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    49.00 kr.

    Har du nogensinde spekuleret over, hvordan man får et stegt kalvehoved til at bræge, hvordan man undgår, at ens hår bliver gråt, eller hvordan man bedst fordriver muldvarpe?"Naturlig hekseri" indeholder en samling gode råd, opskrifter og grove løjer fra 1700-tallets Danmark. Den giver et godt indblik i datidens naivitet og overtro."Naturlig hekseri" blev oprindelig udgivet i København i 1768. Denne bog indeholder et udvalg af den oprindelige bogs gode råd, opskrifter og grove løjer.

  • by Antonio Caccianiga
    73.99 kr.

    Romanzando la vita di un giovane Canova che si affaccia, per la prima volta, sulla scena artistica della Serenissima, viene a comporsi un affresco della Venezia di fine Settecento. Tra le calle della laguna si seguiranno una dopo l’altra scene di una quotidianità scomparsa, empori e locande, teatri e saloni. E Canova, che da Treviso si è appena trasferito in laguna, vedrà questo mondo dispiegarsi davanti ai suoi occhi, un mondo colorato e salmastro che sa di tinte a tempera e di polvere di bottega.Antonio Caccianiga (1823-1909) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Impegnato nella scena politica Risorgimentale, Caccianiga assunse varie cariche pubbliche nella sua città natale, Treviso. Le sue opere molto spesso rispecchiano e riportano le tematiche sociali dell’epoca.

  • by Jean de la Fontaine
    22.99 kr.

    Un renard flatte un corbeau pour lui voler son fromage ; une tortue gagne une course contre un lièvre présomptueux ; un rat délivre un lion de ses mailles…Voici quelques unes des deux cent quarante trois fables de ce recueil légendaire où les animaux prennent la parole pour instruire les hommes. Qu'on les connaisse de mémoire, de nos lectures du soir, ou simplement de nom, ces fables constituent un outil de connaissance, l'identité de notre pays, et, depuis des siècles, contribuent à orienter nos expériences de vie — enfants comme adultes…Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) est le plus grand fabuliste du XVIIe, principalement connu pour ses « Fables ». Inspiré de l'Antiquité gréco-latine et en particulier d'Ésope, il maîtrise avec perfection les vers. Il est aussi auteur de contes, poèmes et pièces de théâtre qui confirment tous ses motivations de moraliste.

  • by Christian Falster
    39.00 kr.

    Christian Falsters tekst "Diskurs om straffe for boghandlere" stammer fra hans essays i "Amonietates philologicae", der udkom på latin i årene 1729-1732. På dansk fik de titlen "Lærdoms Lystgaard" i Jørgen Olriks oversættelse fra 1919.I den lille tekst om boghandlerne har Falster en hel del at sige om boghandleres og bogtrykkeres frihed og begrænsninger og om de magthavere og rige bibliofiler, der samler på forbudte bøger, blot fordi de er sjældne.Christian Falster (1690-1762) var en dansk skolemand, filolog og digter. Han var gennem det meste af sit voksne liv tilknyttet katedralskolen i Ribe, hvor han fra 1723 fungerede som rektor. Sideløbende skrev han på latin om romersk litteratur og leksikografi og udgav essays og anonyme verssatirer på latin og dansk.

  • by Edward Rutherfurd
    125.99 kr.

    París, ciudad del amor, de la elegancia, de los sueños. Ciudad de la revolución. Rutherfurd novela la historia de París desde su fundación hasta los días de la revuelta estudiantil de 1968.París se desarrolla a través de las historias de pasiones, lealtades divididas y secretos guardados durante años de personajes tanto ficticios como reales, con el escenario de esta gloriosa ciudad como fondo. De la construcción de Notre Dame a las peligrosas maquinaciones del cardenal Richelieu; de la resplandeciente corte de Versalles a la violencia de la Revolución francesa y las comunas parisinas; del hedonismo de la Belle Époque, cuando el movimiento impresionista alcanza su cénit, a la tragedia que supuso la Primera Guerra Mundial; de los escritores de la Generación Perdida de los años 1920 a los que se podía encontrar bebiendo en Les Deux Magots a la ocupación nazi, los luchadores de la Resistencia y la revuelta estudiantil de mayo de 1968... Un mosaico impresionante, sensual, arrebatador.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Edward Rutherfurd nació en Salisbury, Inglaterra. Se diplomó en historia y literatura por Cambridge. Es el autor de Sarum, El bosque, Londres, París, Nueva York, Rusia, Rebeldes de Irlanda, Príncipes de Irlanda y China.En todas sus novelas Rutherfurd nos ofrece una rica panorámica de las ciudades más atractivas del mundo a través de personajes ficticios y reales que se ponen al servicio de una investigación minuciosa en lo que ya se ha convertido el sello particular de autor.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    44.99 kr.

    1750. France. Les Jacobites, partisans du prince Charles Edouard Stuart, n’ont pas perdu espoir de hisser leur prétendant sur le trône. Ils s’interrogent sur la loyauté du duc d’Arkrae, chef du clan Mac-Craggan. Serait-il soumis aux Anglais ? Afin de le découvrir, l’espionne Zona Ward est envoyée au château de Skaig. Elle va se faire passer pour la sœur du duc, Elspeth, disparue lors d’un naufrage.Fidèle à la cause écossaise, Iona est prête à braver la mort pour mener à bien sa mission. Pourtant, elle se sent faiblir face au duc. Comment lui mentir alors qu’il semble soudain son seul allié dans ce château rempli de fourbes ?© Barbara Cartland, 1950, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :L’Intrigante des Highlands © Éditions J’ai lu, 2010Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.

  • by John Buchan
    77.99 kr.

    Double agents, espionage and romance, this historical story transports you back to the Jacobite rising in 1745 and in the midst of an attempt by Scottish highlanders to place Bonnie Prince Charlie on the English throne.The plot follows Alastair Maclean, who has been exiled to France, and returns to join the Jacobite army as it moves towards London. Along the way he uncovers double agents, working for both the Jacobites and the British, and falls in love with an enemy's wife.With masses of old-world descriptions and scene-setting, you will walk the roads with the Scottish rebels as they conjure up support and surge forward to London.John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, was a British novelist and historian. He was also known as a Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada.After a brief legal career, he started his writing, political and diplomatic careers at the same time; first serving as a private secretary to the administrator of various colonies in southern Africa. He eventually wrote propaganda for the British war effort during the First World War. He was elected Member of Parliament for the Combined Scottish Universities in 1927, but spent most of his time on his writing career, notably writing 'The Thirty-Nine Steps', which was later filmed by Alfred Hitchcock and other adventure fiction.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    77.99 kr.

    Beautiful and penniless Felicita Galvão is destitue and all alone in the world when the Duchesse de Monreuil finds her desperately trying to sell her needlework at The Grand Hotel in Lisbon.Felicita reminds the Duchesse of herself as a young woman and the time she met the love of her life Juan, Marques de Oliveira Vasconles. The Marques later abandoned her to marry someone of equal ranking, leaving her heartbroken and bitter.Seeking a chance to finally get her revenge, the Duchesse brings Felicita into her home on the condition that she impersonates her niece, the Comtesse Felicity de Monreuil, and breaks the heart of the current Marques Alvaro, her long lost love's son.But it would seem both love or fate or both will come together to deny her vengeance.Perfect for fans of Catherine Cookson, Georgette Heyer, and Julia Quinn.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • by Ramón de la Cruz
    36.99 kr.

    Sainete de comedia ambientado en la España rural, cerca de Madrid. La breve obra de teatro sigue a Marta, la hija de un rico labrador. Marta ha sido comprometida con el notario del pueblo, un hombre recto y aburrido. La joven estaba entusiasmada al principio, pero después de un viaje a Madrid, sus inclinaciones hacia el futuro empiezan a cambiar, pues ahí ha conocido a Serapio, un hombre astuto que quiere convertir a la muchacha en madama.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.

  • by Clara Reeve
    59.99 kr.

    "Though I have been dead these 15 years, I still command here and none can enter these gates without my permission."The ghostly guardian of his childhood friend's castle is enough to give Sir Philip Harclay the creeps. A wing of mysteriously abandoned rooms only adds to the tension as Sir Philip discovers the castle's secrets and, in an effort to uphold the truth, ends up facing a trial by combat. If you enjoyed 'The Tudors', you'll like this classic story featuring a collection of knights and barons, alleged usurpers, forbidden love and spine-tingling suspense.The author cites Horace Walpole's Gothic novel 'The Castle of Atranto' as an inspiration for her book. 'The Old English Baron' soon joined Walpole's novel as one of the major influences in the development of the Gothic genre that spawned Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' and Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'.The English author and translator Clara Reeve (1729-1807) published 24 volumes and five novels in her career. The two to gain fame were 'The Champion of Virtue' - a groundbreaking history of prose fiction - and 'The Old English Baron'.She lived mainly in Ipswich and was the daughter of a vicar.

  • by María Pilar Queralt del Hierro
    103.99 kr.

    Una extraordinaria tarea de recopilación histórica, en la que la mujer es la gran protagonista.La mujer ha sido la gran relegada de los libros de historia lo que no quiere decir que no haya tenido una importancia decisiva en el devenir de la Humanidad tanto como protagonista como desde un segundo plano. Así lo demuestran una serie de anécdotas o curiosidades que revelan su ingenio, su astucia o su consejo tanto en el ámbito privado como en las grandes gestas de la humanidad.Desde emperatrices y reinas, pasando por las grandes rivalidades entre mujeres de distintas épocas, cortesanas, pensadoras, artistas y escritoras.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Maria Pilar Queralt del Hierro es historiadora y escritora. Impartió clases de Historia de España Contemporánea en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona de donde pasó a implicarse en el mundo editorial como coordinadora y editora de proyectos. Especializada en el estudio de las grandes figuras femeninas de la historia ha publicado, entre otros, los ensayos divulgativos Mujeres de vida apasionada, Isabel de Castilla, Reinas en la sombra o Las mujeres de Felipe II: amor y deber en la casa del rey por el que obtuvo el Premio Algaba de Biografía e Investigaciones Históricas. Ha escrito asimismo diversas novelas históricas como Inés de Castro, De Alfonso la dulcísima esposa, La rosa de Coimbra, o Las damas del rey y es colaboradora habitual de diversos medios especializados como Historia y Vida, Historia National Geographic o Muy Historia.

  • by Edward Rutherfurd
    125.99 kr.

    Hay pocos lugares en Inglaterra tan evocadores y misteriosos como New Forest, una vasta zona boscosa situada junto a la costa del sur de Inglaterra. A lo largo de los siglos, este bosque ha sido el escenario de las actividades más diversas: sus tierras acogieron la brujería y el contrabando, pero también sirvieron como coto de caza a los reyes sajones y normandos, y sus robles se emplearon para la construcción de la armada de Nelson. Personajes de todo tipo y extracción social se asentaron en estos parajes, vidas que se entretejieron llevadas por servidumbres, lealtades, guerras, pasiones e incluso crímenes que socavaron los cimientos de la sociedad en que se perpetraron.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Edward Rutherfurd nació en Salisbury, Inglaterra. Se diplomó en historia y literatura por Cambridge. Es el autor de Sarum, El bosque, Londres, París, Nueva York, Rusia, Rebeldes de Irlanda, Príncipes de Irlanda y China.En todas sus novelas Rutherfurd nos ofrece una rica panorámica de las ciudades más atractivas del mundo a través de personajes ficticios y reales que se ponen al servicio de una investigación minuciosa en lo que ya se ha convertido el sello particular de autor.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Fik man egentlig midtvejskriser i gamle dage? Og hvordan kom det til udtryk, når man ikke kunne købe en dyr racercykel eller løbe et marathon? Ja, man kunne jo gøre som Stede Bonnet i 1717 og blive sørøver.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Adam Smith
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Adam Smith’ is a selection of thoughts and observations from one of the finest philosophical minds of the 18th century.Smith’s views on religion, morality, and human nature are presented front and centre. However, he wasn’t short of a few witticisms, and there are plenty of one-liners worth committing to memory.A superb book for leisurely browsing, this is a welcome addition to any book collection.Born in Kirkcaldy, Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) became known as one of the most important philosophers and political economists of the 18th century. The son of a solicitor, he was educated at the Burgh School of Kirkaldy, before enrolling at the University of Glasgow to study moral philosophy. Subsequently, he became a student at Oxford.After leaving, he embarked on a teaching career, eventually becoming a lecturer at Glasgow University. During this time, he published his first work, ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments.’ As part of his job, Smith toured Europe with his stepson, Scott. These travels laid the foundations for what is considered to be his most important venture, ‘The Wealth of Nations.’ This work was adapted for television, starring Gordon Jackson of ‘The Professionals’ fame.

  • by Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
    42.99 kr.

    Uncover one of the most influential figures in French literature with ‘100 Quotes by François-René de Chateaubriand’.French writer, politician, diplomat and historian, Chateaubriand was a royalist by political disposition and a defender of the Catholic faith. During a time when society turned against the Church, he produced the defensive ‘Génie du Christianisme’.Following his autobiography ‘Mémoirs from Beyond the Grave’, this impressive collection of his most notable musings and thoughts invites readers to peek behind the scenes of one of the most dominating figures of the 17th-century French literary scene.François-René de Chateaubriand (1768-1848) was a French writer, politican, diplomat and historian. Seeing himself as one of the greatest writers and philosophers of the age, his autobiography ‘Mémoirs from Beyond the Grave’ was published after his death in 1849.During a time when French society was undergoing turbulent changes with the abolishment of the monarchy at the dawn of the French Revolution, Chateaubriand remains today a widely influential figure in 19th-century literature.

  • by Denis Diderot
    42.99 kr.

    Featuring some of the most brilliant and notable sayings from a man living on the cusp of a revolutionising world, ‘100 Quotes by Denis Diderot’ uncovers one of the most influential – yet almost forgotten – figures of the Age of Enlightenment.French writer, philosopher, and art critic Diderot is most famous for being the co-creator and editor of the ‘Encyclopédie’, which featured many contributors and is now regarded as one of the precursors of the French Revolution.This impressive collection captures his best musings and thoughts, ideal for those looking to explore one of the greatest thinkers of the age.Denis Diderot (1713-1784) was a French writer, philosopher, art critic, and co-founder and editor of the ‘Encyclopédie’. Having been passed over by the Académie Française and received little recognition for his work, it wasn’t until Empress Catherine the Great appointed Diderot as her librarian in 1766 that his reputation – and finances - improved.He remains today one of the most prominent figures during the Age of the Enlightenment, and a strong influence on the beginnings of the French Revolution.

  • by Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, et al.
    68.99 kr.

    Known as the ‘Age of Enlightenment,’ the 1700s was a time that provoked significant leaps in philosophical thought.Most importantly, the thinkers of the time espoused the virtues of happiness, the evidence provided by the senses, and the distance between organised religion and the state.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 18th Century’ offers a fascinating insight into the philosophical revolution that was taking place at the time.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in philosophy.Nicolas de Chamfort (1741 – 1794) was a political philosopher who attacked the French monarchy through antiroyalist writing. Also born in France, Denis Diderot (1713 – 1784) was a writer and central figure in the Age of Enlightenment.Scottish economist, Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) wrote treatises on morality and economics. German physicist, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 – 1799) satirised superstition and wrote extensively about natural phenomena. Pierre Beaumarchais (1732 – 1799) was a French playwright, spy, diplomat, and watchmaker.

  • by Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et al.
    68.99 kr.

    "600 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 18th Century" features the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest French writers ever,From Montesquieu and Voltaire to Denis Diderot and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, this carefully crafted collection is an entertaining, educational and enthralling insight into the finest minds of the 18th Century.Ideal for those needing a dose of encouragement.These French literary giants are responsible for some of the worlds most famous works, including "Candide", "Discourse on Inequality" and "The Social Contract".

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Ready for a magical adventure?Worried that he will be gone soon, a king seeks help from the Fairy of Truth to make sure his son, Prince Darling, stays a good person.But Prince Darling often misbehaves and the fairy cannot seem to change the boy's character... or can she?Will Prince Darling become the kind-hearted ruler his kingdom needs?Teaching kids that being good is more important than beauty, wealth, or power, this classic fairy tale is the perfect bedtime story.Best know for her rewritten version of "Beauty and the Beast", Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (1711-1780) was a French novelist who often included folk tales in her writing.

  • by Ciro Bayo
    96.99 kr.

    Repaso a medio camino entre el ensayo y la novelización de las figuras más importantes en los procesos políticos del continente latinoamericano, según la visión del escritor y aventurero Ciro Bayo. Revolucionarios, políticos, exploradores, conquistadores, virreyes y militares pasan por la afilada pluma del autor, que analiza tanto sus vidas como su contribución al mosaico político internacional en la América Latina de su época.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.

  • by Ramón de la Cruz
    36.99 kr.

    Sainete ambientado en Madrid que, siguiendo el estilo del autor, que muestra a personajes extraños, alegres y estrepitosos. Es noche de fanfarria y los personajes principales quieren bailar. Unos, dicharacheros, alegres y cómicos. Los otros, bien educados y señoriales. En ese choque entre ambos Ramón de la Cruz dibuja las costumbres y el humor, creando así un sainete popular ambientado en la calle Lavapiés.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.

  • by Victor Hugo
    79.00 kr.

    I 1793 er rædselsregimet i Frankrig på sit højeste, og ingen kan vide sig sikker. Landets fjender samler sig faretruende langs landets grænser, men livet i den nyfødte republik er på mange måder mere skræmmende end alle Europas forenede monarkier.Victor Hugos realistiske og bevægende roman "1793" viser os livet i Frankrig i netop dette år, som det så ud blandt den forpinte befolkning. Bogen viser, hvordan de politiske idealer om et lige og retfærdigt samfund, der startede revolutionen, blev ofret i den strøm af vanvid, der skyllede ind over det blødende Frankrig i 1790’erne.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var en fransk digter, romanforfatter og dramatiker. Mens resten af verden fejrer ham for de store romanværker "Klokkeren fra Notre Dame" (Notre-Dame de Paris) fra 1831 og "De elendige" (Les Miserables) fra 1862, er han i Frankrig primært kendt for sine digtsamlinger, fx "Les Contemplations" og "La Légende des siècles".Han producerede mere end 4.000 tegninger og kæmpede socialpolitiske kampe for eksempelvis afskaffelse af dødsstraffen. Hans sociale engagement afspejles også i hans værker, der berører de fleste af de politiske og sociale spørgsmål samt de kunstneriske tendenser i sin tid. Han er begravet i Panthéon i Paris og hyldet som en af Frankrigs allerstørste digtere overhovedet.

  • by Emanuel Swedenborg
    39.00 kr.

    "Om forbindelsen mellem sjæl og legeme, eller om den enes indvirken på den anden, og ligeså den enes samvirken med den anden, er der tre meninger og overleverede beretninger, som er hypoteser (opstillede betingelser).Den første kaldes den fysiske indflyden, den anden den åndelige indflyden, og den tredje den forud fastsatte harmoni."Emanuel Swedenborgs tanker har i flere århundreder fascineret mennesker, der interesserer sig for filosofi, kristendom og psykologi. Hans korte skrift "Om forbindelsen mellem sjæl og legeme" giver et spændende og overskueligt indblik i den usædvanlige mystiker og filosofs syn på menneskesjælen og dens forhold til det fysiske legeme.Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) var en svensk videnskabsmand, filosof, mystiker, forfatter og kristen reformator. Hans tanker om, at engle i virkeligheden var døde mennesker, som han selv havde haft samtaler med, vakte stor interesse særligt efter hans død og gav navn til ’swedenborgianismen’, som er baseret på hans åbenbaringer. Emanuel Swedenborg skrev en lang række artikler og bøger om sine åbenbaringer og sit syn på kristendommen, sjælen, skabelsen og mange andre religiøse emner.

  • by Carl Bernhard
    69.00 kr.

    Carl Bernhards tante Lenore var en af de få udlændinge af det bedre borgerskab, der gennemlevede den franske revolution og de grusomme år, der fulgte den, og formåede at fortælle om dem til eftertidens store glæde. Her genfortæller Carl Bernhard den vise og charmerende gamle dames erindringer, som han har hørt dem fra hendes egen mund. Det er en spændende beretning om en svunden tid i et Paris, der aldrig blev det samme igen efter revolutionen, set fra sidelinjen helt tæt på.Carl Bernard er pseudonym for den danske forfatter Andreas Nicolai de Saint-Aubain (1798-1865), der stod bag en række romaner og noveller. Carl Bernard er særligt kendt for sine historiske romaner, der bar præg af stort kendskab til de få kilder, der dengang fandtes om de historiske perioder, han skrev om. Bøgerne bragte ham stor succes på hans egen tid, og han huskes endnu for dem i dag.

  • by William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    59.99 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson; Merry and Pippin; Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy...great duos often help to make great literature. So when two soon-to-be luminaries of the English Romantic movement came together to produce a book of their poems, the result was inevitable. 'Lyrical Ballads' by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a slow burner for readers, but grew to be lauded as a landmark piece of work, taking English writing in a new direction.Wordsworth does most of the heavy lifting by contributing the majority of the poems, but Coleridge's efforts include the famous 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. The pair aimed to prick the bubble of what they felt was a snobbish approach to 18th century poetry. In 'Lyrical Ballads', they use everyday language, add the voices of the poor and focus on the original state of nature. The result is an accessible, original collection that remains fresh to this day.William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was an English poet and a pioneer of the Romantic Age in English literature. His first collections, 'An Evening Walk' and 'Descriptive Sketches', were published in 1793. His career took off after he moved to the Lake District with his sister Dorothy. Wordsworth produced countless poems, often on the themes of death and grief, including the first version of his epic 'The Prelude'. He was Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a founder of the Romantic Movement in English literature and one of the Lake Poets. He wrote literary criticism, including of William Shakespeare's work, and the major prose book 'Biographia Literaria'. His best-known works were the poems 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.

  • by Nikolai Gogol
    38.99 kr.

    "The Lost Letter" is a short story by Gogol published in his 1831 collection "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". In it, an exuberant narrator, the old sexton Foma, humorously recounts the story about his grandfather's adventures. Assigned with the task of delivering an important letter to the Russian Czarina, the old man sets to a journey in which he encounters a Cossack man who claims to have sold his soul to the devil. That night, a demon steals the old man’s hat with the letter tucked inside. Determined to fulfill his duty, the old man has to go through different obstacles that stand on his way. But will his determination make him enter the Hell itself?The story has numerous adaptations, among which an animated film of the same name (1945) directed by Brumberg sisters, which is considered the first Soviet cel-animated feature film, and the Soviet musical-tragicomedy film Propala Hramota (1972) which is praised as the pearl of Ukrainian cinema.Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was a Ukrainian-born Russian humorist, novelist, and dramatist whose work played a crucial role in the direction of Russian literature. He was considered to be one of the leading figures of Russian realism. His novel "Dead Souls", a satire of the political corruption in the Russian Empire, is viewed by many literary historians as the first great Russian novel. Among his contributions to Russian and world literature are the surrealistic and grotesque "The Nose" and "The Mantle", the satirical "The Inspector General", the historical novel "Taras Bulba", the comedy "Marriage", the humorous short stories "Diary of a Madman" and "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich". His works have influenced generations of readers and still continue to impress with their subtle psychologism and matchless style.

  • by Phillis Wheatley
    42.99 kr.

    Poetry can inspire, evoke, provoke and transport the reader. But this collection of 39 poems did even more - it broke barriers. This collection was written by Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American woman whose poetry writings were published.Seized from West Africa as a young girl, Phillis lived in Boston as a slave to the prominent Wheatley family where she learned to read and write, as well as undertaking lessons in the Bible, astronomy, geography, history and British, Greek and Latin Literature. By the age of 18, Phillis had amassed a decent quantity of poems and together with the Wheatley family, sought out a publisher. However, based on racial prejudices, Phillis was received with disdain in the United States. Attention was turned to London instead, where Phillis posted one of her poems, 'On the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield', to Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon and a well-off supporter of the abolitionist cause, who connected her with a bookseller although Wheatley still had to go through interrogation to prove that she was the author of her own work.This collection of poems shows the breadth and depth of her reading, and includes poems reflecting her Christian faith, her interest in Greek mythology and her admiration for well-known figures including Alexander Pope.'Poems on Various Subjects' is perfect for people who have read 'The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano'.Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was an American poet who was the first African-American writer to be published. She was born in West Africa, sold into slavery aged seven or eight, then bought by the Wheatley family of Boston. They encouraged her to pursue her poetry as her talent became clear. But Wheatley had to go to London to find patrons to help her get her work published. When 'Poems on Various Subjects' was published in 1773, she gained fame in England and the African colonies - even receiving praise from George Washington and Voltaire. After being emancipated, she married the grocer John Peters. But they slipped into poverty and Phillis died in obscurity at the age of 31.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    77.99 kr.

    Love, true Love! For the lovely, widowed Lady Sherington, it bloomed in her thirty-sixth year, when she was still ravishing enough to pass as the twin of her daughter Trina.But her gentle heart is racked with doubt--for if she were to remarry, her inheritance would be lost, and the handsome Comte she wishes to wed needs a rich wife.Thankfully, she's blessed with a daughter who is both beautiful and smart and fight to solve all their problems. But will she save her late father's estate and her mother's heart... or must one be lost for the sake of the other?A cross-generation regency romance, perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn, and Daphne Du Maurier.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • by Arvi Järventaus
    111.99 kr.

    Eletään 1700-luvun alkua Unkarissa. Vuoristokylä sijaitsee lähellä Unkarin ja Puolan rajaa. Yöllä kyläläiset heräävät huutoihin; Unkarin poliittiset levottomuudet ovat levinneet tänne asti. Työläiset kapinoivat Habsburgien aatelissukua vastaan. Huhujen mukaan kapina on ruhtinas Rákóczin aikaansaannos. Mutta kuka on muukalainen, joka istuu hereillä majapaikkansa pedissä, kynttilä vieressään? Miksi hän on niin jännittynyt? Kyläläiset eivät arvaa, että muukalainen liittyy kapinaan ja ruhtinas Rákócziin kohtalokkaalla tavalla...Sydenpolttajat on jännittävä historiallinen romaani 1700-luvun alun Unkarista.Arvi Järventaus (1883–1939) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja pappi. Järventauksen romaaneista tunnetaan parhaiten hänen esikoisteoksensa Risti ja noitarumpu.

  • by Anatole France
    79.00 kr.