c 1900 to c 1909
69.00 kr. Hr. og fru Lindeløvs halvvoksne børn bliver nervøse, da deres fader en aften kommer hjem og går direkte op på soveværelset uden at hilse på dem. Er han mon syg? Eller er der nogen, der er død? Mens de unge spekulerer over situationen, beslutter deres forældre, at det er tid til at fortælle dem de dårlige nyheder: Deres onkel er gået fallit, og det kommer også til at kunne mærkes i deres egen lille familie.Samlingen fra 1906 indeholder fortællingerne "Prøvetider" og "Oprejsning".Cornelia Levetzow (1836-1921) var dansk forfatter og udgav frem til 1891 alle sine bøger under pseudonymet J. Hun opnåede stor anerkendelse i både Danmark og udlandet for sine romaner og noveller. Hendes debutroman fra 1860, "En ung piges historie", der må betragtes som et vigtigt bidrag til den danske guvernanteroman, blev en stor succes.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
49.00 kr. Arnold Møllers lærebog fra 1905 er skrevet til brug i undervisning af skolebørn om sundhed og hygiejne. Bogen viser, hvordan forståelsen for sundhedens betydning for livsglæde og arbejdsevne begyndte at tage fart i samfundet i starten af det tyvende århundrede, hvor man også så småt satte fokus på børnenes udvikling til sunde individer.Arnold Møller blev født i 1869 i Køge. Han læste medicin og blev derefter praktiserende læge i Faaborg fra 1897-1900, hvorefter han tog til København, hvor han tidligere havde studeret. Her arbejdede han som almenpraktiserende læge frem til 1907 og igen fra 1909 til sin død i 1924 - denne gang med speciale i mave- og tarmsygdomme. Møller giftede sig i 1897 med sygeplejerske og oldfrue Sophie Cecilie Otterstrøm, men de to blev skilt i 1906. Samme år blev han gift med Marie Louise Müller. De var sammen til hans død. Han blev 55 år gammel.
- Ebook
- 49.00 kr.
69.00 kr. Det kan være svært at nyde livet til fulde, hvis ens krop er uplejet, usund og dårligt ernæret. "Sundhed og livsnydelse" beskriver kroppens opbygning helt fra celleniveau til stofskifte og nervesystem. Bogen sætter fokus på, hvor stor en rolle sundhed eller mangel på samme spiller i ethvert menneskes liv og for dets livsglæde."Sundhed og livsnydelse" udkom første gang i 1903 og skal læses som et historisk dokument over videnskabens udvikling og synet på sundhed i starten af det tyvende århundrede.Arnold Møller blev født i 1869 i Køge. Han læste medicin og blev derefter praktiserende læge i Faaborg fra 1897-1900, hvorefter han tog til København, hvor han tidligere havde studeret. Her arbejdede han som almenpraktiserende læge frem til 1907 og igen fra 1909 til sin død i 1924 - denne gang med speciale i mave- og tarmsygdomme. Møller giftede sig i 1897 med sygeplejerske og oldfrue Sophie Cecilie Otterstrøm, men de to blev skilt i 1906. Samme år blev han gift med Marie Louise Müller. De var sammen til hans død. Han blev 55 år gammel.
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- 69.00 kr.
77.99 kr. Martin Eden is a semi-autobiographical tale from Jack London, following Martin Eden a destitute sailor with dreams of rising above poverty to become a best-selling author. Only by achieving financial and literary success can he hope to rise above his proletariat life and have a chance to marry Ruth Morse, the daughter of a wealthy San Francisco family. Through intense and passionate self-education similar to London’s own experience, he will do whatever it takes to succeed. This passionate, and heart breaking tale is a critique by London on individualism as well as an expression of frustration felt by authors to the cold indifference of the publishing industry. It is a beautiful story with a stunning conclusion and makes brilliant reading for any Jack London fans looking for an insight in to his own life.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘The Discovery of the Future’ is a compelling lecture by H.G. Wells arguing for the greater predictability of the future due to science. Following the incredible success of ‘Anticipations’, Wells once again expresses his firm belief in the future as ‘the promise of greater things’. Using scientific approaches and describing various working methods, Wells elaborates on how humanity can predict the future by focusing on general and not individual beliefs. Wells’ innovative lecture was originally met with great acclaim and the principle of predicting events due to general causes is still used in political and economic studies today. ‘The Discovery of the Future’ is an interesting read for fans of Wells’ novels as it portrays his unique futuristic beliefs that influenced his celebrated science-fiction stories.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘The Future in America’ is a travelogue that contains the impressions of H. G. Wells from his visits to the United States as well as his unique views on subjects like corruption, injustice, and social relations. The author provides a balanced and insightful view of early 20th century America, praising its progressiveness and creativity. On the other hand, Wells’ sharp wit never fails to criticise unfair labour practices and racial issues. Wells met with suffragette Jane Addams, civil rights activist Booker T. Washington, and President Theodore Roosevelt during his travels and he provides incredible insight into their beliefs. ‘The Future in America’ remains relevant as many of the issues discussed still plague modern society and the prescient Wells predicted that America would become a country divided between ‘rich and poor’. Wells provides beautiful descriptions of his travels while discussing larger themes with nuance and a unique perspective. This book is the perfect read for fans of Anthony Bourdain or John Steinbeck.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. 'The Red Thumb Mark' is the first in the absorbing and original Dr. Thorndyke series. Thorndyke is a Sherlock Holmes inspired forensic detective employed as a proactive expert witness. He uses the available science and technology of his era to determine and demonstrate how and when certain crimes were perpetrated.Thorndyke is called to the scene when the nephew of a jeweller is accused of stealing diamonds from his uncle's safe. His bloody thumbprint was found on a slip of paper inside the empty safe. But Thorndyke is convinced of the man's innocence. He resolves to compile a case for the defense based on his scientific investigation. But Thorndyke may have waded into unexpectedly deep waters when attempts are made on his life.A compelling and fascinating detective novel with a decidedly steampunk atmosphere for the present-day reader. Highly recommended for enthusiasts of Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes' novels as well as the popular 2010 TV series 'Sherlock' starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Fans of the 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' series will also be intrigued by the life and ways of literature's first forensic detective.R Austin Freeman (1862-1943) was an English doctor. He created the first and best-known forensic scientist, Dr John Thorndyke. Freeman was born in London, the son of a tailor. He took a medical degree from Middlesex Hospital Medical College. He married Annie Elizabeth Edwards in 1887 and had two sons. He travelled to the Gold Coast of Africa for work, but after seven years was invalided out. He returned to England unable to work in medicine and began writing fiction in 1902. There followed a long series of Dr Thorndyke mysteries, including some of the first 'inverted' mystery stories, where the identity of the criminal is revealed at the outset and the interest of the story lies in seeing how the detection is done.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Archibald Hunter arrives at Cruden Bay for his yearly seaside vacation, looking for nothing more than peace and quiet. Then all of a sudden his life becomes plagued by intimidating visions and omens of impending disaster. What are these creepy ghosts trying to tell him? And what is the mystery behind the strange cipher that has inexplicably fallen into his lap?A mystery novel at first but transforms into an exciting adventure full of intrigue, romance and treasure hunting. 'The Mystery of The Sea’ is a stark but refreshing contrast to Bram Stoker’s well-known horror classic 'Dracula', famously portrayed by film star Bela Lugosi.Highly recommended for avid fans of H.P. Lovecraft's supernatural stories, and its HBO adaptation 'Lovecraft Country'. Also a perfect fit for 'Robinson Crusoe' fans seeking a sinister adventure story about a lone man taking on the malignant forces of nature.Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born in Dublin in 1847. Turning to fiction in his later years, Stoker published his first short story 'The Crystal Cup' (1872) in London Society magazine. In the 1880s and 1890s, he published 'Under the Sunset' (1882) and an adventure novel titled 'The Snake’s Pass' (1890).It was the publication of 'Dracula' in 1897 which launched Stoker into literary stardom.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
77.99 kr. 'The Man' is a gothic novel combining elements of horror and romance written by Bram Stoker, the author of the acclaimed 'Dracula' made famous by the 1931 movie adaption starring Bela Lugosi. Other masters of gothic fiction include Edgar Allan Poe and H.G. Wells.'The Man' follows the story of Stephen, a lovely young woman and Harold, who is slowly approaching manhood. This story focuses on the immense social and physical proprieties required of the pre-industrial era in England and the struggles facing Stephen and Harold in overcoming them. Stephen is a remarkable character, that has an enlightened feminist perspective ahead of her time, liberating her from the confined conventions regarding a women's role in society. Stoker's descriptive powers seen in the renowned 'Dracula' are also vividly demonstrated in 'The Man' .A sheer pleasure to read, brimming with beautiful prose and an enchanting storyline. 'The Man' is highly recommended for readers who also enjoy classic english literature focusing on the strength of women in the face of adversity as vibrantly depicted in the works of Jane Austen and George Eliot.Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born in Dublin in 1847. Turning to fiction in his later years, Stoker published his first short story 'The Crystal Cup' (1872) in London Society magazine. In the 1880s and 1890s, he published 'Under the Sunset' (1882) and an adventure novel titled 'The Snake’s Pass' (1890).It was the publication of 'Dracula' in 1897 which launched Stoker into literary stardom.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. 'Snow Bound: The Record of a Theatrical Touring Party' is a collection of short stories by Bram Stoker, the acclaimed author of 'Dracula' which is best known for its 1931 silver screen rendition of the same name, starring Bela Lugosi.A train traveling across Scotland in the thick of winter is brought to a sudden halt by an intense snowstorm. All the passengers are members of a travelling theatrical entourage, they decide to light a fire in one of the carriages and huddle around it to stave off the extreme cold. With nothing to do but wait to be rescued, they pass the time by sharing stories, some are full of sorrow while others are brimming with mirth and cheer.A highly intriguing piece among Bram Stoker's body of work, this collection is a testament to his long-standing friendship with renowned Irish actor Sir Henry Irving, who proved a significant influence on Stoker.Highly recommended for readers who fancy a spin on 'The Orient Express'. This offers special insight into the minds and hearts of actors and performers from well before Agatha Christie's time, by none other than one of the all-time masters of the horror genre.Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born in Dublin in 1847. Turning to fiction in his later years, Stoker published his first short story 'The Crystal Cup' (1872) in London Society magazine. In the 1880s and 1890s, he published 'Under the Sunset' (1882) and an adventure novel titled 'The Snake’s Pass' (1890).It was the publication of 'Dracula' in 1897 which launched Stoker into literary stardom.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
49.00 kr. Harriet Tubman er én af historiens ubetinget sejeste kvinder. Født som slave, flygtede, befriede hundredvis af slaver, var spion under Den Amerikanske Borgerkrig - og nåja, også lige den første kvinde til at lede et angreb under samme krig.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
- Podcast
- 49.00 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘300 Quotations from the Great Artists of the 20th Century’ is a collection of wit and wisdom from some of the 20th century’s greatest minds.The cherry-picked selection of quotes includes musings from martial arts expert and actor Bruce Lee, actor and comedian Groucho Marx, and Irish Playwright, George Bernard Shaw.This highly recommended collection is an inspiring, educational, and humorous listen, and will delight those who need some extra motivation or just a quick laugh.George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) was an Irish playwright, critic, and political activist, best known for his works ‘Man and Superman’, ‘Pygmalion’ and ‘Saint Joan’. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925.Julius Henry ‘Groucho’ Marx (1890 – 1977) was an American comedian, actor, and writer, regarded as one of America's greatest comedians and a master of the one-liner. He is most famous for his Marx Brothers films, including ‘A Night at the Opera’ and ‘Duck Soup’.Bruce Lee (1940 –1973) was a Hong Kong born American martial arts expert, actor and director, best remembered for his martial arts films, including ‘Fist of Fury’.
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
69.00 kr. 17-årige Ruth er lige flyttet på landet med sine forældre og to storesøstre. Forældrene er midt i en af deres evindelige uoverensstemmelser, hvor moren presser på, og faren ikke vil give sig. Ruth går på opdagelse i skoven for at slippe for at høre på det, og da hun kommer til en smuk, indhegnet park, kan hun ikke modstå fristelsen til at prøve at komme derind. Men lige idet hun er i færd med at kravle over hegnet, stopper en stemme hende. Det er den unge godsejer, der har fået øje på hende i mere end én forstand.Cornelia Levetzow (1836-1921) var dansk forfatter og udgav frem til 1891 alle sine bøger under pseudonymet J. Hun opnåede stor anerkendelse i både Danmark og udlandet for sine romaner og noveller. Hendes debutroman fra 1860, "En ung piges historie", der må betragtes som et vigtigt bidrag til den danske guvernanteroman, blev en stor succes.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
69.00 kr. "Fra nybygdens lille kirke kimede det til jul. Underligt klingre og skarpe bares tonerne ud gennem den frostkolde luft. De trængte ind i den sølvgrå skov, over hvilken rimen havde draget sit gyldne kniplingsspind. De nåede også ind i eneboerens fattige stue, hvor han lå og ventede døden.Han mindedes svundne juleaftener, og gamle billeder fyldte hans sjæl. Han lod tanken drage på langvejsfærd til barndommens og ungdommens fjerne kyster. Han huskede hjemmet, og det syntes ham, at der tonede lyd af salmer for hans ører.Dog, det var vel kun en indbildning."Anton Andersens julefortællinger fra 1904 tager os blandt andet med til Wisconsin i USA, hvor en gammel skandinavisk eneboer ligger for døden. Han husker tilbage på de juleaftener, han fejrede i sit hjemland, der nu føles så fjernt. Ligesom de andre skitser i "Juledæmring" emmer fortællingen af både nostalgi og julestemning.Forfatter og botaniker Anton Andersen (1856-1911) har udgivet flere faglitterære værker, herunder bl.a. "Fra Planternes Verden" og "Danske Forfatterinder i det nittende Hundredaar". Som skønlitterær forfatter har han udgivet en række digtsamlinger, bl.a. "Fra stille Skove" og "Fyen", og længere fortællinger som eksempelvis "Linda" og "Kaj Rosenfeldt".
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- 69.00 kr.
42.99 kr. A precocious take on the science fiction genre well before it rose to prominence - 'The Inheritors' single-handedly tackles the complex themes of corruption, social matters and traditionalism versus the encroachment of the technological age. Conrad successfully does so while describing the Inheritors as inter-dimensional beings that bear a close resemblance to modern-day terrorists as they aspire to a violent and chaotic takeover of the world.Social and colonial critique is intricately spun into the storyline with particularly potent criticism of humanity's greed and easily corruptible condition.A highly recommended read for those interested in classical novels that proffer a unique and enticing glimpse into the essence of life itself as viewed through a kaleidoscope of various contemporary issues.Joseph Conrad’s work and his compact, realist style went on to influence many noteworthy writers, including George Orwell, John le Carré and F. Scott Fitzgerald.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in the language after settling in the UK. His most famous novel is ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.
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- 42.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Vuonna 1902 Jack London lähtee tutkimusmatkalle, joka ei kuitenkaan suuntaudu kohti lumista Alaskaa. London haluaa tutkia Lontoon köyhälistön asuinaluetta Whitechapelia. Niinpä kirjailija jalkautuu itäisen Lontoon kaduille ja jopa nukkuu niillä. Kaduilla kulkiessa Londonin mieli täyttyy kysymyksistä. Miksi yhteiskunta on niin epätasa-arvoinen? Miksi sanomalehdet kertovat tehtaiden omistajien menetyksistä eivätkä ihmisistä, jotka jäävät ilman ruokaa? Millainen maailma olisi oikeudenmukainen kaikille?Kadotuksen kansa avaa kirjailija Jack Londonin yhteiskunnallista ajattelua.Jack London (1876–1916) syntyi San Franciscossa. 15-vuotiaasta saakka hänen oli selvittävä omillaan huonosti palkatuissa töissä, kuten kullankaivajana Pohjois-Amerikan erämaassa. Myöhemmin London palasi takaisin Kaliforniaan ja alkoi työskennellä lehtimiehenä ja kirjailijana. Lyhyeksi jääneen elämänsä aikana Londonista tuli sekä rikas että kuuluisa Yukon-aiheisilla romaaneillaan, kuten Erämaan kutsu (1903) ja Susikoira (1906).
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- 96.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘The House of Pride, and Other Tales of Hawaii’ is an inspired collection of six short stories set in a fascinating time in Hawaiian history. It is a heartfelt collection, as the stories deal with colonisation, the loss of independence and the influx of cultures forever changing Hawaiian society. Shorts such as ‘Koolau the Leper’ deal with the leper colony on Molokai, offering a heart-breaking and passionate read. London always goes to great lengths to bring the beauty of Hawaii and it’s people to life, so much so that if you close your eyes you can see yourself there. It is an amazing collection full of wonderful characters, incredible beauty and impactful stories of a pre-statehood Hawaii.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
50.99 kr. Natten är en näktergal är Edvard Robert Gummerus memoarer och består av målande minnesbilder från Helsingfors. I det första minnet står Edvard som liten pojke och ser ut över stadens röda, spetsiga tak. Ett annat minne är det första mötet med den yngre brodern oktober 1909, och den instinktiva svartsjukan hos den förstfödda över att behöva dela föräldrarnas uppmärksamhet beskrivs med exakt precision. Boken skildrar både en personlig uppväxt och ett Finland som präglas av förändringens vindar under 1900-talets början.Edvard Robert Gummerus (1905-1991) var en finlandssvensk författare, översättare och lärare. Han utkom med ett stort antal romaner och är kanske mest känd för en trilogi som kretsar kring en finlandssvensk släkt i flera generationer.
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- 50.99 kr.
59.99 kr. 'The Trimmed Lamp & Other Stories' is a short story collection that explores the themes of the human condition and the often mysterious nature of human relationships. Veering on the verge of ordinariness but never becoming so. O. Henry’s stories have a knack for transforming the expectations of the reader before the narrative has a chance to grow dull.Replete with sharp wit and a celebration of the English language incorporating unique spins on existing words and expressions. These playful and humourous stories represent a New York-ish social experiment that stands the test of time.American short story master O. Henry is best known for his pithy, witty scores and surprise endings. In doing so he made commonplace experiences extraordinary and memorable. His work has been immortalised in the popular 1952 film 'O. Henry's Full House' starring Fred Allen, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe and Jeanne Crain.William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. Perhaps the most famous of these are, 'Cabbages and Kings,' 'The Voice of the City' and 'Strictly Business.' The immensity of O. Henry's impact on the American short story genre for time to come is evidenced by the fact an annual award in his name is given out each year in the United States. O. Henry's work is a must read for fans of Hemingway, Guy de Maupassant and Anton Chekhov.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Joe Bronson a young, adventurous boy more interested in exploring than school is threatened with military school by his father when he fails an important exam. Taking his future in his hands, he leaves a farewell note for his father and escapes to Oakland where he joins the crew of the Dazzler under it’s mysterious captain French Pete. In a rapturous sea faring adventure, Joe will be dragged in to a seedy world of crime and violence where he’ll have to use his wits if he hopes to survive. With a thoughtful and compelling ending, this brilliant adventure novel with it’s wonderfully constructed cast is perfect reading for anyone who loved ‘Hook’.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
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- 42.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Set on a plantation in the Solomon islands in the 1900s this gripping novel explores the themes of domination, racial inequality, the emancipation of women and the strength of the human spirit. The backdrop of the story is the struggle between the natives and colonials, the loss their beautiful home for the sake of human expansion on a global scale. With an incredible cast of vibrant characters and beautiful world building this inspired novel is perfect for anyone who loved Meryl Streep’s ‘Suffragette".Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
67.99 kr. ‘A Daughter of the Snows’ is acclaimed author Jack London’s debut novel as well as the novel that began his trademark passion for the frozen Yukon. In this powerful debut, we follow Frona Welse, an incredibly determined and forthright woman as she returns to her small Canadian home town after graduating from Stanford. In this small community she faces prejudice, harassment and exclusion, but her impressive personality soon attracts many suitors and she finds herself in the midst of a love triangle.When she upsets her father’s wealthy community after befriending the local prostitute, she takes to the trail to find herself among the mountains. It is a brilliant read, particularly for its brilliant heroine and the beautiful world building emblematic of London’s writing mastery. If you love strong heroines like Charlize Theron’s ‘Furiosa’ in Mad Max, you’ll love this novel.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Sophie Palmblad on hovineuvoksetar, jonka elämä on ollut onnellista ja yltäkylläistä. Iästään huolimatta Sophie on säilynyt nuorekkaana. Koti on kaunis, ja asiat ovat prikulleen paikoillaan. Ja Sophien lapset – he ovat olleet aina esimerkillisiä! Tyttäret Märta ja Alfhild ovat päässeet hyviin naimisiin. Poika Allan puolestaan on niin ihastuttava tapaus, ettei Allanilla voi olla edessään kuin loistava tulevaisuus. Kaikki ei kuitenkaan ole aina sitä miltä päällepäin näyttää. Sophien kiillotettu elämä saa syvän naarmun, kun rakkaasta pojasta paljastuu yllättävä asia.Maila Talvio on kirjailija Maila Mikkolan (1871–1951) salanimi. Mikkola julkaisi esikoisteoksensa Haapaniemen keinu vuonna 1895. Mikkola piti 1900-luvun alussa suosittua kirjallista salonkia Linnunlaulun huvilassa, joka on nykyään kirjailijatalo Villa Kivi.
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- 40.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Is there anything wrong with a man that wants to change the world? What happens when he goes a little too far against the wishes of his family? All Dr. Mark wants to do is help, but is this possible?An idealistic physician, shaped by his reformist mother, decides to practice medicine in a cold area in the far north of Norway among the Sami people. He returns home with his stylish new wife and sets about looking into the social factors that contribute to illness. This leads him into difficulty not least from his jealous wife.Will Dr. Mark's epiphany for social justice outweigh his ability to function rationally in his role as physician and husband? An insightful novel from Northern Norway at the turn of the 20th century.Johan Bojer (born Johan Kristoffer Hansen) was a popular Norwegian novelist and dramatist. He grew up as a foster child in a poor family living in Rissa near Trondheim, Norway. He learned the realities of poverty at an early age.Bojer principally wrote about the lives of the poor farmers and fishermen, both in his native Norway and among the Norwegian immigrants in the United States. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times and is best remembered for his novel 'The Emigrants', a major novel dealing with the trials and tribulations of Norwegians emigrating to the plains of North Dakota.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Financial ruin, chronic illness and children forced to leave their parents doesn't make for the happiest start to any book. Those are the burdens facing the two siblings, Louise (who takes after her aunt) and Lorentz (who takes after his father).Due to circumstances beyond their control, Louise and Lorentz's parents send them to live with their wealthy grand aunt, Margaret. The agreement was sealed, at least as far as Aunt Margaret is concerned, on the condition that she, and only she can make decisions relating to the children's upbringing. On top of that, Peer and Merle, the impoverished parents, must give up any right to ever see the children again.Lorentz meets his father again in later life. He admires the father and wants to be like him. From that point on, Lorentz’s quest for spiritual enlightenment begins.Though this is a stand alone novel, the author writes about Peer's earlier life in his earlier book ‘ The Great Hunger’.Johan Bojer (born Johan Kristoffer Hansen) was a popular Norwegian novelist and dramatist. He grew up as a foster child in a poor family living in Rissa near Trondheim, Norway. From an early age he learned the realities of poverty.Bojer principally wrote about the lives of the poor farmers and fishermen, both in his native Norway and among the Norwegian immigrants in the United States. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times and is best remembered for his novel 'The Emigrants', a major novel dealing with the motivations and trials of the Norwegians that emigrated to the plains of North Dakota.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Dangerous storms, treacherous waters and friends who sometimes turn out to be enemies. The life of the Norwegian fishermen was never easy. If you love 'The Vikings' series on Netflix, you will love this book!Set against the harsh beauty of the Lofoten Islands, 'The Last of the Vikings' is a stirring depiction, both of man's perseverance and of the end of an era. Its action centres upon a single fishing season, when the Norwegian peasantry, descendants of the Vikings, make their annual voyage to the islands.For the people at home, fishing was just as hard, but in a different way. The knowledge that your husband, son or father was away for months, risking his life, wore on those staying at home. The main character's wife is described as hating the sea - she never saw God in the sea. He just existed back at her childhood farm.This is a tale of the poor and their ongoing struggle to live and provide for their families. Full of adventures and tales, though quite sad in places, this classic book makes for an interesting read and is one of those stories that should be read at least once in a lifetime!Johan Bojer (born Johan Kristoffer Hansen) was a popular Norwegian novelist and dramatist. He grew up as a foster child in a poor family living in Rissa near Trondheim, Norway. He learned of the realities of poverty early in life.Bojer principally wrote about the lives of poor farmers and fishermen, both in his native Norway and among the Norwegian immigrants in the United States. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times and is best remembered for his novel 'The Emigrants', a major novel dealing with the motivations and trials of Norwegians that emigrated to the plains of North Dakota.
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- 77.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Una antología de relatos y reflexiones que siguen la fórmula del manuscrito encontrado: el escritor, convertido en narrador, amigo del Doctor Angélico, recibe el libro antes de su muerte. El libro con tintes autobiográficos muestra a la perfección el proceso de evolución ideológica seguido por Palacio Valdés. Con la voz del Doctor Angélico como hilo narrativo, el autor habla de feminismo, política u otros problemas sociales que estaban en boca de los círculos literarios del momento.Armando Palacio Valdés (1853-1938) fue escritor y crítico literario. Creció en el ambiente rural de Asturias, hasta que se trasladó a Oviedo con doce años. En 1870 se instaló en Madrid para estudiar derecho y ahí entró en el mundo literario de la capital, participando en revistas y formando parte del Ateneo. Empezó a escribir ensayo y críticas literarias, pero a partir de su primera novela, de éxito inmediato, se decantó hacia la narrativa. Escribió más de treinta libros, entre novelas y ensayos. Murió en Madrid durante la guerra civil, a la edad de 84 años.
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- 96.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Ciò che rende unici i racconti di Mary E. Wilkins Freeman non sono le case infestate, i fantasmi e le misteriose presenze, che pure non mancano di tendere agguati al lettore, nascoste nell'ombra delle pagine del libro. Ciò che li rende unici nel loro genere sono le protagoniste, non fanciulle indifese in attesa di essere salvate ma donne che affrontano l'ignoto con perseveranza e determinazione.Queste delicate storie gotiche, ambientate in quell'America rurale che l'autrice conosceva bene e pervase da una sottile inquietudine che diverrà il marchio di fabbrica dell'horror statunitense, sono al contempo classiche e inaspettate, fedeli ai canoni del genere e al contempo un valido ritratto di come una donna di allora viveva e pensava.Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman (1852 – 1930) è una delle maggiori voci del racconto gotico americano. Nata in una famiglia ferventemente calvinista, diventa scrittrice di professione quando la morte del padre la lascia sola e priva di mezzi. Divenuta ben presto una scrittrice affermata, supera un matrimonio infelice e nel 1926 riceve un prestigioso riconoscimento da parte dell'Accademia americana delle Arti e delle Lettere. Muore per un attacco di cuore a 77 anni.
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- 96.99 kr.
69.00 kr. ”Hun hed Marie og var fattighuslem.For nogle år siden, da der endnu var en smule stads ved hende, havde hun været glædespige. Hun havde engang været meget attrået, men efterhånden som hun blev ældre og tabte sig, gled hun ned ad i glædesgadernes rangforordning, og da til sidst selv den tarveligst vante mand rynkede på næsen af hende, blev hun smidt på fattiggården.”Marie ser tilbage på de få lyse øjeblikke, hun har oplevet i sit sørgelige liv – dengang det alligevel ikke var så skidt, som det sidenhen er endt. Mellem det hårde og det rå glimter der små juveler af poesi og ømhed, mens Marie tager os med på rejse i sin erindring.”Drømme” udkom første gang i 1910.Rud Lange (1884-1918) var en dansk journalist og forfatter, der udgav en lang række romaner i løbet af sit korte liv. Han opnåede ikke stor popularitet i sin samtid, hvor folk mente, at hans romaner var alt for optagede af det sygelige sind og af afvigende karakterer. Rud Lange begik selvmord i 1918, fire år efter hans sidste roman var udkommet.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
62.99 kr. Det är tidigt 1900-tal i Stockholm och livet i storstaden har inte blivit så som torparflickan Alva Nilsson hade tänkt sig. Efter en mindre lyckad jakt på arbete har hon dragits in i prostitutionens hårda värld. Sexton år gammal är hon nu med barn. Allt detta har föranlett den scen som utspelar sig, när hon en eftermiddag sitter gråtandes, och i desperat behov av hjälp, framför gynekologen Karolina Widerström. Hur hamnade Alva i den här situationen? Och vad kan Karolina egentligen göra för att hjälpa till? Fjärilsdansen är en historisk roman om rättskämpen Karolina Widerström, som även var Sveriges första kvinnliga läkare. Hon skildras här i sin kamp för kvinnorörelsen och i sin beslutsamhet att hjälpa några av samhällets mest utsatta människor: de prostituerade kvinnorna. Magnus Falk är en svensk författare och läkare. När han inte skriver böcker arbetar han som specialist inom allmänmedicin på en vårdcentral i Linköping. Han är dessutom docent vid Linköpings universitet. I sitt författande har Falk bl.a. skildrat Sveriges första kvinnliga läkare, Karolina Widerström, i romanen Fjärilsdansen.