73.99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1903, "Betty Zane" è il primo romanzo scritto da Zane Grey, incentrato sulla vera storia di una sua celebre trisavola. Ai tempi della Rivoluzione Americana, la giovane Betty Zane è protagonista indiscussa dell’ultima grande battaglia prima della vittoria americana. L’esercito britannico, affiancato da quattrocento indiani Shawnee, detiene ancora il controllo di Detroit, preparandosi ad accerchiare il fortino in legno di Ford Henry. La ferma volontà di raggiungere la tanto agognata indipendenza, però, permetterà ai coloni di avere la meglio sull’odiata madrepatria, grazie, se non altro, al carisma naturale di un’eroina senza tempo, che fa dell’abnegazione e del coraggio le sue principali armi.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
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- 73.99 kr.
58.99 kr. "La locandiera", articolata su tre atti, è la commedia di maggior successo di Carlo Goldoni. La storia è incentrata su Mirandolina, una giovane donna – piuttosto attraente e pure astuta – che possiede una locanda a Firenze.Corteggiata da ogni cliente, Mirandolina non si concede a nessuno, ma lascia – in particolare a due uomini più insistenti di altri – l’illusione di una possibilità. Tutto cambia quando alla locanda arriva il Cavaliere di Ripafratta, uomo aristocratico, altezzoso e misogino. La donna, ferita nell’orgoglio, decide di far innamorare il Cavaliere. Come andrà a finire? Non vi resta che scoprirlo.Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni (1707 – 1793) è stato un avvocato, librettista, commediografo e scrittore italiano, considerato uno dei padri della commedia moderna. A partire dal 1734, inizia la sua carriera nel mondo del teatro, dando vita a numerose commedie, tragedie romanzesche, due commedie in francese e numerosissimi libretti.
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- 58.99 kr.
69.00 kr. "Martas Tema & Natmandens datter" indeholder to skuespil, der begge portrætterer stærke kvinder, der har større ønsker for livet, end deres samtid tillader dem.I "Martas Tema" flettes fortid og nutid ind i hinanden. 1870’ernes muntre saloner hos Københavns velhavende familier kædes sammen med historien om en forsker på musikkonservatoriet i 2000’erne."Natmandens datter" er fortællingen om den fattige tjenestepige Lovise i 1760’ernes København. Som datter af en af byens natmænd, der var blandt tidens mest ringeagtede personer, har hun ikke ret mange muligheder i livet.Nikoline Werdelin (f. 1960) er tegneserietegner, dramatiker, sceneinstruktør, romanforfatter og tidligere brevkasseredaktør. Hun vandt i 1984 Politikens tegneseriekonkurrence med striben "Café", som i de efterfølgende fire år dagligt var at finde i avisen. Senere fulgte tegneserien "Homo Metropolis", der fra 1994 til 2014 var at finde på Politikens bagside. Derudover har hun tegnet striber for Alt for Damerne og Ugebladet Søndag.Werdelin har desuden skrevet flere anmelderroste skuespil, og hun har modtaget en lang række priser og legater for sit arbejde.
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- 69.00 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘The Duke of Stockbridge’ (1900) is a classic novel by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888).Written in 1879, this tale, set around Shay's Rebellion of 1786 - 1787 and the armed uprising in Western Massachusetts due to the government’s tax rises, is a compelling story that has the author's political ideals at its heart.´The Duke of Stockbridge´ is a thrilling read and will delight people who are interested in American history.Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897) and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’, as well as several short stories, such as ‘The Blindman's World’, ‘To Whom This May Come’, and ‘With the Eyes Shut’.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. A cross between the 'Three Musketeers' and 'Zorro', this swashbuckling adventure is full of sword fights and secret missions.Set during the French Revolution, it tells the story of Sir Percy Blakeney, a wealthy English aristocrat with a secret identity. He is the mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel. A man who bravely saves French aristocrats from the guillotine and smuggles them back to England.But when his arch enemy asks for his help, will Sir Percy come to his rescue?This classic action-packed adventure story is the ninth book in the ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’ series and is perfect for fans of historical adventure fiction and the author Alexandre Dumas.Baroness Emmuska Orczy, (1865— 1947) was a Hungarian-born British author and artist, best known for the swashbuckling adventure novel, ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel’ (1905).A huge success in its day, it prompted several sequels, such as ‘The Elusive Pimpernel’ (1908) and ‘The Way of the Scarlet Pimpernel’ (1933) and has been adapted for stage and screen many times, most notably the eponymous TV series starring Elizabeth McGovern and Richard E. Grant.Baroness Orczy also wrote several detective novels, including ‘Lady Molly of Scotland Yard’ (1910) and ‘Unravelled Knots’ (1925).
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- 77.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Paris in the late 18th century was a place where it was wise to keep your head - or risk losing it.Countless people "sneezed into the basket" that stood beneath the blade of the feared guillotine that was the cutting edge of the Revolution.Meanwhile, one courageous Frenchman works behind the scenes - at immense risk to his life - to save condemned prisoners from the blade.All the time, his work is carried out in the shadow of the relentless prosecutor Chauviniere.With so many lives on the line, who will triumph in this dramatic showdown?'The Nuptials of Corbal' is ideal for fans of Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables' and 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens.Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950) was an Italian-English writer, known for his romance and adventure novels.He wrote 34 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books and several plays.His most famous works were the novels 'The Sea Hawk', 'Scaramouche', 'Captain Blood' and 'Bellarion the Fortunate'.Sabatini spoke six languages, but chose to write in English because "all the best stories are written in English".
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- 42.99 kr.
129.00 kr. Som statsmand, videnskabsmand, opfinder og Founding Father står Benjamin Franklin som en central figur i Amerika og i oplysningstiden. Selvbiografi en er Franklins absolutte mesterværk og betragtes i dag som en klassiker i Verdenslitteraturhistorien.Franklins selvbiografi blev egentlig skrevet til sønnen William og var ment som en guide til livet. Den er et livskraftigt vidnesbyrd om et unikt og begivenhedsrigt liv. Det er både fortællingen om en nations fødsel og en elementært spændende udviklingshistorie.I 1723, som 17-årig, stikker den unge Benjamin Franklin af hjemmefra. Han havner i Philadelphia – bogstaveligt talt uden en øre på lommen. Her grundlægger han sit bogtrykkeri og avisen Pennsylvania Gazette og opbygger sin formue. Han er en rig mand før han når de 30. Dette er fortællingen om hans utrættelige arbejde både i forretningslivet og i samfundets tjeneste som politiker og opfinder.Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) selvlært journalist, forfatter, videnskabsmand, politiker, diplomat, revolutionsleder, universitetsgrundlægger, opfinder, Founding Father, bogtrykker, borgerretsforkæmper, statsmand, avisudgiver, biblioteksgrundlægger, brandværnsstifter, ambassadør, postmester, drageflyver, atlet, brevskriver, kemiker, humorist, filosof og Pennsylvanias præsident.
- Audiobook
- 129.00 kr.
22.99 kr. La Terreur règne en France et l'ennemi est sur tous les fronts. À Strasbourg, les Prussiens donnent du fil à retordre au général Pichegru, et à Toulon, un jeune colonel du nom de Bonaparte parvient à rivaliser contre la menace anglaise. Mais la véritable guerre est celle qui sévit à l'intérieur du pays entre les Blancs royalistes, et les Bleus républicains.La République soutenue par Roland de Montrevel et sa rapière est encore fragile. Dans les provinces, une bande de bandits appelés les « Compagnons de Jéhu », menée par le comte de Saint-Hermine, volent l'argent de la république pour le faire passer aux insurgés royalistes de Bretagne...Proche du récit historique, Alexandre Dumas détaille aussi bien la guerre civile entre royalistes et républicains qui fait rage à la Révolution Française, que l'ascension de Napoléon Bonaparte ou les atrocités et excès de la Terreur.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) est un écrivain français. Son père, général de la Révolution française, meurt alors que Dumas a trois ans. Sa grand-mère est une esclave ou affranchie noire. Il fait ainsi face au racisme dès son plus jeune âge. Peu doué à l’école, il est surtout instruit par ses lectures religieuses, et des lectures populaires. En 1819, il rencontre Adolphe de Leuven qui l’initie à la poésie, et avec qui il écrira les vaudevilles. Pour échapper au racisme, il s’enfuit à Paris, y devient clerc de notaire et découvre la Comédie-Française. Puis il se consacre au théâtre avec « La Chasse et l'Amour », en 1825, qui connaît un grand succès. Après une série de voyage, il s’essaye au feuilleton avec « Les Trois mousquetaires » en 1844. Commence là un travail effréné : il n’arrête plus. En seulement sept ans il publie « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo » (1844-1846), « La Reine Margot » (1844-1845), « Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge » (1845-1846), « La Dame de Monsoreau » (1845-1846)…
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- 22.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A feminist reflection on female conduct, ‘Thoughts on the Education of Daughters’ offers advice on moral and intellect for young women and girls.First published by the British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft in 1787, the self-help title invites readers today to peek behind the curtain at respectable – and what was considered then to be progressive – female behaviour.From child-rearing instructions to analytical thinking, Wollstonecraft adapted old genres to appeal to a new middle-class ethos, arguing that social and political life would greatly improve if women acquired valuable skills.Considered today the founding thoughts for Wollstonecraft’s later work 'A Vindication of the Rights of Women,’ ‘Thoughts’ is a must-read for fans of Helena Bonham Carter and Carey Mulligan in Netflix’s acclaimed ‘Suffragette’ film.The founding feminist philosopher, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights. Whilst her unconventional relationships attracted more attention than her writing at the time, Wollstonecraft is best known for ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’; a ground-breaking work arguing that women are not naturally inferior to men.Despite her posthumously published ‘Memoir’ overshadowing her writing career, Wollstonecraft remains today an influential figure in the advocacy for women’s rights following the feminist movement at the turn of the 20th century. She died giving birth to her second daughter, Mary Shelley, the accomplished author of ‘Frankenstein’.
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- 42.99 kr.
22.99 kr. Une fois par an, le Diable se réincarne sur Terre sous l'apparence d'un loup noir, puissant mais vulnérable. Un nuit de pleine lune, poursuivi par la meute d'un seigneur dans la sombre forêt d'Haramont, il trouve refuge dans la cabane d'un pauvre sabotier nommé Thibault.Depuis longtemps, Thibault caresse le rêve d'échapper à sa condition et de jouir des mêmes privilèges que les seigneurs. D'abord effrayé par le loup, il finit par passer un pacte avec. À chaque fois que Thibault souhaitera du mal à quelqu’un, son vœu sera exaucé en échange d'un simple cheveu…L'auteur des Trois Mousquetaires offre là un roman fantastique des plus effrayants. Alexandre Dumas s'inspire de sa région d'enfance et dote ces lieux d'une atmosphère des plus noires.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) est un écrivain français. Son père, général de la Révolution française, meurt alors que Dumas a trois ans. Sa grand-mère est une esclave ou affranchie noire. Il fait ainsi face au racisme dès son plus jeune âge. Peu doué à l’école, il est surtout instruit par ses lectures religieuses, et des lectures populaires. En 1819, il rencontre Adolphe de Leuven qui l’initie à la poésie, et avec qui il écrira les vaudevilles. Pour échapper au racisme, il s’enfuit à Paris, y devient clerc de notaire et découvre la Comédie-Française. Puis il se consacre au théâtre avec « La Chasse et l'Amour », en 1825, qui connaît un grand succès. Après une série de voyage, il s’essaye au feuilleton avec « Les Trois mousquetaires » en 1844. Commence là un travail effréné : il n’arrête plus. En seulement sept ans il publie « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo » (1844-1846), « La Reine Margot » (1844-1845), « Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge » (1845-1846), « La Dame de Monsoreau » (1845-1846)…
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- 22.99 kr.
From 74.99 kr. Nel loro secondo romanzo, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2003, Riccardo Parigi e Massimo Sozzi ricorrono alla stessa tipologia di intreccio che aveva reso celebre "Il caso Appiani" (1999): tessere le fila di un unico grande mistero, sospeso fra due epoche diverse e lontane fra loro. Così, i fatti del movimentato 1969 senese, costellato d'importanti manifestazioni di dissenso politico, sono segretamente legati a una vicenda accaduta nel 1799. Alcuni nobili toscani controrivoluzionari, spinti da un acceso sentimento antifrancese, pianificano di liberare papa Pio VI dalla Certosa di Firenze, in cui Napoleone lo ha fatto rinchiudere. Difficile resistere alla tentazione di scoprire in che modo questi due mondi possano risultare strettamente imparentati... Riccardo Parigi (Sesto Fiorentino, 1958) e Massimo Sozzi (Massa Marittima, 1957) sono un prolifico duo autore di innumerevoli gialli, che mischiano la Storia col gusto per i misteri. Hanno esordito nel 1999 con "Il caso Appiani", che vede come protagonista Cassandra Cecchi (successivamente al centro di altri romanzi). Nel corso degli anni si sono occupati anche di narrativa gialla per ragazzi. I loro racconti sono comparsi su varie riviste e antologie, mentre i romanzi si sono aggiudicati diversi premi, fra cui il Ghostbusters/Bertoldo, il Premio Gran Giallo Città di Cattolica e Orme Gialle. Fra le loro numerose opere si possono citare titoli come "Galileo e il mistero dello smeriglio" (2009), "La reliquia" (2010) e "Il fumo uccide" (2012).
58.99 kr. Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1940, "La città sottomarina" rappresenta un’interessante commistione fra romanzo storico, fantascientifico ed utopico. Ambientato negli anni della Rivoluzione Francese, vede come protagonista un umile servo che, innamoratosi della padrona, riesce a salvarla dalla ghigliottina con un espediente. Partiti insieme per sfuggire alle vicissitudini della loro epoca, i due si imbarcheranno sulla Secura al seguito di uno strano personaggio che punta ad indagare su un avvistamento di sirene. Giunti fino in Borneo e in Nuova Guinea, i protagonisti scopriranno una città sottomarina fondata un secolo e mezzo prima da degli avventurieri francesi. Concepito come un romanzo per ragazzi, non mancherà di stupire e di intrattenere anche il pubblico contemporaneo, difficilmente immune al fascino d’altri tempi di questa avanguardistica avventura...Lorenzo Chiosso (1877-1949) nasce a Torino. Considerato uno dei maggiori interpreti della prima fantascienza italiana, egli ha, fra le altre cose, pubblicato vari apocrifi del grande Emilio Salgari per l’editore fiorentino Bemporad ("Le avventure di Simon Wander", "Le mie memorie"). Autore estremamente fantasioso, è stato anche drammaturgo, regista cinematografico e sceneggiatore. I suoi due film più celebri sono "Il re dei pezzenti" (1919) e "Conquistatori d’anime" (1936). Ad ogni modo, la sua produzione si è incentrata soprattutto sul romanzo fantascientifico e d’avventura, sul solco del già citato Salgari e del francese Jules Verne. Fra i titoli più noti, si possono citare "Voragine rossa – Una storia di amore e di eroismo" (1939), "I navigatori del cielo" (1925), "Il solitario del Nilo" (1941) e "La leonessa di Serendib" (pubblicato postumo nel 1951).
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- 58.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Richard Petersens bog fra 1888 kigger hundrede år tilbage i tiden og laver et tværsnit over livet i Danmark i år 1788. Bogen lægger ikke vægt på bestemte begivenheder, men dykker ned i hverdagslivet hos de forskellige klasser og befolkningsgrupper, fortæller om selskabsliv og fritidsaktiviteter som udflugter og spadsereture, om tidsånden og de spirende nye tendenser, om kulturliv i form af poesi og teater samt om livet på universitetet, på gymnasiet og i skolen.Richard Petersen (1838-1905) var en dansk præst, forfatter og historiker, der udgav en lang række bøger om store skikkelser inden for litteraturens verden, kristendommen og historien. Richard Petersen var grundtvigianer, hvilket tydeligt kommer til udtryk i hans forfatterskab. Han er særligt kendt for sine biografier om Henrik Steffens, Frederik Barfoed, B.S. Ingemann og Jung-Stilling.
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- 69.00 kr.
From 49.00 kr. ”Jo nærmere han kom, jo mere forbavset blev han over den fremmedes sælsomme udseende. Det var en lille, firskåren, gammel mand med tykt, pjusket hår og gråt skæg. Han var klædt på gammel hollandsk manér – en klædestrøje med bælte om livet, adskillige par bukser uden på hinanden, de yderste af anseligt omfang og pyntet med blanke knapper på rad ned langs sømmene og duske ved knæene. På ryggen bar han et solidt anker, der så ud til at være fuldt af brændevin, og han gjorde tegn til Rip om at komme og hjælpe ham med det.”Rip Van Winkle lever et trist liv i et kærlighedsløst ægteskab, da han på en jagttur støder ind i en gammel hollænder med en forunderlig drik, som han ikke kan dy sig for at smage. 20 år senere vågner han op i en verden, han ikke kan genkende. Han er gået glip af den amerikanske revolution, livet for hans familie er gået videre uden ham, og verden ser i det hele taget helt anderledes ud, end da han faldt i sin uforklarlige tornerosesøvn. Et spørgsmål står frem blandt de mange: Hvem var den gamle hollænder, og hvor kendte han Winkles navn fra?Novellen udkom oprindeligt i 1819.Den amerikanske forfatter Washington Irving (1783-1859) er særligt kendt for sine gotiske noveller ”Rip Van Winkle” og ”Legenden om Sleepy Hollow”, som er blevet filmatiseret med Johnny Depp og Christina Ricci i hovedrollerne. Han står desuden bag en række biografier blandt andet om sin navnebror George Washington og Muhammed.
From 50.99 kr. Den unga änkan Delphine har inget minne av sitt förflutna, allt hon vet är att hon som liten flicka räddades undan den franska revolutionen och fördes till England. Där har hon lev ett isolerat liv och det är bara via marknaden för franska migranter som hon träffar sina forna landsmän. En av dem är en charmig jonglör med gyllene hår och himmelsblå ögon. Först efter sin makes död får Delphine reda på sitt verkliga öde. Hon kommer från en adlig familj och hon har sedan barnsben varit trolovad med den franska greven Jules Saint-Pierre. Han befinner sig nu i England och vill gifta sig med henne. För att hedra sina föräldrars sista önskan går Delphine med på giftermålet. Men när hon möter sin blivande man så är det ett par bekanta himmelsblå ögon som ser på henne. Vem är egentligen Jules Saint-Pierre? Är han en greve eller en bedragare? M.C. Beaton (1936-2019) är den internationellt bästsäljande författaren till både Agatha Raisin- och Hamish Macbeth-serierna, såväl som flera populära historisk romance-serier. Hennes böcker har översatts till 17 språk och hennes Agatha Raisin-mysterier har blivit till TV-serie.
74.99 kr. Dramaturge ou aventurière, issue du peuple ou de l'aristocratie - les femmes ont joué un rôle à la Révolution française, qu'elles ont vécu entre drames et passions. Sabrina Kiefner dresse les portraits de l'élégante marquise du Grégo, de la passionnée comtesse de la Rochefoucauld, d'une nourrice loyale et inconnue ainsi que de l'inoubliable Olympe de Gouges. Sur un fond historique, ces belles rebelles renaissent sous la plume de l'autrice qui a consacré des sagas plus longues à d'autres femmes oubliées. Ce recueil de nouvelles est fait pour les redécouvrir tout en se cultivant.Sabrina Kiefner est d'origine allemande et vit en France depuis plus de trente ans. Diplômée de l'école de commerce, elle se spécialise dans les langues étrangères et crée sa société immobilière, qu'elle gère avec succès pendant une dizaine d'années. Passionnée par l'équitation, elle se réinvente dans des formations dédiées aux métiers du cheval. Aujourd'hui, la traductrice rend hommage à des femmes au destin hors du commun. Ses romans "Céleste - le manuscrit de l'amazone" paru aux éditions Le Lys et le Lin ainsi que son deuxième livre "Vol en piqué", édité par Stellamaris, sont disponibles en librairie et existent également en langue allemande.
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- 74.99 kr.
29.99 kr. Es gibt ein neues Mädchen in der Stadt, über das sogar in den Pariser Salons geflüstert wird! Caroline de la Romme Allery ist jung, schön und hungrig nach Abenteuern. In Paris macht sie sich durch ihre heißen Affären und Liebschaften einen Namen. Insbesondere ihre Beziehung zu Kaiser Napoleon ist in aller Munde. Mit ihrem Liebreiz und Charme verdreht sie den Männern, denen sie begegnet, den Kopf. Eine Geschichte über eine junge Frau, die sich nimmt, was sie will.Sandra Paretti (1935–1994) wurde als Irmgard Schneeberger in Regensburg geboren und verfasste in erster Linie Gesellschaftsromane. Parettis Werke wurden in 28 Sprachen übersetzt, wodurch sie bis heute zu einer der meistgelesenen deutschsprachigen Autorinnen zählt. Ihr Werk „Der Wunschbaum" wurde zudem als TV-Serie adaptiert.
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- 29.99 kr.
96.99 kr. La "Trilogia della villeggiatura" è un ciclo di tre commedie composte da Carlo Goldoni nel 1761. La trilogia comprende "Le smanie per la villeggiatura", "Le avventure della villeggiatura" e "Il ritorno dalla villeggiatura". Con quest’opera Goldoni diede inizio al suo ultimo anno comico a Venezia, in seguito infatti partì per la Francia. Tutta la trilogia riguarda una tematica già affrontata dall’autore in opere precedenti ("Il prodigo", "I malcontenti", "La villeggiatura"): le tipiche vacanze trascorse in campagna dalle classi più agiate della Venezia dell’epoca con lo scopo di metterle in ridicolo, anche se bonariamente.Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni (1707 – 1793) è stato un avvocato, librettista, commediografo e scrittore italiano, considerato uno dei padri della commedia moderna. A partire dal 1734, inizia la sua carriera nel mondo del teatro, dando vita a numerose commedie, tragedie romanzesche, due commedie in francese e numerosissimi libretti.
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- 96.99 kr.
42.99 kr. How do you survive when tragedy is your constant companion?With nearly all his family dead, Pascal Bruno turns to a life of crime to survive. His only hope of escape is through the love of Teresa, a servant for a local Countess. But when Teresa is made to marry someone else, Pascal vows to have his revenge.Set in Palermo in the late 18th century, ´The Sicilian Bandit´ is another reliable pageturner from Alexandre Dumas. There are plenty of pirates, plots, and sword fights, and Pascal is a moody anti-hero worth rooting for.Recommended for lovers of Dumas’ more action-packed historical fiction.Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) was a hugely popular 19th-century French writer. Born of mixed French and Haitian heritage, Dumas first rose to prominence in Paris as a playwright but later gained international fame with his historical fiction.Often co-authored with other writers, these stories wove together swashbuckling adventure, romance, and real events from France’s past. Among the best known are ´The Three Musketeers´, and its sequels ´Twenty Years After´, and "Le Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later". Set across four decades, this trilogy follows the rise of the dashing D’Artagnan - from hotheaded soldier to trusted captain under Louis XIV.Dumas’ other novels include ´The Count of Monte Cristo´ and ´The Black Tulip´. His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies, including ´The Man in the Iron Mask´ starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
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- 42.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) er en af danmarkshistoriens største kunstnere, og hans fantastiske statuer er at finde flere steder rundt om i Europa. Louis Bobés biografi om den store kunstners liv og virke beretter om de mange intense kærlighedsforhold, om arbejdet som kunstner i Rom og i Danmark og om stormfulde og tætte venskaber med andre i kunstnerfaget.Bogen udkom første gang i 1938.Louis Theodor Alfred Bobé (1867-1951) var en dansk historiker og forfatter. Han arbejdede i en lang årrække som arkivar og var desuden ordenshistoriograf. Louis Bobé udgav mange bøger om historie og historiske personer på både dansk og tysk. Han modtog en række ordner for sit virke som historiker heriblandt 1. grad af Dannebrogsordenen, Dansk Røde Kors Mindetegn for Krigsfangehjælp samt Officerkorset af Oranien-Nassau-ordenen.
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- 69.00 kr.
59.99 kr. A seamless blend of fact and fiction, ‘The Royal Life Guard, or The Flight of the Royal Family’ tells the story of the downfall of the French Monarchy.Set during the French Revolution, this novel paints Marie Antoinette as the villain of the piece.By comparison, King Louis XIV is depicted as an accommodating monarch with his people’s interests at heart.Historians will know the outcome of this thrilling tale but, even so, will find it fast-paced and brimming with intrigue and conspiracy.The adventure-packed narrative is supported by historical observations and Dumas’ rapier-sharp political knowledge.A superb read for those new to his work and for those who want to read beyond the romantic romps of ‘The Three Musketeers.’Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
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- 59.99 kr.
69.99 kr. „Í Kalkútta ríkti Warren Hastings með engu minni dýrð og veldi en hverjum austurlenskum harðstjóra hefði sæmt." Sagan hefst árið 1780, þegar veldi Englendinga á Indlandi rís sem hæst. Þar segir af lífi landstjórans Warren Hastings, ótrúlegum átökum og örlögum hans og fólksins í kringum hann, þegar ólíkar skoðanir og menningarheimar mætast.Gregor Samarow er dulnefni prússneska rithöfundarins og diplómatans Oskars Medning. Medning var lærður maður sem gegndi ýmsum pólitískum störfum í Þýskalandi á árunum 1847-1871, þegar hann sagði sig frá störfum og helgaði sig skriftum. Bækur hans eru jafnan sögulegar skáldsögur sem þykja spegla á áhugaverðan hátt stjórnmálaástand samtíma hans.
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- 69.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Set during the ‘Seven Years War’ between England and France, ‘A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy’ was one of Sterne’s last works.Seen as the epilogue to his ‘Tristram Shandy’ books (later adapted for film, as ‘A Cock and Bull Story´, starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon), it tells the tale of Yorick, as he travels between the two countries.While visiting Paris, Yorick is discovered to be without a passport. When he flees to Versailles in order to get one, he is mistaken for the jester in Shakespeare's ‘Hamlet’. Will he be able to escape imprisonment, or is the game up for our hero?A superb satire on another author’s less-than-sentimental travelogue through the same countries.Born in Ireland, Laurence Sterne (1713 – 1768) was the son of a commissioned officer in the British army. As a result, the first 10 years of his life were spent travelling from place to place. However, at the age of 11, he was sent to boarding school in England, under the care of his brother. After leaving Jesus College with a Bachelor of Arts, he was ordained both a priest and a deacon.While he had previously written for the ‘York Gazetteer’, Sterne's uncle encouraged him to write for political journals, much to the consternation of the rest of the family. This was followed by his first novel, ´A Political Romance,’ which also put religion under the spotlight.After failing in the role of a farmer, he wrote his most famous book, ‘The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.’ Six years later, he was to become part of the abolitionist movement, after publicly replying to a letter from former slave, writer, and composer, Ignatius Sancho.Sterne died in London, aged 54.
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- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Although written after ‘The Companions of Jehu,’ ‘The Whites and the Blues’ details events leading up to the first book.It follows the fortunes of young Charles Nodier, who arrives in Strasbourg to study Greek under the tutelage of Euloge Schneider.However, when he gets there, he discovers that Schneider has become the town’s Public Prosecutor and is feared for his indiscriminate use of Madame Guillotine.All the while, the shadow of Napoleon lies heavy on the narrative.A page-turning read, full of political intrigue, betrayal, and romance, this is a must for fans of the ‘Sainte-Hermine’ trilogy.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. ´The Monk´ is a frightening, erotic, horror story about Ambrosio, a monk torn between his vows to God and the temptations of the Devil. This is a gripping, gothic tale about greed, pride, and lust, as Ambrosio battles with his inner demons.Written by English novelist Matthew Lewis at the age of 19, ‘The Monk’ (1796) marked a turning point in gothic literature with its focus on horror, violence, and lust. It proved hugely successful with the public and made him an overnight success despite widespread condemnation at the time.The book continues to influence writers and shock audiences to this day and will delight anyone interested in venturing out into grittier reading territory.Matthew Gregory Lewis (1775-1818) was a novelist, diplomat and dramatist, whose gothic novel ‘The Monk’ (1796) was so successful, he later became known as Monk Lewis. The book focused on horror rather than romance, and its violent and erotic nature made it a best-seller, despite widespread condemnation at the time.His other notable works include the popular musical drama ‘The Castle Spectre (1798), while his book, ‘Journal of a West India Proprietor’ (1834), details life on the Jamaican estate he inherited and his distaste for slavery.
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- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. A forlorn English diplomat. A forgotten yet legitimate daughter. A stuffy society intent on keeping outsiders out. Steeped in the new wave of romanticism in the late 18th century, ‘Evelina’ tells the beloved story of a young lady’s entrance into the world.Evelina must learn to navigate the layers of 18th-century England. And although she has all the desirable traits of a young woman, being cast a ‘nobody’ by Mr. Lovel is sure to tarnish her shine. A marriage is required of her. And fast. Can she secure a suitable bachelor?During a time when society was less than kind to the wants of women, Frances Burney’s ‘Evelina’ remains a much-loved eighteenth-century novel. Sweeping readers off their feet for nearly 200 years, ‘Evelina’ is ideal for fans of Netflix’s ‘Bridgerton’ and Keira Knightly’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’.Frances Burney (1752-1840) was an English satirical novelist, diarist and playwright. Her work spans the hugely popular ‘Evelina’ and ‘Camilla’, both which remain much loved eighteenth-century classics today.Mistress of the robes to Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, George III’s Queen, Burney married a French exile, leaving her stranded in France for much of her career. She is thought to have foreshadowed the likes of Jane Austen and William Makepeace Thickery.
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- 102.99 kr.
59.99 kr. In ‘The Wolf Leader,’ Dumas deftly weaves the Faust story with the werewolves of folklore.While it is not the typical swashbuckling fare you would expect from the author of ‘The Three Musketeers,’ ‘The Wolf Leader’ is a wonderfully atmospheric tale, detailing a deal between Thibault, a shoemaker, and a half-man-half-wolf creature he meets in the forest.While revenge might be sweet, for every deal, there is a price to pay.A superb and intriguing read for those who want to read something out of the ordinary.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Hvem var egentlig N.F.S. Grundtvig? Lige efter hans død udbrød en livlig og velbegrundet strid. Befandt han sig politisk til højre eller til venstre? Og kunne han tages til indtægt for kirkelig ortodoksi og hævdvunden moral eller bedre for en humant og evolutionistisk tolket, religiøs kulturidealisme? Forsøgene på at finde frem til den "rigtige" Grundtvig har været mange. De forsøg gør professor i kirkehistorie P.G. Lindhardt op med i denne biografi, hvor han i stedet søger at tegne et billede af "hele" Grundtvig.Bogen udkom første gang i 1964.P.G. Lindhardt, Poul Georg Lindhardt, (1910-1988) var en dansk teolog og den første professor i kirkehistorie ved Aarhus Universitet i årene 1942-1980. Sammen med K.E. Løgstrup, Johannes Sløk og Regin Prenter var han kendt som en af de fire Aarhus-teologer, der prægede den teologiske debat fra midten af det 20. århundrede og frem. Lindhardt havde desuden et omfattende virke som prædikant, foredragsholder, anmelder og kronikør.
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- 69.00 kr.
102.99 kr. Scotland, 1750, just four years after Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Rising of the Clans, it’s hard to know who’s loyal to the English and who is faithful to the Stuarts. And it’s beautiful seventeen-year-old Iona’s perilous mission to ascertain whether the Duke of Arkrae, head of Scotland’s most powerful clan, is a traitor or is he in cahoots with the English.Iona’s mission is to gain the trust of the Duke and his clan by claiming to be the sister he thought to have died as a child. As all around her doubt her claim and call her a "pretender", Iona struggles to hold her nerve. Her wit and steely nerves do not fail her but almost instantly, on meeting the imperious Duke, it’s her heart that lets her down. She’s fallen deeply, hopelessly in love! Traitor or not, surely the Duke could never love the Little Pretender who was sent to ensnare him?
- Audiobook
- 102.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Una de las comedias más conocidas de Leandro Fernández de Moratín. Sucede en Ilescas, un pequeño pueblo de Toledo. Nos muestra a Doña Mónica, una mujer acomodada y rica, pero sin cuna noble. Cuando llega un deslumbrante y educado barón a la localidad, Mónica hace lo posible para que su hija Isabel se case con el recién llegado y, así, emparentarla con la nobleza. Sin embargo, las dos mujeres descubrirán pronto la doble naturaleza del barón.Leandro Fernández de Moratín (1760-1828) fue un dramaturgo y poeta madrileño. Su padre, también escritor, lo crio en un ambiente literario. Eso, sumado a su timidez provocada por una enfermedad temprana, hizo que Fernández de Moratín se centrara en las letras desde pequeño. Después de ganar algunos certámenes poéticos, obtuvo un puesto de secretario del conde Cabarrús y eso lo llevó de viaje a varios países europeos, aunque su preferido fue Francia. Amigo de Jovellanos y Goldoni, protegido de Godoy, Fernández de Moratín introdujo el teatro neoclásico francés en España. Además de su amplia obra, trabajó también como traductor de teatro de autores como Molière o Shakespeare.
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- 40.99 kr.