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  • by Edith Nesbit
    67.99 kr.

    It is often said that if you want to make the world a better place, start with children!Do you still remember what it was like to be a child? It was frustrating, and you often felt helpless, but it was also magical and carefree.We were all children once, and this is Nesbit's main reminder to us all.This autobiographical essay explains Nesbit's views on childhood and upbringing. She encourages every adult to teach children about creativity and to never dampen their spirits. She offers specific examples on how to motivate children to be inventive, not only for the benefit of their childhoods but for everyone who has forgotten the magic of imagination. -

  • by Edith Nesbit
    92.99 kr.

    Do you believe in magic? Then fasten your seatbelt and join the ride as The Three C’s – Charlotte, Caroline, and Charles - try to figure out where it can be found.Spending an adventurous summer while visiting their uncle, they discover both mysterious books and a wonderful garden that will change their lives forever. Especially one book catches their attention "The Language of Flowers" which seems to be an actual Spell book! As they try out some of the spells incredible things start to happen. Could this magic be real, or are the extraordinary events taking place merely coincidental? A fascinating book about the magic we can find in everyday life, and a story of what it means to be a child trying to find their way in an adult world.Great for fans of C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    38.99 kr.

    This novel is the aquatic adventure of a lifetime.Four siblings, Francis, Mavis, Bernard, and Kathleen set out to rescue the sister of a mermaid who is being held captive at a circus.But who is good and who turns out evil? As always, appearances may deceive, and all is not as it seems.Meeting many new friends and gaining access to a secret kingdom underneath the sea, the siblings find themselves caught up in a war to save their new friends - the merpeople. Now, the siblings must confront their loyalty to each other as they fight for the goodness of the world.A timeless book, perfect for fans of C.S. Lewis, Bethany C. Morrow and J.K. Rowling, or anyone looking for a little bit of magic in their lives.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    92.99 kr.

    What would you do if you found out magic is actually all around you?These twelve magical short stories are all about magic and how it can be found in unlikely places. The atmosphere of each story is similar to the fantastic universe of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.They all contain important lessons for children as well as adults. In "The Cat-hood of Maurice," the protagonist learns to see life through another perspective and appreciate beings who are different from him. In "Kenneth and the Carp," a boy turns into a fish in order to prove his innocence. The story called "The Aunt and Amabel" is said to have inspired C.S. Lewis’ famous Narnia-series because Amabel goes through a wardrobe and arrives in another world much like the Narnia children. A fairy-tale book like no other.Perfect for fans of Roald Dahl, Lyman Frank Baum and Dianna Wynne Jones.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    92.99 kr.

    Funny characters, mischiefs and crazy adventures - this book has got it all. It contains both fairy tales and stories of the Bastable siblings known from the famous novel "e;The Story of the Treasure Seekers."e; Continuing their journey, Oswald tells us everything about what happens next.Which of the children are you most like? Are you a diplomat like Dora or brave like Alice? Perhaps sensitive like Noel? No matter what the siblings go through, they do it together. The family dynamic, however, is put to the test as they get into risky business. For fans of Lewis Carroll and Elizabeth Winthrop. -

  • by Nils Parling
    50.99 kr.

    Vid Lobergets skogar sätter det stora skogsbolaget villkoren. Trots att de redan äger nästan all mark försöker de girigt roffa åt sig den lilla mark som fortfarande ägs av privatpersoner. Markägaren Hiskia Zakirsson är en av de som för en evig kamp mot bolagets långa fingrar. Men betydligt större prövningar väntar Zakirsson och det lilla samhället, när spanska sjukan år 1918 sveper över världen och slutligen når Loberget.Hård höst är en karg och mörk, men ändock hoppfull, beskrivning av livet under det tidiga nittonhundratalet.Nils Parling (1914-2002) var en svensk arbetarförfattare från Ludvika. Han romandebuterade 1950 och försörjde sig dessförinnan som skogs- och fabriksarbetare. Under sina levnadsår utkom han med ett femtiotal böcker.

  • by Joachim Ringelnatz
    96.99 kr.

    Packend und mitreiend berichtet Joachim Ringelnatz uber seine Zeit als Seemann der deutschen Marine im ersten Weltkrieg. Fur den Kriegsdienst eingezogen, schildert er seine anfangliche Kriegsbegeisterung und Euphorie, aber auch das spatere Erwachen in den Schrecken des Kriegsgeschehens. Ein Lebensbericht der besonderen Art, der nichts verheimlicht und seinen LeserInnen einen authentischen Einblick in die Seemannswelt zwischen Kriegs- und Seefahrerromantik sowie bitterer Realitat gewahrt. -

  • by Arnold Bennett
    96.99 kr.

    Tout a commence pres des marches de Riceyman a Londres, dans la librairie de M. Earlsforward. Au moment ou Mme Arb a pousse la porte pour acheter un livre, le cA ur du libraire s'est mis a battre intensement. Quelques jours plus tard, ils se sont maries.Mais l'amour-eclair d'un libraire trop avare s'est mue en peur du manque. Mme Arb est depensiere. Elle a engage une bonne qui mange trop et qui laisse les chandelles se consumer toute la nuit. Vetements, chauffage, lumiere, nourriture : chaque sous depense est pour M. Earlsforward aussi douloureux qu'un coup de poignard en plein cA ur...Passion froide et vice destructeur, ce roman devoile un homme en proie a l'avarice extreme. Il s'agit d'une peinture du Londres du debut du XXe, d'une satire des mA urs, et d'un thriller sombre et sanglant d'un grand ecrivain.-

  • by Maha Akhtar
    111.99 kr.

    Khalid y Noura logran escaparse de Turquía, pero al llegar a El Líbano, él es condenado por espionaje y ahorcado en una plaza pública. Noura huye entonces a El Cairo donde se encuentra con Salah, compañero de su difunto marido en el movimiento de liberación y que al poco tiempo debe partir rumbo a Jordania con un ejército al mando de Lawrence de Arabia para atacar el golfo de Aqaba. Será en El Cairo donde Noura conozca a Rania y el grupo de mujeres que se reúnen habitualmente en su café. Mientras los hombres descubrirán el alto precio que deben pagar por su participación en la Revuelta árabe, estas mujeres librarán su propia guerra en el terreno de la familia y el amor.Beirut, 1963. Maha Akhtar es colaboradora habitual de Departures, una de las publicaciones más destacadas del American Express Publishing Group of Magazines. También es articulista para el periódico The Times en la India, donde publica una columna cada dos semanas. Entre otras actividades profesionales, Maha Ahktar fue ayudante de The Cure y trabajó para el canal de noticias CBS desde enero 1993 hasta julio 2006, siendo nombrada directora de CBS Communications en 1995. En el año 2000 se convirtió en jefa de personal del célebre presentador televisivo Dan Rather. Gracias a su talento para la escritura, se convirtió en co-redactora de casi todos los discursos de Rather. Escribió y produjo sus comentarios radiofónicos emitidos a diario y colaboró con él en muchos de sus libros. Maha Ahktar divide su tiempo entre Nueva York, Sevilla y Nueva Delhi. Habla con fluidez seis idiomas. Es asimismo una destacada bailarina profesional de flamenco y ha creado coreografías con la Compañía Manuela Carrasco. La nieta de la Maharaní es su primer libro.

  • by E. F. Benson
    102.99 kr.

    Dodo, who is well-known from E.F. Benson's bestseller carrying the same name, is now settled down. But Dodo has new problems in her life. Dodo's daughter Nadine is only eighteen years old but despite that she is already a self-confident woman - some would say that she is even quite full of herself! But is smoking cigarettes and chatting with friends enough to be the main content of one's life?'Dodo's daughter' is an intriguing novel about upper-class society youth in the 1910's.-

  • by Ludwig Bechstein
    40.99 kr.

    Die Rheinsage ist eine Sammlung der besten Sagen und Marchen des Autors Ludwig Bechstein. Einige der Marchen hat er selbst geschrieben, andere hat er gehort und gesammelt. Tauchen Sie in ein abenteuerliches Universum der besten deutschen, klassischen Marchen und Volkserzahlungen ein. Auch heute sind Bechsteins Sagen und Marchen lebendig und immer noch lesenswert.-

  • by Joachim Ringelnatz
    36.99 kr.

    Spitzfindig und amusant ruckt Joachim Ringelnatz die Turnbegeisterung seiner Zeit in diesem Werk ins Zentrum seiner satirischen Betrachtungen. Pointiert beleuchtet er verschiedenste Leibesubungen der damaligen Epoche und stellt in gewohnt komischer Weise deren Sinnhaftigkeit zur Diskussion. Dabei treffen lyrische wie athletische Wortbilder auf den fur Ringelnatz typischen Sprachwitz und erzeugen so ein lebhaftes Bild zeitgenossischer Korperkultur.-

  • by Joachim Ringelnatz
    40.99 kr.

    Fur Literaturliebhaber und Anhanger humoristischer Lyrik: Eine Auswahl der schonsten und popularsten Gedichte des bekannten kabarettistischen Dichters Joachim Ringelnatz. Erschienen 1912, finden sich in dieser Zusammenstellung Ringelnatz' bekannteste Gedichte, welche die Vielfaltigkeit seines Werkes in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite reprasentieren. Mal nachdenklich, mit Tiefgang und Melancholie, aber vor allem abwechslungsreich, bunt und voller Komik.-

  • by Yngve Kernell
    43.99 kr.

    Under en promenad i Hagaparken får journalisten Joakim syn på något underligt. På marken ligger en tonårig pojke, invirad i en filt och klädd i de mest besynnerliga av kläder. När pojken så småningom vaknar till liv tätnar mysteriet ytterligare. Han vägrar nämligen att tala om sitt namn. Däremot kan han berätta att han sänts för att varna kung Gustav III om förrädarna som planerar att mörda honom den sextonde mars. Problemet är bara att det redan hunnit bli den artonde – och att Gustav III varit död i över hundra år. Inte kan väl pojken ha rest i tiden från år 1792 till 1912? Det måste finnas en logisk förklaring...Yngve Kernell (1903-1994) var en svensk arkitekt, konstnär och författare från Göteborg. Han studerade vid Chalmers och gick även utbildningar på målarskolor i Stockholm och Paris.

  • by Catherine Cookson
    148.99 kr.

    Wie had ooit gedacht dat de strooien hoed met gouden glans haar hele leven zou veranderen? In het prachtige Victoriaanse Londen krijgt Emily de prachtige hoed cadeau van haar beste vriendin. Wanneer ze naar Nice reist voor vakantie, trekt het hoofddeksel de aandacht van de aantrekkelijke Paul, en Emily weet zijn hart te veroveren. Helaas is Paul niet de lieve man wie hij leek en verwoest Emilys leven, waar zelfs haar kinderen en kleinkinderen nog de gevolgen van kunnen merken. Hoe heeft de strooien hoed alles zo overhoop gehaald?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    67.99 kr.

    Have you ever wanted to help someone but ended up making things worse?In this collection of short tales we follow the Bastable children who find themselves in exactly that situation. Even though the siblings try to do good, they always end up getting into trouble. This time, they get arrested, try fortune-telling, spend a spooky night at an old windmill, and try to change their horrible cousin Archibald. Each story offers deep insight into hilarious characters.Sharing similar themes with Mark Twain's "e;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"e; this is a funny and engaging book revolving around children, but for every adventurer.-

  • by Edith Nesbit
    67.99 kr.

    Love can be confusing but should that stop us from pursuing it?This is a love story about a bored young man who desperately seeks adventure.He finally achieves his dream when he suddenly inherits a large amount of money and goes on a journey around England. He is not selfish with his money, and he happily spends them on other people, but something is still missing.Suddenly, he falls in love with a young woman, and she is everything he has been looking for. However, their romance is not without complications. As their relationship grows deeper and deeper, a man named Mr. Schultz tries to stop their happiness.Are the two young lovers meant for each other, or will their relationship break?Great for readers of Margaret Mitchell and Jane Austen.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • by Heinrich Mann
    36.99 kr.

    Heinrich Mann fangt in seiner Kurzgeschichte "e;Die Verrater"e; ganz wunderbar die Essenz der politischen und die gesellschaftliche Situation in der Weimarer Republik gegen Kriegsende ein. Bei einem Zusammentreffen kommt es zu einer Konfrontation zwischen einem Angehorigen der Arbeiterpartei und einem Monarchen und Verfechter der Weimarer Republik. Die anderen Anwesenden werden Teil der angespannten Situation und der politischen Ansichten der Streitenden. Viele der Partygaste sehen sich selbst als Teil der gehobenen Klasse und Aristokratie und wollen sich nicht zum Arbeitervolk bekennen, auch wenn manche von ihnen nicht in der gehoben Klasse geboren wurden.-

  • by Gerhart Hauptmann
    96.99 kr.

    Dieser fesselnde Roman verspricht Spannung der Extraklasse. Der berühmte Bakteriologe Dr. Friedrich von Kammacher erfährt, dass seine Ehefrau an einer psychischen Störung leidet, die sich zunehmend verschlimmert. Er beschließt zu handeln und weist sie in eine psychiatrische Klinik ein. Während er sich in Berlin von den Vorkommnissen erholt, lernt er die Tänzerin Ingigerd kennen und verfällt ihr. Nachdem er erfährt, dass sie mit einem Schiff nach New York reist, beschließt er ihr zu folgen. Doch die Überfahrt entpuppt sich für Friedrich und die anderen Passagiere als ein Albtraum.Gerhart Hauptmann wurde 1862 in Schlesien geboren und lebte bis 1946. Er gehört zu den bekanntesten Vertretern des Naturalismus. Im Laufe seiner Schaffensjahre musste er nicht selten Rückschläge wie Zensur oder Aufführungsverbote einstecken. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken, die Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts jedoch kontrovers diskutiert wurden, gehört das sozialkritische Drama "Vor Sonnenaufgang", in dem Alkoholismus und Sexualität thematisiert wird und "Die Weber", worin er den historischen Weberaufstand von 1844 verarbeitet.1912 erhielt Hauptmann den Nobelpreis für Literatur.

  • by Lauri Sauramo
    58.99 kr.

    Helsingissä eletään sisällissodan aikaa. Hämärät hahmot yllättävät yksityisetsivä Haukan tämän omassa asunnossaan. Haukka saa kuulla, että paikalliselta rosvopäälliköltä on vohkittu kokonainen asevarasto. Kadonneiden venäläisten kiväärien jäljittäminen ei ole helppo tehtävä taitavallekaan yksityisetsivälle. Ei varsinkaan, kun Haukkaa pidetään valkolahtarien vakoilevana silmänä, ja häntä vahdataan joka kulman takaa silmä kovana.Haukka ryhtyy kuitenkin selvittämään varkautta. Onko kyseessä yksittäistapaus? Vai liittyykö se käynnissä oleviin konflikteihin? Liittyykö tapaukseen punakaartin päällikön tytär, Maisu?Lauri Sauramon vauhdikas salapoliisikertomus on ainutlaatuinen aikalaiskatsaus sisällissodan tapahtumiin dekkarinäkökulmasta.

  • by Edgar Rice Burroughs
    73.99 kr.

    Billy Byrne elaa kovaa elamaa Chicagon tiheaan kansoitetussa getossa. Rahaa han ei saa raavittua kasaan muuten kuin varastelemalla ja hakkaamalla ohikulkijoita. Han juo liikaa, on vakivaltainen, eika han pida rikkaista. Myos Billylla on kuitenkin oma moraalinsa: kaveria ei jateta, eika heista kerrota kytille yhtaan mitaan.Pahamaineinen elamantyyli vie Billya mukanaan. Kaikista pahin kuitenkin tapahtuu, kun hanta epaillaan murhasta, johon han ei ole syyllinen. Ainoa pakotie avautuu laivalla, jonka mukana han matkustaa San Franciscoon. Laivan karu elama ja pakkoraittius ovat kuin siunauksia valepuvussa.Siunauksista suurin saapuu hanen elamaansa, kun han paatyy pelastamaan kauniin Barbara Hardingin sieppaajiltaan. Alkaa meriseikkailu, jonka keskella epatodennakoisimmastakin paikasta voi loytaa rakkauden siemenen.Teos sisaltaa kolme romaania Billy Byrnesta. Tarinat julkaistiin alunperin erikseen erinaisissa sanomalehdissa.-

  • by Carolyn Wells
    92.99 kr.

    Victoria Van Allen is something of a riddle for her neighbour, Chester Calhoun. Known as Vicky Van to her friends, she is somewhat avant-garde but respected nonetheless. When a millionaire is stabbed to death at one of her famed dinner parties, she flees the scene before the police can be contacted, unwittingly placing herself at the centre of their investigation. As it is discovered that the deceased had ties to Vicky's past, and detective Fleming Stone is called in to bring her to justice, Chester grapples with his affection for Vicky and his moral obligation to the police. Inventive, taut, and rational, this novel is ideal for fans of writers like Arthur Conan Doyle. -

  • by Sulo-Weikko Pekkola
    73.99 kr.

    On vuosi 1915. Sulo-Weikko Pekkola on maaratty hoitamaan Jongunjoen hoitoalueen metsanhoitajan virkaa. Pakkasta on -35 astetta, ja Pekkola leimaa tukkipuita hoitoalueensa etaisimmassa kolkassa Venajan rajan kupeella. Yhtakkia tyot keskeytyvat. Mies, jonka parta on jaatynyt jaapuikoksi, lahestyy seuruetta keskella ei-mitaan. Miehella on Pekkolalle sahke - sahke, jossa lukee vain "e;saavu heti"e;. Mista on kysymys? Mika voi olla nain tarkeaa? "e;Herrana ja heittiona. Pommarin ja varvarin muistelmia sotavuosilta"e; on Pekkolan elava ja mukaansatempaava muistelmateos suomalaisesta jaakariliikkeesta ja sen kouluttamisesta Saksassa.-

  • by Sulo-Weikko Pekkola
    73.99 kr.

    Jaakaripataljoona numero 27 ei ollut mika tahansa saksalainen pataljoona. Kyseessa oli Saksan armeijan yksikko, jonka jaakarit olivat paaasiassa suomalaisia - yksikossa annettiin jatkokoulutusta erityisesti sellaisille suomalaisille, jotka ajoivat Suomen itsenaistymista Venajasta.Kun Venaja ajautui vallankumoukseen vuonna 1917, myos tunnelma Jaakaripataljoona 27:ssa muuttui hermostuneen odottavaksi. Sulo-Weikko Pekkola oli yksi naista jaakareista - ja "e;Ihmisten kiusana"e; on Pekkolan selonteko naista ajoista. -

  • by Elna Panduro
    49.00 kr.

    Elna Panduro var en af de første kvinder til at beskæftige sig med seksualundervisning i skolen. Efter hendes opfattelse tjente seksualiteten først og fremmest reproduktive formål inden for ægteskabets rammer, men undervisningen indebar også de socialpolitiske aspekter af seksuallivet. "Vore drenges og ynglinges seksuelle opdragelse" fra 1915 indeholder en beskrivelse af de biologiske aspekter af kønslivet, herunder kvinders og mænds kønsorganer, reproduktion og kønssygdomme. Men i bogen skildres også samtidens sociale aspekter af seksuallivet med kapitler om relationer mellem mænd og kvinder, ungdommens fristelser, forlovelse og ægteskab, alkohol, misbrug og prostitution.Elna Panduro (1871-1947) var lærerinde på Frederiksberg og en pioner inden for seksualoplysning og -undervisning. Allerede i 1906 blandede hun sig i diskussionen om seksualundervisning i skolen med artiklen "Forplantningslæren i børneskolen", der byggede på hendes egne erfaringer som underviser. I 1913 udgav hun lærebogen "Det seksuelle spørgsmål i hjem og skole", der henvendte sig til piger, og i 1915 fulgte "Vore drenges og ynglinges seksuelle opdragelse". Elna Panduros arbejde med undervisning i kønslig sundhedslære og kønslig moral bar frugt og førte til indførelse af seksualundervisning inden for Frederiksberg skolevæsen på en tid, hvor det ellers ikke var obligatorisk eller udbredt på landets skoler.

  • by Jack London
    67.99 kr.

    An ancestors legacy. The promise of gold. The excitement of adventure. Who could resist? When young heir Francis Morgan receives an offer to hunt for the lost treasure of his ancestor, the pirate Henry Morgan, he seems to have hit the jackpot. It soon becomes clear, however, that Francis is in way over his head, and the promise of gold becomes the least exciting thing about this proposition. Written shortly before his death in 1920, Hearts of Three is one of Jack London's finest novels, unmissable for fans of classic adventure.-

  • by Jack London
    92.99 kr.

    All that Billy and Saxon Roberts have ever dreamed of is owning a piece of land, freeing them from having to work for other people. However, they are stuck in Oakland with no money, no resources, and struggling to survive. The real adventure begins when they decide to leave Oakland in search of a better life.Written in the early 20th Century, ‘The Valley of the Moon’ is often described as one of the very first road trip novels. Its captivating storyline makes it unmissable for fans of classic adventure and Californian landscapes.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but his unflinching realism eventually earned him the status of one of the highest-paid authors of his time. Many of his novels are considered classics today, his most notable being ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Sea Wolf’, and ‘White Fang’. Fans of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, and Charles Dickens will enjoy his ability to make the mundane captivating.

  • by J.H. Fabre
    79.00 kr.

    Insekter og spindleres liv har i mange år fascineret mennesket, og J.H. Fabres beskrivelser af de små dyr har i høj grad bidraget til at fremme interessen for dem. "Instinktets mysterier hos insekter og edderkopper" fra 1915 er skrevet i et spændende og levende sprog, der gør bogen interessant for både fagfolk og lægmænd. Bogen omhandler blandt andet den grønne løvgræshoppe, træbukken, fyrrens processionsspinder og de mange forskellige slags edderkopper.Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre (1823-1915) var en fransk naturforsker, entomolog og forfatter, der i dag især huskes for sine bøger om insekters liv. Han var stort set selvlært og skrev blandt andet om bier, biller og græshopper. Selvom Fabre var kristen og aldrig anerkendte evolutionsteorien, nærede Darwin stor respekt for hans arbejde.

  • by Jack London
    42.99 kr.

    Their planned adventure to Yosemite had become all that Gus Lafee and Hazard Van talked about, so it is needless to say that they were devastated to discover that somebody had ‘scooped’ them, reaching the peak of Hall Dome just before they did. Their dejection swiftly turns into curiosity, however, as the mystery conqueror begins to send out help signals in morse code.Published six years after his death, ‘Dutch Courage and other stories’ is an exhilarating collection of some of Jack London’s finest work.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but his unflinching realism eventually earned him the status of one of the highest-paid authors of his time. Many of his novels are considered classics today, his most notable being ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Sea Wolf’, and ‘White Fang’. Fans of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, and Charles Dickens will enjoy his ability to make the mundane captivating.

  • by Albert Verwey
    40.99 kr.

    In Holland en de oorlog, uitgegeven in 1916, verzamelde dichter, vertaler en essayist Albert Verwey een reeks korte essayistische bespiegelingen over de wereld van toen, die verwikkeld was in de eerste wereldoorlog. Enerzijds probeerde hij vat te krijgen op de verwarrende tijdsgeest, anderzijds wilde hij voorspellingen doen voor de toekomst van Europa. Het is een van de weinige boeken uit die tijd die ingaat op de positie van Nederland als neutraal land tijdens de eerste wereldoorlog, en wat dat betekent voor de landen eromheen. Vanwege deze neutrale positie heeft de eerste wereldoorlog in Nederland nooit zo'n prominente plek gekregen als in de omringende landen.-