c 1154 to c 1485 (Plantagenet and Angevin period)

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  • by Jón Trausti
    30.99 kr.

    Ferðaminningar Jóns Trausta hafa að geyma frásögn hans af flakki um Þýskaland, Sviss og England á síðari hluta 19. aldar. Þess merkilega bók veitir innsýn í hvernig ferðalögum var háttað á fyrri öldum og hvernig íslendingur upplifði umheiminn áður en aðgengi að upplýsingum var á hverju strái.Jón Trausti er skáldanafn Guðmundar Magnússonar. Hann ólst upp við fátækt hjá foreldrum sem voru í Húsmennsku. Eftir fermingu lærði hann prentiðn og í kjölfar þess fékk fátæki sveitadrengurinn fjölmörg tækifæri. Hann gaf út sína fyrstu ljóðabók árið 1899 og átti farsælan feril sem rithöfundur en sumir telja hann vera fyrsta metsöluhöfund Íslands. Árið 1918 var Guðmundur meðal þeirra 484 Íslendinga sem létust úr spænsku veikinni.

  • by Ethan Bale
    129.99 kr.

    In the twilight of the Wars of the Roses, one knight carries out a final mission for his fallen king...August 1485. Grizzled knight Sir John Hawker carries a heavy burden on his shoulders, but a chance for atonement beckons when his liege lord, King Richard III, charges Hawker with two secret missions.However, when Richard falls at the Battle of Bosworth Field, Hawker hastens to fulfil his final duty to the king. But the usurping Tudors have discovered Hawker’s quest, and are hot on his heels.The Tudors know that Hawker carries with him two things; the king’s priceless ruby, rumoured to be cursed, and a Plantagenet heir...And they know where he’s going.A breath-taking cat and mouse chase across medieval Europe, from Bosworth to Venice, this is perfect for fans of Christian Cameron and David Gilman.Praise for ´Hawker and the King’s Jewel´:"A brutal, brilliant tale, told with verve and pace. Hawker is a terrific creation" - Bernard Cornwell"Bale takes the reader from the terror of battle where a crown is lost and won to the sparkling jewel that is Venice, teeming with intrigue and treachery. Great storytelling" - David Gilman, author of the Master of War seriesWriting both under his pen name Ethan Bale and his real name, Clifford Beal was a defence journalist in both Washington and London before turning to pen historical novels, non-fiction, and short stories. Despite covering modern military technology for much of his professional career, he has always been passionate about times past, particularly the Renaissance and early modern Europe.

  • by Charlotte Mary Yonge
    77.99 kr.

    Written by the English author Charlotte Mary Yonge, ‘The Caged Lion’ (1870) tells the story of King James I of Scotland - the caged lion of the title - who has been a prisoner in England since childhood.It’s 1421, Scotland is in chaos, and Malcolm Stewart is desperate to protect his sister and tenants. He enters service as a royal kinsman to James I and sets out on a journey that will see him fight for his King, his country, and for love.‘The Caged Lion’ is an ideal read for those new to Yonge's authorship.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.

  • by Alexandre Dumas
    59.99 kr.

    Continuing the story told in the classic ‘The Prince of Thieves,’ ‘Robin Hood the Outlaw’ picks up where the first book left off.Maid Marian and the Merrie Men are all present, but readers hoping that Robin has time to put down his bow and relax will be sorely disappointed.Instead, he must consider his loyalty to King Richard, while keeping one step ahead of the Sherriff of Nottingham.Throw a dastardly betrayal into the mix and you’ve got all the ingredients for a rollicking read, packed with historical detail and heroic swordplay.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.

  • by Andreas Haarder
    69.00 kr.

    Heltedigte spiller en helt central rolle i den ældste engelske litteraturhistorie og siger endvidere meget om livet og folkesjælen i de svundne tiders England. Professor i engelsk litteratur Andreas Haarder giver i "Det episke liv" fra 1979 en spændende indføring i den poetiske tradition i de klassiske engelske fortællinger, heltedigtningen som genre samt den kultur, digtene er udtryk for.Andreas Helt Geismar Haarder (1934-2014) var dansk forfatter og professor i engelsk litteratur ved Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Han udgav blandt andet bøger om klassiske myter og heltefortællinger, ældre engelsk litteraturhistorie samt folklore i England.

  • by Howard Pyle
    59.99 kr.

    What would you do if you accidentally killed someone at the age of 18 and had to become an outlaw? In the classic ‘The Merry Adventures of Robinhood’ by Howard Pyle, young Robin finds himself in this exact predicament and forms a group of other outlaws as they trek through the medieval English forest fighting their way out of trouble and conflicts with the law. Join Robin and his hood along in their great adventures as they discover what it means to be an outlaw, and how they can fight for the poor and their world’s many injustices.American author Howard Pyle, well known for his writing of ‘The Merry Adventures of Robinhood’ and ‘King Arthur’ is also a very well respected illustrator, gaining recognition for his drawings of pirates and attributed with the creation of the modern pirate look. His illustrations were featured in Harper’s Weekly where they quickly became fan favorites. Robinhood is a classic tale, which has been adapted for the classic Disney film, and the newer 2018 movie featuring Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx.

  • by Walter Scott
    96.99 kr.

    La historia del legendario arquero de Locksley, Robin Hood, no necesita presentación. Surge de una serie de baladas y leyendas del medievo inglés interpretadas y reunidas por el autor Sir Walter Scott para darles la forma del relato de ficción de un noble inglés que se convierte en proscrito para enfrentarse a un gobierno injusto y llevar a cabo la acción que le convertiría en leyenda: robar a los ricos para repartir sus riquezas entre los pobres.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Sir Walter Scott fue un noble y escritor escocés nacido en Edimburgo en 1771 y fallecido en Melrose en 1832. Adscrito al movimineto romántico, se le considera el pionero absoluto en lo que hoy en día conocemos como ficción histórica. A él se le deben títulos emblemáticos como Ivanhoe, La dama del lago o Robin Hood.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    96.99 kr.

    Alors que la guerre des Deux-Roses ravage l'Angleterre, le jeune orphelin Dick Shelton a rejoint, dans la foret de Tunstall, la confrerie de La Fleche Noire. Dick n'a qu'un seul but : devenir un chevalier hors pair, capable de transpercer de son epee son tuteur et l'assassin de son pere, Sir Daniel Brackley. Mais ce qui devait etre une vengeance personnelle prend rapidement des proportions demesurees. Entraine dans un conflit opposant York et Lancaster, Dick doit un faire un choix crucial pour l'avenir de l'Angleterre et sa propre destinee...Heroisme, trahisons, romance, scenes de combats, et decors a la Robin des bois ce roman dresse le portrait palpitant d'une des periodes la plus tumultueuse de l'Angleterre. Stevenson, auteur de L'Ile au tresor nous plonge dans un Moyen-Age ou l'honneur et l'esprit chevaleresque se melent a une histoire riche en peripeties.-

  • by William Shakespeare
    40.99 kr.

    Der englische Konig Johann sieht seinen Thron in Gefahr: Philip, Konig von Frankreich, verlangt dass er abdankt und Johanns Neffe Arthur dessen Nachfolger wird. Eine unakzeptable Forderung fur Johann - England und Frankreich stehen kurz vor einem blutigen Krieg. Wechselnde Allianzen, Konflikte in beiden Konigsfamilien und ungeklarte Thronanspruche scheinen eine Einigung unmoglich zu machen. Das Schicksal beider Lander hangt nun von Konig Johann ab - kann er sich als Herrscher behaupten?-

  • by Edgar Allan Poe
    From 36.99 kr.

    Un buffone di corte, strappato dalla sua terra e portato dinanzi al sovrano, è sempre più infastidito dalle angherie del re. I suoi sogni di vendetta diventano all’improvviso una terribile realtà. Apparentemente scritto come una sorta di vendetta letteraria verso un nemico personale, "Hop-Frog" di Edgar Allan Poe è un classico dei racconti horror.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato un poeta, scrittore e critico letterario americano. Noto soprattutto per le sue poesie, i racconti e gli argomenti soprannaturali, misteriosi e macabri, gli viene anche attribuito il merito di aver inventato il genere poliziesco e contribuito ampiamente all’emergere della fantascienza, del romanticismo cupo e della weird fiction. Tra le sue opere più note si citano "Il corvo" (1845), "Il gatto nero" (1843) e "Lo scarabeo d’oro" (1843).