Early 19th century c 1800 to c 1850
From 58.99 kr. Quando il Marchese di Alton giunge in soccorso della giovane Sylvina, bella in maniera eterea e altrettanto pura di cuore, non può che notare immediatamente quanto questa sia diversa dalle signore superficiali e senza ritegno che popolano l'alta società londinese. Eppure, con sua sorpresa, dopo quel pomeriggio idilliaco trascorso insieme nel bosco, Sylvina rifiuta con fermezza ogni suo invito a rivedersi di nuovo. Quello che lui non sa, però, è che Sylvina è già destinata a un infelice matrimonio combinato con lo sgradevole signor Cuddington, sottosegretario di Stato per gli affari esteri. Per lei, quello per il Marchese è purtroppo un amore proibito e irrealizzabile, che può esistere soltanto tra gli alberi di quel bosco incantato in cui si sono incontrati.Barbara Cartland (1901 – 2000) è stata una scrittrice britannica molto prolifica, specializzata in particolare in romanzi rosa e novelle romantiche. In oltre settant'anni di attività scrisse oltre 730 romanzi e fu, con oltre un miliardo di copie vendute, una delle autrici di maggior successo di tutti i tempi. Tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta divenne una personalità mediatica soprattutto grazie a numerose apparizioni televisive e partecipazioni a eventi mondani, nonché in quanto imparentata con la giovane Lady Diana, principessa del Galles. Tra i titoli più conosciuti a livello internazionale spiccano "Amore innocente", "La ballerina e il principe" e "Passione sotto la cenere".
69.00 kr. Thomasine Gyllembourg (1773-1856) var en af sin tids mest berømte forfattere og en af de mest berygtede kvinder i Danmark, efter hun lod sig skille fra sin landsforviste ægtemand, P.A. Heiberg, for at gifte sig med sit livs store kærlighed, den ludfattige baron Gyllembourg. Benedicte Arnesen Kalls foredrag om den tragiske forfatter relaterer både fru Gyllembourgs skæbne og værker til sin egen tids samfund og litteratur og tegner samtidig et tidsløst billede af den interessante og viljestærke forfatter.Benedicte Arnesen Kall (1813-1895) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter, der blandt andet skrev romaner, rejseskildringer, debatbøger og erindringer. Udover virket som forfatter påtog Benedicte Arnesen Kall sig det enorme arbejde at oversætte og annotere samtlige Molières komedier fra fransk til dansk. Benedicte Arnesen Kall levede et spændende liv med rejser til Italien, Grækenland, Konstantinopel og Island, som hun efterfølgende udgav rejseskildringer om.
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- 69.00 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Civil Disobedience’ (1849) is an essay by American poet, essayist, and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, who is best known for his book ‘Walden’ (1854).In this classic essay, Thoreau famously argues that citizens should not allow their government to overrule their consciences, arguing that their compliance enables governments to make them the agents of injustice.A lifelong abolitionist, Thoreau was motivated to write this essay by his contempt for slavery and the plight of John Brown. His work went on to influence the political thoughts and actions of both Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.This pioneering, thought-provoking classic, remains as relevant today as when it was first written.Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) was an American naturalist, poet, essayist and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book ‘Walden’ (1854), a deliberation on simple living in natural surroundings, and his advocation of civil liberties in the essay ‘Civil Disobedience’ (1849).A lifelong abolitionist he praised the writings of Wendell Phillips and defended the abolitionist John Brown, most notably with his works, ‘A Plea for Captain John Brown’ (1859), ‘Remarks After the Hanging of John Brown’ (1859), and ‘The Last Days of John Brown (1860)’.Thoreau's philosophy of civil disobedience went on to influence writers and leading political figures across the world, including Tolstoy, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. His pioneering works continue to resonate with people to this day.
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- 38.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Stavnsbåndet, der tvang mænd mellem 4 og 40 år til at blive boende på det gods eller den herregård, hvor de blev født, havde ikke blot en knusende indflydelse på de stavnsbundne menneskers liv, men det påvirkede også nationaløkonomien på flere forskellige måder. Først i 1788 blev det officielt ophævet for drenge under 14 år, og frem til år 1800 blev det afviklet helt. Professor V. Falbe-Hansen beskriver de indvirkninger, ophævelsen af stavnsbåndet og de nye landboreformer havde på nationaløkonomien.Første del behandler tiden, fra stavnsbåndet indførtes i 1733, og frem til 1807, da effekterne af dets ophævelse blev mere og mere tydelige i samfundet. Bogen udkom i 1888, og året efter udkom andet bind.Vigand Andreas Falbe Hansen (1841-1932) var en dansk nationaløkonom, konferensråd, dr.jur., professor og politiker, der skrev en lang række bøger og afhandlinger om økonomisk historie og nationaløkonomi. Han er særligt kendt for sin todelte bog om stavnsbåndsløsningen fra 1888-1889.
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- 69.00 kr.
40.99 kr. Don Félix de Montemar pertenece a la larga lista de seductores traicioneros que acaban recibiendo su merecido. Cuando don Félix abandona a la bella e inocente Elvira, esta enloquece y muere, y su hermano, don Diego de Pastrana, viaja desde Flandes para vengarla. Al anochecer, la muerte persigue a don Félix por las calles fantasmagóricas de Salamanca.José de Espronceda (1808-1842) fue un novelista, dramaturgo y poeta español adscrito al Romanticismo. Desde muy joven se posicionó políticamente y luchó junto a otros intelectuales, como Mariano José de Larra, contra el absolutismo monárquico. Su producción poética, de inspiración byroniana, es muy conocida y aclamada, entre la que destacan «El estudiante de Salamanca» y «El diablo mundo».
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- 40.99 kr.
129.00 kr. Forældreløse Nelly lever med sin bedstefar, der ejer en antikvitetsforretning i London. I et forsøg på at skabe en større formue, som Nelly kan arve, får han spillet sig selv i en dyb gæld hos lånehajen Daniel Quilp. Hurtigt ser Quilp sit snit til at få dem smidt ud af antikvitetsforretningen som tilbagebetaling, og de to ender på gaden og forlader London for at leve som tiggere.I London bliver en godhjertet mand overtalt til at finde og gifte sig med Nelly, så han kan få del i hendes formue, der aldrig har fandtes. Quilp, der godt ved dette, hjælper alligevel til bare for at se det gå galt - men hvor galt?Charles Dickens (1812-70) er et af de helt store navne i engelsk litteratur. Hans bøger læses stadig flittigt og lever videre på både teatret og filmlærredet. I hans bøger fokuserer han ofte på klasseskel og den lille mands kår, til tider tilsat en god portion humor. Foruden romaner har han forfattet mange kortere prosatekster samt skuespil, rejsebøger og børnebøger.
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- 129.00 kr.
111.99 kr. Herzerfrischende Figuren, spritzig und pointiert erzähltEngland, 1815. Als Gervase Frant, Earl of St. Erth, unverhofft aus der Schlacht von Waterloo nach Hause zurückkehrt, sind seine Verwandten enttäuscht. Schließlich hatten sie das gesamte Erbe bereits unter sich aufgeteilt. Warum war der Earl auch so taktlos, sich nicht totschießen zu lassen? Der einzige Lichtblick inmitten der feindseligen Familie ist die unscheinbare, aber äußerst charmante Miss Drusilla Morville, die gerade zu Besuch auf dem Herrensitz ist und den Earl mit ihren gewagten politischen Ansichten amüsiert. Aber als ein Mordanschlag auf den Earl verübt wird, überschlagen sich die Ereignisse ...BIRGIT ARNOLD arbeitet seit mehreren Jahren erfolgreich als Sprecherin und Sängerin. Zudem schreibt sie mythologische Erzählungen.Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) war eine beliebte englische Schriftstellerin, die vor allem durch ihre romantisch-humorvollen Romane weltberühmt wurde. Ihr Figuren sind stets charmant und selbstbewusst. "Georgette Heyer" ist eine registrierte Handelsmarke.
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- 111.99 kr.
99.00 kr. Benedicte Arnesen Kall tager os i sine erindringer med tilbage til København i starten af 1800-tallet, få år efter byen var blevet bombet af englænderne. Hun fortæller om opvæksten hos sine belæste forældre, om den uddannelse, hun fik hos professor Børge Thorlacius og hans kone, der blev som en anden mor for den unge pige. Bogen skildrer både den lille piges vej gennem ungdommen, til hun bliver en voksen og selvstændig kvinde, og det spændende, intellektuelle miljø, hun var en del af.Benedicte Arnesen Kall (1813-1895) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter, der blandt andet skrev romaner, rejseskildringer, debatbøger og erindringer. Udover virket som forfatter påtog Benedicte Arnesen Kall sig det enorme arbejde at oversætte og annotere samtlige Molières komedier fra fransk til dansk. Benedicte Arnesen Kall levede et spændende liv med rejser til Italien, Grækenland, Konstantinopel og Island, som hun efterfølgende udgav rejseskildringer om.
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- 99.00 kr.
148.99 kr. Mitkä asiat johtivat siihen, että Suomesta tuli osa Venäjän keisarikuntaa?Eletään talvea 1808 Ruotsiin kuuluvassa Suomessa. Kun Venäjän armeija hyökkää yllättäen yli rajan, Ruotsin armeijan johtajat pitävät hätäkokouksen. Sota, joka myöhemmin tunnetaan nimellä Suomen sota, on alkanut. Olosuhteet ovat vaikeat, sillä lunta ja pakkasta riittää. Siitä huolimatta vihollinen on voitokas ja etenee tehokkaasti kohti Turkua ja muita suuria kaupunkeja. Miksi Ruotsin armeija pärjää niin huonosti vihollista vastaan?Rummut on kiehtova historiallinen romaani, joka käsittelee aikaa, jolloin Suomi siirtyi Venäjän alaiseksi.Arvi Järventaus (1883–1939) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja pappi. Järventauksen romaaneista tunnetaan parhaiten hänen esikoisteoksensa Risti ja noitarumpu.
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- 148.99 kr.
79.00 kr. "Nær St. Hans i 1796 skinnede midsommersolen ind i et tømret kammer på gården Hauge i Tune Sogn i Smålenenes Amt.Krøniken beretter, at ’en ung mand med brede skuldre, bredt bryst, lysebrunt hår og et mildt åsyn vandrede op og ned ad gulvet.’Hans Nilsen Hauge dikterede, mens hans ældre broder, lensmanden, sad ved fyrrebordet og skrev.Pennen fløj hen over papiret. Der var så stille, man hørte kun gåsefjerens kradsen, Hans Nilsen Hauges tunge skridt, kobjælderne udenfor og jæternes kavken."Lægmandsprædikanten Hans Nilsen Hauge (1771-1824) var en revolutionerende kraft i den norske religiøse vækkelse i slutningen af 1700-tallet og de første årtier af 1800-tallet. Laura Kieler beretter om hans kamp for at udbrede kristendommen til den norske almue i et sprog, de forstod, og med budskaber, de kunne relatere til. Vi lærer om den store mands egen religiøse vækkelse og det kald, der fulgte i dens kølvand, og om hans usædvanlige evne til at inspirere andre til at følge i hans fodspor og udbrede det kristne budskab videre og videre i det norske land."En oppositionsmand" er en spændende biografisk roman, der udkom første gang i 1886.Laura Kieler (1849-1932) var en dansk-norsk forfatter, der både var kendt for sit forfatterskab, som ivrig debattør i kvindeorganisationernes tidsskrifter og for at være inspiration til to kvindeskikkelser i Henrik Ibsens skuespil. Henrik Ibsens skildringer af Laura Kieler var ikke flatterende, men udstillede i stedet aspekter af hendes liv, som hun ikke ønskede, at offentligheden skulle se. Uagtet Henrik Ibsens fremstillinger af hende og blandt andre Georg Brandes’ hårde kritik huskes Laura Kieler som en dygtig forfatter og en handlekraftig og viljestærk kvinde, der formåede at hæve sig over den uretfærdighed, verden igen og igen bød hende. Laura Kieler blev læst af mange, og hun fik som en af de få gennembrudskvinder en betydelig indkomst af sit forfatterskab. Sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.
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- 79.00 kr.
148.99 kr. Behendig, pienter en ondernemend, dat is de jonge Freddy Musgrove in een notendop. In de roerige tijden van de negentiende eeuw, blijven zijn talenten dan ook niet onopgemerkt. Binnen een mum van tijd wordt hij gevraagd om geheimzinnige boodschappen en pakketjes door de douane te krijgen. Als koerier varend door de Theems, levert hij een pakketje af bij het Grote Huis. Maar wat voor verschrikkelijks hij daar te zien krijgt, blijft hem zijn leven lang achtervolgen. Of is het zijn ticket naar een gelukkig, liefdevol leven?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.
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- 148.99 kr.
23.99 kr. Za ciasno tej pani w tym pięknym gorsecie.W spowitym mgłą miasteczku Combehurst, w domu położonym na wrzosowisku, dorastają dzieci zmarłego wikarego. Grzeczna i wyrozumiała Maggie na co dzień ustępuje krnąbrnemu Edwardowi. Takiej postawy wymaga od niej matka, starsza służąca, a właściwie cały świat epoki wiktoriańskiej. Gdy dorosły już brat popada w konflikt z prawem, Maggie ma możliwość uchronić go przed więzieniem. Warunkiem jest zerwanie zaręczyn, które są dla niej szansą na szczęśliwe życie. Czy młoda kobieta znajdzie siłę, by zawalczyć o siebie?Wątki powieści zostały wykorzystane w brytyjskim serialu telewizyjnym "Cranford" (1972).Książka spodoba się miłośnikom twórczości Emily Jane Brontë i jej słynnej powieści "Wichrowe wzgórza".Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) - ceniona brytyjska powieściopisarka epoki wiktoriańskiej. Urodzona w Chelsea w Londynie Elżbieta wcześnie została sierotą. Po śmierci matki trafiła pod opiekę ciotki mieszkającej w Knutsford w Cheshire - to miejsce będzie stanowić inspirację dla wielu jej popularnych książek, m.in. „Cranford". Jako młoda kobieta poślubiła Williama Gaskella, który oprócz bycia pastorem również zajmował się pisarstwem, i osiadła z nim w Manchesterze. Para doczekała się licznego potomstwa. Małżeństwo prowadziło ożywione życie towarzyskie, w kręgu ich znajomych pozostawali znani artyści, m.in. Charles Dickens oraz Charlotte Brontë. W swoich powieściach (m.in. „Mary Barton", „Północ i południe") obrazowała życie różnych warstw społecznych. Pisała także opowiadania o duchach w stylistyce gotyckiej, w czym kibicował jej sam Dickens. Znaczną popularność zyskała pierwsza biografia Charlotte Brontë jej autorstwa. BBC zrealizowało serialowe adaptacje kilku jej powieści, m.in. „Północ i południe", „Cranford" oraz wydane pośmiertnie „Żony i córki".
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- 23.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘Abolition Fanaticism in New York’ is a speech written by Douglass and delivered in 1847.Proving that the pen can be mightier than the sword, Douglass deftly used his linguistic abilities to create a rousing appeal to the English to shame America into abolishing slavery.Witty, moving, and always intelligent, this is a superb read for anyone with an interest in one of America’s most unsung heroes.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave".
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- 38.99 kr.
77.99 kr. For fans of American history and the abolition of slavery, 'Clotel' follows two sisters who are the fictional slave daughters of Thomas Jefferson. After Thomas Jefferson's death, Clotel and her sister Althesa encounter many hardships, with the women making heroic decisions in order to keep themselves safe and preserve their families.A harrowing story of huge importance, 'Clotel' is the first novel published by an African American. With historic overtones, the story looks at how slavery destroyed African-American families and tore them apart, and the difficulties mixed-raced people faced living in the mid-1800s.Those who enjoyed Ellen Watkins Harper's 'Iola Leroy' should certainly explore this gripping historical novel!William Wells Brown was a prominent abolitionist lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian in the United States. He was born into slavery in Montgomery County, Kentucky and escaped to Ohio in 1834 at the age of 19.He settled in Boston where he worked for abolitionist causes and became a prolific writer. His novel Clotel (1853), considered the first novel written by an African American, was published in London, where he resided at the time; it was later published in the United States.Brown was a pioneer in travel writing, fiction, and drama literary genres. In 1858 he became the first published African-American playwright and following the Civil War, in 1867 he published what is considered the first history of African Americans in the Revolutionary War. He was among the first writers inducted to the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame, established in 2013.Brown was lecturing in England when the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law was passed in the US. As its provisions increased the risk of capture and re-enslavement, he stayed overseas for several years and traveled throughout Europe. After his freedom was purchased in 1854 by a British couple, he and his two daughters returned to the US.
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- 77.99 kr.
96.99 kr. 1809, Una isla desierta en medio del Mediterráneo.5000 hombres y 21 mujeres abandonados a su suerte.El conmovedor destino de Héloïse.1809. Las guerras napoleónicas están en su apogeo. Mientras creen ser repatriados a Francia, 5000 soldados del ejército napoleónico, perdedores de la gran batalla de Bailén, son deportados a la isla de Cabrera, en las Islas Baleares. Para sobrevivir: insuficientes raciones de agua dulce y comida, precarios refugios que construyen ellos solos con ramas encontradas en la isla.Les acompañan 21 mujeres, entre ellas, Héloïse, una cantinera de dieciocho años que acaba de perder a su marido en el viaje. Si la guerra ya había herido a los hombres, la desesperación del cautiverio les hace perder la razón. Por suerte, Henri, un cirujano del ejército, toma a Héloïse bajo su protección. Entre privaciones, epidemias y tormentas, los muertos se acumulan, la esperanza disminuye, y Héloïse solo piensa en liberarse de este infierno... hasta la llegada de nuevos prisioneros y de Louis, que lo cambiará todo.¿A fuerza de tenacidad, logrará Héloïse salvarse? Porque si el amor es un cautiverio voluntario, el mar ya la hizo prisionera...Elisa Sebbel es una escritora francesa. Es doctora en literatura francesa, da clases en la universidad y vive en Mallorca. La prisionera del mar es su primera novela.
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- 96.99 kr.
65.99 kr. Epopeja z życia dziewiętnastowiecznej angielskiej burżuazji. Na przestrzeni kilku pokoleń rodzina Newcome staje się cenioną familią bankierów, zdobywa fortunę i pomnaża majątek poprzez aranżowane małżeństwa z przedstawicielami arystokracji. Prywatne uczucia i dążenia jej członków nie mają przy tym większego znaczenia. Ale nawet w najbardziej wyrachowanym rodzie zdarzają się jednostki wrażliwe i stawiające na autentyczne relacje - takie jak szlachetny pułkownik Thomas Newcome oraz jego syn Clive. Ciekawostką jest, że właśnie w tej powieści po raz pierwszy użyto wymyślonego słowa "kapitalizm" w odniesieniu do systemu ekonomicznego. Idealna lektura dla miłośników "Lalki" Bolesława Prusa.William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) - dziewiętnastowieczny brytyjski dziennikarz, pisarz, satyryk. Urodził się w Kalkucie jako syn pracownika Brytyjskiej Kompanii Wschodnioindyjskiej. Po kilku latach jego rodzina wróciła do Anglii, więc edukację pobierał w brytyjskich szkołach. Stosunkowo wcześnie nawiązał współpracę z prasą i jako dziennikarz odbywał wiele podróży po Europie, podczas których poznawał największe osobowości swoich czasów (np. Goethe). Szerszą popularność przyniosła mu powieść "Targowisko próżności".
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- 65.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Honoré de Balzac's short story ´The illustrious Gaudissaart´ reveals the arrogance and prejudice on both sides of the city-country divide.When a slick salesman from the big city visits the provincial town of Vouvray, he is confident that the locals will buy anything.But Gaudissart's apparent belief in the doctrine of Saint-Simonianism, which teaches that industrialisation will empty the countryside and create a Utopian society of workers, riles a local man named Vernier.He tricks him into selling items to his unstable neighbour Margaritis, who convinces the salesman to buy two non-existent wine barrels.This vindictive practical joke then escalates into legal action and a dramatic duel ensues.For more insights into life in 1830s Europe, try Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Ruth' and 'North and South'.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
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77.99 kr. The second book in the ‘Sanders of the River’ series, ‘The People of the River’ gives us a little more insight into the working of the eponymous Commissioner’s mind.Wonderfully witty, decidedly facetious, and always irreverent, this is a collection of encounters between Commissioner Sanders and the Nigerian natives under colonial rule.In addition to the vignettes Wallace paints, this serves as a fascinating record of the cultural clash experienced by both the invaders and the oppressed.A superb read for Wallace fans and those with an interest in history, where the lines between fact and fiction are brilliantly blurred.Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
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- 77.99 kr.
69.99 kr. Baráttan við fátæktina og misréttið hefur kostað Fantine lífið. Jean Valjean er enn á ný á flótta undan fortíð sinni en réttsýni lögreglumaðurinn Javert er stöðugt á hælum hans. Þrátt fyrir mótbyr heldur Valjean ótrauður áfram í baráttunni fyrir réttlæti en hann hafði lofað Fantine að vernda dóttur hennar, Cosette, sem sætir illri meðferð í fóstri hjá Thénardier fjölskyldunni. Hér kristallast barátta milli góðs og ills í áhrifamikilli frásögn um von, æðruleysi og elju.Bókaserían Vesalingarnir kom fyrst út árið 1862 og naut umsvifalaust mikilla vinsælda. Bókin hefur verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og er talin ein áhrifamesta skáldsaga sem gefin hefur verið út í Evrópu. Sagan gerist á fyrrihluta 19. aldar í Frakklandi þegar miklar hræringar eiga sér stað í samfélaginu. Þar fléttast líf ólíkra einstaklinga saman í örlagaríka atburðarás þrunginnar ástríðu, áræðis, og þrautseigju. Eftir skáldsögunni hafa verið gerðar fjölmargar kvikmyndir en árið 2012 fóru Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway og Russel Crowe með aðalhlutverk í eftirgerð Vesalingana undir leikstjórn Tom Hoopers.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var franskur skáldsagna-, ljóða- og leikritahöfundur. Hann er talinn einn fremsti og áhrifamesti rithöfundur Frakklands en Vesalingarnir og Hringjarinn í Notre Dame eru meðal þekktustu skáldsagna hans. Ásamt því að vera einn af máttarstólpum rómantísku stefnunnar á 19. öld var Hugo einnig mikill mannréttindasinni og endurspeglast þau viðhorf í mörgum verka hans. Fjöldi bóka Hugos hefur verið endurgerður í formi sviðsverka og kvikmynda.
- Ebook
- 69.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Vuosi 1807. Kun kolmimastolaiva uppoaa myrskyssä Ruijan rannikolla Pohjois-Norjassa, se jättää jälkeensä tuhoa, pettymystä ja salailua.Romaani Kolmimasto "Tulevaisuus" seuraa norjalaisten, saamelaisten ja kveenien elämää Pohjois-Norjan ankarissa maisemissa. Ihmisten arkea leimaavat tarve selviytyä ja tulla toimeen niin luonnon kuin muiden ihmistenkin kanssa. Tarina seuraa eri perheitä vuosien saatossa: merenkulkua, kaupankäyntiä ja matkoja ympäröiville alueille – ja keskinäistä kilpailuakin.Jonas Lie (1833–1908) on yksi 1800-luvun norjalaisen kirjallisuuden kuuluisimpia edustajia. Romaanien lisäksi hän julkaisi näytelmiä ja runoja. Hän käsitteli teoksissaan usein perhe-elämää, yhteiskuntaa ja pohjoisen luontoa.
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Jännittävä historiallinen romaani Suomenlinnan puolustuksesta.Eletään 1800-luvun alkua, ja Suomen sota odottaa jo nurkan takana. Sophie Hjärne ja Helena Reuterskjöld ovat Viaporin linnoituksen iloiset rouvat. Puolisot Gustaf Hjärne ja Carl Reuterskjöld ovat kapteeneja, joilla on suuri merkitys Viaporin puolustuksessa Venäjää vastaan. Sota ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa asia, joka tuo tummia varjoja naisten elämään. Kun isorokko jyllää Helsingissä, edes linnoituksen naiset eivät ole turvassa taudilta.Linnoituksen iloiset rouvat on Maila Talvion kiehtova romaani täynnä menneen ajan Helsingin lumoa.Maila Talvio on kirjailija Maila Mikkolan (1871–1951) salanimi. Mikkola julkaisi esikoisteoksensa Haapaniemen keinu vuonna 1895. Mikkola piti 1900-luvun alussa suosittua kirjallista salonkia Linnunlaulun huvilassa, joka on nykyään kirjailijatalo Villa Kivi.
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. "Täytyyhän tunnustaa, että seuraelämän tehtävänä on tapojen sievistyttäminen ja taisteleminen raakuutta vastaan..."Kapteeni Jäger asuu vaimonsa ja tyttäriensä Thinkan, Inger-Johannan ja Thean kanssa Norjan maaseudulla. Tyttärien elämää varjostavat 1840-luvulle tyypilliset kysymykset: kenen kanssa olisi järkevää mennä naimisiin? Uhratako rakkaus vakaan tulevaisuuden takia? Vanhemmat haluavat lapsilleen onnea, mutta samalla ymmärtävät aikansa vaatimukset naisille. Jonas Lien yhteiskunnallinen romaani Perhe Giljellä vuodelta 1883 (suom. Lyydi Stenbäck) kuvaa naisen onnea ja surua 1840-luvun Norjassa.Jonas Lie (1833–1908) on yksi 1800-luvun norjalaisen kirjallisuuden kuuluisimpia edustajia. Romaanien lisäksi hän julkaisi näytelmiä ja runoja. Hän käsitteli teoksissaan usein perhe-elämää, yhteiskuntaa ja pohjoisen luontoa.
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
69.99 kr. Jean Valjean er staðráðinn í að snúa baki við glæpsamlegri fortíð sinni og verða að heiðarlegum manni. Eftir margra ára fangelsisvist og eymd tekst honum að skapa sér nafn sem auðugur verksmiðjueigandi og borgarstjóri. Á sama tíma fer lífið ekki ljúfum höndum um hina ungu Fatine sem eignast dóttur utan hjónabands og þarf í kjölfarið að færa fórnir sem ræna hana stoltinu og lífsgæðunum. Vesalingarnir er í senn átakanleg og hjartnæm saga sem lýsir mikilvægi samkenndar og kærleika þegar móti blæs. Bókaserían Vesalingarnir kom fyrst út árið 1862 og naut umsvifalaust mikilla vinsælda. Bókin hefur verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og er talin ein áhrifamesta skáldsaga sem gefin hefur verið út í Evrópu. Sagan gerist á fyrrihluta 19. aldar í Frakklandi þegar miklar hræringar eiga sér stað í samfélaginu. Þar fléttast líf ólíkra einstaklinga saman í örlagaríka atburðarás þrunginnar ástríðu, áræðis, og þrautseigju. Eftir skáldsögunni hafa verið gerðar fjölmargar kvikmyndir en árið 2012 fóru Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway og Russel Crowe með aðalhlutverk í eftirgerð Vesalingana undir leikstjórn Tom Hoopers. Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var franskur skáldsagna-, ljóða- og leikritahöfundur. Hann er talinn einn fremsti og áhrifamesti rithöfundur Frakklands en Vesalingarnir og Hringjarinn í Notre Dame eru meðal þekktustu skáldsagna hans. Ásamt því að vera einn af máttarstólpum rómantísku stefnunnar á 19. öld var Hugo einnig mikill mannréttindasinni og endurspeglast þau viðhorf í mörgum verka hans. Fjöldi bóka Hugos hefur verið endurgerður í formi sviðsverka og kvikmynda.
111.99 kr. Irland im Jahre 1847: Auch nach zwei Jahren wütet noch immer die Hungersnot in dem völlig verarmten Land. Éanna und Brendan, der junge Ire, an den sie ihr Herz verloren hat, schaffen es nur mühsam, Arbeit in Dublin zu finden. Für die ersehnte Überfahrt nach Amerika können sie von ihrem dürftigen Lohn kaum etwas beiseite legen. Um ihrem Traum endlich ein Stück näher zu kommen, bittet Éanna heimlich den Schriftsteller Patrick O’Brien um Hilfe. Doch sie hat die Rechnung ohne Brendan gemacht, denn der wird rasend eifersüchtig ... Band 2 der Éanna-Reihe von Ashley Carrington.Mit einer Gesamtauflage in Deutschland von fast sechs Millionen zählt Rainer M. Schröder alias Ashley Carrington zu den erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern von Jugendbüchern sowie historischen Gesellschaftsromanen für Erwachsene.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
23.99 kr. Groza i makabra w XIX-wiecznej Anglii.Zbiór opowiadań, w których mistrz powieści obyczajowej pokazuje swoje zaskakujące oblicze - twórcy mrożących krew w żyłach historii. Niektóre zebrane tu miniaturki można potraktować jako wprawki przed wielkimi dziełami (np. opowiadanie "O Goblinach, które uprowadziły grabarza" zawiera motywy rozwinięte później w "Opowieści Wigilijnej"). Mimo zwięzłej formy, błyskotliwy styl Dickensa stale czaruje czytelników.Dla miłośników klasycznych opowieści grozy, w stylu utworów Lovecrafta.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".
- Ebook
- 23.99 kr.
38.99 kr. It is sometimes difficult to know who most deserves our judgement.Do we look down more upon a shop owner for inventing a royal backstory for one of his items - or is the customer who believes the story even worse?Set in 19th century Paris, Honoré de Balzac's short story sees an English woman looking to buy a shawl in a shop.The owner sees a chance to con a foreigner by claiming the shawl was once owned by Empress Josephine, once the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.Will she buy the story - and the shawl?Named after Felix Gaudissart, a travelling salesman who appears in other Balzac tales, ´Gaudissart II´ demonstrates Blazac's skills as he portrays greed, dishonesty, and gullibility to perfection.´Gaudissart II´ will delight any reader familiar with Balzac's body of work.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
77.99 kr. If you have seen Ricky Gervais in 'The Office', you will know how much comedy and pathos occurs in apparently mundane locations. In 'The Lesser Bourgeoisie', Honore de Balzac turns his sharp eye on the intrigues of the white-collar world.Spinster Marie-Jeanne-Brigitte Thuillier has made money from selling her bank business. She dedicates her life to supporting her brother, an attractive but mediocre man with an illegitimate daughter, Celeste.Celeste's mother, Flavie, is a social climber who takes lovers to advance her husband's career - and to find a rich husband for her daughter.The murky waters are further muddied by the arrival of the lawyer Theodose de La Peyrade, who targets the hand of Celeste (and her inheritance).It is all rather unbecoming as the vultures circle around Celeste, and Balzac exposes the greed that exists at this level of French society.If you like office intrigue, try 'The Way We Live Now' by Anthony Trollope.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Born mixed-race, but with pale skin, Georges was rejected by everyone in the 19th-century French colony of Mauritius. But, in this era of slavery and abuse, he was destined to be noticed.In Alexandre Dumas' action-packed novel, Georges, the son of a wealthy, mixed-race planter, leads a black militia group and saves the lives of many planters during the British invasion of Mauritius.However, he gets no thanks. Then, when he fights with the son of another planter, his father sends him to France to be schooled.Here, Georges becomes eloquent, educated, and a hit with the ladies.He returns to Mauritius and his popularity quickly increases in society. But, when he discovers that his brother is the captain of a slave ship, he is furious.The fuse is lit for a slave revolt, imprisonment, and a death sentence.Is it the end for Georges?Perfect for readers of Victor Hugo's 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' and 'My Bondage and my Freedom' by Frederick Douglass.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was a world-famous playwright and novelist. During his life and after his death, he has been one of the most important and widely read French historical adventure writers. His experience was based on his many travels and exuberant lifestyle.His novels include 'The Count of Monte Cristo', 'The Three Musketeers', 'The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later', and 'Twenty Years After'. His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies and TV series.The English playwright Watts Phillips, who knew Dumas in his later life, said: "He was the most generous, large-hearted being in the world. He also was the most delightfully amusing and egotistical creature on the face of the earth."For readers of the novels of Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens.
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- 77.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Como las anteriores, también la desamortización de Mendizábal fue duramente criticada por sus coetáneos. Por un lado, el clero y el bando más moderado aborrecía las expropiaciones de la Iglesia; por otro, la bolsa y los deudores seguían insatisfechos con los ingresos que el Estado estaba consiguiendo; y algunos intelectuales y políticos, como el escritor José de Espronceda, se daban cuenta de la enorme desigualdad social que suponía dejar fuera de las subastas a los proletarios. En este breve e ingenioso opúsculo Espronceda carga contra el ministro Mendizábal y contra todos los especuladores que se aprovecharon de la desamortización.José de Espronceda (1808-1842) fue un novelista, dramaturgo y poeta español adscrito al Romanticismo. Desde muy joven se posicionó políticamente y luchó junto a otros intelectuales, como Mariano José de Larra, contra el absolutismo monárquico. Su producción poética, de inspiración byroniana, es muy conocida y aclamada, entre la que destacan «El estudiante de Salamanca» y «El diablo mundo».
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- 36.99 kr.
96.99 kr. In questo particolarissimo saggio dalle inclinazioni romanzesche, Alexandre Dumas condensa tutto il proprio amore per l’arte e per l’Italia. Nel 1840, incaricato di comporre un testo sulla Galleria degli Uffizi, Dumas finisce per creare un vivido affresco di tre protagonisti assoluti del Rinascimento: Michelangelo, Tiziano e Raffaello. In "Tre maestri", quindi, abbiamo il privilegio di assistere al dialogo fra un grande romanziere del XIX secolo e i suoi artisti prediletti, potendo contare su un rigoroso metodo di ricerca e sulla sensibilità estetica dell’autore. Non c’è aspetto dell’atto creativo che Dumas non scandagli – dalla genesi di un’opera al suo contesto ambientale – né elemento biografico o caratteriale che sfugga al suo occhio vigile. Il Genio viene trattato in ogni sua sfumatura...Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) nasce a Villers-Cotterêts, figlio di un generale della Rivoluzione Francese di origini haitiane. Cresciuto con la madre, che gestisce un piccolo spaccio di tabacchi, nel 1823 si trasferisce a Parigi, dapprima come copista del Duca di Orléans, poi affermandosi come drammaturgo. Ottenuta la fama con "Enrico III e la sua corte", ben presto Dumas si specializza nel romanzo storico e, a partire dal 1844, pubblica i suoi libri più noti: "La Regina Margot", "I Tre Moschettieri" e "Il Conte di Montecristo". Trascorre lunghi anni in viaggio – per sfuggire ai creditori – visitando vari paesi europei, la Russia e il Caucaso. Nel 1861 è fra i finanziatori della Spedizione dei Mille di Garibaldi. Morirà nel 1870, ospite nella villa del figlio, suo omonimo e altrettanto noto scrittore.
- Audiobook
- 96.99 kr.