Interest age: from c 8 years

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  • by L. Frank Baum
    67.99 kr.

    The second book in the series by author L. Frank Baum, 'Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad' follows the continued adventures of three nieces Louise Merrick, Elizabeth de Graf, and Patsy Doyle. Their wealthy Uncle John decides to take the girls on a trip to Europe, but the group are in for an eventful holiday as they witness a volcanic eruption, deal with thieves, and even encounter the mafia. An exciting tale of peril and adventure from the popular author. -

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    42.99 kr.

    Celebrations. Transport. Science lessons. Today, balloons are a casual part of everyday life, noticed but not really considered. Can you imagine a world in which balloons are the newest, most exciting development in technology? RM Ballantyne explores the earliest attempts to fly using balloons in his short story 'Up in the Clouds', and his lively prose makes this adventure just as exciting to read as it would be to experience.Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise was juvenile fiction, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    102.99 kr.

    When Cheenbuk met an Indian, all that prevented a fight between the two of them was Cheenbuk's limited knowledge of the Indian language. However, when their respective tribes got wind of their interaction, Cheenbuk was captured by the Dogrib Indian tribe. War quickly became inevitable. When intrepid white traders Mowat and MacSweenie arrive, will things get better, or will they only get worse? Ballantyne's captivating plotlines make this adventure novel completely gripping for fans of Jack London.Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise was juvenile fiction, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    67.99 kr.

    A merchant and his two sons leave Sicily on a voyage, but they are soon interrupted by a pirate from Algiers. When he takes them captive, they must fight not only for their own survival but also to forget the atrocities that they witness. An exciting historical tale of brutality, survival, and humanity, this is perfect for fans of Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’.Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise in juvenile fiction was undisputed, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    67.99 kr.

    Cliff Fort is a smallholding off of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the Canadian outback. Drawing upon his extensive personal experience, Ballantyne paints a vivid picture of life at the fort and in the wilderness. 'Wrecked but not Ruined' was one of Ballantyne's last attempts to appeal to young people, and encourage them to lead good, honest lives, such as the ones led by those at Cliff Fort. -

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    42.99 kr.

    This short story follows the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Thorogood as they navigate raising their six children. They end up moving to the Rocky Mountains, and with every twist and turn that their lives take, Ballantyne reveals his ideals regarding religion, family values, and work ethic. Fast-paced and inspiring, this is perfect for those looking for a shorter introduction to Ballantyne's works.Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise was juvenile fiction, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.

  • by L. Frank Baum
    92.99 kr.

    The third book in the 'Aunt Jane' series of young adult novels by prolific author L. Frank Baum, in 'Aunt Jane's Niece's at Millville' we are reunited with the three girls and their Uncle John, freshly home from their European travels. To escape the New York summer heat, Uncle John proposes that he and his nieces should spend the summer at a farm he has acquired out in the countryside. Far from a relaxing holiday, the young girls soon find themselves with a mystery on their hands - who was the previous owner of the farm? And what happened to them? An intriguing and humorous tale from the famous 'Oz' author.-

  • by R. M. Ballantyne
    102.99 kr.

    The Red River Settlement is home to many Indians, French-Canadians, and Scotsmen. Charlie Kennedy lives at Red River with his ex fur-trader father. In an attempt to convince Charlie to lead a more sensible life than he did, his father fills Charlie's mind with stories of his dangerous past life, but the adventure only draws Charlie in. Based on Ballantyne's own experiences, this novel details Charlie's encounters with voyagers, Indians, and the intrepid Jacques Caradoc. Lively prose and makes this novel perfect for fans of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book.'Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise was juvenile fiction, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825 - 1894) was a Scottish author. Born into a family of famous printers and publishers, his expertise was juvenile fiction, and he wrote over 100 hugely successful books in this genre. The most notable of these include ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Eagle Cliff’, and ‘The Gorilla Hunters’. Famed for his tendency to fully immerse himself into the environment of whichever story he was working on, his lively prose is unmissable for those who enjoyed Matt Haig’s ‘The Midnight Library’.

  • by Else Ury
    36.99 kr.

    Die kleine Ilse kann es kaum erwarten, denn ihr Geburtstag steht vor der Tur. Doch dann kommt die schlechte Nachricht von der Mutter: Sie werden dieses Jahr Ilses Geburtstag nicht feiern, denn es herrscht Krieg und der Vater dient an der Front. Ilse versucht zu verheimlichen, wie sehr diese Neuigkeit sie verletzt. Krieg ist wirklich etwas Schreckliches. Ilse kann nicht glauben, dass ihre Wunsche unnotige Ausgaben sind und schreibt trotzdem einen Wunschzettel. Als ihr Mutter dann aber vorschlagt ihr Geburtstagsgeld zu nehmen und fur die Soldaten Packchen zu packen, ist Ilse Feuer und Flamme. Wird die kleine Ilse an ihrem Geburtstag wirklich leer ausgehen, oder hat ihre liebe Mutter vielleicht doch noch eine kleine Uberraschung fur sie?-

  • by Daniel Zimakoff
    28.99 kr.

    Tómas, Sölvi og Bergur eru bestu vinir. Þeir elska fótbolta og æfa allir með sama fótboltafélaginu. Þegar Tómas og Sölvi er settir í A-liðið eru þeir himinlifandi. En þeir eru látnir byrja á bekknum í fyrstu tveimur leikjunum og Tómas fær ekki að vera lengi inni á vellinum í fyrsta leiknum. Þegar tíu mínútur eru eftir af seinni leiknum og Tómas er enn ekki farinn inn á tekur hann stóra ákvörðun.KF Mezzi er sería af fótboltabókum eftir Daniel Zimakoff. Serían fjallar um vinina Tómas, Sölva og Berg og gleði þeirra og vandamál með þjálfara, félaga og andstæðinga. Þeir taka þátt í að stofna fótboltaliðið KF Mezzi sem er blandað lið, það eru líka stelpur með í liðinu.Daniel Zimakoff fæddist árið 1956 og er lærður bókasafnsfræðingur, en hefur starfað við ýmislegt, hann vann meira að segja sem leikari áður en hann gerðist rithöfundur. Frá árinu 1980 hefur hann skrifað fjöldann allan af barnabókum og vann til barnabókaverðlauna danska menningarmálaráðuneytisins árið 2004. Þegar hann er ekki upptekinn við að skrifa spilar hann fótbolta, blak, veggjatennis, tennis, les bækur, horfir á sjónvarp og keyrir mótorhjól.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    From 42.99 kr.

    A selection of wonderful Christmas fairy tales by the beloved author Hans Christian Andersen to enjoy in the cozy winter evenings. Let one of the best-known children’s authors of all time carry you away into a magical world with his masterful storytelling. Nearly two centuries after they were first published, Andersen's stories remain as tales of good and evil, love and loss, and loyalty in the face of great hardships. They are readily accessible to children, but present lessons of virtue for mature readers as well! Rediscover your childhood's favourite fairy tales or introduce a young reader to Andersen's imagination – just in time for Christmas... Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hanne Korvig
    70.49 kr.

    Vil du spille trommer? Så er det bare op på stikkerne! Trommerne er hjertet i rytmisk musik. Her kan du læse om, hvordan du kommer i gang med at spille. Du kan også læse om dyre-hud, meget stille trommer og piger med stikker. Og om forbudte beskeder - og meget mere.

  • by Hanne Korvig
    70.49 kr.

    En el-bas har en tung og fyldig lyd. Den lægger bunden i musikken. Her kan du læse om, hvordan du kommer i gang med at spille el-bas. Du kan også læse om dybe toner, store bassister og seje Ida. Og om at give den hele bas-armen - og meget mere.

  • by Maja Plesner
    70.49 kr.

    Hvor højt er verdens største træ? Og hvor ligger verdens største stadion? Det ved du, når du har læst denne bog. Du ved også, hvem der har lagt verdens største æg - og meget mere. Her kan du nemlig læse om rekorder i at være verdens største.

  • by Maja Plesner
    70.49 kr.

    Er en vandre-falk hurtigere end verdens hurtigste rutsje-bane? Hvad bevæger sig med 172.248 kilometer i timen? Hvor er verdens hurtigste tog? Alt det - og meget mere - får du svar på i denne bog. Du får også ideer til at slå en rekord i at være hurtigst.

  • by Kim Ace Nielsen
    79.00 kr.

    Rasmus og Xander er vendt tilbage til deres normale liv i Sønderdal, og de prøver at lægge eventyret i Erytnevia bag sig. Men nogen – eller noget – sender kryptiske beskeder til dem. Mon eneboeren Atamai har brug for deres hjælp? Drengene beslutter sig for at rejse tilbage, men i den anden verden møder de helt nye farer og monstre, som er mere skrækindjagende, end de troede var muligt."Geminiforbandelsen" er en sjov og actionfyldt fantasytrilogi om magi, eventyr, ondskab og hemmeligheder.Kim Ace Nielsen (f. 1983) er sanger og skuespiller. Han blev uddannet fra musicalakademiet i Fredericia som 22-årig og har siden spillet med i et utal af musicals på flere forskellige teatre. Han debuterede som forfatter med første bind i fantasytrilogien "Geminiforbandelsen".

  • by Carolyn Wells
    67.99 kr.

    'Eight Girls and a Dog' is a children's book from popular American author Carolyn Wells. Eight friends from the Blue Ribbon Cooking Club decide to holiday together for a month in a seaside cottage. They learn how to keep house, play games, and have lots of fun together along with their cute furry companion Timmy Loo. A sweet short story from Carolyn Wells.-

  • by Frances Hodgson Burnett
    42.99 kr.

    Inspired by the book "Robinson Crusoe," a young boy named Barty decides that he, too, wants his own deserted island.One day he goes out to the forest where he meets the Good Wolf, a magic friend who makes his wishes come through.This is a story of a boy, his wolf and adventures on a deserted island is a great bedtime story for kids. Perfect for fans of C.S. Lewis, J. K. Rowling and Michael Ende.Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was born in Manchester, England, but emigrated to the United States after her father’s death. She wrote stories for magazines to help her family financially, and would later write plays and novels. Her most famous works are ‘A Little Princess’ (1905) and ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911).

  • by Pablo Barrena García
    40.99 kr.

    Lucía se acaba de cambiar de casa y de colegio y todavía se está adaptando a su nuevo entorno. En clase ha conocido a Luismi y se han hecho amigos, así que cuando este le propone quedar para pasar una tarde de juegos en su casa, Lucía se alegra mucho. Pero la hermana de Luismi, Eli, tiene un accidente y lo que iba a ser una tarde divertida se transforma en una visita al hospital, en una noche fuera de casa y algunas peripecias inesperadas.Pablo Barrena es un escritor natural de Madrid. Desde muy pequeño se aficionó a la lectura gracias a los tebeos y más tarde descubrió los libros. Su pasión por las letras le llevó a cursar la carrera de Ciencias de la Información. Especializado en literatura infantil y juvenil, cuenta con más de diez títulos a sus espaldas. Es coordinador de la Red de Selección de Libros Infantiles y Juveniles. También ejerce de crítico literario y, cuando el tiempo se lo permite, se escapa a las montañas o a la playa.

  • by Soledad Acosta de Samper
    37.99 kr.

    «Catecismo de historia de Colombia» (1908) es un manual de historia de Soledad Acosta de Samper dirigido a la enseñanza en las escuelas primarias de Colombia. A modo de pregunta y respuesta, la autora establece un diálogo educativo sobre la historia, la geografía y la sociedad colombianas.Soledad Acosta de Samper (1833-1913) fue una escritora, periodista, traductora, editora e historiadora colombiana. Fue una autora muy prolífica que dejó más de ciento treinta obras publicadas. Fundó y dirigió cinco periódicos, como «La Mujer», «La Familia» o «El Domingo de la Familia Cristiana». Sus numerosos estudios históricos tenían entre sus objetivos reivindicar la figura de la mujer en la historia.

  • - En episk fortælling om kujoner og kæmpeorme
    by Kim Ace Nielsen
    79.00 kr.

    Rasmus og Xander er vendt tilbage til et normalt liv og prøver at lægge Erytnevia bag sig. Men nogen eller noget sender kryptiske beskeder til dem. Måske har Atamai brug for deres hjælp? Drengene beslutter sig for at rejse tilbage, men i den anden verden møder de helt nye farer og monstre, som er mere skrækindjagende, end de troede var muligt. Andet bind i GEMINIFORBANDELSEN, en sjov og actionfyldt fantasytrilogi om magi, eventyr, ondskab og hemmeligheder. Fra ca.  8 år I samme serie:Geminiforbandelsen (1) - En episk fortælling om tis og trolddom

  • by Kong Carlsen
    49.95 kr.

    Quiz dig selv - eller quiz dine venner og familie!Kong Carlsen præsenterer: Den lille lokumsquiz er en lille bog med quizzer, der dækker en masse emner. Lige fra dyr, sport og musik, til film, stjerner og skøre hændelser.Den er oplagt at sidde og bladre i alene, men den vil også være god at bruge i større selskaber.Bogen er lille, så den kan stoppes i en jakkelomme eller i en taske, så man har underholdningen med, hvis der nu skulle opstå en lille pause. Til hvert spørgsmål er der tre svarmuligheder, så alle har mulighed for at gætte med.Bogen er en del af serien Kong Carlsen, der henvender sig til alle barnlige sjæle. Fra ca. 8 år. Bemærk! Dette er et sampak på 5 bøger henvendt til forhandlere.

  • - Opgaver, quiz, vittigheder og gåder
    by Kong Carlsen
    69.95 kr.

    Der er nisser på spil i denne sjove samling af juleopgaver, vittigheder, gåder og quizspørgsmål. Timevis af underholdning til julemåneden og lige til at tage med i skoletasken, til julefesten eller som underholdning på bagsædet i bilen.Kong Carlsen er bøger til børn med vittigheder, sjove fakta, opgaver, gåder og meget mere. Bøgerne er i pocketformat og til en billig pris.Fra ca. 8 år.Bemærk! Dette er en sampak på 5 stk., som er målrettet forhandlere. Bøgerne kan købes enkeltvis i din lokale boghandel.

  • by Ulf Löfgren
    35.99 kr.

    I den här samlingen om åtta berättelser möter vi ett galleri av unga och gamla karaktärer. Det rör sig om en försigkommen bebis som inte har några svårigheter att gå på restaurang själv, en flicka som gör en god affär och köper en atlantångare för sjugosju öre och en rad andra spännande, hjärtevärmande och komiska gestalter.Ulf Löfgren (1931-2011) var en svensk författare och illustratör. Under sina levnadsår medverkade han i skapandet av ett hundratal barnböcker, bland annat de populära serierna om Ludde och Albin.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    67.99 kr.

    Published in 1912, ‘Phoebe Daring’ is the sequel to L. Frank Baum’s earlier children’s story ‘The Daring Twins’. Young Toby Clark, an orphaned friend of the twins Phoebe and Phil Daring is working as a clerk for Judge Ferguson. The Judge is in possession of widow Mrs Ritchie’s secure box, which contains much of her wealth. When the Judge dies and the box goes missing, Mrs Ritchie accuses Toby of being the thief, and it is up to Phoebe to find the true culprit and clear his name. An exciting sequel from the popular children’s author.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    67.99 kr.

    Published the year L. Frank Baum died in 1919, ‘Mary Louise Adopts a Soldier’ is the fifth book in the children’s series and is widely considered to have been completed by an anonymous author, based on notes Baum had previously written. Set in post-WWI America, kind-hearted Mary Louise decides she would like to help a returning soldier who mightn’t have any family or friends to welcome him home. She persuades grandpa Jim to take in Danny Dexter to work as their chauffeur and gardener, but one day Danny mysteriously disappears and Mary Louise must work quickly alongside her friend and trainee detective Josie O’Gorman to track Danny down.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Esa I. Järvinen
    From 40.99 kr.

    Nikellä ei ole isää. Tai on, mutta Nikke ei ole ikinä tuntenut tätä. Eräänä päivänä äidillä on Nikelle ehdotus. Pitäisikö Nikelle hankkia mieskaveri? Nikke on ymmällään. Mikä se semmoinen mieskaveri oikein on? Äiti selittää, että mieskaverin kanssa voi käydä pelaamassa esimerkiksi futista ja lätkää. Pian Niken elämään saapuu Rami – ja heidän välilleen muodostuu ainutlaatuinen ystävyys.Esa I. Järvinen (s. 1948) on suomalainen kirjailija ja entinen Lapin Kansan toimittaja. Hänet tunnetaan muun muassa romaanista "Kaartokadun nainen". Järvinen on kirjoittanut myös näytelmiä sekä lastenkirjallisuutta. Hän vaikutti pitkään Rovaniemellä ja asuu nyt Espoossa.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    First published in 1905, author L. Frank Baum considered ‘Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story of the Magic Cloak’ to be one of his greatest works. Closer in style to a traditional fairy tale than many of his other children’s stories, the plot centres around a magic wishing cloak created by Queen Lulea and her fairy subjects. The cloak will grant a single wish to each wearer of the cloak – unless they have come into possession of it by dishonest means. A captivating story, full of magic, morals, mystery, and wonder. A must-read for all Oz fans.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    42.99 kr.

    First published in 1906, ‘Prairie-Dog Town’ is a charming short children’s story by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. In the wholesome town of Edgeley in Dakota live two good little children, Twinkle and her friend Chubbins. When the pair go exploring on the open prairie one day, they come across a hollowed area inhabited by the mysterious speaking prairie-dogs. Plenty of magic and fun awaits the pair as they get acquainted with the friendly prairie-dog community.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Carolyn Wells
    92.99 kr.

    'Patty Blossom' is the fifteenth book in the 'Patty Fairfield' series of children's stories by Carolyn Wells. In 'Patty Blossom' we re-join Patty who is still caught up in a love-triangle between Phillip Van Reypen and Bill Farnsworth. Who will she choose? Cheerful and trusting of everyone, Patty also finds herself mixed up with some disreputable characters along the way. -