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  • by Bernhard Kellermann
    79.00 kr.

    Cosmos er det største og smukkeste skib, verden endnu har set. Det er ingen i tvivl om, da det sætter kurs fra Europa mod USA. Om bord er nogle af de fineste og mest interessante personer fra begge sider af Atlanten, og intrigerne ulmer under overfladen, mens de mange forskellige personer finder sig til rette i det nye mikrokosmos. Hvad ingen af dem kan forudse er, at Cosmos inden længe vil lide samme skæbne som Titanic, og at mange af dem aldrig vil nå Amerikas kyster."Det blå bånd" er en spændende fortælling, der viser os vidt forskellige menneskers reaktioner på en fælles krise – et forestående skibsforlis, hvor alle pludselig bogstaveligt talt er i samme båd. Bogen udkom første gang i 1938. Denne oversættelse er fra samme år.Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951) var en tysk forfatter, der er kendt for sine fængslende romaner med interessante karakterskildringer og spændende plot. Mange af Bernhard Kellermanns bøger er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog, herunder dansk.

  • by Maksymilian Dzikowski
    65.99 kr.

    Morze zabiera wiele, lecz w swej hojności dwakroć tyle oddaje.Na jednej z wysp północnego morza, w osadzie wzniesionej z gałęzi, traw i piasku, żyje nieliczne plemię. Każdego dnia mężczyźni wyruszają na połów, by zapewnić pożywienie swoim rodzinom, kobiety zaś wyplatają z giętkich źdźbeł maty i kosze. Równowaga w osadzie zostaje zachwiana, gdy morze wyrzuca na brzeg wychudzonego człowieka zdobionego łuską ryby.Obcy zostaje powierzony opiece wyłączonej ze społeczności dziewczyny, razem z którą poznawać zaczyna wszystkie zwyczaje, tradycje i wierzenia. Kolejne miesiące pokażą, czy obecność przybysza okaże się błogosławieństwem czy przekleństwem, a społeczność, do tej pory jednomyślna i zgodna, będzie musiała odpowiedzieć sobie na fundamentalne pytania, których wcześniej nikt nie odważył się zadać...Przybył do nas zrodzony przez samo morze! Przybył do nas, zapomniawszy swojego imienia, byśmy przyjęli go, odzieli; byśmy nazwali go jednym z nas! Kto wyliczy łaski, jakie dla nas wyjednał, gdy jego łódź, sporządzona z drewna dobytego z toni, wchodziła pomiędzy fale, jak żadna spośród naszych niosła go w dół, w dół ku starej Ume? Tak! I my wobec niej staniemy! Kto z nas powróci jednak na te same brzegi? On jeden powracał! Jemu jednemu zostało to darowane! Płynął ku głębinom, niosąc nasz głos, podobny do tlących się węgli – powracał ku górze, niosąc głos potężniejszy od wielkiego ognia; głos samego morza!Maksymilian Dzikowski – ur. 23.08.1991 r. w Szczecinie. W latach 2010-2015 odbył studia na Wydziale Edukacji Muzycznej Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie, następnie uzupełnił je o podyplomowe studia etnomuzykologiczne na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Interesuje się prehistorią, archaicznymi formami religijności i ich odzwierciedleniem w życiu codziennym. W czasie prac nad powieścią odbył staż w Parku Epoki Kamienia Dithmarschen w Albersdorf (Niemcy) – tę współpracę kontynuuje do teraz.

  • by Herman Melville
    111.99 kr.

    "Omoo" è il secondo romanzo di Melville; è un libro pieno di umorismo, ma anche una favola allegorica sull’incontro e lo scontro fra la civiltà e il mondo incantato delle isole polinesiane.Racconta di una baleniera sgangherata comandata da un capitano incapace, di una ciurma di personaggi squinternati, di ammutinamenti, incarcerazioni, incontri, amicizie e battibecchi con isolani e missionari di ogni genere. Sullo sfondo, la vita di bianchi e indigeni nei Mari del Sud.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Herman Melville (1819 – 1891) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e critico letterario statunitense.I primi romanzi, narrazioni di avventure nei Mari del Sud, conobbero un notevole successo, facendolo diventare uno dei più conosciuti e apprezzati autori di storie marinaresche. La sua popolarità declinò dopo la pubblicazione di "Moby Dick" (1851), nonostante fosse stato accolto con favore dai recensori inglesi. Alla sua morte, Melville era quasi completamente dimenticato. "Moby Dick", da molti ritenuto il suo capolavoro, fu riscoperto solo nel 1921 e oggi è considerato una delle opere fondamentali della letteratura mondiale.

  • by William Bowen
    77.99 kr.

    Sometimes, being disobedient brings unbelievable surprises.When five-year-old Freddie is warned by Toby Littleback, the proprietor of the local tobacco shop, never to touch the jar shaped like a man’s head, he can’t resist.Suddenly Freddie is transported to the Spanish Main, as pirates pursue his sinking ship in the search for hidden treasure. How will he escape their clutches and return home?A cross between ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, this action-packed fantasy story for children features flying carpets, skulduggery, and gold. Perfect for fans of fantasy adventure fiction.William Alvin Bowen (1877-1937) was an American attorney and children’s author. His best-known work was fantasy novel ‘The Old Tobacco Shop: A True Account of What Befell a Little Boy in Search of Adventure’, which was runner-up in the inaugural Newbery Medal in 1922.His other works include: ‘The Enchanted Forest’ (1920), ‘Solario the Tailor: His Tales of the Magic Doublet’ (1922), ‘Merrimeg’ (1923), ‘Philip and the Faun’ (1926), and ‘Gossip from the Sixteenth Century’ (1938).

  • by Alexandre Dumas
    77.99 kr.

    Born mixed-race, but with pale skin, Georges was rejected by everyone in the 19th-century French colony of Mauritius. But, in this era of slavery and abuse, he was destined to be noticed.In Alexandre Dumas' action-packed novel, Georges, the son of a wealthy, mixed-race planter, leads a black militia group and saves the lives of many planters during the British invasion of Mauritius.However, he gets no thanks. Then, when he fights with the son of another planter, his father sends him to France to be schooled.Here, Georges becomes eloquent, educated, and a hit with the ladies.He returns to Mauritius and his popularity quickly increases in society. But, when he discovers that his brother is the captain of a slave ship, he is furious.The fuse is lit for a slave revolt, imprisonment, and a death sentence.Is it the end for Georges?Perfect for readers of Victor Hugo's 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' and 'My Bondage and my Freedom' by Frederick Douglass.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was a world-famous playwright and novelist. During his life and after his death, he has been one of the most important and widely read French historical adventure writers. His experience was based on his many travels and exuberant lifestyle.His novels include 'The Count of Monte Cristo', 'The Three Musketeers', 'The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later', and 'Twenty Years After'. His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies and TV series.The English playwright Watts Phillips, who knew Dumas in his later life, said: "He was the most generous, large-hearted being in the world. He also was the most delightfully amusing and egotistical creature on the face of the earth."For readers of the novels of Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens.

  • by Disney
    24.99 kr.

    Trots att kung Triton har förbjudit alla mänskliga ting bestämmer sig Ariels syster Alana för att uppträda med ett mänskligt instrument på årets stora internationella undervattenssymfoni. Hon gör upp en plan för att smuggla med sig instrumentet till konserten. Men den går inte riktigt som hon har tänkt sig ...© Disney. All rights reserved.

  • by Jules Verne
    14.99 kr.

    Depuis quelques jours, le navire Le Chancellor qui fait voile vers la Caroline du Nord, avec à son bord une cargaison de coton et vingt-huit matelots, semble prendre une trajectoire qui inquiète tous ses passagers. Si tout le monde se met à douter de la santé mentale du capitaine, de terribles évènements obligent l'équipage à agir vite : un incendie ravage les soutes, et une soudaine tempête pousse le navire sur de dangereux rivages. Bientôt, il ne reste du Chancellor qu’une quinzaine d'hommes sur un radeau, portés par le vent au hasard des courants, cernés par les requins. Alors que les moins résistants meurent, les survivants découpent les cadavres pour attraper du poisson...Rédigé sous la forme d'un journal de bord et depuis la perspective d'un passager, ce roman d'aventures en huis clos s'inspire du fait réel qui défraya la chronique au XIXe : l'épisode tragique de la Méduse.Jules Verne (1828-1905) est l’auteur de près de quatre-vingts romans, et un incroyable précurseur de la science-fiction. Dès son plus jeune âge, il rêve d’aventures, et tente de partir en bateau pour les Indes. Son père l’ayant retenu, il se rend à Paris et fait des études de droit. Là bas, il fréquente à la fois les milieux littéraires (il rencontre Dumas) et scientifiques (il rencontre les trois frères Aragos). Sa première pièce « Les Pailles Rompues », en 1850, le pousse à se consacrer à la littérature. Il voyage en Ecosse puis en Scandinavie, et il publie « Cinq Semaines en Ballon », en 1863, chez son ami éditeur Hetzel. C’est un succès considérable qu’il cristallise avec « Le Tour du Monde en 80 jours », et des romans oscillant entre aventure et anticipation : « Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les Mers », 1869, « De la Terre à la Lune », 1865.

  • by Disney
    24.99 kr.

    Ariel är nyfiken och sprudlar av energi. Hon har varken tid, eller tålamod heller för den delen, att följa sin pappas regler. Men en dag går det upp för henne att alla regler kanske inte är så dumma och onödiga som hon först trodde ...© Disney. All rights reserved.

  • by Jules Verne
    111.99 kr.

    Los protagonistas de Dos años de vacaciones son quince jóvenes de distintas nacionalidades abandonados en una isla y luchando por sobrevivir.Las diferencias de nacionalidad, de educación, de valores,...generan una serie de reflexiones de orden psicológico que contribuyen tanto a amenizar el relato como a identificar al lector con los protagonistas.Verne plantea una situación conflictiva para un grupo de niños, en la que se prueba que el valor y la inteligencia de éstos los ayudan a triunfar frente a dificultades, peligros y responsabilidades muy superiores a las comunes en su edad.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Julio Verne nació en Nantes el 8 de febrero de 1828. Desde bien pequeño mostró un apetito voraz por la aventura, pues a la temprana edad de once años se escapó de casa para convertirse en grumete; sin embargo sus padres le dieron alcance antes de que pudiera emprender su viaje. Se dice que entonces juró usar su imaginación para poder viajar adonde quisiera, lo cual le llevó a escribir más de ochenta libros que se han convertido en absolutos clásicos de la literatura universal.

  • by Carl Vilhelm Theodor Heiberg
    49.00 kr.

    Mellem d. 1. maj og 1. juni 1916 foregik et af historiens største søslag - ud for Jyllands kyst. Siden første verdenskrigs udbrud to år tidligere stod det klart, at den tyske og engelske flåde ville støde sammen, og derfor var hele verden spændte, da det skete. To år efter slaget lykkedes det Carl Vilhelm Theodor Heiberg at samle så mange oplysninger, at det var muligt at skrive en bog om, hvordan kampene foregik. Bogen er hovedsageligt baseret på de to landes officielle rapporter og kommunikeer, og den gennemgår både de årsager, der førte op til slaget, samt selve flådernes opbygning og strategi. Endelig udfoldes slaget time for time. Tabene var store på begge sider. Omtrent 10.000 mistede livet, men begge nationer udråbte sig efterfølgende som sejrherre.Carl Vilhelm Theodor Heiberg (1846-1924) var en dansk søofficer og forfatter.

  • by Louis Tracy
    69.99 kr.

    Iris Deane er ung og ævintýragjörn kona sem lendir í skipbroti á ferðalagi sínu um Suður-Kínahaf. Sem betur fer er henni bjargað af sjómanninum Robert Jenkins, sem er þó ekki allur þar sem hann er séður. Saman reyna þau að lifa af á eyðieyju með litlar vistir, þar sem þau lenda í fjölda ævintýra. En ástin er alltaf handan við hornið ...Bókin naut mikilla vinsælda á Íslandi áður fyrr sem hluti af Sögusafni heimilanna.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Serían samanstendur af eldri sögum sem eiga það sameiginlegt að hafa verið eftirsóttar til lengri tíma í flokki rómantískra bókmennta. Bækurnar henta einstaklega vel þegar þú vilt gleyma þér í rómantík og ævintýrum gamla tímans.Louis Tracy (1863-1928) skrifaði fjöldann allan af skáldsögum um ævina. Hann fæddist í Liverpool í Bretlandi, en stundaði nám í Frakklandi og starfaði víða sem blaðamaður samhliða skrifum sínum. Hann notaði gjarnan höfundarnöfnin Gordon Holmes og Robert Fraser við skáldsagnaritun sína, en því síðara deildi hann með höfundinum M. P. Shiel.

  • by David Donachie
    148.99 kr.

    Der Ärmelkanal im Jahre 1796. Nach zwei Jahren auf hoher See und vielen geschlagenen Schlachten will Harry Ludlow, der »Detektiv der Meere«, mit seiner stolzen Fregatte »Bucephalas« wieder im sicheren Heimathafen einlaufen. Doch bevor der erfahrene Kapitän die Cinque Ports erreichen kann, werden sie im Englischen Kanal in eine tödliche Falle gelockt: Als die Freibeuter inmitten des dichten Nebels das Donnern von Kanonen vernehmen, können sie nicht anders, als diesem Lockruf zu folgen. Doch was als Jagd nach einer letzten Beute beginnt, wird bald zu einem erbitterten Kampf auf Leben und Tod ...»Abenteuer pur voller Spannung und Wagemut: Historische Unterhaltung vom Feinsten.« Historical Novels Review OnlineDas gelungene Finale der Reihe um Harry Ludlow, das einem bis zum Schluss den Atem raubt.Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts: Harry Ludlow schmeißt seinen Offiziersposition in der Royal Navy hin um fortan als Freibeuter über die Meere zu ziehen. Auf seinen Reisen stolpern er und seine Gefährten immer wieder in brenzlige Situationen und Mordfälle, die aufgeklärt werden wollen. Mit dieser fesselnden Reihe kommen nicht nur Fans von historischen Seefahrer-Romanen, sondern auch begeisterte Krimi-Leser auf ihre Kosten.David Donachie, 1944 in Edinburgh geboren, ist ein schottischer Autor, der auch unter den Pseudonymen Tom Connery und Jack Ludlow Bekanntkeit erlangte. Sein Werk umfasst zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen; besonders beliebt sind seine historischen Seefahrerromane.

  • by Ciro Bayo
    58.99 kr.

    Interesante experimento literario a medio camino entre el cuaderno de viajes y la novela, nos narra el periplo de la fragata velera Tetis en su travesía por el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico hasta llegar a la Habana habiendo partido de Barcelona en 1878. Con prosa ágil y estilo inmersivo, el autor nos convierte en un pasajero más del viaje, con sus escollos, sus rutinas, su vida en común y sus fricciones. Un libro precioso para los enamorados del mar.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.

  • by Erskine Childers
    96.99 kr.

    Carruthers, un jeune dandy qui s'ennuie a Londres, a ete invite par son vieil ami, Davies, a le rejoindre en croisiere sur son yacht. Mais alors que tous deux profitent de la mer et de vacances bien meritees, Davies se met a agir etrangement. Il prend tous les risques, emprunte les routes les plus difficiles, et les transporte de la mer Baltique jusqu'a la mer du Nord, dans les iles de la Frise. Davies lui expose alors une theorie des plus effrayantes : un pays tout entier s'apprete a envahir l'Angleterre...Il s'agit la d'un chef-d'A uvre fondateur du roman d'espionnage. Melant aventures maritimes, complot, politique et humour, L'Enigme des Sables est un incontournable de la litterature irlandaise.-

  • by Johnny Two Combs Howard
    119.99 kr.

    War is dangerous in itself but when someone is at war with themselves at the same time, it becomes even more dangerous.Within two weeks of the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands, four men of Boat Troop, B Squadron, 22 SAS, are on the islands too.It is the mission of these four men to gather vital intelligence, with Argentine patrols everywhere.The rest of B Squadron are tasked with a suicide mission -- an attack on the Argentine airbase in the mainland.In charge is a man unafraid to risk the lives of his men in search of greater personal glory.Perfect for fans of Alex Shaw, L. T. Ryan and Chris Ryan.Johnny "Two Combs" Howard is a bestselling author of three books based on his experiences in the Regiment. Following his military career, John worked in a variety of leadership and management roles in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa. He assisted in the successful release of 16 expatriate hostages in Sierra Leone and was team leader of the Families' Security Detail for the Saudi Ambassador to the United States. He was the lead mentor for emerging Iraqi Special Operations Units in Baghdad, lead instructor for the US Department of State Anti Terrorism Assistance Program in Indonesia, and chief instructor for the Special Operations Group in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

  • by Giuseppe Fanciulli
    58.99 kr.

    "Non volevo legarmi all’Isola. La mia libertà doveva rimanere intatta, perché la fortuna era ancora da cercare" ... Poco dopo le guerre napoleoniche, in una ex colonia genovese recentemente conquistata dal Portogallo, il marinaio Paolo Soligo gestisce una miniera d’argento acquistata anni prima in un impeto di ingenuità giovanile. Nonostante le premesse assai poco rassicuranti, tuttavia, quella che doveva essere una truffa si è rivelata, invece, un autentico affare, e il giovane è riuscito ad arricchirsi in breve tempo. Ma la ricchezza vale ben poco, di fronte alla prospettiva di riprendere il mare per una nuova avventura. Le Isole – come la colonia è soprannominata – si trovano continuamente in balia di un gruppo di pirati dall’identità indefinibile: ribelli che si oppongono al dominio lusitano? veterani francesi in cerca di un nuovo brivido di guerra? Chissà...Giuseppe Fanciulli nasci a Firenze nel 1881. Nel 1906 si avvicina per la prima volta alla narrativa per l’infanzia, iniziando un lungo sodalizio con Luigi Bertelli al Giornalino della Domenica. Alla morte dell’amico, Fanciulli – il cui pseudonimo è in questo periodo "Mastro Sapone" – ne assume la direzione dal 1920 al 1924. Noto soprattutto per aver scritto le biografie per ragazzi di Italo Balbo e Don Bosco, Fanciulli ha scritto altri libri di successo come "Gente Nostra" e "La testa di Spinacino". Muore a Castelveccana, nel varesotto, nel 1951.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 45.99 kr.

    Faldir fjársjóðir. Dularfullir atburðir. Myrkir leyndardómar. Anna Brett óttast að þurfa að vera kennslukona á heimili annarra það sem eftir er ævinnar. En þegar hinn glæsilegi skipstjóri Redvers Stretton kemur aftur inn í líf hennar, ferðast hún frá köldu landslagi Englands yfir í dulúð Kyrrahafsins þar sem ekkert er það sem það lítur út fyrir að vera og hún lendir í miðri ráðgátu sem aðeins hún getur leyst. Meðan myndarlegi, ljóshærði og bláeygði skipstjórinn gerir sitt besta til að fá Önnu til að gleyma fortíð sinni áttar hún sig á því að myrk lendarmál liggja undir heillandi yfirborði hans. Morð fær mjög á ungu konuna og í draumum hennar eltir hana leyndardómur um falinn fjársjóð. Það er ekki tilviljun að skip Strettons er kallað „Leynda konan" og á ferð þeirra að Kóraleyju í Kyrrahafinu neyðist Anna til að horfast í augu við manninn sem gæti átt eins mörg leyndarmál og hún. Á frumstæðri eyjunni, þar sem fólk trúir enn á galdra og myrk öfl, kemur sannleikurinn um Redvers Stretton í ljós. Og ráðgátan um leyndu konuna er loksins leyst.Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Maja Plesner
    From 39.00 kr.

    Hvordan bliver en fisk rund som en ballon? Kan en fisk være så lang som en bus? Og kan man spise en giftig fisk i Japan? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om en fisk, der vejer 1.000 kilo. Og om en fisk, der suger kød og blod fra andre fisk. Lix-tal: 14. Let-tal: 16. Der findes gratis læseforståelsesopgaver til bogen på Grøn Fagklub Underlige fisk er oplagt frilæsning til dem, der elsker faglitteratur. Grøn Fagklub er henvendt til de nye læsere i indskolingen og er bygget op som eksemplariske fagbøger med indholdsfortegnelse, overblik og stikordsregister.

  • by Charles Willing Beale
    77.99 kr.

    Written by Charles Willing Beale (1845-1932), ‘The Secret of the Earth’ (1899) is an intriguing lost-world tale.When Dirk Waaijen, the master of the Voorne, is five days out from the island of Celebes, he spies an object floating in the water ahead. Inside is a document that tells of a lost race living in a subterranean world.Full of weird creatures, alien sights, and a mysterious people, this classic hollow earth fantasy novel is a perfect read for all sci-fi fans.Charles Willing Beale (1845-1932) was an American writer of science fiction novels and short stories. A prolific writer, he contributed many short stories to various periodicals but is best known for his science fiction novels, ‘The Ghost of Guir House (1897), ‘Miss Jack, of Tibet’ (1910), and the hollow earth story ‘The Secret of the Earth’ (1898).

  • by Jules Verne
    73.99 kr.

    Jules Verne, in una veste insolita di saggista, raccoglie le vite dei più grandi navigatori mai esistiti. Un’opera che riporta con assoluta fedeltà storica le gesta di questi grandi avventurieri e che, al contempo, intrattiene e appassiona come se fosse uno dei famosi romanzi scritti dall’autore francese. Partendo dai navigatori dell’antichità, dai Cartaginesi ai Fenici, arrivando fino a Cristoforo Colombo e oltre, Verne dipinge la storia del rapporto tra uomo e mare, di quando l’Oceano sembrava inesplorabile, di quando le acque aperte erano dimora di ombre e paure e le navi non si spingevano mai troppo lontane dalla costa.Jules Verne (1828-1905) è stato uno scrittore francese, tra i più importanti del diciannovesimo secolo. Autore per ragazzi e di romanzi d’avventura, è considerato anche tra i pionieri della fantascienza. Tra le sue opere più note ricordiamo "Viaggio al centro della Terra", "Ventimila leghe sotto i mari" e "Il giro del giorno in ottanta giorni".

  • by Radosław Budkiewicz
    56.99 kr.

    Trupy, wojna, tajemnice, a do tego taki ładunek emocji, że czytelnik dostaje szału.Porywająca, zaskakująca historia, która wspaniale szarga nerwy!Druga wojna światowa. Satoshi Yamane i Akihiko Onizawa dowodzą japońską jednostką badawczą i poszukują na Pacyfiku starożytnej świątyni z artefaktem. Przypadek sprawia, że ta sama wyspa staje się celem dywersji marynarki USA. Amerykanie nie wiedzą o działaniach Japończyków ani o tym, że są tam jeńcy - Zachary Ward i drużyna marines mają zniszczyć stację radiową.Jeden z jeńców, Richard Falls, odkopuje starożytną tablicę-mapę. Marines lądują na wyspie i napotykają na swojej drodze japoński patrol - jeńcy i pozostali Japończycy słyszą strzelaninę. Amerykanie napotykają pierwsze niepokojące oznaki w postaci dziwnych amuletów, rzeźb, posągów oraz ogromnych ilości amunicji i rozkopanych grobów z szkieletami, kontynuują jednak swoją misję. Onizawa odkrywa jaskinię z drugą tablicą.

  • by Bodo Kirchhoff
    From 99.00 kr.

    I landsbyen Infanta på en tropeø i Stillehavet bor fem gamle jesuitpræster sammen med den smukke indfødte kvinde Mayla, som de har opfostret, og som nu holder huset og for det meste står i køkkenet. Da den unge, mandlige fotomodel Kurt Lukas strander på øen, accepterer præsterne, at han kan flytte ind hos dem. Kurt og Mayla opdager hurtigt hinanden, og det bliver begyndelsen på en lidenskabelig kærlighedsrelation mellem de to. Men hvad siger præsterne til deres forhold? Var det hele tilskyndet af dem? Og hvad har resten af landsbyens beboere med det hele at gøre? "Infanta" er en intens roman om identitet, lidenskab og kærlighed. Bodo Kirchhoff (f. 1948) er en tysk forfatter. Han blev født i Hamborg og blev uddannet i pædagogik ved universitetet i Frankfurt med en afhandling om psykoanalytikeren Jacques Lacan. I 1979 blev han opdaget af et tysk forlag, som gerne ville udgive hans bøger. Kirchhoff har udgivet tyve romaner på tysk, hvoraf en lang række af dem er oversat til adskillige sprog, herunder dansk. I 2016 vandt han litteraturprisen Deutsche Buchpreis for romanen "Vederfarelse".

  • by Disney
    24.99 kr.

    Ariel är nyfiken och full av fantasi. Hon dagdrömmer sig ofta bort till andra världar och hör inte alltid om någon försöker prata med henne. Och ibland ställer det till problem ...© Disney. All rights reserved.

  • by Erik Volmer Jensen
    79.00 kr.

    Tæt ved Vesterhavets evindelige og dramatiske brusen ligger det gamle familiegods Dybensø, der er lige så forfaldent, som det er forgældet. Den unge smukke Lilian Gerlach er arving til det faldefærdige gods og hele dets gæld, så da den rige familien Dahl flytter til den lille flække fra det store Brasilien, øjner Lilian sin redning. Familiens yngste søn, Kjeld Dahl, forelsker sig nemlig i hende, og hun håber, hun nu har fundet en af dele byrden og udgifterne med. Inden længe viser det sig imidlertid, at både Kjelds og Lilians familie har spillet med lukkede kort, og et grusomt drama begynder at udspille sig på det gamle gods.Den danske forfatter Erik Volmer Jensen (1912-1993) fik sin litterære bogdebut i 1941 med værket "I junglens dyb", der blev udgivet under pseudonymet Martin South. Han udgav herefter et væld af spændende bøger, der ofte er hensat til fjerne egne og tider. Erik Volmer Jensen har blandt andet udgivet titlerne "Den sorte død" (1943), "Det blodige kup" (1943) og "Det lyner over Kattegat" (1942). Flere af bøgerne blev udgivet under forskellige pseudonymer.

  • by Anton Giulio Barrili
    73.99 kr.

    Rispolverando il fortunato protagonista del suo romanzo d’esordio – risalente al 1865 – Anton Giulio Barrili ci riporta nel mondo colorito del capitan Dodéro, che stavolta racconta le prodezze vissute da suo padre Giovan Battista, gran viaggiatore che aveva affrontato ogni sorta di avventura fra Istanbul, l’India, la Cina e il Giappone. Con il divertito sguardo di un grande narratore, Barrili scandisce così, in una serie di episodi che hanno quasi del picaresco, le tappe di una storia intrisa di esotismo, dal fascino immortale. Come un nostrano Melville, ricorrendo alla sua penna così visionaria, l’autore ci mette in guardia dall’inseguire sogni irraggiungibili. Per citare Guido Mazzoni, che ne introdusse l’edizione del 1929, "Non siamo tutti dei cacciatori che, durante la vita, da un capo all’altro, andiamo in cerca di un merlo bianco?".Anton Giulio Barrili (1836-1908) nasce a Savona. Laureatosi in Lettere e Filosofia a Genova, nel 1859 si arruola volontario nell’esercito piemontese, partecipando a varie campagne militari al seguito di Garibaldi. Nel corso della sua vita, segnata dall’esperienza risorgimentale, fonda due riviste (L’occhialetto e Il Caffaro) e collabora come redattore al San Giorgio. Assume inoltre la direzione delle riviste Il Movimento (1860) e La Domenica Letteraria (1884). È stato autore di poesia e di commedie, firmando inoltre una cinquantina di romanzi.

  • by Jules Verne
    42.99 kr.

    Combining romance and adventure, ‘The Blockade Runners’ is set in both Scotland and the south of America, as the American Civil War looks to become a reality. Scottish entrepreneur, Captain James Playfair, sets out on a daring mission to acquire cotton from the southern states. However, there’s more to one of his travelling companions than meets the eye and Playfair quickly finds himself facing a whole new set of challenges. A rollicking read, Verne peppers this short story with vivid details about each of the destinations our protagonist encounters.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.

  • by Jules Verne
    42.99 kr.

    ‘The Survivors of the Chancellor’ is a tale of shipwreck, betrayal, and intrigue. Written as journal entries from the perspective of passenger, JR Kazallon, the story starts innocently enough. Kazallon has decided to return to Liverpool from the United States and has booked passage on a ship, ‘The Chancellor.’ However, once the ship catches fire, Kazallon and his co-passengers must face all the dangers on, above, and below the unforgiving Atlantic Ocean. A masterful exploration of the lengths that people will go to to survive, ‘The Survivors of the Chancellor’ is a tense and gripping read.Jules Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French author, whose works are thought to have seen the beginnings of the science-fiction genre. During his career, Verne wrote more than 60 novels, 54 of which were part of the ‘Extraordinary Voyages’ series. Many f his famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss,’20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,’ starring James Mason, and ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth,’ starring Brendan Fraser.

  • by Jules Verne
    42.99 kr.

    ‘Facing the Flag’ is one of the stories that cemented Verne’s reputation as one of the pioneers of science-fiction. It centres around a brilliant scientist, Thomas Roch, who has invented the ultimate weapon, known as ‘The Fulgurator.’ However, when his creation is refused by every government on Earth, Roch’s sanity begins to crumble. Interning him to a mental health facility ought to be the end of the tale. However, Verne throws in some twists and turns, a liberal sprinkling of pirates, and an underground lair that wouldn’t look out of place in a James Bond film. A prescient book, many of Verne’s predictions, in terms of technology and moral scruples, have come to pass.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe
    38.99 kr.

    When the narrator boards the ship "Independence" for a summer trip from Charleston to New York City, the days ahead look idyllic. His old college friend Cornelius Wyatt is also aboard, with his wife and two sisters, so it promises to be a sociable journey.However, there is one mysterious addition to the guest list - an oblong box measuring six feet by two-and-a-half feet. The box, which has a noisome odour, is kept in Wyatt's and his wife's room.When the narrator hears nightly outbreaks of wailing and crying from Wyatt's room, he investigates. He is closing in on the terrible truth when a hurricane hits the ship - and Wyatt refuses to leave the box behind.His heartbreaking secret will soon be revealed.This book is ideal reading for fans of 'The Riddle of the Sands' by Erskine Childers.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American poet, author, and literary critic. In a brief life, he was renowned for his poetry, short stories and tales of the supernatural. He is also regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction.Born in Boston, he was abandoned by his father a year after his birth. Then, when his mother died the following year, he was taken in and raised by John and Frances Allan of Richmond, Virginia.After falling out with Mr Allan in 1827 over his gambling debts, Poe joined the US Army under an assumed name and had his first collection 'Tamarlane and Other Poems' published anonymously. He worked as a literary critic and moved around America, writing as he went.When his wife died of tuberculosis in 1847, Poe's life descended into drinking and alleged substance abuse. He died in 1849, aged 40, with the cause of death unknown. His most famous works include 'The Raven', 'The Black Cat' and 'The Gold-Bug'.

  • by Mala Kumar, Sangeeta Das & Manisha Chaudhry
    From 29.99 kr.

    Pishi la raie manta se goinfre de poisson avec ses amis au large. Quand tout à coup, un bateau se dresse devant elle. Pishi plonge pour se cacher. Mais quand elle remonte, tout ses amis sont partis. Elle se retrouve seule, et voilà qu'une tempête fait rage et qu'une grosse vague la menace ! Pishi est projetée contre le navire et se coupe le ventre. La raie manta saigne et panique. Arrivera-t-elle à trouver du secours avant que les choses ne tournent mal ?