Interest age: from c 7 years

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  • by Janne Mäkitalo
    40.99 kr.

    Majaa rakentavat kaverukset Pate ja Nupa löytävät metsästä laitteen, joka mullistaa heidän maailmansa. Pojat kehittelevät koneesta uskomattoman kulkupelin, jonka he nimeävät digiekomopoksi. Pojat pyrkivät pitämään asian salassa, mutta näpsäkät naapurin tytöt Elsa ja Liisi pöllähtävät yllättäen paikalle. Tästä pojat eivät pidä.Epäonnistuneen pakoyrityksen jälkeen Pate ja Nupa ystävystyvät tyttöjen kanssa, jotka auttavat poikia keksimällä koneeseen yhä uusia ulottuvuuksia. Ylivertaista ja ympäristöä säästävää sekä lähes kaikkeen kykenevää kulkupeliä havittelee myös lieroin kaikista kundeista, pienempiään pelotteleva Peku.Miten lasten ja laitteen käy? Saako Peku varastettua vempaimen? Entä paljastuuko suuri salaisuus?"Digiekomopo" on Kalevalasta modernisoitu loruseikkailu.Janne Mäkitalo on kirjailija ja opettaja. Opettajan työn kautta lasten ja nuorten ajattelumaailmaan tutustuneen Mäkitalon tuotantoon kuuluu muun muassa Pääkallokiitäjät-nuortenkirjasarja.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Mr. Fox had some doubts about his wife Mrs. Fox. He thought that she was unfaithful to him and he decided to put her to the test. He behaved as he was dead as he wanted to see if Mrs. Fox would easily accept a new husband. A few suitors came to her door. But she sent all of them away. Until one special fox with nine tails, like Mr. Fox himself, showed up. Do you think there was really a reason for Mr. Fox’s doubts and how will he react when he realizes that his wife is willing to let someone else take his place? Find out in "The Wedding of Mrs. Fox" by Brothers Grimm.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Once lived two sisters. The one became rich but had no children. The other one was a poor widow with five small children. They were so hungry and so desperate that the poor mother was forced to seek help from her rich sister. She was however not willing to give even a part of her food. But God sees everything, you know. And he is about to give the rich sister food for thought. Find out what happens further in "God’s Food".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Once lived a poor old lady who was so lonely and sad that she wished she could join her family up in Heaven. Why did the Lord let her sons die so early, why did not he protect them? She was reflecting over this when suddenly she got a vision. What did she see and why did she began thanking God? Find out in "The Little Old Lady".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    A peasant found a golden mortar and as an honest and loyal man, he decided to give it to the king. The king was however not pleased. He wanted the pestle as well. He thought that the peasant had stolen it but as you know no such thing had happened. The peasant got locked up in the castle. If he had listened to his wise daughter’s words, he would not be imprisoned. The king heard the poor man’s grumbles and his curiosity awoke. Was this girl really that smart? He was going to find out.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Can the king and queen’s child be a donkey? Why not? This donkey is however more special than any other donkeys. So special that it even gets engaged to a princess from another kingdom. How is it possible you may ask. Well come along and read "The Donkey" to find out. Will the princess find her prince? The story hides the answer.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    A golden bird steals the king’s golden apples and he is determined to catch her. He sends his three sons out in the world with the only task to catch the bird. The three boys meet a fox on their way. The fox wants to give them some useful advises but the two older sons would not listen. The third one however follows the fox’s words which takes him out of trouble several times. Would you believe us if we told you that the brother killed the fox at the end of the tale? Why? And what happened with the bird? Find out in Brothers Grimm’s tale "The Golden Bird".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    A fisherman caught a golden fish. And you know what follows. The golden fish gave one wish to the fisherman in return for him letting her go. And so he did. He wished for a castle and he got it. The only thing he could not do was to say where he got his fortune from. But he did not keep his promise and the castle disappeared. He caught the fish again. He got a new wish and he broke the promise one more time. He caught the fish a third time. And he was not granted a wish. Instead the fish asked him to take her home and cut her into six pieces. A great and unbelievable magic followed after that. But you have to read "The Gold-Children" to find out what it is.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Once lived a louse and a flea together and then suddenly one day the louse burnt herself. The flea got scared and began screaming. And this simple thing led to the door’s creaking, the broom’s sweeping, the tree’s shaking and so on until many of the flea and louse’s friends got hurt. You can find out how this funny story ended in "Little Louse and Little Flea" by Brothers Grimm.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    One prince wanted to get to Heaven after his death. But he did not know how. He met an old man who gave him some advises. But they sound a bit strange. The prince had to go in rags and eat only a bit of bread every day. He returned to the castle and he was so pale and weak that almost nobody recognized him. Shortly after he died. Do you think he got to Heaven? You can find out in "Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    The boy in our story decided to learn languages. And so he did. The language of birds, of dogs and of frogs. His father was however not satisfied. The boy had to be killed. His father’s men took however pity on him and let the boy wander around in the woods. Maybe there the languages he learnt will help him survive? Or they will get him in even greater trouble? Find out in "The Three Languages" by Brothers Grimm.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Hans was in love with a girl named Gretel. They saw each other every day and every time Gretel gave Hans a gift. Hans was however not that smart, so he mishandled the gifts. Gretel gave Hans a needle and he stuck it in a hay. His mother told him that it was going to be better to stick it through his sleeve. And so he did the next day. However the gift was not a needle, but a knife. You can imagine the misunderstanding that had occurred. The story continues with Hans’ misfortunes. Will Gretel agree to marry him after she witnesses his stupidity so many times? Find out in Brothers Grimm’s "Clever Hans".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    A mother had two children. They lived in poverty but they were there for each other every day. The mother would send her youngest child to the forest to fetch wood. One day the poor little girl was so exhausted that she almost could not pick up the wood. Then suddenly another child appeared and helped the little girl. The same thing happened a few times but the mother would not believe her daughter. Then the mysterious girl gave the child a beautiful rose. One morning the rose was in full bloom. But what had happened? Find out in "The Rose".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Whoever kills the wild boar and frees the land from this plague, will marry the king’s daughter. This is the challenge two brothers decided to face. You may think that they were willing to help each other but actually the story goes another way. The younger brother got a magical spear and he managed to kill the boar first. However what followed afterwards was definitely not expected. Read "The Singing Bone" to find out what it is.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    The boy in our story wanted to go to Heaven. Not right away but still he would prefer Heaven to Hell. And when you think about it, who wouldn’t? He heard one priest saying that whoever walked a straight path would end up in Heaven. The boy took those words literally and he found himself in a church. He thought however it was Heaven. Then he heard the icons talking to him and welcoming him to a wedding. The boy accepted but without realizing what big misunderstanding had occurred.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    102.99 kr.

    Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    A miller’s daughter is about to marry a rich man who is however creepy and scary. All the birds and creatures try to warn the poor girl. Something is quite not alright with her suitor. She decides to see for herself so she heads out to his home. An old lady takes pity on her and saves her just before her future husband enters the room. The poor girl sees so much more than she could have guessed and expected. She will either have to muffle her screams or she will end up dead. Find out what followed in "The Robber Bridegroom".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    What if someone tempts you to do something you know is forbidden and then you get in trouble? Who is responsible? You or the person who has allured you? "The Crumbs on the Table" is one of those tales by Brothers Grimm who are both funny and strangely educational. Come along to check what we are talking about.Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Once lived a hermit who was so religious that he spent most of his time praying. However one day he saw a poor sinner who was about to be hung and unconsciously the hermit said to himself "that one is getting his deserts". The God was not pleased with what he heard so the hermit was about to learn a lesson. He had to carry a dry branch until three green twigs sprout out of it. Do you think it is possible at all and will the hermit get his penance before his death? Find out in "The Three Green Twigs".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    A waggoner’s carriage got stuck. He could not take it out on his own but suddenly Our Lady showed up. She was willing to help the poor man if he was willing to share some of his wine with her. He was actually going to do so, but then he realized that he did not have a glass where he could pour wine. How will they solve the problem? Find out in "Our Lady’s Little Glass".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Here goes a tale about three little friends who lived together and shared daily tasks like cooking or gathering woods. But as it often happens in some households, a problem occurred. The bird felt like she had to do the most difficult part of the chores. And they all agreed on changing roles. However things went downhill. How? You can find out in "The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Can a master thief change for better after he returns to his parents or the old habits will catch by? Will he right his wrongs or he will get himself in great trouble? If you want to find out how the story ends, do not hesitate and grab Brothers Grimm’s "The Master Thief".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    One mother put her child to sleep and decided to go to the woods and fetch some strawberries. She found a magically beautiful bush with strawberries and just as she was going to gather some, she saw a venomous snake. The mother ran, the snake followed her. Eventually the poor frightened mother got to a hazel bush and hid herself there. Can the hazel branch save her? Will the snake give up waiting for so long? Find out in Brothers Grimm’s folktale "The Hazel Branch".Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fairy tales.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • by Grete Wiemann Borregaard
    39.00 kr.

    Mia er hjemme hos Dao, der er ny i klassen. Daos kanin, Pille, skal have frisk græs. Sammen cykler Mia og Dao ud for at finde frisk græs til Pille. Men da Dao taber sin mobil i åen, dukker en mystisk mand op. Hvorfor er han ved åen? Og hvad sker der, da Mia og Dao opdager, at de ikke kan ringe hjem?Grete Wiemann Borregaard er forfatter. Siden sin debut i 1984 har hun udgivet en lang række børnebøger, letlæsningsbøger og bøger til undervisningsbrug i folkeskolen.

  • by Birgitte Bregnedal
    39.00 kr.

    Gry har en pony.Den hedder Gloria.I dag skal Gry og Gloria ind til byen.Der er byfest i parken.Gry skal trække ture med Gloria, så de andre børn kan prøve hende.Hun er lidt nervøs, og så er der pludselig en pige, der bliver meget sur på hende og Gloria ...Birgitte Bregnedal er forfatter til en lang række bøger for børn. I 2013 modtog hun Kulturministeriets Drengelitteraturpris for novellen "Den nye træner", og i 2015 udkom hendes første bog, da "Den nye træner" blev første bind i serien "Drømme og driblinger". Siden er det blevet til massevis af både serier og enkeltstående udgivelser for de mindste.

  • by Nadja Rahr
    38.99 kr.

    Det er jul, og der er ferie fra karate. Det synes Birk ikke om. Sidste gang indenferien skal de træne med de voksne. Men bliver det ikke for vildt?Lixtal: 12Niveau: 2Nadja Rahr er en dansk forfatter. Hun står bag et væld af sjove og hyggelige børnebøger og har skrevet til mange forskellige aldersgrupper. Hun er særligt kendt for serien ”En hel håndfuld” om verdens måske sjoveste familie.

  • by H. C. Andersen
    From 36.99 kr.

    Pieni ruusunkukissa asuva haltija sattuu paikalle, kun rakastavaiset ovat hyvästelemässä toisiaan. Haltija kuulee, että nuoren naisen pahantahtoinen veli on päättänyt lähettää miehen asioille kauas vuorten ja järvien taakse. Miehen lähdettyä matkaan ei kulu kauaakaan ennen kuin veli surmaa hänet. Murha ei jää nuorelta naiselta pimentoon, sillä paikalla ollut haltija kuiskaa naisen korvaan totuuden. Murtunut nainen itkee rakastettunsa perään joka päivä. Paha saa kuitenkin lopulta aina palkkansa, tavalla tai toisella. Tanskalaisen kirjailijan ja runoilijan Hans Christian Andersenin (1805‒1875) tuotantoon kuuluu romaaneja, näytelmiä, oopperoita, runoja, matkakertomuksia ja omaelämäkertoja. Andersen on maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu saduistaan, joita on käännetty lukuisille eri kielille.

  • by H. C. Andersen
    36.99 kr.

    Tattari kasvaa omalla peltotilkullaan, ylpeänä ryhdikkäästä ja kauniista olemuksestaan. Myrskyn tullenkaan se ei ole valmis nöyrtymään ja kumartumaan, kuten muut viljakasvit ja kukkaset. Taas lähestyy myrsky, ja vieressä kasvava vanha salava yrittää varoittaa tattaria: "Älä katsele salamaan, kun pilvi purkautuu, sillä salaman iskiessä saattaa katsahtaa Jumalan taivaaseen!" Tattari ei kuitenkaan taivu eikä nöyrry.Rajuilman jälkeen ilma on puhdasta ja raikasta ja kasvit tuntevat olonsa virkistyneiksi. Vaan miten on käynyt tattarin?Tanskalaisen kirjailijan ja runoilijan Hans Christian Andersenin (1805‒1875) tuotantoon kuuluu romaaneja, näytelmiä, oopperoita, runoja, matkakertomuksia ja omaelämäkertoja. Andersen on maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu saduistaan, joita on käännetty lukuisille eri kielille.

  • by Jørn Jensen
    39.00 kr.

    Bo skal i skole. På vejen derhen ser han en røver i en bank. Han taber et brev. Bo samler brevet op, og så er det nemt at fange røveren.Letlæsningsserien om Bo og Anne henvender sig til de 7-9-årige.Jørn Jensen, født 1946, yderst produktiv og prisbelønnet børnebogsforfatter, uddannet guldsmed og lærer. I sin tid som skolelærer mødte Jørn Jensen mange børn med læsevanskeligheder og fandt, at der var mangel på læsemateriale til de små nye læsere, der kunne vække ægte læseglæde. Hans tanke var, at læseglæde og indlæring går hånd i hånd, og at kun den gode historie og appetitlige bog kan fange børnenes interesse, og derfor gik han selv i gang med at skrive. Han står nu bag flere hundrede letlæselige bøger til børn, hvoraf især genrer som mystik og gys skal fremhæves.

  • by Birgitte Bregnedal
    49.00 kr.

    Gry elsker at bruge tid sammen med sin pony Gloria. Da Gry og far en dag vil ride i skoven, opdager Gry, at der er noget galt med Gloria. Gjorden til sadlen er for kort, og Gloria vil hverken i trav eller galop. Gry bliver ked af det. Er Gloria syg? Men en syg pony spiser ikke så meget som Gloria. Og hvorfor mon Gloria er blevet så tyk?Birgitte Bregnedal er forfatter til en lang række bøger for børn. I 2013 modtog hun Kulturministeriets Drengelitteraturpris for novellen "Den nye træner", og i 2015 udkom hendes første bog, da "Den nye træner" blev første bind i serien "Drømme og driblinger". Siden er det blevet til massevis af både serier og enkeltstående udgivelser for de mindste.