Early 19th century c 1800 to c 1850
73.99 kr. Vuelve Sinués en La vida íntima a trabajar uno de los tipos de escritura que más le gustaba: la ficción epistolar.Pablo y Eufemia de Hinestrosa, que de muy pequeños quedaron huérfanos, le escriben cartas a su abuela, la Marquesa de Valflores. Esta los acompaña en sus tribulaciones de adultos, los caracteriza severamente en correspondencia aparte con una amiga y les revela secretos ocultos de su pasado que podrían iluminar sus circunstancias presentes.En la sucesión de intercambios entre los personajes se va alzando una exaltación de la familia como refugio de todos los infortunios y de la amabilidad como virtud cardinal.María del Pilar Sinués (Zaragoza, 1835 - Madrid, 1893) fue una escritora española, autora de más de sesenta novelas y otros textos muy leídos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.Sinués consagraba sus trabajos principalmente a un público femenino. Durante mucho tiempo predominó en ellos un registro didáctico ligado a las tareas domésticas. Sin embargo, no se ajustó a tales expectativas ni en su vida personal, signada por una independencia cada vez mayor, ni en la construcción de las protagonistas más complejas de sus novelas.Participó en diferentes círculos literarios y culturales.Dirigió las revistas El ángel del hogar y Flores y perlas, la última, fugaz, con una redacción íntegramente compuesta por mujeres.Algunos de sus principales libros: Fausta Sorel (1861), El sol en invierno (1863), El becerro de oro (1875) y el epistolario La vida íntima (1876).
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. "e;Dantons Tod"e; ist das einzige Drama Buchners, das noch zu seinen Lebzeiten publiziert wurde und spielt vor dem historischen Hintergrund der franzosischen Revolution. Buchner stellt anhand der gegensatzlichen politischen Fraktionen der Girondisten und der Jakobiner die Folgeerscheinungen der Revolutionsversuche dar: Ein System der Tyrannerei entsteht.-
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Siamo a fine '700. Francesi e austriaci combattono per il dominio del Nord Italia poco lontano dalla Val Bormida. Giuliano, un giovane dal cuore repubblicano, avverte l'eco della battaglia ma per il momento ha altri interessi più urgenti: ama la bella Bianca con tutto sé stesso. Il padre di lei, però, l’ha già promessa in sposa a un barone austriaco, ignorando l’affetto che lega i due giovani. Eppure, nonostante la guerra che avanza, Bianca e Giuliano saranno aiutati da una persona decisamente inaspettata.Giuseppe Cesare Abba (1838-1910) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Volontario nell'impresa dei mille di Garibaldi, professore in vari ginnasi del Nord Italia, sindaco di diverse cittadine, senatore in vecchiaia, Abba dedicò la sua vita alla politica e alla scrittura. Tra le sue opere più note, ricordiamo ‘Le rive della Bormida’, ‘Storia dei Mille’ e ‘Da Quarto al Volturno’, da molti considerato uno dei migliori romanzi sul Risorgimento.
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- 73.99 kr.
149.00 kr. Fjerde bind: Om forskellige statsforvaltningsforhold, monarkiets udvortes forhold, de fjernere statsdele m.m."Den danske Stats Statistik I-IV" (1844–1853) er et hovedværk i dansk økonomisk historie. Med en imponerende mængde analyseret data skildrer Adolph Frederik Bergsøe midten af 1800-tallets økonomiske forhold i Danmark, ligesom han giver en nøje gennemgang af dansk økonomis udviklingshistorie. Det samlede værk giver et udførligt indblik i, hvordan samfundet og økonomien så ud før industrialiseringen for alvor tog fart i sidste halvdel af det 19. århundrede.Statistik over den danske stats forhold i det 18. og 19. århundrede.Adolph Frederik Bergsøe (1806-1854) var en dansk statistiker, landstingsmand og forfatter. Han blev student fra Metropolitanskolen i København i 1825 og fortsatte på Københavns Universitet med at studere jura og statsøkonomi. Gennem en afhandling om greve Christian Ditlev Rewentlows politiske og økonomiske virksomhed tilegnede Bergsøe sig et stort og detaljeret indblik i Danmarks økonomiske udviklingshistorie og landboforhold. Dette førte bl.a. til udarbejdelsen af hans hovedværk "Den danske Stats Statistik", som blev udgivet i fire bind i 1844-1853. Udover at varetage sin stilling som professor, stod Bergsøe også bag de skønlitterære udgivelser "Den hjerteløse Skjønne" (1834) og "Hvormed skal jeg more mig" (1842).
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- 149.00 kr.
9.99 kr. Встречайте Новый год с причудливыми сказками Ганса Христиана Андерсена. Перед вами сборник прекрасных сказок, действие которых происходит в предновогодние дни. Истории очаруют как детей, так и взрослых.В сборник вошли следующие сказки:«Девочка со спичками»«История года»«Колокольный сторож Оле»«Сын привратника»«Садовник и господа»Ганс Христиан Андерсен (1805–1875) — датский поэт, прозаик и деятель искусства. Среди наиболее известных сказок этого детского писателя — «Новое платье короля», «Русалочка», «Соловей», «Стойкий оловянный солдатик», «Снежная королева», «Гадкий утёнок» и «Девочка со спичками». Его книги переведены на все языки мира, и едва ли найдется ребенок или взрослый, который не слышал об удивительных персонажах Андерсена. По мотивам его сказок создано множество экранизаций и театральных постановок. Наиболее известными стали мультипликационные фильмы студии Disney «Русалочка» 1989 года и «Холодное сердце» 2013 года, вдохновленный сказкой «Снежная королева». Вклад Андерсена в развитие литературы для детей настолько велик, что 2 апреля, в день его рождения, отмечают Международный день детской книги.
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- 9.99 kr.
9.99 kr. Что такое правда? Что может раскрыть тему правды лучше, чем волшебные сказки Ганса Христиана Андерсена? Сюжет этих сказок даёт прекрасный повод поразмыслить о правде и обсудить её этические и моральные аспекты. Сборник для любознательных и чутких читателей, которые хотят погрузиться в волшебный мир любимого датского сказочника.Включает следующие сказки:«Новое платье короля»«Снежная королева»«Ганс Чурбан»Ганс Христиан Андерсен (1805–1875) — датский поэт, прозаик и деятель искусства. Среди наиболее известных сказок этого детского писателя — «Новое платье короля», «Русалочка», «Соловей», «Стойкий оловянный солдатик», «Снежная королева», «Гадкий утёнок» и «Девочка со спичками». Его книги переведены на все языки мира, и едва ли найдется ребенок или взрослый, который не слышал об удивительных персонажах Андерсена. По мотивам его сказок создано множество экранизаций и театральных постановок. Наиболее известными стали мультипликационные фильмы студии Disney «Русалочка» 1989 года и «Холодное сердце» 2013 года, вдохновленный сказкой «Снежная королева». Вклад Андерсена в развитие литературы для детей настолько велик, что 2 апреля, в день его рождения, отмечают Международный день детской книги.
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- 9.99 kr.
9.99 kr. Что такое надежда? Сказки, отобранные для этого сборника, проникнуты надеждой. Поддайтесь очарованию Ганса Христиана Андерсена и позвольте любимым героям преподать вам урок о поисках надежды даже в самых отчаянных ситуациях! Сборник для любознательных и чутких читателей, как юных, так и взрослых.Включает следующие сказки:«Девочка со спичками»«Соловей»«Сундук-самолёт»«Свинопас»«Дикие лебеди»Ганс Христиан Андерсен (1805–1875) — датский поэт, прозаик и деятель искусства. Среди наиболее известных сказок этого детского писателя — «Новое платье короля», «Русалочка», «Соловей», «Стойкий оловянный солдатик», «Снежная королева», «Гадкий утёнок» и «Девочка со спичками». Его книги переведены на все языки мира, и едва ли найдется ребенок или взрослый, который не слышал об удивительных персонажах Андерсена. По мотивам его сказок создано множество экранизаций и театральных постановок. Наиболее известными стали мультипликационные фильмы студии Disney «Русалочка» 1989 года и «Холодное сердце» 2013 года, вдохновленный сказкой «Снежная королева». Вклад Андерсена в развитие литературы для детей настолько велик, что 2 апреля, в день его рождения, отмечают Международный день детской книги.
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- 9.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Tiecks Marchen stammt aus seiner Phantasus-Sammlung und eroffnet dem Leser eine fantastische Welt voller Schrecken.Der menschenscheue Emil hegt leidenschaftliche Gefuhle fur das Nachbarsmadchen. Jeden Abend beobachtet er sie heimlich durch sein Fenster. Als er dadurch Zeuge eines grausamen Mordes wird, ist nichts mehr wie es war. Einige Monate spater steht endlich die Hochzeit mit seiner Angebeteten bevor, doch Emil ist noch immer traumatisiert und die Hochzeit endet in einer Katastrophe. -
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- 40.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Eine mitreiende Erzahlung uber Kunst, Malerei und die Liebe.Eduard fuhrt das Geschaft seines verstorbenen Vaters weiter und sammelt und verkauft Gemalde. Durch seinen hedonistischen Lebensstil gibt er das Erbe seines Vaters jedoch mit vollen Handen aus. Als er die junge Sophie heiraten mochte, halt ihm ihr Vater seine Verantwortungslosigkeit vor und stellt sich gegen die Heirat. Wird Eduard sich fur seine Geliebte bessern konnen?-
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- 40.99 kr.
36.99 kr. L'Escanyapobres és la novel·la més coneguda de Narcís Oller. L'autor mostra l'avarícia i les seves conseqüències amb tres personatges centrals: l'Oleguer, la Donya Tuies i en don Magí Xirinac, el notari de la vila. Els tres personatges menyspreen tot allò que no estigui relacionat amb els diners i la riquesa i, a poc a poc, van allunyant-se de la realitat i del món que els rodeja, un món que està evolucionant: Oller mostra la industrialització de Catalunya i els canvis socials que comporta. L'arribada del ferrocarril al poble de l'Oleguer i la Donya Tuies provoca unes alteracions en l'estructura econòmica que sacsegen i arruïnen a la parella.Narcís Oller (Valls,1846 – Barcelona, 1930) va ser advocat i escriptor català, un dels màxims exponents en el realisme i naturalisme de finals de segle. Orfe de pare, va viure amb la família materna, on va cultivar una educació elevada. Va estudiar dret a Barcelona, professió a la qual es va dedicar fins a la seva mort. De jove va començar a escriure en castellà, però inspirat pels Jocs Florals, va decidir canviar de llengua. Amb una producció de més de quinze obres, la majoria de narrativa, Narcís Oller va ser un dels principals escriptors del segle XIX. Les seves obres van ser traduïdes a diversos idiomes, entre ells el francès, el castellà o el rus.
10.99 kr. «Фауст» - одно из величайших произведений мировой литературы и по праву считается главным трудом Иоганна Вольфганга фон Гёте. Интересно то, что Гёте работал над замыслом этой трагедии на протяжении 60 лет жизни. Книга повествует о человеке, который познал всё, что хотел в этой жизни. Наступил момент, когда он просто устал. В главном герое добро противостоит злу, за его душу идёт борьба между Дьяволом и Богом. Кто же победит? Произведение рекомендовано к прочтению каждому.Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте (1749–1832) – немецкий поэт, драматург, философ и государственный деятель. Произведения Гёте признаны шедеврами мировой литературы. Самые известные из них: «Страдания молодого Вертера» (1774) – роман в письмах, принёсший автору мировую славу, и трагедия «Фауст» (1774-1832), над которой он работал в течение всей жизни.
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- 10.99 kr.
50.99 kr. Sjungom studentens lyckliga dag! Efter flera års studier är det äntligen dags för Alexander att lämna Uppsala. Vad som ska komma härnäst har han redan klart för sig – allt tack vare sin framlidna mor. Flyttlasset går till Göteborg, där han sedan ska bli vice häradshövding. Men just som avskedsfirandet dragit igång kommer ett besked som får Alexander att vackla. I arvet efter hans far, en person han för övrigt aldrig tyckte om, har han plötsligt tilldelats både en gård och en båt. Vad ska han ta sig till med dessa nyvunna ägor?På resan mot Göteborg inträffar en rad dråpligheter som Alexander aldrig i sin vildaste fantasi kunnat föreställa sig. Det hela slutar med att han på nåder erbjuds skjuts av Louise, en ung mamsell som är på väg till storstaden för att bli guvernant. Det dröjer inte länge förrän Alexander fallit pladask för den unga kvinnan, men hon är långt ifrån övertygad. I hennes ögon är han bara en slarver. Hur ska han lyckas bevisa motsatsen?Yngve Kernell (1903-1994) var en svensk arkitekt, konstnär och författare från Göteborg. Han studerade vid Chalmers och gick även utbildningar på målarskolor i Stockholm och Paris.
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- 50.99 kr.
34.99 kr. Tal vez el libro más leído de Anzoátegui, y uno de los más valorados por las y los expertos en su obra. Manuel Ascencio Padilla se centra en la figura de uno de los líderes principales de la lucha por la independencia en el Alto Perú a principios del siglo XIX. Desde la localidad de Chuquisaca (de donde era oriunda su compañera sentimental y de armas, Juana Azurduy) hasta las terribles circunstancias del final, pasando por una galería de relaciones entre Padilla y distintos personajes de la época, la autora boliviana consolidó en estas páginas su estilo particular de abordaje para la narración inspirada en acontecimientos históricos.Lindaura Anzoátegui Campero (Tojo, 1846 - Sucre, 1898) fue una escritora boliviana. A lo largo de su trayectoria, en la que firmó con seudónimo sus obras para evitar los prejuicios de género, dejó libros que se cuentan entre las primeras novelas históricas de su país, entre ellas Huallparrimachi (1894), En el año 1815 (1895) y Manuel Ascencio Padilla (1896). Fue también pareja del General Narciso Campero, presidente de la nación del altiplano entre 1880 y 1884, a quien le dedicó otro de sus textos más conocidos, el poema "Bolivia".
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- 34.99 kr.
34.99 kr. Mi defensa fue escrito por Sarmiento durante su exilio en Santiago de Chile. El texto mezcla la polémica con los apuntes autobiográficos. Por lo último constituye un bosquejo del libro que sería Recuerdos de provincia, pero con la particularidad de que en esta obra más temprana Sarmiento escribía con vértigo y furia, puesto que su propósito era refutar algunas acusaciones a su persona que podían amenazar sus trabajos en la capital trasandina.El rescate de sus educadores, la enumeración de los libros importantes que había ido leyendo desde pequeño (salpicada con citas en francés) y las explicaciones alrededor de una vocación política aparecida relativamente tarde tenían el sentido de mostrar cómo lo habían orientado para llegar a ser quien era.Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (San Juan, 1811 - Asunción, 1888) fue un escritor y estadista argentino. Además de haber sentado en su presidencia las bases del sistema educativo moderno de su país, los libros salidos de su notable pluma marcaron una interpretación histórica de alto impacto, en especial el Facundo (1845), pero también Recuerdos de provincia (1850) y Mi defensa (1843), entre otros. Son controvertidas sus visiones y acciones sobre los aborígenes, los gauchos y los inmigrantes de algunas proveniencias, mientras favorecía que los de otras se instalaran como colonos. Sin embargo, y por lo mismo, pocos negarían que Sarmiento fue una figura descollante que influyó profundamente en la vida intelectual y política de la nación sudamericana.
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- 34.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Dieses unterhaltsame Lustspiel uber Luge und Wahrheit loste einen derartigen Skandal aus, dass Grillparzer sich beinahe aus der Offentlichkeit zuruckziehen musste. Der aufgeweckte junge Leon arbeitet als Koch fur den Bischof Gregor. Er ist erbost daruber, dass ihm sein Arbeitgeber viel zu wenig Lohn zahlt. Doch als er das Gesprach sucht, findet er heraus, dass der Bischof spart, um seinen Neffen Atalus von den Germanen freikaufen zu konnen. Gregor erzahlt weiter, dass er trotz seiner Notlage das Wohl der Armen und Bedurftigen uber sein eigenes stellt und sich daher nicht an der Kirchenkasse bedient. Lieber hungert er selbst. Beeindruckt beschliet Leon, Atalus selbst zu befreien und bringt sich dabei in die ein oder andere brenzlige Situation.-
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- 40.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Lo 'Zibaldone' e un tesoro inestimabile per chiunque voglia calarsi nella vulcanica, romantica, scientifica ma anche pessimista mente di Giacomo Leopardi, uno dei piu importanti autori della letteratura italiana di tutti i tempi. Eludendo ogni etichetta, lo 'Zibaldone' e un monumento autobiografico, un diario segreto, una raccolta sterminata di appunti, poesie, racconti, aforismi sorprendenti e riflessioni filosofiche di grande attualita.-
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- 148.99 kr.
73.99 kr. El primer volumen de El alma enferma pinta un cuadro de las relaciones entre criadas, señoras e hijas de ambas, además de algunos personajes masculinos, recordando cómo era la vida en 1835 desde un presente que puede ser el 1864 de cuando data la novela.Desde allí, con el estilo de asociación semi-libre tan típico de las conversaciones entre vecinas y vecinos, se irán agregando parientes, otras personas cercanas y sus trasfondos.A través de la narradora se da un elogio de las costumbres frugales y de las actitudes piadosas, como parte de un ideal de humildad autosuficiente que para ese entonces se estaría perdiendo.María del Pilar Sinués (Zaragoza, 1835 - Madrid, 1893) fue una escritora española, autora de más de sesenta novelas y otros textos muy leídos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.Sinués consagraba sus trabajos principalmente a un público femenino. Durante mucho tiempo predominó en ellos un registro didáctico ligado a las tareas domésticas. Sin embargo, no se ajustó a tales expectativas ni en su vida personal, signada por una independencia cada vez mayor, ni en la construcción de las protagonistas más complejas de sus novelas.Participó en diferentes círculos literarios y culturales.Dirigió las revistas El ángel del hogar y Flores y perlas, la última, fugaz, con una redacción íntegramente compuesta por mujeres.Algunos de sus principales libros: Fausta Sorel (1861), El sol en invierno (1863), El becerro de oro (1875) y el epistolario La vida íntima (1876).
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- 73.99 kr.
38.99 kr. One night the master in our story was going to have guests so he asked his cook Grethel to prepare one chicken for him and one for the guests. And so she did. But she prepared them so well that she could not resist but take a bite. And then one more. And another one after that. And suddenly without realizing it, she had eaten up both chickens. What will she serve the hungry guests? What will she explain to her master? What will she say to the guests to make them run away as fast as they can? Read "Clever Grethel" to find out.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Brother Lustig was a soldier who got dismissed from the army. He wandered around when he one day stumbled upon a beggar who he shared his food with. Surprisingly the beggar turned out to be Saint Peter. The two men continued their journey together. Saint Peter was healing people. Brother Lustig was trying to "steal" Saint Peter’s trade and heal people himself. It is of course not that easy so shortly after Lustig was left alone, he found himself in trouble. Will Lustig’s intentions to help others will get him into Heaven or his tricks will send him to Hell?Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. There was once a tailor who wanted to be admitted to Heaven. He was so exhausted and he was begging St. Peter so badly, that St. Peter took pity of him and let the tailor in. He had however to sit quietly in a corner because otherwise the Lord would get angry. The tailor followed St. Peters orders only while he was there. When St. Peter left, the tailor decided to look around. All of a sudden the tailor’s gaze fell into a big golden chair, which happened to be the Lord’s. Will the tailor dare to sit there and what will follow after that? Find out the answers in "The Tailor in Heaven".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Did you know that the type of grass cows eat can be of very high importance? If it is too rich they get too wild. If it is too poor they get too weak. You would not have expected that, right? Well check "The Bittern and Hoopoe" to learn even more from an old and experienced cow-herd.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Once lived a father who had to decide on a godfather for his child. He could not come up with a better plan, so he chose the Death. It sounds like the stupidest decision ever but it came with a bonus. The child got a special power. He could tell who was going to die and who was going to live. One day the child who was already a grown man visited his godfather. What he saw there however was more than spooky and scary. Will he get himself out of there alive? Find out in "The Godfather".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The king’s daughter gets sick and the only way for her to feel better is by eating apples. Now you would not be so surprised if we told you that the king announced that whoever brings apples to the princess, will get her hand and will become the next king in the kingdom. Things are however more complicated than they looked in the beginning as the king sets new conditions one after another. Hans, the youngest of three brothers, is with the purest heart and is at the same time determined to succeed. The last trial will either make him king or will endanger his life and future.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. "The Hare’s Bride" is a tale about one ambitious and courageous hare who would not take "no" for an answer. He was cheeky enough to eat all the cabbage in the garden, but he also would not leave when he was sent away by the maid. He actually decided to take the maid with him and made her marry him. Do you think it went well for them and was there any marriage at all?Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Once lived an evil witch who wanted to kill her step-daughter. The girl was however not only kind and beautiful, but smart as well. She changed places with her step-sister so the witch killed her own child instead. The lucky girl ran away with her beloved one. The danger was however right after them as the witch was determined to catch them. It was a long and exhausting persecution. Will the witch give up? Will the lovebirds get their happily ever after? Find out in "Sweetheart Roland".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A mother had twelve sons but she was so poor that she could not find a way to take care of them all. Her oldest one was Peter. He headed out in the world seeking bread for his family. But he got lost in the woods. And when he thought that his life was over, an angel guided him to a cave. He fell asleep. And three hundred years he woke up. What did he see and witness? Find out in "The Twelve Apostles".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A tailor’s poverty made him commit a crime. He was travelling around searching for work but there was nowhere to be found. He was so desperate that when he saw a Jew he decided to try his luck. Why not rob him? He must have money? But he did not. And the tailor got so angry that he killed him. The last words the Jew uttered were "The bright sun brings it to light". The tailor continued with his life. He even married. One day while he was sitting outside and enjoying the sun, the Jew’s words came up in his mind. His wife heard him and wanted to find out the story behind them. He had to tell her. But then she had to tell the neighbor as well. Do you know what happened next? You can find out in "The Bright Sun Brings It to Light".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The fish face a serious issue. They do not have a king. So they decide to hold a contest where the fastest fish is to be proclaimed as the new king. The herring is leading. The sole is right behind. Who will win? Is there a poor loser in the story and what will it lead to? "The Sole" holds the answer.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A fisherman and his wife lived poorly by the sea. One day the fisherman caught a flounder and he promised the fisherman to grant him wishes, if he was willing to let him go. The man in our story did so but forgot to take advantage of the wish. The wife was however greedier so she asked for a cottage. And she got it. But it was not enough. Then she asked for a castle. But still it was not enough. And she kept asking for more and more. Do you think she was satisfied in the end? Do you agree that it is wrong to not express gratitude? If you want to find out how the couple ended up, read "The Fisherman and His Wife".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Hans’ uncle wanted to marry his nephew to a rich man’s daughter. Hans’ fortune was however not that big so the uncle had to come up with a trick. He went to the neighbor village where a rich man lived. He convinced the man that the marriage to Hans was worth it because the boy had as many patches as the ones on the uncle’s trousers. You cannot imagine how big of a misunderstanding occurred because in Hans’ an the rich man’s villages "patches" meant "land" as well. Will the rich man find out that he was tricked before the marriage or his daughter will be given to an ordinary poor peasant?Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.
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- 38.99 kr.