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  • by Maja Plesner
    68.75 kr.

    Er et mar-svin et svin? Har et mar-svin fjender? Og må dit mar-svin få majs? Alt det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om gris-linger og om for-tænder, der vokser hele tiden. Og du kan lære, hvordan du passer dit eget mar-svin.

  • by Maria Roslev
    From 38.99 kr.

    Kan et hus køre? Kan man bo i en container? Er et hus atid fir-kantet? Her kan du læse om spændende og anderledes måder at bo på. Du kan også læse om at gen-bruge ting. Og om at bo klima-venligt og ud-lede mindre CO. Til sidst kan du teste dig selv: Kan du huske, hvad alle de seje huse hedder?

  • by Dorte Sofie Emus
    70.49 kr.

    Hvad er en lama i familie med? Kan en lama være alene? Og hvad er et pak-dyr? Det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, hvor stærk en lama er, og om der bor lamaer i Danmark.´Og du lærer, hvornår du skal løbe langt væk fra en lama ...

  • by Hanne Korvig
    70.49 kr.

    Hvor meget kan en myre løfte? Er en myre-tue vand-tæt? Og lugter alle myrer ens? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om myrer, der sprøjter gift ind i deres bytte. Og 100.000 myrer, der arbejder hårdt for deres dronning. Og meget mere ...

  • by Hanne Korvig
    70.49 kr.

    Kan en edder-kop lave spind af væske? Hvad bruger den sit spind til? Og kan en konge lære noget af en edder-kop? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om spinde-vorter og edder-kopper, der går på line. Og du kan lære, hvordan du kan farve et spind og tage det med hjem.

  • by Maria Frantzen Sanko
    70.49 kr.

    En tordnende masse af hvidt kommer væltende ned ad bjergsiden med over 300 kilometer i timen. Du har to - måske tre - sekunder til at flygte ...Laviner findes alle steder, hvor der er bjerge og sne. Her kan du blive klogere på det farlige naturfænomen. Du kan læse om ustabile snelag, om kontrollerede sprængninger og om en russisk ekspedition, der gik grueligt galt. Du kan også finde ud af, hvordan du aflæser en lavineskala, og hvorfor du sagtens kan tage på skiferie uden at være i fare. Vil du teste, hvordan en lavine opstår? Så prøv forsøget bagerst i bogen.

  • by Ciro Bayo
    73.99 kr.

    Considerado por la academia latinoamericana como la obra pionera lexicográfica del Nuevo Mundo, este diccionario elaborado por el escritor y aventurero español Ciro Bayo recaba numerosos vocablos latinoamericanos desarrollados a raíz de la expansión del español como lingua franca en el continente y su posterior desarrollo. Una obra de importancia filológica capital.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.

  • by Maja Plesner
    70.49 kr.

    Er fiske-æg dyre? Hvad koster verdens dyreste telefon? Og hvor kan du spise for 12.000 kroner? Alt det - og meget mere - kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse, hvorfor ædel-sten koster mange penge, og hvorfor en guitar kan være meget dyr. Og så kan du prøve at gætte prisen på dyr. Hvad mon en vandrende pind koster?

  • by Maja Plesner
    70.49 kr.

    Kan verdens mindste hund løbe? Hvor hurtigt kører verdens mindste bil? Kan du sove på verdens mindste hotel? Alt det får du svar på i denne bog. Du får også svar på, om man kan ride på verdens mindste hest. Og du får idéer til at lave din egen rekord-bog over alt muligt, der er mindst. Og meget mere ...

  • by Muriel Villanueva & Roger Coch Elias
    148.99 kr.

    La Esfera controla a la población. Los ciudadanos del Nido usan un entorno virtual para evadirse y de ese modo disfrutar de la libertad de la que carecen. Kala es una joven que rechaza esa manera de vivir y se ve obligada a cursar al Otro Lado para buscar a Beo, su mejor amigo, el cual lleva demasiados días sin aparecer. Pero en cuanto cruza, se da cuenta de que no está preparada para todo lo que le espera. Batallas encarnizadas y lugares donde la realidad y la ficción se entremezclan aguardan a Kala. Su propio destino le pisa los talones y para salvar a Beo tendrá que desafiar a la propia Esfera.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Muriel Rogers es el pseudónimo que utilizan Muriel Villanueva y Roger Coch para escribir conjuntamente.Muriel es licenciada en Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, además de diplomada en Educación Musical, profesora de escritura creativa y maestra de música. Ha publicado varias novelas tanto en español como en catalán.Roger es licenciado en Filología Catalana y Máster en Estudios Avanzados de Lengua y Literatura. Ha sido galardonado con los premios Districte V y Auriga.

  • by Edith Wharton
    59.99 kr.

    Among the many twentieth century treatises on the art of writing, there were few that attempted to analyze the development of form and style. But Edith Wharton's bestselling classic, 'The Writing of Fiction' did just that. Complete with chapters devoted to the invaluable insight on character, pacing, structure, the short story, the novel, and a wide-range of approaches to modern fiction.The book is a window into the mind of one of America's most important and enduring voices. In 1921, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for her 1920 novel 'The Age of Innocence'.Edith Wharton (1862–1937) was a prolific novelist and one of the twentieth century’s greatest authors. 'The Age of Innocence', her Pulitzer-winning novel was made into the acclaimed Martin Scorsese film of the same name – starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Winona Ryder. Wharton's work has sold millions of copies worldwide. Among her other renowned works are 'The House of Mirth' and 'Ethan Frome'.

  • by Edith Wharton
    77.99 kr.

    In the early years of the 20th Century, Edith Wharton took the road trip of a lifetime across France with the celebrated author, Henry James (author of ‘Turn of the Screw,’ later adapted for TV, featuring ‘Downton Abbey’ star Michelle Dockery). Accompanied by Edith’s husband, their chauffeur, and Wharton's two dogs, they travelled the French countryside, stopping wherever inspiration struck.The result, ‘A Motor-Flight Through France,’ is a chronicle of the French villages, towns, and cities they visited. Wharton, with an innate appreciation for architecture, perfectly captures the beauty of turn-of-the-century France, detailing their stop-offs with evocative descriptions. From the food, they ate to the people they met, ‘A Motor-Flight Through France’ is an important chronicle of the country at a time when Italy was setting its military sites on it. A superb read for Wharton fans, and those with an interest in history and travel.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.

  • by Edith Wharton
    77.99 kr.

    Sit back, relax, and join Edith Wharton on her journey through early 20th century Italy.A seasoned traveller, ‘Italian Backgrounds’ condenses a decade’s worth of Edith Wharton’s journeys through Italy, into one work. A chronicle rather than a novel, Wharton perfectly captures the essence, architecture, countryside, and people she comes across on her sojourn.Her adventure starts in Swiss Splügen, where she and her party must decide which road to take. As the journal unfolds, we are whisked through some famous Italian cities, such as Venice, Rome, and Milan, explore the likes of Lake Como and visit smaller towns and villages.In typical Wharton style, no detail is left undocumented, creating a book that is as rich in historical context as it is in its evocative description. A superb read for Wharton fans and those interested in history and travel.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.

  • by Ricard Ruiz Garzón
    58.99 kr.

    Una mirada contemporània a la vida i l'obra de Mary Shelley i al seu monstre immortal. «Més enllà de les justes reivindicacions de la crítica feminista, més enllà dels fills legítims i bastards a la cultura popular, més enllà dels abusos biogràfics que s'han comès i es cometen a partir de la seva extraordinària vida, Mary Shelley és una de les grans escriptores de la història, [...] un dels més grans escriptors que han existit.» Als dos-cents anys de la publicació de Frankenstein, aquest riquíssim assaig literari de Ricard Ruiz Garzón presenta Mary Shelley i la seva criatura més famosa, reproduïda incessantment per la cultura popular contemporània en pel·lícules, llibres, sèries, etc. L'autor ha sabut cosir la vida, l'obra i les idees de Mary Shelley amb altres monstres literaris i amb els nostres monstres personals. Un autèntic llibre-Frankenstein.Ricard Ruiz Garzón és un escriptor nascut a Barcelona el 1973. Compagina la literatura amb la seva tasca com a columnista i professor de l'Màster en Edició de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. La seva obra abasta la ficció fantàstica, la juvenil i l'assaig, així com la coordinació d'antologies literàries com Demà encara, Insòlites o Risc. La seva obra li ha valgut diversos premis, entre ells el Mirades 2006 per Les veus de l'laberint o el Edebé per La immortal.

  • by Georgette Heyer
    From 98.99 kr.

    Den unge, viltre Viscount Sherringham – af venner og familie kaldet Sherry – lever et ekstravagant liv, hvor udgifterne langt overstiger indkomsten. Men for at kunne bruge af den kapital, hans afdøde far har efterladt ham, er han nødt til at gifte sig. Efter en afvisning fra den smukke Isabella Milborne og et skænderi med sin mor og morbror, farer Sherry af sted mod London. Dog først efter i hast at have svoret, at han vil gifte sig med den første kvinde, han møder på sin vej.Det bliver den sky og forældreløse Miss Wantage, som har været hemmeligt forelsket i Sherry, siden de var børn. Gift bliver de – men hvordan skal ægteskabet med den umodne Viscount Sherringham, som hellere ville have haft Isabella, nogensinde blive lykkeligt?Georgette Heyer tager os i "Den unge brud" med tilbage til begyndelsen af 1800-tallet, hvor den engelske lavadel er i centrum, komplet med alle de forelskelser og forviklinger, som også Heyers forbillede Jane Austen var en mester i.Georgette Heyer (1902-1974). Engelsk forfatterinde, bedst kendt for sine historiske romancer, der foregår i første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • by John Locke
    102.99 kr.

    ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke's pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set the agenda for modern philosophy and influenced psychology and political theory.‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume One,’ covers Locke’s attempts to discover where our ideas come from, what it means to have an idea and what an idea actually is.He also discusses theories on free will and personal identity, outlining the notion of the blank slate at birth or tabula rasa, which is then filled in by experience of the world.Regarded as Locke’s most powerful and important philosophical work, ‘An Essay on Human Understanding’ still resonates today.John Locke (1632-1704) was an English philosopher and political theorist, whose work built the foundations of modern liberalism, political theory and economics. Commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism" he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers.Locke’s ideas on ‘identity’ and ‘self’ and the notion we are born with a ‘blank slate’, helped shape the work of philosophers such as Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire, while his essays on religious tolerance were an early model for the separation of church and state.The American Declaration of Independence was influenced by Locke’s political ideas on government, creating the foundation for the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today.

  • by John Locke
    102.99 kr.

    ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke's pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set the agenda for modern philosophy and influenced psychology and political theory.In ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume Two’ Locke discusses our use of language and its imperfections. He talks of the ‘Abuse of Words’ and laments the creation of words with no distinct meaning.The book also covers Locke’s ideas on truth, judgement, probability, enthusiasm and reason. His radical theories on the nature of human knowledge and where it comes from went on to change the face of philosophy.Regarded as Locke’s most powerful and important philosophical work, ‘An Essay on Human Understanding’ still resonates today.John Locke (1632-1704) was an English philosopher and political theorist, whose work built the foundations of modern liberalism, political theory and economics. Commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism" he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers.Locke’s ideas on ‘identity’ and ‘self’ and the notion we are born with a ‘blank slate’, helped shape the work of philosophers such as Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire, while his essays on religious tolerance were an early model for the separation of church and state.The American Declaration of Independence was influenced by Locke’s political ideas on government, creating the foundation for the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today.

  • by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    77.99 kr.

    Espousing the importance of freedom, ‘Philosophy of Mind’ is the last volume in Hegel’s ‘Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences.’ He takes the reader on an existential journey, carefully analysing the roles of the spirit, mind, subjectivity, and objectivity in the pursuit of total psychological freedom. Being Hegel, there’s an insightful dip into the history of the time, making this an essential read for philosophy fans or those who want to dip their toes into these fascinating waters.Georg Wilhelm Frederich Hegel (1770 – 1831) was a German philosopher and considered to be one of the pioneers of Western philosophy. A dedicated Idealist, Hegel developed a method of dialectic thought, which examined a variety of subjects, including history, nature, divinity, and human nature, from every possible perspective. While a devout Christian, Hegel railed against the notion of orthodoxy, instead approaching his faith from a logical and rationalistic point of view. Hegel’s influence on the world of philosophy cannot be understated and he remains one of the great thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuries.

  • by Maria Frantzen Sanko
    70.49 kr.

    Du kender detektiver fra bøger og film. Detektiver tør mere. De ser mere og ved mere. Og de lægger altid den sidste brik i mysteriet ... Nu kan du blive klogere på detektiver – både de ægte og de fiktive. Her kan du læse om detektivers arbejde, om verdens første detektivbureau, om mesterdetektiven Sherlock Holmes – og meget mere. Du kan også teste dig selv: Kan du tjekke et rum for fingeraftryk? Og kan du løse den svære mordgåde sidst i bogen?

  • by Hanne Korvig
    70.49 kr.

    Hvor gammel er Solen? Er det rart at få sol-stik? Og hvor er der sol hele natten? Det kan du læse om her i bogen.Du kan også læse om mørke i Grønland og om at få stærke knogler af sol.Og du kan lære, hvordan du laver ild med en lup.

  • by Maja Plesner
    70.49 kr.

    Har vi giftige planter i Danmark? Er en vand-mand farlig? Og hvad er det farligste vejr?Alt det - og meget mere - kan du læse om her i bogen.Du kan også blive klogere på, hvad der gør dig bange. Måske er du bange for tordenvejr? Eller en hund, der gør?Til sidst kan du lave din egen (ufarlige) vulkan.

  • by Kim Dalsgaard
    39.00 kr.

    En letlæsningsbog i Carlsens Læsestart-serie i niveau 1, dvs. til den allerførste læsning.Hans på fisketur er humoristisk, både i streg og tekst:Hans skal på fisketur med sin far og onkel Leo. Og han får bid! Men er det en fisk, han har fanget?Carlsens Læsestart er en begynder-letlæsningsserie, som henvender sig til de nye læsere. Bøgerne er læsepædagogisk bearbejdet og indeholder også en instruktion til forældre i, hvordan man får den bedste læsestart.Lixtal 7, Lettal 12Fra ca. 6 år

  • by David Hume
    102.99 kr.

    ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’ is one of Hume’s most important works, dissecting the concepts of passion and emotions.His focus on the correlation between cause and effect has been the subject of debate for psychologists and philosophers for years since its original publication.A thought-provoking and intricate read, ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’ is ideal for fans of Sam Harris' 'Making Sense' podcast and those with even a passing interest in morality, the scientific method, and philosophy as a whole.David Hume (1711 – 1776) is widely considered to be one of the most influential philosophers to be published in the English language. A Scotsman, Hume postulated the theory that the universe is governed by natural laws and forces. Critically acclaimed, his writings were cited by Charles Darwin as having a major influence into the Theory of Evolution. He was also known for questioning the nature of the ‘self,’ believing that personal identity is a cultural illusion. His work on the correlation between emotions and moral judgments helped to pioneer the emotivist metaethical school of thought.

  • by Leo Tolstoy
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Leo Tolstoy’ is a collection of thoughts, reflections, and musings from the mind of one of Russia’s greatest writers. Covering a wide range of subjects, such as society, war, love, and life, these quotes vary between the pithy and the witty to the thoughtful and maudlin. An ideal book for those who want to dip in and out of the mind of one of the world’s most famous literary figures.A colossus of Russian literature, Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) was born into aristocracy. However, after losing both his parents by the age of four and his grandmother and aunt a year later, Tolstoy and his siblings were sent to Kazan to live with another aunt, where he was home-schooled.After leaving university without a degree, Tolstoy lived a dissolute life of drinking, gambling, and womanising. Despite this, he maintained a love for literature and his first outing, ‘Childhood,’ was published in ‘The Contemporary’ magazine.The works that have defined his career are ‘War and Peace,’ and ‘Anna Karenina,’ both of which have been hailed as the zenith of realist literature. He was nominated three times for the Nobel Prize for Literature but never won. Many of his works have been adapted for the silver screen, including ‘Anna Karenina,’ starring Helen McCrory.

  • by Marcel Pagnol
    42.99 kr.

    ´100 Quotes by Marcel Proust’ is a compendium of thoughts, observations, and reflections by one of France’s greatest writers.Pithy, witty, barbed, but often touching and thoughtful, readers will discover another dimension to this noted novelist, most famous for his novel ´In Search of Lost Time´.His philosophy mainly focused on how people should be appreciative of their circumstances.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this will make a welcome addition to any book collection.Considered to be one of the most important writers of the 20th century, Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust (1871 – 1922) was born in Paris. The son of a notable physician and epidemiologist, he was educated at the Lycée Condorcet.Proust’s sexuality was the subject of much speculation, and although he never confirmed it, he explored the subject of homosexuality in many of his works, including ‘In Search of Lost Time.’Some of his works have found themselves adapted for film, such as ‘Swann in Love,’ starring Jeremy Irons, while the writer himself was to be lampooned by the comedy troupe Monty Python.

  • by Friedrich Nietzsche
    42.99 kr.

    ‘150 Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ is a collection of reflections and ideas by one of the greatest minds the world has ever seen.Sometimes poetic, often ironic, and always incisive, these quotes are taken from various periods in Nietzsche’s life and give an insight into the way his ideas formed and solidified.A superb book for dipping in and out of, and ideal for anyone with an interest in the human condition.Born in Röcken, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) would grow to become one of the leading figures in the worlds of philosophy and modern thought. An outstanding pupil throughout his childhood, he later went on to the University of Leipzig.Despite not having finished his dissertation or his degree, Nietzsche’s progress was such that his classics professor recommended him for a professorship at the University of Basel. However, the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War cut his teaching career short.Between 1879 and 1889, Nietzsche lived as a virtual recluse, devoting himself to writing. His most famous work, ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ established him as one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century.

  • by – Heraclitus Of Ephesus
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus’ is a superb read for those with an interest in philosophy or the human condition.Insightful, esoteric, and incisive, 21st-century readers will be taken with the relevance of observations made more than 2,500 years ago.Whether you’re looking for philosophical inspiration or to further your self-development, this is a superb book for dipping in and out of.While Heraclitus of Ephesus (535BC – 475BC) might be one of the more enigmatic figures in Greek philosophy, his impact is no less profound. From what we know, he was one of the pioneers of the idea of an ‘ordered universe,’ but was equally preoccupied with the concept of equality between all people.However, it was his focus on the balance between the elements that was to be his critical undoing. Heraclitus’ belief that each element has its place in the order of things may have made him unpopular with the cognoscenti, but it also paved the way for those following in his philosophical footsteps, such as Socrates and Plato.

  • by Molière
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Molière’ is a compendium of thoughts and observations by one of the greatest minds of 17th-century France.Often witty, sometimes sharp, and occasionally touching, readers will find themselves getting a sneak peek inside Molière’s mind.A superb read, ‘100 Quotes by Molière’ is ideal for those with an interest in theatre and a wonderful book for dipping in and out of.One of France’s greatest dramatists, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622 – 1673), better known by his stage name, Molière, was born in Paris. While his father fully intended for Molière to become a furnisher for the French Royal family, much like himself, Molière initially decided he wanted to work as an actor.However, after trying to establish a theatre company in Paris, spending some time in prison, and touring with a theatre troupe, Molière eventually turned his attention to writing plays. His first, ‘L’Étourdi; ou, les contretemps,’ was staged in Lyons in 1655. However, it was three years later, when performing his ‘Le Docteur Lamoureux' that Molière found fame, falling under the wing of the king’s brother, Phillipe.Although little is known about his later life, his plays are staged worldwide to this day. Many have been adapted for film and television, including ‘Don Juan,’ starring Jacques Weber.

  • by Aeschylus
    42.99 kr.

    ´100 Quotes by Aeschylus´ unveils the musings of the originator of tragedy.With topics such as religion, life, love, and death taken to task, Aeschylus offers the 21st-century reader an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Ancient Greeks. However, what is surprising is just how resonant many of those ideas are today.An outstanding book for those seeking bite-sized nuggets of timeless wisdom.Thought to have been born in Eleusis, Aeschylus (524BC – 456BC) is the subject of both myth and legend. According to the story, at the age of 26, he was working in a vineyard. During that time, he was visited by the Greek god Dionysus, who pointed him towards the theatrical art of tragedy.In addition to working as a playwright, he served in the Greek army, particularly in the wars against Persia, which heavily influenced his earliest works. When inducted into a secret cult surrounding the goddess, Demeter, Aeschylus revealed many of the sect’s mysteries in his scripts. As a result, he was accused of religious mockery, although acquitted at his trial.While he has set the template for tragedians to follow, many of his works have been adapted for film and TV. Perhaps the most notable is ‘Oresteia,’ starring Diana Rigg and Anton Lesser.

  • by Napoleon Bonaparte, Nicolas Machiavel & Sun Tzu
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes to Learn Strategy with Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Napoleon’ is a collection of insightful quotes from three of the world’s greatest-ever leaders, generals and thinkers.From Niccolò Machiavelli, the father of modern political philosophy, and Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general and military strategist, to Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous French Emperor of France, this brilliant collection will teach you everything there is to know about strategy.Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) was a French military and political leader who was also Emperor of France. He remains one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in world history and his legacy still resonates today.Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469 –1527) was an Italian historian, author, and diplomat often referred to as the Father of modern political philosophy and political science.Sun Tzu was an ancient Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher, best known for his book ‘The Art of War’, which continues to inspire military thinking to this day.