Interest age: from c 8 years
36.99 kr. Die Reisen und Abenteuer von Sindbad dem Seefahrer sind berühmt. Auf der zweiten Reise wird Sindbad auf einer Insel vergessen, aber er weiß sich zu helfen ... Udo Wachtveitl erzählt aus der Märchensammlung "Tausendundeine Nacht", in einer ungekürzten Lesung.
- Audiobook
- 36.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Pois alta, oksat ja mannynkavyt! Taalta tulee tutkimusryhma Kultainen Salama.Joulu kolkuttelee jo ovella, kun Hakkeri lahtee kaymaan tavaratalossa. Elektroniikkaosastolta voisi loytya jotain, mita han haluaisi pukinkonttiin... Myyjat kuitenkin keskeyttavat Hakkerin haaveilut. Samanikainen vaalea poika on kaynyt osastolla hiljattain ja sen jalkeen hyllyilta katosi paljon kallista tavaraa. Pian Kultainen Salama saa tietaa, etta vaalea poika on nahty soittelemassa myos asuntojen ovikelloja ennen asuntomurtoja. Mista oikein on kysymys? Kuka vaalea poika on? Kultainen Salama ryhtyy selvittamaan mysteeria.Visa, Terhi, Elisa, Reko ja Hakkeri ovat tutkimusryhma Kultainen salama. Mukana on tietysti myos kultainennoutaja Bella, joka auttaa lapsia ratkomaan mysteereja ja rikoksia!
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
39.00 kr. Kan du lide kunst?Kunst kan åbne din fantasi.Vi oplever kunst på hver vores måde.Noget kan vi lide. Andet kan vi ikke lide.I dag er der ingen grænser for, hvad kunst kan være. Al kunst er dog lavet af kunstnere, som har en idé. Eller noget, de gerne vil fortælle os.Peter Juul (f. 1975) er uddannet kunstner og billedkunstlærer.
- Audiobook
- 39.00 kr.
163.99 kr. Rediscover your childhood's favourite fairy tales or introduce a young reader to the magical world of one of the greatest storytellers, Hans Christian Andersen. Nearly two centuries after they were first published, Andersen's fairy tales remain as tales of good and evil, love and loss, and loyalty in the face of great hardships. They are readily accessible to children, but present lessons of virtue for mature readers as well, as they express themes that transcend age and nationality. Andersen's fairy tales have been translated into more than 125 languages and have become culturally embedded in our collective consciousness. In this volume, you will find a wide selection of both well-known and less well-known stories. Enjoy and let them carry you away into a magical world..."Little Known Tales and Treasured Classics" includes 171 tales.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.
- Ebook
- 163.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Matt non riesce a crederci. Tra tutte le punizioni che poteva beccarsi—niente cellulare, niente computer, niente internet—i suoi genitori hanno scelto proprio questa. Che poi, non sarà un tantino esagerata? Alla fine ha solo acceso e sparato dei razzetti verso una siepe.Che ne diranno gli altri a scuola quando verranno a scoprire che dovrà passare un intero mese ad aiutare gli anziani di una casa di riposo? Dovrà passare il tempo con delle persone di una certa età, in carne e dentiera, per 30 giorni—la situazione è molto delicata.Comunque sia, Matt ha passato almeno 11 dei suoi 12 anni di vita in punizione: questo lungo allenamento potrebbe tornargli utile anche questa volta.Francesco Muzzopappa (1976) è uno scrittore italiano. Prima di esordire nella narrativa umoristica, Muzzopappa è stato copywriter e autore radiofonico. Ora scrive romanzi per giovani e meno giovani, commedie esilaranti che fanno ridere a qualsiasi età.
- Audiobook
- 73.99 kr.
92.99 kr. In the seventh instalment of the 'Patty Fairfield' series of children's novels, Patty is still in Europe and is now touring Italy with her family. Patty makes plenty of new friends along the way and they explore Rome, Florence, and Venice together - forming a group called 'The Wonderers', whose purpose is to wander and wonder. A charming book from prolific author Carolyn Wells, and a fascinating glimpse of Italy shortly after the turn of the century.-
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Pois alta, oksat ja mannynkavyt! Taalta tulee tutkimusryhma Kultainen Salama.On synkka alkutalven ilta, kun Elisa lahtee saattamaan Terhia kotiin Bella-koiran kanssa. Tyttojen kavely saa kuitenkin kamalan kaanteen, kun pimeydesta ilmestyy esiin auto. Auto ajaa todella kovaa - ja osuu Bellaan! Kun Bella on saatu elainlaakariin, tutkimusryhma Kultainen Salama alkaa selvittaa tapausta. Miksi auto oikein ajoi niin kovaa? Miksei se vaistanyt Bellaa?Visa, Terhi, Elisa, Reko ja Hakkeri ovat tutkimusryhma Kultainen salama. Mukana on tietysti myos kultainennoutaja Bella, joka auttaa lapsia ratkomaan mysteereja ja rikoksia!
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Noora elää tavallista pienen tytön elämää. On isä, äiti ja koti mukavassa kerrostalossa, jonka piha on täynnä omenapuita. Nooran suurin haave on saada koira vielä jonakin päivänä – kun vanhemmat saisi vielä innostumaan asiasta... Kun talonmiehenä työskentelevä Nooran äiti putoaa omenapuusta, äiti ei voi hetkeen tehdä töitä. Mutta ei huolta! Noora on valmis tuuraamaan äitiä talonmiehen töissä. Kyllähän pieneltä tytöltä onnistuu ongelman jos toisenkin ratkominen. Vai etkö muka usko?Nooran arki on täynnä kaikenlaista kivaa! Koulua, ystäviä, hauskoja harrastuksia ja oman koiran hoitamista – mitä muuta pieni tyttö voisi elämäänsä kaivata? Kirjailija Tittamari Marttinen (s.1968) on kirjoittanut erityisesti lasten- ja nuortenkirjoja. Hän on opiskellut yleistä kirjallisuustiedettä Helsingin yliopistossa.
58.99 kr. Nooran kotikaupungissa on edessä jännittävä syksy! Luvassa on nimittäin täyden kuun kestit eikä Noora malttaisi odottaa tapahtumaa. Sitä ennen Noora ehtii kuitenkin sirkuskouluun kavereidensa kanssa ja etsimään muusikon kadonnutta soitinta. On Nooran elämässä myös muutama tumma pilvi. Miksi hänen ystävänsä Jannen serkku Ursula on niin täydellinen ja niin ärsyttävä? Mikä tyttöjen välejä oikein kiristää?Nooran arki on täynnä kaikenlaista kivaa! Koulua, ystäviä, hauskoja harrastuksia ja oman koiran hoitamista – mitä muuta pieni tyttö voisi elämäänsä kaivata?Kirjailija Tittamari Marttinen (s.1968) on kirjoittanut erityisesti lasten- ja nuortenkirjoja. Hän on opiskellut yleistä kirjallisuustiedettä Helsingin yliopistossa.
67.99 kr. First published in 1909, 'Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work' is the fourth book in the 'Aunt Jane' series by author L. Frank Baum. Louise, Elizabeth and Patsy hear that their friend Kenneth Forbes is running for the state legislature and is worried that he might lose. Though unable to vote in elections themselves at this time, the young women nonetheless prove themselves to be a formidable force; canvassing for votes, uncovering underhand dealings, and fighting corrupt politicians as they come to Kenneth's aid. -
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Gold fever is sweeping America, and young Englishman Ned Sinton is keen to reach America, join the gold rush, and seek his fortune. Ned faces plenty of obstacles along the way, including a perilous sea journey and the wilderness of the American West before he reaches the promised land of California. Written just a few years after gold was first discovered in America, this is a thrilling children’s adventure novel by author R.M. Ballantyne which truly captures the excitement and frenzy of the period.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
67.99 kr. First published in 1890, ‘The Garret and the Garden’ is an adventure story set in the criminal underworld of London by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne. Young Scot David Laidlaw has come to London to seek his fortune but finds instead the seedy underbelly of London - and is soon embroiled in a world of criminals and mercenaries. A thrilling tale from the popular author.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. In the eighth instalment in the 'Aunt Jane' series of novels by L. Frank Baum, we join Uncle John, Patsy and Elizabeth as they head to California to visit their cousin Louise and her husband Arthur Weldon, who have just had their first child - a little girl named Jane. Displeased with Louise's choice of nurse for the newborn, Uncle John takes it upon himself to hire a new nurse who travels with them to California. The two nurses take an instant dislike to one another, and when they both disappear one day along with baby Jane, the search is on. A tense tale from the prolific author.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
41.99 kr. What would you wish for if you could have anything? William Wymark Jacobs raises this age-old question when the White family stumble upon a monkey’s paw with the power to grant wishes. When their wish for riches goes awry, they are forced to face the truth - that all actions have consequences, magically granted or not.Over time, Jacobs’ novel has become a classic horror story, boasting an impressive amount of adaptions. Including an episode of ‘The X-Files’, ‘The Simpsons’, and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’.William Wymark Jacobs (1863-1943) was an English author. Despite being famed for his quick-witted comedies, his most successful novel came from his experiments within the horror genre. His most notable works include ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, ‘The Toll House’, and ‘Jerry Bundler’. Jacob’s unique ability to couple the everyday with the unthinkable makes his works unmissable for fans of Stephen King, and all classic horror.
- Ebook
- 41.99 kr.
92.99 kr. Set in Madagascar during the reign of Queen Ranavalona I, ‘The Fugitives’ is an adventure novel by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne which is steeped in history. An unlikely trio consisting of a sailor, a ships cook, and a medical student find themselves washed up on the island following an attack on their ship. They must seek help, but encounter new dangers round every corner in this unfamiliar, yet awe-inspiring country.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- Ebook
- 92.99 kr.
From 41.99 kr. A Kidnapped Santa Claus is a Christmas-themed short story by American writer L. Frank Baum, the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; it has been called "one of Baum's most beautiful stories".The story opens with a quick overview of Santa's castle in the Laughing Valley. Its focus soon switches to the five Caves of the Daemons in nearby mountains. These creatures are pagan daemons rather than Christian demons, in that they are not servants of Satan or necessarily evil. Four of the five, the Daemons of Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, and Malice, certainly are bad, but the fifth, the Daemon of Repentance, is a more ambiguous figure.
67.99 kr. First published in 1912, this is the seventh in the 'Aunt Jane' series by prolific author L. Frank Baum. The three cousins, Louise, Elizabeth and Patsy are staying at their vacation home in upstate New York with their wealthy Uncle John. Bored of having nothing to do, the girls decide to write and publish their own local newspaper, full of local news and gossip. Along the way, the young women meet some puzzling local characters including a mysterious young amnesiac and a talented bohemian artist, and face some opposition from angry workers at a local paper mill. -
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Originally published under a pseudonym, 'Annabel' by famous 'Oz' author L. Frank Baum follows the story of young Will Carden, whose family has fallen on hard times. Will grows close to the beautiful local young heiress Annabel Williams, as the pair unite in their suspicions about Ezra Jordan - the man who is managing Annabel's fathers Mill and who is staying with the Carden family. The pair find themselves caught up in a tale of international espionage and intrigue as they team up to discover the truth about Ezra. -
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Cousins Louise, Elizabeth and Patsy are debuted in high society in this, the fifth book in the Aunt Jane series by L. Frank Baum. Their Uncle John, keen that his young nieces shouldn't miss out on anything in life, asks a business acquaintance and his daughter Diana for help introducing the girls into society. Cunning Diana is happy to oblige at first, but the girls soon find themselves caught up in a tangled web of jealousy, plotting and even abduction in this thrilling instalment in the series from the popular author.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. First published in 1901 'American Fairy Tales' by L. Frank Baum is a collection of twelve short fantasy stories for children by the famous Oz author. Stories in the collection include, 'The Magic Bon-Bons', 'The Box of Robbers' and 'The Glass Dog'. Full of magic, excitement, and adventure, this is a wonderful collection of Baum's quirky and humorous fairy tales.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. The third book in Carolyn Wells 'Marjorie Maynard' series continues from where the last book left off, and we join Marjorie and her family for a wonderful Christmas. There is danger to contend with too though, and Marjorie finds herself quarantining away from her family due to the increasing risk of diphtheria. Miss Hart, an inventive and cheery governess, is quarantining alongside Marjorie and manages to make this enforced isolation much more fun, as they come up with new games and still manage to get themselves into mischief.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
102.99 kr. First published in 1882 ‘The Giant of the North’ is an imaginative children’s adventure tale from prolific Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne. Captain Vane, along with his son Benjamin and nephews Leo and Alf are on an adventure, searching for the elusive North Pole. When their ship runs aground, the group must venture out across the icy expanse to find help, and along the way they find themselves caught up in a series of mishaps and escapades as they navigate this unfamiliar terrain. A thrilling tale from the much-loved author.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- Ebook
- 102.99 kr.
67.99 kr. The sixth in the 'Aunt Jane' series, this novel picks up a few days after the wedding of Louise to Arthur Weldon. While she is away enjoying her honeymoon, Uncle John decides that he and his two other nieces Elizabeth and Patsy, along with Patsy's father Major John, should escape the harsh New York winter for some winter sun in southern California. As the party travel across America they find a poor orphan facing a dilemma, and encounter unruly cowboys and wild coyotes. Packed full of adventure, this is an exciting read from the famous 'Oz' author L. Frank Baum.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Un pan s'apprete a se marier ; une grenouille parle l'anglais ; un pigeon n'en finit pas d'etre un peu niais ; un paon s'apprete a se marier ; un brochet se tapit dans l'ombre pour mieux assassiner...Vous l'avez compris, Histoires Naturelles n'a rien de scientifique. Jules Renard y dessine, avec poesie et humour, la faune et la flore qui nous entourent en plus de quatre-vingt croquis et portraits. Il y observe et devoile l'ironie, la cruaute et la bonte des hommes camoufles derriere les traits de la nature.-
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
- En bog om universet for børn
79.00 kr. Et år på Venus varer kortere tid end et døgn. Mars har to måner, der hedder Skræk og Rædsel. På den ene halvdel af Uranus er det altid dag - på den anden er det altid nat, og der er tre LEGO-figurer på vej til Jupiter.Universet er forunderligt og helt vildt spændende. Ikke mindst når det er astrofysiker og astronom Anja C. Andersen, der er rejsefører ud i Mælkevejen. Det gør hun med stor passion, når hun - blandt andet - fortæller om planeternes kendetegn, asteroider, Big Bang, muligt liv i det ydre rum og de aktuelle rummissioner.Bogen er en del af Carlsens nye serie ER DU RIGTIG KLOG? - børnebøger, som er fulde af fantastisk fakta og vild viden. Fortalt af Danmarks allerbedste formidlere. Fra ca. 9 år
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
99.00 kr. Om truslerne fra rummet, virus, vulkaner, klimaet, og hvorfor verden ikke går under før om ufattelig lang tid.Den store stygge katastrofebog er en bog fuld af spænding, indsigt og fascination til videbegærlige børn.Tag med på en fascinerende rejse hele vejen tilbage til verdens begyndelse og det mest ødelæggende kæmpebrag i vores historie. Og videre gennem tid og rum til ekstreme stjerneeksplosioner og ind i klodens hedeste indre, hvor voldsomme kræfter lurer. Læs om, hvordan Jordens liv tidligere er blevet stort set udryddet, og om hvordan livet alligevel piblede frem igen. Bliv klogere på epidemier før og nu, og læs om den allerstørste fare mod mennesket, nemlig os selv. Læs også om klimatruslen og om alt det, der kan gå galt, men også om, hvordan vi kan håndtere det. For bare rolig, vi bliver klogere, og vi udvikler hele tiden nye metoder til at tage kampen op mod alle de lurende farer. Fra ca. 9 år.
- En bog om filosofi til børn
79.00 kr. Hvorfor er børn faktisk de bedste filosoffer, hvad vil det egentlig sige at være et menneske, og hvorfor er det så vigtigt at stille spørgsmål til alt og udfordre alle autoriteter, uanset om det er forældre, skolelærere eller statsministre? Alt det og meget mere svarer Svend Brinkmann på, når han med stor begejstring gennemgår filosofiens historie.Brinkmann fortæller om alt fra gamle grækere som Sokrates, Platon og Aristoteles til store tænkere som Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche og Jean-Paul Sartre - og runder samtidig etik, Lionel Messi, lykke, skildpaddeunger, feminisme, kejser Nero, demokrati og meget mere. Bogen er en del af Carlsens nye serie ER DU RIGTIG KLOG? - bøger, som er fulde af fantastisk fakta og vild viden. Fortalt af Danmarks allerbedste formidlere. Fra ca. 10 år
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
67.99 kr. In the tenth and final story in the 'Aunt Jane' series of novels by popular author L. Frank Baum, the cousins Elizabeth and Patsy are contemplating the looming war in Europe. When their film star friend Maud from California comes to visit and reveals her plan to join the Red Cross, the women are inspired and decide to do their bit for the war effort too. Elizabeth and Patsy soon find themselves in the heart of the battle on the French-Belgian border, as they dodge bullets and bombs to try and help wounded men. A fascinating final instalment to the series. -
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. 'Betty's Happy Year' is a children's story from prolific American author Carolyn Wells. Young Betty McGuire and her friends have all sorts of fun and adventures. They visit New York, take sleigh rides, marvel at theatre shows, and attend a range of parties. A charming children's story from the turn of the century.-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Tom Brixton and Fred Westly have always been best friends. Before they left England to dig gold in Oregon, Fred promised Tom's mother that he would do his best to keep her rowdy son out of trouble. So when Tom falls in with the wrong crowd, and his newfound gambling addiction throws him into a life on the run, Fred is left to do all he can to save his friend. Ballantyne's lively prose and captivating plot make this novel perfect for fans of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book.'-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.