig kunne vindes, og et familieliv kunne fungere.I denne bog belyser professor i religionsvidenskab Per Bilde de mange forskellige aspekter af religionens betydning og opbygning i den hellenistisk-romerske verden, samt hvordan kristendommen spirede frem af de religioner, der på mange måder står i modsætning til den religion, der kom til at dominere Europa i de næste 2000 år.Per Bilde (1939-2014) var dansk teolog, forfatter og professor i religionsvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet. Han forskede især i kristendommens grundlæggelse og har skrevet bøger om urkristendommen, de hellenistisk-romerske religiøse traditioner og den historiske Jesus.

  • by Plutarch
    79.00 kr.

    "Levnedsbeskrivelser" indeholder seks biografier om nogle af det gamle Grækenland og Romerrigets største personligheder skrevet af den legendariske filosof og forfatter Plutarch. Plutarchs fortælling om Solon, Themistokles, Aristeidis, Perikles, Alkibiades og Lysander er spændende fortællinger fyldt med anekdoter om de seks store mænd, som giver os et indblik i, hvordan de kan have været som personer såvel som historiske skikkelser.Plutarchs "Levnedsbeskrivelser" har dannet grundlag for mange af eftertidens forfattere, ideologer og politikeres fortolkning af Antikkens verden og har inspireret blandt andre Shakespeare, Holberg og mange af den franske revolutions største skikkelser.Plutarch (46-119) var en græsk filosofi, forfatter og præst. Han skrev blandt andet biografier og essays og er særligt kendt for "Moralia", som er en samling af filosofisk-litterære tekster, samt 48 biografier om blandt andre Artoxerxes, Alexander den Store, Cæsar, Galba og Otho. Da han blev romersk statsborger skiftede han navn til Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus, og han tilbragte de sidste 30 år af sit liv som præst i Delphi.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    90.99 kr.

    Desde pequena, Athena sempre gostou de ouvir os mitos e as lendas dos deuses do Olimpo. Após arranjos e negociações feitas por sua avó, Athena viaja até a Grécia para conhecer o Príncipe Parnassus com quem deve se casar. A jovem chega ao palácio como combinado, mas o Príncipe ainda não está lá! Ela aproveita para visitar as belas paisagens gregas e ver de perto os cenários de suas histórias preferidas. Durante um passeio pelos Templos de Apolo e de Athena, a jovem encontra o belo Orion. Ela ostenta a beleza de uma deusa e ele carrega o brilho de Apolo em seu olhar... Envolvidos pela atmosfera mística dos templos, os dois se apaixonam perdidamente e partilham momentos mágicos de pura perfeição. Mais do que dois amantes humanos, eles sentiam-se Deuses do Olimpo no êxtase do amor! Após tanta felicidade, Athena fica angustiada quando descobre que Orion deve partir... Ela já não consegue imaginar sua vida sem ter Orion ao seu lado. Triste após a partida de seu grande amor, seu desespero cresce ainda mais quando é arrastada pelo temível bandido Kazandis para dentro de uma grande caverna escura no alto das montanhas gregas escarpadas! Como ela vai escapar das garras desse homem cruel?Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.A Inesquecível Dama Barbara CartlandBarbara Cartland, que infelizmente faleceu em maio de 2000 com a avançada idade de noventa e oito anos, continua sendo uma das maiores e mais famosas romancistas de todo o mundo e de todos os tempos, com vendas mundiais superiores a um bilhão de exemplares. Seus ilustres 723 livros foram traduzidos para trinta e seis línguas diferentes para serem apreciados por todos os leitores amantes de romance de todo o mundo.Ao escrever o seu primeiro livro de título "Jigsaw" com apenas 21 anos, Barbara tornou-se imediatamente numa escritora de sucesso, com um best-seller imediato. Aproveitando este sucesso inicial, ela foi escrevendo de forma contínua ao longo de sua vida, produzindo best-sellers ao longo de surpreendentes 76 anos.Além da legião de fãs de Barbara Cartland no Reino Unido e em toda a Europa, os seus livros têm sido sempre muito populares nos EUA. Em 1976, ela conseguiu um feito inédito de ter os seus livros simultaneamente em números 1 e 2 na lista de best-sellers da B. Dalton, livreiro americano de grande prestígio. Embora ela seja muitas vezes referida como a "Rainha do Romance", Barbara Cartland também escreveu várias biografias históricas, seis autobiografias e inúmeras peças de teatro, bem como livros sobre a vida, o amor, a saúde e a culinária, tornando-se numa das personalidades da mídia mais populares da Grã-Bretanha e vestindo-se sempre com cor-de-rosa, como imagem de marca.Barbara falou na rádio e na televisão sobre questões sociais e políticas, bem como fez muitas aparições públicas. Em 1991, ela tornou-se uma Dama da Ordem do Império Britânico pela sua contribuição à literatura e o seu trabalho nas causas humanitárias e de caridade.Conhecida pelo seu glamour, estilo e vitalidade, Barbara Cartland tornou-se numa lenda viva no seu tempo de vida e será sempre lembrada pelos seus maravilhosos romances e amada por milhões de leitores em todo o mundo. Os seus livros permanecem tesouros intactos sempre pelos seus heróis heroicos e corajosos e suas heroínas valentes e com valores tradicionais, mas acima de tudo, era a crença predominante de Barbara Cartland no poder positivo do amor para ajudar, curar e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos outros que a fez ser verdadeiramente única e especial.

  • by Aarne Haapakoski
    96.99 kr.

    Hadoram purppurantekija ja hanen rakastettunsa Ester kohtaavat mystisissa, ajoittain jopa vaarallisissa olosuhteissa. Heidan seikkailunsa kietoutuvat Persian suurkuninkaan Xerxeen ja profeetta Sakarjan kohtaloihin. Romantiikkaa ja jannitysta yhteen punova kertomus sijoittuu vuosituhansien takaiseen Foinikiaan, Persiaan ja Kreikkaan.Aarne Haapakoski, joka tunnetaan paremmin Outsiderina, sijoittaa Purppurantekijassa (1951) rakkaustarinan klassisen historian ytimeen. Historiallisen romaanin ikimuistoiset hahmot raottavat historian ovia rakkauden ja seikkailun keinoin.-

  • by – Гомер
    10.99 kr.

    Легендарные герои, осада, которая длится десять лет, два народа, которые противостоят друг другу из-за любви к женщине, боги, вмешивающиеся в битвы ... Эта история вдохновила много королей и художников. Гомер сочетает хитрость, страсть и героизм с судьбами людей и городов, из которых каждый из нас может черпать вдохновение для своей собственной жизни.Гомер – древнегреческий поэт, живший в VIII веке до нашей эры. Доподлинно о его жизни и личности известно очень мало. Ему приписывают авторство «Илиады» и «Одиссеи», которые вдохновляли многих писателей от античности до наших дней и считаются фундаментом европейской литературы.

  • by – Aesop
    38.99 kr.

    Sweet words and manipulative compliments can make everyone's head spin. The "Fox and the Crow" teaches us to keep clear mind in the face of flattery.Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by – Aesop
    38.99 kr.

    Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach our goal. And, of course, it is much easier to claim our goal undesirable than to admit defeat. There is hardly a child who does not know the fox who called the grapes sour but Aesop's fables offer so much more...Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by William Shakespeare
    40.99 kr.

    Deux couples d'amoureux que la societe cherche a separer. La nuit tombant, les jeunes gens se perdent dans une foret... qu'Oberon et Titania, roi et reine des fees, ont choisi pour rassembler leur cour. Avec tout ce monde, un philtre d'amour et bien des jaloux, la confusion regne dans la foret !-

  • by – Aesop
    38.99 kr.

    A touch of fortune can sometimes be enough to unlock endless greed in a person. And greed is rarely a good advisor as it could lead us to a short-sighted destruction of a valuable resource...Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by – Aesop
    38.99 kr.

    Is talent more important to success than hard work? Sometimes if we are determined and focused on our goals, we can overcome even the strongest opponents. And vise versa: we should not only rely on talent to win.In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by – Aesop
    38.99 kr.

    Who do you think is stronger – the Sun or the North Wind? They both found themselves in a dispute because they both thought that they were strongest. They saw a traveler who was just passing by and they decided that whoever made the man remove his cloak would be proclaimed the strongest. A winner is declared. Who will it be and what is the moral of the story? Find out in Aesop’s fable "The North Wind and the Sun".Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by – Aesop
    38.99 kr.

    Do we see the real personality of people or is there more luring behind the surface? Sometimes the ones we trust the most might be playing a role contrary to their character.In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by Glyn Iliffe
    163.99 kr.

    War is coming – and nothing can stop it...Settled in his small island kingdom, Odysseus wants nothing more than to rule Ithaca in peace. Meanwhile, his warrior friend Eperitus, frustrated at his quiet life, dreams of glory in battle.But when Agamemnon’s fleet appears on the horizon, Odysseus knows that war is upon him. A Trojan prince has abducted Helen of Sparta, and the armies of Greece are gathering.As the greatest heroes flock to the crusade, only one is missing. Odysseus knows that without Achilles, the gates of Troy will never fall. He must use all his cunning to hunt him down and persuade him to join their cause...From the Greek islands to the fearsome walls of Troy, this is a novel of pulse-racing battle and intrigue, perfect for readers of George R.R. Martin, Conn Iggulden and those who enjoyed Stephen Fry's Troy.‘It has suspense, treachery, and bone-crunching action... It will leave fans of the genre eagerly awaiting the rest of the series’ Times Literary Supplement.‘This is a must read for those who enjoy good old epic battles, chilling death scenes and the extravagance of ancient Greece’ Lifestyle Magazine.‘The reader does not need to be classicist to enjoy this epic and stirring tale. It makes a great novel’ Historical Novels ReviewGlyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

  • by Glyn Iliffe
    163.99 kr.

    The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriors.The siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Troy still stands.When Agamemnon is threatened with mutiny by disillusioned troops, he changes tactics. Ordering attacks on Troy’s allies, he deprives the city of reinforcements, trade and supplies. Yet even this does not draw the Trojans out from behind their walls.Meanwhile, Odysseus, Eperitus and their men have become hardened soldiers. Odysseus just wants to return home to his island Kingdom of Ithaca. But while Agamemnon is still determined to revenge himself upon Troy for the theft of Helen by Paris, Odysseus is held by the oath that he himself created.Eperitus too is tormented: sworn to protect the very man who murdered his daughter. As the war continues, Odysseus realises that sheer numbers will never overwhelm Tory. If he is ever to return home, he must use cunning and guile to bring about its downfall...Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

  • by – Aesop
    67.99 kr.

    The sly fox, the greedy wolf and the diligent ant are among the most iconic and loved characters from Aesop’s fables. Who doesn’t love discovering knowledge in the ancient tales? It doesn’t matter if you are just learning to read or you are picking up a good night story for your children: Aesop’s fables offers a piece of wisdom to everyone.Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • by Homer
    73.99 kr.

    Des heros legendaires, un siege qui dure dix ans, deux nations qui s'opposent pour l'amour d'une femme, des dieux qui interviennent dans les combats... Ce recit a traverse l'Histoire de l'Occident en inspirant ses rois et ses artistes. Homere y mele la ruse, la passion et l'heroisme au destin des hommes et des cites, dont chacun d'entre nous pourra s'inspirer pour sa propre vie.-

  • by Karl Mantzius
    79.00 kr.

    Skuespilkunsten har en lang og spændende historie bag sig, som flere steder i verden strækker sig flere tusind år tilbage i tiden. Gennem århundrederne har ikke blot selve teaterstykkerne ændret sig betydeligt, men også måden, man fremførte dem på, har gennemgået en stor udvikling, som med tiden begyndte at blive kategoriseret i konkrete teknikker og opdelt i skoler inden for faget.Skuespiller Karl Mantzius fortæller om skuespilkunstens historie helt fra oldtiden og op til starten af det tyvende århundrede. Første bind fokuserer på skuespilkunsten i oldtiden og tager os blandt andet med til Kina, Japan og Indien, før blikket vendes mod det gamle Grækenland og Romerriget, hvis rige skuespillitteratur er så velbeskrevet, men hvis tradition for opførelse og fremførelse af teaterstykker for første gang detaljeret beskrives her af Karl Mantzius.Karl Mantzius (1860-1921) var en dansk skuespiller og cand.mag. Han var søn af den berømte skuespiller Kristian Mantzius 1819-1879). Begge optrådte de på Det Kongelige Teater i løbet af det 19. århundrede dog ikke på samme tid.

  • by Johnny Thiedecke
    49.00 kr.

    "Hellenismen. Jordiske og himmelske tekster" er en undervisningsbog til fagene historie og oldtidskundskab på gymnasieniveau. Bogen belyser centrale aspekter af hellenismens tidsalder, hvor den græske kultur vandt stor indflydelse. Forfatteren lægger op til diskussion og analyse på baggrund af sine beskrivelser af hellenismens forhold til religion, filosofi, kunst og kultur.Johnny Thiedecke (f. 1946) er dansk forfatter og lektor i historie. Han har udgivet en lang række undervisningsbøger til fagene historie, religion, samfundsfag og oldtidskundskab i gymnasiet. Thiedeckes viden spænder bredt, og hans mange bøger omhandler alt fra hekseforfølgelser og historiske sygdomme til hellig krig og oplysningstiden.

  • by Plutarch
    163.99 kr.

    If you want to start a study of the classical world, this is the right book to begin with. Written by one of the greatest biographers of all time, "Plutarch’s Lives" tells us the brilliant history of the ancient world. In this first volume, you will find a detailed profiles and comparisons of Romulus and Theseus, Fabius and Pericles, along with many other of the greatest figures of ancient Greece, Rome, Macedonia, Sparta, Persia and Egypt. Thanks to Plutarch work and B. J. Harrison excellent narration, you will gain a better understanding of the ancient world and the lives of noble Greeks and Romans.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Plutarch (c. AD 46 – after AD 119) was a Greek philosopher, essayist, biographer and priest. He is mostly known for his collection of 48 biographies of men, "Parallel Lives", and "Moralia" – a collection of manuscripts. After he became a Roman citizen, he changed his name to Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus. Plutarch spent his last thirty years in Delphi, serving as a priest.

  • by Plutarch
    163.99 kr.

    This second volume of "Plutarch’s Lives" introduces the reader to even more important figures of the ancient world. Sertorius, Eumenes, Pompey, Alexander, Caesar and Cicero are only a small part of all the historical figures Plutarch describes. The philosopher produces character sketches of each persons, based on episodes of their lives. Thanks to Plutarch work and B. J. Harrison excellent narration, you will gain a better understanding of the ancient world and the lives of noble Greeks and Romans.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Plutarch (c. AD 46 – after AD 119) was a Greek philosopher, essayist, biographer and priest. He is mostly known for his collection of 48 biographies of men, "Parallel Lives", and "Moralia" – a collection of manuscripts. After he became a Roman citizen, he changed his name to Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus. Plutarch spent his last thirty years in Delphi, serving as a priest.

  • by William Shakespeare
    40.99 kr.

    Shakespearen farssikomedia Hairauksia (tunnettu Suomessa myos nimella Erehdysten komedia) sijoittuu antiikin Kreikkaan. Tarina kietoutuu kahden eri kaupungeissa asuvan samannimisen kaksosparin ymparille. Dromio-nimiset kaksoset ovat Antipholus-nimisten kaksosten orjuuttamia. Kaksoset eivat tieda omista veljistaan juuri mitaan.Syrakusalainen Antipholus ja hanen palvelijansa Syrakusan Dromio saapuvat Ephesoon. Antipholus on saanut veljensa sijainnista johtolangan. Ephesossa he tormaavatkin Epheson Antipholukseen ja Dromioon, identtisiin kaksosiinsa.Identtiset, mutta silti erilaiset, kaksosparit joutuvat setvimaan identtisyytensa aiheuttamia ristiriitoja kerta toisensa jalkeen. Komedia on taynna Shakespearelle tyypillista sanaleikittelya.-

  • by Hartvig Frisch
    79.00 kr.

    "Magt og ret i oldtiden" handler om retssystemet og regeringsformerne i antikkens verden, men den indeholder også interessante overvejelser om retssamfundet og magthavernes beføjelser, som har været relevante i alle civilisationer lige siden oldtiden. Bogen er både en beskrivelse af antikkens samfund, retsprincipperne, som de kommer til udtryk i græsk og romersk mytologi og udviklingen af retssamfundet fra Homers tid til Perserkrigene.Hartvig Marcus Frisch var en dansk forfatter, klassisk filolog og politiker, der fra 1947 til 1950 var undervisningsminister for Socialdemokratiet. I forbindelse med besættelsen spillede Hartvig Frisch en omstridt rolle, da han udtalte sig kritisk om både nazismen og visse af modstandsbevægelsens handlinger.Som undervisningsminister indførte Hartvig Frisch i 1948 retskrivningsreformen, som blandt andet ændrede "aa" til "å" og "vilde" til "ville". Mange af Hartvig Frisch’ bøger handler om Danmark under anden verdenskrig, mens en del af hans andre bøger beskæftiger sig med antikkens verden.

  • by Hartvig Frisch
    49.00 kr.

    "Når Sokrates’ optræden i Athen blev et vendepunkt i oldtidens filosofi, var det, fordi han vendte hele interessen mod et helt nyt punkt: mod sjælen. Det enkelte menneskes sjæl og dens higen efter lykke blev for Sokrates hovedsagen i al filosofi."Sokrates er en af filosofihistoriens største skikkelser, og hans filosofi er en af grundstenene i hele den vestlige filosofitradition. Den klassiske filolog Hartvig Frisch fortæller om retssagen mod Sokrates, anklagen mod ham og hans forsvar for sig selv og sine holdninger. Bogen giver et spændende indtryk af Sokrates som person, hans filosofi og samfundets grusomme behandling af ham.Hartvig Marcus Frisch var en dansk forfatter, klassisk filolog og politiker, der fra 1947 til 1950 var undervisningsminister for Socialdemokratiet. I forbindelse med besættelsen spillede Hartvig Frisch en omstridt rolle, da han udtalte sig kritisk om både nazismen og visse af modstandsbevægelsens handlinger.Som undervisningsminister indførte Hartvig Frisch i 1948 retskrivningsreformen, som blandt andet ændrede "aa" til "å" og "vilde" til "ville". Mange af Hartvig Frisch’ bøger handler om Danmark under anden verdenskrig, mens en del af hans andre bøger beskæftiger sig med antikkens verden.

  • by Hartvig Frisch
    From 69.00 kr.

    "Staten" af Platon er et af de mest indflydelsesrige værker fra antikken, og helt op i det tyvende århundrede har et bredt udvalg af politiske ideologier ladet sig inspirere af hans tanker.Hartvig Frischs bog gennemgår nogle af de vigtigste elementer fra antikkens politiske filosofi med afsæt i Platons "Staten". Han undersøger blandt andet Platons syn på retfærdighed, som det bedst kan komme til udtryk i en stat, samt hvordan Platons idealer kan ses i den kommunistiske ideologi."Platons stat" udkom første gang i 1924.Hartvig Frisch (1893-1950) var en dansk forfatter, klassisk filolog og politiker, der fra 1947 til 1950 var undervisningsminister for Socialdemokratiet. I forbindelse med besættelsen spillede Hartvig Frisch en omstridt rolle, da han udtalte sig kritisk om både nazismen og visse af modstandsbevægelsens handlinger. Som undervisningsminister indførte Hartvig Frisch i 1948 retskrivningsreformen, som blandt andet ændrede "aa" til "å" og "vilde" til "ville". Mange af Hartvig Frisch’ bøger handler om Danmark under anden verdenskrig, mens en del af hans andre bøger beskæftiger sig med antikkens verden.

  • by Lope de Vega
    40.99 kr.

    Adonis y Venus es una tragedia teatral de corte mitológico del autor Lope de Vega. Se basa en el mito griego de Adonis tal y como se retrata en la Metamorfosis de Ovidio, pasado por un filtro pastoril muy querido por Lope de Vega.Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio fue un autor nacido en Madrid en 1562 y fallecido en 1635. Célebre dramaturgo y poeta, se le considera emblema del Siglo de Oro de la literatura española y uno de los autores más prolíficos de la literatura universal.