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  • by Sylvanus Cobb
    47.99 kr.

    Sagan gerist í Moskvu á seinni hluta 17. aldar, þegar Rússland er í upplausn og valdabarátta ríkjandi. Hér segir frá Rúrik Nevel, byssusmið sem verður ástfanginn af ungri greifynju. Út frá því spinnst spennuþrungin frásögn, þar sem við sögu kemur Pétur hinn mikli dulbúinn sem munkurinn Valdimar. Sagan kom fyrst út sem framhaldssaga í tímaritinu New York Ledger árið 1856, en hefur verið endurútgefin þó nokkrum sinnum og þýdd á fjölda tungumála.Sylvanus Cobb, yngri (1823-1887), skrifaði um 120 skáldsögur og fleiri en 800 smásögur um ævina. Hann sérhæfði sig í sögum sem voru spennandi og gátu haldið lesendum föngnum, enda skrifaði hann fyrst og fremst framhaldssögur fyrir bandarísk vikurit. Hann notaði ýmis höfundarnöfn, þar á meðal: Austin Burdick, Charles Castleton, Walter B. Dunlap, Enoch Fitzwhistler, Dr. J. H. Robinson, Dr. S. LeCompton Smith, Symus pílagrímur og Amos Winslow yngri. Valdimar munkur er frægasta saga hans.

  • by Adolphine Fogtmann
    69.00 kr.

    I 1658 drager den svenske kong Carl Gustav X over det tilfrosne Storebælt med 12.000 soldater mod København for at besvare danskernes krigserklæring. Han smiler selvtilfreds, for han ved, at den danske stat er så forgældet, at den slet ikke har råd til en krig. Adolphine Fogtmanns historiske roman "Københavns volde" fortæller den spændende historie om den for danskerne så katastrofale krig set fra de svenske soldaters side.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1927.Adolphine Fogtmann (1847-1934) var en dansk forfatter, der skrev en lang række romaner og børnebøger. Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1884 med romanen "Fra Munkebjerg", som hun skrev under pseudonymet Èdini. De fleste af hendes senere bøger udgav hun under sit eget navn.

  • by Moliere
    59.99 kr.

    In this witty and charming French play, the audience follows Madame Pernelle, whose self-importance leads her to leave her son Orgon's house because no one pays any attention to her. The only person who happens to meet her high expectations is Tartuffe.While Tartuffe's true character of being 'the Hypocrite' is slowly revealed to the audience, Madame Pernelle remains blissfully unaware of the fraud who exploits his victims by pretending to be pious.Madame Pernelle is on the point of leaving many times, but can't leave without having the last word and finds herself coming back to admonish or criticize one more person.Molière's ´Tartuffe, or The Hypocrite´ puts a satirical spin on religious hypocrisy and will delight fans of Shakespeare's ´The Taming of the Shrew´.Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright, actor, and poet. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and world literature.Molière wrote comedies, farces, tragicomedies, and comédie-ballets. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed at the Comédie-Française more often than those of any other playwright today.He was born into a prosperous family and studied at the Collège de Clermont which made him well-suited for a life in the theatre. Molière spent thirteen years as an itinerant actor, which helped him polish his comedic abilities. While acting, he began writing, combining Commedia dell'arte elements with the more refined French comedy.

  • by Alexandre Dumas
    77.99 kr.

    The Four Musketeers embark on their final adventures in "Ten Years Later". This multi-part epic is set during a crucial time in the reign of King Louis XIV, as he transitions from hesitant teen to the beloved Sun King. And of course D’Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis and Athos all play their part. Our heroes’ exploits also feature the exiled King Charles II of England and the Bastille’s most infamous prisoner—The Man in the Iron Mask!Brimming with romance and action "Ten Years Later" is a fitting send off to literature’s greatest swashbucklers.Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) was a hugely popular 19th century French writer. Born of mixed French and Haitian heritage, Dumas first rose to prominence in Paris as a playwright, but later gained international fame with his historical fiction.Often co-authored with other writers, these stories wove together swashbuckling adventure, romance, and real events from France’s past. Among the best known are "The Three Musketeers", and its sequels "Twenty Years After", and "Le Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later". Set across four decades, this trilogy follows the rise of the dashing D’Artagnan—from hot-headed soldier to trusted captain under Louis XIV.Dumas’ other novels include "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "The Black Tulip". His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies, including The Man in the Iron Mask starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • by William Shakespeare
    59.99 kr.

    "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..."It is one of the most memorable and memorised lines of poetry of all time. But there is no need to stop here because the beginning of one of William Shakespeare's sonnets is the entry point to a treasury of his great verse.'The Sonnets' contains 154 examples of the one-stanza, 14-line poems written by The Bard.They take you on a sweeping journey through themes including love, infidelity, mortality and destruction - and the previously barely-touched areas of homoeroticism and misogyny.As with his peerless plays, Shakespeare shows his unique gift for touching hearts and challenging minds.This is perfect for fans of T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land' and 'The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats'.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet and actor who is considered to be the world's greatest dramatist.He wrote 39 plays, 154 sonnets and three narrative poems. His plays are still performed more often than those of any other writer, living or dead.He invented more than 1,700 words that are in common use today, including frugal, gnarled, obscene and sanctimonious.Among his best-known plays are the comedies 'As You Like It' and 'Much Ado About Nothing', the histories 'Richard III' and 'Henry V' and the tragedies 'Hamlet' and 'Romeo and Juliet' which Baz Luhrmann brought to the big screen in the blockbuster hit starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.

  • by Wolf Serno
    148.99 kr.

    Vitus von Campodios hat endlich gefunden, wonach er so lange gesucht hat: eine Familie und damit die Wahrheit über seine Herkunft. Als sein Großonkel ihn auf dem Totenbett bittet, nach seiner Enkelin Arlette zu suchen, beginnt für Vitus die nächste große Reise. Er ist in Arlette verliebt, seit er sie zum ersten Mal gesehen hat, und würde alles tun, um sie zu finden. Auf seiner Reise nach der Liebe stößt er auf Hindernisse und Gefahren. Wird er es schaffen, sie rechtzeitig zu finden? "Der Chirurg von Campodios" knüpft an "Der Wanderchirurg" an und führt Leser*innen das nächste, große Abenteuer.Wolf Serno (1944) ist ein deutscher Autor, der mit seiner Wanderchirurgen-Reihe große Erfolge feierte. Bevor er 1997 Vollzeit-Autor wurde, arbeitete er als Messegestalter, Elektriker und Theaterbeleuchter. Heute lebt und arbeitet er in Hamburg.

  • by Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft
    58.99 kr.

    Sinds dat Warenar een pot met goud heeft ontdekt die zijn grootvader vroeger heeft verstopt, is hij geobsedeerd geraakt met de angst om het geld te verliezen. Tegelijkertijd durft hij het geld aan niets uit te geven in de angst dat zijn rijkdom zal worden herkend, waardoor hij onnodig in diepe armoede leeft. Zijn achterdocht groeit waardoor hij iedere nacht het geld naar een andere plek verplaatst, maar zijn schat wordt ontdekt door een knecht die het geld steelt. Wanneer Warenar zich hiervan bewust is, raakt hij enorm in paniek. Toch kent het verhaal een goede afloop: de knecht geeft het geld terug maar Warenar wil er niets meer mee te maken hebben. Daarom geeft hij het als bruidsschat aan zijn onlangs bevallen dochter. Bovendien is Warenar voorgoed van zijn gierigheid af!Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft (1581-1647) was een Nederlandse dichter, toneelschrijver en historicus. Hooft is een van de meest kenmerkende vertegenwoordigers van de renaissance in Nederland en heeft tevens deze vorm in de Nederlandse literatuur geïntroduceerd. Zijn bekendste werken zijn 'Warenar' (co-geschreven met Samuel Coster) en zijn 27-delig geschiedkundig werk 'Nederlandsche Historiën'.De arts Samuel Coster (1579-1665) was een Nederlandse toneelschrijver. Gedurende ongeveer tien jaar heeft hij een belangrijke rol gespeeld in de stormachtige ontwikkelingen van het Amsterdamse toneelleven. Zo stichtte hij samen met P.C. Hooft en Gerbrand Bredero de Eerste Nederduytsche Academie. Tevens schreef hij samen de P.C. Hooft de komedie 'Warenar', welke nog steeds veel bekendheid geniet.

  • by Johan Huizinga
    51.99 kr.

    Grote historici zijn in staat om de clichés te doorprikken. Iedere Nederlander kent de 17de eeuw als de Gouden Eeuw, maar Huizinga zet in deze beknopte grote vraagtekens bij die term. Hij probeert een genuanceerd beeld van de 17de eeuw te schetsen en vindt een tijd van evenwicht, matigheid en harmonie. Nederland was politiek achter op de rest van Europa, maar de Middeleeuwse machtsverhoudingen werden door de economische groei wel subtiel gewijzigd. Huizinga is ook geboeid door de sterke neergang van de Nederlandse cultuur in de 18de eeuw en vraagt zich af hoe de situatie zo snel zo radicaal kon veranderen. Met zijn typische oog voor schoonheid legt hij dwarsverbanden tussen maatschappij en kunst, politiek en Vermeer.De Nederlandse historicus Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) was al bij leven een internationale beroemdheid. Zijn belangrijkste werken zijn "Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen" (1919), "Erasmus" (1924), "In de schaduwen van morgen" (1935) en "Homo ludens" (1938). Hij was een groot stilistisch talent en schreef over het verleden in een zintuiglijke stijl. Historicus Willem Otterspeer schreef dat Huizinga "een historisch zintuig" had. Schrijver Jeroen Brouwers vond dat Huizinga’s "Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen" deel zou moeten uitmaken van de literaire canon.

  • by Rafael Sabatini
    77.99 kr.

    In this great historical adventure novel, Ransal Holles, a former soldier in Cromwell’s army, feels like there is no place for him now that the monarchy has been restored and the exploits of the Republicans are being condemned.Desperate for an escape from his hopeless situation and the very certain threat of execution that lingers over him, Holles has no choice but to accept the Duke of Wellington’s commission to abduct a famous actress and bring her to him.Set in London, 1665, ‘Fortune's Fool’ by Rafael Sabatini is a story of love, adventure, villains, and swashbuckling heroes that will be enjoyed by fans of 'The Three Musketeers' and Hilary Mantel’s 'Wolf Hall'.Rafael Sabatini was an Italian-English writer of romance and adventure novels. He produced 34 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books, several uncollected short stories, and several plays, and he is best known for his worldwide bestsellers; ´The Sea Hawk´, ´Scaramouche´, and ´Bellarion the Fortunate´.

  • by Edward Rutherfurd
    125.99 kr.

    Una impresionante obra maestra. Una novela épica sobre la civilización británica que recorre la vida de cinco familias inglesas a través de los siglos.Con Sarum, Edward Rutherfurd se adentra esta vez en los entresijos históricos de la civilización británica, civilización que cobra vida a través de los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en la zona de Salisbury a lo largo de casi cien siglos.Los parajes de Salisbury serán el escenario por el que transcurran las agitadas vidas de cinco familias muy diferentes. Se trata de los Wilson y los Shockley, envueltos en una espiral de rivalidad y venganza durante más de cuatrocientos años; de los Mason, involucrados en la creación de lugares como Stonehenge o la catedral de Salisbury; de los Porteus, descendientes de un joven soldado romano en el exilio; y de la familia aristocrática de los Godfrey, que caerán en la absoluta miseria antes de lograr recuperar su fortuna.Un minucioso retrato de la civilización británica firmado por uno de los grandes maestros de la novela histórica que nos recuerda que son los destinos individuales los que trazan el devenir de los grandes acontecimientos.Edward Rutherfurd nació en Salisbury, Inglaterra. Se diplomó en historia y literatura por Cambridge. Es el autor de Sarum, El bosque, Londres, París, Nueva York, Rusia, Rebeldes de Irlanda, Príncipes de Irlanda y China.En todas sus novelas Rutherfurd nos ofrece una rica panorámica de las ciudades más atractivas del mundo a través de personajes ficticios y reales que se ponen al servicio de una investigación minuciosa en lo que ya se ha convertido el sello particular de autor.

  • by Rene Descartes
    14.99 kr.

    Paru en 1641, les « Méditations métaphysiques » est un ouvrage majeur de la philosophie moderne. Il changera tout un pan de la pensée occidentale.Il s'agit d'un parcours philosophique proposé par Descartes : poser les fondements de la connaissance, en soumettant au doute radical les idées estimées vraies.Méditation après méditation, le doute se lève, et l'on peut prouver de l'existence du sujet pensant, de Dieu, des choses matérielles, et de la distinction de l'âme et du corps et de leur union en l'homme.Le texte présente un des éléments iconiques et essentiels de la pensée de Descartes, repris du « Discours de la méthode », le Cogito : « Je pense, donc je suis ».René Descartes (1596-1650) est un physicien, mathématicien et philosophe français. Il est considéré comme le fondateur de la philosophie moderne. Ses écrits, à l’époque novateurs, sont fondés sur une nouvelle méthode scientifique, telle qu’évoquée dans « Le Discours de la Méthode », première grande œuvre philosophique et scientifique écrite en français, et non en latin. Il se veut être accessible à tous. Il est l'auteur du fameux « Je pense donc je suis », et des « Méditations Métaphysiques », œuvre majeure de la philosophie moderne. Il défend Galilée, condamné en 1633 par la Sainte Inquisition pour avoir déclaré que la Terre tournait autour du Soleil. Cependant, son « Traité du monde et de la lumière » n'est publié qu'en 1664 à titre posthume.

  • by Adolphine Fogtmann
    49.00 kr.

    Da den altid så forsagte og private kong Frederik den tredje hører, at den svenske konge har belejret København fra både land og sø, nægter han at lytte til sine rådgivere, som opfordrer ham til at flygte ud af byen, inden det er for sent. "Nej, jeg vil ikke flygte, jeg vil dø i min rede," lyder kongens berømte ord, der på ingen tid går byen rundt og giver Københavns borgere mod til at kæmpe mod svensken. Københavnerne tager kampen op, og en af dem, der går bravest til forsvaret af sin by, er Torsten Kofod, den unge søn af en afdød købmand. Da kongen møder Torsten, går det op for ham, at de to har mere tilfælles, end man skulle tro.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1909.Adolphine Fogtmann (1847-1934) var en dansk forfatter, der skrev en lang række romaner og børnebøger. Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1884 med romanen "Fra Munkebjerg", som hun skrev under pseudonymet Èdini. De fleste af hendes senere bøger udgav hun under sit eget navn.

  • by Adolphine Fogtmann
    69.00 kr.

    Gustav Adolphs barndom er på mange måder idyllisk og dejlig. Det er kun sjældent, at han bliver mindet om det store ansvar, han en dag skal overtage, når hans far dør, og han selv bliver kronet til konge af Sverige. Fortællingen om hans barndom starter, da han er syv år i år 1600 og fortæller om den lille prins’ udvikling til konge. Han må gå meget igennem, inden han kan bestige tronen.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1921.Adolphine Fogtmann (1847-1934) var en dansk forfatter, der skrev en lang række romaner og børnebøger. Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1884 med romanen "Fra Munkebjerg", som hun skrev under pseudonymet Èdini. De fleste af hendes senere bøger udgav hun under sit eget navn.

  • by Paul de Kock
    22.99 kr.

    Touquet est un barbier sans foi ni honneur au service du marquis de Villebelle, un noble aimable et vicieux de la cour de Louis XIII. Le barbier a, par le passé, tué un voyageur accueilli sous son toit. Il a adopté la fille supposée de ce dernier, Blanche, qu’il a élevé avec soin. Malgré une sorte de tendresse développée pour Blanche, Touquet la livre au marquis. Mais Julia, une Italienne jalouse et amoureuse du marquis, a connaissance de secrets qu’elle s’apprête à révéler et qui auront de terribles conséquences.Avec ce roman, Paul de Kock troque ici son habituel genre comique pour l’atroce et l’horrible. Il nous livre un dénouement des plus tragiques.Paul de Kock (1793-1871) est un auteur, dramaturge et librettiste français. Romancier populaire de son temps, de Kock a pour sujet de prédilection la société de Paris, ses mœurs et son ridicule, qu’il traite avec un humour et un comique franc. Il est également chansonnier et en plus de ses œuvres, a produit de nombreuses chansons.

  • by Edward Rutherfurd
    125.99 kr.

    París, ciudad del amor, de la elegancia, de los sueños. Ciudad de la revolución. Rutherfurd novela la historia de París desde su fundación hasta los días de la revuelta estudiantil de 1968.París se desarrolla a través de las historias de pasiones, lealtades divididas y secretos guardados durante años de personajes tanto ficticios como reales, con el escenario de esta gloriosa ciudad como fondo. De la construcción de Notre Dame a las peligrosas maquinaciones del cardenal Richelieu; de la resplandeciente corte de Versalles a la violencia de la Revolución francesa y las comunas parisinas; del hedonismo de la Belle Époque, cuando el movimiento impresionista alcanza su cénit, a la tragedia que supuso la Primera Guerra Mundial; de los escritores de la Generación Perdida de los años 1920 a los que se podía encontrar bebiendo en Les Deux Magots a la ocupación nazi, los luchadores de la Resistencia y la revuelta estudiantil de mayo de 1968... Un mosaico impresionante, sensual, arrebatador.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Edward Rutherfurd nació en Salisbury, Inglaterra. Se diplomó en historia y literatura por Cambridge. Es el autor de Sarum, El bosque, Londres, París, Nueva York, Rusia, Rebeldes de Irlanda, Príncipes de Irlanda y China.En todas sus novelas Rutherfurd nos ofrece una rica panorámica de las ciudades más atractivas del mundo a través de personajes ficticios y reales que se ponen al servicio de una investigación minuciosa en lo que ya se ha convertido el sello particular de autor.

  • by William Shakespeare
    50.99 kr.

    Shakespeares dramatiska arbeten: Tragedier, sjunde bandet, innehåller två av hans mest kända dramer.Konung Lear är en känsloladdad skildring av mänsklig galenskap och Shakespeares mest melankoliska och skarpsinniga tragedi. Dramat undersöker familjens natur genom Konung Lears relation till sina döttrar och innefattar både mörk humor, passion och poesi. Verket betraktas vara ett av Shakespeares stordåd.Othello är ett tidlöst och mångbottnat drama om kärlek, svek, svartsjuka och rasism. Handlingen kretsar främst kring den moriske generalen Othello, hans nyblivna hustru, Desdemona, hans fänrik, Jago, och hans underbefälhavare, Cassio. Denna vackra pjäs i vilken oskulden blir korrumperad och godheten förstörd, räknas till Shakespeares mogna tragedier.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) är känd som Englands nationalskald och världslitteraturens störste dramatiker. Till hans mest berömda verk räknas bland annat Konung Lear, Othello, Romeo och Julia, Macbeth och Hamlet.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    Alissa avait neuf ans lorsqu’un tout jeune soldat écossais, poursuivi par les troupes de Cromwell, trouva refuge au manoir familial. Blessé, à bout de forces, Clive de Morelanton ne dut son salut qu’à la présence d’esprit de Nanny et à deux mèches de cheveux d’Alissa. Rétabli, il s’enfuit en Ecosse, emportant avec lui, tel un précieux talisman, les boucles dorées qui l’avaient sauvé d’une mort certaine. Huit ans plus tard, la monarchie est restaurée. A dix-sept ans, Alissa est devenue belle comme le jour. Hélas, la cour de Charles II est pleine d’intrigants parmi lesquels lord Pronett, qui ne cesse d’importuner la jeune fille. Dévoré d’ambition, il est prêt à tout pour l’épouser... même à utiliser des méthodes indignes d’un gentilhomme ! Alissa est désespérée. C’est alors que Clive réapparaît dans sa vie. Est-il prêt à l’aider ? Peut-elle compter sur sa gratitude ? Car elle, depuis toutes ces années, n’a pas oublié son beau héros...Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by Ambrose Bierce
    38.99 kr.

    "The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter" tells the tale of 17th century monk Ambrosius, who meets a young girl named Benedicta, a hangman’s daughter, who is shunned by her community because of her father’s profession. A friendship develops between the two, and when the girl’s virtue gets corrupted, Ambrosius is ready to fight for her. It is a story of friendship, love, morality, and redemption.Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) was an American writer, journalist, critic, poet, and Civil War veteran, best known for The Devil's Dictionary (1911). He dominated the horror genre as the preeminent innovator of supernatural storytelling in the period between the death of Edgar Allan Poe and the rise of H.P. Lovecraft. Bierce’s death was as mysterious as his strange stories; sometime around 1914 he left for Mexico, wanting to experience the Mexican Revolution firsthand, and was never to be seen again.

  • by Enrique Dueñas
    58.99 kr.

    Mediados del siglo XVII. Héctor Quispe es un joven huérfano que vive en la zona del Caribe junto a Sofía Espinosa, su hermosa prometida. Sus días transcurren felices hasta la llegada de Don Beltrán de Jovellanos, un aristócrata conocedor de la magia negra que se encapricha de Sofía y la rapta. En tan fatales circunstancias aparece un hombre siniestro y violento llamado el Puma que dice tener sed de venganza. Quispe y el Puma unirán sus fuerzas en una aventura tan fantástica como infernal en la que transitarán lugares misteriosos y se enfrentarán a criaturas jamás vistas.Enrique Dueñas es licenciado en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Máster de guión de Cine y Televisión por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Aficionado a la literatura fantástica y a los juegos de cartas desde niño, combina su actividad como escritor con el diseño de juegos de tablero para distintas editoriales.

  • by William Shakespeare
    16.99 kr.

    Jedna z najzabawniejszych komedii omyłek mistrza Williama Szekspira! Morska katastrofa rozdziela dwójkę bliźniąt - Violę i Sebastiana. By odszukać brata, dziewczyna postanawia przebrać się za mężczyznę i przedostać się na dwór księcia Orsina. Tam rozpoczyna się seria miłosnych perypetii i niekończących się nieporozumień. Choć sztuka została napisana przed wiekami, to jej lektura także dziś wzbudza salwy śmiechu.Potwierdzają to wypełnione po brzegi sale teatralne w różnych zakątkach świata. "Wieczór Trzech Króli" jest jedną z najchętniej wystawianych komedii Szekspira. Brawurowo przedstawia odmienne reakcje ludzi na sytuacje podbramkowe. Jeśli do tej pory dramaty szekspirowskie kojarzyły Ci się tylko ze szkolnymi lekturami, koniecznie sięgnij po "Wieczór Trzech Króli", a na pewno się nie zawiedziesz!William Szekspir to jeden z najwybitniejszych i najbardziej znanych twórców literatury światowej. Był angielskim poetą i dramatopisarzem. Jego utwory przetłumaczono na niemal wszystkie języki świata i do dziś pozostają na szczycie popularności. Wśród najbardziej znanych dramatów autorstwa Szekspira można wymienić "Hamleta", "Makbeta", "Romeo i Julię", "Sen nocy letniej", "Burzę" czy "Wieczór Trzech Króli". W Gdańsku znajduje się jedyny w Polsce teatr szekspirowski, gdzie corocznie odbywa się Międzynarodowy Festiwal Szekspirowski, zrzeszający wybitnych twórców światowego formatu.

  • by Charles Boardman Hawes
    77.99 kr.

    Philip Marsham is orphaned by a shocking accident and he flees to London in fear of his life. There he joins the dark frigate ‘Rose of Devon’, bound for safety in Newfoundland.But before they reach their destination, Philip’s life is in danger once again as pirates seize the ship. Forced to join their company, Philip is now an outlaw too, with only the hangman’s noose awaiting him in England.Set in the 17th century, ‘The Dark Frigate’ is a classic children’s sea faring adventure by the American writer Charles Boardman Hawes. Full of betrayal, battles, bloodshed and gold, this is a story that will appeal to seafarers of all ages.Charles Boardman Hawes (1889 – 1923) was an American writer of children’s historical sea adventures. He was best known for his three novels ‘The Mutineers’, ‘The Great Quest’ and ‘The Dark Frigate’.In 1922, The American Library Association selected The Great Quest’ as a Newbery Honour Book. He was also posthumously awarded the 1924 Newberry Medal for his novel ‘The Dark Frigate.’Hawes was known for his book’s historical authenticity thanks to his extensive research and his sea adventures have seen him compared to Herman Melville. Fans of Johnny Depp and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' would appreciate his books.

  • by María Pilar Queralt del Hierro
    103.99 kr.

    Una extraordinaria tarea de recopilación histórica, en la que la mujer es la gran protagonista.La mujer ha sido la gran relegada de los libros de historia lo que no quiere decir que no haya tenido una importancia decisiva en el devenir de la Humanidad tanto como protagonista como desde un segundo plano. Así lo demuestran una serie de anécdotas o curiosidades que revelan su ingenio, su astucia o su consejo tanto en el ámbito privado como en las grandes gestas de la humanidad.Desde emperatrices y reinas, pasando por las grandes rivalidades entre mujeres de distintas épocas, cortesanas, pensadoras, artistas y escritoras.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Maria Pilar Queralt del Hierro es historiadora y escritora. Impartió clases de Historia de España Contemporánea en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona de donde pasó a implicarse en el mundo editorial como coordinadora y editora de proyectos. Especializada en el estudio de las grandes figuras femeninas de la historia ha publicado, entre otros, los ensayos divulgativos Mujeres de vida apasionada, Isabel de Castilla, Reinas en la sombra o Las mujeres de Felipe II: amor y deber en la casa del rey por el que obtuvo el Premio Algaba de Biografía e Investigaciones Históricas. Ha escrito asimismo diversas novelas históricas como Inés de Castro, De Alfonso la dulcísima esposa, La rosa de Coimbra, o Las damas del rey y es colaboradora habitual de diversos medios especializados como Historia y Vida, Historia National Geographic o Muy Historia.

  • by Мигел Де Сервантес
    49.99 kr.

    Алонсо Кихано е обикновен благородник, познат на малцина. Прекарва дните си в четене на рицарски романи и се вглъбява в тях дотолкова, че самият той започва да се възприема като такъв. Алонсо Кихано става Дон Кихот.Самопровъзгласява се за рицар, подготвя доспехите си и заедно със своя стар кон се отправят на подвизи. Подвизите обаче, за едни налудничави, за други досадни, не са така леки, и Дон Кихот има нужда от помощта на своя стар съсед, когото провъзгласява за оръженосец. Дон Кихот, Санчо Панса и конят Ронсинант се изправят срещу вятърни мелници и насилници, забъркват се в конфликти, постигат геройства, предизвикват присмех. Докъде ще ги отведе приключението им? Ще получи ли Санчо Панса обещания му остров? Ще осъзнае ли Дон Кихот състоянието си, преди то да го доведе до необратима опасност?Мигел де Сервантес е испански писател, романист и поет, живял в периода 1547 – 1616 год. Трудностите в живота на Сервантес са не една и две. Бива пленен от алжирски пирати и в продължение на пет години е роб. Попада в затвора и преминава през финансов банкрут два пъти. Първите години от неговото творчество не водят до успех, а пиесите му не се радват на широка популярност. Животът му обаче се променя с публикуването на „Хитроумният идалго Дон Кихот де Ла Манча" през 1605 година – творба, определяна за първия съвременен европейски роман. Необичайно за епохата Сервантес вплита всекидневния език в литературата, с което повлиява формирането на испанския език.

  • by Даниел Дефо
    From 29.99 kr.

    ЖЕНИРобинзон Крузо – смелият корабокрушенец, който остава сам на отдалечен остров в продължение на 28 години. Открива Господ, чете Библията, приспособява календар, на който да отбелязва всеки отминал ден, отглежда ориз и ечемик и превръща изгнанието в спасение. Но островът не е толкова пуст, колкото Робинзон Крузо е предполагал. Среща недоброжелателни туземци, враждебни бунтовници и изгладнели канибали. И там, сред враговете, открива другар. „Робинзон Крузо" е шедьовър в световната литература, който е вдъхновил редица оперети, пиеси, филмови адаптации, сериали и анимации, и който продължава да пленява читателите и до днес.ЖЕНИДаниел Дефо е английски писател и журналист, широко познат днес със своя герой Робинзон Крузо, но оставил далеч по-голям отпечатък върху английската и световна литература. Роден е през 1660 год., а през 1698 год. поставя началото на своята писателска кариера. Считан е за основен представител на епохата на Просвещението, като създава над 300 творби, включващи романи, сатири, памфлети и есета на различни теми. Даниел Дефо поставя основите на английската журналистика, въвеждайки жанровете на есето, статията и интервюто. Пише смели памфлети, сред които и „Най-краткият начин за справяне с несъгласните", който му „спечелва" затвор и привързване на позорния стълб. През 1719 год. Дефо пише романа "Робинзон Крузо", но освен с него, печели популярност и с известни творби като "Капитан Сингълтън", "Мол Фландърс", "Полковник Джак" и "Роксана".

  • by Charles Perrault
    42.99 kr.

    From Disney's animated version from 1950 to the 2021 live-action adaptation starring Camila Cabello, ´Cinderella´ is the beloved fairy tale of a young woman turned princess overnight.When her father dies, Cinderella becomes the servant of her stepmother and her two stepsisters.Her dream is to go to the ball given by the prince. With the help of her fairy aunt, she finds herself wonderfully dressed and can attend the ball until midnight.However, when the second chime of the clock rings out, Cinderella rushes off, leaving behind a slipper and an enamoured prince.There are many maidens in the kingdom. Will the prince manage to find the foot that fits the slipper?´Cinderella´ is perfect for fans of ´A Cinderella Story´ starring Hilary Duff and ´The Princess Diaries´ starring Anne Hathaway.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a famous and influential French author and one of the most well-known authors of fairy tales. Perrault is often credited as one of the early adopters of the literary genre, even setting the stage for authors such as the Brothers Grimm a century later.Other famous fairy tales written by Charles Perrault include ´The Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Bluebeard´, ´Puss in Boots´, and ´The Sleeping Beauty´. Igniting the imagination of children from all over the world, Perrault's tales continue to entertain people today.

  • by Beaumarchais, Jean de la Bruyere, William Shakespeare, et al.
    68.99 kr.

    ‘600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 17th Century’ features the wit and wisdom of some of the 17th century’s greatest-ever writers, including Miguel de Cervantes, novelist and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, French playwright Jean Racine, and English playwright William Shakespeare, one of the most quoted people in the world.This carefully curated compilation is motivating, insightful, and entertaining and will delight those who are looking for an extra dose of inspiration.Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) is renowned for his best-selling novel ‘Don Quixote’, which has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions. German poet and playwright, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), is the author of the acclaimed ‘Metamorphosis of Plants’ and ‘Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship’.French playwright Jean Racine (1639-1699) is one of the greatest playwrights of the 17th century and the author of ‘Phèdre’, ‘Andromaque’, and ‘Athalie’. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is considered one of the most famous English playwrights and the author of ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Romeo & Juliet. His works continue to entertain and inspire to this day.

  • by François de La Rochefoucauld
    42.99 kr.

    Uncover the wisdom from one of the most notable figures of Classicism, and the master of ‘maxims’ himself, François de La Rochefoucauld, in this collection of some of his most notable quotes.French moralist and author, Rochefoucauld is most famous for his ´Memoirs´ and the ´Maxims´, focusing on the cynical nature of love, loyalty, and friendship.An accomplished 17th-century nobleman, he lived during a time when the royal court was deciding between both aiding the nobility and threatening it.‘100 Quotes by François de La Rochefoucauld’ now allows readers to peek behind the scenes at one of France’s most notable figures to date.François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) was a French moralist, author and leading figure in the literary movement of Classicism. Master of Memoirs and Maxims, his work focused on the cynical nature of love, loyalty and friendship.An accomplished 17th-century nobleman, he lived during a time when the royal court was deciding between both aiding the nobility and threatening it.

  • by William Shakespeare
    42.99 kr.

    This superb collection contains 100 of William Shakespeare’s most celebrated quotes, including 'Is this a dagger I see before me', 'If music be the food of love, play on', and 'Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown'.The world-famous English poet and playwright, widely regarded as one of the greatest ever writers, left a formidable body of work that continues to be performed, celebrated and quoted to this day.Guaranteed to educate, amuse and surprise, this wonderful collection is perfect for all ages, and for anyone looking to impress their friends.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English poet and playwright. He is widely regarded as the greatest-ever English language writer and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.His plays have been translated into every major language, while his work continues to be studied, adapted, and performed to adoring audiences worldwide. His best-known works include ‘MacBeth’, ‘The Tempest’, ‘As You Like It’, 'Much Ado About Nothing’, and perhaps his most famous play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’.Shakespeare continues to inspire writers and filmmakers to this day, and his works have been adapted to film on numerous occasions, including ‘Romeo + Juliet’ (1996) starring Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio, and the Apple TV film, ‘The Tragedy of MacBeth’ (2021) starring Denzell Washington and Frances McDormand.

  • by Blaise Pascal, Baruch Spinoza, Voltaire & et al.
    60.99 kr.

    ‘400 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 17th Century’ features the unparalleled wit and wisdom of some of the 17th century’s greatest philosophers, including Voltaire and Montesquieu.These great minds are responsible for some of the most famous quotes in the world, and their influence continues to this day. Guaranteed to educate and entertain, ‘400 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 17th Century’ is a hand-picked collection ideal for those needing a bit of extra philosophical guidance.Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu (1689-1755) was a French historian and political philosopher, famous for his work ‘The Spirit of Law’ which influenced the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.Voltaire (1694-1778) was a French enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his novella ‘Candide’. He famously criticised Christianity and slavery and advocated for freedom of speech and the separation of church and state.Baruch Spinoza (1635-1677) was a leading philosophical figure of the Dutch Golden Age and wrote the influential ‘Ethics’.Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French mathematician, philosopher, and writer. His two most famous works are ‘The Lettres Provinciales’ and ‘The Pensées’.

  • by Ciro Bayo
    96.99 kr.

    Repaso a medio camino entre el ensayo y la novelización de las figuras más importantes en los procesos políticos del continente latinoamericano, según la visión del escritor y aventurero Ciro Bayo. Revolucionarios, políticos, exploradores, conquistadores, virreyes y militares pasan por la afilada pluma del autor, que analiza tanto sus vidas como su contribución al mosaico político internacional en la América Latina de su época.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.