Later 19th century c 1850 to c 1899
99.00 kr. Mexicanerne skælver af frygt bare ved tanken om den mystiske bande Los Flagellados...Los Flagellados bortfører unge piger med velhavende fædre og kræver penge til gengæld for døtrene. Det er Morgan Kane, der får til opgave at stoppe dem, men ingen ved, hvem der står bag. Kane må bruge don Marcos’ gudeskønne datter som lokkemad for at afsløre hvem Los Flagellados er."De piskede" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1968 og på dansk i 1973.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
99.00 kr. Mexico kan ikke selv stoppe terrorgruppen, der hærger byen Chihuahau, så de beder om hjælp fra de amerikanske myndigheder. De ved godt, hvem de skal sende...Det strømmer til med forbrydere fra grænsebyerne til Mexico. De kommer for at slutte sig til terrorbanden, der har fuld kontrol over Chihuahua, så de kan plyndre, voldtage og dræbe uden nåde. Morgan Kane bliver sendt undercover som lovløs. Kan han ødelægge gruppen indefra eller er opgaven for stor for selv U.S. Marshal Morgan Kane?"Dette er døden, Senor Kane" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1969 og på dansk i 1974.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
99.00 kr. Hvad sker der når to af de farligste mænd i Vesten står ansigt til ansigt?To mænd strider om et oliefelt, der ligger mellem deres ejendomme. Lexington Twenty lejer en haltende revolvermand med flere skydevåben, et hårdt blik og en mild stemme. Silver Oaks lejer Mr. Neches, en revolvermand, der bag dæknavnet er en tidligere marshal - Morgan Kane. Kun en mand kan overleve mødet..."Kanes ligemand" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1969 og på dansk i 1975.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
99.00 kr. Der er kommet en lejemorder ved navn Tom Horn til Wyoming med en Winchester 94 "Hi-Power" riffel. Han er en af de bedste geværskytter i landet med et skydevåben, der kun kan matches af en Krag-Jørgensen "Bolt Action". Sådan nogle har myndighederne lige fået fingrene i. Det er Morgan Kane, der bliver sendt på opgave med det nye gevær. Kan det være her, han møder sin overmand?"Satans Horn" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1972, og bogen udkom på dansk i 1977.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
58.99 kr. Louis Couperus in ItaliëBehalve romans en verhalen publiceerde Louis Couperus een grote hoeveelheid columns, losse schetsen en reisnotities. Dat laatste genre probeerde hij voor het eerst uit met ‘Reis-impressies’, een bundeltje schetsen. Terwijl de latere reisverslagen indrukwekkend lang konden zijn, waarin hij regelmatig een gechargeerde versie van zichzelf en zijn vrouw als personages opvoerde, is hij hier de kunst nog aan het leren. Het zijn inderdaad impressies, de vinnige, vluchtige weergave van wat een uitermate nieuwsgierige toerist in Italië zag, in de laatste jaren van de 19de eeuw. Couperus verweeft aandacht voor kunst en werkelijkheid, heden en verleden van de steden die hij bezoekt. En hij spaart zichzelf niet, regelmatig klagend over een vertraagde trein of een verplaatsing die niet erg comfortabel was.Louis Couperus (1863-1923) was een Nederlands romanschrijver, columnist en dichter. Hij is de auteur van verschillende onverwoestbare klassiekers: 'Eline Vere' (een bestseller bij verschijnen), 'Van oude menschen, de dingen, die voorbij gaan...' (verfilmd), 'De stille kracht'... Hij woonde o.m. in Frankrijk en Italië en reisde de wereld rond. Of zijn romans zich nu afspelen in Den Haag of Djakarta, het heden of het oude Rome, het noodlot speelt altijd een grote rol. Couperus schreef in een meeslepende, emotionele stijl. Zijn verzameld werk bestrijkt vijftig boekdelen.
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
99.00 kr. Titusindvis af mennesker strømmer til staten Oklahoma for at få fingrene i en gratis jordlod. Blandt disse folk er også kriminelle som Old-man Sherman med hans mænd og den gådefulde skalperede Criag. Hvorfor bevæger de sig ind på cheyenneterritoriet, når det er livsfarligt? Hvorfor er de ude efter saloon-pigen Sarah? U.S. Marshal Morgan Kane må finde ud af dette, inden jorden i Oklahoma bliver meget mere blodig..."Blodig jord" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1969, og bogen udkom på dansk i 1974.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
148.99 kr. Un curioso y atractivo repaso por la cultura tradicional y contemporánea japonesa en forma de diccionario, que nos presenta un recorrido pormenorizado por el Japón de la antigüedad y por la rabiosa actualidad de una de las culturas más influyentes del presente. En este viaje descubriremos desde el origen los kimonos hasta los pasos de la ceremonia del té o los pormenores de la arquitectura japonesa. Imprescindible para quienes siempre han sentido fascinación por Japón y para quienes deseen un buen punto de partida para empezar a entender su cultura.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Mitä Suomessa tapahtui ennen vuoden 1917 itsenäistymistä?Kun Suomessa elettiin 1800-luvun loppua, kuuluimme virallisesti Venäjän keisarikuntaan. Teollistuminen oli vahvaa, ja onnekkaimmat onnistuivat luomaan omaisuuksia perustamalla esimerkiksi sahoja. Myös kaupungistuminen oli jo käynnissä, ja esimerkiksi Helsingin Sörnäisiin saapui asukkaita eri puolilta maata. Suomen kieli vakiinnutti asemaansa, vaikka poliittinen ja taloudellinen eliitti puhui edelleen ruotsia ja venäjää.Veijo Meren Ei tule vaivatta vapaus: Suomi 1870–1920 on jännittävä katsaus Suomen itsenäisyyttä edeltäviin vuosikymmeniin. Kirjassa käydään politiikan lisäksi läpi esimerkiksi suomalaisten asuinoloja ja teollistumista.Miten Suomesta tuli Suomi? Veijo Meren huikea kirjasarja tutustuttaa lukijan Suomen historiaan, aina kivikaudesta lähtien.Veijo Meri (1928–2015) on arvostetuimpia suomalaisia nykykirjailijoita. Hänen tunnetuimpia romaanejaan ovat muun muassa Manillaköysi (1957) ja Peiliin piirretty nainen (1963).
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- 111.99 kr.
73.99 kr. »Immer, wenn ich einen Vogel sehe, denke ich an dich. Dann frage ich mich, wohin dich deine Flügel eines Tages tragen werden, wenn du sie erst ausgebreitet hast, und wie weit fort von mir. Ich fürchte mich vor diesem Moment, um meinetwillen, und gleichzeitig sehne ich ihn herbei, um deinetwillen.«England, 1820. Kate Worthington hat sich geschworen, niemals zu heiraten. Sie möchte frei sein und die Welt bereisen. Ihre Mutter missbilligt das, schließlich ziemt sich das nicht für eine junge Frau. Als Kate jedoch auf das Anwesen Blackmoore eingeladen wird, lässt sie sich auf eine Wette mit ihrer Mutter ein: Gelingt es Kate, drei Heiratsanträge in Blackmoore zu bekommen – und sie alle abzulehnen –, ist sie frei. Wenn nicht, entscheidet ihre Mutter über ihre Zukunft. Ein Kinderspiel, denkt Kate. Doch kaum in Blackmoore angekommen, merkt sie, dass es gar nicht so leicht ist, in wenigen Tagen drei Männerherzen zu erobern – und zu brechen. Und als sie schließlich einen Antrag bekommt, stellt sie mit Entsetzen fest, dass ihr Herz etwas ganz anderes will als ihr Verstand ...Julianne Donaldson ist eine hoffnungslose Romantikerin. Sie hat Englische Literatur studiert, was ihre Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben nur noch verstärkt hat. Heute lebt sie mit ihrem Mann und ihren vier Kindern in Salt Lake City, reist aber bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit nach England.
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
120.99 kr. ‘The Pillars of the House Volume 1’ - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the first instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge’s story about the Underwood children.Three years after the birth of her twins, Mrs Underwood dies, leaving her thirteen children orphaned.Felix, the oldest child at 16 years of age, and his eldest sister, Wilmet, are determined their family will stay together.Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga tells the story of the children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds.This is a story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, and it is ideal for anyone looking for a great, heartwarming family saga.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.
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- 120.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Well-known for her subversive criticism of the Victorian class structure, Sergeant ramps things up a notch in ‘A Life Sentence’.Through the murder of Sydney Vane, we are introduced to his apparent killer Andrew Westwood. However, is he the murderer or has something been overlooked?While ‘A Life Sentence’ could be viewed as a 19th-century whodunnit, Sergeant uses the characters and situation to explore the idea that good people can find themselves doing bad things, particularly when the upper echelons of society are self-serving and decadent.‘A Life Sentence’ is an eye-opening book for anyone with an interest in Victorian society or who wants an introduction to Sergeant’s work.Emily Frances Adeline Sergeant (1851 – 1904) was one of the most prolific novelists of the 19th century. Born in Derbyshire, Emily was the daughter of Richard Sergeant, a Methodist missionary, and Jane Hall, a writer of children’s books. Jane published her stories under the name Adeline, which Emily was later to adopt.During her lifetime, Adeline Sergeant wrote over 90 novels, including ‘The Story of a Penitent Soul,’ ‘No Saint,’ and ‘The Idol Maker.’ Many of her works explored the theme of religion, as her views changed from committed faith to agnosticism, and finally, to Catholicism.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
163.99 kr. When Richard Luttrell is killed in an apparent accident by his brother, Brian, a cataclysmic chain of events is set in motion.‘Under False Pretences’ follows the fortunes of Richard’s younger cousin, Hugo, and his mission to uncover the truth behind the killing.As Hugo travels the globe, he uncovers a long-kept secret and is faced with some life-changing decisions.Throw in no fewer than two shipwrecks, a kidnapping, and the occasional dose of ‘brain-fever,’ and you’ve got all the ingredients necessary to cook up a rollicking adventure!‘Under False Pretences’ is a taut novel, full of twists and turns. It is the perfect read for those looking for an introduction to Sergeant’s work.Emily Frances Adeline Sergeant (1851 – 1904) was one of the most prolific novelists of the 19th century. Born in Derbyshire, Emily was the daughter of Richard Sergeant, a Methodist missionary, and Jane Hall, a writer of children’s books. Jane published her stories under the name Adeline, which Emily was later to adopt.During her lifetime, Adeline Sergeant wrote over 90 novels, including ‘The Story of a Penitent Soul,’ ‘No Saint,’ and ‘The Idol Maker.’ Many of her works explored the theme of religion, as her views changed from committed faith to agnosticism, and finally, to Catholicism.
- Ebook
- 163.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Doctor Nikola and Richard Hatteras meet for the first time. Doctor Nikola is a mysterious evil mastermind. Richard Hatteras, on the other hand, is an ordinary Australian sailor. Doctor Nikola has a plan which includes Hatteras and his fortune, but Hatteras proves to be a lot smarter than the doctor had expected, leaving Nikola facing a challenge. Hatteras is determined to oppose the villain’s plan and save everyone endangered by the doctor’s evil plan. Who who will prevail? Find out in Guy Boothby’s "A Bid for Fortune".Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. 'True Grit', 'Rio Bravo', 'Shane', 'High Noon'...If you love a classic Western movie, then raise your ten-gallon hat to Andy Adams, whose cowboy books helped to power the Wild West into people's minds.'The Log of a Cowboy' is his classic novel - and it is based on his 12 years working as a cowboy.Protagonist Tommy Moore drives cattle, has run-ins with native American tribes, clashes with rustlers, has gunfights, and encounters "good whiskey and bad women".In other words, he ticks every cowboy adventure box with authenticity and a flourish.This is a must-read for fans of Western writers including Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour.Andy Adams (1859-1935) was an American writer of westerns, who grew up on his family’s farm in Indiana. He worked as a cowboy and cattle driver, which later prompted him to start writing his cowboy stories.He started writing novels in his forties, and his work is characterised by its realistic descriptions of everyday life and the troubles ranchers and cowboys experienced. His best-known works include 'The Log of a Cowboy', 'Reed Anthony, Cowman', and 'Wells Brothers'.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. A plague is spreading across the world. People are dying and no cure can be found. The plague was created by a sorcerer and he is the only one who knows how to stop it. Where is he and who will dare to face the 3000 years old mummy who has finally gotten his revenge? Will humans go extinct or will they be saved? Find out in "Pharos, the Egyptian" by Guy Boothby.Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Set in Victorian London, ‘Name and Shame’ is an unashamed melodrama in its purest form.Following the fortunes of Alan and Lisette Walcott, alongside the adventures of Lettice Campion, this is a tale of deceived wives, attempted murder, secret identities, politics, and illegitimate children.Although the writing is taut and the plot full of twists and turns, Sergeant saves a few well-chosen words with which to take pot-shots at the role of women in Victorian society and the deplorable attitudes of the men around them.A rollicking read for those new to Sergeant’s work.Emily Frances Adeline Sergeant (1851 – 1904) was one of the most prolific novelists of the 19th century. Born in Derbyshire, Emily was the daughter of Richard Sergeant, a Methodist missionary, and Jane Hall, a writer of children’s books. Jane published her stories under the name Adeline, which Emily was later to adopt.During her lifetime, Adeline Sergeant wrote over 90 novels, including ‘The Story of a Penitent Soul,’ ‘No Saint,’ and ‘The Idol Maker.’ Many of her works explored the theme of religion, as her views changed from committed faith to agnosticism, and finally, to Catholicism.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
163.99 kr. Four hours until the wedding. Anticipation and excitement boil, quickly turning to dread.Why has the bride-to-be refused to see the groom in the week leading up to the wedding? Especially when the lucky couple is the perfect match.But when any feelings of doubt are pushed aside along with the wedding plans in the wake of a recent murder, the groom has worse things to worry about.Meanwhile, Detective Gryce knows a complex web of passion and rage must run straight to the heart of this mystery.Can he crack the code and locate the killer? Or will love’s intoxicating pull fool even the sharpest of detectives?Book 4 in the ‘Ebenezer Gryce’ series, ‘Behind Closed Doors’ weaves a rip-roaring tale, ideal for fans of Benedict Cumberbatch’s ‘Sherlock’.One of the first writers of detective fiction, Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935) was an American poet and novelist. Born in Brooklyn New York, her bestselling ‘Ebenezer Gryce’ series explores the trials and tribulations of the much-loved detective Gryce of the New York Metropolitan Police.Celebrated as popularising the detective genre a decade before Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ mysteries, Green is remembered today as ‘the mother of the detective novel’.
- Ebook
- 163.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Doctor Nikola meets Gilbert Pennethorne, an ordinary man whose life has gone downhill. He was tricked by his former boss who stole information about the location of a gold mine. Gilbert is determined to take his revenge while Nikola sees a great opportunity to become wealthy. He manipulates Gilbert into assisting him in the new evil scheme he has come up with.Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
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- 59.99 kr.
163.99 kr. An unsentimental look at the lives of farmers and businessmen in the late 19th century, ‘The Octopus’ details the expansion of the railroad, its tracks spreading out like tentacles across the US.We follow the farmers as they are slowly crushed by the pressures put on them by this new industry, due to the greed and corruption of cold, corporate businessmen, who are willing to go to unsavoury lengths to ensure they do not lose out on the possible financial rewards.Written without any romanticism, ‘The Octopus’ gives a fascinating insight into the effects of industrialism, and the subsequent avarice that inevitably follows.Frank Norris (1870 – 1902) was born Benjamin Franklin Norris, in Chicago. Widely hailed as the first American ‘naturalist’ writer, he was the son of a self-made businessman and an actress. After the death of his brother, Norris went to Paris to study art at the Académie Julian. While there, he was introduced to the novels of Émile Zola, who was to profoundly influence his work.His later studies at the University of Berkeley exposed him to the works of Charles Darwin, which would heavily impact his writing. It was at university, via the ‘San Francisco Wave´, that he first published his stories. When he left Berkeley to go to Harvard, he was persuaded to pursue a literary career by fellow author, Lewis E Gates.Many of Norris’ works deal with how corporate corruption affects those at the lower end of the financial spectrum, and further act as fantastic documents of American life in the late 19th century and the early 20th century.
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- 163.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Ziszczony sen dziewiętnastowiecznych socjalistów.Główny bohater i narrator powieści William wraca ze spotkania Ligii Socjalistycznej i zapada w sen. Budzi się w świecie zrealizowanych postulatów, gdzie porządek społeczny jest urządzony w oparciu o wspólną własność, a środki produkcji są poddane demokratycznej kontroli. Świat stał się płaski i równy - zniknęły prywatne majątki, duże metropolie, hierarchie klasowe, a nawet więzienia. Społeczeństwo wróciło do swoich agrarnych korzeni.William Morris był entuzjastą socjalizmu. Jego książka jest utopijną wizją świata urządzonego zgodnie z tą ideą, zawiera także elementy miękkiej fantastyki.Interesująca lektura dla miłośników motywu utopii, jak w powieści „Wyspa" Aldousa Huxleya czy w „Podróżach Guliwera" Jonathana Swifta.William Morris (1834-1896) - brytyjski pisarz, projektant tkanin i socjalista. Zaczynał jako autor fikcji historycznych, ale świat zapamiętał go przede wszystkim jako prekursora współczesnej fantastyki. Interesował się Islandią i wraz z tamtejszym uczonym Eiríkurem Magnússonem przetłumaczył na język angielski serię islandzkich sag.
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- 40.99 kr.
59.99 kr. As orphans Dell and Joel Wells faced starvation on the northeastern Kansas prairie during a hellish winter, their late father's dream was dying with them.But just as they get set to leave his claim on Beaver Creek because it is barren land, an unexpected twist gives them a second chance.Revitalised, the brothers develop their own ranch without any capital but with plenty of hard graft.Bigger challenges follow, though. Will they survive bitter winters, summer droughts, hungry wolf packs, and Texas fever?This uplifting and authentic Western is perfect for fans of Max Brand and Zane Grey.Andy Adams (1859-1935) was an American writer of westerns, who grew up on his family’s farm in Indiana. He worked as a cowboy and cattle driver, which later prompted him to start writing his cowboy stories.He started writing novels in his forties, and his work is characterised by its realistic descriptions of everyday life and the troubles ranchers and cowboys experienced. His best-known works include 'The Log of a Cowboy', 'Reed Anthony, Cowman', and 'Wells Brothers'.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
120.99 kr. ‘The Pillars of the House Volume 2’ - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the second instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge’s story about the Underwood children.Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga continues the story of the orphaned children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds.A story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, ‘The Pillars of the House Volume 2’ will surely delight anyone interested in great family sagas.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.
- Ebook
- 120.99 kr.
49.00 kr. A.C. Meyers digte og sange i "Under rødt flag" er strålende eksempler på politisk poesi skrevet af et menneske, der brillerer som både digter og politiker. Digtene og sangene kombinerer stort kunstnerisk overskud med brændende politiske holdninger og et stærkt engagement i social retfærdighed."Under rødt flag" udkom første gang i 1892.A.C. Meyer (1858-1938) var dansk stukkatør, socialdemokrat, journalist, forfatter og politiker. Fra barnsben lærte han fattigdommens vilkår at kende, og fra sit hjem på Nørrebro i København overværede han arbejdernes kamp for bedre vilkår. Konfrontationen mellem politi og arbejdere under Slaget på Fælleden i 1872 gjorde stort indtryk på den unge Meyer, og allerede som ung lærling på en symaskinefabrik holdt han sine første politiske taler. Han blev hurtigt en del af fagbevægelsen og siden medlem af Socialdemokratiet, hvor han arbejdede som journalist for partiets dagblad Social-Demokraten. I 1895 blev han valgt til Folketinget, hvor han sad frem til 1932. Gennem hele sit liv og politiske virke var han stærkt optaget af at forbedre forholdene for fattige og især nødlidende børn og grundlagde derfor hjælpeorganisationen Børnenes Kontor i slutningen af 1890'erne. Børnenes Kontor eksisterer stadig og uddeler beklædnings- og fødevarehjælp til værdigt trængende børn.
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- 49.00 kr.
42.99 kr. When Mr. Henley answers a letter that is not addressed to him, his life is immediately thrown into chaos.Full of supernatural suspense, this gripping ghostly tale follows Mr. Henley as he treads the thin line between life and death.Heavily influenced by the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), founder the Theosophical Society, ‘The Ghost of Guir House’ is a perfect read for anyone interested in a unique ghost story.Charles Willing Beale (1845-1932) was an American writer of horror and science fiction novels and short stories. A prolific writer, he contributed many short stories to various periodicals but is best known for his novels, ‘The Ghost of Guir House (1897), ‘Miss Jack, of Tibet’ (1910), and his hollow earth story, ‘The Secret of the Earth’ (1898).
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Doctor Nikola has finally found the secret to immortality, but he hasn’t put it to the test yet. He needs someone who can help him conduct some experiments. Doctor Ingleby seems to be the perfect choice since he is currently struggling financially and as such, seems willing to go to great lengths to get himself out of misery. Will Nikola and Ingleby’s experiments be successful? Find out in "Dr Nikola’s Experiment".Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Doctor Nikola’s goal in life is to achieve world domination and immortality. When he finds out that a secret society in Tibet is way more powerful than any other human being or government on the planet, he decides to set off on a long adventure. This society can teach Nikola how to extend life and raise the dead. But are they willing to share their knowledge? Can Doctor Nikola somehow force them to do so? Find out in "Dr Nikola Returns".Guy Boothby was an Australian author who lived in the period 1867-1905. His earlier works described life in Australia, but he gained wide popularity with his later fiction, which offered a vivid combination of crime, science fiction and horror stories.Boothby is well known for his Doctor Nikola series, a collection of novels telling the story of an occultist who seeks immortality and world domination.Other popular stories by him are "A Prince of Swindlers", which tells the story of a thief, and "Uncle Joe's Legacy and Other Stories", which is a collection of ghost stories. All in all, Guy Boothby left the world a colourful and rich literary legacy.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Forty-year-old Alwyn Egremont seduces Alice, an 18-year-old nursery governess, in his brother's employ.Scared he will lose his inheritance for doing so, Alwyn denies the affair and abandons her and their unborn daughter, Nuttie.When the supposedly dead Alwyn Egremont appears on Alice’s doorstep some 17 years later, Nuttie’s life is changed forever.Taken from her childhood home, she must adapt to a new life. But can Nuttie overcome her mother’s blind devotion to a destructive Alwyn and her own resentment of her absent father?‘Nuttie’s Father’ (1885) is a romantic novel that will delight any reader interested in Victorian literature.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
48.99 kr. W świecie finansjery nawet najlepiej skrojony garnitur nie zmieni ludzkiej natury.Frank Algernon Cowperwood od najmłodszych lat zdradza zdolności do interesów. Już w wieku 13 lat zarobił pokaźną kwotę na sprzedaży mydła, a jako 19-latek jest jednym z najlepszych maklerów w Filadelfii. Ameryka drugiej połowy XX wieku to miejsce, które sprzyja takim jak on. Rodzi się kapitalizm, a najbardziej wytrwali dorabiają się bajecznej fortuny. Frank postanawia zostać w świecie finansów kimś więcej - chce nie tylko grać, ale również ustalać zasady gry. Aby zrealizować swoje ambicje, nie waha się działać poza prawem. Przyzwyczajony do absolutnego panowania nad sferą materialną, w podobny sposób zaczyna zachowywać się w miłości.Postać Franka Cowperwooda jest inspirowana biografią prawdziwego finansisty Charlesa Tysona Yerkesa.Idealna lektura dla miłośników powieści "Wielki Gatsby" Francisa Scotta Fitzgeralda.Przełom XIX i XX wieku to czas, kiedy najpełniej urzeczywistnia się amerykański sen. Kilka skutecznych kroków wystarczy, by dojść do wielkiej fortuny. Kilka fałszywych ruchów, a można stracić wszystko. Na takim rollercoasterze wytrzymują tylko najwytrwalsi. Tacy jak Frank Cowperwood.Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) - amerykański powieściopisarze i dziennikarz, przedstawiciel naturalizmu w literaturze. Zafascynowany naturą i psychologią ludzi niemoralnych, którzy jednak uparcie prą do przodu i osiągają swoje cele. Do jego najsłynniejszych dzieł należą "Siostra Carrie" i "Tragedia amerykańska". Dreiser wywarł ogromny wpływ na kolejne pokolenia pisarzy, dziś jest uznawany za jednego z gigantów literatury amerykańskiej.
- Ebook
- 48.99 kr.
129.00 kr. "Min egen kære Erik!Du har nu også prøvet feltlivets strabadser i ordets egentlige betydning, men også har du jo udholdt dem tappert; ikke sandt, min kære Erik, du er jo nu kommen dig ganske efter udmattelsen. Da jeg modtog dit kære brev af ingen datum og intet opholdssted, men skrevet med blyant, indså jeg straks, hvad I har måttet udholde; en nattemarch på denne årstid, til dels i glat føre måske og, det er det værste, uden fødemidler, er noget, der ikke er til at spøge med."Krigen i 1864 blev ved med at spøge i det danske folks bevidsthed længe efter dem, der kunne huske den, var døde. I slutningen af 1800-tallet indsamlede Karl Larsen op mod 2000 breve fra soldater, der deltog i krigen, og deres pårørende, der nervøst ventede på dem derhjemme. "Under vor sidste krig" er et udsnit af de mest repræsentative breve blandt den enorme samling. Her kan vi følge krigen gennem den menige soldats øjne såvel som officeren og de forældre, der beder for deres børn derhjemme.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1897.Karl Larsen (1860-1931) var dansk forfatter, men født og opvokset i det nuværende Sydslesvig/Rendsborg. I sin samtid regnedes Larsen blandt Det moderne gennembruds og 1890’ernes store prosaister og debattører. I dag er både hans skønlitterære virke og hans rolle som en nærmest konfliktsøgende samfundsdebattør gledet i baggrunden. Larsens værk var præget af kærlighed til datidens tyske krigsmentalitet, og det blev udfoldet i forsvaret for nationalmilitarismen i bl.a Dommens Dag (1908) og Japansk Aand (1909). Det skadede hans popularitet, som ellers var vokset med Københavnerbøgerne Udenfor Rangklasserne (1896) og romanerne Kresjan Vesterbro (1897) og I det gamle Voldkvarter (1899).
- Ebook
- 129.00 kr.
77.99 kr. The bed-ridden widow Julia Charnock Poynsett lives at home with her two youngest sons, but soon her three eldest children, who left home to get married, will return with their wives for the very first time.Raymond, an MP and heir to his mother's fortune, has married his second cousin, while Julius is the new rector of the parish. The third son, Miles, has sent his wife Anne back ahead of him while he completes his tour of duty.Living under the same roof as their crippled mother, the sons begin to learn a lot about their new wives.‘The Three Brides’ is a family drama full of romance, betrayal, and greed, perfect for fans of the Brontë sisters.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.