58.99 kr. La guía definitiva para escribir esa novela que llevas dentro de la mano de uno de los maestros del género. Manuel Delprieto, escritor experto en diferentes campos literarios, nos plantea cien preguntas que aplicar a nuestro borrador con el objetivo de convertirlo en una historia redonda, vendible y materia prima de puro éxito. Imprescindible para todos aquellos que deseen poner la mejor novela posible en manos de una editorial.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.
- Audiobook
- 58.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Narrated by Hewitt's great friend, journalist Colonel Brett, ‘The Chronicles of Martin Hewitt’ highlights one of the 19th Century's most popular detectives.In these six short stories, written by Arthur Morrison, Hewitt is called in to solve crimes and mysteries that have Scotland Yard scratching its head. From missing gold to a missing memory, Hewitt must use all his sleuthing skills to put the pieces of the various puzzles together.A must for fans of Conan Doyle's ‘Sherlock Holmes,’ and for anyone who likes their mysteries served up with a bit of class.Born in London's East End, Arthur Morrison (1863 – 1945) was a journalist and author. He began work at the age of 16 as an office boy for the London School Boy. Later, he progressed to journalism, first as a clerk for the ‘People’s Palace’ newspaper, and then as an editor for the ‘Evening Globe.’His first published piece was a poem, submitted to ‘Cycling’ magazine. Later, he would serialise many of his major works, such as ‘Tales of Mean Streets’ and ‘Child of the Jago’ in the ‘National Observer’.Morrison's stories are characterised by his unflinching depictions of life in the East End. In addition, he wrote detective stories featuring the lawyer-cum-detective, Martin Hewitt. Hewitt was one of the 19th Century's most popular sleuths, only outshone by Conan Doyle's ‘Sherlock Holmes.’
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Set in Montana, ‘Chip of the Flying U’ introduces us to the eponymous cowboy and the Happy family.Chip is awkward around women, but when he meets the gun-toting Dr Della Whitmore, things are about to take a different turn.A beautifully-detailed look at life in the Old West, this story has romance at its heart but doesn’t skimp on presenting things as they were, warts and all.´Chip of the Flying U’ is a superb read for fans of Oliver Wister's ´The Virginian´ and for those looking for an introduction to Bower’s work.Born Bertha Muzzy Sinclair Bower, BM Bower (1871 – 1940) was originally from Minnesota. However, when she was 18, her family moved to Montana, where she gained first-hand experience of the ranch life that was to so influence her books.A year later, she eloped with her first husband to Big Sandy. Finding herself in an unhappy marriage, she sought escapism through writing. Her first novel, ‘Chip of the Flying U’ gave Bower the financial independence to leave her husband.After relocating to Tacoma, Bower continued to write for ‘Popular Magazine’ before remarrying, this time to Bill Sinclair, who also had literary aspirations. This union, too, was short-lived and Bower moved to Hollywood, where she met her third and final husband, Bud Cowan.Over her career, Bower wrote more than 50 novels, all focussing on the western way of life. Unusually for the time, she paid as much attention to her female characters, as the male leads. She died in Los Angeles, aged 68.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Die ultimative Sammelbox für alle wissenshungrigen Nachwuchsforscher! Mit Antworten auf die kniffligsten Fragen rund um Natur, Tiere, Wissenschaft und Alltag. Warum können Pinguine nicht fliegen, obwohl sie Flügel haben? Was wäre, wenn wir niemals schlafen gehen müssten? Wird Eisbären jemals kalt und bekommen sie dann eine Gänsehaut? Spannende und verblüffende Erklärungen erwarten sowohl kleine als auch große Zuhörer jeden Alters.
- Audiobook
- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Unterhaltsam, spannend, pfiffig und amüsant: „Kriegen Eisbären eine Gänsehaut" hat auf jede noch so knifflige Kinderfrage eine lehrreiche und interessante Antwort. Gibt es Leben auf dem Mars? Warum können Pinguine nicht fliegen? Und wie kommt es eigentlich, dass wir im All schwerelos sind? Diese und viele andere Themen werden mühelos enträtselt – ein Muss für Kinder und neugierige Erwachsene!
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
68.75 kr. Er et mar-svin et svin? Har et mar-svin fjender? Og må dit mar-svin få majs? Alt det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om gris-linger og om for-tænder, der vokser hele tiden. Og du kan lære, hvordan du passer dit eget mar-svin.
- Ebook
- 68.75 kr.
From 38.99 kr. Kan et hus køre? Kan man bo i en container? Er et hus atid fir-kantet? Her kan du læse om spændende og anderledes måder at bo på. Du kan også læse om at gen-bruge ting. Og om at bo klima-venligt og ud-lede mindre CO. Til sidst kan du teste dig selv: Kan du huske, hvad alle de seje huse hedder?
73.99 kr. Un ensayo imprescindible para los amantes del género negro y policiaco en todas sus vertientes, A Quemarropa supone un acercamiento pormenorizado a la literatura de crímenes y todo lo que orbita en torno a ella. En él encontraremos detectives de sillón, cuerpos aún calientes en habitaciones cerradas por dentro, ladrones de guante blanco, espías y crónicas negras. Todo ello forma un minucioso estudio en cuyo centro se dibuja un agujero humeante de bala.Jordi Canal I Artigas es un escritor y bibliotecario nacido en Bergas en 1955. Es director de la biblioteca Bòbila de Hospitalet de Llobregat, en Barcelona, y se le considera uno de los mayores impulsores del género negro en España, con iniciativas como el premio L’H Confidencial.Àlex Martín Escribà es un autor nacido en Barcelona en 1974. Codirige el Congreso de novela y cine negro de Salamanca, amén de investigar sobre el género negro y policiaco tanto en lengua española como catalana.
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
70.49 kr. Alle guder er på jagt i Udgård. De kommer til jætten Ægirs hal. Men Ægir har ikke øl nok. Kan Thor finde en kande, der er stor nok til alle guder?
- Ebook
- 70.49 kr.
42.99 kr. Having lived in France during the First World War, it’s no surprise that Wharton documented the impact on her spiritual homeland, both in fiction and non-fiction.‘Coming Home’ is told from the perspective of an American aid worker, who helps a wounded French soldier, Jen Réchamp. A bond between the two sees them travel to Jean’s home to see that everything is as it should be.While Wharton might be better known for her high-society satires, ‘Coming Home’ reveals an author who can capture the horrors of war and the heroic spirits of those who choose to stand against it.A gripping insight into how the First World War was perceived in France, Wharton's ´Coming Home´ will delight fans of other WWI narratives such as Sam Mendes' Oscar-nominated movie ´1917´.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors.During her career, Wharton wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. While she might be best known as the author of ‘The Age of Innocence’ (adapted for film, and starring Michelle Pfeiffer, and Daniel Day-Lewis), Edith Wharton wrote an extensive range of novels, journals, and poetry.Containing 24 poems, ‘Artemis to Actaeon’ muses on the themes of life, love, death, and the passing of time, with a few well-chosen words set aside for her beloved France. As the title suggests, there is plenty of classical inspiration as Wharton draws on ancient legends surrounding mythical figures, such as Orpheus, and Actaeon.Her writing is lyrical and has a yearning quality to it, particularly in poems such as ‘All Souls,’ and ‘Vesalius in Zarate.’ A superb collection for those familiar with Wharton’s work, and those new to her.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors.During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
70.49 kr. Hvad er en lama i familie med? Kan en lama være alene? Og hvad er et pak-dyr? Det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, hvor stærk en lama er, og om der bor lamaer i Danmark.´Og du lærer, hvornår du skal løbe langt væk fra en lama ...
- Ebook
- 70.49 kr.
70.49 kr. Hvor meget kan en myre løfte? Er en myre-tue vand-tæt? Og lugter alle myrer ens? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om myrer, der sprøjter gift ind i deres bytte. Og 100.000 myrer, der arbejder hårdt for deres dronning. Og meget mere ...
- Ebook
- 70.49 kr.
70.49 kr. Kan en edder-kop lave spind af væske? Hvad bruger den sit spind til? Og kan en konge lære noget af en edder-kop? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om spinde-vorter og edder-kopper, der går på line. Og du kan lære, hvordan du kan farve et spind og tage det med hjem.
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- 70.49 kr.
70.49 kr. De fleste får bumser, når de er teenagere eller snart bliver det. Det er helt normalt. Bumserne kan være ømme og gøre ondt. Men de forsvinder igen. Her kan du læse en masse om, hvad bumser er, og hvorfor vi får dem. Og vil du prøve at holde bumserne væk? Så læs de otte gode tips til at gøre livet svært for nye bumser.
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- 70.49 kr.
70.49 kr. En tordnende masse af hvidt kommer væltende ned ad bjergsiden med over 300 kilometer i timen. Du har to - måske tre - sekunder til at flygte ...Laviner findes alle steder, hvor der er bjerge og sne. Her kan du blive klogere på det farlige naturfænomen. Du kan læse om ustabile snelag, om kontrollerede sprængninger og om en russisk ekspedition, der gik grueligt galt. Du kan også finde ud af, hvordan du aflæser en lavineskala, og hvorfor du sagtens kan tage på skiferie uden at være i fare. Vil du teste, hvordan en lavine opstår? Så prøv forsøget bagerst i bogen.
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- 70.49 kr.
73.99 kr. Considerado por la academia latinoamericana como la obra pionera lexicográfica del Nuevo Mundo, este diccionario elaborado por el escritor y aventurero español Ciro Bayo recaba numerosos vocablos latinoamericanos desarrollados a raíz de la expansión del español como lingua franca en el continente y su posterior desarrollo. Una obra de importancia filológica capital.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.
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- 73.99 kr.
39.00 kr. Kan du lide at bande? Så læs om, hvad bandeordene betyder, og hvorfor vi bander i denne skægge bog om sjove bandeord! Bogen er let at læse og fyldt med sjove illustrationer af Kim Dalsgaard.Fra ca. 6 årI samme serie:Sjove gåderSjove vittighederSjove talemåderVilde gåderVilde vittigheder
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- 39.00 kr.
39.00 kr. Hvad betyder det at have fis i kasketten? Eller at få blod på tanden? Få svar på det og meget mere i denne skægge bog om sjove talemåder!Bogen er let at læse og fyldt med sjove illustrationer af Kim Dalsgaard.Fra ca. 6 årI samme serie:Sjove gåderSjove vittighederSjove bandeordVilde gåderVilde vittigheder
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- 39.00 kr.
70.49 kr. Er fiske-æg dyre? Hvad koster verdens dyreste telefon? Og hvor kan du spise for 12.000 kroner? Alt det - og meget mere - kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse, hvorfor ædel-sten koster mange penge, og hvorfor en guitar kan være meget dyr. Og så kan du prøve at gætte prisen på dyr. Hvad mon en vandrende pind koster?
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- 70.49 kr.
70.49 kr. Kan verdens mindste hund løbe? Hvor hurtigt kører verdens mindste bil? Kan du sove på verdens mindste hotel? Alt det får du svar på i denne bog. Du får også svar på, om man kan ride på verdens mindste hest. Og du får idéer til at lave din egen rekord-bog over alt muligt, der er mindst. Og meget mere ...
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- 70.49 kr.
70.49 kr. Må en politi-hest stikke af? Hvem kan den stole på? Og må du klappe en politi-hest? Det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, hvad en politi-hest spiser, og hvorfor den skal være stærk. Og du finder ud af, om en politi-hest er bange for noget.
- Ebook
- 70.49 kr.
148.99 kr. La Esfera controla a la población. Los ciudadanos del Nido usan un entorno virtual para evadirse y de ese modo disfrutar de la libertad de la que carecen. Kala es una joven que rechaza esa manera de vivir y se ve obligada a cursar al Otro Lado para buscar a Beo, su mejor amigo, el cual lleva demasiados días sin aparecer. Pero en cuanto cruza, se da cuenta de que no está preparada para todo lo que le espera. Batallas encarnizadas y lugares donde la realidad y la ficción se entremezclan aguardan a Kala. Su propio destino le pisa los talones y para salvar a Beo tendrá que desafiar a la propia Esfera.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Muriel Rogers es el pseudónimo que utilizan Muriel Villanueva y Roger Coch para escribir conjuntamente.Muriel es licenciada en Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, además de diplomada en Educación Musical, profesora de escritura creativa y maestra de música. Ha publicado varias novelas tanto en español como en catalán.Roger es licenciado en Filología Catalana y Máster en Estudios Avanzados de Lengua y Literatura. Ha sido galardonado con los premios Districte V y Auriga.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘100 Quotes by Adam Smith’ is a selection of thoughts and observations from one of the finest philosophical minds of the 18th century.Smith’s views on religion, morality, and human nature are presented front and centre. However, he wasn’t short of a few witticisms, and there are plenty of one-liners worth committing to memory.A superb book for leisurely browsing, this is a welcome addition to any book collection.Born in Kirkcaldy, Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) became known as one of the most important philosophers and political economists of the 18th century. The son of a solicitor, he was educated at the Burgh School of Kirkaldy, before enrolling at the University of Glasgow to study moral philosophy. Subsequently, he became a student at Oxford.After leaving, he embarked on a teaching career, eventually becoming a lecturer at Glasgow University. During this time, he published his first work, ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments.’ As part of his job, Smith toured Europe with his stepson, Scott. These travels laid the foundations for what is considered to be his most important venture, ‘The Wealth of Nations.’ This work was adapted for television, starring Gordon Jackson of ‘The Professionals’ fame.
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
From 59.99 kr. Almost everyone is doing it. Aimlessly scrolling through their social media feeds. From presidents to the postmen, most people you know and probably even yourself. Mindlessly, your fingers move across the screen, and content, from selfies to memes, flickers by at a blistering pace. Why is it that the screen sometimes seems more important than looking up and being present in real life? And what does it mean that more and more people are turning into so-called "Scroll Zombies"?Sven Rollenhagen thoughtfully discusses social media use and how it affects us both psychologically and physically. How the rise of social media has created an onslaught of mental health problems in young people. And how withdrawal can lead to symptoms, not unlike those caused by more familiar dependencies such as drugs and alcohol. But, are we really addicted? And if so, how can we be cured?Rollenhagen does not advocate for throwing away your phone or logging off Instagram forever, he acknowledges the powerful connection that social media has in connecting friends, family and strangers across the globe. Instead, this book contains practical tips and solutions for kicking dependency and finding true digital balance. Sven Rollenhagen is a social worker specialising in the digital ad-diction of video games, social media and mobile phones. He works as a councellor, lecturer and writer in these fields. Sven’s strength as an expert in digital issues is that he is in touch with reality – as a councellor and lecturer for families and schools. He is also a friend of technology, plays online and is a frequent user of social media.Sven is based in Sweden but has clients all over the world
102.99 kr. Her beloved France was torn apart by the First World War and yet Edith Wharton still felt compelled to put pen to paper.Inspired by some of her own experiences, ‘A Son at the Front’ tells the story of George, who is enlisted into the French Army. However, the focus falls firmly on the family left behind: George’s divorced mother and father, and his stepfather. To make matters even more complicated, George’s parents are American, leaving them feeling like strangers in a strange land.‘A Son at the Front’ explores themes of social expectations, unfulfilled dreams, pride, and broken marriages. While Wharton is better known for her searing satires on the American upper classes, ‘A Son at the Front’ is one of many books featuring France and the First World War. A gripping read from one of the most celebrated authors of the 20th Century.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Among the many twentieth century treatises on the art of writing, there were few that attempted to analyze the development of form and style. But Edith Wharton's bestselling classic, 'The Writing of Fiction' did just that. Complete with chapters devoted to the invaluable insight on character, pacing, structure, the short story, the novel, and a wide-range of approaches to modern fiction.The book is a window into the mind of one of America's most important and enduring voices. In 1921, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for her 1920 novel 'The Age of Innocence'.Edith Wharton (1862–1937) was a prolific novelist and one of the twentieth century’s greatest authors. 'The Age of Innocence', her Pulitzer-winning novel was made into the acclaimed Martin Scorsese film of the same name – starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Winona Ryder. Wharton's work has sold millions of copies worldwide. Among her other renowned works are 'The House of Mirth' and 'Ethan Frome'.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. In the early years of the 20th Century, Edith Wharton took the road trip of a lifetime across France with the celebrated author, Henry James (author of ‘Turn of the Screw,’ later adapted for TV, featuring ‘Downton Abbey’ star Michelle Dockery). Accompanied by Edith’s husband, their chauffeur, and Wharton's two dogs, they travelled the French countryside, stopping wherever inspiration struck.The result, ‘A Motor-Flight Through France,’ is a chronicle of the French villages, towns, and cities they visited. Wharton, with an innate appreciation for architecture, perfectly captures the beauty of turn-of-the-century France, detailing their stop-offs with evocative descriptions. From the food, they ate to the people they met, ‘A Motor-Flight Through France’ is an important chronicle of the country at a time when Italy was setting its military sites on it. A superb read for Wharton fans, and those with an interest in history and travel.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Sit back, relax, and join Edith Wharton on her journey through early 20th century Italy.A seasoned traveller, ‘Italian Backgrounds’ condenses a decade’s worth of Edith Wharton’s journeys through Italy, into one work. A chronicle rather than a novel, Wharton perfectly captures the essence, architecture, countryside, and people she comes across on her sojourn.Her adventure starts in Swiss Splügen, where she and her party must decide which road to take. As the journal unfolds, we are whisked through some famous Italian cities, such as Venice, Rome, and Milan, explore the likes of Lake Como and visit smaller towns and villages.In typical Wharton style, no detail is left undocumented, creating a book that is as rich in historical context as it is in its evocative description. A superb read for Wharton fans and those interested in history and travel.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Una mirada contemporània a la vida i l'obra de Mary Shelley i al seu monstre immortal. «Més enllà de les justes reivindicacions de la crítica feminista, més enllà dels fills legítims i bastards a la cultura popular, més enllà dels abusos biogràfics que s'han comès i es cometen a partir de la seva extraordinària vida, Mary Shelley és una de les grans escriptores de la història, [...] un dels més grans escriptors que han existit.» Als dos-cents anys de la publicació de Frankenstein, aquest riquíssim assaig literari de Ricard Ruiz Garzón presenta Mary Shelley i la seva criatura més famosa, reproduïda incessantment per la cultura popular contemporània en pel·lícules, llibres, sèries, etc. L'autor ha sabut cosir la vida, l'obra i les idees de Mary Shelley amb altres monstres literaris i amb els nostres monstres personals. Un autèntic llibre-Frankenstein.Ricard Ruiz Garzón és un escriptor nascut a Barcelona el 1973. Compagina la literatura amb la seva tasca com a columnista i professor de l'Màster en Edició de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. La seva obra abasta la ficció fantàstica, la juvenil i l'assaig, així com la coordinació d'antologies literàries com Demà encara, Insòlites o Risc. La seva obra li ha valgut diversos premis, entre ells el Mirades 2006 per Les veus de l'laberint o el Edebé per La immortal.
- Audiobook
- 58.99 kr.