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  • by Alfred Tennyson
    59.99 kr.

    ‘Maud and Other Poems’ is a collection of eight poems, including the famous ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade.’Through his works, Tennyson explores a range of subjects, such as love, death, marriage, regret, God, and war.The title poem follows the narrator’s love for Maud, from its initial unsteadiness to its all-consuming passion. Tennyson’s poetic skills move the poem from wistful lament to hot-blooded action.A superb read for fans of one of the greatest poets of all time.One of the most popular and prolific poets of the Victorian age, Alfred Tennyson (1809 – 1892) was born in Lincolnshire. The son of a rector, he was one of 11 children. The size of the family meant that Tennyson was educated at a local grammar school in order to reduce expenditure.At the age of 18, Tennyson was accepted into Trinity College, Cambridge. There, he befriended the poet, Arthur Hallam, and was awarded the Chancellor’s Gold Medal for one of his earliest works, ‘Timbuktu’.During his career, Tennyson wrote over 100 poems, including ‘In Memoriam A.H.H.’, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, and ‘Crossing the Bar’.

  • by Anton Chekhov
    38.99 kr.

    A sombre, grieving monk, ferries a man across the river to visit his local church for the Easter holiday festivities. As they journey towards the celebrations and excitement on the opposite bank, the ferryman recounts the death of his best friend Nikolai.Written by the famous Russian author and playwright, Anton Chekhov, ‘Easter Eve’ (1886) is an atmospheric tale of friendship and grief. Regarded as one of the greatest writers in the world, Chekhov is famous for his plays, including ‘Uncle Vanya’, ‘The Seagull’, ‘Three Sisters’ and ‘The Cherry Orchard’, and for his influence in the development of the modern short story.Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) was a prolific Russian playwright and short-story writer and is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the world. He wrote several famous plays including ‘Uncle Vanya’, ‘The Seagull’, ‘Three Sisters’ and ‘The Cherry Orchard’. They are still performed all over the world and are considered to be masterpieces.Chekhov wrote over one hundred short stories including ‘The Lady with a Dog’, ‘Rothschild’s Violin’, ‘About Love’ and ‘The Bishop’. Credited with being the single most important influence on the development of the modern short story, as well as the father of modern drama, his popularity continues to grow. The Russian’s work has influenced many important writers, including James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams and continues to influence writers and audiences to this day.

  • by Sesse Koivisto
    From 73.99 kr.

    Huikea sukutarina 1800-luvun loppupuolen ja 1900-luvun alun Suomesta.Eletään vuotta 1868 Oulussa. Eufrosyne "Effa" Tiger on nuori oululainen nainen, joka rakastaa laulamista. Effan laulaminen herättää jopa paikallisen kauppiaan huomion, ja tämä haluaisi lähettää Effan ulkomaille oppiin. Kohtalo määrää kuitenkin toisin, ja Effa päätyy postikonttoriin töihin Haapajärvelle. Siellä hän kohtaa suuren rakkauden, jonka mukana hän muuttaa aina Utsjoelle saakka. Effa elää onnellista elämää ja saa useita lapsia. Onni ei kuitenkaan ole ikuista – miten Effalle ja tämän perheelle käy, kun heitä kohtaa suuri onnettomuus? Sesse Koiviston ihastuttava Vallesmannin perhe perustuu Koiviston isovanhempien tarinaan. Sesse Koivisto (1932–2021) oli kirjailija ja biologi. Monet Koiviston kirjat käsittelevät eläimiä ja ihmisten suhdetta niihin. Aihe oli Koivistolle omakohtainen – olihan Koiviston pitkäaikainen puoliso Ilkka Koivisto Korkeasaaren eläintarhan johtaja.

  • by Sven Sprogøe
    79.00 kr.

    Hvordan så livet ud i Bangkok i slutningen af 1800-tallet, hvor mange danskere boede og arbejdede dér gennem det enorme danske firma, Det Østasiatiske Kompagni?I "Østens Kongerige" beskriver historiker og forfatter Sven Sprogøe en ung journalists møde med livet i Bangkok som det så ud i slutningen af 1800-tallet. I tiden havde danskerne en stor tilstedeværelse i området, især via Det Østasiatiske Kompagni. Den unge fortæller beretter levende, og på baggrund af interessant dokumentarisk materiale, om det store firmas ansatte, og om dets stifter, H. N. Andersen.For læsere af rejseskildringer og læsere med interesse for Danmarks historie som international handelsmagt.Sven Sprogøe er uddannet historiker, og han har været ansat ved Københavns Universitet. Ud over sit virke i den akademiske verden er Sprogøe forfatter til en række bøger, bl.a. en journalistisk rejseskildring og to historiske kriminalromaner.

  • by Henning Jensen
    79.00 kr.

    Da pastor Dahlberg skal giftes, tropper de fleste af Åstrups borgere op for at se med. Ikke så meget fordi de er glade for deres pastor, men lige så meget for at se det usædvanlige syn af en af kirkens mænd, der gifter sig til penge. Hvor meget kærlighed der er mellem det umage par, er folk ikke blege for at gætte på, men i virkeligheden kender ingen andre end pastoren selv den sælsomme historie bag det usædvanlige ægteskab."Pastor Dahlberg" udkom første gang i 1892.Henning Jensen (1838-1929) var en dansk forfatter, politiker og journalist. Han var sognepræst i flere år forskellige steder i Danmark, men blev i 1885 afskediget af kirkeminister Jacob Frederik Scavenius for nogle upassende udtalelser. Herefter begyndte Henning Jensen at skrive for flere dagblade og gav Folkekirkes og dens præsteskab nogle hårde ord med på vejen både i sin journalistik og sine bøger. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1891 med romanen "Kapellanen" og udgav efterfølgende en lang række fortællinger.

  • by Ivar Ring
    99.00 kr.

    Helga går ud fra, at hendes tante Marie altid har været fornuftig og streng, men det ændrer sig, da tanten betror hende sin store hemmelighed.Tante Marie har for længst affundet sig med, at kærlighed ikke var noget, der lå i kortene for hende. Det ved Helga godt, men historien bag har hun aldrig fået fortalt. For at lære den unge pige, at livet skal tages alvorligt, fortæller tanten sit barnebarn om sin største hjertesorg, som hun har båret rundt på, siden hun var 18 år.Ivar Rings samling "I tidens løb" indeholder i alt fem fortællinger, der tager os med ind i familierne og i hjerterne på en lang række interessante karakterer fra 1800-tallets Danmark. Bogen udkom første gang i 1881.Ivar Ring er pseudonym for den danske forfatter Alfhilda Theodora Adelheid Mechlenburg (1830-1907), som skrev en lang række populære noveller og romaner. Mange af hendes bøger blev oversat til fremmedsprog, og særligt i Sverige og Norge fandt hun stor succes. Hendes fortællinger udkom både i forskellige ugeblade og i bogform og nåede ud til et bredt publikum.

  • by Lodewijk van Deyssel
    73.99 kr.

    Van Deyssel, in de aanval, in de verdediging en intiem‘Proza’ bevat een bloemlezing uit het werk van Lodewijk van Deyssel. Soms klinkt zijn proza lovend, bijvoorbeeld als hij schrijft over Canova, de 18de-eeuwse beeldhouwer die hij mateloos bewondert, of als hij zijn hoed afneemt voor de schilder Matthijs Maris. Maar veel vaker horen we hier de cassante, sarcastische Van Deyssel, die door meer dan één schrijver gevreesd werd. Zo reageert hij sarcastisch op de mensen die zijn naturalistische romans maar vies vonden (‘Zedelijkheids-causerietje’) en veegt hij de vloer aan met schrijvers van realistische literatuur: bij het lezen ervan hield hij zijn hand aan zijn mond ‘omdat ik bang was mijn kaak te ontwrichten van ’t lachen’ (‘De ooievaar’). ‘Proza’ bevat ook autobiografische fictie, zoals ‘Uit het leven van Frank Rozelaar’ (over de schrijver zelf) en ‘Vaders dood’ (over de moeizame relatie met zijn aanbeden vader).Lodewijk van Deyssel (pseudoniem van Karel Joan Lodewijk Alberdingk Thijm, 1964-1952) was een Nederlandse schrijver en criticus. Hij raakte bekend met de schandaalroman "Een liefde" en bleef onder de aandacht met zijn zogenaamde scheldkritieken, waarin hij zijn collega-schrijvers de maat nam. Hij was vertegenwoordiger van de Tachtigers, de schrijvers die de Nederlandse literatuur wilden vernieuwen door er impressionisme en naturalisme aan toe te voegen. Willem Frederik Hermans prees Van Deyssels autobiografische werk, vooral "Het ik. Heroïsch-individualistische dagboekbladen".

  • by Willem Paap
    73.99 kr.

    Satire over de financiële wereld.In de tweede helft van Willem Paaps satirische roman over de financiële wereld krijgt de gewetenloze speculant Aäron Collette problemen op het thuisfront. Zijn dochter heeft besloten met een kunstschilder te trouwen, een huwelijk dat hij met alle middelen tracht te saboteren. ‘Jeanne Collette’ is een roman over sluwheid, huichelarij en fraude, verteld vanuit twee personages: de emotionele en eerlijke Jeanne tegenover de doortrapte (maar toch niet antipathieke) zwendelaar Aäron.Willem Paap (1856-1923) kwam uit een eenvoudig gezin en was een Nederlandse schrijver en advocaat. Hij was zijn hele leven geïnteresseerd in de Nederlandse letterkunde. Zo twijfelde Paap lange tijd of hij letterkunde zou studeren. Ook is hij één van de oprichters van het literair tijdschrift 'De Nieuwe Gids'. Zijn bekendste roman 'Vincent Haman' (1898) is een sleutelroman waarin de familie Haman Nederlandse schrijvers representeren. Paap was goed bevriend met Eduard Douwes Dekker, beter bekend als Multatuli. Na Multatuli's overlijden kwam zijn weduwe bij Paap in huis wonen, waar hij haar hielp met het publiceren van 'Brieven van Multatuli'. Paap schreef in totaal elf boeken tussen 1884 en 1910 en woonde hij op verschillende plekken in Nederland en Duitsland. Paap keerde in 1912 definitief terug naar Nederland.

  • by Willem Paap
    73.99 kr.

    Satire over de financiële wereld.Willem Paap debuteerde met een satirische novelle, maar ontbond pas echt zijn duivels in de grote maatschappijkritische roman ‘Jeanne Collette’. Eerder dan Jeanne is het haar vader, Aäron Collette, die de hoofdrol speelt in de roman. Tijdgenoten van Willem Paap zagen meteen wie de schrijver op de korrel nam: de Amsterdamse bankier en zakenman A.C. Wertheim. Paap gebruikt hem om een pijnlijk portret van de financiële elite te schilderen. Zijn Aäron Collette speculeert met aandelen, verspreidt geruchten om hun waarde te verhogen of te verlagen en bedriegt jan en alleman. Maar dan raakt Collette opeens in de problemen. Hij weet geld te lenen van een bankdirecteur, die hij in ruil een ministerpost belooft. Vervolgens moet hij al zijn invloed in de liberale partij aanwenden om die belofte na te komen.Willem Paap (1856-1923) kwam uit een eenvoudig gezin en was een Nederlandse schrijver en advocaat. Hij was zijn hele leven geïnteresseerd in de Nederlandse letterkunde. Zo twijfelde Paap lange tijd of hij letterkunde zou studeren. Ook is hij één van de oprichters van het literair tijdschrift 'De Nieuwe Gids'. Zijn bekendste roman 'Vincent Haman' (1898) is een sleutelroman waarin de familie Haman Nederlandse schrijvers representeren. Paap was goed bevriend met Eduard Douwes Dekker, beter bekend als Multatuli. Na Multatuli's overlijden kwam zijn weduwe bij Paap in huis wonen, waar hij haar hielp met het publiceren van 'Brieven van Multatuli'. Paap schreef in totaal elf boeken tussen 1884 en 1910 en woonde hij op verschillende plekken in Nederland en Duitsland. Paap keerde in 1912 definitief terug naar Nederland.

  • by Gun Årestad
    79.00 kr.

    Emma bliver født i slutningen af det nittende århundrede. Hendes moder og fader er ikke gift, men faderen tager sig af hende. Hendes liv bliver en hård kamp, og hun bliver svigtet gang på gang. Først af faderen, som sender hende væk, da han gifter sig, dernæst af plejemoderen, der også sender hende væk, fordi Emma forelsker sig i hendes søn. Emma rejser til Stockholm, hvor hun lever i trange kår, men så vender lykken pludselig..."Dybt i dit hjerte" udkom oprindeligt i 1979.Gun Årestad (f. 1930) er en svensk forfatter, der har udgivet en lang række romaner. Hendes bøger bevæger sig hovedsageligt i romantikkens verden og er blevet oversat til flere forskellige sprog.

  • by Friedrich Engels & Karl Marx
    36.99 kr.

    De klassieke tekst die het communisme deed ontstaan.In ’Het communistisch manifest’ presenteren Marx en Engels een visie op de geschiedenis als een stapsgewijze ontwikkeling naar de totstandkoming van een communistisch georganiseerde staat. Ze zien de nakende strijd tussen de heersende klasse en de arbeiders als onvermijdelijk. Als de arbeiders wonnen, zou dat het einde betekenen van een staatsmodel dat te veel invloed had op het dagelijkse leven van de mensen. Kleine, zelfregulerende organen zouden volstaan om mensen leiding te geven. ‘Het communistisch manifest’ had grote politieke invloed, ook op meer gematigde sociaaldemocraten.Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) was een Duits filosoof, sociaal wetenschapper en industrieel. Samen met Karl Marx schreef hij ‘Het communistisch manifest’, als antwoord op de ellendige situatie van de arbeidersklasse in de 19de eeuw. Zijn denkwerk leidde ertoe dat verschillende Europese staten hem de toegang tot hun grondgebied ontzegden. Als filosoof heeft hij ook een bijdrage geleverd aan het feminisme.Karl Marx (1818-1883) was filosoof, econoom en politicus. Hij begon als volgeling van Hegels filosofie, maar als gevolg van een reeks journalistieke samenwerkingen waarbij hij in contact kwam met de arbeidersbeweging, ontwikkelde hij eigen ideeën. Zijn dialectisch materialisme, ontwikkeld in samenwerking met Friedrich Engels, de ideeën uitgewerkt in zijn boek ‘Het kapitaal’ en zijn sociale engagement, maakten hem tot de intellectuele vader van het communisme.

  • by Sinesio Delgado
    58.99 kr.

    Ingeniosos, divertidos y pícaros, así son los poemas de esta recopilación de Sinesio Delgado.Este autor demostró su versatilidad literaria en periódicos y revistas, pero también publicó algunas obras, como teatro y poesía, en las que retrataba con humor y perspicacia la sociedad española de finales del siglo XIX. En estos poemas no se libran de la parodia jovencitas enamoradas, donjuanes desvergonzados, incluso diputados.Isidro Sinesio Delgado García (1859-1928) fue un escritor y periodista español. Colaboró con el semanario «Madrid Cómico», y acabó dirigiéndolo. Publicó más de mil quinientos artículos en más de cincuenta periódicos y revistas. Una de sus obras más reconocidas es la de «Las vírgenes locas». Alfonso XIII le otorgó la Gran Cruz del Mérito Militar con distintivo blanco. En 1899 fundó junto con otros importantes autores de su época, como Ruperto Chapí o Carlos Arniches, la Sociedad General de Autores de España.

  • by Sinesio Delgado
    44.99 kr.

    Ingeniosos, divertidos y pícaros, así son los poemas de esta recopilación de Sinesio Delgado.En ellos, el poeta retrata una sociedad que todavía no ha desaparecido del todo y que pervive en el recuerdo colectivo. A través de su mirada perspicaz y el ritmo contagioso de sus poemas, recorremos la España de finales del siglo XIX.Isidro Sinesio Delgado García (1859-1928) fue un escritor y periodista español. Colaboró con el semanario «Madrid Cómico», y acabó dirigiéndolo. Publicó más de mil quinientos artículos en más de cincuenta periódicos y revistas. Una de sus obras más reconocidas es la de «Las vírgenes locas». Alfonso XIII le otorgó la Gran Cruz del Mérito Militar con distintivo blanco. En 1899 fundó junto con otros importantes autores de su época, como Ruperto Chapí o Carlos Arniches, la Sociedad General de Autores de España.

  • by May Agnes Fleming
    69.99 kr.

    Rosamond Lovell er ung og fögur stúlka, aðeins átján ára þegar hún giftist hinum auðuga Gordon Caryll. Í ljós kemur að Rosamond er ekki af eins göfugum ættum og eiginmaður hennar taldi, heldur er hún komin af lágstéttafólki og hefur unnið fyrir sér sem söngkona. Gordon verður ævareiður og sækir um skilnað. Nú þarf Rosamond að finna nýtt heimili fyrir sig og nýfætt barn sitt og upp hefst örlagarík atburðarás.Bókin naut mikilla vinsælda á Íslandi áður fyrr sem hluti af Sögusafni heimilanna.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Serían samanstendur af eldri sögum sem eiga það sameiginlegt að hafa verið eftirsóttar til lengri tíma í flokki rómantískra bókmennta. Bækurnar henta einstaklega vel þegar þú vilt gleyma þér í rómantík og ævintýrum gamla tímans.May Agnes Fleming fæddist árið 1840 í Nýju Brúnsvík í Kanada. Hún fluttist til New York eftir að fyrsta skáldsaga hennar kom út og ritaði þar bæði skáldsögur og framhaldssögur fyrir tímarit. Hún var ein af fyrstu frægu kanadísku rithöfundunum og var frægasti höfundur síns tíma í Norður-Ameríku. Hún skrifaði 47 skáldsögur og fjöldann allan af smásögum. Agnes M. Fleming lést í Brooklyn í New York árið 1880, aðeins 39 ára gömul.

  • by Mark Twain
    47.99 kr.

    Sagan segir af hinum unga Henry Adams sem lendir í afdrifaríkum óförum í bátsferð að kvöldlagi. Blessunarlega er honum bjargað af ensku briggskipi og tekur þá við löng og ströng sigling. Þegar skipið kemur loks að landi í Lundúnarborg er Henry bæði auralaus og ráðþrota. Gerist þá hið óvænta og daginn eftir er hann kallaður á fund auðugra bræðra sem vilja lána honum peningaseðil að virði milljón dollara. Með seðilinn í vasanum tekur líf Henrys stakkaskiptum og nú reynir verulega á skynsemi hans og heiðarleika.Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), betur þekktur sem Mark Twain, var bandarískur rithöfundur. Framan af starfaði Twain við prentiðn en hóf síðar störf sem blaðamaður. Þar fann hann ástríðu sína og vakti fljótt athygli fyrir einstaka ritfærni og kímnigáfu. Ásamt því að skrifa fjölmargar skáldsögur, smásögur og blaðagreinar skapaði Twain sér einnig gott orðspor sem ferðabókahöfundur og fyrirlesari. Þekktustu skáldverk hans eru Sagan af Tuma litla og Stikilsberja-Finnur. Twain er talinn með áhrifamestu rithöfundum amerískra bókmennta.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Í miðjum skógi í Cornwall á Englandi standa sex styttur úr steini. Sagan segir að sex jómfrúr úr klaustri í Cornwall rufu heit sín og var breytt í stein í refsiskyni. En sjöunda jómfrúin átti önnur örlög. Mörgum árum seinna er klaustrið orðið að höll St. Larston fjölskyldunnar og örlögin blikka aðra unga konu. Kerensa Carlee elst upp í fátækt rétt við St. Larnston höllina. Án annarra kvenkosta en mikils metnaðar og enn meiri fegurðar tekst henni að fá vinnu sem þerna í húsinu, en þar er reimt. Kerensa er hins vegar ástfangin af húsinu og er staðráðin í að verða húsfreyja þar. En örlögin eru með önnur áform. Þrátt fyrir metnaðinn flækist Kerensa inn í minningar og ráðgátur og tilvera hennar í Cornwall viktoríutímans vekur upp bæði brjálæði og gamla hefnigirni...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    77.99 kr.

    Queen’s Ford, seat of the Forde family for centuries, is crumbling into ruin. Devastated by their reduced circumstances, handsome and bored Jeremy Forcombe is determined to find a solution.He persuades his sister, Mariota, to go along with his outlandish plan to masquerade as highwaymen. Things go awry when they meet their match in their victim and there is an accident with a gun.Now the handsome Earl of Buckenham is injured, and the siblings are praying for his recovery – to save them from the gallows, and perhaps so much more...Chaos, scandal, and a romance to sweep you off your feet, "The Wish for Love" is perfect for fans of Julia Quinn and Georgette Heyer.Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. She is beloved worldwide and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • by Grant Allen
    59.99 kr.

    The South African unscrupulous millionaire Charles Van Drift spends his time travelling to exotic locations with his family. One of these trips leads them to the Riviera where Van Drift suddenly has to deal with the swindler Colonel Clay. Charles’ diamond fortune is at risk. Colonel wants to trick the millionaire out of his wealth. His weapon will be Van Drift’s own greed and vanity. But what does Colonel have against Charles and will his plan be successful?Grant Allen was a Canadian writer who lived in the period 1848 – 1899. His writing career began around 1876 when he published a series of essays on science. His first books, "Physiological Aesthetics" and "Flowers and Their Pedigrees" took up this subject as well. Grant Allen was also a pioneer in science fiction. He wrote about thirty science fiction novels in the period 1884-1899. In his later works, Allen also took up some revolutionary theories for the time regarding marriage. "The Woman Who Did" which depicts the life of an independent woman who takes care of her child on her own became a bestseller.

  • by Leo Tolstoy
    42.99 kr.

    It isn't always easy being a demon.As Luci, the demon in Matt Groening's Netflix series 'Disenchantment' will agree, not everybody is easy to tempt.Leo Tolstoy's 'The First Distiller' features a very down demon, who has the tough task of tempting the wholesome Russian peasants.He longs to have some politicians or businessmen to bring down - until he has the bright idea of inventing alcohol.History tells us what comes next!Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include 'War and Peace' (1865–69) and 'Anna Karenina' (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.In the years following the publication of 'War and Peace' Tolstoy - who was born to a Russian aristocratic family - had a spiritual awakening that made him a committed Christian anarchist and pacifist. His philosophy inspired Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

  • by Giosuè Carducci
    40.99 kr.

    Se oggi mai nessuno si sognerebbe di definirle "barbare", Carducci chiamò così queste liriche come richiamo alle loro origini. Barbare, appunto, perché intenzionalmente scritte a metà tra la metrica classica—greca e latina—e quella italiana dell’epoca, tipica delle lingue romanze moderne. L’orecchio neoclassico le avrebbe quindi percepite come una stonatura dalle vibrazioni inaspettate, un suono straniero. A quello odierno, invece, non rimane che captarle come l’ennesima prova del genio di Carducci.Giosuè Carducci (1835-1907) è stato un poeta e intellettuale italiano. Anche professore, politico, giornalista, e filosofo, la sua importanza non si limita alle meravigliose opere composte. Vincitore del Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1906, Carducci rimane una delle figure più imponenti della poesia europea di fine Ottocento.

  • by Charles King
    42.99 kr.

    Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, ‘A War-Time Wooing’ tells the story of Bessie Warren and her love for Lieutenant Paul Revere Abbott.Bessie's brother has been killed in the fighting, and her beloved Paul is sent to the heart of the conflict. While they write to each other constantly, will Paul return home or suffer the same fate as Bessie's brother?At its heart, this is a historical romance. However, it is packed with fascinating details of the war between the North and the South, many of them based on the author's own experiences.This will delight anyone interested in war novels.Born in New York, Charles King (1844 – 1933) was the son of a general in the United States army. At first, a military career seemed inevitable, and King graduated from the West Point Academy, to serve in the Indian Wars as a captain.However, during that conflict, he was injured and forced to return home. After his recovery, King was appointed as a general and fought in several conflicts, including The Battle of Manila, and The Battle of Santa Cruz.On returning, he embarked on a literary career, writing more than 60 books, focussing on life in the army. In addition, he wrote several scripts for Buffalo Bill Cody. Cody was a soldier, hunter, and actor, who King befriended during the Indian Wars. King died in Milwaukee, aged 88.

  • by Edward Bellamy
    38.99 kr.

    ‘An Echo of Antietam’ (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888).Young couple Grace Roberts and Philip King are in love, but the civil war is raging and tearing their country apart. Set during the battle of Antietam, which proved a significant turning point in the war, this love story details the horrors of battle and the power of a just cause.A delightful yet emotional read, ´An Echo of Antietam´ is perfect for fans of Ambrose Bierce's ´An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge´ as well as those generally interested in the American Civil War.Edward Bellamy (1850 - May 22) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897), and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’.

  • by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
    102.99 kr.

    ‘Lady Audley's Secret’ by Mary Elizabeth Braddon is a Victorian sensation novel and her most famous and well-known work.In this story, which combines elements from detective novels, psychological thrillers, and romance, the heroine Lady Audley is living an upper-class life with seemingly no secrets.Soon, however, truths of bigamy, arson, and murder are uncovered, as the assumptions of femininity are challenged.This novel will surely delight fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’.Mary Elizabeth Braddon was a popular English novelist writing in the Victorian era. She is best known for her sensation novel ‘Lady Audley's Secret’, published in 1862, which has been dramatised for TV and film several times.While this was the novel that found her fortune as a bestseller, Braddon continued to publish works until her death in 1915, penning several works of supernatural fiction, ghost stories, and historical fiction.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    The first book in the ´Sanders of the River´ series and set in the Edwardian era, ‘Sanders of the River’ focuses on the eponymous Governor of Nigeria.Commissioner Sanders struggles to balance the requests of The Crown against the needs of the natives.As he strives to juggle the demands from both parties, Sanders finds himself facing political turmoil that might push his colony to the brink of war.As a story, the reader is introduced to the struggles faced by an invading force. As a historical piece of fiction, this is an important document of the impact British colonialism had on West Africa.An excellent introduction to one of the most opinionated minds of the 20th Century.‘Sanders of the River’ is ideal for those interested in literature with a British Colonial setting.Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

  • by Väinö Kataja
    40.99 kr.

    Miten salakuljettajat toimivat Ruotsin ja Suomen rajalla?Eletään 1800-luvun loppua Tornionjokilaaksossa. Palomäen isäntä on rikastunut vuosien saatossa, pääasiassa yötyönsä ansiosta. Yötyö tarkoittaa tietysti salakuljettamista Ruotsin puolelle. Eteen on sattunut öitä, joiden aikana hän on ehtinyt ansaita monta sataa kruunua... Mutta nyt jokin on toisin. Rajavartijat ovat paljon tarkempia kuin ennen, ja salakuljettajien kiinnisaamiseen on panostettu. Miten Palomäen isännän mahtaa käydä, onko yötyö ja sen tuomat rikkaudet menneen talven lumia?Tullikavaltajia on jännittävä historiallinen romaani, joka käsittelee salakuljetusta Suomen ja Ruotsin välillä.Väinö Kataja on kirjailija Väinö Jurveliuksen (1867–1914) taiteilijanimi. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti aikansa menestysromaanista Koskenlaskijan morsian (1914). Kataja kirjoitti romaanien lisäksi myös näytelmiä ja novelleja. Hän kuvasi monissa teoksissaan Peräpohjolan luontoa ja kansaa.

  • by Alfredo Oriani
    96.99 kr.

    Il rapporto di Alfredo Oriani con la bicicletta è precoce ed estremamente sentito. Già nel 1894, a Faenza, capeggia una manifestazione contro un provvedimento comunale, che avrebbe dovuto imporre ai ciclisti di condurre gli amati velocipedi a mano. Nell’estate del 1897, invece, effettua una gita in solitaria dalla Romagna alla Toscana, percorrendo ben seicento chilometri con oltre seimila metri di dislivello complessivi. "Bicicletta", pubblicato nel 1902, potrebbe considerarsi il resoconto di una passione viscerale, in bilico fra la raccolta di racconti autobiografici e l’apologia di un mezzo ancora inviso a molti (sia per il suo elitarismo che per la sua pericolosità). Ma è anche – e forse soprattutto – un preziosissimo documento di storia sociale: una fonte narrativa, agile e piacevole, sull’adozione, in Italia, di uno dei simboli più fortunati del progresso tecnico a cavallo fra XIX e XX secolo.Alfredo Oriani (1852-1909) nasce a Faenza da una famiglia di nobili decaduti. Dopo aver studiato legge a Roma e aver esercitato, per breve tempo, la professione di avvocato a Bologna, si trasferisce nella Villa del Cardello a Casola, dove resterà fino alla fine, lavorando come viticoltore e scrivendo. Oriani è infatti un autore prolifico, che nel corso degli anni produrrà vari saggi di storia, pamphlets politici e libri di narrativa. Fra i suoi molti titoli si possono citare il manifesto socialista "La rivolta ideale" (1908), la rigorosa disamina storiografica "La lotta politica in Italia" (1892) e i romanzi "Gelosia" (1894) e "Vortice" (1899).

  • by Owen Wister
    102.99 kr.

    Laying the foundations for Clint Eastwood’s nameless character in ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,’ ‘The Virginian’ is a landmark novel of the western genre.The eponymous hero is the strong, tall, silent type, acting as an armed escort to Tenderfoot on their journey to Judge Henry’s ranch in Sunk Creek.This action-packed story details their adventures and encounters along the way and includes, just as in any good western, a little romance.If you like your books full of hot bullets and cold killers, then this is the perfect place to start!Credited with setting the template for the classic western novel and the archetypal cowboy hero, Owen Wister (1860 – 1938) was born in Philadelphia. The son of an actress and a doctor, Wister spent his formative years travelling Europe, before returning to America at his father’s behest.After graduating from Harvard Law School, and suffering from poor mental health, he took the first of 15 trips to Wyoming. It was here that he was inspired to write notes and journals about the characters living in the beautiful wilderness. These notes were to serve as the basis for many of his books.His most famous work, ‘The Virginian’, would later become a TV series starring Doug McClure, and filmed for the silver screen, most recently in an adaptation starring Ron Perlman. Wister died in Rhode Island, at the age of 78.

  • by Edward Bellamy
    38.99 kr.

    ‘At Pinney's Ranch’ (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888).It was love at first sight when John Lansing and Mary Hollister first met at Pinney’s ranch, and four years later they are happily married. But when Austin Flint is found murdered, suspicion falls on an innocent Lansing, forcing him to flee town and leave behind everything he loves in order to prove his innocence.This tense and gripping tale will delight admirers of Bellamy's other works, such as ´Hooking Watermelons´ and ´Deserted´.Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897), and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’.

  • by Vamba
    73.99 kr.

    Gigino è un bambino a cui è successa una cosa straordinaria. Come per magia, si è trasformato in una formica. Con sua grande sorpresa, è invitato nel regno delle formiche, giù nel formicaio, dove scoprirà un mondo in grado di insegnargli tantissimo sul proprio mondo, quello di sopra, quello dei genitori e dei suoi amici.Un classico del Novecento della letteratura per l’infanzia, scritto dallo stesso autore de "Il Giornalino di Gian Burrasca."Vamba, pseudonimo di Luigi Bertelli ( 1858-1920), è stato uno scrittore e giornalista italiano. Famoso per aver ideato uno dei personaggi per l’infanzia più popolari di sempre, Gian Burrasca, si è dedicato moltissimo alla letteratura per bambini, scrivendo sia in italiano che in dialetto fiorentino.

  • by Antonio Ghislanzoni
    40.99 kr.

    Pubblicato nel 1881, "L’arte di far debiti" è un divertente romanzo che incanterà senz’altro anche i lettori contemporanei, grazie all’arguzia e all’ironia con cui Antonio Ghislanzoni lo ha scritto. Un uomo di alto rango arriva al termine della propria vita lasciandosi dietro un’infinita lista di debiti. In una sorta di testamento morale, quindi, decide di esporre la propria visione dell’esistenza e di insegnare – a chi vorrà ascoltarlo – come riuscire a campare indebitandosi sempre, senza al contempo pagare mai i propri creditori. Anzi, allontanandoli con l’illusione di non essere stati fregati. Libro agile, puntuale e ricco di verve, "L’arte di far debiti" è un inno alla vita in quanto tale: la celebrazione di una gioia talmente grande da non potersi vedere limitata dal grigiore di un’economia basata sullo sfruttamento e la mortificazione del prossimo...Antonio Ghislanzoni (1824-1893) nasce a Lecco. Dopo essere stato espulso dal seminario ed essersi iscritto per breve tempo all’università, nel 1846 si fa scrittura come baritono dal teatro di Lodi. L’opera, insieme alla scrittura, rimarrà sempre la sua più grande passione. In anni turbolenti, segnati dalle guerre d’indipendenza, si afferma come romanziere ("Suicidio a fior d’acqua", 1867), poeta ("Libro proibito", 1878) e giornalista (fonda e dirige molte riviste, fra cui L’Uomo di pietra, L’Italia Musicale e Giornale-Capriccio). Influenzato dalla Scapigliatura milanese e dalle suggestioni tardo-romantiche, è autore del libretto dell’"Aida" di Giuseppe Verdi (1871), mentre col romanzo "Abrakadabra" (1884) si dimostra uno dei primi scrittori di fantascienza italiani.