40.99 kr. Suku on ihmeissään, kun Irja jättää yliopiston ja päättää ryhtyä laulajattareksi. Onneksi hänellä on tukenaan Gee, isän kuolinvuoteellaan nimeämä suojelija, joka kannustaa tyttöä viskaamaan latinan kieliopin takkaan. Lähes viisikymmentävuotias Gee on nuorelle Irjalle samaan aikaan isällinen tuki, neuvonantaja ja hassunhauska kaveri. Italian-matkalla Irjan elämään tupsahtaa kuitenkin toinenkin tärkeä mies, ja romanssi roihahtaa nopeasti.Nuoren, taiteellisen naisen kasvukertomus on täynnä ihastumisen hupsuutta. Irja uhmaa suvun vaatimuksia etsiessään omaa tietään, taidettaan ja hehkuvaa rakkautta.Bagheera on Erkki Kivijärven (1882–1942) nimimerkki. Kivijärvi oli Helsingin Sanomien toimittaja ja kirjailija. Näkyvimmin Kivijärvi oli esillä toimiessaan teatterikriitikkona.
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
49.00 kr. "’Dette her er alvor,’ sagde han. ’Jeg taler på alle mine kammeraters vegne. Vi arbejdere er enige, og den næste kuldamper bliver altså ikke losset, hvis De ikke går ind på vore betingelser.’’Nå, ikke det?’ Jantzen smilte endnu. ’Ja, vel er du stærk, Søren, men vi kan nok alligevel klare os uden dig!’’Jeg taler altså på alle mine kammeraters vegne, og De får ingen arbejder her i byen til at hjælpe Dem, det tør jeg svare Dem for.’"Den lille kystby er vant til ro og orden. Arbejderne gør, som der bliver sagt, uden at tænke videre over det. Det hele ændrer sig imidlertid, da en socialist kommer til byen og giver sig til at puste til de lokale arbejderes utilfredshed. Pludselig begynder folk at spørge sig selv og hinanden, om ikke de har krav på en bedre løn, når nu de arbejder så hårdt og tjener så mange penge til deres arbejdsgivere.Søren Søgård står i spidsen for de utilfredse arbejdere, og står det til ham, går de i strejke, ligesom arbejderne har gjort i mange europæiske byer de sidste år. Spørgsmålet er bare, om de andre arbejdere er villige til også at nedlægge arbejdet, eller om Søren ender med at miste alt i kampen for deres alle sammens rettigheder."Konsulens hus" udkom første gang i 1924 og tegner et interessant billede af den spirende sociale uro i en mindre dansk provinsby.Georg Rønberg (1877-1952) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter. Han debuterede i 1907 med romanen "De, som elske" og udgav senere en lang række romaner heraf en del historiske romaner. Georg Rønberg oversatte endvidere værker af blandt andre Bernhard Kellermann og Richard Nordhausen.
- Ebook
- 49.00 kr.
69.00 kr. - Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
125.99 kr. Zulmie a 38 ans quand éclate la guerre de 1914. Son Edmond est tué dans les premiers mois du conflit. Bien que Femme, elle reprend seule la direction de la tannerie créée par son mari à Solre-le-Château. Elle devient la marraine de guerre de Pierre, un bachelier mobilisé de 18 ans. Entre eux germe une dépendance intellectuelle provocante mais l'après-guerre et l'engagement de Zulmie pour la cause des femmes vont compliquer leur relation hors du commun.Dix ans de chantiers archéologiques à l'étranger, voici comment débute la carrière de l'auteur. A son retour en France, il devient CAPESsien en Histoire, puis, AGREGE de Lettres Modernes. Il passe ensuite le concours des personnels de direction et d'encadrement du Ministère de l'Education. Il devient proviseur de lycée et ensuite directeur de cabinet d'une grande Rectrice d'Académie.Officier de réserve depuis la fac, en 2006, il décide de son reversement de l'Education Nationale à la Défense.En 2018, il écrit le premier opus d'une saga dont le cinquième volume sera disponible cet automne. Simultanément, il chante en EHPAD, à l'hôpital, en maraudes pour le SAMU social et ailleurs encore...Ses textes sont emprunts de soutien aux sufragettes, aux féministes, à toutes celles et ceux qui militent pour que le genre ne soit plus un obstacle à l'épanouissement personnel.
- Audiobook
- 125.99 kr.
49.00 kr. Under et ophold i USA i begyndelsen af 1920’erne blev den danske fysiolog August Krogh bekendt med de amerikanske videnskabsmænd Frederick Banting og Charles Bests succesfulde forsøg på at fremstille insulin til behandling af sukkersyge. Krogh opnåede eksklusiv tilladelse til at forsøge sig med insulinproduktion herhjemme, og det gav hurtigt Danmark en førende position i sukkersygebehandlingen. I "Insulin. En opdagelse og dens betydning" redegør han for hele processen. Bogen udkom første gang i 1924.August Krogh – Schack August Steenberg Krogh – (1874-1949) var en dansk fysiolog og professor i zoofysiologi ved Københavns Universitet fra 1916-1945. I 1920 modtog han nobelprisen i fysiologi/medicin for opdagelsen af den kapillærmotoriske regulationsmekanisme. Han regnes blandt 1900-tallets største fysiologer og har skrevet flere bøger om fysiologi og medicin.
- Ebook
- 49.00 kr.
38.99 kr. A salutary tale, ‘The Baby Party’ focuses on John and Edith Andros.John is at odds with himself over his attitude towards his daughter, Ede. On one hand, he’s glad that life will continue through his child. On the other, the day-to-day practicalities of fatherhood bore and irritate him.However, when Ede is invited to a party and ends up hurting another child, John’s instincts are put to the test.A pithy story, ‘The Baby Party’ suggests that there are occasions when children can act with more maturity than their grownup counterparts.Fun, fast-paced, and full of laughs, ‘The Baby Party’ is perfect for fans of Ernest Hemingway.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
79.00 kr. "Vore hjems vigtigste opgave er at opdrage børnene, som fødes deri. Dette hverv deler hjemmet i vor tid med skolerne. Men det bør ikke glemmes, at forældrene har ansvaret, og at lærerne kun skal være hjemmets hjælpere ved opgavens løsning.Grundlaget for al virkelig opdragelse er, efter min gammeldags mening, lydighed. Vil man dømme om forældres evne til at udvikle deres børn til rette mennesker, ser man først på, om de har deres lydighed."Den danske teolog og højskoleforstander Holger Begtrup har samlet en lang række foredrag holdt rundt omkring i Danmark i de første par årtier af det tyvende århundrede. Foredragene, der både behandler problemstillinger i hjemmet og i det offentlige liv, giver et spændende indblik i, hvordan en grundtvigianer så på livet og samfundet i starten af 1900-tallet.Holger Christian Begtrup (1859-1937) var en dansk teolog, højskoleforstander og forfatter. Han var uddannet cand.theol. og vandt i 1883 Københavns Universitets guldmedalje. I 1895 grundlagde Holger Begtrup Frederiksberg Højskole, som han blev forstander for. Holger Begtrup er desuden kendt for sine bøger "Det danske Folks Historie i det 19. Aarhundrede", "Grundtvigs udvalgte Skrifter", biografien "C. Berg, en dansk Politikers Udviklingshistorie" og "Den danske Højskole".
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
69.00 kr. I "Glæde over Danmark", der oprindeligt er udgivet i 1924, har Andreas Vinding samlet en række skitser og essays om danske landskaber, byer og mennesker. De fleste af teksterne er skrevet i årene umiddelbart efter første verdenskrigs afslutning, og bogen er i høj grad en hyldest til vores fædreland.Andreas Vinding (1881-1950) var en dansk journalist og forfatter. I 1905 blev han ansat på Politiken, hvor han især blev kendt for sine reportager. Fra 1911 var han udenrigskorrespondent og rapporterede fra vestfronten i Frankrig under første verdenskrig og sidenhen fra Finland. Efter krigen bosatte Vinding sig i Paris, hvorfra han skrev for en lang række europæiske aviser ligesom han udgav en række reportage- og erindringsværker. Andreas Vinding er farfar til Thomas Winding og oldefar til Alberte Winding.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
42.99 kr. Jim Powell is a jelly-bean; a lazy, idle man, who is content to drift through life.However, when his friend, Clark, invites him to a shindig where Nancy Lamar is going to be, there might be an opportunity for him to mend his ways.Set in the Jazz Age of the Twenties, ‘The Jelly-Bean’ is a fascinating tale that doesn’t spare the details when it comes to issues such as social awkwardness, gambling, and the booze-soaked party scene.The sting in the tale’s tail is unexpected and haunting.´The Jelly-Bean´ is a great read for Fitzgerald fans and fans of Mark Twain.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Proof that 'the more things change, the more they stay the same', The Great Gatsby author F. Scott Fitzgerald pokes fun at how credit-reliant society is.In the 1920s, Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda had been living at the Plaza Hotel when they found out they were broke. They couldn't pay for their hotel room and so moved into a rented house, so he could start writing again to pay the bill.A year later, Fitzgerald once again found himself penniless.At his wife's suggestion, he wrote 'How to Live on $36,000 a Year' - an autobiographical look at how he and his family had gotten through the last 12 months.'How to Live on $36,000 a Year' is the ideal read for those interested in learning a bit more about one of the most famous American authors.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. This short story follows the loveable character of George O'Kelly, an aspiring engineer who sells insurance to pay the bills.George falls in love with the mysterious Jonquill Cary. When he gets a letter from her, he quits his job so he can go to Tennessee to visit her and convince her about their relationship.However, when he arrives, he finds Jonquill with two other younger boys and they then break up.The story picks up again a year later, to find George hugely successful and notably well-dressed. When Jonquill reunites with George, it is hard to know if things have changed for the couple...´The Sensible Thing´ is the ideal read for fans of Ernest Hemingway and Raymond Carver.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
40.99 kr. "Smaragd med briljanter och andra gömda pärlor" är en samling med deckarnoveller som utspelar sig under det glada tjugotalet och i jordens alla hörn. Samlingen består delvis av novellserien om A-G Valentins äventyr och delvis av spridda noveller men alla med den gemensamma nämnaren – juveler.A-G Valentin är en handelsresande juvelerare. Yrket tar A-G jorden runt, från Ceylons tropiska klimat till auktioner i Istanbul. Äventyren duggar tätt och är allt som oftast halsbrytande. En sak är klar: A-G går aldrig sysslolös.Anders Eje är Axel Esséns (1880-1951) mest förekommande pseudonym. Han skrev främst exotiska underhållningsromaner, ofta på platser som Ceylon. Han arbetade även på olika tidningar, bland annat som redaktör för Vecko-Journalen.
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
54.99 kr. "Zodiakringen" är en äventyrsroman fylld av skrönor från Ceylon, nuvarande Sri Lanka. Äventyren i den asiatiska ö-nationen går tretton på dussinet. I "Bankett med efterspel" leder ett journalistsammanträde, efter rikliga mängder rusdryck, till långtgående konsekvenser.I "Fem tropiska nätter" försöker berättarjaget ta sig igenom en tropisk natt utan att drunkna i sitt eget svett. Till råga på allt kan man inte ha fönsterna öppna, då kråkorna i trakten är tjuvaktiga och pickar i sig all mat det kan få tag i.Anders Eje är Axel Esséns (1880-1951) mest förekommande pseudonym. Han skrev främst exotiska underhållningsromaner, ofta på platser som Ceylon. Han arbetade även på olika tidningar, bland annat som redaktör för Vecko-Journalen.
- Ebook
- 54.99 kr.
54.99 kr. Det är slutet på januari 1928 i Stockholm. Det är dags att jag drar på resa, imorgon ska det ske, då ska biljetten till London köpas!Tanken hade knappt hunnit tänkas färdigt innan telefonen ringer. Samtalet kommer från Malmö. Det är den gamla bekanta Stommy som ringer: "Jo, det är så att Jules Verne fyller 100 år den 8:e februari." Sekunden efter frågar Stommy, lite sådär från en höft, om jag vill leka Phileas Fogg – alltså resa jorden runt så fort det bara går. Tänk, en tråkig januaridag blev genast en spektakulär portal in i det okända!"I Phileas Foggs fotspår" är en äventyrsroman som tar läsaren jorden runt i hejdundrande fart.Anders Eje är Axel Esséns (1880-1951) mest förekommande pseudonym. Han skrev främst exotiska underhållningsromaner, ofta på platser som Ceylon. Han arbetade även på olika tidningar, bland annat som redaktör för Vecko-Journalen.
- Ebook
- 54.99 kr.
39.00 kr. "Grønlandsbogen" fra 1921 indeholder en lang række billeder af Grønland og det grønlandske folk i starten af det tyvende århundrede. Bogen giver desuden et interessant indblik i, hvordan man i Danmark så på Grønland, inuitterne og den danske kolonisering af det enorme land i netop den periode, hvor de store danske ekspeditioner fandt sted i Grønland.Louis Theodor Alfred Bobé (1867-1951) var en dansk historiker og forfatter. Han arbejdede i en lang årrække som arkivar og var desuden ordenshistoriograf. Louis Bobé udgav mange bøger om historie og historiske personer på både dansk og tysk. Han modtog en række ordner for sit virke som historiker heriblandt 1. grad af Dannebrogsordenen, Dansk Røde Kors Mindetegn for Krigsfangehjælp samt Officerkorset af Oranien-Nassau-ordenen.
- Ebook
- 39.00 kr.
49.00 kr. Spørgsmålet om livet efter døden har i årtusinder optaget alverdens religioner.Historiker Anna Hude, der voksede op i den kristne tro, lod sig midt i livet opsluge af spiritismen, som hun i slutningen af sit liv lagde fra sig til fordel for panteismen. I sin bog "Gennem døden" undersøger hun, hvordan man i forskellige kulturer har set på et muligt liv efter døden. Bogen har både historikerens saglige blik og det personlige aspekt fra en kvinde, der selv har søgt svarene i flere forskellige trosretninger."Gennem døden" udkom første gang i 1926.Anna Hude (1858-1934) var en dansk historiker. I 1888 modtog hun som den første kvinde Københavns Universitets guldmedalje for sin afhandling om lensvæsenets oprindelse, og i 1893 blev hun tillige den første kvindelig cand.phil. med en disputats om danehoffet. Anna Hude var dog allerede kendt i offentligheden fra 1880, da hun på åben gade skød og sårede lægen C.J. Leerbeck, der havde voldtaget hende. Drabsforsøget kostede hende et års fængsel. I begyndelsen af 1900-tallet var Anna Hude en aktiv del af kvindebevægelsen.
- Ebook
- 49.00 kr.
From 74.99 kr. Hyytävä murhatapaus Havaijilla – kuka tappoi yläluokkaisen miehen?Eletään 1920-lukua. Kun varakas bostonilainen Dan Winterslip murhataan Havaijilla, kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä Charlie Chan on jännittävän mysteerin äärellä. Kuka olisi voinut haluta pahaa Danille? Entä mikä on Danin suvun tarina – mikseivät kaikki sukulaiset tule toimeen keskenään? Ja miten Danin sukulaispoika John Quincy Winterslip liittyy tähän kaikkeen? Kaiken huipuksi mysteeriin liittyy myös talo ilman avainta...Charlie Chan ja avaimeton talo aloittaa jännittävän etsiväsarjan.Kuin Agatha Christien mysteereitä – mutta Havaijilla! Charlie Chan on kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä, joka selvittää kiehtovia rikoksia Havaijin kauniissa ympäristössä.Yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija Earl Derr Biggers (1884–1933) tunnetaan erityisesti jännitysromaaneistaan, joissa seikkailee kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä Charlie Chan.
77.99 kr. John Sands desperately needs a bribe. Fast.When an escaped convict turns up on his sofa one morning, John thinks he has found his luck. But will one criminal mind to another be able to dig John out of his murky mess?And more importantly, in a world where women are not expected to be cunning, will this convict be able to hoodwink John’s enemies?Perfect for fans of Netflix’s ‘Peaky Blinders’, Edgar Wallace’s alluring ‘The Million Dollar Story’ weaves a rip-roaring tale of crime and cunningness.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screenplays, and stage plays, along with historical non-fiction.His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
73.99 kr. "Ritorno ad Harlem" non è solo un romanzo: è una vera e propria celebrazione, un ballo cadenzato dalle note di quello sfrenato jazz che ha cristallizzato per sempre, nell’immaginario di tutti, i "ruggenti anni Venti". Ma qui non parliamo di Gershwin, né, tantomeno, del Grande Gatsby. Il mondo da cui muove Claude McKay è infatti quello della New York afroamericana, di una Harlem che, successivamente ai disagi della Grande Guerra, ha attirato migliaia di neri dal sud degli Stati Uniti e da altre zone dell’America, tutti con l’obiettivo di dare vita a una scenografia per le proprie speranze di emancipazione. Il cosiddetto Rinascimento di Harlem è un’epopea vitale, sanguigna, perennemente sospesa fra la disperazione della miseria e il vitalismo di una comunità che cerca di costruirsi un proprio spazio di libertà. Una lettura imprescindibile, per tutti e a ogni latitudine.Claude McKay (1889-1948) nasce a James Hill, nel sudest della Jamaica, da una famiglia di contadini proprietari di terra. Avviato agli studi da un fratello, manifesta sin da giovanissimo una forte vena letteraria, pubblicando il suo primo libro di poesie, "Songs of Jamaica", nel 1912 (un originale esperimento in lingua patois). Nonostante i moltissimi viaggi e una vita fatta di avventure e lavori di ogni tipo (visiterà l’Unione Sovietica, si sposerà in Giappone e abiterà a Londra), il suo nome è per lo più associato al cosiddetto Rinascimento di Harlem. Trasferitosi in America nel 1912, infatti, entrerà ben presto in contatto con la frenetica scena creativa del più grande quartiere nero di New York. "Ritorno ad Harlem" (1928), sicuramente la sua opera più famosa, è una celebrazione della vita di strada e, al contempo, una denuncia della profonda iniquità della società americana. Fra i suoi altri libri, si possono anche citare "Banjo" (1929) e "Banana Bottom" (1933).
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
43.99 kr. Port Said, Bombay, Ceylon. Ett par har lämnat Sverige och gett sig ut på jorden runt-resa. Från Hamburg vinkar de farväl till Europa. I Röda Havet förtärs julgrisen och i Calcutta blir Charlotte, kvinnan i sällskapet, intagen på s.k. sinkabirum, en typ av fängelse, bara för att bli släppt några dagar senare. Vidare på världsomseglingen väntar soliga dagar i Siam, spektakulära vyer längs Suez-kanalen och fler hänförande resmål."Folk, fä och fakirer" är en reseskildring från en globetrotters perspektiv under det tidiga 1900-talet.Anders Eje är Axel Esséns (1880-1951) mest förekommande pseudonym. Han skrev främst exotiska underhållningsromaner, ofta på platser som Ceylon. Han arbetade även på olika tidningar, bland annat som redaktör för Vecko-Journalen.
- Ebook
- 43.99 kr.
59.99 kr. It’s the ultimate plot to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. But when a criminal mastermind finds Scotland Yard detectives sniffing around his tracks, things become far from easy. And when a beautiful girl arrives on the scene, distractions are all the more inevitable.Packed with suspense, tension and thrills, Edgar Wallace’s rip-roaring crime novel ‘The Traitor’s Gate’ is perfect for fans of BBC’s hit series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
68.99 kr. - Ebook
- 68.99 kr.
77.99 kr. When a man is found dead one early morning with his throat cut, detective J.G. Reeder knows he is about to have his work cut out for him. It can but only be the work of John Flack, Crazy John Flack. An evil genius madman, he’s escaped from Broadmoor Criminal Asylum and is on move. But detective Reeder is perhaps the only match for Crazy John, and he’s not giving up easily.A thrilling murder mystery tale of two sharp witted men trying to out-do one and another, Edgar Wallace’s ‘Terror Keep’ is ideal for fans of the blockbbuster hit "Knives Out" starring Daniel Craig.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
42.99 kr. As an aristocrat by birth, Violet Jacob's decision to write poetry in Scots dialect risked ridicule from her peers, who considered it vulgar. Most others would struggle to take her efforts seriously - until they read it.'Northern Lights and Other Poems' shows her consummate knowledge and use of the vernacular.The verses are packed with rich detail about people and places - exploring emotions, the natural world, sexuality and a love for Scotland.This collection is perfect for fans of the poetry of Marion Angus and William Dunbar.Violet Jacob (1863-1946) was a Scottish novelist and poet. She is best known for her historical novel of the Jacobite Rising 'Flemington' and for her poetry, written primarily in Scots.She was born into the House of Dun, an aristocratic family, and was of Royal heritage, as the great-granddaughter of King William IV - though his child, her grandmother, was illegitimate.The essayist, journalist and political figure Hugh McDiarmid described Jacob as "by far the most considerable of contemporary vernacular poets".
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Someone is losing money. Fast. And when forged notes start to appear, Peter Clifton’s hefty riches are called into question. Even his new wife, Jane Leith, can’t help but doubt the man’s bottomless wealth. But when two inspectors clandestinely enter her room one night searching for clues, there’s no telling how a quick witted, clever and tactful woman might react.Packed with suspense and thrills, Edgar Wallace’s ‘The Forger’ is ideal for fans of ‘Inside Man’ and ‘Now You See Me’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The final novel in H. Rider Haggard’s much-anticipated trilogy, ‘Allan and the Ice Gods’, sees the return of Allan Quatermain and features Lady Luna Ragnall and the taduki drug yet again.This time, however, Allan is refusing to see Lady Luna Ragnall. The awkwardness of the last three drug-induced visions, revealing their marriage, left him squirming. But she is about to let spill that their ancient counterparts were right. And they were indeed married.As Allan is yet again transported to the barbaric Ice Age, can he restore order in the tribe? And more importantly, can he weave in new technology and intelligence without unbalancing history? ‘Allan and the Ice Gods’ is the ideal rip-roaring tale, perfect for adventure-fantasy fans of Jack Black’s ‘Gulliver’s Travels’.H. Rider Haggard KBE (1856-1925) was an English writer of adventure fiction romances and a pioneer of the lost world genre. His rip-roaring tales include ‘King Solomon’s Mines’, ‘Allan Quatermain’, ‘Nada the Lilly’ and the epic Viking romance ‘Eric Brighteyes’.Portraying the stereotypes of colonialism, his work also focused on agricultural and social reform. It’s no surprise that Haggard is remembered today as an influential figure in land reform throughout the British Empire.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
163.99 kr. It takes a great mind to study a great mind.The literary critic John Livingston Lowes puts his reputation on the line by chosing to analyse the sources, thoughts and imagination of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.The result, 'The Road to Xanadu', is a remarkable and insightful examination of the creative processes and reading material that inspired 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.Lowes brilliantly uses his study of Coleridge as a springboard to a more wide-ranging analysis of the imagination.If you like Coleridge's work, you will be fascinated by this look into the mind of a literary giant.John Livingston Lowes (1867-1945) was an American scholar and critic of English literature. His best-known subjects were Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Geoffrey Chaucer, author of 'The Canterbury Tales'.His most famous work is 'The Road to Xanadu: A Study in the Ways of the Imagination', which examines the sources of Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.
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- 163.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The beautiful and ambitious Ivy got exactly what she wanted when she married Jervis Lexton for his money.At least, she thought she had.In fact, she got a whole lot less than she bargained for when he and his father gamble away much of their fortune.As Ivy's frustration grows, Jervis dies from a mysterious illness that investigators think may have been a poisoning.Amid accusations and fear, suspicion builds that Ivy may have been behind it.This is perfect for fans of Agatha Christie's 'Miss Marple' books and the crime novels of Raymond Chandler.Marie Belloc Lowndes (1868-1947) was an English novelist and the sister of author Hilaire Belloc.Her first published work was the 1898 biography 'HRH The Prince of Wales: An Account of His Career'. She went on to produce more than 40 novels - mainly mysteries and sometimes based on true crime.Her writing was popular for many decades and had a following among authors, including Ernest Hemingway, who admired her understanding of female psychology.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Born into the Wild West, Smoky knows nothing but the breath of freedom whipping through his mane as he rides into the wind. And when a cowboy named Clint takes him in as his trusty steed, his deep intelligence and strong spirit renders him the best cow horse in all the land. Everybody wants Smoky. But not just anybody can have him.Stolen by a horse thief on a dark summer’s night, Smoky’s loyalty to Clint remains unwavering. But what happens when a cow horse refuses to be ridden by a cruel thief? And more importantly, what becomes of a free spirit tossed around from owner to owner? Winner of the 1927 Newberry Medal, and adapted into three films, Will James’ ‘Smoky the Cowhorse’ is ideal for fans of the beloved adventure-animated hit, ‘Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron’.William James (1892-1942) was a Canadian-American artist and writer of the American West. Whilst his artwork featured cowboy and rodeo scenes, his short stories and books equally weaved fascinating depictions of the Wild West, including winner of the 1927 Newberry Medal, ‘Smoky the Cowhorse’. Inducted into the Hall of Great Westerners and the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in 1992, his work remains ideal for Western fans, adults and children alike.
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- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Roald Dahl's 'BFG' caught dreams with a net and trapped them in bottles.Lucky him: the rest of us make do with remembering snippets and trying to make sense of them.J. W. Dunne tried to close the gap in our understanding with the groundbreaking 'An Experiment with Time'.First, he described his own precognitive dreams and concluded that they foresaw our individual experiences to come.Then he puts together an extraordinary theory about how we are all able to see into the future.Throw in deja vu and life after death and you have a real headspin of a book that is perfect for fans of Stephen Hawking's 'A Brief History of Time'.John William Dunne (1875-1949) was a British philosopher, author, aeronautical engineer and soldier.After fighting in the Boer War, he became an aircraft designer, pioneering the first certified stable plane.He also invented a new way to practise dry fly fishing before developing an interest in speculative philosophy.He came up with the theory of Serialism, which he expounded in a series of five books, beginning with 'An Experiment with Time'.
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- 77.99 kr.